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bflamegame 10 months ago
100 changed files with 33571 additions and 0 deletions
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111Для П. А. А..xlsx

+ 2923 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2923 @@
+class MCAPI {
+    var $version = "1.3";
+    var $errorMessage;
+    var $errorCode;
+    /**
+     * Cache the information on the API location on the server
+     */
+    var $apiUrl;
+    /**
+     * Default to a 300 second timeout on server calls
+     */
+    var $timeout = 300; 
+    /**
+     * Default to a 8K chunk size
+     */
+    var $chunkSize = 8192;
+    /**
+     * Cache the user api_key so we only have to log in once per client instantiation
+     */
+    var $api_key;
+    /**
+     * Cache the user api_key so we only have to log in once per client instantiation
+     */
+    var $secure = false;
+    /**
+     * Connect to the MailChimp API for a given list.
+     * 
+     * @param string $apikey Your MailChimp apikey
+     * @param string $secure Whether or not this should use a secure connection
+     */
+    function MCAPI($apikey, $secure=false) {
+        $this->secure = $secure;
+        $this->apiUrl = parse_url("" . $this->version . "/?output=php");
+        $this->api_key = $apikey;
+    }
+    function setTimeout($seconds){
+        if (is_int($seconds)){
+            $this->timeout = $seconds;
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    function getTimeout(){
+        return $this->timeout;
+    }
+    function useSecure($val){
+        if ($val===true){
+            $this->secure = true;
+        } else {
+            $this->secure = false;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Unschedule a campaign that is scheduled to be sent in the future
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Related
+     * @example mcapi_campaignUnschedule.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_campaignUnschedule.php
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the id of the campaign to unschedule
+     * @return boolean true on success
+     */
+    function campaignUnschedule($cid) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignUnschedule", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Schedule a campaign to be sent in the future
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Related
+     * @example mcapi_campaignSchedule.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_campaignSchedule.php
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the id of the campaign to schedule
+     * @param string $schedule_time the time to schedule the campaign. For A/B Split "schedule" campaigns, the time for Group A - 24 hour format in <strong>GMT</strong>, eg "2013-12-30 20:30:00"
+     * @param string $schedule_time_b optional -the time to schedule Group B of an A/B Split "schedule" campaign  - 24 hour format in <strong>GMT</strong>, eg "2013-12-30 20:30:00"
+     * @return boolean true on success
+     */
+    function campaignSchedule($cid, $schedule_time, $schedule_time_b=NULL) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["schedule_time"] = $schedule_time;
+        $params["schedule_time_b"] = $schedule_time_b;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignSchedule", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Schedule a campaign to be sent in batches sometime in the future. Only valid for "regular" campaigns
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Related
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the id of the campaign to schedule
+     * @param string $schedule_time the time to schedule the campaign.
+     * @param int $num_batches optional - the number of batches between 2 and 26 to send. defaults to 2 
+     * @param int $stagger_mins optional - the number of minutes between each batch - 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, or 60. defaults to 5
+     * @return boolean true on success
+     */
+    function campaignScheduleBatch($cid, $schedule_time, $num_batches=2, $stagger_mins=5) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["schedule_time"] = $schedule_time;
+        $params["num_batches"] = $num_batches;
+        $params["stagger_mins"] = $stagger_mins;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignScheduleBatch", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Resume sending an AutoResponder or RSS campaign
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Related
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the id of the campaign to pause
+     * @return boolean true on success
+     */
+    function campaignResume($cid) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignResume", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Pause an AutoResponder or RSS campaign from sending
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Related
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the id of the campaign to pause
+     * @return boolean true on success
+     */
+    function campaignPause($cid) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignPause", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Send a given campaign immediately. For RSS campaigns, this will "start" them.
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Related
+     *
+     * @example mcapi_campaignSendNow.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_campaignSendNow.php
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the id of the campaign to send
+     * @return boolean true on success
+     */
+    function campaignSendNow($cid) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignSendNow", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Send a test of this campaign to the provided email address
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Related
+     *
+     * @example mcapi_campaignSendTest.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_campaignSendTest.php
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the id of the campaign to test
+     * @param array $test_emails an array of email address to receive the test message
+     * @param string $send_type optional by default (null) both formats are sent - "html" or "text" send just that format
+     * @return boolean true on success
+     */
+    function campaignSendTest($cid, $test_emails=array (
+), $send_type=NULL) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["test_emails"] = $test_emails;
+        $params["send_type"] = $send_type;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignSendTest", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Allows one to test their segmentation rules before creating a campaign using them
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Related
+     * @example mcapi_campaignSegmentTest.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_campaignSegmentTest.php
+     *
+     * @param string $list_id the list to test segmentation on - get lists using lists()
+     * @param array $options with 2 keys:  
+             string "match" controls whether to use AND or OR when applying your options - expects "<strong>any</strong>" (for OR) or "<strong>all</strong>" (for AND)
+             array "conditions" - up to 10 different criteria to apply while segmenting. Each criteria row must contain 3 keys - "<strong>field</strong>", "<strong>op</strong>", and "<strong>value</strong>" - and possibly a fourth, "<strong>extra</strong>", based on these definitions:
+            Field = "<strong>date</strong>" : Select based on signup date
+                Valid Op(eration): <strong>eq</strong> (is) / <strong>gt</strong> (after) / <strong>lt</strong> (before)
+                Valid Values: 
+                string last_campaign_sent  uses the date of the last campaign sent
+                string campaign_id  uses the send date of the campaign that carriers the Id submitted - see campaigns()
+                string YYYY-MM-DD  any date in the form of YYYY-MM-DD - <em>note:</em> anything that appears to start with YYYY will be treated as a date
+            Field = "<strong>last_changed</strong>" : Select based on subscriber record last changed date
+                Valid Op(eration): <strong>eq</strong> (is) / <strong>gt</strong> (after) / <strong>lt</strong> (before)
+                Valid Values: 
+                string last_campaign_sent  uses the date of the last campaign sent
+                string campaign_id   uses the send date of the campaign that carriers the Id submitted - see campaigns()
+                string YYYY-MM-DD   any date in the form of YYYY-MM-DD - <em>note:</em> anything that appears to start with YYYY will be treated as a date
+            Field = "<strong>interests-X</strong>": where X is the Grouping Id from listInterestGroupings()
+                Valid Op(erations): <strong>one</strong> / <strong>none</strong> / <strong>all</strong> 
+                Valid Values: a comma delimited string of interest groups for the list, just like you'd use in listSubscribe() - see listInterestGroupings()
+            Field = "<strong>mc_language</strong>": Select subscribers based on their set/auto-detected language
+                Valid Op(eration): <strong>eq</strong> (=) / <strong>ne</strong> (!=) 
+                Valid Values: a case sensitive language code from <a href="" target="_new">here</a>.
+            Field = "<strong>aim</strong>"
+                Valid Op(erations): <strong>open</strong> / <strong>noopen</strong> / <strong>click</strong> / <strong>noclick</strong>
+                Valid Values: "<strong>any</strong>" or a valid AIM-enabled Campaign that has been sent
+            Field = "<strong>rating</strong>" : allows matching based on list member ratings
+                Valid Op(erations):  <strong>eq</strong> (=) / <strong>ne</strong> (!=) / <strong>gt</strong> (&gt;) / <strong>lt</strong> (&lt;)
+                Valid Values: a number between 0 and 5
+            Field = "<strong>ecomm_prod</strong>" or "<strong>ecomm_prod</strong>": allows matching product and category names from purchases
+                Valid Op(erations): 
+                 <strong>eq</strong> (=) / <strong>ne</strong> (!=) / <strong>gt</strong> (&gt;) / <strong>lt</strong> (&lt;) / <strong>like</strong> (like '%blah%') / <strong>nlike</strong> (not like '%blah%') / <strong>starts</strong> (like 'blah%') / <strong>ends</strong> (like '%blah')
+                Valid Values: any string
+            Field = "<strong>ecomm_spent_one</strong>" or "<strong>ecomm_spent_all</strong>" : allows matching purchase amounts on a single order or all orders
+                Valid Op(erations): <strong>gt</strong> (&gt;) / <strong>lt</strong> (&lt;)
+                Valid Values: a number
+            Field = "<strong>ecomm_date</strong>" : allow matching based on order dates
+                Valid Op(eration): <strong>eq</strong> (is) / <strong>gt</strong> (after) / <strong>lt</strong> (before)
+                Valid Values: 
+                string last_campaign_sent  uses the date of the last campaign sent
+                string campaign_id  uses the send date of the campaign that carriers the Id submitted - see campaigns()
+                string YYYY-MM-DD  any date in the form of YYYY-MM-DD - <em>note:</em> anything that appears to start with YYYY will be treated as a date
+            Field = "<strong>social_gender</strong>" : allows matching against the gender acquired from SocialPro
+                Valid Op(eration): <strong>eq</strong> (is) / <strong>ne</strong> (is not)
+                Valid Values: male, female
+            Field = "<strong>social_age</strong>" : allows matching against the age acquired from SocialPro
+                Valid Op(erations):  <strong>eq</strong> (=) / <strong>ne</strong> (!=) / <strong>gt</strong> (&gt;) / <strong>lt</strong> (&lt;)
+                Valid Values: any number
+            Field = "<strong>social_influence</strong>" : allows matching against the influence acquired from SocialPro
+                Valid Op(erations):  <strong>eq</strong> (=) / <strong>ne</strong> (!=) / <strong>gt</strong> (&gt;) / <strong>lt</strong> (&lt;)
+                Valid Values: a number between 0 and 5
+            Field = "<strong>social_network</strong>" : 
+                Valid Op(erations):  <strong>member</strong> (is a member of) / <strong>notmember</strong> (is not a member of)
+                Valid Values: twitter, facebook, myspace, linkedin, flickr
+            Field = "<strong>static_segment</strong>" : 
+                Valid Op(erations): <strong>eq</strong> (is in) / <strong>ne</strong> (is not in)
+                Valid Values: an int  get from listStaticSegments()
+            Field = "<strong>default_location</strong>" : the location we automatically assign to a subscriber based on where we've seen their activity originate
+                Valid Op(erations): <strong>ipgeostate</strong> (within a US state) / <strong>ipgeonotstate</strong> (not within a US state) / <strong>ipgeocountry</strong> (within a country) / <strong>ipgeonotcountry</strong> (not within a country) / <strong>ipgeoin</strong> (within lat/lng parameters) / <strong>ipgeonotin</strong> (not within lat/lng parameters)
+                Valid Values:
+                string ipgeostate/ipgeonotstate  a full US state name (not case sensitive)
+                string ipgeocountry/ipgeonotcountry  an ISO3166 2 digit country code (not case sensitive)
+                int ipgeoin/ipgeonotin a distance in miles centered around a point you must specify by also passing <strong>lat</strong> (latitude) and <strong>lng</strong> (longitude) parameters
+            Field = A <strong>Birthday</strong> type Merge Var. Use <strong>Merge0-Merge30</strong> or the <strong>Custom Tag</strong> you've setup for your merge field - see listMergeVars(). Note, Brithday fields can <strong>only</strong> use the operations listed here.
+                Valid Op(erations): <strong>eq</strong> (=) / <strong>starts</strong> (month equals) / <strong>ends</strong> (day equals)
+                Valid Values: Any valid number for the operation being checked.
+            Field = A <strong>Zip</strong> type Merge Var. Use <strong>Merge0-Merge30</strong> or the <strong>Custom Tag</strong> you've setup for your merge field - see listMergeVars(). Note, Zip fields can <strong>only</strong> use the operations listed here.
+                Valid Op(erations): <strong>eq</strong> (=) / <strong>ne</strong> (!=) / <strong>geoin</strong> (US only)
+                Valid Values: For <strong>eq</strong> (=) / <strong>ne</strong>, a Zip Code. For <strong>geoin</strong>, a radius in miles
+                Extra Value: Only for <strong>geoin</strong> - the Zip Code to be used as the center point
+            Field = An <strong>Address</strong> type Merge Var. Use <strong>Merge0-Merge30</strong> or the <strong>Custom Tag</strong> you've setup for your merge field - see listMergeVars(). Note, Address fields can <strong>only</strong> use the operations listed here.
+                Valid Op(erations): <strong>like</strong> (like '%blah%') / <strong>nlike</strong> (not like '%blah%') / <strong>geoin</strong>
+                Valid Values: For <strong>like</strong> and <strong>nlike</strong>, a string. For <strong>geoin</strong>, a radius in miles
+                Extra Value: Only for <strong>geoin</strong> - the Zip Code to be used as the center point
+            Field = A <strong>Number</strong> type Merge Var. Use <strong>Merge0-Merge30</strong> or the <strong>Custom Tag</strong> you've setup for your merge field - see listMergeVars(). Note, Number fields can <strong>only</strong> use the operations listed here.
+                Valid Op(erations): <strong>eq</strong> (=) / <strong>ne</strong> (!=) / <strong>gt</strong> (>) / <strong>lt</strong> (<) /
+                Valid Values: Any valid number.
+            Default Field = A Merge Var. Use <strong>Merge0-Merge30</strong> or the <strong>Custom Tag</strong> you've setup for your merge field - see listMergeVars()
+                Valid Op(erations): 
+                 <strong>eq</strong> (=) / <strong>ne</strong> (!=) / <strong>gt</strong> (&gt;) / <strong>lt</strong> (&lt;) / <strong>like</strong> (like '%blah%') / <strong>nlike</strong> (not like '%blah%') / <strong>starts</strong> (like 'blah%') / <strong>ends</strong> (like '%blah')
+                Valid Values: any string
+     * @return int total The total number of subscribers matching your segmentation options
+     */
+    function campaignSegmentTest($list_id, $options) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["list_id"] = $list_id;
+        $params["options"] = $options;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignSegmentTest", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Create a new draft campaign to send. You <strong>can not</strong> have more than 32,000 campaigns in your account.
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Related
+     * @example mcapi_campaignCreate.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_campaignCreate.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_campaignCreateABSplit.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_campaignCreateRss.php
+     *
+     * @param string $type the Campaign Type to create - one of "regular", "plaintext", "absplit", "rss", "auto"
+     * @param array $options a hash of the standard options for this campaign :
+            string list_id the list to send this campaign to- get lists using lists()
+            string subject the subject line for your campaign message
+            string from_email the From: email address for your campaign message
+            string from_name the From: name for your campaign message (not an email address)
+            string to_name the To: name recipients will see (not email address)
+            int template_id optional - use this user-created template to generate the HTML content of the campaign (takes precendence over other template options)
+            int gallery_template_id optional - use a template from the public gallery to generate the HTML content of the campaign (takes precendence over base template options)
+            int base_template_id optional - use this a base/start-from-scratch template to generate the HTML content of the campaign
+            int folder_id optional - automatically file the new campaign in the folder_id passed. Get using folders() - note that Campaigns and Autoresponders have separate folder setupsn 
+            array tracking optional - set which recipient actions will be tracked, as a struct of boolean values with the following keys: "opens", "html_clicks", and "text_clicks".  By default, opens and HTML clicks will be tracked. Click tracking can not be disabled for Free accounts.
+            string title optional - an internal name to use for this campaign.  By default, the campaign subject will be used.
+            boolean authenticate optional - set to true to enable SenderID, DomainKeys, and DKIM authentication, defaults to false.
+            array analytics optional - if provided, use a struct with "service type" as a key and the "service tag" as a value. Use "google" for Google Analytics, "clicktale" for ClickTale, and "gooal" for tracking. The "tag" is any custom text (up to 50 characters) that should be included.
+            boolean auto_footer optional Whether or not we should auto-generate the footer for your content. Mostly useful for content from URLs or Imports
+            boolean inline_css optional Whether or not css should be automatically inlined when this campaign is sent, defaults to false.
+            boolean generate_text optional Whether of not to auto-generate your Text content from the HTML content. Note that this will be ignored if the Text part of the content passed is not empty, defaults to false.
+            boolean auto_tweet optional If set, this campaign will be auto-tweeted when it is sent - defaults to false. Note that if a Twitter account isn't linked, this will be silently ignored.
+            array auto_fb_post optional If set, this campaign will be auto-posted to the page_ids contained in the array. If a Facebook account isn't linked or the account does not have permission to post to the page_ids requested, those failures will be silently ignored.
+            boolean fb_comments optional If true, the Facebook comments (and thus the <a href="" target="_blank">archive bar</a> will be displayed. If false, Facebook comments will not be enabled (does not imply no archive bar, see previous link). Defaults to "true".
+            boolean timewarp optional If set, this campaign must be scheduled 24 hours in advance of sending - default to false. Only valid for "regular" campaigns and "absplit" campaigns that split on schedule_time.
+            boolean ecomm360 optional If set, our <a href="" target="_blank">Ecommerce360 tracking</a> will be enabled for links in the campaign
+            array crm_tracking optional If set, enable CRM tracking for:<div style="padding-left:15px"><table>
+                array salesforce optional Enable SalesForce push back<div style="padding-left:15px"><table>
+                    bool campaign optional - if true, create a Campaign object and update it with aggregate stats
+                    bool notes  optional - if true, attempt to update Contact notes based on email address</table></div>                    
+                array highrise optional Enable Highrise push back<div style="padding-left:15px"><table>
+                    bool campaign optional - if true, create a Kase object and update it with aggregate stats
+                    bool notes  optional - if true, attempt to update Contact notes based on email address</table></div>
+                array capsule optional Enable Capsule push back (only notes are supported)<div style="padding-left:15px"><table>
+                    bool notes optional - if true, attempt to update Contact notes based on email address</table></div></table></div>
+    * @param array $content the content for this campaign - use a struct with the following keys: 
+                string html for pasted HTML content
+                string text for the plain-text version
+                string url to have us pull in content from a URL. Note, this will override any other content options - for lists with Email Format options, you'll need to turn on generate_text as well
+                string archive to send a Base64 encoded archive file for us to import all media from. Note, this will override any other content options - for lists with Email Format options, you'll need to turn on generate_text as well
+                string archive_type optional - only necessary for the "archive" option. Supported formats are: zip, tar.gz, tar.bz2, tar, tgz, tbz . If not included, we will default to zip
+                If you chose a template instead of pasting in your HTML content, then use "html_" followed by the template sections as keys - for example, use a key of "html_MAIN" to fill in the "MAIN" section of a template.
+    * @param array $segment_opts optional - if you wish to do Segmentation with this campaign this array should contain: see campaignSegmentTest(). It's suggested that you test your options against campaignSegmentTest().
+    * @param array $type_opts optional - 
+            For RSS Campaigns this, array should contain:
+                string url the URL to pull RSS content from - it will be verified and must exist
+                string schedule optional one of "daily", "weekly", "monthly" - defaults to "daily"
+                string schedule_hour optional an hour between 0 and 24 - default to 4 (4am <em>local time</em>) - applies to all schedule types
+                string schedule_weekday optional for "weekly" only, a number specifying the day of the week to send: 0 (Sunday) - 6 (Saturday) - defaults to 1 (Monday)
+                string schedule_monthday optional for "monthly" only, a number specifying the day of the month to send (1 - 28) or "last" for the last day of a given month. Defaults to the 1st day of the month
+                array days optional used for "daily" schedules only, an array of the <a href="" target="_blank">ISO-8601 weekday numbers</a> to send on<div style="padding-left:15px"><table>
+                    bool 1 optional Monday, defaults to true
+                    bool 2 optional Tuesday, defaults to true
+                    bool 3 optional Wednesday, defaults to true
+                    bool 4 optional Thursday, defaults to true
+                    bool 5 optional Friday, defaults to true
+                    bool 6 optional Saturday, defaults to true
+                    bool 7 optional Sunday, defaults to true</table></div>
+            For A/B Split campaigns, this array should contain:
+                string split_test The values to segment based on. Currently, one of: "subject", "from_name", "schedule". NOTE, for "schedule", you will need to call campaignSchedule() separately!
+                string pick_winner How the winner will be picked, one of: "opens" (by the open_rate), "clicks" (by the click rate), "manual" (you pick manually)
+                int wait_units optional the default time unit to wait before auto-selecting a winner - use "3600" for hours, "86400" for days. Defaults to 86400.
+                int wait_time optional the number of units to wait before auto-selecting a winner - defaults to 1, so if not set, a winner will be selected after 1 Day.
+                int split_size optional this is a percentage of what size the Campaign's List plus any segmentation options results in. "schedule" type forces 50%, all others default to 10%
+                string from_name_a optional sort of, required when split_test is "from_name"
+                string from_name_b optional sort of, required when split_test is "from_name"
+                string from_email_a optional sort of, required when split_test is "from_name"
+                string from_email_b optional sort of, required when split_test is "from_name"
+                string subject_a optional sort of, required when split_test is "subject"
+                string subject_b optional sort of, required when split_test is "subject"
+            For AutoResponder campaigns, this array should contain:
+                string offset-units one of "hourly", "day", "week", "month", "year" - required
+                string offset-time optional, sort of - the number of units must be a number greater than 0 for signup based autoresponders, ignored for "hourly"
+                string offset-dir either "before" or "after", ignored for "hourly"
+                string event optional "signup" (default) to base this members added to a list, "date", "annual", or "birthday" to base this on merge field in the list, "campaignOpen" or "campaignClicka" to base this on any activity for a campaign, "campaignClicko" to base this on clicks on a specific URL in a campaign, "mergeChanged" to base this on a specific merge field being changed to a specific value 
+                string event-datemerge optional sort of, this is required if the event is "date", "annual", "birthday", or "mergeChanged" 
+                string campaign_id optional sort of, required for "campaignOpen", "campaignClicka", or "campaignClicko"
+                string campaign_url optional sort of, required for "campaignClicko"
+                int schedule_hour The hour of the day - 24 hour format in GMT - the autoresponder should be triggered, ignored for "hourly"
+                boolean use_import_time whether or not imported subscribers (ie, <em>any</em> non-double optin subscribers) will receive
+                array days optional used for "daily" schedules only, an array of the <a href="" target="_blank">ISO-8601 weekday numbers</a> to send on<div style="padding-left:15px"><table>
+                    bool 1 optional Monday, defaults to true
+                    bool 2 optional Tuesday, defaults to true
+                    bool 3 optional Wednesday, defaults to true
+                    bool 4 optional Thursday, defaults to true
+                    bool 5 optional Friday, defaults to true
+                    bool 6 optional Saturday, defaults to true
+                    bool 7 optional Sunday, defaults to true</table></div>
+     *
+     * @return string the ID for the created campaign
+     */
+    function campaignCreate($type, $options, $content, $segment_opts=NULL, $type_opts=NULL) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["type"] = $type;
+        $params["options"] = $options;
+        $params["content"] = $content;
+        $params["segment_opts"] = $segment_opts;
+        $params["type_opts"] = $type_opts;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignCreate", $params);
+    }
+    /** Update just about any setting for a campaign that has <em>not</em> been sent. See campaignCreate() for details.
+     *   
+     *  
+     *  Caveats:<br/><ul class='simplelist square'>
+     *        <li>If you set list_id, all segmentation options will be deleted and must be re-added.</li>
+     *        <li>If you set template_id, you need to follow that up by setting it's 'content'</li>
+     *        <li>If you set segment_opts, you should have tested your options against campaignSegmentTest() as campaignUpdate() will not allow you to set a segment that includes no members.</li>
+     *        <li>To clear/unset segment_opts, pass an empty string or array as the value. Various wrappers may require one or the other.</li>
+     * </ul>
+     * @section Campaign  Related
+     *
+     * @example mcapi_campaignUpdate.php
+     * @example mcapi_campaignUpdateAB.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_campaignUpdate.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_campaignUpdateAB.php
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the Campaign Id to update
+     * @param string $name the parameter name ( see campaignCreate() ). For items in the <strong>options</strong> array, this will be that parameter's name (subject, from_email, etc.). Additional parameters will be that option name  (content, segment_opts). "type_opts" will be the name of the type - rss, auto, etc.
+     * @param mixed  $value an appropriate value for the parameter ( see campaignCreate() ). For items in the <strong>options</strong> array, this will be that parameter's value. For additional parameters, this is the same value passed to them.
+     * @return boolean true if the update succeeds, otherwise an error will be thrown
+     */
+    function campaignUpdate($cid, $name, $value) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["name"] = $name;
+        $params["value"] = $value;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignUpdate", $params);
+    }
+    /** Replicate a campaign.
+    *
+    * @section Campaign  Related
+    *
+    * @example mcapi_campaignReplicate.php
+    *
+    * @param string $cid the Campaign Id to replicate
+    * @return string the id of the replicated Campaign created, otherwise an error will be thrown
+    */
+    function campaignReplicate($cid) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignReplicate", $params);
+    }
+    /** Delete a campaign. Seriously, "poof, gone!" - be careful!
+    *
+    * @section Campaign  Related
+    *
+    * @example mcapi_campaignDelete.php
+    *
+    * @param string $cid the Campaign Id to delete
+    * @return boolean true if the delete succeeds, otherwise an error will be thrown
+    */
+    function campaignDelete($cid) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignDelete", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the list of campaigns and their details matching the specified filters
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Related
+     * @example mcapi_campaigns.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_campaigns.php
+     *
+     * @param array $filters a hash of filters to apply to this query - all are optional:
+            string campaign_id optional - return the campaign using a know campaign_id.  Accepts multiples separated by commas when not using exact matching.
+            string parent_id optional - return the child campaigns using a known parent campaign_id.  Accepts multiples separated by commas when not using exact matching.
+            string list_id optional - the list to send this campaign to - get lists using lists(). Accepts multiples separated by commas when not using exact matching.
+            int folder_id optional - only show campaigns from this folder id - get folders using campaignFolders(). Accepts multiples separated by commas when not using exact matching.
+            int template_id optional - only show campaigns using this template id - get templates using templates(). Accepts multiples separated by commas when not using exact matching.
+            string  status optional - return campaigns of a specific status - one of "sent", "save", "paused", "schedule", "sending". Accepts multiples separated by commas when not using exact matching.
+            string  type optional - return campaigns of a specific type - one of "regular", "plaintext", "absplit", "rss", "auto". Accepts multiples separated by commas when not using exact matching.
+            string  from_name optional - only show campaigns that have this "From Name"
+            string  from_email optional - only show campaigns that have this "Reply-to Email"
+            string  title optional - only show campaigns that have this title
+            string  subject optional - only show campaigns that have this subject
+            string  sendtime_start optional - only show campaigns that have been sent since this date/time (in GMT) -  - 24 hour format in <strong>GMT</strong>, eg "2013-12-30 20:30:00"
+            string  sendtime_end optional - only show campaigns that have been sent before this date/time (in GMT) -  - 24 hour format in <strong>GMT</strong>, eg "2013-12-30 20:30:00"
+            boolean uses_segment - whether to return just campaigns with or without segments
+            boolean exact optional - flag for whether to filter on exact values when filtering, or search within content for filter values - defaults to true. Using this disables the use of any filters that accept multiples.
+     * @param int $start optional - control paging of campaigns, start results at this campaign #, defaults to 1st page of data  (page 0)
+     * @param int $limit optional - control paging of campaigns, number of campaigns to return with each call, defaults to 25 (max=1000)
+     * @param string sort_field optional - one of "create_time", "send_time", "title", "subject" . Invalid values will fall back on "create_time" - case insensitive.
+     * @param string sort_dir optional - "DESC" for descending (default), "ASC" for Ascending.  Invalid values will fall back on "DESC" - case insensitive.
+     * @return array an array containing a count of all matching campaigns and the specific ones for the current page (see Returned Fields for description)
+        int total the total number of campaigns matching the filters passed in
+        array data the data for each campaign being returned
+            string id Campaign Id (used for all other campaign functions)
+            int web_id The Campaign id used in our web app, allows you to create a link directly to it
+            string list_id The List used for this campaign
+            int folder_id The Folder this campaign is in
+            int template_id The Template this campaign uses
+            string content_type How the campaign's content is put together - one of 'template', 'html', 'url'
+            string title Title of the campaign
+            string type The type of campaign this is (regular,plaintext,absplit,rss,inspection,auto)
+            string create_time Creation time for the campaign
+            string send_time Send time for the campaign - also the scheduled time for scheduled campaigns.
+            int emails_sent Number of emails email was sent to
+            string status Status of the given campaign (save,paused,schedule,sending,sent)
+            string from_name From name of the given campaign
+            string from_email Reply-to email of the given campaign
+            string subject Subject of the given campaign
+            string to_name Custom "To:" email string using merge variables
+            string archive_url Archive link for the given campaign
+            boolean inline_css Whether or not the campaign content's css was auto-inlined
+            string analytics Either "google" if enabled or "N" if disabled
+            string analytics_tag The name/tag the campaign's links were tagged with if analytics were enabled.
+            boolean authenticate Whether or not the campaign was authenticated
+            boolean ecomm360 Whether or not ecomm360 tracking was appended to links
+            boolean auto_tweet Whether or not the campaign was auto tweeted after sending
+            string auto_fb_post A comma delimited list of Facebook Profile/Page Ids the campaign was posted to after sending. If not used, blank.
+            boolean auto_footer Whether or not the auto_footer was manually turned on
+            boolean timewarp Whether or not the campaign used Timewarp
+            string timewarp_schedule The time, in GMT, that the Timewarp campaign is being sent. For A/B Split campaigns, this is blank and is instead in their schedule_a and schedule_b in the type_opts array
+            string parent_id the unique id of the parent campaign (currently only valid for rss children)
+            array tracking the various tracking options used
+                boolean html_clicks whether or not tracking for html clicks was enabled.
+                boolean text_clicks whether or not tracking for text clicks was enabled.
+                boolean opens whether or not opens tracking was enabled.
+            string segment_text a string marked-up with HTML explaining the segment used for the campaign in plain English 
+            array segment_opts the segment used for the campaign - can be passed to campaignSegmentTest() or campaignCreate()
+            array type_opts the type-specific options for the campaign - can be passed to campaignCreate()
+     */
+    function campaigns($filters=array (
+), $start=0, $limit=25, $sort_field='create_time', $sort_dir='DESC') {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["filters"] = $filters;
+        $params["start"] = $start;
+        $params["limit"] = $limit;
+        $params["sort_field"] = $sort_field;
+        $params["sort_dir"] = $sort_dir;
+        return $this->callServer("campaigns", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Given a list and a campaign, get all the relevant campaign statistics (opens, bounces, clicks, etc.)
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Stats
+     *
+     * @example mcapi_campaignStats.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_campaignStats.php
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to pull stats for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @return array struct of the statistics for this campaign
+                int syntax_errors Number of email addresses in campaign that had syntactical errors.
+                int hard_bounces Number of email addresses in campaign that hard bounced.
+                int soft_bounces Number of email addresses in campaign that soft bounced.
+                int unsubscribes Number of email addresses in campaign that unsubscribed.
+                int abuse_reports Number of email addresses in campaign that reported campaign for abuse.
+                int forwards Number of times email was forwarded to a friend.
+                int forwards_opens Number of times a forwarded email was opened.
+                int opens Number of times the campaign was opened.
+                string last_open Date of the last time the email was opened.
+                int unique_opens Number of people who opened the campaign.
+                int clicks Number of times a link in the campaign was clicked.
+                int unique_clicks Number of unique recipient/click pairs for the campaign.
+                string last_click Date of the last time a link in the email was clicked.
+                int users_who_clicked Number of unique recipients who clicked on a link in the campaign.
+                int emails_sent Number of email addresses campaign was sent to.
+                int unique_likes total number of unique likes (Facebook)
+                int recipient_likes total number of recipients who liked (Facebook) the campaign
+                int facebook_likes total number of likes (Facebook) that came from Facebook
+                array absplit If this was an absplit campaign, stats for the A and B groups will be returned
+                    int bounces_a bounces for the A group
+                    int bounces_b bounces for the B group
+                    int forwards_a forwards for the A group
+                    int forwards_b forwards for the B group
+                    int abuse_reports_a abuse reports for the A group
+                    int abuse_reports_b abuse reports for the B group
+                    int unsubs_a unsubs for the A group
+                    int unsubs_b unsubs for the B group
+                    int recipients_click_a clicks for the A group
+                    int recipients_click_b clicks for the B group
+                    int forwards_opens_a opened forwards for the A group
+                    int forwards_opens_b opened forwards for the B group
+                    int opens_a total opens for the A group
+                    int opens_b total opens for the B group
+                    string last_open_a date/time of last open for the A group
+                    string last_open_b date/time of last open for the BG group
+                    int unique_opens_a unique opens for the A group
+                    int unique_opens_b unique opens for the B group
+                array timewarp If this campaign was a Timewarp campaign, an array of stats from each timezone for it, with the GMT offset as they key. Each timezone will contain:
+                    int opens opens for this timezone
+                    string last_open the date/time of the last open for this timezone
+                    int unique_opens the unique opens for this timezone
+                    int clicks the total clicks for this timezone
+                    string last_click the date/time of the last click for this timezone
+                    int unique_opens the unique clicks for this timezone
+                    int bounces the total bounces for this timezone
+                    int total the total number of members sent to in this timezone
+                    int sent the total number of members delivered to in this timezone
+                array timeseries For the first 24 hours of the campaign, per-hour stats:
+                    string timestamp The timestemp in Y-m-d H:00:00 format
+                    int emails_sent the total emails sent during the hour
+                    int unique_opens unique opens seen during the hour
+                    int recipients_click unique clicks seen during the hour
+     */
+    function campaignStats($cid) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignStats", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get an array of the urls being tracked, and their click counts for a given campaign
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Stats
+     *
+     * @example mcapi_campaignClickStats.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_campaignClickStats.php
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to pull stats for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @return array urls will be keys and contain their associated statistics:
+                int clicks Number of times the specific link was clicked
+                int unique Number of unique people who clicked on the specific link
+     */
+    function campaignClickStats($cid) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignClickStats", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the top 5 performing email domains for this campaign. Users want more than 5 should use campaign campaignEmailStatsAIM()
+     * or campaignEmailStatsAIMAll() and generate any additional stats they require.
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Stats
+     *
+     * @example mcapi_campaignEmailDomainPerformance.php
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to pull email domain performance for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @return array domains email domains and their associated stats
+                string domain Domain name or special "Other" to roll-up stats past 5 domains
+                int total_sent Total Email across all domains - this will be the same in every row
+                int emails Number of emails sent to this domain
+                int bounces Number of bounces
+                int opens Number of opens
+                int clicks Number of clicks
+                int unsubs Number of unsubs
+                int delivered Number of deliveries
+                int emails_pct Percentage of emails that went to this domain (whole number)
+                int bounces_pct Percentage of bounces from this domain (whole number)
+                int opens_pct Percentage of opens from this domain (whole number)
+                int clicks_pct Percentage of clicks from this domain (whole number)
+                int unsubs_pct Percentage of unsubs from this domain (whole number)
+     */
+    function campaignEmailDomainPerformance($cid) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignEmailDomainPerformance", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get all email addresses the campaign was sent to
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Stats
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to pull members for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @param string $status optional the status to pull - one of 'sent', 'hard' (bounce), or 'soft' (bounce). By default, all records are returned
+     * @param int    $start optional for large data sets, the page number to start at - defaults to 1st page of data (page 0)
+     * @param int    $limit optional for large data sets, the number of results to return - defaults to 1000, upper limit set at 15000
+     * @return array a total of all matching emails and the specific emails for this page
+                int total   the total number of members for the campaign and status
+                array data  the full campaign member records
+                    string email the email address sent to
+                    string status the status of the send - one of 'sent', 'hard', 'soft'
+                    string absplit_group if this was an absplit campaign, one of 'a','b', or 'winner'
+                    string tz_group if this was an timewarp campaign the timezone GMT offset the member was included in
+     */
+    function campaignMembers($cid, $status=NULL, $start=0, $limit=1000) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["status"] = $status;
+        $params["start"] = $start;
+        $params["limit"] = $limit;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignMembers", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * <strong>DEPRECATED</strong> Get all email addresses with Hard Bounces for a given campaign
+     * 
+     * @deprecated See campaignMembers() for a replacement
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Stats
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to pull bounces for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @param int    $start optional for large data sets, the page number to start at - defaults to 1st page of data (page 0)
+     * @param int    $limit optional for large data sets, the number of results to return - defaults to 1000, upper limit set at 15000
+     * @return array a total of all hard bounced emails and the specific emails for this page
+                int total   the total number of hard bounces for the campaign
+                array data array of the full email addresses that bounced
+     */
+    function campaignHardBounces($cid, $start=0, $limit=1000) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["start"] = $start;
+        $params["limit"] = $limit;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignHardBounces", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * <strong>DEPRECATED</strong> Get all email addresses with Soft Bounces for a given campaign
+     *
+     * @deprecated See campaignMembers() for a replacement
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Stats
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to pull bounces for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @param int    $start optional for large data sets, the page number to start at - defaults to 1st page of data (page 0)
+     * @param int    $limit optional for large data sets, the number of results to return - defaults to 1000, upper limit set at 15000
+     * @return array a total of all soft bounced emails and the specific emails for this page
+                int total   the total number of soft bounces for the campaign
+                array data array of the full email addresses that bounced
+     */
+    function campaignSoftBounces($cid, $start=0, $limit=1000) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["start"] = $start;
+        $params["limit"] = $limit;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignSoftBounces", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get all unsubscribed email addresses for a given campaign
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Stats
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to pull bounces for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @param int    $start optional for large data sets, the page number to start at - defaults to 1st page of data  (page 0)
+     * @param int    $limit optional for large data sets, the number of results to return - defaults to 1000, upper limit set at 15000
+     * @return array a total of all unsubscribed emails and the specific emails for this page
+                int total   the total number of unsubscribes for the campaign
+                array data  the full email addresses that unsubscribed
+                    string email the email address that unsubscribed
+                    string reason For unsubscribes only - the reason collected for the unsubscribe. If populated, one of 'NORMAL','NOSIGNUP','INAPPROPRIATE','SPAM','OTHER'
+                    string reason_text For unsubscribes only - if the reason is OTHER, the text entered.
+     */
+    function campaignUnsubscribes($cid, $start=0, $limit=1000) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["start"] = $start;
+        $params["limit"] = $limit;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignUnsubscribes", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get all email addresses that complained about a given campaign
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Stats
+     *
+     * @example mcapi_campaignAbuseReports.php
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to pull abuse reports for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @param int $start optional for large data sets, the page number to start at - defaults to 1st page of data  (page 0)
+     * @param int $limit optional for large data sets, the number of results to return - defaults to 500, upper limit set at 1000
+     * @param string $since optional pull only messages since this time - 24 hour format in <strong>GMT</strong>, eg "2013-12-30 20:30:00"
+     * @return array reports the abuse reports for this campaign
+                int total the total reports matched
+                array data the report data for each, including:
+                    string date date/time the abuse report was received and processed
+                    string email the email address that reported abuse
+                    string type an internal type generally specifying the orginating mail provider - may not be useful outside of filling report views
+     */
+    function campaignAbuseReports($cid, $since=NULL, $start=0, $limit=500) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["since"] = $since;
+        $params["start"] = $start;
+        $params["limit"] = $limit;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignAbuseReports", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the text presented in our app for how a campaign performed and any advice we may have for you - best
+     * suited for display in customized reports pages. Note: some messages will contain HTML - clean tags as necessary
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Stats
+     *
+     * @example mcapi_campaignAdvice.php
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to pull advice text for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @return array advice on the campaign's performance, each containing:
+                msg the advice message
+                type the "type" of the message. one of: negative, positive, or neutral
+     */
+    function campaignAdvice($cid) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignAdvice", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the Google Analytics data we've collected for this campaign. Note, requires Google Analytics Add-on to be installed and configured.
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Stats
+     *
+     * @example mcapi_campaignAnalytics.php
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to pull bounces for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @return array analytics we've collected for the passed campaign.
+                int visits number of visits
+                int pages number of page views
+                int new_visits new visits recorded
+                int bounces vistors who "bounced" from your site
+                double time_on_site the total time visitors spent on your sites
+                int goal_conversions number of goals converted
+                double goal_value value of conversion in dollars
+                double revenue revenue generated by campaign
+                int transactions number of transactions tracked
+                int ecomm_conversions number Ecommerce transactions tracked
+                array goals an array containing goal names and number of conversions
+                    string name the name of the goal
+                    int conversions the number of conversions for the goal
+     */
+    function campaignAnalytics($cid) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignAnalytics", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the countries and number of opens tracked for each. Email address are not returned.
+     * 
+     * @section Campaign  Stats
+     *
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to pull bounces for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @return array countries an array of countries where opens occurred
+                string code The ISO3166 2 digit country code
+                string name A version of the country name, if we have it
+                int opens The total number of opens that occurred in the country
+                boolean region_detail Whether or not a subsequent call to campaignGeoOpensByCountry() will return anything
+     */
+    function campaignGeoOpens($cid) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignGeoOpens", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the regions and number of opens tracked for a certain country. Email address are not returned.
+     * 
+     * @section Campaign  Stats
+     *
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to pull bounces for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @param string $code An ISO3166 2 digit country code
+     * @return array regions an array of regions within the provided country where opens occurred. 
+                string code An internal code for the region. When this is blank, it indicates we know the country, but not the region
+                string name The name of the region, if we have one. For blank "code" values, this will be "Rest of Country"
+                int opens The total number of opens that occurred in the country
+     */
+    function campaignGeoOpensForCountry($cid, $code) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["code"] = $code;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignGeoOpensForCountry", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the tracked eepurl mentions on Twitter
+     * 
+     * @section Campaign  Stats
+     *
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to pull bounces for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @return array stats an array containing tweets, retweets, clicks, and referrer related to using the campaign's eepurl
+                array twitter various Twitter related stats
+                    int tweets Total number of tweets seen
+                    string first_tweet date and time of the first tweet seen
+                    string last_tweet date and time of the last tweet seen
+                    int retweets Total number of retweets seen
+                    string first_retweet date and time of the first retweet seen
+                    string last_retweet date and time of the last retweet seen
+                    array statuses an array of statuses recorded inclduing: 
+                        string status the text of the tweet/update
+                        string screen_name the screen name as recorded when first seen
+                        string status_id the status id of the tweet (they are really unsigned 64 bit ints)
+                        string datetime the date/time of the tweet
+                        bool is_retweet whether or not this was a retweet
+                array clicks stats related to click-throughs on the eepurl
+                    int clicks Total number of clicks seen
+                    string first_click date and time of the first click seen
+                    string last_click date and time of the first click seen
+                    array locations an array of geographic locations including:
+                        string country the country name the click was tracked to
+                        string region the region in the country the click was tracked to (if available)
+                        int total clicks total clicks occuring in this country+region pair
+                array referrers an array of arrays, each containing
+                    string referrer the referrer, truncated to 100 bytes
+                    int clicks Total number of clicks seen from this referrer
+                    string first_click date and time of the first click seen from this referrer
+                    string last_click date and time of the first click seen from this referrer
+     */
+    function campaignEepUrlStats($cid) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignEepUrlStats", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the most recent full bounce message for a specific email address on the given campaign. 
+     * Messages over 30 days old are subject to being removed
+     * 
+     * 
+     * @section Campaign  Stats
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to pull bounces for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @param string $email the email address or unique id of the member to pull a bounce message for.
+     * @return array the full bounce message for this email+campaign along with some extra data.
+                string date date/time the bounce was received and processed
+                string email the email address that bounced
+                string message the entire bounce message received
+     */
+    function campaignBounceMessage($cid, $email) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["email"] = $email;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignBounceMessage", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the full bounce messages for the given campaign. Note that this can return very large amounts
+     * of data depending on how large the campaign was and how much cruft the bounce provider returned. Also,
+     * message over 30 days old are subject to being removed
+     * 
+     * @section Campaign  Stats
+     *
+     * @example mcapi_campaignBounceMessages.php
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to pull bounces for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @param int $start optional for large data sets, the page number to start at - defaults to 1st page of data  (page 0)
+     * @param int $limit optional for large data sets, the number of results to return - defaults to 25, upper limit set at 50
+     * @param string $since optional pull only messages since this time - use YYYY-MM-DD format in <strong>GMT</strong> (we only store the date, not the time)
+     * @return array bounces the full bounce messages for this campaign
+                int total that total number of bounce messages for the campaign
+                array data an array containing the data for this page
+                    string date date/time the bounce was received and processed
+                    string email the email address that bounced
+                    string message the entire bounce message received
+     */
+    function campaignBounceMessages($cid, $start=0, $limit=25, $since=NULL) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["start"] = $start;
+        $params["limit"] = $limit;
+        $params["since"] = $since;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignBounceMessages", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the Ecommerce Orders tracked by campaignEcommOrderAdd()
+     * 
+     * @section Campaign  Stats
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to pull bounces for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @param int $start optional for large data sets, the page number to start at - defaults to 1st page of data  (page 0)
+     * @param int $limit optional for large data sets, the number of results to return - defaults to 100, upper limit set at 500
+     * @param string $since optional pull only messages since this time - 24 hour format in <strong>GMT</strong>, eg "2013-12-30 20:30:00"
+     * @return array the total matching orders and the specific orders for the requested page
+                int total the total matching orders
+                array data the actual data for each order being returned
+                    string store_id the store id generated by the plugin used to uniquely identify a store
+                    string store_name the store name collected by the plugin - often the domain name
+                    string order_id the internal order id the store tracked this order by
+                    string email  the email address that received this campaign and is associated with this order
+                    double order_total the order total
+                    double tax_total the total tax for the order (if collected)
+                    double ship_total the shipping total for the order (if collected)
+                    string order_date the date the order was tracked - from the store if possible, otherwise the GMT time we received it
+                    array lines containing detail of the order:
+                        int line_num the line number assigned to this line
+                        int product_id the product id assigned to this item
+                        string product_name the product name
+                        string product_sku the sku for the product
+                        int product_category_id the id for the product category
+                        string product_category_name the product category name
+                        double qty optional the quantity of the item ordered - defaults to 1
+                        double cost optional the cost of a single item (ie, not the extended cost of the line) - defaults to 0
+     */
+    function campaignEcommOrders($cid, $start=0, $limit=100, $since=NULL) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["start"] = $start;
+        $params["limit"] = $limit;
+        $params["since"] = $since;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignEcommOrders", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the URL to a customized <a href="" target="_blank">VIP Report</a> for the specified campaign and optionally send an email to someone with links to it. Note subsequent calls will overwrite anything already set for the same campign (eg, the password)
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Related
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to share a report for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @param array  $opts optional various parameters which can be used to configure the shared report
+            string to_email optional - optional, comma delimited list of email addresses to share the report with - no value means an email will not be sent
+            string company optional - a company name to be displayed (use of a theme may hide this) - max 255 bytes
+            int theme_id optional - either a global or a user-specific theme id. Currently this needs to be pulled out of either the Share Report or Cobranding web views by grabbing the "theme" attribute from the list presented.
+            string  css_url    optional - a link to an external CSS file to be included after our default CSS ( <strong>only if</strong> loaded via the "secure_url" - max 255 bytes
+     * @return array Array containing details for the shared report
+                string title The Title of the Campaign being shared
+                string url The URL to the shared report
+                string secure_url The URL to the shared report, including the password (good for loading in an IFRAME). For non-secure reports, this will not be returned
+                string password If secured, the password for the report, otherwise this field will not be returned
+     */
+    function campaignShareReport($cid, $opts=array (
+)) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["opts"] = $opts;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignShareReport", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the content (both html and text) for a campaign either as it would appear in the campaign archive or as the raw, original content
+     *
+     * @section Campaign  Related
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to get content for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @param bool   $for_archive optional controls whether we return the Archive version (true) or the Raw version (false), defaults to true
+     * @return array Array containing all content for the campaign
+                string html The HTML content used for the campaign with merge tags intact
+                string text The Text content used for the campaign with merge tags intact
+     */
+    function campaignContent($cid, $for_archive=true) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["for_archive"] = $for_archive;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignContent", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the HTML template content sections for a campaign. Note that this <strong>will</strong> return very jagged, non-standard results based on the template
+     * a campaign is using. You only want to use this if you want to allow editing template sections in your applicaton. 
+     * 
+     * @section Campaign  Related
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to get content for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @return array array containing all content section for the campaign - section name are dependent upon the template used and thus can't be documented
+     */
+    function campaignTemplateContent($cid) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignTemplateContent", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the list of email addresses that opened a given campaign with how many times they opened
+     *
+     * @section Campaign Report Data
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to get opens for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @param int    $start optional for large data sets, the page number to start at - defaults to 1st page of data  (page 0)
+     * @param int    $limit optional for large data sets, the number of results to return - defaults to 1000, upper limit set at 15000
+     * @return array array containing the total records matched and the specific records for this page
+                int total the total number of records matched
+                array data the actual opens data, including:
+                    string email Email address that opened the campaign
+                    int open_count Total number of times the campaign was opened by this email address
+     */
+    function campaignOpenedAIM($cid, $start=0, $limit=1000) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["start"] = $start;
+        $params["limit"] = $limit;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignOpenedAIM", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the list of email addresses that did not open a given campaign
+     *
+     * @section Campaign Report Data
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to get no opens for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @param int    $start optional for large data sets, the page number to start at - defaults to 1st page of data  (page 0)
+     * @param int    $limit optional for large data sets, the number of results to return - defaults to 1000, upper limit set at 15000
+     * @return array array containing the total records matched and the specific records for this page
+                int total the total number of records matched
+                array data the email addresses that did not open the campaign
+     */
+    function campaignNotOpenedAIM($cid, $start=0, $limit=1000) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["start"] = $start;
+        $params["limit"] = $limit;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignNotOpenedAIM", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the list of email addresses that clicked on a given url, and how many times they clicked
+     *
+     * @section Campaign Report Data
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to get click stats for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @param string $url the URL of the link that was clicked on
+     * @param int    $start optional for large data sets, the page number to start at - defaults to 1st page of data (page 0)
+     * @param int    $limit optional for large data sets, the number of results to return - defaults to 1000, upper limit set at 15000
+     * @return array array containing the total records matched and the specific records for this page
+                int total the total number of records matched
+                array data the email addresses that did not open the campaign
+                    string email Email address that opened the campaign
+                    int clicks Total number of times the URL was clicked on by this email address
+     */
+    function campaignClickDetailAIM($cid, $url, $start=0, $limit=1000) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["url"] = $url;
+        $params["start"] = $start;
+        $params["limit"] = $limit;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignClickDetailAIM", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Given a campaign and email address, return the entire click and open history with timestamps, ordered by time
+     *
+     * @section Campaign Report Data
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to get stats for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @param array $email_address an array of up to 50 email addresses to check OR the email "id" returned from listMemberInfo, Webhooks, and Campaigns. For backwards compatibility, if a string is passed, it will be treated as an array with a single element (will not work with XML-RPC).
+     * @return array an array with the keys listed in Returned Fields below
+                int success the number of email address records found
+                int error the number of email address records which could not be found
+                array data arrays containing the actions (opens and clicks) that the email took, with timestamps
+                    string action The action taken (open or click)
+                    string timestamp Time the action occurred
+                    string url For clicks, the URL that was clicked
+     */
+    function campaignEmailStatsAIM($cid, $email_address) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["email_address"] = $email_address;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignEmailStatsAIM", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Given a campaign and correct paging limits, return the entire click and open history with timestamps, ordered by time, 
+     * for every user a campaign was delivered to.
+     *
+     * @section Campaign Report Data
+     * @example mcapi_campaignEmailStatsAIMAll.php
+     *
+     * @param string $cid the campaign id to get stats for (can be gathered using campaigns())
+     * @param int $start optional for large data sets, the page number to start at - defaults to 1st page of data (page 0)
+     * @param int $limit optional for large data sets, the number of results to return - defaults to 100, upper limit set at 1000
+     * @return array Array containing a total record count and data including the actions  (opens and clicks) for each email, with timestamps
+                int total the total number of records
+                array data each record keyed by email address containing arrays of actions including:
+                    string action The action taken (open or click)
+                    string timestamp Time the action occurred
+                    string url For clicks, the URL that was clicked
+     */
+    function campaignEmailStatsAIMAll($cid, $start=0, $limit=100) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["cid"] = $cid;
+        $params["start"] = $start;
+        $params["limit"] = $limit;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignEmailStatsAIMAll", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Attach Ecommerce Order Information to a Campaign. This will generally be used by ecommerce package plugins 
+     * <a href="" target="_blank">provided by us or by 3rd part system developers</a>.
+     * @section Campaign  Related
+     *
+     * @param array $order an array of information pertaining to the order that has completed. Use the following keys:
+                string id the Order Id
+                string campaign_id the Campaign Id to track this order with (see the "mc_cid" query string variable a campaign passes)
+                string email_id the Email Id of the subscriber we should attach this order to (see the "mc_eid" query string variable a campaign passes)
+                double total The Order Total (ie, the full amount the customer ends up paying)
+                string order_date optional the date of the order - if this is not provided, we will default the date to now
+                double shipping optional the total paid for Shipping Fees
+                double tax optional the total tax paid
+                string store_id a unique id for the store sending the order in (20 bytes max)
+                string store_name optional a "nice" name for the store - typically the base web address (ie, ""). We will automatically update this if it changes (based on store_id)
+                array items the individual line items for an order using these keys:
+                <div style="padding-left:30px"><table>
+                    int line_num optional the line number of the item on the order. We will generate these if they are not passed
+                    int product_id the store's internal Id for the product. Lines that do no contain this will be skipped 
+                    string sku optional the store's internal SKU for the product. (max 30 bytes)
+                    string product_name the product name for the product_id associated with this item. We will auto update these as they change (based on product_id)
+                    int category_id the store's internal Id for the (main) category associated with this product. Our testing has found this to be a "best guess" scenario
+                    string category_name the category name for the category_id this product is in. Our testing has found this to be a "best guess" scenario. Our plugins walk the category heirarchy up and send "Root - SubCat1 - SubCat4", etc.
+                    double qty the quantity of the item ordered
+                    double cost the cost of a single item (ie, not the extended cost of the line)
+                </table></div>
+     * @return bool true if the data is saved, otherwise an error is thrown.
+     */
+    function campaignEcommOrderAdd($order) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["order"] = $order;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignEcommOrderAdd", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve all of the lists defined for your user account
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * @example mcapi_lists.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_lists.php
+     *
+     * @param array $filters a hash of filters to apply to this query - all are optional:
+            string list_id optional - return a single list using a known list_id. Accepts multiples separated by commas when not using exact matching
+            string list_name optional - only lists that match this name
+            string from_name optional - only lists that have a default from name matching this
+            string from_email optional - only lists that have a default from email matching this
+            string from_subject optional - only lists that have a default from email matching this
+            string created_before optional - only show lists that were created before this date/time  - 24 hour format in <strong>GMT</strong>, eg "2013-12-30 20:30:00"
+            string created_after optional - only show lists that were created since this date/time  - 24 hour format in <strong>GMT</strong>, eg "2013-12-30 20:30:00"
+            boolean exact optional - flag for whether to filter on exact values when filtering, or search within content for filter values - defaults to true
+     * @param int $start optional - control paging of lists, start results at this list #, defaults to 1st page of data  (page 0)
+     * @param int $limit optional - control paging of lists, number of lists to return with each call, defaults to 25 (max=100)
+     * @param string sort_field optional - "created" (the created date, default) or "web" (the display order in the web app). Invalid values will fall back on "created" - case insensitive.
+     * @param string sort_dir optional - "DESC" for descending (default), "ASC" for Ascending.  Invalid values will fall back on "created" - case insensitive. Note: to get the exact display order as the web app you'd use "web" and "ASC"
+     * @return array an array with keys listed in Returned Fields below
+                    int total the total number of lists which matched the provided filters
+                    array data the lists which matched the provided filters, including the following for 
+                         string id The list id for this list. This will be used for all other list management functions.
+                         int web_id The list id used in our web app, allows you to create a link directly to it
+                         string name The name of the list.
+                         string date_created The date that this list was created.
+                         boolean email_type_option Whether or not the List supports multiple formats for emails or just HTML
+                         boolean use_awesomebar Whether or not campaigns for this list use the Awesome Bar in archives by default
+                         string default_from_name Default From Name for campaigns using this list
+                         string default_from_email Default From Email for campaigns using this list
+                         string default_subject Default Subject Line for campaigns using this list
+                         string default_language Default Language for this list's forms
+                         double list_rating An auto-generated activity score for the list (0 - 5)
+                         string subscribe_url_short Our eepurl shortened version of this list's subscribe form (will not change)
+                         string subscribe_url_long The full version of this list's subscribe form (host will vary)
+                         string beamer_address The email address to use for this list's <a href="">Email Beamer</a>
+                         string visibility Whether this list is Public (pub) or Private (prv). Used internally for projects like <a href="" target="_blank">Wavelength</a>
+                         array stats various stats and counts for the list - many of these are cached for at least 5 minutes
+                             double member_count The number of active members in the given list.
+                             double unsubscribe_count The number of members who have unsubscribed from the given list.
+                             double cleaned_count The number of members cleaned from the given list.
+                             double member_count_since_send The number of active members in the given list since the last campaign was sent
+                             double unsubscribe_count_since_send The number of members who have unsubscribed from the given list since the last campaign was sent
+                             double cleaned_count_since_send The number of members cleaned from the given list since the last campaign was sent
+                             double campaign_count The number of campaigns in any status that use this list
+                             double grouping_count The number of Interest Groupings for this list
+                             double group_count The number of Interest Groups (regardless of grouping) for this list
+                             double merge_var_count The number of merge vars for this list (not including the required EMAIL one) 
+                             double avg_sub_rate the average number of subscribe per month for the list (empty value if we haven't calculated this yet)
+                             double avg_unsub_rate the average number of unsubscribe per month for the list (empty value if we haven't calculated this yet)
+                             double target_sub_rate the target subscription rate for the list to keep it growing (empty value if we haven't calculated this yet)
+                             double open_rate the average open rate per campaign for the list  (empty value if we haven't calculated this yet)
+                             double click_rate the average click rate per campaign for the list  (empty value if we haven't calculated this yet)
+                         array modules Any list specific modules installed for this list (example is SocialPro)
+     */
+    function lists($filters=array (
+), $start=0, $limit=25, $sort_field='created', $sort_dir='DESC') {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["filters"] = $filters;
+        $params["start"] = $start;
+        $params["limit"] = $limit;
+        $params["sort_field"] = $sort_field;
+        $params["sort_dir"] = $sort_dir;
+        return $this->callServer("lists", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the list of merge tags for a given list, including their name, tag, and required setting
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * @example xml-rpc_listMergeVars.php
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @return array list of merge tags for the list
+                string name Name of the merge field
+                bool req Denotes whether the field is required (true) or not (false)
+                string field_type The "data type" of this merge var. One of: email, text, number, radio, dropdown, date, address, phone, url, imageurl
+                bool public Whether or not this field is visible to list subscribers
+                bool show Whether the list owner has this field displayed on their list dashboard
+                string order The order the list owner has set this field to display in
+                string default The default value the list owner has set for this field
+                string size The width of the field to be used
+                string tag The merge tag that's used for forms and listSubscribe() and listUpdateMember()
+                array choices For radio and dropdown field types, an array of the options available
+                int id an unchanging id for the merge var
+     */
+    function listMergeVars($id) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        return $this->callServer("listMergeVars", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add a new merge tag to a given list
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * @example xml-rpc_listMergeVarAdd.php
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param string $tag The merge tag to add, e.g. FNAME. 10 bytes max, valid characters: "A-Z 0-9 _" no spaces, dashes, etc.
+     * @param string $name The long description of the tag being added, used for user displays
+     * @param array $options optional Various options for this merge var. <em>note:</em> for historical purposes this can also take a "boolean"
+                    string field_type optional one of: text, number, radio, dropdown, date, address, phone, url, imageurl, zip, birthday - defaults to text
+                    boolean req optional indicates whether the field is required - defaults to false
+                    boolean public optional indicates whether the field is displayed in public - defaults to true
+                    boolean show optional indicates whether the field is displayed in the app's list member view - defaults to true
+                    int order The order this merge tag should be displayed in - this will cause existing values to be reset so this fits
+                    string default_value optional the default value for the field. See listSubscribe() for formatting info. Defaults to blank
+                    array choices optional kind of - an array of strings to use as the choices for radio and dropdown type fields
+                    string dateformat optional only valid for birthday and date fields. For birthday type, must be "MM/DD" (default) or "DD/MM". For date type, must be "MM/DD/YYYY" (default) or "DD/MM/YYYY". Any other values will be converted to the default.
+                    string phoneformat optional "US" is the default - any other value will cause them to be unformatted (international)
+                    string defaultcountry optional the <a href="" target="_blank">ISO 3166 2 digit character code</a> for the default country. Defaults to "US". Anything unrecognized will be converted to the default.
+     * @return bool true if the request succeeds, otherwise an error will be thrown
+     */
+    function listMergeVarAdd($id, $tag, $name, $options=array (
+)) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["tag"] = $tag;
+        $params["name"] = $name;
+        $params["options"] = $options;
+        return $this->callServer("listMergeVarAdd", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Update most parameters for a merge tag on a given list. You cannot currently change the merge type
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param string $tag The merge tag to update
+     * @param array $options The options to change for a merge var. See listMergeVarAdd() for valid options. "tag" and "name" may also be used here.
+     * @return bool true if the request succeeds, otherwise an error will be thrown
+     */
+    function listMergeVarUpdate($id, $tag, $options) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["tag"] = $tag;
+        $params["options"] = $options;
+        return $this->callServer("listMergeVarUpdate", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Delete a merge tag from a given list and all its members. Seriously - the data is removed from all members as well! 
+     * Note that on large lists this method may seem a bit slower than calls you typically make.
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * @example xml-rpc_listMergeVarDel.php
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param string $tag The merge tag to delete
+     * @return bool true if the request succeeds, otherwise an error will be thrown
+     */
+    function listMergeVarDel($id, $tag) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["tag"] = $tag;
+        return $this->callServer("listMergeVarDel", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Completely resets all data stored in a merge var on a list. All data is removed and this action can not be undone.
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param string $tag The merge tag to reset
+     * @return bool true if the request succeeds, otherwise an error will be thrown
+     */
+    function listMergeVarReset($id, $tag) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["tag"] = $tag;
+        return $this->callServer("listMergeVarReset", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the list of interest groupings for a given list, including the label, form information, and included groups for each
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * @example xml-rpc_listInterestGroupings.php
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @return struct list of interest groups for the list
+                int id The id for the Grouping
+                string name Name for the Interest groups
+                string form_field Gives the type of interest group: checkbox,radio,select
+                array groups Array of the grouping options including:
+                    string bit the bit value - not really anything to be done with this
+                    string name the name of the group
+                    string display_order the display order of the group, if set
+                    int subscribers total number of subscribers who have this group
+     */
+    function listInterestGroupings($id) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        return $this->callServer("listInterestGroupings", $params);
+    }
+    /** Add a single Interest Group - if interest groups for the List are not yet enabled, adding the first
+     *  group will automatically turn them on.
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * @example xml-rpc_listInterestGroupAdd.php
+     * 
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param string $group_name the interest group to add - group names must be unique within a grouping
+     * @param int $grouping_id optional The grouping to add the new group to - get using listInterestGrouping() . If not supplied, the first grouping on the list is used.
+     * @return bool true if the request succeeds, otherwise an error will be thrown
+     */
+    function listInterestGroupAdd($id, $group_name, $grouping_id=NULL) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["group_name"] = $group_name;
+        $params["grouping_id"] = $grouping_id;
+        return $this->callServer("listInterestGroupAdd", $params);
+    }
+    /** Delete a single Interest Group - if the last group for a list is deleted, this will also turn groups for the list off.
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * @example xml-rpc_listInterestGroupDel.php
+     * 
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param string $group_name the interest group to delete
+     * @param int $grouping_id The grouping to delete the group from - get using listInterestGrouping() . If not supplied, the first grouping on the list is used.
+     * @return bool true if the request succeeds, otherwise an error will be thrown
+     */
+    function listInterestGroupDel($id, $group_name, $grouping_id=NULL) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["group_name"] = $group_name;
+        $params["grouping_id"] = $grouping_id;
+        return $this->callServer("listInterestGroupDel", $params);
+    }
+    /** Change the name of an Interest Group
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * 
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param string $old_name the interest group name to be changed
+     * @param string $new_name the new interest group name to be set
+     * @param int $grouping_id optional The grouping to delete the group from - get using listInterestGrouping() . If not supplied, the first grouping on the list is used.
+     * @return bool true if the request succeeds, otherwise an error will be thrown
+     */
+    function listInterestGroupUpdate($id, $old_name, $new_name, $grouping_id=NULL) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["old_name"] = $old_name;
+        $params["new_name"] = $new_name;
+        $params["grouping_id"] = $grouping_id;
+        return $this->callServer("listInterestGroupUpdate", $params);
+    }
+    /** Add a new Interest Grouping - if interest groups for the List are not yet enabled, adding the first
+     *  grouping will automatically turn them on.
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * @example xml-rpc_listInterestGroupingAdd.php
+     * 
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param string $name the interest grouping to add - grouping names must be unique
+     * @param string $type The type of the grouping to add - one of "checkboxes", "hidden", "dropdown", "radio"
+     * @param array $groups The lists of initial group names to be added - at least 1 is required and the names must be unique within a grouping. If the number takes you over the 60 group limit, an error will be thrown.
+     * @return int the new grouping id if the request succeeds, otherwise an error will be thrown
+     */
+    function listInterestGroupingAdd($id, $name, $type, $groups) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["name"] = $name;
+        $params["type"] = $type;
+        $params["groups"] = $groups;
+        return $this->callServer("listInterestGroupingAdd", $params);
+    }
+    /** Update an existing Interest Grouping
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * @example xml-rpc_listInterestGroupingUpdate.php
+     * 
+     * @param int $grouping_id the interest grouping id - get from listInterestGroupings()
+     * @param string $name The name of the field to update - either "name" or "type". Groups with in the grouping should be manipulated using the standard listInterestGroup* methods
+     * @param string $value The new value of the field. Grouping names must be unique - only "hidden" and "checkboxes" grouping types can be converted between each other. 
+     * @return bool true if the request succeeds, otherwise an error will be thrown
+     */
+    function listInterestGroupingUpdate($grouping_id, $name, $value) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["grouping_id"] = $grouping_id;
+        $params["name"] = $name;
+        $params["value"] = $value;
+        return $this->callServer("listInterestGroupingUpdate", $params);
+    }
+    /** Delete an existing Interest Grouping - this will permanently delete all contained interest groups and will remove those selections from all list members
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * @example xml-rpc_listInterestGroupingDel.php
+     * 
+     * @param int $grouping_id the interest grouping id - get from listInterestGroupings()
+     * @return bool true if the request succeeds, otherwise an error will be thrown
+     */
+    function listInterestGroupingDel($grouping_id) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["grouping_id"] = $grouping_id;
+        return $this->callServer("listInterestGroupingDel", $params);
+    }
+    /** Return the Webhooks configured for the given list
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * 
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @return array list of webhooks
+                string url the URL for this Webhook
+                array actions the possible actions and whether they are enabled
+                    bool subscribe triggered when subscribes happen
+                    bool unsubscribe triggered when unsubscribes happen
+                    bool profile triggered when profile updates happen
+                    bool cleaned triggered when a subscriber is cleaned (bounced) from a list
+                    bool upemail triggered when a subscriber's email address is changed
+                    bool campaign triggered when a campaign is sent or canceled
+                array sources the possible sources and whether they are enabled
+                    bool user whether user/subscriber triggered actions are returned
+                    bool admin whether admin (manual, in-app) triggered actions are returned
+                    bool api  whether api triggered actions are returned
+     */
+    function listWebhooks($id) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        return $this->callServer("listWebhooks", $params);
+    }
+    /** Add a new Webhook URL for the given list
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * 
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param string $url a valid URL for the Webhook - it will be validated. note that a url may only exist on a list once.
+     * @param array $actions optional a hash of actions to fire this Webhook for
+            bool subscribe optional as subscribes occur, defaults to true
+            bool unsubscribe optional as subscribes occur, defaults to true
+            bool profile optional as profile updates occur, defaults to true
+            bool cleaned optional as emails are cleaned from the list, defaults to true
+            bool upemail optional when  subscribers change their email address, defaults to true
+            bool campaign option when a campaign is sent or canceled, defaults to true
+     * @param array $sources optional a hash of sources to fire this Webhook for
+            bool user optional user/subscriber initiated actions, defaults to true
+            bool admin optional admin actions in our web app, defaults to true
+            bool api optional actions that happen via API calls, defaults to false
+     * @return bool true if the call succeeds, otherwise an exception will be thrown
+     */
+    function listWebhookAdd($id, $url, $actions=array (
+), $sources=array (
+)) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["url"] = $url;
+        $params["actions"] = $actions;
+        $params["sources"] = $sources;
+        return $this->callServer("listWebhookAdd", $params);
+    }
+    /** Delete an existing Webhook URL from a given list
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * 
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param string $url the URL of a Webhook on this list
+     * @return boolean true if the call succeeds, otherwise an exception will be thrown
+     */
+    function listWebhookDel($id, $url) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["url"] = $url;
+        return $this->callServer("listWebhookDel", $params);
+    }
+    /** Retrieve all of the Static Segments for a list.
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * 
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @return array an array of parameters for each static segment
+                int id the id of the segment
+                string name the name for the segment
+                int member_count the total number of subscribed members currently in a segment
+                string created_date the date/time the segment was created
+                string last_update the date/time the segment was last updated (add or del)
+                string last_reset the date/time the segment was last reset (ie had all members cleared from it)
+     */
+    function listStaticSegments($id) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        return $this->callServer("listStaticSegments", $params);
+    }
+    /** Save a segment against a list for later use. There is no limit to the number of segments which can be saved. Static Segments <strong>are not</strong> tied
+     *  to any merge data, interest groups, etc. They essentially allow you to configure an unlimited number of custom segments which will have standard performance. 
+     *  When using proper segments, Static Segments are one of the available options for segmentation just as if you used a merge var (and they can be used with other segmentation
+     *  options), though performance may degrade at that point.
+     * 
+     * @section List Related
+     * 
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param string $name a unique name per list for the segment - 50 byte maximum length, anything longer will throw an error
+     * @return int the id of the new segment, otherwise an error will be thrown.
+     */
+    function listStaticSegmentAdd($id, $name) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["name"] = $name;
+        return $this->callServer("listStaticSegmentAdd", $params);
+    }
+    /** Resets a static segment - removes <strong>all</strong> members from the static segment. Note: does not actually affect list member data
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * 
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param int $seg_id the id of the static segment to reset  - get from listStaticSegments()
+     * @return bool true if it worked, otherwise an error is thrown.
+     */
+    function listStaticSegmentReset($id, $seg_id) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["seg_id"] = $seg_id;
+        return $this->callServer("listStaticSegmentReset", $params);
+    }
+    /** Delete a static segment. Note that this will, of course, remove any member affiliations with the segment
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * 
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param int $seg_id the id of the static segment to delete - get from listStaticSegments()
+     * @return bool true if it worked, otherwise an error is thrown.
+     */
+    function listStaticSegmentDel($id, $seg_id) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["seg_id"] = $seg_id;
+        return $this->callServer("listStaticSegmentDel", $params);
+    }
+    /** Add list members to a static segment. It is suggested that you limit batch size to no more than 10,000 addresses per call. Email addresses must exist on the list
+     *  in order to be included - this <strong>will not</strong> subscribe them to the list!
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * 
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param int $seg_id the id of the static segment to modify - get from listStaticSegments()
+     * @param array $batch an array of email addresses and/or unique_ids to add to the segment
+     * @return array an array with the results of the operation
+                int success the total number of successful updates (will include members already in the segment)
+                array errors error data including:
+                    string email address the email address in question
+                    string code the error code
+                    string msg  the full error message
+     */
+    function listStaticSegmentMembersAdd($id, $seg_id, $batch) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["seg_id"] = $seg_id;
+        $params["batch"] = $batch;
+        return $this->callServer("listStaticSegmentMembersAdd", $params);
+    }
+    /** Remove list members from a static segment. It is suggested that you limit batch size to no more than 10,000 addresses per call. Email addresses must exist on the list
+     *  in order to be removed - this <strong>will not</strong> unsubscribe them from the list!
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * 
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param int $seg_id the id of the static segment to delete - get from listStaticSegments()
+     * @param array $batch an array of email addresses and/or unique_ids to remove from the segment
+     * @return array an array with the results of the operation
+                int success the total number of succesful removals
+                array errors error data including:
+                    string email address the email address in question
+                    string code the error code
+                    string msg  the full error message
+     */
+    function listStaticSegmentMembersDel($id, $seg_id, $batch) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["seg_id"] = $seg_id;
+        $params["batch"] = $batch;
+        return $this->callServer("listStaticSegmentMembersDel", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Subscribe the provided email to a list. By default this sends a confirmation email - you will not see new members until the link contained in it is clicked!
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     *
+     * @example mcapi_listSubscribe.php
+     * @example json_listSubscribe.php        
+     * @example xml-rpc_listSubscribe.php
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param string $email_address the email address to subscribe
+     * @param array $merge_vars optional merges for the email (FNAME, LNAME, etc.) (see examples below for handling "blank" arrays). Note that a merge field can only hold up to 255 bytes. Also, there are a few "special" keys:
+                        string EMAIL set this to change the email address. This is only respected on calls using update_existing or when passed to listUpdateMember()
+                        string NEW-EMAIL set this to change the email address. This is only respected on calls using update_existing or when passed to listUpdateMember(). Required to change via listBatchSubscribe() - EMAIL takes precedence on other calls, though either will work.
+                        array GROUPINGS Set Interest Groups by Grouping. Each element in this array should be an array containing the "groups" parameter which contains a comma delimited list of Interest Groups to add. Commas in Interest Group names should be escaped with a backslash. ie, "," =&gt; "\," and either an "id" or "name" parameter to specify the Grouping - get from listInterestGroupings()
+                        string OPTIN_IP Set the Opt-in IP field. <em>Abusing this may cause your account to be suspended.</em> We do validate this and it must not be a private IP address.
+                        string OPTIN_TIME Set the Opt-in Time field. <em>Abusing this may cause your account to be suspended.</em> We do validate this and it must be a valid date. Use  - 24 hour format in <strong>GMT</strong>, eg "2013-12-30 20:30:00" to be safe. Generally, though, anything strtotime() understands we'll understand - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
+                        array MC_LOCATION Set the member's geographic location. By default if this merge field exists, we'll update using the optin_ip if it exists. If the array contains LATITUDE and LONGITUDE keys, they will be used. NOTE - this will slow down each subscribe call a bit, especially for lat/lng pairs in sparsely populated areas. Currently our automated background processes can and will overwrite this based on opens and clicks.
+                        string MC_LANGUAGE Set the member's language preference. Supported codes are fully case-sensitive and can be found <a href="" target="_new">here</a>.
+                        array MC_NOTES Add, update, or delete notes associated with a member. The array must contain either a "note" key (the note to set) or an "id" key (the note id to modify). If the "id" key exists and is valid, an "update" key may be set to "append" (default), "prepend", "replace", or "delete" to handle how we should update existing notes. If a "note" key is passed and the "id" key is not passed or is not valid, a new note will be added. "delete", obviously, will only work with a valid "id" - passing that along with "note" and an invalid "id" is wrong and will be ignored. If this is not an array, it will silently be ignored.
+                        <strong>Handling Field Data Types</strong> - most fields you can just pass a string and all is well. For some, though, that is not the case...
+                        Field values should be formatted as follows:
+                        string address For the string version of an Address, the fields should be delimited by <strong>2</strong> spaces. Address 2 can be skipped. The Country should be a 2 character ISO-3166-1 code and will default to your default country if not set
+                        array address For the array version of an Address, the requirements for Address 2 and Country are the same as with the string version. Then simply pass us an array with the keys <strong>addr1</strong>, <strong>addr2</strong>, <strong>city</strong>, <strong>state</strong>, <strong>zip</strong>, <strong>country</strong> and appropriate values for each
+                        string birthday the month and day of birth, passed as MM/DD
+                        array birthday the month and day of birth, passed in an array using the keys <strong>month</strong> and <strong>day</strong>
+                        string date use YYYY-MM-DD to be safe. Generally, though, anything strtotime() understands we'll understand - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
+                        string dropdown can be a normal string - we <em>will</em> validate that the value is a valid option
+                        string image must be a valid, existing url. we <em>will</em> check its existence
+                        string multi_choice can be a normal string - we <em>will</em> validate that the value is a valid option
+                        double number pass in a valid number - anything else will turn in to zero (0). Note, this will be rounded to 2 decimal places
+                        string phone If your account has the US Phone numbers option set, this <em>must</em> be in the form of NPA-NXX-LINE (404-555-1212). If not, we assume an International number and will simply set the field with what ever number is passed in.
+                        string website This is a standard string, but we <em>will</em> verify that it looks like a valid URL
+                        string zip A U.S. zip code. We'll validate this is a 4 or 5 digit number.
+     * @param string $email_type optional email type preference for the email (html or text - defaults to html)
+     * @param bool $double_optin optional flag to control whether a double opt-in confirmation message is sent, defaults to true. <em>Abusing this may cause your account to be suspended.</em>
+     * @param bool $update_existing optional flag to control whether existing subscribers should be updated instead of throwing an error, defaults to false
+     * @param bool $replace_interests optional flag to determine whether we replace the interest groups with the groups provided or we add the provided groups to the member's interest groups (optional, defaults to true)
+     * @param bool $send_welcome optional if your double_optin is false and this is true, we will send your lists Welcome Email if this subscribe succeeds - this will *not* fire if we end up updating an existing subscriber. If double_optin is true, this has no effect. defaults to false.
+     * @return boolean true on success, false on failure. When using MCAPI.class.php, the value can be tested and error messages pulled from the MCAPI object (see below)
+     */
+    function listSubscribe($id, $email_address, $merge_vars=NULL, $email_type='html', $double_optin=true, $update_existing=false, $replace_interests=true, $send_welcome=false) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["email_address"] = $email_address;
+        $params["merge_vars"] = $merge_vars;
+        $params["email_type"] = $email_type;
+        $params["double_optin"] = $double_optin;
+        $params["update_existing"] = $update_existing;
+        $params["replace_interests"] = $replace_interests;
+        $params["send_welcome"] = $send_welcome;
+        return $this->callServer("listSubscribe", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Unsubscribe the given email address from the list
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * @example mcapi_listUnsubscribe.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_listUnsubscribe.php
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param string $email_address the email address to unsubscribe  OR the email "id" returned from listMemberInfo, Webhooks, and Campaigns
+     * @param boolean $delete_member flag to completely delete the member from your list instead of just unsubscribing, default to false
+     * @param boolean $send_goodbye flag to send the goodbye email to the email address, defaults to true
+     * @param boolean $send_notify flag to send the unsubscribe notification email to the address defined in the list email notification settings, defaults to true
+     * @return boolean true on success, false on failure. When using MCAPI.class.php, the value can be tested and error messages pulled from the MCAPI object (see below)
+     */
+    function listUnsubscribe($id, $email_address, $delete_member=false, $send_goodbye=true, $send_notify=true) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["email_address"] = $email_address;
+        $params["delete_member"] = $delete_member;
+        $params["send_goodbye"] = $send_goodbye;
+        $params["send_notify"] = $send_notify;
+        return $this->callServer("listUnsubscribe", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Edit the email address, merge fields, and interest groups for a list member. If you are doing a batch update on lots of users, 
+     * consider using listBatchSubscribe() with the update_existing and possible replace_interests parameter.
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * @example mcapi_listUpdateMember.php
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param string $email_address the current email address of the member to update OR the "id" for the member returned from listMemberInfo, Webhooks, and Campaigns
+     * @param array $merge_vars array of new field values to update the member with.  See merge_vars in listSubscribe() for details.
+     * @param string $email_type change the email type preference for the member ("html" or "text").  Leave blank to keep the existing preference (optional)
+     * @param boolean $replace_interests flag to determine whether we replace the interest groups with the updated groups provided, or we add the provided groups to the member's interest groups (optional, defaults to true)
+     * @return boolean true on success, false on failure. When using MCAPI.class.php, the value can be tested and error messages pulled from the MCAPI object
+     */
+    function listUpdateMember($id, $email_address, $merge_vars, $email_type='', $replace_interests=true) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["email_address"] = $email_address;
+        $params["merge_vars"] = $merge_vars;
+        $params["email_type"] = $email_type;
+        $params["replace_interests"] = $replace_interests;
+        return $this->callServer("listUpdateMember", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Subscribe a batch of email addresses to a list at once. If you are using a serialized version of the API, we strongly suggest that you
+     * only run this method as a POST request, and <em>not</em> a GET request. Maximum batch sizes vary based on the amount of data in each record,
+     * though you should cap them at 5k - 10k records, depending on your experience. These calls are also long, so be sure you increase your timeout values.
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     *
+     * @example mcapi_listBatchSubscribe.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_listBatchSubscribe.php
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param array $batch an array of structs for each address to import with two special keys: "EMAIL" for the email address, and "EMAIL_TYPE" for the email type option (html or text). Aside from those, see listSubscribe() for other merge var options
+     * @param boolean $double_optin flag to control whether to send an opt-in confirmation email - defaults to true
+     * @param boolean $update_existing flag to control whether to update members that are already subscribed to the list or to return an error, defaults to false (return error)
+     * @param boolean $replace_interests flag to determine whether we replace the interest groups with the updated groups provided, or we add the provided groups to the member's interest groups (optional, defaults to true)
+     * @return array Array of result counts and any errors that occurred
+                int add_count Number of email addresses that were succesfully added
+                int update_count Number of email addresses that were succesfully updated
+                int error_count Number of email addresses that failed during addition/updating
+                array errors error data including:
+                    string email address the email address in question
+                    int code the error code
+                    string message the full error message
+     */
+    function listBatchSubscribe($id, $batch, $double_optin=true, $update_existing=false, $replace_interests=true) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["batch"] = $batch;
+        $params["double_optin"] = $double_optin;
+        $params["update_existing"] = $update_existing;
+        $params["replace_interests"] = $replace_interests;
+        return $this->callServer("listBatchSubscribe", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Unsubscribe a batch of email addresses to a list
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * @example mcapi_listBatchUnsubscribe.php
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param array $emails array of email addresses to unsubscribe
+     * @param boolean $delete_member flag to completely delete the member from your list instead of just unsubscribing, default to false
+     * @param boolean $send_goodbye flag to send the goodbye email to the email addresses, defaults to true
+     * @param boolean $send_notify flag to send the unsubscribe notification email to the address defined in the list email notification settings, defaults to false
+     * @return array Array of result counts and any errors that occurred
+                int success_count Number of email addresses that were succesfully added/updated
+                int error_count Number of email addresses that failed during addition/updating
+                array errors error data including:
+                    string email address the email address in question
+                    int code the error code
+                    string message  the full error message
+     */
+    function listBatchUnsubscribe($id, $emails, $delete_member=false, $send_goodbye=true, $send_notify=false) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["emails"] = $emails;
+        $params["delete_member"] = $delete_member;
+        $params["send_goodbye"] = $send_goodbye;
+        $params["send_notify"] = $send_notify;
+        return $this->callServer("listBatchUnsubscribe", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get all of the list members for a list that are of a particular status. Are you trying to get a dump including lots of merge
+     * data or specific members of a list? If so, checkout the <a href="/export">Export API</a>
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * @example mcapi_listMembers.php
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param string $status the status to get members for - one of(subscribed, unsubscribed, <a target="_blank" href="">cleaned</a>, updated), defaults to subscribed
+     * @param string $since optional pull all members whose status (subscribed/unsubscribed/cleaned) has changed or whose profile (updated) has changed since this date/time - 24 hour format in <strong>GMT</strong>, eg "2013-12-30 20:30:00"
+     * @param int $start optional for large data sets, the page number to start at - defaults to 1st page of data (page 0)
+     * @param int $limit optional for large data sets, the number of results to return - defaults to 100, upper limit set at 15000
+     * @param string $sort_dir optional ASC for ascending, DESC for descending. defaults to ASC even if an invalid value is encountered.
+     * @return array Array of a the total records match and matching list member data for this page (see Returned Fields for details)
+                int total the total matching records
+                array data the data for each member, including:
+                    string email Member email address
+                    date timestamp timestamp of their associated status date (subscribed, unsubscribed, cleaned, or updated) in GMT
+                    string reason For unsubscribes only - the reason collected for the unsubscribe. If populated, one of 'NORMAL','NOSIGNUP','INAPPROPRIATE','SPAM','OTHER'
+                    string reason_text For unsubscribes only - if the reason is OTHER, the text entered.
+     */
+    function listMembers($id, $status='subscribed', $since=NULL, $start=0, $limit=100, $sort_dir='ASC') {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["status"] = $status;
+        $params["since"] = $since;
+        $params["start"] = $start;
+        $params["limit"] = $limit;
+        $params["sort_dir"] = $sort_dir;
+        return $this->callServer("listMembers", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get all the information for particular members of a list
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     * @example mcapi_listMemberInfo.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_listMemberInfo.php
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param array $email_address an array of up to 50 email addresses to get information for OR the "id"(s) for the member returned from listMembers, Webhooks, and Campaigns. For backwards compatibility, if a string is passed, it will be treated as an array with a single element (will not work with XML-RPC).
+     * @return array array of list members with their info in an array (see Returned Fields for details)
+                int success the number of subscribers successfully found on the list
+                int errors the number of subscribers who were not found on the list
+                array data an array of arrays where each one has member info:
+                    string id The unique id for this email address on an account
+                    string email The email address associated with this record
+                    string email_type The type of emails this customer asked to get: html or tex
+                    array merges An associative array of all the merge tags and the data for those tags for this email address. <em>Note</em>: Interest Groups are returned as comma delimited strings - if a group name contains a comma, it will be escaped with a backslash. ie, "," =&gt; "\,". Groupings will be returned with their "id" and "name" as well as a "groups" field formatted just like Interest Groups
+                    string status The subscription status for this email address, either pending, subscribed, unsubscribed, or cleaned
+                    string ip_signup IP Address this address signed up from. This may be blank if single optin is used.
+                    string timestamp_signup The date/time the double optin was initiated. This may be blank if single optin is used.
+                    string ip_opt IP Address this address opted in from.
+                    string timestamp_opt The date/time the optin completed
+                    int member_rating the rating of the subscriber. This will be 1 - 5 as described <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>
+                    string campaign_id If the user is unsubscribed and they unsubscribed from a specific campaign, that campaign_id will be listed, otherwise this is not returned.
+                    array lists An associative array of the other lists this member belongs to - the key is the list id and the value is their status in that list.
+                    string timestamp The date/time this email address entered it's current status
+                    string info_changed The last time this record was changed. If the record is old enough, this may be blank.
+                    int web_id The Member id used in our web app, allows you to create a link directly to it
+                    string list_id The list id the for the member record being returned
+                    string language if set/detected, a language code from <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>
+                    bool is_gmonkey Whether the member is a <a href="" target="_blank">Golden Monkey</a> or not.
+                    array geo the geographic information if we have it. including:
+                        string latitude the latitude
+                        string longitude the longitude
+                        string gmtoff GMT offset
+                        string dstoff GMT offset during daylight savings (if DST not observered, will be same as gmtoff
+                        string timezone the timezone we've place them in
+                        string cc 2 digit ISO-3166 country code
+                        string region generally state, province, or similar
+                    array clients the client we've tracked the address as using with two keys:
+                        string name the common name of the client
+                        string icon_url a url representing a path to an icon representing this client
+                    array static_segments static segments the member is a part of including:
+                        int id the segment id
+                        string name the name given to the segment
+                        string added the date the member was added
+                    array notes notes entered for this member. For each note:
+                        int id the note id
+                        string note the text entered
+                        string created the date the note was created
+                        string updated the date the note was last updated
+                        string created_by_name the name of the user who created the note. This can change as users update their profile.
+     */
+    function listMemberInfo($id, $email_address) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["email_address"] = $email_address;
+        return $this->callServer("listMemberInfo", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the most recent 100 activities for particular list members (open, click, bounce, unsub, abuse, sent to)
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param array $email_address an array of up to 50 email addresses to get information for OR the "id"(s) for the member returned from listMembers, Webhooks, and Campaigns. 
+     * @return array array of data and success/error counts
+                int success the number of subscribers successfully found on the list
+                int errors the number of subscribers who were not found on the list
+                array data an array of arrays where each activity record has:
+                    string action The action name, one of: open, click, bounce, unsub, abuse, sent, queued, ecomm, mandrill_send, mandrill_hard_bounce, mandrill_soft_bounce, mandrill_open, mandrill_click, mandrill_spam, mandrill_unsub, mandrill_reject
+                    string timestamp The date/time of the action
+                    string url For click actions, the url clicked, otherwise this is empty
+                    string type If there's extra bounce, unsub, etc data it will show up here.
+                    string bounce_type For backwards compat, this will exist and be the same data as "type"
+                    string campaign_id The campaign id the action was related to, if it exists - otherwise empty (ie, direct unsub from list)
+     */
+    function listMemberActivity($id, $email_address) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["email_address"] = $email_address;
+        return $this->callServer("listMemberActivity", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get all email addresses that complained about a given campaign
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     *
+     * @example mcapi_listAbuseReports.php
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to pull abuse reports for (can be gathered using lists())
+     * @param int $start optional for large data sets, the page number to start at - defaults to 1st page of data  (page 0)
+     * @param int $limit optional for large data sets, the number of results to return - defaults to 500, upper limit set at 1000
+     * @param string $since optional pull only messages since this time - 24 hour format in <strong>GMT</strong>, eg "2013-12-30 20:30:00"
+     * @return array the total of all reports and the specific reports reports this page
+                int total the total number of matching abuse reports
+                array data the actual data for each reports, including:
+                    string date date/time the abuse report was received and processed
+                    string email the email address that reported abuse
+                    string campaign_id the unique id for the campaign that report was made against
+                    string type an internal type generally specifying the orginating mail provider - may not be useful outside of filling report views
+     */
+    function listAbuseReports($id, $start=0, $limit=500, $since=NULL) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["start"] = $start;
+        $params["limit"] = $limit;
+        $params["since"] = $since;
+        return $this->callServer("listAbuseReports", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Access the Growth History by Month for a given list.
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     *
+     * @example mcapi_listGrowthHistory.php
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @return array array of months and growth 
+                string month The Year and Month in question using YYYY-MM format
+                int existing number of existing subscribers to start the month
+                int imports number of subscribers imported during the month
+                int optins number of subscribers who opted-in during the month
+     */
+    function listGrowthHistory($id) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        return $this->callServer("listGrowthHistory", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Access up to the previous 180 days of daily detailed aggregated activity stats for a given list
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     *
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @return array array of array of daily values, each containing:
+                string day The day in YYYY-MM-DD
+                int emails_sent number of emails sent to the list
+                int unique_opens number of unique opens for the list
+                int recipient_clicks number of clicks for the list
+                int hard_bounce number of hard bounces for the list
+                int soft_bounce number of soft bounces for the list
+                int abuse_reports number of abuse reports for the list
+                int subs number of double optin subscribes for the list
+                int unsubs number of manual unsubscribes for the list
+                int other_adds number of non-double optin subscribes for the list (manual, API, or import)
+                int other_removes number of non-manual unsubscribes for the list (deletions, empties, soft-bounce removals)
+     */
+    function listActivity($id) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        return $this->callServer("listActivity", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the locations (countries) that the list's subscribers have been tagged to based on geocoding their IP address
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @return array array of locations
+                string country the country name
+                string cc the 2 digit country code
+                double percent the percent of subscribers in the country
+                double total the total number of subscribers in the country
+     */
+    function listLocations($id) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        return $this->callServer("listLocations", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the clients that the list's subscribers have been tagged as being used based on user agents seen. Made possible by <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
+     *
+     * @section List Related
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @return array the desktop and mobile user agents in use on the list
+                array desktop desktop user agents and percentages
+                    double penetration the percent of desktop clients in use
+                    array clients a record for each containing:
+                        string client the common name for the client
+                        string icon a url to an image representing this client
+                        string percent percent of list using the client
+                        string members total members using the client
+                array mobile mobile user agents and percentages
+                    double penetration the percent of mobile clients in use
+                    array clients a record for each containing:
+                        string client the common name for the client
+                        string icon a url to an image representing this client
+                        string percent percent of list using the client
+                        string members total members using the client
+     */
+    function listClients($id) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        return $this->callServer("listClients", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve various templates available in the system, allowing some thing similar to our template gallery to be created.
+     *
+     * @section Template  Related
+     * @example mcapi_templates.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_templates.php
+     *
+     * @param array $types optional the types of templates to return
+                        boolean user    Custom templates for this user account. Defaults to true.
+                        boolean gallery Templates from our Gallery. Note that some templates that require extra configuration are withheld. (eg, the Etsy template). Defaults to false.
+                        boolean base    Our "start from scratch" extremely basic templates. Defaults to false.
+     * @param string $category optional for Gallery templates only, limit to a specific template category
+     * @param array $inactives optional options to control how inactive templates are returned, if at all
+                        boolean include user templates are not deleted, only set inactive. defaults to false.
+                        boolean only    only include inactive templates. defaults to false.
+     * @return array An array of arrays, one for each template
+                int id Id of the template
+                string name Name of the template
+                string layout Layout of the template - "basic", "left_column", "right_column", or "postcard"
+                string preview_image If we've generated it, the url of the preview image for the template. We do out best to keep these up to date, but Preview image urls are not guaranteed to be available
+                string date_created The date/time the template was created
+                boolean edit_source Whether or not you are able to edit the source of a template.
+     */
+    function templates($types=array (
+), $category=NULL, $inactives=array (
+)) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["types"] = $types;
+        $params["category"] = $category;
+        $params["inactives"] = $inactives;
+        return $this->callServer("templates", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Pull details for a specific template to help support editing
+     *
+     * @section Template  Related
+     *
+     * @param int $tid the template id - get from templates()
+     * @param string $type optional the template type to load - one of 'user', 'gallery', 'base', defaults to user.
+     * @return array an array of info to be used when editing
+                array default_content the default content broken down into the named editable sections for the template - dependant upon template, so not documented
+                array sections the valid editable section names - dependant upon template, so not documented
+                string source the full source of the template as if you exported it via our template editor
+                string preview similar to the source, but the rendered version of the source from our popup preview
+     */
+    function templateInfo($tid, $type='user') {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["tid"] = $tid;
+        $params["type"] = $type;
+        return $this->callServer("templateInfo", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Create a new user template, <strong>NOT</strong> campaign content. These templates can then be applied while creating campaigns.
+     *
+     * @section Template  Related
+     * @example mcapi_create_template.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_create_template.php
+     *
+     * @param string $name the name for the template - names must be unique and a max of 50 bytes
+     * @param string $html a string specifying the entire template to be created. This is <strong>NOT</strong> campaign content. They are intended to utilize our <a href="" target="_blank">template language</a>.
+     * @return int the new template id, otherwise an error is thrown.
+     */
+    function templateAdd($name, $html) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["name"] = $name;
+        $params["html"] = $html;
+        return $this->callServer("templateAdd", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Replace the content of a user template, <strong>NOT</strong> campaign content.
+     *
+     * @section Template  Related
+     *
+     * @param int $id the id of the user template to update
+     * @param array  $values the values to updates - while both are optional, at least one should be provided. Both can be updated at the same time.
+            string name optional the name for the template - names must be unique and a max of 50 bytes
+            string html optional a string specifying the entire template to be created. This is <strong>NOT</strong> campaign content. They are intended to utilize our <a href="" target="_blank">template language</a>.
+     * @return boolean true if the template was updated, otherwise an error will be thrown
+     */
+    function templateUpdate($id, $values) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["values"] = $values;
+        return $this->callServer("templateUpdate", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Delete (deactivate) a user template
+     *
+     * @section Template  Related
+     *
+     * @param int $id the id of the user template to delete
+     * @return boolean true if the template was deleted, otherwise an error will be thrown
+     */
+    function templateDel($id) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        return $this->callServer("templateDel", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Undelete (reactivate) a user template
+     *
+     * @section Template  Related
+     *
+     * @param int $id the id of the user template to reactivate
+     * @return boolean true if the template was deleted, otherwise an error will be thrown
+     */
+    function templateUndel($id) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        return $this->callServer("templateUndel", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve lots of account information including payments made, plan info, some account stats, installed modules,
+     * contact info, and more. No private information like Credit Card numbers is available.
+     * 
+     * @section Helper
+     *
+     * @param array $exclude optional defaults to nothing for backwards compatibility. Allows controlling which extra arrays are returned since they can slow down calls. Valid keys are "modules", "orders", "rewards-credits", "rewards-inspections", "rewards-referrals", and "rewards-applied". Hint: "rewards-referrals" is typically the culprit. To avoid confusion, if data is excluded, the corresponding key <strong>will not be returned at all</strong>.   
+     * @return array containing the details for the account tied to this API Key
+                string username The Account username
+                string user_id The Account user unique id (for building some links)
+                bool is_trial Whether the Account is in Trial mode (can only send campaigns to less than 100 emails)
+                bool is_approved Whether the Account has been approved for purchases
+                bool has_activated Whether the Account has been activated
+                string timezone The timezone for the Account - default is "US/Eastern"
+                string plan_type Plan Type - "monthly", "payasyougo", or "free"
+                int plan_low <em>only for Monthly plans</em> - the lower tier for list size
+                int plan_high <em>only for Monthly plans</em> - the upper tier for list size
+                string plan_start_date <em>only for Monthly plans</em> - the start date for a monthly plan
+                int emails_left <em>only for Free and Pay-as-you-go plans</em> emails credits left for the account
+                bool pending_monthly Whether the account is finishing Pay As You Go credits before switching to a Monthly plan
+                string first_payment date of first payment
+                string last_payment date of most recent payment
+                int times_logged_in total number of times the account has been logged into via the web
+                string last_login date/time of last login via the web
+                string affiliate_link Monkey Rewards link for our Affiliate program
+                array contact Contact details for the account
+                    string fname First Name
+                    string lname Last Name
+                    string email Email Address
+                    string company Company Name
+                    string address1 Address Line 1
+                    string address2 Address Line 2
+                    string city City
+                    string state State or Province
+                    string zip Zip or Postal Code
+                    string country Country name
+                    string url Website URL
+                    string phone Phone number
+                    string fax Fax number
+                array modules Addons installed in the account
+                    string id An internal module id
+                    string name The module name
+                    string added The date the module was added
+                    array data Any extra data associated with this module as key=>value pairs
+                array orders Order details for the account
+                    int order_id The order id
+                    string type The order type - either "monthly" or "credits"
+                    double amount The order amount
+                    string date The order date
+                    double credits_used The total credits used
+                array rewards Rewards details for the account including credits & inspections earned, number of referals, referal details, and rewards used
+                    int referrals_this_month the total number of referrals this month
+                    string notify_on whether or not we notify the user when rewards are earned
+                    string notify_email the email address address used for rewards notifications
+                    array credits Email credits earned:
+                        int this_month credits earned this month
+                        int total_earned credits earned all time
+                        int remaining credits remaining
+                    array inspections Inbox Inspections earned:
+                        int this_month credits earned this month
+                        int total_earned credits earned all time
+                        int remaining credits remaining
+                    array referrals All referrals, including:
+                        string name the name of the account
+                        string email the email address associated with the account
+                        string signup_date the signup date for the account
+                        string type the source for the referral
+                    array applied Applied rewards, including:
+                        int value the number of credits user
+                        string date the date appplied
+                        int order_id the order number credits were applied to
+                        string order_desc the order description
+     */
+    function getAccountDetails($exclude=array (
+)) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["exclude"] = $exclude;
+        return $this->callServer("getAccountDetails", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve all domains verification records for an account
+     *
+     * @section Helper
+     *
+     * @return array records of domains verification has been attempted for
+                string domain the verified domain 
+                string status the status of the verification - either "verified" or "pending"
+                string email the email address used for verification
+     */
+    function getVerifiedDomains() {
+        $params = array();
+        return $this->callServer("getVerifiedDomains", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Have HTML content auto-converted to a text-only format. You can send: plain HTML, an array of Template content, an existing Campaign Id, or an existing Template Id. Note that this will <strong>not</strong> save anything to or update any of your lists, campaigns, or templates.
+     *
+     * @section Helper
+     * @example xml-rpc_generateText.php
+     *
+     * @param string $type The type of content to parse. Must be one of: "html", "template", "url", "cid" (Campaign Id), or "tid" (Template Id)
+     * @param mixed $content The content to use. For "html" expects  a single string value, "template" expects an array like you send to campaignCreate, "url" expects a valid & public URL to pull from, "cid" expects a valid Campaign Id, and "tid" expects a valid Template Id on your account.
+     * @return string the content pass in converted to text.
+     */
+    function generateText($type, $content) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["type"] = $type;
+        $params["content"] = $content;
+        return $this->callServer("generateText", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Send your HTML content to have the CSS inlined and optionally remove the original styles.
+     *
+     * @section Helper
+     * @example xml-rpc_inlineCss.php
+     *
+     * @param string $html Your HTML content
+     * @param bool $strip_css optional Whether you want the CSS &lt;style&gt; tags stripped from the returned document. Defaults to false.
+     * @return string Your HTML content with all CSS inlined, just like if we sent it.
+     */
+    function inlineCss($html, $strip_css=false) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["html"] = $html;
+        $params["strip_css"] = $strip_css;
+        return $this->callServer("inlineCss", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * List all the folders for a user account
+     *
+     * @section Folder  Related
+     * @example mcapi_folders.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_folders.php
+     *
+     * @param string $type optional the type of folders to return - either "campaign" or "autoresponder". Defaults to "campaign"
+     * @return array Array of folder structs (see Returned Fields for details)
+                int folder_id Folder Id for the given folder, this can be used in the campaigns() function to filter on.
+                string name Name of the given folder
+                string date_created The date/time the folder was created
+                string type The type of the folders being returned, just to make sure you know.
+     */
+    function folders($type='campaign') {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["type"] = $type;
+        return $this->callServer("folders", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add a new folder to file campaigns or autoresponders in
+     *
+     * @section Folder  Related
+     * @example mcapi_folderAdd.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_folderAdd.php
+     *
+     * @param string $name a unique name for a folder (max 100 bytes)
+     * @param string $type optional the type of folder to create - either "campaign" or "autoresponder". Defaults to "campaign"
+     * @return int the folder_id of the newly created folder.
+     */
+    function folderAdd($name, $type='campaign') {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["name"] = $name;
+        $params["type"] = $type;
+        return $this->callServer("folderAdd", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Update the name of a folder for campaigns or autoresponders
+     *
+     * @section Folder  Related
+     *
+     * @param int $fid the folder id to update - retrieve from folders()
+     * @param string $name a new, unique name for the folder (max 100 bytes)
+     * @param string $type optional the type of folder to create - either "campaign" or "autoresponder". Defaults to "campaign"
+     * @return bool true if the update worked, otherwise an exception is thrown
+     */
+    function folderUpdate($fid, $name, $type='campaign') {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["fid"] = $fid;
+        $params["name"] = $name;
+        $params["type"] = $type;
+        return $this->callServer("folderUpdate", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Delete a campaign or autoresponder folder. Note that this will simply make campaigns in the folder appear unfiled, they are not removed.
+     *
+     * @section Folder  Related
+     *
+     * @param int $fid the folder id to update - retrieve from folders()
+     * @param string $type optional the type of folder to create - either "campaign" or "autoresponder". Defaults to "campaign"
+     * @return bool true if the delete worked, otherwise an exception is thrown
+     */
+    function folderDel($fid, $type='campaign') {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["fid"] = $fid;
+        $params["type"] = $type;
+        return $this->callServer("folderDel", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the Ecommerce Orders for an account
+     * 
+     * @section Ecommerce
+     *
+     * @param int $start optional for large data sets, the page number to start at - defaults to 1st page of data  (page 0)
+     * @param int $limit optional for large data sets, the number of results to return - defaults to 100, upper limit set at 500
+     * @param string $since optional pull only messages since this time - 24 hour format in <strong>GMT</strong>, eg "2013-12-30 20:30:00"
+     * @return array the total matching orders and the specific orders for the requested page
+                int total the total matching orders
+                array data the actual data for each order being returned
+                    string store_id the store id generated by the plugin used to uniquely identify a store
+                    string store_name the store name collected by the plugin - often the domain name
+                    string order_id the internal order id the store tracked this order by
+                    string email  the email address that received this campaign and is associated with this order
+                    double order_total the order total
+                    double tax_total the total tax for the order (if collected)
+                    double ship_total the shipping total for the order (if collected)
+                    string order_date the date the order was tracked - from the store if possible, otherwise the GMT time we received it
+                    array lines containing the detail of line of the order:
+                        int line_num the line number
+                        int product_id the product id
+                        string product_name the product name
+                        string product_sku the sku for the product
+                        int product_category_id the category id for the product
+                        string product_category_name the category name for the product
+                        int qty the quantity ordered
+                        double cost the cost of the item                        
+     */
+    function ecommOrders($start=0, $limit=100, $since=NULL) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["start"] = $start;
+        $params["limit"] = $limit;
+        $params["since"] = $since;
+        return $this->callServer("ecommOrders", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Import Ecommerce Order Information to be used for Segmentation. This will generally be used by ecommerce package plugins 
+     * <a href="" target="_blank">provided by us or by 3rd part system developers</a>.
+     * @section Ecommerce
+     *
+     * @param array $order an array of information pertaining to the order that has completed. Use the following keys:
+                string id the Order Id
+                string email_id optional (kind of) the Email Id of the subscriber we should attach this order to (see the "mc_eid" query string variable a campaign passes) - either this or <strong>email</strong> is required. If both are provided, email_id takes precedence
+                string email optional (kind of) the Email Address we should attach this order to - either this or <strong>email_id</strong> is required. If both are provided, email_id takes precedence 
+                double total The Order Total (ie, the full amount the customer ends up paying)
+                string order_date optional the date of the order - if this is not provided, we will default the date to now
+                double shipping optional the total paid for Shipping Fees
+                double tax optional the total tax paid
+                string store_id a unique id for the store sending the order in (20 bytes max)
+                string store_name optional a "nice" name for the store - typically the base web address (ie, ""). We will automatically update this if it changes (based on store_id)
+                string campaign_id optional the Campaign Id to track this order with (see the "mc_cid" query string variable a campaign passes)
+                array items the individual line items for an order using these keys:
+                <div style="padding-left:30px"><table>
+                    int line_num optional the line number of the item on the order. We will generate these if they are not passed
+                    int product_id the store's internal Id for the product. Lines that do no contain this will be skipped 
+                    string sku optional the store's internal SKU for the product. (max 30 bytes)
+                    string product_name the product name for the product_id associated with this item. We will auto update these as they change (based on product_id)
+                    int category_id the store's internal Id for the (main) category associated with this product. Our testing has found this to be a "best guess" scenario
+                    string category_name the category name for the category_id this product is in. Our testing has found this to be a "best guess" scenario. Our plugins walk the category heirarchy up and send "Root - SubCat1 - SubCat4", etc.
+                    double qty optional the quantity of the item ordered - defaults to 1
+                    double cost optional the cost of a single item (ie, not the extended cost of the line) - defaults to 0
+                </table></div>
+     * @return bool true if the data is saved, otherwise an error is thrown.
+     */
+    function ecommOrderAdd($order) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["order"] = $order;
+        return $this->callServer("ecommOrderAdd", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Delete Ecommerce Order Information used for segmentation. This will generally be used by ecommerce package plugins 
+     * <a href="/plugins/ecomm360.phtml">that we provide</a> or by 3rd part system developers.
+     * @section Ecommerce
+     *
+     * @param string $store_id the store id the order belongs to
+     * @param string $order_id the order id (generated by the store) to delete
+     * @return bool true if an order is deleted, otherwise an error is thrown.
+     */
+    function ecommOrderDel($store_id, $order_id) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["store_id"] = $store_id;
+        $params["order_id"] = $order_id;
+        return $this->callServer("ecommOrderDel", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve all List Ids a member is subscribed to.
+     *
+     * @section Helper
+     * 
+     * @param string $email_address the email address to check OR the email "id" returned from listMemberInfo, Webhooks, and Campaigns
+     * @return array An array of list_ids the member is subscribed to.
+     */
+    function listsForEmail($email_address) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["email_address"] = $email_address;
+        return $this->callServer("listsForEmail", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve all Campaigns Ids a member was sent
+     *
+     * @section Helper
+     * 
+     * @param string $email_address the email address to unsubscribe  OR the email "id" returned from listMemberInfo, Webhooks, and Campaigns
+     * @param array $options optional extra options to modify the returned data.
+                string list_id optional A list_id to limit the campaigns to
+                bool   verbose optional Whether or not to return verbose data (beta - this will change the return format into something undocumented, but consistent). defaults to false
+     * @return array An array of campaign_ids the member received
+     */
+    function campaignsForEmail($email_address, $options=NULL) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["email_address"] = $email_address;
+        $params["options"] = $options;
+        return $this->callServer("campaignsForEmail", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the current Chimp Chatter messages for an account.
+     *
+     * @section Helper
+     * 
+     * @return array An array of chatter messages and properties
+                string message The chatter message
+                string type The type of the message - one of lists:new-subscriber, lists:unsubscribes, lists:profile-updates, campaigns:facebook-likes, campaigns:facebook-comments, campaigns:forward-to-friend, lists:imports, or campaigns:inbox-inspections
+                string url a url into the web app that the message could link to
+                string list_id the list_id a message relates to, if applicable
+                string campaign_id the list_id a message relates to, if applicable
+                string update_time The date/time the message was last updated
+     */
+    function chimpChatter() {
+        $params = array();
+        return $this->callServer("chimpChatter", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Search account wide or on a specific list using the specified query terms
+     *
+     * @section Helper
+     *
+     * @param string $query terms to search on, <a href="" target="_blank">just like you do in the app</a>
+     * @param string $id optional the list id to limit the search to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param int offset optional the paging offset to use if more than 100 records match  
+     * @return array An array of both exact matches and partial matches over a full search
+           array exact_matches
+               int total total members matching
+               array members each entry will match the data format for a single member as returned by listMemberInfo()
+           array full_search
+               int total total members matching
+               array members each entry will match the data format for a single member as returned by listMemberInfo()
+     */
+    function searchMembers($query, $id=NULL, $offset=0) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["query"] = $query;
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["offset"] = $offset;
+        return $this->callServer("searchMembers", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Search all campaigns for the specified query terms
+     *
+     * @section Helper
+     *
+     * @param string $query terms to search on
+     * @param int offset optional the paging offset to use if more than 100 records match
+     * @param string snip_start optional by default clear text is returned. To have the match highlighted with something (like a strong HTML tag), <strong>both</strong> this and "snip_end" must be passed. You're on your own to not break the tags - 25 character max.
+     * @param string snip_end optional see "snip_start" above.  
+     * @return array An array containing the total matches and current results
+             int total total campaigns matching
+             array results matching campaigns and snippets
+                 string snippet the matching snippet for the campaign
+                 array campaign the matching campaign's details - will return same data as single campaign from campaigns() 
+     */
+    function searchCampaigns($query, $offset=0, $snip_start=NULL, $snip_end=NULL) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["query"] = $query;
+        $params["offset"] = $offset;
+        $params["snip_start"] = $snip_start;
+        $params["snip_end"] = $snip_end;
+        return $this->callServer("searchCampaigns", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve a list of all MailChimp API Keys for this User
+     *
+     * @section Security Related
+     * @example xml-rpc_apikeyAdd.php
+     * @example mcapi_apikeyAdd.php
+     * 
+     * @param string $username Your MailChimp user name
+     * @param string $password Your MailChimp password
+     * @param boolean $expired optional - whether or not to include expired keys, defaults to false
+     * @return array an array of API keys including:
+                string apikey The api key that can be used
+                string created_at The date the key was created
+                string expired_at The date the key was expired
+     */
+    function apikeys($username, $password, $expired=false) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["username"] = $username;
+        $params["password"] = $password;
+        $params["expired"] = $expired;
+        return $this->callServer("apikeys", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add an API Key to your account. We will generate a new key for you and return it.
+     *
+     * @section Security Related
+     * @example xml-rpc_apikeyAdd.php
+     *
+     * @param string $username Your MailChimp user name
+     * @param string $password Your MailChimp password
+     * @return string a new API Key that can be immediately used.
+     */
+    function apikeyAdd($username, $password) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["username"] = $username;
+        $params["password"] = $password;
+        return $this->callServer("apikeyAdd", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Expire a Specific API Key. Note that if you expire all of your keys, just visit <a href="" target="_blank">your API dashboard</a>
+     * to create a new one. If you are trying to shut off access to your account for an old developer, change your 
+     * MailChimp password, then expire all of the keys they had access to. Note that this takes effect immediately, so make 
+     * sure you replace the keys in any working application before expiring them! Consider yourself warned... 
+     *
+     * @section Security Related
+     * @example mcapi_apikeyExpire.php
+     * @example xml-rpc_apikeyExpire.php
+     *
+     * @param string $username Your MailChimp user name
+     * @param string $password Your MailChimp password
+     * @return boolean true if it worked, otherwise an error is thrown.
+     */
+    function apikeyExpire($username, $password) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["username"] = $username;
+        $params["password"] = $password;
+        return $this->callServer("apikeyExpire", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * "Ping" the MailChimp API - a simple method you can call that will return a constant value as long as everything is good. Note
+     * than unlike most all of our methods, we don't throw an Exception if we are having issues. You will simply receive a different
+     * string back that will explain our view on what is going on.
+     *
+     * @section Helper
+     * @example xml-rpc_ping.php
+     *
+     * @return string returns "Everything's Chimpy!" if everything is chimpy, otherwise returns an error message
+     */
+    function ping() {
+        $params = array();
+        return $this->callServer("ping", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Register a mobile device
+     *
+     * @section Mobile
+     *
+     * @param string $mobile_key a valid key identifying your mobile application.
+     * @param array $details the details for the device registration
+     * @return array the method completion status
+                string status The status (success) of the call if it completed. Otherwise an error is thrown.
+     */
+    function deviceRegister($mobile_key, $details) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["mobile_key"] = $mobile_key;
+        $params["details"] = $details;
+        return $this->callServer("deviceRegister", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Unregister a mobile device
+     *
+     * @section Mobile
+     *
+     * @param string $mobile_key a valid key identifying your mobile application.
+     * @param string $device_id the device id used for the device registration
+     * @return array the method completion status
+                string status The status (success) of the call if it completed. Otherwise an error is thrown.
+     */
+    function deviceUnregister($mobile_key, $device_id) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["mobile_key"] = $mobile_key;
+        $params["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        return $this->callServer("deviceUnregister", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add Golden Monkey(s)
+     *
+     * @section Golden Monkeys
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param array $email_address an array of email addresses (max 50) to attempt to flag as Golden Monkeys
+     * @return array an array of API keys including:
+                int success The number of successful adds
+                int errors The number of unsuccessful adds
+                array data details on the errors which occurred
+                    string email_address the email address which errored out
+                    string error an error message explaining the error
+     */
+    function gmonkeyAdd($id, $email_address) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["email_address"] = $email_address;
+        return $this->callServer("gmonkeyAdd", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Remove Golden Monkey(s)
+     *
+     * @section Golden Monkeys
+     *
+     * @param string $id the list id to connect to. Get by calling lists()
+     * @param array $email_address an array of email addresses (max 50) to attempt to remove Golden Monkey status from.
+     * @return array an array of API keys including:
+                int success The number of successful removals
+                int errors The number of unsuccessful removals
+                array data details on the errors which occurred
+                    string email_address the email address which errored out
+                    string error an error message explaining the error
+     */
+    function gmonkeyDel($id, $email_address) {
+        $params = array();
+        $params["id"] = $id;
+        $params["email_address"] = $email_address;
+        return $this->callServer("gmonkeyDel", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve all Golden Monkey(s) for an account
+     *
+     * @section Golden Monkeys
+     *
+     * @return array an array for each Golden Monkey, including:
+                string list_id   The id of the List the Member appears on
+                string list_name The name of the List the Member appears on
+                string email     The email address of the member
+                string fname IF a FNAME merge field exists on the list, that value for the member
+                string lname IF a LNAME merge field exists on the list, that value for the member
+                int    member_rating the rating of the subscriber. This will be 1 - 5 as described <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>
+                string member_since the datetime the member was added and/or confirmed
+    */
+    function gmonkeyMembers() {
+        $params = array();
+        return $this->callServer("gmonkeyMembers", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve all Activity (opens/clicks) for Golden Monkeys over the past 10 days
+     *
+     * @section Golden Monkeys
+     *
+     * @return array an array for each Golden Monkey, including:
+                string action    The action taken - either "open" or "click"
+                string timestamp The datetime the action occurred
+                string url       IF the action is a click, the url that was clicked
+                string unique_id The campaign_id of the List the Member appears on
+                string title     The campaign title
+                string list_name The name of the List the Member appears on
+                string email     The email address of the member
+                string fname IF a FNAME merge field exists on the list, that value for the member
+                string lname IF a LNAME merge field exists on the list, that value for the member
+                int    member_rating the rating of the subscriber. This will be 1 - 5 as described <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>
+                string member_since the datetime the member was added and/or confirmed
+                array geo the geographic information if we have it. including:
+                    string latitude the latitude
+                    string longitude the longitude
+                    string gmtoff GMT offset
+                    string dstoff GMT offset during daylight savings (if DST not observered, will be same as gmtoff
+                    string timezone the timezone we've place them in
+                    string cc 2 digit ISO-3166 country code
+                    string region generally state, province, or similar
+    */
+    function gmonkeyActivity() {
+        $params = array();
+        return $this->callServer("gmonkeyActivity", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Internal function - proxy method for certain XML-RPC calls | DO NOT CALL
+     * @param mixed Method to call, with any parameters to pass along
+     * @return mixed the result of the call
+     */
+    function callMethod() {
+        $params = array();
+        return $this->callServer("callMethod", $params);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Actually connect to the server and call the requested methods, parsing the result
+     * You should never have to call this function manually
+     */
+    function callServer($method, $params) {
+	    $dc = "us1";
+	    if (strstr($this->api_key,"-")){
+        	list($key, $dc) = explode("-",$this->api_key,2);
+            if (!$dc) $dc = "us1";
+        }
+        $host = $dc.".".$this->apiUrl["host"];
+		$params["apikey"] = $this->api_key;
+        $this->errorMessage = "";
+        $this->errorCode = "";
+        $sep_changed = false;
+        //sigh, apparently some distribs change this to &amp; by default
+        if (ini_get("arg_separator.output")!="&"){
+            $sep_changed = true;
+            $orig_sep = ini_get("arg_separator.output");
+            ini_set("arg_separator.output", "&");
+        }
+        $post_vars = http_build_query($params);
+        if ($sep_changed){
+            ini_set("arg_separator.output", $orig_sep);
+        }
+        $payload = "POST " . $this->apiUrl["path"] . "?" . $this->apiUrl["query"] . "&method=" . $method . " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
+        $payload .= "Host: " . $host . "\r\n";
+        $payload .= "User-Agent: MCAPI/" . $this->version ."\r\n";
+        $payload .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
+        $payload .= "Content-length: " . strlen($post_vars) . "\r\n";
+        $payload .= "Connection: close \r\n\r\n";
+        $payload .= $post_vars;
+        ob_start();
+        if ($this->secure){
+            $sock = fsockopen("ssl://".$host, 443, $errno, $errstr, 30);
+        } else {
+            $sock = fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
+        }
+        if(!$sock) {
+            $this->errorMessage = "Could not connect (ERR $errno: $errstr)";
+            $this->errorCode = "-99";
+            ob_end_clean();
+            return false;
+        }
+        $response = "";
+        fwrite($sock, $payload);
+        stream_set_timeout($sock, $this->timeout);
+        $info = stream_get_meta_data($sock);
+        while ((!feof($sock)) && (!$info["timed_out"])) {
+            $response .= fread($sock, $this->chunkSize);
+            $info = stream_get_meta_data($sock);
+        }
+        fclose($sock);
+        ob_end_clean();
+        if ($info["timed_out"]) {
+            $this->errorMessage = "Could not read response (timed out)";
+            $this->errorCode = -98;
+            return false;
+        }
+        list($headers, $response) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response, 2);
+        $headers = explode("\r\n", $headers);
+        $errored = false;
+        foreach($headers as $h){
+            if (substr($h,0,26)==="X-MailChimp-API-Error-Code"){
+                $errored = true;
+                $error_code = trim(substr($h,27));
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if(ini_get("magic_quotes_runtime")) $response = stripslashes($response);
+        $serial = unserialize($response);
+        if($response && $serial === false) {
+        	$response = array("error" => "Bad Response.  Got This: " . $response, "code" => "-99");
+        } else {
+        	$response = $serial;
+        }
+        if($errored && is_array($response) && isset($response["error"])) {
+            $this->errorMessage = $response["error"];
+            $this->errorCode = $response["code"];
+            return false;
+        } elseif($errored){
+            $this->errorMessage = "No error message was found";
+            $this->errorCode = $error_code;
+            return false;
+        }
+        return $response;
+    }

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 35 - 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 13 - 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 9 - 0

+ 71 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * 	Core Owl Carousel CSS File
+ *	v1.3.3
+ */
+/* clearfix */
+.owl-carousel .owl-wrapper:after {
+	content: ".";
+	display: block;
+	clear: both;
+	visibility: hidden;
+	line-height: 0;
+	height: 0;
+/* display none until init */
+	display: none;
+	position: relative;
+	width: 100%;
+	-ms-touch-action: pan-y;
+.owl-carousel .owl-wrapper{
+	display: none;
+	position: relative;
+	-webkit-transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px);
+.owl-carousel .owl-wrapper-outer{
+	overflow: hidden;
+	position: relative;
+	width: 100%;
+.owl-carousel .owl-wrapper-outer.autoHeight{
+	-webkit-transition: height 500ms ease-in-out;
+	-moz-transition: height 500ms ease-in-out;
+	-ms-transition: height 500ms ease-in-out;
+	-o-transition: height 500ms ease-in-out;
+	transition: height 500ms ease-in-out;
+.owl-carousel .owl-item{
+	float: left;
+.owl-controls .owl-page,
+.owl-controls .owl-buttons div{
+	cursor: pointer;
+.owl-controls {
+	-webkit-user-select: none;
+	-khtml-user-select: none;
+	-moz-user-select: none;
+	-ms-user-select: none;
+	user-select: none;
+	-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+/* mouse grab icon */
+.grabbing { 
+    cursor:url(grabbing.png) 8 8, move;
+/* fix */
+.owl-carousel  .owl-wrapper,
+.owl-carousel  .owl-item{
+	-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
+	-moz-backface-visibility:    hidden;
+	-ms-backface-visibility:     hidden;
+  -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
+  -moz-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
+  -ms-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#theme-panel {
+    position: fixed;
+    width: 215px;
+    height: auto;
+    top: 150px;
+    min-height: 200px;
+    text-align: left;
+    background: white;
+    border: 1px solid #CCC;
+    z-index: 999;
+    border-top-right-radius: 5px;
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+ 1566 - 0

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+ *  License - (Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License)
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+ 782 - 0

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+	.gk-pointer-features.gk-left-arrow {
+		right: 65%;
+		top: 38%;
+		transform: rotate(-120deg);
+	}
+	.screen-item img {
+    	max-width: 100%;
+	}
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+		right: -15px;
+	}
+	.owl-controls .owl-buttons .owl-prev {
+		left: -15px !important;
+	}
+	/* ------- Pricing ------- */
+	.pricing-section .app-right-info {
+		padding-top: 30px;
+	}
+	.grey-white-color .pricing-section .app-right-info .color-grey {
+		color: #fff;
+	}	
+	.gk-pricing-arrow {
+		display: block;
+		left: 0;
+		right: 0;
+		top: 100%;		
+	}
+	.gk-pricing-arrow img {
+		margin: 0 auto;	
+	}
+	.pricing-box ul {
+		padding: 30px 15px;
+	}	
+	/* ------- Video ------- */
+	.video-bg {
+		margin-top: 80px;
+	}	
+	.pull-right {
+		float: none !important;
+	}
+	/* ------- Download ------- */	
+	.download-left-img {
+		margin-top: 0;
+	}
+	.download-left-img img {
+		margin: 0 auto;
+	}
+	.download-button {
+		margin: 0;
+	}
+	.subscribe-form {
+		padding:40px 15px 0;
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+		border-bottom: 1px solid #555;
+		color: #555;
+	}
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+	}
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+		color:#555;		
+	}
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+		border: 1px solid #555;
+		color: #555;
+	}
+	.subscribe-form .gk-submit:hover {
+		background: #333;
+		color: #fff;
+	}
+	/* ------- Contact Us ------- */
+	.grey-yellow-color .contact-section .color-grey {
+		color:#fff;
+	}	
+	.contact-section .animated.fadeInRight.visible {
+		text-align: center;
+	}
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+		color: #fff;
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+	}
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+		color:#fff;		
+	}
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+		color:#fff;		
+	}
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+		background-image: linear-gradient(left, transparent 10px, transparent 10px), linear-gradient(right, transparent 10px, transparent 10px), linear-gradient(transparent 60px, #fff 60px, #fff 61px, transparent 61px);
+		border-bottom: none;
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+		color: #fff;
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+		background: #fff;
+		color: #555;
+	}
+	.gk-input-submit{
+		text-align:center;
+	}
+	.gk-contact-pointer {
+		padding-top: 80px;
+		margin-left: 0;
+	}
+	.contact-info {
+		padding-top: 50px;
+	}	
+	/* ------- Disable Animations ------- */
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+		visibility: visible !important;
+	  	-webkit-animation: none !important;
+		-moz-animation: none !important;
+		-o-animation: none !important;
+		-ms-animation: none !important;
+		animation: none !important;
+	}
+	.gk-pointer-features.animated {
+		visibility: visible;
+	}
+/* ---------- MAX 767px ---------- */
+@media only screen and (max-width:767px) {
+	/* ------- Banner Section ------- */	
+	.right-banner-image {
+		margin-top: 20px;
+	}
+	.banner-left-margin, .banner-image-info {
+		margin: 0;
+	}
+	.right-banner-image img.pull-right {
+		float: none !important;		
+		margin: 0 auto;		
+	}
+	/* ------- Logo & Menu ------- */	
+	.logo img {
+		margin: 0;
+	}
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+		-ms-box-shadow: none;
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+		padding-right: 15px;
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+		text-align: left;
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+		display: block;
+		float: none;
+		text-align: left;
+	}
+	/* ------- Features ------- */	
+	.features-right-grid .text-right {
+		text-align: left;
+	}
+	.features-grid.gk-divider {
+		border: none;
+	}	
+	.features-right-grid .features-line {
+		display: none;
+	}
+	.features-right-grid .features-grid {
+		padding: 0;
+		text-align: center;	
+		margin: 0 0 20px;	
+	}
+	.features-grid .fa {
+		font-size: 40px;
+	}
+	.grid-title {
+    	font-size: 30px;
+	}	
+	/* ------- Pricing ------- */		
+	.pricing-box {
+		max-width: 96%;
+		margin-bottom: 15px;
+	}
+/* ---------- MAX 640px ---------- */
+@media only screen and (max-width:640px) {
+	/* -------Section ------- */
+	.section-padding {
+		padding-top: 100px;
+	}
+	/* ------- Reviews ------- */
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+		left: 0;
+		margin: 0 auto;
+		position: relative;
+		right: 0;
+		text-align: center;
+	}
+	.reviews-section .gk-pointer-features img {
+		margin: 0 auto;
+	}
+	.app-reviews {
+		padding-bottom: 20px;
+	}
+	.reviews-info {
+		padding: 0 10px;
+	}
+	.main-reviews-image {
+		padding-bottom: 50px;
+	}
+	/* ------- Screenshot ------- */
+	.gk-pointer-features.gk-app-right-arrow {
+		left: 40%;
+		top: 34%;
+	}
+	/* ------- Pricing ------- */
+ {
+		padding-top: 60px;
+	}
+/* ---------- MAX 480px ---------- */
+@media only screen and (max-width:480px) {
+	/* ------- Shape Section ------- */
+	.gk-dd-shape:after {
+		top: 56%;
+	}
+	/* ------- Title ------- */
+	.section-title {
+		font-size: 55px;
+	}
+	/* ------- Features ------- */
+	.gk-pointer-features.gk-right-arrow {
+		left: 35%;		
+	}
+	.features-section {
+		padding-bottom: 60px;
+	}
+	/* ------- Reviews ------- */
+	.gk-pointer-features.gk-left-arrow {
+		top: 78%;	
+		right: 35%;
+	}	
+	.main-reviews-image {
+		padding-bottom: 20px;
+	}
+	.gk-reviews-big-circle, .gk-reviews-small-circle {
+		position: static;
+		margin: 20px auto;
+	}
+	/* ------- Contact ------- */
+	.gk-contact-pointer {
+		padding-top: 60px;		
+	}
+/* ---------- MAX 360px ---------- */
+@media only screen and (max-width:360px) {
+	/* ------- Shape Section ------- */		
+	.gk-dd-shape:after {		
+		margin: 0 -320px;			
+	}
+	/* ------- Reviews ------- */
+	.reviews-image img {
+		max-width: 260px;
+	}
+	/* ------- Button Styles ------- */
+	.gk-btn-margin {
+		margin-right: 15px;
+	}
+	.gk-download-btn {
+		margin: 0 15px 15px auto;
+	}
+	.download-button {
+		padding-left: 10px;
+		padding-right: 10px;
+	}
+	/* ------- Screenshot ------- */
+	.gk-pointer-features.gk-app-right-arrow {
+		left: 28%;
+		top: 29%;
+	}	
+	/* ------- Title ------- */
+	.section-title {
+		word-wrap: break-word;
+	}
+	/* ------- Contact Us ------- */
+	.gk-contact-form {
+		padding-left: 0;
+		padding-right: 0;
+	}
+/* ---------- MAX 320px ---------- */
+@media only screen and (max-width:320px) {
+	/* ------- Shape Section ------- */
+	.gk-dd-shape:before {
+		margin: -27px -310px 0;
+	}
+	.gk-dd-shape:after {
+		margin: 0 -325px;
+	}

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 30 - 0

+ 1007 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1007 @@
+/* ================================= CSS Structure =================================
+	- Fonts
+	- Main Styles
+	- Extra Classes
+		- Z Indexes
+		- Social Icon Hover Styles
+		- Title and Desc Styles
+		- Pointer Arrow Common Styles
+	- Button Styles
+	- Triangle Background
+	- Logo & Menu
+		- Navigation
+	- Top Social Icon Styles
+	- Left Banner Styles
+	- Right Banner Styles
+=========================================================================== */
+/* =========================== GLOBAL STYLES ============================== */
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+/* ------------- Section Background ------------- */
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+.features-section  { background-color:#9d6b53; }
+ { background-color:#b07d62; } { background-color:#c38e70; }
+.pricing-section { background-color:#cd9777; }
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+.section-padding {
+	padding: 100px 0;
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+.gk-facebook:hover, .gk-facebook:focus, .gk-facebook:active {
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+	font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
+	font-size: 61px;
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+	text-transform: uppercase;
+	margin-bottom: 20px;
+	font-weight: 300;
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+/* ------- Pointer Arrow Common Styles ------- */
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+	position: absolute;
+.gk-pointer-features.animated {
+	visibility: hidden;
+.gk-pointer-features.visible {
+	visibility: visible;
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+	/* width: 159px; */
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+	padding-right: 8px;
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+	margin-right: 30px;
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+	color: #FFFFFF;
+} {
+	border-color: #E36A01;
+	color: #E36A01;
+}, .red-btn:active, .red-btn:focus {
+	background: #E36A01;
+	color: #FFFFFF;
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+	color: #FFFFFF;
+.white-btn:hover, .white-btn:active, .white-btn:focus {	
+	background: #FFFFFF;
+	color: #d5a78a;
+/* =========================== HEADER SECTION ============================== */
+/* ------------- Triangle Background ------------- */
+.banner-bg {	
+	min-height: 480px;
+	position: relative;
+	top: -70px;	
+	margin: 0 auto;
+.banner-bg .section-padding { 
+	margin-left: auto;
+    padding-left: 15px;
+    padding-right: 15px;
+/* ------------- Logo & Menu ------------- */
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+	background: #774936;
+	color: #fff;
+	padding: 16px 0 13px;
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+	z-index: 9999;	
+	position: relative;
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+	margin-right: 12px;
+.navbar-nav li a{
+	padding-bottom:7px;
+	padding-top:7px;
+} .dropdown a{
+	background:none !important;
+/* ------------- Top Social Icon Styles ------------- */ {
+	margin: 0;
+	padding: 0;
+	list-style: none;
+	float: right;
+} li {
+	float: left;	
+} li a {
+	background: #fff;
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+	display: block;
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+} li .fa {
+	width: 18px;
+	height: 18px;
+	display: block;
+	line-height: 18px;
+	text-align: center;
+} li:last-child a {
+	margin-right: 0;
+/* =========================== BANNER SECTION ============================== */
+/* ------------- Left Banner Styles ------------- */
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+	margin-top: 60px;
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+	color: #FFFFFF;
+.after-1500 .left-banner-text {
+	margin-top: 30px;
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+	margin-top: 20px;
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+	font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
+	font-weight: 300;
+	font-size: 17px;
+	padding: 0 30px 0 0;
+	color: #FFFFFF;
+.banner-button {
+	padding: 32px 45px 0 0;
+.triangle-shape {
+	padding: 45px 0 0;
+.flaticon.gk-triangle-bigsharp:before, .flaticon.gk-triangle-bigsharp:after {
+	font-size: 36px;
+	font-weight: bold;
+.banner-section {
+	padding-top: 70px;
+	position: relative;
+	z-index: 10;
+.banner-triangle:hover, .banner-triangle:active, .banner-triangle:focus {
+	color: #FFFFFF;	
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+	opacity: 0.6;
+	transition: all 0.4s ease-in 0s;
+	-moz-transition: all 0.4s ease-in 0s;
+	-webkit-transition: all 0.4s ease-in 0s;
+	-o-transition: all 0.4s ease-in 0s;
+	-ms-transition: all 0.4s ease-in 0s;
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+	margin-left: 45px;
+	margin-bottom: 12px;
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+	padding-top: 10px;
+	margin-top: 50px;
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+	margin-top: 410px;
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+	font-weight: 300;
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+	font-size: 32px;
+	display: block;
+	color: #FFF;
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+	font-family: 'latohairline';
+	color: #FFF;
+	font-size: 86px;
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+	font-size: 32px;
+	vertical-align: top;
+	line-height: 80px;
+	margin-top: 20px;
+	padding-left: 15px;
+	width: 40px;
+.banner-info-right {
+	margin-top: -30px;
+/* =========================== FEATURES SECTION ============================== */
+.features-left-info {
+	padding: 120px 0 0 15px;
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+    display: inline-block;
+    width: 100%;
+	padding-top: 5px;
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+	clear: both;
+	float: left;
+	display: inline-block;
+	border-bottom: 1px solid #bdc3c7;
+	padding: 5px 12px 5px 0;	
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+	border: none;
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+	padding-top: 30px;
+	padding-left: 40px;
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+	padding: 0 30px 10px 30px;
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+	padding: 0 40px 10px 0;	
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+	font-size: 26px;
+	padding-bottom: 10px;
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+	font-size: 21px;
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+	border-color: #bdc3c7;
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+			 M 508.656,419.184c-1.512,7.44-8.080,12.784-15.672,12.784l-78.312,0 L 414.672,447.936 c0,8.84-7.16,16-16,16L 110.904,463.936 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-15.968 L 19.016,431.968 
+			c-7.592,0-14.16-5.344-15.672-12.784c-0.472-2.312-11.2-58.376, 19.952-96.576c 17.92-21.96, 45.304-33.464, 81.248-34.488
+			C 125.040,227.544, 176.576,182.688, 238.64,176l0-111.456 l-47.888,0 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16s 7.16-16, 16-16l 129.344,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16s-7.16,16-16,16
+			L 270.64,64.544 l0,111.44 c 62.168,6.56, 113.816,51.4, 134.368,112.040c 37.168,0.544, 65.368,12.12, 83.696,34.584
+			C 519.856,360.816, 509.128,416.872, 508.656,419.184z M 48.2,342.72c-14.168,17.248-15.592,42.704-14.872,57.248l 61.576,0 l0-54.016 
+			c0-8.648, 0.8-17.080, 1.968-25.384C 75.032,322.608, 58.648,329.984, 48.2,342.72z M 382.672,345.952c0-76.544-57.36-138.832-127.856-138.832
+			c-70.528,0-127.904,62.28-127.904,138.832L 126.912,431.936 l 255.768,0 L 382.68,345.952 z M 463.8,342.72c-10.84-13.216-28.016-20.744-51.136-22.432
+			c 1.192,8.392, 2.008,16.92, 2.008,25.664l0,54.016 l 64,0 C 479.392,385.408, 477.968,359.968, 463.8,342.72z" data-tags="trophy" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe010;" d="M 352.072,480L 159.928,480 c-26.512,0-48-21.488-48-48l0-416 c0-26.512, 21.488-48, 48-48l 192.144,0 
+			c 26.512,0, 48,21.488, 48,48L 400.072,432 C 400.072,458.512, 378.584,480, 352.072,480z M 368.072,16c0-8.832-7.168-16-16-16L 159.928,0 c-8.832,0-16,7.168-16,16L 143.928,432 
+			c0,8.832, 7.168,16, 16,16l 192.144,0 c 8.832,0, 16-7.168, 16-16L 368.072,16 z M 256.024,79.912c-17.64,0-31.92-14.296-31.92-31.912s 14.288-31.92, 31.92-31.92
+			c 17.64,0, 31.92,14.304, 31.92,31.92S 273.664,79.912, 256.024,79.912z M 288.024,432l-64,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 64,0 
+			c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 296.856,432, 288.024,432z" data-tags="screen-smartphone" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe011;" d="M 480,432.096L 32,432.096 c-17.592,0-32-14.4-32-32L0,128 c0-17.592, 14.408-31.992, 32-31.992l 208,0 l0-48.104 L 160,47.904 
+			c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 192,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16L 272,47.904 l0,48.104 l 208,0 c 17.592,0, 32,14.4, 32,31.992L 512,400.096 
+			C 512,417.696, 497.592,432.096, 480,432.096z M 480,128L 32,128 L 32,400.096 l 448,0 L 480,128 z" data-tags="screen-desktop" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe012;" d="M 467.16,447.048L 467.16,447.048c 5.216,0, 8.888-0.968, 10.8-1.704c 2.296-6.112, 5.376-28.016-17.264-50.672L 355.36,289.344l-10.16-10.16
+	l 0.832-14.328c 1.752-29.984, 5-83.72, 7.8-129.784c 2.472-41, 4.816-79.72, 4.968-83.016c 0.080-2.264, 0.112-2.8-2-5.344
+	c-4.72-5.736-13.528-15.456-20.952-23.512c-11.512,31.016-35.704,96.528-49.064,133.2l-17.168,47.184l-35.512-35.512L 168.8,105.28l-9.096-9.080
+	l-0.28-12.84c-0.216-10.248-0.168-28.64-0.144-44.856c 0.032-11.296, 0.064-21.56-0.016-27.216c-0.144-0.264, 2.184-0.576, 1.968-0.952
+	c-1.392,2.232-2.888,4.64-4.472,7.144c-13.168,21-31.392,50.048-36.952,59.112l-4.064,6.64l-6.672,4.032
+	c-24.264,14.656-51.144,31.576-67.544,42.144C 42.096,129.736, 42.56,128, 42.936,128.2L 44,128.2 c 5.16,0, 13.688-0.112, 23.248-0.248
+	c 12.504-0.168, 26.688-0.376, 37.544-0.376c 4.16,0, 7.856,0.032, 10.832,0.096l 12.84,0.296l 9.080,9.080l 62.872,64.856l 35.392,35.376l-46.968,17.28
+	c-35.296,12.984-102.904,38.232-134.528,50.112c 8.112,7.472, 17.888,16.344, 23.592,21.064c 1.592,1.312, 2.832,1.984, 3.688,1.984l 1.128-0.032
+	c 3.528-0.168, 47.344-3.032, 89.704-5.8c 44.968-2.936, 95.72-6.248, 124.576-8.080l 14.424-0.904l 10.216,10.216L 426.936,428.424
+	C 443.16,444.624, 459.096,447.048, 467.16,447.048 M 467.16,479.048c-18.904,0-42.112-7.264-62.84-28L 299.016,345.752
+	c-59.312,3.752-211.216,13.8-214.984,13.904c-0.672,0.032-1.504,0.064-2.44,0.064c-5.128,0-13.984-0.984-24.064-9.312
+	c-11.832-9.784-36.504-32.984-36.504-32.984c-5.952-5.968-8.968-13.36-8.248-20.312c 0.44-4.2, 2.72-11.856, 13.032-15.888
+	c 6.264-2.456, 105.952-39.752, 151.984-56.688l-62.872-64.856c-2.784-0.064-6.232-0.096-10.128-0.096c-19.168,0-48.888,0.624-60.8,0.624
+	c-1.576,0-2.84,0-3.736-0.032c-3.624-0.112-11.128,1.672-30.92-14.872l-1.408-1.312c-5.936-5.936-7.328-11.856-7.456-15.768
+	c-0.128-4.032, 0.952-9.84, 6.784-14.512c 3.504-2.832, 48.424-31.592, 85.264-53.84c 8.832-14.408, 49.472-79, 51.592-82.504
+	c 3.096-5.232, 8.16-8.216, 14.216-8.408c 0.168,0, 0.328,0, 0.504,0c 5.888,0, 11.936,2.92, 17.856,8.672c 16.752,19.592, 14.44,27.704, 14.512,31.112
+	c 0.264,10.688-0.184,55.968, 0.2,73.92l 65.296,62.8c 16.688-45.84, 53.168-144.504, 55.608-150.784c 4.064-10.312, 11.72-12.576, 15.92-13
+	c 0.688-0.080, 1.392-0.112, 2.080-0.112c 6.312,0, 12.856,2.968, 18.216,8.328c0,0, 23.128,24.544, 32.952,36.488
+	c 9.84,11.936, 9.456,22.128, 9.264,26.936c-0.080,3.328-9.344,154.408-12.784,213.408l 105.328,105.328c 37.328,37.344, 31.392,82.344, 17.528,96.184
+	C 494.688,474.392, 482.296,479.048, 467.16,479.048L 467.16,479.048z" data-tags="plane" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe013;" d="M 424.576,480L 105.576,480 C 82.576,480, 72.56,463, 72.56,447l0-63.656 L 55.096,383.344 c-8.656,0-15.672-7.016-15.672-15.672S 46.44,352, 55.096,352L 72.56,352 
+			l0-64.376 L 56.592,287.624 c-8.656,0-15.672-7.016-15.672-15.672s 7.016-15.672, 15.672-15.672L 72.56,256.28 l0-64.72 L 56.248,191.56 c-8.656,0-15.672-7.016-15.672-15.672
+			s 7.016-15.672, 15.672-15.672L 72.56,160.216 l0-64.232 L 56.248,95.984 c-8.656,0-15.672-7.016-15.672-15.672s 7.016-15.672, 15.672-15.672L 72.56,64.64 L 72.56,0 
+			c0-26.512, 20.768-32, 32.264-32l 319.752,0 c 26.512,0, 48,21.488, 48,48L 472.576,432 C 472.576,458.512, 451.096,480, 424.576,480z M 104.56,0l0,64.64 l 16.672,0 
+			c 8.656,0, 15.672,7.016, 15.672,15.672s-7.016,15.672-15.672,15.672L 104.56,95.984 l0,64.232 l 16.672,0 c 8.656,0, 15.672,7.016, 15.672,15.672
+			s-7.016,15.672-15.672,15.672L 104.56,191.56 l0,64.72 l 17.016,0 c 8.656,0, 15.672,7.016, 15.672,15.672s-7.016,15.672-15.672,15.672L 104.56,287.624 L 104.56,352 l 15.512,0 
+			c 8.656,0, 15.672,7.016, 15.672,15.672s-7.016,15.672-15.672,15.672L 104.56,383.344 L 104.56,447 c0,0.376, 0.032,0.688, 0.080,0.968
+			C 104.888,447.984, 105.2,448, 105.576,448l 255,0 l0-448 L 104.56,0 z M 440.576,16c0-8.832-7.168-16-16-16l-32,0 L 392.576,448 l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16-7.168, 16-16L 440.576,16 z" data-tags="notebook" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe014;" d="M 396.424,111.64c-50.672,0-79.432,23.816-98.472,39.576c-6.736,5.576-12.864,10.952-18.44,15.832
+	c-8.456,7.424-19,16.672-22.672,17.952c-0.112,0-1.856,0.080-1.968,0.096c-0.584-0.048-2.072-0.344-2.224-0.36
+	c-2.536-1.032-11.544-8.784-18.784-15c-6.568-5.64-14.056-12.080-22.52-18.688l-1.544-1.184c-21.736-16.968-48.792-38.080-96.576-38.080
+	c-35.496,0-70.464,16.064-91.288,41.936c-13.96,17.344-28.648,47.512-19.336,92.736c 1.128,5.472, 5.008,9.952, 10.216,11.816
+	c 5.24,1.888, 11.008,0.856, 15.304-2.688c 0.312-0.232, 11.288-8.672, 29.528-8.672c 9.184,0, 18.752,2.168, 28.416,6.472
+	c 16.568,7.376, 28.368,28.064, 40.856,42.032c 17.088,19.080, 36.424,40.704, 68.344,40.952c 22.024,0, 41.896-8.144, 59.624-24.248
+	c 17.656,16.032, 37.384,24.128, 58.84,24.128c 32.552-0.248, 52.296-21.888, 69.72-41c 12.72-13.936, 24.736-34.608, 41.304-41.984
+	c 9.664-4.296, 19.336-6.472, 28.744-6.472c 18.936,0, 30.752,8.656, 31.224,9.032c 4.384,3.248, 10.16,4.096, 15.24,2.112
+	c 5.072-2, 8.84-6.44, 9.856-11.832c 8.544-44.72-6.48-74.704-20.592-91.984C 467.84,127.92, 432.272,111.64, 396.424,111.64z M 255.368,217.064
+	c 0.496,0, 1.84-0.048, 2.312-0.096c 0.016,0, 2.344-0.168, 2.344-0.184c 0.168-0.016, 1.504-0.184, 1.648-0.216
+	c 11.576-1.64, 22.312-11.064, 38.608-25.344c 5.352-4.704, 11.248-9.872, 17.736-15.248c 17.392-14.408, 39.048-32.328, 78.408-32.328
+	c 26.656,0, 52.872,11.816, 68.392,30.84c 10.2,12.488, 15.504,27.36, 15.84,44.392c-7.512-2.344-16.64-4.096-27.16-4.096
+	c-13.832,0-27.784,3.096-41.488,9.184c-22.624,10.048-38.152,34.56-51.84,49.576c-17.264,18.936-28.736,30.544-46.040,30.688
+	c-23.080,0-37.976-14.528-47.208-25.456c-3.016-3.56-7.408-5.608-12.048-5.608l0,0c-4.64,0-9.040,2.064-12.040,5.624
+	c-9.264,10.968-24.208,25.56-46.92,25.56c-17.544-0.128-28.704-11.64-45.496-30.424c-13.528-15.112-28.848-39.736-51.616-49.84
+	c-13.696-6.096-27.552-9.184-41.152-9.184c-10.2,0-19.032,1.704-26.312,4.016c-0.016-17.36, 5.056-32.456, 15.168-45.016
+	c 14.968-18.576, 40.52-30.128, 66.72-30.128c 37,0, 57.448,15.968, 77.232,31.408L 192,176.392c 8.024,6.264, 15.12,12.376, 21.344,17.72
+	c 14.256,12.248, 23.664,20.344, 33.824,22.144l0,0C 247.176,216.248, 252.016,217.064, 255.368,217.064z" data-tags="moustache" />
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+			C 112.040,32.112, 177.728-32, 256.792-32s 143.176,64.112, 143.176,143.168L 399.968,336.832 C 399.968,415.888, 335.856,480, 256.792,480z M 367.968,111.168
+			C 367.968,49.872, 318.096,0, 256.792,0s-112.752,49.872-112.752,111.168L 144.040,336.832 C 144.040,398.128, 195.496,448, 256.792,448
+			s 111.176-49.872, 111.176-111.168L 367.968,111.168 z M 256.168,384c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-80 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16L 272.168,368 
+			C 272.168,376.832, 265,384, 256.168,384z" data-tags="mouse" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe016;" d="M 480.144,449.912L 480.144,464.416 c0,8.84-7.16,16-16,16L 351.832,480.416 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-65.328 
+			c0-0.024, 0.016-0.048, 0.016-0.072l0-198.76 c0-48.16-27.168-87.328-75.328-87.328s-84.328,39.168-84.328,87.328L 176.192,449.912 l-0.048,0 L 176.144,464.416 
+			c0,8.84-7.16,16-16,16L 47.832,480.416 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-65.328 c0-0.328, 0.168-0.6, 0.184-0.92l0-205.248 
+			c0-124.456, 99.392-225.328, 223.832-225.328s 224.328,100.872, 224.328,225.328L 480.176,449.912 L 480.144,449.912 z M 448.144,448.416l0-64.168 L 368.016,384.248 L 368.016,448.416 L 448.144,448.416 z
+			 M 144.144,448.416l0-64.168 L 64.016,384.248 L 64.016,448.416 L 144.144,448.416 z M 255.84-0.416c-106.608,0-191.832,86.736-191.832,193.328L 64.008,352.248 l 80.168,0 l0-151.992 
+			c0-65.904, 50.424-119.328, 116.328-119.328S 367.84,134.352, 367.84,200.256L 367.84,352.248 l 80.328,0 l0-159.336 C 448.168,86.32, 362.456-0.416, 255.84-0.416z" data-tags="magnet" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe020;" d="M 297.672,447.64l 0.088,0  M 297.672,447.64l-36.104-189.688l 130.792-0.44L 214.328,0.36l 36.104,208.688l-130.784,0.456L 297.672,447.64
+	 M 297.696,479.64c-0.864,0-1.728-0.032-2.576-0.096c-5.648-0.456-9.392-2.344-13.832-5.328c-2.464-1.64-4.72-3.64-6.696-5.968
+	c-0.584-0.688-1.136-1.408-1.648-2.144L 93.64,228.8c-7.080-9.704-8.12-22.512-2.68-33.216c 5.432-10.704, 16.416-17.488, 28.456-17.576
+	l 92.368-0.672l-29.040-171.096c-2.76-14.704, 5.080-29.36, 18.88-35.264c 4.112-1.768, 8.432-2.608, 12.696-2.608c 10.056,0, 18.32,4.704, 24.52,13.2
+	L 418.368,238.72c 7.080,9.704, 8.112,22.528, 2.68,33.216c-5.432,10.704-16.416,17.488-28.456,17.576l-92.368,0.16l 28.728,150.44
+	c 0.6,2.424, 0.912,4.936, 0.912,7.528c0,17.312-13.784,31.424-31.032,31.984C 298.448,479.64, 298.072,479.64, 297.696,479.64L 297.696,479.64z" data-tags="energy" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe021;" d="M 390.632,176.424c-8.128,3.64-17.544-0.032-21.128-8.096c-0.328-0.712-33.064-72.104-114.72-73.064
+			c-0.504,0-1-0.016-1.504-0.016c-76.832,0-109.968,70.184-111.344,73.2c-3.656,8-13.096,11.56-21.16,7.936
+			c-8.048-3.64-11.624-13.104-7.984-21.168c 1.704-3.784, 42.688-91.968, 140.424-91.968c 0.64,0, 1.296,0.016, 1.936,0.016
+			c 101.936,1.2, 141.92,88.328, 143.56,92.032C 402.336,163.376, 398.696,172.832, 390.632,176.424z M 256,480C 114.608,480,0,365.392,0,224
+			s 114.608-256, 256-256s 256,114.608, 256,256S 397.392,480, 256,480z M 256,0C 132.488,0, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224S 379.512,0, 256,0z
+			 M 175.752,240.088c 17.632,0, 31.92,14.296, 31.92,31.912s-14.288,31.912-31.92,31.912c-17.64,0-31.92-14.296-31.92-31.912
+			S 158.112,240.088, 175.752,240.088z M 335.752,240.088c 17.632,0, 31.92,14.296, 31.92,31.912s-14.288,31.912-31.92,31.912
+			c-17.64,0-31.92-14.296-31.92-31.912S 318.112,240.088, 335.752,240.088z" data-tags="emoticon-smile" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe022;" d="M 256,480C 114.608,480,0,365.392,0,224s 114.608-256, 256-256s 256,114.608, 256,256S 397.392,480, 256,480z M 480,224c0-33.16-7.296-64.632-20.28-92.968
+			l-141.608,75.776c 1.512,5.488, 2.392,11.232, 2.392,17.192c0,35.624-28.872,64.504-64.504,64.504c-7.312,0-14.312-1.272-20.856-3.512
+			L 150.336,421.448C 181.832,438.368, 217.808,448, 256,448C 379.512,448, 480,347.512, 480,224z M 256,256.496c 17.92,0, 32.504-14.576, 32.504-32.504
+			S 273.92,191.496, 256,191.496S 223.504,206.080, 223.504,224S 238.080,256.496, 256,256.496z M 123.288,404.312l 85.088-136.92
+			c-0.376-0.416-0.768-0.824-1.144-1.256l-141.584,75.76C 80.752,366.184, 100.344,387.384, 123.288,404.312z M 32,224
+			c0,31.84, 6.72,62.128, 18.752,89.584l 142.184-76.080c-0.928-4.36-1.44-8.864-1.44-13.504c0-35.624, 28.872-64.504, 64.504-64.504
+			c 6.2,0, 12.176,0.92, 17.848,2.552l 85.096-136.896C 328.104,9.128, 293.112,0, 256,0C 132.488,0, 32,100.488, 32,224z M 386.224,41.92
+			L 301.472,178.264c 0.248,0.248, 0.48,0.512, 0.728,0.768l 142.144-76.072C 428.968,79.144, 409.224,58.416, 386.224,41.92z" data-tags="disc" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe023;" d="M 508.2,231.68l-4.24,4.040c-0.080,0.080-0.168,0.112-0.264,0.184l-64.872,59.216
+			c-4.672,4.472-12.224,4.472-16.912,0l-2.744-4.032c-4.672-4.472-3.152-11.704, 1.52-16.168l 38.232-34.672L 273.248,240.248 L 273.248,426.92 l 34.672-38.232
+			c 4.472-4.672, 11.704-6.192, 16.168-1.512l 4.032,2.736c 4.472,4.688, 4.472,12.24,0,16.92l-56.584,61.984
+			c-1.376,2.776-3.504,5.072-6.16,6.648l-0.712,0.744c-2.216,2.336-5.168,3.504-8.112,3.488c-2.952,0.016-5.888-1.152-8.144-3.488
+			l-4.048-4.232c-0.080-0.080-0.088-0.184-0.168-0.272l-57.752-63.872c-4.464-4.664-4.464-12.224,0-16.912l 4.032-2.736
+			c 4.464-4.672, 11.712-3.16, 16.184,1.512l 34.576,38.552l0-187.992 L 53.080,240.256 l 38.232,34.672c 4.672,4.472, 6.192,11.704, 1.52,16.168l-2.736,4.032
+			c-4.68,4.472-12.248,4.472-16.92,0l-61.992-56.592c-2.768-1.368-5.064-3.504-6.64-6.144L 3.8,231.68
+			c-2.344-2.224-3.504-5.176-3.488-8.12c-0.008-2.952, 1.144-5.888, 3.488-8.144l 4.232-4.048c 0.080-0.080, 0.184-0.088, 0.264-0.168
+			l 63.872-57.752c 4.672-4.464, 12.232-4.464, 16.92,0l 2.736,4.032c 4.672,4.472, 3.152,11.72-1.52,16.184l-38.56,34.576l 189.504,0 L 241.248,19.76 
+			l-34.576,38.552c-4.472,4.672-11.72,6.184-16.184,1.512l-4.032-2.736c-4.464-4.688-4.464-12.248,0-16.912l 57.752-63.872
+			c 0.080-0.088, 0.096-0.184, 0.168-0.264l 4.048-4.24c 2.256-2.336, 5.192-3.504, 8.144-3.488c 2.936-0.016, 5.888,1.152, 8.112,3.488
+			l 4.048,4.24c 0.080,0.080, 0.112,0.168, 0.184,0.264l 59.216,64.872c 4.472,4.672, 4.472,12.232,0,16.912l-4.032,2.744
+			c-4.472,4.672-11.704,3.152-16.168-1.52l-34.672-38.232L 273.256,208.248 L 460.24,208.248 l-38.552-34.576c-4.672-4.472-6.184-11.72-1.512-16.184l 2.736-4.032
+			c 4.688-4.464, 12.248-4.464, 16.912,0l 63.872,57.752c 0.088,0.088, 0.184,0.096, 0.264,0.168l 4.24,4.048
+			c 2.336,2.248, 3.504,5.184, 3.488,8.144C 511.704,226.496, 510.536,229.456, 508.2,231.68z" data-tags="cursor-move" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe024;" d="M 496,80l-64,0 L 432,376.952 l 59.728,59.648c 6.24,6.248, 6.24,16.384,0,22.632c-6.248,6.248-16.384,6.248-22.632,0L 409.792,400L 112,400 L 112,464 
+			c0,8.84-7.16,16-16,16s-16-7.16-16-16l0-64 L 16,400 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16c0-8.832, 7.16-16, 16-16l 64,0 l0-304 c0-1.472, 0.472-2.8, 0.84-4.144
+			c 0.16-0.608, 0.128-1.232, 0.36-1.816c 1.608-4.032, 4.8-7.216, 8.832-8.84c 0.688-0.28, 1.44-0.248, 2.144-0.424
+			C 93.44,48.456, 94.64,48, 96,48l 304,0 l0-64 c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16s 16,7.16, 16,16l0,64 l 64,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16S 504.84,80, 496,80z M 377.744,368
+			L 112,102.608L 112,368 L 377.744,368 z M 134.64,80L 400,344.992L 400,80 L 134.64,80 z" data-tags="crop" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe025;" d="M 464.072,392L 47.928,392 c-26.512,0-48-21.488-48-48l0-240 c0-26.512, 21.488-48, 48-48l 416.144,0 
+			c 26.512,0, 48,21.488, 48,48L 512.072,344 C 512.072,370.512, 490.584,392, 464.072,392z M 47.928,360l 416.144,0 c 8.832,0, 16-7.168, 16-16l0-32 L 31.928,312 l0,32 
+			C 31.928,352.832, 39.104,360, 47.928,360z M 464.072,88L 47.928,88 c-8.832,0-16,7.168-16,16L 31.928,248 l 448.144,0 l0-144 C 480.072,95.168, 472.896,88, 464.072,88z" data-tags="credit-card" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe026;" d="M 405.208-5.36l-85.2,100.832L 320.008,272.224 l 10.656,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16s-7.16,16-16,16l-26.656,0 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-198.912 
+			c0-3.968, 1.472-7.784, 4.128-10.72l 65.184-78.672l-202.64,0 l 65.184,78.672c 2.656,2.936, 4.128,6.752, 4.128,10.72L 223.992,288.224 c0,8.84-7.16,16-16,16
+			l-26.656,0 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16s 7.16-16, 16-16l 10.656,0 l0-176.752 L 106.792-5.36c-4.232-4.688-5.312-11.44-2.752-17.216
+			c 2.576-5.784, 8.296-9.504, 14.624-9.504l 274.672,0 c 6.328,0, 12.048,3.72, 14.624,9.504C 410.52-16.8, 409.448-10.048, 405.208-5.36z M 240,320.16
+			c 17.632,0, 31.92,14.296, 31.92,31.92c0,17.608-14.288,31.904-31.92,31.904c-17.64,0-31.92-14.296-31.92-31.904
+			C 208.080,334.456, 222.36,320.16, 240,320.16z M 344.24,367.656c 31.184,0, 56.464,25.168, 56.464,56.208s-25.272,56.208-56.464,56.208
+			c-31.176,0-56.464-25.168-56.464-56.208S 313.064,367.656, 344.24,367.656z M 343.992,448.168c 13.328,0, 24.168-10.792, 24.168-24.064
+			c0-13.264-10.84-24.064-24.168-24.064s-24.168,10.8-24.168,24.064C 319.832,437.376, 330.664,448.168, 343.992,448.168z" data-tags="chemistry" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe005;" d="M 255.864,448c 54.336,0, 111.96-45.768, 111.96-79.928l0-79.96 c0-30.776-12.8-89.656-47.128-116.688c-8.752-6.888-13.296-17.84-11.984-28.904
+	c 1.312-11.080, 8.296-20.656, 18.424-25.312l 139.248-66.032c 1.088-0.496, 13.344-2.552, 13.344-19.672l 0.016-31.232L 32,0.248L 32,32.72 
+	c0,12.72, 9.544,16.712, 13.36,18.472l 140.512,66.312c 10.080,4.624, 17.032,14.16, 18.384,25.16c 1.36,11-3.080,21.92-11.728,28.856
+	c-33.24,26.688-48.728,85.352-48.728,116.592l0,79.96 C 143.808,401.496, 202.008,448, 255.864,448 M 255.864,480c-70.656,0-144.064-58.968-144.064-111.928
+	l0-79.96 c0-34.936, 15.944-105.624, 60.696-141.544L 31.976,80.248c0,0-31.976-14.248-31.976-31.984l0-48.016 c0-17.672, 14.32-31.984, 31.976-31.984l 447.776,0 
+	c 17.672,0, 31.984,14.312, 31.984,31.984l0,48.016 c0,18.8-31.984,31.984-31.984,31.984l-139.248,66.032c 44.328,34.888, 59.328,103.424, 59.328,141.832
+	l0,79.96 C 399.832,421.032, 326.512,480, 255.864,480L 255.864,480z" data-tags="user" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe007;" d="M 255.992,461.936C 115.008,461.936, 0.32,347.232, 0.32,206.248
+			c0-88.576, 44.84-169.592, 119.952-216.704c 7.472-4.736, 17.344-2.44, 22.048,5.048s 2.44,17.36-5.048,22.048
+			c-27.048,16.976-49.52,39.024-66.712,64.44l 16.776,9.688c 7.656,4.424, 10.28,14.2, 5.856,21.856c-4.44,7.672-14.232,10.28-21.856,5.856
+			l-16.8-9.696c-12.2,25.256-19.648,52.896-21.64,81.712l 17.808,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16s-7.16,16-16,16L 32.976,222.496 
+			c 2.12,29.344, 9.888,57.152, 22.28,82.296l 16.080-9.28c 2.512-1.456, 5.264-2.144, 7.984-2.144c 5.528,0, 10.904,2.872, 13.872,8
+			c 4.424,7.656, 1.8,17.44-5.856,21.856l-15.92,9.184c 16.056,23.416, 36.432,43.648, 59.992,59.512l 9.008-15.6c 2.968-5.144, 8.344-8, 13.872-8
+			c 2.72,0, 5.472,0.688, 7.984,2.144c 7.656,4.424, 10.28,14.2, 5.856,21.856l-8.976,15.536c 24.664,11.896, 51.84,19.328, 80.488,21.408l0-19.936 
+			c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16s 16,7.16, 16,16L 271.64,429.328 c 29.296-2.040, 57.064-9.696, 82.192-21.976l-8.68-15.024c-4.424-7.656-1.8-17.44, 5.856-21.856
+			c 2.512-1.456, 5.264-2.144, 7.984-2.144c 5.528,0, 10.904,2.856, 13.872,8l 8.64,14.968c 23.344-15.888, 43.536-36.072, 59.44-59.408l-14.984-8.656
+			c-7.656-4.424-10.28-14.2-5.856-21.856c 2.968-5.144, 8.344-8, 13.872-8c 2.72,0, 5.472,0.688, 7.984,2.144l 15.064,8.696
+			c 12.296-25.136, 19.976-52.912, 22.024-82.216l-17.568,0 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16s 7.16-16, 16-16l 17.56,0 c-2.024-28.44-9.296-55.72-21.248-80.656
+			l-15.84,9.144c-7.64,4.424-17.456,1.784-21.856-5.856c-4.424-7.656-1.8-17.44, 5.856-21.856L 441.84,81.6
+			c-17.552-26.12-40.72-48.696-68.68-65.912c-7.528-4.64-9.856-14.504-5.232-22.016c 3.032-4.904, 8.264-7.608, 13.64-7.608
+			c 2.856,0, 5.768,0.768, 8.376,2.376c 76.232,46.952, 121.736,128.392, 121.736,217.816C 511.68,347.232, 396.976,461.936, 255.992,461.936z
+			 M 374.056,256.136c 7.648,4.424, 10.272,14.2, 5.856,21.856c-4.416,7.648-14.208,10.272-21.856,5.848l-86.912-50.176
+			c-4.64,2.624-9.928,4.248-15.64,4.248c-17.64,0-31.92-14.296-31.92-31.904c0-17.624, 14.288-31.92, 31.92-31.92c 17.64,0, 31.92,14.296, 31.92,31.92
+			c0,0.032-0.008,0.072-0.008,0.104L 374.056,256.136z" data-tags="speedometer" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe008;" d="M 470.368,385.152c-13.872,9.984-52.528,23.248-214.504,23.248c-173.576,0-199.328-15.232-207.592-20.216
+			c-43.984-26.424-48.16-143.408-48.544-167.128c 0.528-31.328, 5.592-135.56, 48.512-161.344c 8.248-4.968, 33.856-20.112, 207.624-20.112
+			c 162.080,0, 200.688,13.2, 214.504,23.144c 37.488,26.968, 41.8,119.84, 41.904,158.72C 512.176,252.728, 508.896,357.4, 470.368,385.152z
+			 M 451.68,88.712c-5.576-4.016-37.592-17.112-195.816-17.112c-152.968,0-185.064,11.872-191.128,15.528c-15.44,9.264-31.736,58.44-33.016,134.016
+			c 1.264,75.408, 17.784,130.456, 33.048,139.608c 6.080,3.672, 38.296,15.64, 191.096,15.64c 158.096,0, 190.2-13.184, 195.816-17.216
+			c 13.704-9.872, 28.376-61.84, 28.592-137.816C 480.056,144.192, 465.288,98.504, 451.68,88.712z M 360.208,236.584L 216.24,324.928
+			c-4.952,2.984-11.112,3.064-16.128,0.232c-5.032-2.84-8.144-8.168-8.144-13.936l0-176.72 c0-5.768, 3.112-11.096, 8.144-13.936
+			c 2.44-1.376, 5.16-2.064, 7.856-2.064c 2.856,0, 5.736,0.768, 8.264,2.296l 143.968,88.376c 4.8,2.904, 7.736,8.096, 7.736,13.704
+			S 365.008,233.696, 360.208,236.584z M 223.976,162.848L 223.976,282.896 l 97-60.016L 223.976,162.848z" data-tags="social-youtube" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe009;" d="M 342.2,400.656c 26.44,0, 50.312-10.816, 67.128-28.184c 20.92,4.048, 40.64,11.424, 58.36,21.64c-6.856-20.816-21.44-38.28-40.408-49.328
+	c 18.56,2.184, 36.328,6.952, 52.816,14.080c-12.36-17.872-27.92-33.608-45.888-46.184c 0.168-3.816, 0.264-7.672, 0.264-11.512
+	c0-117.864-92.504-253.808-261.656-253.808c-51.92,0-100.28,14.816-140.952,40.112c 7.184-0.84, 14.504-1.264, 21.92-1.264
+	c 43.080,0, 82.752,14.248, 114.232,38.2c-40.264,0.688-74.248,26.504-85.904,61.92c 5.608-1.048, 11.376-1.608, 17.312-1.608
+	c 8.36,0, 16.504,1.080, 24.2,3.128c-42.064,8.168-73.768,44.224-73.768,87.464c0,0.392,0,0.768,0,1.144
+	c 12.408-6.688, 26.576-10.704, 41.672-11.168c-24.688,16.016-40.92,43.28-40.92,74.232c0,16.36, 4.544,31.688, 12.456,44.816
+	C 108.408,330.4, 176.168,294.88, 252.608,291.144c-1.576,6.512-2.392,13.392-2.392,20.312C 250.216,360.728, 291.392,400.656, 342.2,400.656
+	 M 480.096,358.848l 0.080,0  M 342.2,432.656c-62.832,0-114.888-45.904-122.904-105.216c-51.408,10.328-98.16,37.544-131.752,77.472
+	C 81.448,412.168, 72.464,416.32, 63.056,416.32c-0.832,0-1.672-0.032-2.512-0.096C 50.248,415.4, 40.984,409.664, 35.656,400.832
+	c-11.16-18.512-17.048-39.72-17.048-61.328c0-14.424, 2.592-28.472, 7.504-41.608c-5.232-5.816-8.248-13.424-8.248-21.456l0-1.144 
+	c0-31.344, 12.392-60.432, 32.968-82.232c-1.184-5.488-0.92-11.232, 0.888-16.736c 7.096-21.592, 20.016-40.2, 36.768-54.376
+	c-11.248-2.504-22.856-3.768-34.704-3.768c-6.264,0-12.36,0.344-18.128,1.048c-1.28,0.16-2.544,0.216-3.816,0.216
+	c-13.44,0-25.64-8.472-30.168-21.392c-4.968-14.16, 0.544-29.856, 13.28-37.784c 47.264-29.408, 101.856-44.936, 157.856-44.936
+	c 182.016,0, 291.504,142.488, 293.632,281.672c 14.896,12.328, 28.064,26.592, 39.224,42.576c 4.064,5.344, 6.48,12.016, 6.48,19.248
+	c0,10.888-5.448,20.512-13.744,26.296c 3.592,12.312-0.504,25.64-10.504,33.784c-5.84,4.752-13,7.168-20.2,7.168
+	c-5.504,0-11.016-1.408-15.984-4.28c-10.576-6.096-21.888-10.92-33.8-14.392C 396.36,423.624, 369.64,432.656, 342.2,432.656L 342.2,432.656z" data-tags="social-twitter" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe00a;" d="M 264.008,448.128l0-111.936 l 112.16,0 l0-47.984 L 264.504,288.208 l-0.16-139.264c0-25.888, 1.344-42.504, 4.080-49.872c 4.264-11.624, 19.784-26.504, 48.592-26.504
+	c 22.344,0, 52.488,6.72, 75.080,23.624l0-74.656 c-18.84-8.984-36.36-12.608-51.624-16.232c-15.28-3.608-31.832-5.424-49.576-5.424
+	c-19.768,0-76.832,0.544-100.248,60.2c-4.216,10.736-6.328,26.328-6.328,46.736L 184.32,288.128 l-64.424,0 l 0.312,49.064
+	c 21.328,0, 85.312,12.952, 85.312,110.936L 264.008,448.128  M 264.008,480.128L 205.52,480.128 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32c0-73.248-40.816-78.936-53.312-78.936
+	c-17.608,0-31.92-14.232-32-31.84l-0.312-49.064c-0.048-8.512, 3.312-16.688, 9.312-22.736c 6.016-6.032, 14.168-9.424, 22.688-9.424l 32.424,0 l0-149.312 
+	c0-24.688, 2.8-43.816, 8.544-58.44c 14.424-36.72, 48.688-80.504, 130.032-80.504c 20.144,0, 39.296,2.112, 56.936,6.28l 3.528,0.832
+	c 14.936,3.512, 34.016,7.888, 54.504,17.656c 11.144,5.312, 18.232,16.544, 18.232,28.888l0,74.656 c0,12.112-6.84,23.184-17.672,28.608
+	c-4.528,2.28-9.44,3.392-14.328,3.392c-6.784,0-13.528-2.16-19.168-6.376c-19.048-14.264-43.424-17.248-55.904-17.248
+	c-12.8,0-17.56,4.64-18.608,5.872c-0.544,2.512-2.064,11.888-2.064,38.504l 0.112,107.264l 79.704,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32l0,47.984 
+	c0,17.672-14.328,32-32,32l-80.16,0 L 296.008,448.128 C 296.008,465.8, 281.68,480.128, 264.008,480.128L 264.008,480.128z" data-tags="social-tumblr" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe00b;" d="M 290.88,439.752c 1.904,0, 3-0.080, 3-0.080l 41.784,0 l-0.216-48l-41.504,0 c-22.84,0-22.312-19.504-22.312-19.504l0-76.096 l 80.816,0 
+	l-11.28-47.936l-69.8,0 l0-239.888 l-47.952,0 l-0.032,239.888L 159.68,248.136 l-0.128,47.936l 63.856,0 c0,0,0,58.688,0,74.592
+	C 223.416,435.704, 277.432,439.752, 290.88,439.752 M 335.664,439.672l 0.080,0  M 290.88,471.752L 290.88,471.752c-11.504,0-33.984-1.904-55.28-14.736
+	c-20.16-12.128-44.184-36.968-44.184-86.344l0-42.592 l-31.856,0 c-8.504,0-16.656-3.392-22.672-9.408c-6-6.032-9.36-14.184-9.328-22.704
+	l 0.128-47.936c 0.064-17.624, 14.376-31.888, 32-31.888l 31.704,0 l 0.032-207.888c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 47.952,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 303.376,216.144 l 37.8,0 
+	c 14.2,0, 26.704,9.36, 30.704,22.984l 11.28,47.936c 2.84,9.672, 0.952,20.128-5.096,28.184c-6.032,8.080-15.528,12.832-25.608,12.832l-48.816,0 
+	l0,31.576 l 31.816,0.016c 17.608,0, 31.92,14.232, 32,31.856l 0.216,46.376c 0.032,0.592, 0.048,1.168, 0.048,1.768c0,17.672-14.296,32-31.968,32l-0.080,0 
+	l-40.888,0 C 293.864,471.72, 292.536,471.752, 290.88,471.752L 290.88,471.752z" data-tags="social-facebook" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe00c;" d="M 511.712,367.624c-0.36,5.112-3.144,9.736-7.488,12.456L 361.632,469.064c-5.8,3.608-13.216,3.16-18.528-1.144l-87.112-70.472
+			L 168.896,467.92c-5.296,4.28-12.768,4.768-18.528,1.144L 7.776,380.080c-4.344-2.72-7.128-7.344-7.488-12.456
+			c-0.376-5.112, 1.736-10.080, 5.656-13.376l 82.608-69.408l-70.768-55.592c-4.048-3.16-6.312-8.088-6.112-13.208
+			c 0.2-5.12, 2.84-9.832, 7.112-12.68l 65.488-43.656c-3.216-2.92-5.272-7.104-5.272-11.8l0-64.168 c0-5.56, 2.888-10.72, 7.624-13.64
+			l 160.984-91.216c 2.56-1.576, 5.472-2.36, 8.376-2.36s 5.816,0.8, 8.392,2.376l 159.112,91.216c 4.736,2.92, 7.608,8.080, 7.608,13.624
+			l0,75.264 c0,1.032-0.12,2.040-0.304,3.016l 62.024,41.344c 4.264,2.84, 6.904,7.544, 7.112,12.664c 0.2,5.128-2.048,10.040-6.080,13.208
+			l-70.456,55.576l 82.656,69.44C 509.976,357.544, 512.088,362.512, 511.712,367.624z M 368.336,284.672l-112.344-70.392l-112.344,70.392l 112.344,73.112
+			L 368.336,284.672z M 43.4,364.576l 114.232,71.296l 71.184-57.592l-113.672-73.984L 43.4,364.576z M 114.96,264.888l 112.984-70.8l-64.032-49.016
+			L 54.912,217.728L 114.96,264.888z M 111.008,141.888l 44.672-29.784c 5.672-3.784, 13.16-3.528, 18.592,0.608l 64.704,49.52l0-141.4 l-127.968,71.84
+			L 111.008,141.888 z M 399.104,92.672l-128.128-72.84L 270.976,163.72 l 66.328-50.984c 2.856-2.2, 6.312-3.312, 9.752-3.312c 3.096,0, 6.184,0.888, 8.872,2.688
+			l 43.168,28.784L 399.096,92.672 z M 456.728,217.76l-109.016-72.664l-63.72,48.968l 113,70.816L 456.728,217.76z M 396.832,304.296l-113.672,73.984
+			l 71.2,57.592l 114.232-71.296L 396.832,304.296z" data-tags="social-dropbox" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe00d;" d="M 255.992,479.864c-34.928,0-68.232-7.056-98.592-19.784c-1.056-0.336-2.088-0.776-3.072-1.336
+			C 63.696,419.336, 0.136,328.968, 0.136,223.992c0-141.080, 114.784-255.856, 255.856-255.856c 141.096,0, 255.872,114.784, 255.872,255.856
+			C 511.864,365.088, 397.088,479.864, 255.992,479.864z M 479.864,223.992c0-1.792-0.096-3.56-0.136-5.336
+			c-24.512,6.504-86.696,18.72-163.4,1.872c-6.76,15.448-14.256,31.288-22.64,47.408c-0.704,1.352-1.392,2.64-2.088,3.976
+			c 82.064,31.672, 116.944,74.336, 131.384,100.976C 458.328,333.28, 479.864,281.112, 479.864,223.992z M 398.768,396.28
+			c-7.456-17.6-34.52-63-122.36-95.944C 236.96,372.448, 206.296,415.672, 189.112,437.656c 21.128,6.632, 43.592,10.208, 66.88,10.208
+			C 310.208,447.864, 359.984,428.48, 398.768,396.28z M 158.024,425.24c 13.608-16.64, 45.192-58.528, 87.552-135.224
+			c-100-30.144-181.224-26.52-209.416-23.896C 49.568,336.192, 95.696,394.776, 158.024,425.24z M 32.136,223.992c0,3.448, 0.104,6.872, 0.264,10.288
+			c 9.624-0.968, 24.576-2.040, 44.144-2.040c 43.448,0, 108.856,5.376, 184.504,29.072c 1.424-2.688, 2.832-5.368, 4.272-8.136
+			c 7.216-13.888, 13.744-27.592, 19.704-41.032c-13.688-4.304-27.696-9.536-41.936-15.984c-91.312-41.352-134.096-100.352-149.336-126.168
+			C 55.616,110.152, 32.136,164.368, 32.136,223.992z M 118.048,47.88c 8.12,15.376, 45.304,77.040, 138.224,119.128
+			c 13.984,6.336, 27.76,11.392, 41.192,15.456c 30.368-77.16, 40.904-140.784, 44.088-165.296c-26.376-10.952-55.264-17.032-85.56-17.032
+			C 203.984,0.136, 156.096,18.016, 118.048,47.88z M 371.808,32.48c-4.616,30.8-16.072,88.696-42.984,157.832
+			c 74.224,14.776, 132.976,0.28, 147.808-4.040C 465.52,121.168, 426.264,65.528, 371.808,32.48z" data-tags="social-dribbble" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe00e;" d="M 453.976,407.76c-5.936,5.544-13.752,8.608-21.832,8.608
+			c-0.736,0-1.472-0.032-2.2-0.080c-0.456-0.032-5.592-0.344-13.64-0.344c-13.328,0-39.344,0.904-63.984,6.968
+			c-31.832,7.816-68.56,44.080-79.248,51.232c-5.376,3.592-11.576,5.392-17.784,5.392c-6.184,0-12.392-1.8-17.768-5.376
+			c-1.296-0.872-39.752-42.016-77.376-51.248c-24.624-6.064-51.144-6.968-64.456-6.968c-8.048,0-13.184,0.312-13.688,0.344
+			c-0.704,0.048-1.408,0.080-2.112,0.080c-8.096,0-15.936-3.080-21.888-8.64c-6.472-6.048-10.16-14.504-10.16-23.36l0-80.016 
+			c0-295.816, 193.56-333.904, 201.784-335.392c 1.872-0.328, 3.768-0.504, 5.656-0.504s 3.8,0.168, 5.656,0.504
+			c 8.216,1.488, 203.2,39.576, 203.2,335.392L 464.136,384.368 C 464.152,393.24, 460.464,401.712, 453.976,407.76z M 432.152,304.352
+			c0-272.456-176.856-303.888-176.856-303.888s-175.44,31.44-175.44,303.888c0,69.84,0,80.016,0,80.016s 6.048-0.424, 15.84-0.424
+			c 16.784,0, 45.016,1.232, 72.080,7.888c 44.312,10.872, 87.512,55.704, 87.512,55.704s 45.128-44.832, 89.392-55.704
+			c 27.096-6.656, 54.84-7.888, 71.624-7.888c 9.784,0, 15.84,0.424, 15.84,0.424S 432.152,374.192, 432.152,304.352z M 323.8,306.88
+			c-6.248,6.248-16.384,6.248-22.624,0l-45.256-45.256l-45.256,45.256c-6.248,6.248-16.384,6.248-22.632,0s-6.248-16.384,0-22.624l 45.256-45.256
+			l-45.256-45.256c-6.248-6.24-6.248-16.376,0-22.624s 16.384-6.248, 22.632,0l 45.256,45.256l 45.256-45.256c 6.24-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0
+			s 6.248,16.384,0,22.624l-45.256,45.256l 45.256,45.256C 330.048,290.496, 330.048,300.632, 323.8,306.88z" data-tags="shield" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe00f;" d="M 416.072,480L 95.928,480 c-26.512,0-48-21.488-48-48l0-416 c0-26.512, 21.488-48, 48-48l 320.144,0 
+			c 26.512,0, 48,21.488, 48,48L 464.072,432 C 464.072,458.512, 442.584,480, 416.072,480z M 432.072,16c0-8.832-7.168-16-16-16L 95.928,0 c-8.832,0-16,7.168-16,16L 79.928,432 
+			c0,8.832, 7.168,16, 16,16l 320.144,0 c 8.832,0, 16-7.168, 16-16L 432.072,16 z M 256.024,79.912c-17.64,0-31.92-14.296-31.92-31.912s 14.28-31.92, 31.92-31.92
+			c 17.632,0, 31.92,14.304, 31.92,31.92S 273.656,79.912, 256.024,79.912z M 288.024,432l-64,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 64,0 
+			c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 296.856,432, 288.024,432z" data-tags="screen-tablet" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe017;" d="M 510.256,265.312l-51.392,76.84l 25.576,89.408c 1.592,5.608, 0.032,11.64-4.112,15.752c-4.128,4.128-10.128,5.656-15.768,4.016
+			L 375.304,425.264l-77.144,51.952c-4.856,3.264-11.080,3.656-16.232,0.968c-5.184-2.656-8.512-7.936-8.704-13.752l-2.768-92.968
+			l-73.248-57.296c-4.592-3.592-6.856-9.408-5.936-15.16s 4.904-10.544, 10.408-12.512l 68.728-24.64c-0.464-0.368-0.952-0.696-1.384-1.128
+			L 3.648-4.648c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.376,0-22.624c 3.128-3.128, 7.216-4.688, 11.312-4.688s 8.184,1.56, 11.312,4.688l 265.376,265.376
+			c 1.032,1.032, 1.832,2.2, 2.52,3.408l 26.896-73.776c 2-5.472, 6.816-9.424, 12.576-10.328c 0.816-0.128, 1.64-0.184, 2.456-0.184
+			c 4.904,0, 9.592,2.264, 12.656,6.216l 56.888,73.584l 91.952,3.28c 5.832,0.2, 11.080,3.56, 13.72,8.768
+			C 513.944,254.264, 513.536,260.496, 510.256,265.312z M 397.024,268.728c-4.752-0.16-9.184-2.44-12.096-6.2l-43.736-56.552l-24.488,67.16
+			c-1.624,4.472-5.16,7.968-9.64,9.576l-67.296,24.128l 56.312,44.032c 3.752,2.936, 5.984,7.376, 6.144,12.128l 2.128,71.472l 59.296-39.936
+			c 3.952-2.656, 8.888-3.408, 13.424-2.096l 68.624,20.048l-19.672-68.736c-1.296-4.576-0.504-9.488, 2.168-13.424l 40.28-59.064L 397.024,268.728z
+			" data-tags="magic-wand" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe018;" d="M 416.528,447.696l-32.232,0 l0-107.704 c0-52.192-28.328-91.68-89.048-122.6
+	C 358.28,185.488, 384.8,146.312, 384.8,87.856c0-38.064-0.168-70-0.296-87.56l 32.032,0 c 8.84,0, 16-7.144, 16-15.984s-7.16-16-16-16L 95.472-31.688 
+	c-8.84,0-16,7.16-16,16s 7.16,15.984, 16,15.984l 32.968,0 c-0.12,17.56-0.296,49.504-0.296,87.56c0,58.456, 26.144,97.624, 89.072,129.528
+	c-60.616,30.92-88.568,70.408-88.568,122.6L 128.648,447.696 l-33.176,0 c-8.84,0-16,7.152-16,16c0,8.832, 7.16,15.992, 16,15.992l 321.064,0 
+	c 8.84,0, 16-7.16, 16-15.992C 432.528,454.848, 425.376,447.696, 416.528,447.696z M 160.136,87.856c0-38.144, 0.176-70.112, 0.296-87.56l 192.088,0 
+	c 0.112,17.456, 0.296,49.424, 0.296,87.56c0,44.504-16.56,79.016-96.592,112.2C 176.216,166.872, 160.136,132.36, 160.136,87.856z M 352.312,447.696
+	l-191.68,0 l0-107.704 c0-30.688, 10.32-70.208, 95.584-105.264c 85.28,35.056, 96.096,74.576, 96.096,105.264L 352.312,447.696 z" data-tags="hourglass" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe019;" d="M 495.424,131.848L 495.424,260.92 l 8.048,4.248c 5.232,2.72, 8.528,8.112, 8.592,14.016
+			c 0.064,5.888-3.128,11.344-8.296,14.184l-240.72,128.8c-4.816,2.64-10.64,2.624-15.488-0.048L 8.16,293.16
+			c-5.096-2.84-8.248-8.232-8.216-14.080s 3.248-11.2, 8.408-13.984l 105.192-55.992c-1.32-2.328-2.136-4.984-2.136-7.848l0-135.392 
+			c0-4.56, 1.952-8.92, 5.36-11.952c 3.472-3.080, 36.72-30.048, 138.376-30.048c 101.296,0, 135.44,25.488, 139,28.392
+			c 3.72,3.032, 5.872,7.576, 5.872,12.392L 400.016,203.512 c0,2.248-0.472,4.384-1.304,6.32l 64.712,34.184l0-112.256 
+			c-9.488-5.552-15.92-15.736-15.92-27.512c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32s 32,14.328, 32,32C 511.504,116.096, 504.984,126.32, 495.424,131.848z M 368.016,73.816
+			c-12.576-6.048-45.856-17.952-112.872-17.952c-67.44,0-99.968,12.672-111.736,18.768L 143.408,193.2 l 103.904-55.312c 2.36-1.28, 4.984-1.92, 7.592-1.92
+			c 2.544,0, 5.096,0.608, 7.408,1.832l 105.704,55.832L 368.016,73.816 z M 255.032,170.096L 49.232,279.376l 206.16,110.488l 206.8-110.168L 255.032,170.096z" data-tags="graduation" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe01a;" d="M 255.992,480.064c-114.608,0-207.84-99.952-207.84-222.8l0-273.336 c0-6.608, 4.080-12.544, 10.248-14.92
+			c 1.856-0.736, 3.816-1.080, 5.752-1.080c 4.424,0, 8.768,1.84, 11.856,5.264l 60.296,66.56l 47.216-65.216
+			c 2.984-4.128, 7.752-6.576, 12.84-6.608l 0.112,0 c 5.048,0, 9.816,2.392, 12.832,6.456l 47.408,63.672l 46.592-63.576
+			c 3.016-4.112, 7.8-6.544, 12.904-6.544c 5.096,0, 9.888,2.424, 12.904,6.528l 47.784,65.144l 59-66.312
+			c 4.408-4.952, 11.472-6.688, 17.64-4.312c 6.2,2.36, 10.312,8.312, 10.312,14.952L 463.848,257.272 C 463.848,380.112, 370.6,480.064, 255.992,480.064z
+			 M 431.848,25.984l-44.2,49.688c-3.216,3.608-7.904,5.656-12.704,5.344c-4.832-0.232-9.296-2.624-12.16-6.512l-46.56-63.504
+			l-46.504,63.456c-3,4.096-7.768,6.528-12.84,6.544l-0.064,0 c-5.064,0-9.816-2.392-12.832-6.456l-47.344-63.576l-46,63.544
+			c-2.832,3.904-7.264,6.328-12.080,6.576c-0.296,0.016-0.576,0.032-0.872,0.032c-4.504,0-8.816-1.904-11.856-5.264l-45.688-50.424
+			L 80.144,257.272 c0,105.2, 78.888,190.8, 175.84,190.8c 96.968,0, 175.856-85.592, 175.856-190.8L 431.84,25.984 z M 336,303.92c-17.64,0-31.92-14.296-31.92-31.904
+			c0-17.624, 14.28-31.92, 31.92-31.92s 31.92,14.296, 31.92,31.92C 367.92,289.624, 353.64,303.92, 336,303.92z M 176,303.92
+			c-17.64,0-31.92-14.296-31.92-31.904c0-17.624, 14.288-31.92, 31.92-31.92s 31.92,14.296, 31.92,31.92C 207.92,289.624, 193.64,303.92, 176,303.92z" data-tags="ghost" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe01b;" d="M 371.608,442.224c-12.8,6.008-24.904,11.664-35.92,17.192
+			c-28.232,14.144-53.832,21.016-78.232,21.016c-49.144,0-83.152-28.352-104.48-49.68l-17.792-17.808l-11.872-11.888l-17.232-17.256l-26.864-26.896
+			l-29.664-29.688c-55.344-55.4-64.184-111.8-28.632-182.904c 5.512-11.040, 11.184-23.168, 17.184-36.016
+			c 32.352-69.192, 65.792-140.744, 120.528-140.744c 1.536,0, 3.056,0.048, 4.608,0.168c 56.488,4.424, 72.512,77.144, 86.656,141.296
+			c 2.248,10.16, 4.376,19.904, 6.56,28.64c 3.8,15.104, 11.28,24.488, 31.776,45.032l 2.816,2.832l 1.736,1.736l 2.248,2.24l 2.312,2.304
+			c 20.544,20.544, 29.928,28.016, 45.048,31.832c 8.656,2.176, 18.376,4.32, 28.512,6.544c 64.112,14.152, 136.8,30.184, 141.2,86.76
+			C 516.544,374.352, 442.872,408.856, 371.608,442.224z M 479.232,319.832c-3.112-39.888-92.408-51.664-145.552-64.992
+			c-23.504-5.936-37.808-18.376-59.392-39.968c-1.504-1.504-3.016-3.008-4.544-4.536c-1.512-1.512-3.016-3.048-4.528-4.544
+			c-21.584-21.608-34-35.904-39.912-59.44c-13.336-53.192-25.096-142.584-64.936-145.72c-0.72-0.056-1.44-0.072-2.16-0.072
+			c-42.272,0-77.84,96.12-109.224,158.832C 17.112,223.144, 30.768,264.504, 71.664,305.44c 7.848,7.864, 17.608,17.624, 29.568,29.592
+			c 12.216,12.232, 26.744,26.776, 43.96,44c 11.952,11.968, 21.704,21.712, 29.56,29.592c 25.4,25.424, 50.968,40.32, 81.96,40.32
+			c 18.904,0, 39.816-5.528, 63.936-17.624C 384.376,399.368, 482.592,363.080, 479.232,319.832z M 239.392,304.36l 32,0 l0,32 l-32,0 L 239.392,304.36 z M 239.392,352.36l 32,0 
+			l0,32 l-32,0 L 239.392,352.36 z M 287.392,352.36l 32,0 l0,32 l-32,0 L 287.392,352.36 z M 287.392,304.36l 32,0 l0,32 l-32,0 L 287.392,304.36 z M 164.944,208.28l 12.168,12.168
+			c 6,6, 6,15.736,0,21.728c-6,6-15.72,6-21.72,0l-12.176-12.176l-12.176,12.176c-6,6-15.72,6-21.72,0
+			c-6-6-6-15.728,0-21.728l 12.176-12.176l-12.176-12.176c-6-5.992-6-15.72,0-21.72c 6-6, 15.728-6, 21.72,0
+			l 12.176,12.168l 12.528-12.528c 6-6, 15.72-6, 21.72,0s 6,15.736,0,21.736L 164.944,208.28z" data-tags="game-controller" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe01c;" d="M 254.208-31.64c-120.624,0-206.184,83.64-206.184,198.888c0,61.184, 36.688,127.096, 38.248,129.856
+	c 3.184,5.672, 9.44,8.752, 15.968,8.032c 6.456-0.832, 11.768-5.488, 13.44-11.784c 0.096-0.376, 9.984-37.376, 23.032-57.92
+	c 8.768-13.824, 17.656-23.592, 27.656-30.376c-6.768,29.328-11.952,73.456-3.512,118.736C 186.024,448.080, 283.848,477.816, 288.040,479.016
+	c 5.392,1.544, 11.112,0.16, 15.216-3.576c 4.096-3.752, 5.968-9.376, 4.904-14.832c-0.16-0.872-16.312-87.888, 17.968-162.032
+	c 3.112-6.736, 7.456-14.56, 12.128-22.392c 1.328,10.752, 3.392,22.184, 6.56,33.28c 12.576,43.984, 45.096,59, 46.472,59.608
+	c 5.424,2.472, 11.752,1.656, 16.44-2.016c 4.672-3.688, 6.92-9.64, 5.84-15.504c-0.168-1.080-4.704-31.016, 20.768-73.472
+	c 23-38.336, 29.64-63.184, 29.64-110.84C 463.976,52, 375.76-31.64, 254.208-31.64z M 97.848,246.16
+	c-8.784-22.152-17.832-51.624-17.832-78.904c0-96.704, 72.096-166.888, 174.184-166.888c 103,0, 177.768,70.184, 177.768,166.888
+	c0,41.768-5.16,61.16-25.080,94.376c-13.312,22.184-19.888,42.128-23.032,58c-3.168-5.128-6.112-11.392-8.264-18.936
+	c-9.752-34.096-7.296-73.968-7.264-74.376c 0.472-7.136-3.872-13.736-10.624-16.128s-14.264-0.032-18.408,5.832
+	c-1.2,1.704-29.656,41.984-42.2,69.12c-26.048,56.296-25.608,117.168-22.952,152.232c-26.36-15.36-66.832-49.672-79.832-119.456
+	c-12.656-67.904, 11.936-135.8, 12.2-136.472c 2.128-5.544, 1-11.832-2.904-16.296c-3.92-4.44-9.952-6.408-15.768-5.016
+	c-1.984,0.488-47.016,12.2-76.168,58.144C 106.464,226.512, 101.792,236.472, 97.848,246.16z" data-tags="fire" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe01d;" d="M 512.688,154.104c-0.488,6.92-26.504,159.656-30.576,184.112c-0.392,2.344-0.704,4.84-1.048,7.472
+			c-3.144,24.576-9.016,70.312-82.736,70.312c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16s 7.16-16, 16-16c 45.56,0, 47.968-18.704, 51-42.392
+			c 0.392-3.032, 0.768-5.936, 1.216-8.64c 1.872-11.264, 10.352-56.080, 17.672-100.512c-18.776,14.312-42.144,22.904-67.56,22.904
+			c-40.824,0-77.16-21.976-97.136-54.68c-9.608,3.632-25.912,8.168-47.696,8.168c-21.472,0-37.256-4.568-47.016-8.544
+			c-19.424,32.912-55.152,55.064-96.136,55.064c-26.632,0-51.368-9.36-70.92-24.92C 49.168,275.44, 57.952,321.464, 59.856,332.96
+			c 0.456,2.704, 0.832,5.608, 1.216,8.64c 3.032,23.688, 5.44,42.392, 51,42.392c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16s-7.16,16-16,16
+			c-73.72,0-79.592-45.736-82.736-70.312c-0.344-2.624-0.656-5.128-1.048-7.472c-4.080-24.456-28.504-176.184-28.984-183.112
+			c-0.112-1.544, 0.072-3.024, 0.376-4.472c-0.152-2.312-0.36-4.608-0.36-6.952c0-61.672, 51.672-111.672, 113.344-111.672
+			s 111.672,50, 111.672,111.672c0,9.328-1.272,18.336-3.424,26.992c 6.56,2.64, 18.416,6.168, 34.904,6.168c 16.088,0, 28.232-3.216, 35.152-5.664
+			c-2.304-8.816-3.664-17.984-3.664-27.496c0-61.672, 51.672-111.672, 113.344-111.672s 111.672,50, 111.672,111.672
+			c0,1.672-0.176,3.304-0.248,4.96C 512.56,150.376, 512.832,152.2, 512.688,154.104z M 112.672,64.008c-44.096,0-81.344,36.488-81.344,79.672
+			s 37.248,79.672, 81.344,79.672c 43.936,0, 79.672-35.736, 79.672-79.672S 156.608,64.008, 112.672,64.008z M 400.656,64.008
+			c-44.096,0-81.344,36.488-81.344,79.672s 37.248,79.672, 81.344,79.672c 38,0, 69.816-26.744, 77.728-62.392
+			c 0.328-3.264, 0.6-6.336, 0.808-9.144c 0.096-1.344, 0.456-2.608, 0.92-3.832c 0.080-1.44, 0.216-2.856, 0.216-4.312
+			C 480.328,99.744, 444.592,64.008, 400.656,64.008z" data-tags="eyeglasses" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe01e;" d="M 511.656,243.352c-0.68,5.656-2.808,10.856-6.048,15.232l 0.080,0 l-0.44,0.44c-1.64,2.16-3.56,4.064-5.704,5.752L 290.904,466.48
+			c-18.112,18.112-49.752,18.144-67.888,0L 14.408,266.352c-4.512-4.2-14.44-15.544-14.44-26.672l0-239.76 c0-17.592, 14.408-32, 32-32l 448,0 
+			c 17.592,0, 32,14.408, 32,32L 511.968,239.048 C 512.080,240.488, 511.936,241.928, 511.656,243.352z M 134.896,116.832L 31.968,22.048L 31.968,207.64 L 134.896,116.832z
+			 M 167.784,103.64c 1.144,0.76, 2.232,1.624, 3.184,2.704c 0.184,0.208, 0.312,0.456, 0.48,0.672l 70.584,65
+			c 3.624,2.92, 7.92,4.456, 12.44,4.456c 4.592,0, 9.184-1.608, 12.264-4L 458.536-0.080L 55.168-0.080 L 167.784,103.64z M 378.728,114.72
+			l 101.24,89.848l0-180.92 L 378.728,114.72z M 51.888,258.584L 245.64,443.856c 3.032,3.016, 7.048,4.688, 11.312,4.688
+			c 4.28,0, 8.296-1.672, 11.328-4.688L 448.968,271.68l-0.488,0 l 27.448-27.896l-121.152-107.52l-67.624,60.832
+			c-18.84,14.768-45.888,15.408-65.84-0.688l-62.752-57.792L 37.664,245.288l 13.496,13.296L 51.888,258.584 z" data-tags="envelope-open" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe01f;" d="M 511.656,243.36c-0.68,5.656-2.808,10.856-6.048,15.232l 0.080,0 l-0.44,0.44c-1.64,2.16-3.56,4.064-5.704,5.752
+			L 415.968,348.976L 415.968,400.608 c0,8.84-7.16,16-16,16l-50.664,0 l-58.4,49.856c-18.112,18.112-49.752,18.144-67.888,0l-58.2-49.856l-52.848,0 
+			c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-52.688 L 14.408,266.36c-8.672-5.736-14.44-15.544-14.44-26.672l0-239.752 c0-17.592, 14.408-32, 32-32l 448,0 
+			c 17.592,0, 32,14.408, 32,32l0,239.12 C 512.080,240.496, 511.936,241.936, 511.656,243.36z M 134.432,117.248L 31.968,22.208L 31.968,207.656 L 134.432,117.248z
+			 M 165.28,102.248c 2.112,0.904, 4.064,2.264, 5.688,4.112c 0.856,0.968, 1.528,2.032, 2.112,3.128l 68.952,63.968
+			c 3.624,2.92, 7.92,4.456, 12.44,4.456c 4.592,0, 9.184-1.608, 12.264-4l 191.92-173.968L 55-0.056 L 165.28,102.248z M 379.168,115.136l 100.8,89.448
+			l0-180.816 L 379.168,115.136z M 448.968,271.688l-0.488,0 l 27.448-27.896l-59.96-53.216L 415.968,304.68 L 448.968,271.688z M 245.64,443.84
+			c 3.032,3.016, 7.048,4.688, 11.312,4.688c 4.28,0, 8.296-1.672, 11.328-4.688l 32.312-27.232L 213.376,416.608 L 245.64,443.84z M 383.968,384.608l0-222.424 
+			l-28.656-25.44l-68.16,61.784c-18.84,14.768-45.888,15.408-65.84-0.688L 158,139.12l-30.032,26.504L 127.968,384.608 L 383.968,384.608 z M 51.888,258.592l 44.080,44.064
+			l0-108.808 l-58.312,51.448l 13.496,13.296L 51.888,258.592 z" data-tags="envelope-letter" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe027;" d="M 452.808,124.056c-18.672,22.712-44.24,54.872-44.24,87.68l0,104.48 
+			c0,90.008-67.32,163.24-153.344,163.24c-86.040,0-152.832-73.232-152.832-163.24l0-104.48 c0-32.256-27.744-62.744-45.336-86.4
+			c-15.824-21.256-28.312-38.048-19.88-54.832c 7.416-14.768, 25.984-16.664, 41.328-16.664l 91.68,0 c 0.024-47.104, 38.224-85.288, 85.336-85.288
+			c 47.12,0, 85.32,38.184, 85.344,85.288l 93.832,0 c 9.76,0, 32.576,0, 40.432,16.6C 483.056,87.248, 470.368,102.696, 452.808,124.056z
+			 M 255.504,2.072c-28.608,0-51.816,23.176-51.856,51.768L 307.36,53.84 C 307.32,25.248, 284.128,2.072, 255.504,2.072z M 434.696,87.904L 78.504,87.904 
+			c-2.448,0-4.496,0.080-6.184,0.184c 3.296,5.104, 8.136,11.624, 12.072,16.928c 19.496,26.2, 52.072,63.184, 52.072,106.712l0,104.48 
+			c0,71.232, 51.52,129.176, 118.76,129.176c 67.24,0, 119.28-57.944, 119.28-129.176l0-104.48 c0-45.008, 30.040-82.624, 51.984-109.304
+			c 3.696-4.496, 8.12-9.88, 11.56-14.48C 437.032,87.92, 435.912,87.904, 434.696,87.904z" data-tags="bell" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe028;" d="M 510.528,60.016L 416.896,233.168c 9.552,21.68, 14.896,45.64, 14.896,70.848c0,97.152-78.76,175.904-175.904,175.904
+			c-97.168,0-175.92-78.76-175.92-175.904c0-25.816, 5.608-50.312, 15.592-72.392L 1.512,60.096c-3.032-5.512-2.528-12.312, 1.264-17.344
+			c 3.8-5.016, 10.216-7.376, 16.344-5.936l 80.312,18.424l 27.488-76.56c 2.144-5.952, 7.576-10.080, 13.872-10.544
+			c 0.408-0.032, 0.8-0.048, 1.184-0.048c 5.856,0, 11.296,3.216, 14.096,8.44l 81.848,152.488c 5.904-0.6, 11.896-0.904, 17.96-0.904
+			c 5.56,0, 11.048,0.288, 16.472,0.8l 83.624-152.504c 2.832-5.16, 8.216-8.312, 14.032-8.312c 0.408,0, 0.832,0.016, 1.248,0.048
+			c 6.28,0.504, 11.688,4.624, 13.816,10.544l 27.488,76.56l 80.312-18.424c 6.16-1.488, 12.512,0.904, 16.312,5.904
+			C 513,47.72, 513.512,54.488, 510.528,60.016z M 144.888,23.328l-20.128,56.080c-2.752,7.624-10.736,12.064-18.64,10.184L 46.72,75.968
+			l 67.704,123.488c 22.296-30.12, 53.976-52.84, 90.72-63.896L 144.888,23.328z M 112.112,304.016c0,79.272, 64.504,143.768, 143.784,143.768
+			c 79.272,0, 143.768-64.496, 143.768-143.768s-64.496-143.784-143.768-143.784C 176.608,160.232, 112.112,224.744, 112.112,304.016z M 405.872,89.592
+			c-7.936,1.872-15.888-2.56-18.64-10.184l-20.264-56.488L 305.392,135.2c 37.72,11.048, 70.168,34.368, 92.752,65.368l 67.424-124.664L 405.872,89.592z
+			" data-tags="badge" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe029;" d="M 510.512,114.296l-41.144,75.648c-0.064,0.104-0.048,0.2-0.112,0.296l-2.936,5.072
+			c-1.64,2.808-4.216,4.616-7.096,5.296c-2.848,0.704-5.992,0.272-8.704-1.488l-4.92-3.168c-0.096-0.056-0.152-0.144-0.248-0.208
+			l-72.8-49.16c-5.44-3.504-7.208-10.84-3.968-16.456l 3.272-3.6c 3.24-5.592, 10.632-5.824, 16.080-2.32l 43.52,29.592
+			c-10.304-83-77.368-146.696-159.48-154.088L 271.976,320.512 L 336,320.512 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16l-64.72,0 
+			c-0.12,0.416-0.224,0.832-0.384,1.232c 28.552,6.64, 49.848,32.184, 49.848,62.768c0,35.624-28.872,64.504-64.504,64.504
+			c-35.624,0-64.496-28.872-64.496-64.504c0-30.408, 21.056-55.832, 49.368-62.64c-0.168-0.44-0.288-0.904-0.424-1.36L 176,352.512 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16
+			s 7.168-16, 16-16l 63.992,0 l0-320.792 c-82.088,7.392-149.080,71.064-159.408,154.056l 43.472-29.56c 5.44-3.504, 12.832-3.272, 16.072,2.32l 3.28,3.6
+			c 3.24,5.608, 1.472,12.952-3.976,16.456l-72.8,49.16c-0.096,0.072-0.152,0.16-0.24,0.208l-4.928,3.168
+			c-2.704,1.76-5.848,2.184-8.704,1.488c-2.872-0.68-5.456-2.496-7.096-5.296L 42.728,190.24c-0.056-0.096-0.048-0.192-0.104-0.296
+			l-41.136-75.648c-3.248-5.584-1.472-12.936, 3.976-16.448l 4.56-1.712c 5.44-3.496, 12.128-0.32, 15.376,5.272l 23.952,44.488
+			c 14.688-102.36, 102.552-178.912, 206.64-178.912c 104.032,0, 191.96,76.544, 206.68,178.856l 23.92-44.432c 3.248-5.592, 9.944-8.768, 15.384-5.272
+			l 4.56,1.712C 511.984,101.36, 513.76,108.712, 510.512,114.296z M 223.752,416.512c0,17.92, 14.576,32.504, 32.496,32.504
+			c 17.92,0, 32.504-14.576, 32.504-32.504s-14.576-32.504-32.504-32.504C 238.336,384.016, 223.752,398.592, 223.752,416.512z" data-tags="anchor" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe02a;" d="M 511.824,334.76c 0.232,11.832-2.952,39.424-38.92,49.032L 115.024,455.76l-3.328,0.344
+			c-26.472,0-48-21.528-48-48l0-64.352 l-16,0.040c-26.376-0.112-47.816-21.576-47.816-47.984l0-255.904 c0-26.472, 21.528-48, 48-48l 416.232,0 
+			c 26.472,0, 48,21.528, 48,48L 511.824,334.76z M 95.696,408.104c0,8.36, 6.44,15.232, 14.608,15.936l 353-71.44
+			c 0.128-0.064-2.624-8.968-15.44-8.8L 95.696,343.8 L 95.696,408.104 z M 480.12,39.896c0-8.832-7.168-16-16-16L 47.88,23.896 c-8.832,0-16,7.168-16,16L 31.88,295.808 
+			c0,8.832, 7.168,16, 16,16l 400.032,0 c 15.704,0, 32.2,5.352, 32.2,15.944L 480.112,39.896 z M 95.912,199.752c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32s 14.328-32, 32-32
+			s 32,14.328, 32,32S 113.584,199.752, 95.912,199.752z" data-tags="wallet" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe02b;" d="M 496,144l-16.136,0 l0,0.808 c0,80.96-43.264,151.904-107.832,191.192l 80.408,0 
+			c 5.544-9.52, 15.752-16, 27.56-16c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32s-14.328,32-32,32c-11.816,0-22.016-6.48-27.56-16L 304,368 l0,16 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-64,0 
+			c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 L 59.56,368 C 54.016,377.52, 43.816,384, 32,384c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32s 14.328-32, 32-32c 11.816,0, 22.016,6.48, 27.56,16l 80.4,0 
+			C 75.392,296.704, 32.136,225.768, 32.136,144.808L 32.136,144 L 16,144 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-64 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 64,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,64 
+			c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16L 64.136,144 l0,0.808 c0,89.224, 61.232,164.336, 143.864,185.696L 208,320 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 64,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,10.504 
+			c 82.632-21.368, 143.864-96.48, 143.864-185.696L 447.864,144 L 432,144 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-64 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 64,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,64 
+			C 512,136.832, 504.832,144, 496,144z M 64,80L 32,80 l0,32 l 32,0 L 64,80 z M 272,336l-32,0 l0,32 l 32,0 L 272,336 z M 480,80l-32,0 l0,32 l 32,0 L 480,80 z" data-tags="vector" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe02c;" d="M 480,448.2L 32,448.2 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-288.752 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 63.768,0 l0-79.656 
+			c0-6.456, 3.872-12.264, 9.816-14.752c 2-0.84, 4.112-1.248, 6.184-1.248c 4.128,0, 8.168,1.592, 11.216,4.592l 92.512,91.064L 480,95.448 
+			c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 512,416.2 C 512,433.872, 497.672,448.2, 480,448.2z M 480,127.456L 202.392,127.456 l-74.624-73.456l0,73.456 L 32,127.456 L 32,416.2 l 448,0 L 480,127.456 z
+			 M 112,255.496l 288,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16L 112,287.496 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16S 103.168,255.496, 112,255.496z M 112,319.496l 288,0 
+			c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16L 112,351.496 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16S 103.168,319.496, 112,319.496z M 112,191.496l 192,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16
+			s-7.168,16-16,16L 112,223.496 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16S 103.168,191.496, 112,191.496z" data-tags="speech" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe02d;" d="M 256-32.080c-10.144,0-19.688,3.936-26.872,11.096L 10.872,197.264c-14.768,14.84-14.768,38.976-0.032,53.784l 79.952,79.936
+	c 4.936,4.936, 12.512,6.112, 18.72,2.872c 6.184-3.232, 9.56-10.112, 8.344-16.984c-0.816-4.576-1.184-8.248-1.184-11.56
+	c0-35, 28.488-64.072, 63.504-64.072c 35.048,0, 60.64,29.072, 60.64,64.072c0,35.048-25.592,63.544-60.64,63.544c-3.28,0-6.936-0.376-11.512-1.184
+	c-6.936-1.28-13.752,2.16-16.984,8.344c-3.232,6.2-2.064,13.784, 2.872,18.72l 74.544,74.56c 14.44,14.376, 39.408,14.344, 53.784,0.032
+	l 54.576-54.608c 11.392,35.408, 44.64,61.112, 83.768,61.112c 48.512,0, 87.984-39.488, 87.984-88.016c0-39.128-25.688-72.376-61.112-83.752
+	l 53.016-52.984c 14.8-14.84, 14.8-38.976, 0.016-53.8L 282.904-20.952C 275.688-28.144, 266.144-32.080, 256-32.080z M 87.448,282.392l-53.952-53.936
+	c-2.328-2.344-2.328-6.216, 0.032-8.592l 218.184-218.192c 3.064-3.032, 5.472-3.064, 8.592,0.032l 218.176,218.192
+	c 2.344,2.36, 2.344,6.2-0.016,8.576l-76.952,76.904c-4.816,4.816-6.064,12.16-3.096,18.28s 9.424,9.752, 16.264,8.92l 2.44-0.312
+	c 1.344-0.184, 2.688-0.408, 4.096-0.408c 30.872,0, 55.984,25.096, 55.984,55.952c0,30.888-25.112,56.016-55.984,56.016
+	c-30.856,0-55.968-25.128-55.968-56.016c0-1.28, 0.2-2.528, 0.376-3.784l 0.344-2.856c 0.72-6.752-2.888-13.216-9.016-16.144
+	c-6.080-2.904-13.408-1.656-18.2,3.128l-78.472,78.512c-3.064,3.032-5.472,3.064-8.592-0.032l-48.56-48.56
+	c 41.64-10.312, 69.688-47.984, 69.688-92.768c0-52.656-39.96-96.064-92.648-96.064C 135.4,209.248, 97.744,240.784, 87.448,282.392z" data-tags="puzzle" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe02e;" d="M 476.368,352.536l-60.36,0 L 416.008,479.76 L 95.992,479.76 l0-127.224 L 35.632,352.536 c-19.656,0-35.656-16-35.656-35.672
+			L-0.024,99.92 c0-19.672, 16-35.672, 35.656-35.672l 60.36,0 L 95.992-31.76 l 320.016,0 L 416.008,64.248 l 60.36,0 c 19.656,0, 35.656,16, 35.656,35.672L 512.024,316.864 
+			C 512.024,336.536, 496.024,352.536, 476.368,352.536z M 127.992,448.256l 256.016,0 l0-95.72 L 127.992,352.536 L 127.992,448.256 z M 384.008,0.24L 127.992,0.24 L 127.992,176.44 l 256.016,0 
+			L 384.008,0.24 z M 480.024,99.92c0-2.040-1.64-3.672-3.656-3.672l-60.36,0 L 416.008,208.44 L 95.992,208.44 l0-112.184 L 35.632,96.256 c-2.016,0-3.656,1.632-3.656,3.672
+			L 31.976,316.864 c0,2.032, 1.64,3.672, 3.656,3.672l 440.736,0 c 2.016,0, 3.656-1.64, 3.656-3.672L 480.024,99.92 z M 416,288.28l-16,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16
+			s 7.168-16, 16-16l 16,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 424.832,288.28, 416,288.28z" data-tags="printer" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe02f;" d="M 512,319.752c0,17.672-14.328,32-32,32l-54.624,0 c 14.136,13.944, 23.184,32.224, 23.184,54.736c0,27.72-15.92,57.832-60.608,57.832
+			c-58.8,0-107.92-62.608-131-97.704C 233.856,401.704, 183.232,464.312, 124.44,464.312c-44.688,0-60.608-30.112-60.608-57.832
+			c0-22.504, 9.296-40.792, 23.72-54.736L 32,351.744 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-95.784 l 32.28,0 l0-208.28 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 383.84,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32
+			L 480.12,223.968 L 512,223.968 L 512,319.752 z M 387.952,432.312c 19.784,0, 28.608-8.312, 28.608-25.832c0-35.544-39.672-54.72-76.984-54.72l-54.168,0 
+			C 308.144,385.528, 348.16,432.312, 387.952,432.312z M 124.44,432.312c 39.8,0, 81.328-46.784, 104.064-80.544l-54.184,0 
+			c-37.312,0-78.488,19.672-78.488,55.216C 95.832,424.496, 104.656,432.312, 124.44,432.312z M 480,255.968L 272,255.968 l0,63.784 l 208,0 L 480,255.968 z M 32,319.752l 208,0 l0-63.784 
+			L 32,255.968 L 32,319.752 z M 64.28,223.968L 240,223.968 l0-208.28 L 64.28,15.688 L 64.28,223.968 z M 448.128,15.688L 272,15.688 L 272,223.968 l 176.128,0 L 448.128,15.688 z" data-tags="present" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe030;" d="M 16.88,448.12l 224,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16l-224,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16
+			S 8.040,448.12, 16.88,448.12z M 16.88,352.12l 224,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16l-224,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16S 8.040,352.12, 16.88,352.12z
+			 M 256.88,272.12c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-224,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 224,0 C 249.712,256.12, 256.88,263.288, 256.88,272.12z
+			 M 506.44,317.728L 349.984,474.176c-4.952,4.96-12.328,5.92-18.296,3.008c-6.272-2.168-10.808-8.056-10.808-15.064L 320.88,107.92 
+			c-16.96,12.568-39.216,20.264-63.688,20.264c-53.032,0-96.048-35.888-96.048-80.144c0-44.264, 43.016-80.168, 96.048-80.168
+			c 53.064,0, 96.048,35.904, 96.048,80.168c0,2.008-0.184,3.968-0.36,5.936L 352.88,426.024 l 130.92-130.928c 6.248-6.248, 16.384-6.248, 22.632,0
+			C 512.68,301.344, 512.68,311.48, 506.44,317.728z M 320.88,46.488c-1.152-22.248-27.096-46.408-64.064-46.408
+			c-37.824,0-64.176,25.28-64.176,47.936c0,22.672, 26.352,47.92, 64.176,47.92c 36.968,0, 62.912-24.128, 64.064-46.392L 320.88,46.488 z" data-tags="playlist" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe031;" d="M 507.424,290.168L 323.344,475.176c-3.968,3.984-9.688,5.608-15.16,4.248c-5.456-1.328-9.8-5.424-11.472-10.784
+			c-11.080-35.656-12.36-67.92-3.896-97.344c-0.776-0.536-1.52-1.12-2.208-1.808L 205.056,283.952c-27.6,12.8-57.272,19.728-86.848,19.728
+			c-18.8,0-37.232-2.784-54.784-8.232c-5.344-1.672-9.44-6-10.784-11.424c-1.344-5.44, 0.232-11.168, 4.184-15.144l 109.488-110.192
+			L 13.232,3.168l-13.312-35.064l 32.184,12.44l 156.68,155.52l 110.912-111.632c 3.032-3.064, 7.144-4.72, 11.344-4.72
+			c 1.264,0, 2.544,0.16, 3.816,0.456c 5.456,1.344, 9.8,5.44, 11.472,10.8c 14.488,46.616, 10.24,96.672-10.168,141.56l 87.352,87.368
+			c 0.312,0.312, 0.528,0.664, 0.816,1c 13.184-3.768, 26.848-5.784, 41.024-5.784c 17.608,0, 36.28,2.528, 55.488,8.504
+			c 5.344,1.656, 9.44,6, 10.784,11.424C 512.952,280.464, 511.376,286.192, 507.424,290.168z M 301.576,67.928L 100.184,270.632
+			c 51.688,6.032, 107.424-14.8, 147.784-55.16C 288.128,175.32, 307.72,119.824, 301.576,67.928z M 300.112,201.728
+			c-8.416,12.864-18.232,25.088-29.512,36.376c-11.232,11.232-23.504,21.128-36.48,29.664l 72.064,72.048c 7.352-12.784, 16.832-25, 28.504-36.664
+			c 11.928-11.92, 24.544-21.568, 37.8-29.032L 300.112,201.728z M 357.312,325.776c-30.768,30.768-42.624,65.064-36.344,106.44l 143.456-144.2
+			C 423.096,282.088, 388.624,294.464, 357.312,325.776z" data-tags="pin" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe032;" d="M 480,440.048L 32,440.048 c-17.592,0-32-14.408-32-32l0-368.096 c0-17.592, 14.408-32, 32-32l 448,0 c 17.592,0, 32,14.408, 32,32L 512,408.048 
+			C 512,425.64, 497.592,440.048, 480,440.048z M 480,39.952L 32,39.952 L 32,134.232 l 128.424,124.456l 132.392-132.248c 5.456-6.624, 15.168-5.784, 22.064-0.56
+			l 58.44,52.904L 478.72,70.592c 0.4-0.4, 0.848-0.696, 1.28-1.040L 480,39.952 z M 480,115.104L 385.984,211.312
+			c-5.704,5.624-14.64,6.2-20.968,1.376l-60.28-52.512L 172.264,291.216c-2.832,3.424-6.92,5.512-11.344,5.8
+			c-4.408,0.16-8.752-1.28-11.984-4.312L 32,178.904L 32,408.048 l 448,0 L 480,115.104 z M 368,279.936c 17.64,0, 31.92,14.304, 31.92,31.92
+			c0,17.608-14.28,31.912-31.92,31.912s-31.92-14.304-31.92-31.912C 336.080,294.24, 350.36,279.936, 368,279.936z" data-tags="picture" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe033;" d="M 496.592,412.496L 336.112,479.032L 176.392,415.816L 15.408,479
+			c-1.376,0.408-2.72,0.56-3.984,0.56C 4.856,479.592,0,474.688,0,467.312l0-415 c0-8.784, 6.936-17.936, 15.408-20.28l 161.168-63.592
+			l 159.504,64.752l 160.512-63.064c 1.376-0.376, 2.72-0.56, 3.984-0.56c 6.56,0, 11.424,4.872, 11.424,12.248L 512,392.184 
+			C 512,400.968, 505.064,410.128, 496.592,412.496z M 192,389.432l 128,50.152l0-380.752 l-128-50.592L 192,389.432 z M 32,436.656l 128-47.288l0-380.88 L 32,60.624L 32,436.656 z
+			 M 480,11l-128,48.192L 352,439.104 l 128-55.192L 480,11 z" data-tags="map" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe034;" d="M 10.92,329.096l 237.544-129.36c 2.392-1.296, 5.016-1.952, 7.656-1.952c 2.608,0, 5.216,0.64, 7.592,1.92l 240.048,129.36
+			c 5.232,2.816, 8.488,8.312, 8.408,14.264c-0.080,5.968-3.456,11.376-8.752,14.080L 265.856,478.048c-4.528,2.296-9.872,2.312-14.44,0.032
+			L 11.392,357.44c-5.312-2.672-8.72-8.080-8.816-14.032S 5.704,331.936, 10.92,329.096z M 258.576,445.856L 461.656,342.72L 256.168,231.984
+			L 53.080,342.576L 258.576,445.856z M 500.672,239.84l-47.488,24.112l-34.28-18.488l 40-20.312L 253.424,114.424L 50.328,225.016l 42.656,21.44L 58.8,265.080
+			l-50.16-25.2c-5.312-2.672-8.72-8.080-8.816-14.032s 3.128-11.472, 8.344-14.312l 237.544-129.36c 2.392-1.296, 5.016-1.952, 7.656-1.952
+			c 2.608,0, 5.216,0.64, 7.592,1.92l 240.048,129.36c 5.232,2.816, 8.488,8.312, 8.408,14.264C 509.344,231.736, 505.968,237.144, 500.672,239.84z
+			 M 500.672,127.84l-44.984,22.112l-34.28-18.488l 37.504-18.312L 253.424,2.424L 50.328,113.016l 39.656,17.936l-34.184,18.624L 8.64,127.872
+			c-5.312-2.672-8.72-8.080-8.816-14.032s 3.128-11.472, 8.344-14.312l 237.544-129.36c 2.392-1.296, 5.016-1.952, 7.656-1.952
+			c 2.608,0, 5.216,0.64, 7.592,1.92l 240.048,129.36c 5.232,2.816, 8.488,8.312, 8.408,14.264C 509.344,119.736, 505.968,125.144, 500.672,127.84z" data-tags="layers" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe035;" d="M 511.368,8.68l-41.704,251.888c-3.72,32.656-33.488,59.216-66.36,59.216l-35.328,0 l0,42.64 c0,65.080-46.424,118.016-111.488,118.016
+			c-65.048,0-112.472-52.936-112.472-118.016l0-42.64 L 105.68,319.784 c-32.872,0-62.64-26.56-66.264-58.528l-38.64-252.080
+			c-1.488-13.28, 1.112-23.752, 7.704-31.144c 6.216-6.952, 15.264-10.488, 26.872-10.488l 436.784,0 c 16.456,0, 25.888,6.608, 30.92,12.16
+			C 507.664-15.192, 512.88-6.224, 511.368,8.68z M 176.024,362.432c0,47.424, 33.064,86.016, 80.472,86.016s 79.488-38.592, 79.488-86.016l0-42.64 
+			L 176.024,319.792 L 176.024,362.432 z M 473.584-0.224L 37.336-0.448c-2.752,0-5.504,1.472-4.856,5.344l 38.624,252.048c 1.92,16.72, 17.752,30.84, 34.576,30.84
+			l 38.344,0 l0-36.464 C 134.488,245.784, 128,235.576, 128,223.752c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32s 32,14.328, 32,32c0,11.808-6.464,22-15.976,27.544l0,36.496 l 159.952,0 
+			l0-36.496 C 326.472,245.752, 320,235.552, 320,223.752c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32s 32,14.328, 32,32c0,11.824-6.488,22.032-16.024,27.576l0,36.464 l 35.328,0 
+			c 16.832,0, 32.656-14.128, 34.704-31.72l 41.672-251.64C 479.88,2.384, 478.272-0.224, 473.584-0.224z" data-tags="handbag" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe036;" d="M 464.752,272.792c0,84.392-44.488,160.936-118.984,204.784c-7.624,4.504-17.44,1.936-21.904-5.688
+			c-4.472-7.608-1.936-17.424, 5.688-21.904c 64.624-38.016, 103.2-104.264, 103.2-177.184c0-121.184-87.968-209.144-209.16-209.144
+			c-27.096,0-53.392,5.080-78.16,15.080c-8.184,3.328-17.528-0.64-20.832-8.832c-3.312-8.2, 0.64-17.528, 8.832-20.832
+			c 28.608-11.56, 58.936-17.424, 90.16-17.424c 0.096,0, 0.192,0.008, 0.288,0.008l0-31.504 l-46.464,0 c-9.232,0-16.72-7.152-16.72-15.976
+			c0-8.824, 7.488-15.968, 16.72-15.968L 303.84-31.792 c 9.232,0, 16.72,7.152, 16.72,15.968c0,8.832-7.488,15.976-16.72,15.976l-48.192,0 l0,33.4 
+			C 378.552,47.832, 464.752,144.008, 464.752,272.792z M 399.688,271.352c0,97.328-78.872,176.704-176.2,176.704
+			c-97.344,0-176.232-79.376-176.232-176.704s 78.888-175.72, 176.232-175.72C 320.816,95.632, 399.688,174.024, 399.688,271.352z M 79.248,271.352
+			c0,79.512, 64.704,144.704, 144.232,144.704c 79.512,0, 144.2-65.184, 144.2-144.704s-64.688-143.72-144.2-143.72
+			C 143.952,127.632, 79.248,191.832, 79.248,271.352z" data-tags="globe-alt" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe037;" d="M 512.512,224c0,136.008-106.832,247.552-241.16,255.512c-2.768,0.304-5.544,0.504-8.36,0.504c-0.832,0-1.664-0.088-2.496-0.112
+			C 259,479.928, 257.512,480.016, 256,480.016C 114.56,480.016-0.512,365.168-0.512,224c0-141.168, 115.072-256.016, 256.512-256.016
+			c 1.512,0, 3,0.088, 4.504,0.12c 0.832-0.032, 1.664-0.12, 2.496-0.12c 2.816,0, 5.592,0.2, 8.36,0.504
+			C 405.68-23.552, 512.512,87.976, 512.512,224z M 464.784,141.584c-8.816,2.56-30.96,8.12-70.032,12.696c 3.232,22.096, 5,45.448, 5,69.72
+			c0,19.128-1.104,37.672-3.144,55.504c 49.504,5.912, 71.192,13.36, 72.648,13.872l-5.96,16.792c 11.12-26.544, 17.28-55.648, 17.28-86.168
+			C 480.576,194.904, 474.936,167.12, 464.784,141.584z M 142.744,224c0,17.904, 1.184,35.384, 3.352,52.2c 25.944-2.040, 56.968-3.544, 93.432-3.896
+			l0-111.032 c-35.496-0.344-65.832-1.784-91.344-3.736C 144.664,178.632, 142.744,200.976, 142.744,224z M 271.472,445.888
+			c 39.232-11.368, 72.824-65.848, 87.872-138.056c-24.184-1.928-53.312-3.336-87.872-3.664L 271.472,445.888 z M 239.528,445.496l0-141.312 
+			c-34.184,0.344-63.44,1.736-88.032,3.616C 166.848,379.104, 200.712,433.176, 239.528,445.496z M 239.528,129.384l0-126.872 
+			c-36.2,11.488-68.096,59.288-84.68,123.512C 178.728,127.776, 206.896,129.056, 239.528,129.384z M 271.472,2.112l0,127.28 
+			c 32.976-0.312, 61.032-1.64, 84.608-3.464C 339.776,60.864, 308.080,12.72, 271.472,2.112z M 271.472,161.272L 271.472,272.288 
+			c 36.656,0.344, 67.496,1.888, 93.096,4c 2.104-16.848, 3.248-34.352, 3.248-52.296c0-23.064-1.856-45.432-5.264-66.56
+			C 337.344,159.472, 307.152,160.936, 271.472,161.272z M 457.4,323.032c-4.832-1.504-25.032-7.24-65.512-12.016
+			C 382.864,358.992, 366.552,400, 345.328,429.6C 394.096,408.408, 433.896,370.448, 457.4,323.032z M 179.408,434.704
+			c-26.104-29.976-47.416-73.080-59.048-124.056c-36.24,3.928-57.96,8.544-66.656,10.64C 79.064,373.608, 124.224,414.664, 179.408,434.704z
+			 M 41.816,291.408c 6.16-1.672, 29.456-7.472, 72.776-12.264c-2.48-17.72-3.84-36.152-3.84-55.152c0-24.136, 2.184-47.36, 6.12-69.344
+			c-37.2-4.016-60.080-8.824-70.344-11.304C 36.808,168.392, 31.424,195.568, 31.424,224C 31.424,247.48, 35.080,270.128, 41.816,291.408z M 60.544,113.824
+			c 11.632,2.472, 32.456,6.232, 63.296,9.464c 12.144-44.856, 31.896-82.808, 55.568-109.984C 128.848,31.664, 86.76,67.68, 60.544,113.824z
+			 M 345.328,18.408c 19.112,26.632, 34.24,62.512, 43.648,104.4c 31.704-3.64, 51.608-7.896, 61.648-10.432
+			C 426.616,70.84, 389.696,37.68, 345.328,18.408z" data-tags="globe" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe038;" d="M 112,424L 16,424 C 7.168,424,0,416.832,0,408l0-96 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16L 32,392 l 80,0 
+			c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 120.832,424, 112,424z M 496,152c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-80 L 400,56 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 96,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16
+			L 512,136 C 512,144.832, 504.832,152, 496,152z M 112,56L 32,56 L 32,136 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16s-16-7.168-16-16l0-96 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 96,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16
+			S 120.832,56, 112,56z M 496,424L 400,424 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 80,0 l0-80 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16L 512,408 C 512,416.832, 504.832,424, 496,424z" data-tags="frame" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe039;" d="M 480.080,376l-240,0 l-48,48l-160,0 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-80 l-0.152,0 l0-32 l 0.152,0 l0-224 
+			c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 448,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 512.080,344 C 512.080,361.672, 497.752,376, 480.080,376z M 32.072,392l 145.376,0 l 39.312-38.624L 226.816,344L 480.080,344 
+			l0-32 l-448,0 L 32.080,392 z M 32.072,56L 32.072,280 l 448,0 l0-224 L 32.072,56 z" data-tags="folder-alt" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe03a;" d="M 400,343.856l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,16 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 C 384,351.024, 391.168,343.856, 400,343.856z
+			 M 400,247.856l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,16 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 C 384,255.024, 391.168,247.856, 400,247.856z
+			 M 400,151.856l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,16 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 C 384,159.024, 391.168,151.856, 400,151.856z
+			 M 400,55.856l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,16 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 C 384,63.024, 391.168,55.856, 400,55.856z
+			 M 80,343.856l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,16 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 C 64,351.024, 71.168,343.856, 80,343.856z
+			 M 80,247.856l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,16 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 C 64,255.024, 71.168,247.856, 80,247.856z
+			 M 80,151.856l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,16 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 C 64,159.024, 71.168,151.856, 80,151.856z
+			 M 80,55.856l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,16 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 C 64,63.024, 71.168,55.856, 80,55.856z M 480,472.048
+			L 32,472.048 c-17.592,0-32-14.408-32-32l0-432.096 c0-17.592, 14.408-32, 32-32l 448,0 c 17.592,0, 32,14.408, 32,32L 512,440.048 C 512,457.64, 497.592,472.048, 480,472.048z M 480,7.952L 32,7.952 
+			L 32,440.048 l 448,0 L 480,7.952 z" data-tags="film" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe03b;" d="M 50.936,314.872c-9.064,0-16.384-7.328-16.384-16.384c0-9.048, 7.32-16.384, 16.384-16.384c 151.504,0, 262.672-112.184, 262.672-263.68
+			c0-9.048, 7.328-16.376, 16.384-16.376s 16.384,7.328, 16.384,16.376C 346.376,188.608, 221.112,314.872, 50.936,314.872z M 51.080,478.688
+			c-9.056,0-16.384-7.328-16.384-16.384c0-9.056, 7.328-16.384, 16.384-16.384c 235.088,0, 426.336-191.248, 426.336-426.328
+			c0-9.048, 7.328-16.376, 16.384-16.376s 16.384,7.328, 16.384,16.376C 510.176,272.736, 304.224,478.688, 51.080,478.688z M 92.008,150.2
+			c-49.736,0-90.184-40.56-90.184-90.44c0-49.856, 40.456-90.456, 90.184-90.456s 90.2,40.592, 90.2,90.456
+			C 182.208,109.64, 141.744,150.2, 92.008,150.2z M 92.008,0.984c-32.304,0-58.584,26.376-58.584,58.784s 26.28,58.768, 58.584,58.768
+			c 32.312,0, 58.608-26.36, 58.608-58.768S 124.32,0.984, 92.008,0.984z" data-tags="feed" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe03c;" d="M 511.92,193.728c 0.048,10.528-1.608,50.248-2.872,61.608
+			C 494.488,385.712, 388.672,480.336, 257.456,480.336c-136.672,0-247.408-105.312-254.92-244.952c-0.16-3.048-1.28-24.672-1.36-37.544l-0.040-7.16
+			c-0.656-2.96-1.056-6.016-1.056-9.168l0-107.328 c0-23.44, 19.064-42.504, 42.504-42.504l 43.144,0 c 23.44,0, 42.512,19.064, 42.512,42.504L 128.24,181.504 
+			c0,23.44-19.080,42.504-42.512,42.504L 42.576,224.008 c-2.944,0-5.816-0.304-8.592-0.872c 0.24,5.192, 0.456,9.288, 0.512,10.528
+			C 41.080,356.056, 138.064,448.336, 257.456,448.336c 114.64,0, 207.064-82.672, 219.784-196.56c 0.536-4.752, 1.224-16.832, 1.776-28.96
+			c-3.096,0.72-6.288,1.192-9.6,1.192l-42.64,0 c-23.44,0-42.504-19.064-42.504-42.504l0-106.832 c0-16.184, 9.2-30.128, 22.544-37.296l-102.72-40.328
+			l0,2.608 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-48,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 48,0 c 0.136,0, 0.256,0.040, 0.392,0.040l 28.68,0.112
+			l 164.776,64.688c 2.16,0.896, 3.992,2.232, 5.496,3.832c 14.424,6.808, 24.496,21.368, 24.496,38.344L 511.936,181.504 c0,2.608-0.32,5.144-0.776,7.616
+			C 511.6,190.592, 511.912,192.12, 511.92,193.728z M 42.576,192.008l 43.144,0 c 5.8,0, 10.512-4.704, 10.512-10.504l0-107.328 
+			c0-5.8-4.72-10.504-10.512-10.504L 42.576,63.672 c-5.8,0-10.504,4.704-10.504,10.504L 32.072,181.504 C 32.080,187.304, 36.784,192.008, 42.576,192.008z
+			 M 416.264,181.504c0,5.8, 4.704,10.504, 10.504,10.504l 42.64,0 c 5.8,0, 10.512-4.704, 10.512-10.504l0-106.832 c0-5.8-4.72-10.504-10.512-10.504
+			l-42.64,0 c-5.8,0-10.504,4.704-10.504,10.504L 416.264,181.504 z" data-tags="earphones-alt" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe03d;" d="M 511.92,177.72c 0.048,10.528-1.608,50.248-2.872,61.608C 494.488,369.704, 388.672,464.328, 257.456,464.328
+			c-136.672,0-247.408-105.312-254.92-244.952c-0.16-3.048-1.28-24.672-1.36-37.544l-0.040-7.16c-0.656-2.96-1.056-6.016-1.056-9.168
+			l0-139.328 c0-23.44, 19.064-42.504, 42.504-42.504l 43.144,0 c 23.44,0, 42.512,19.064, 42.512,42.504L 128.24,165.496 c0,23.44-19.080,42.504-42.512,42.504L 42.568,208 
+			c-2.944,0-5.816-0.304-8.592-0.872c 0.24,5.192, 0.456,9.296, 0.512,10.528C 41.080,340.048, 138.056,432.328, 257.456,432.328
+			c 114.64,0, 207.064-82.672, 219.784-196.56c 0.544-4.752, 1.232-16.832, 1.784-28.96C 475.904,207.528, 472.72,208, 469.408,208l-42.64,0 
+			c-23.44,0-42.504-19.064-42.504-42.504l0-138.832 c0-23.448, 19.064-42.504, 42.504-42.504l 42.64,0 c 23.44,0, 42.512,19.064, 42.512,42.504L 511.92,165.496 
+			c0,2.608-0.32,5.144-0.784,7.608C 511.6,174.576, 511.904,176.112, 511.92,177.72z M 42.568,176l 43.144,0 c 5.8,0, 10.512-4.704, 10.512-10.504
+			l0-139.328 c0-5.808-4.72-10.504-10.512-10.504L 42.568,15.664 c-5.8,0-10.504,4.704-10.504,10.504L 32.064,165.496 C 32.080,171.296, 36.784,176, 42.568,176z
+			 M 479.92,26.672c0-5.8-4.72-10.504-10.512-10.504l-42.64,0 c-5.8,0-10.504,4.704-10.504,10.504L 416.264,165.496 c0,5.8, 4.704,10.504, 10.504,10.504
+			l 42.64,0 c 5.8,0, 10.512-4.704, 10.512-10.504L 479.92,26.672 z" data-tags="earphones" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe03e;" d="M 255.2-31.352c-96.656,0-175.296,77.56-175.296,172.888c0,111.344, 155.816,322.424, 162.456,331.36
+	c 3,4.032, 7.704,6.424, 12.736,6.456c 5.592,0.048, 9.784-2.296, 12.832-6.28c 6.704-8.768, 164.168-216.112, 164.168-331.528
+	C 432.096,46.208, 352.736-31.352, 255.2-31.352z M 255.376,436.152c-37.2-52.832-143.472-211.032-143.472-294.608
+	c0-77.688, 64.28-140.888, 143.296-140.888c 79.888,0, 144.888,63.2, 144.888,140.888C 400.096,228.224, 293.016,384.056, 255.376,436.152z" data-tags="drop" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe03f;" d="M 511.488,225.008L 452.736,428.552c-1.92,6.936-8.232,11.736-15.424,11.736L 69.64,440.288 c-7.248,0-13.592-4.872-15.472-11.888L 0.472,235.224
+			c-0.992-3.752-0.504-7.504, 1-10.768C 0.608,221.56,0,218.544,0,215.368l0-175.656 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 448,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 512,215.368 
+			c0,0.856-0.184,1.664-0.248,2.504C 512.168,220.168, 512.16,222.592, 511.488,225.008z M 81.952,408.288l 343.184,0 l 46.56-160.92L 322.528,247.368 
+			c-0.72-38.408-27.952-64.84-66.528-64.84s-65.312,26.44-66.032,64.84L 37.080,247.368 L 81.952,408.288z M 480,39.712L 32,39.712 L 32,215.368 l 131.56,0 
+			c 13.968-40.216, 47.888-64.84, 92.44-64.84s 78.968,24.624, 92.936,64.84L 480,215.368 L 480,39.712 z" data-tags="drawer" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe040;" d="M 384,480L 208,480 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l 176,0 l0-128 l 128,0 l0-256 L 368,64 l0-32 l 112,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 512,351.992 L 384,480z M 384,352L 384,434.752 L 466.736,352L 384,352 z M 32,416
+			c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-384 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 272,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 336,287.992 L 208,416L 32,416 z M 304,0L 32,0 L 32,384 l 144,0 l0-128 l 128,0 L 304,0 z M 208,288L 208,370.752 
+			L 290.736,288L 208,288 z" data-tags="docs" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe041;" d="M 508.528,386.968L 458.68,442.64c-3.032,3.424-7.392,5.376-11.968,5.376L 271.584,448.016 L 271.584,465 c0,8.28-7.168,15-16,15
+			c-8.832,0-16-6.72-16-15l0-16.984 L 111.68,448.016 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-111.832 c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16l 127.904,0 l0-32.048 L 65.288,272.136 
+			c-4.576,0-8.936-1.952-11.968-5.376l-49.84-56.656c-5.376-6.064-5.376-15.184,0-21.248l 49.84-56.144c 3.056-3.424, 7.392-4.872, 11.968-4.872
+			l 174.296,0 l0-144.84 c0-8.28, 7.168-15, 16-15c 8.832,0, 16,6.72, 16,15L 271.584,127.84 l 128.232,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16L 415.816,256.144 c0,8.84-7.16,16-16,16
+			L 271.584,272.144 l0,32.048 l 175.128,0 c 4.576,0, 8.936,1.952, 11.968,5.376l 49.848,56.16C 513.896,371.784, 513.896,380.904, 508.528,386.968z M 383.824,159.84
+			L 72.48,159.84 l-35.64,39.64l 35.64,40.656l 311.344,0 L 383.824,159.84 z M 439.52,336.184L 127.68,336.184 L 127.68,416.016 l 311.84,0 l 35.64-39.672L 439.52,336.184z" data-tags="directions" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe042;" d="M 483.456,330.92l-89.56,96C 390.856,430.16, 386.624,432, 382.184,432L 248.624,432 l-0.504,33c0,8.28-7.168,15-16,15
+			c-8.832,0-15-6.72-15-15L 216.632,432L 40.248,432 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-192 c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16l 176.168,0 l0-225 
+			c0-8.28, 7.168-15, 16-15c 8.832,0, 16,6.72, 16,15L 248.416,208 l 133.768,0 c 4.44,0, 8.672,1.84, 11.704,5.080l 89.56,96
+			C 489.184,315.232, 489.184,324.768, 483.456,330.92z M 375.232,240L 56.248,240 L 56.248,400 l 318.984,0 l 74.64-80L 375.232,240z" data-tags="direction" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe043;" d="M 509.36,332.264L 439.424,465.984C 435.344,473.784, 424.792,480.16, 416,480.16L 255.032,480.16 c-0.176,0.008-0.352,0.056-0.528,0.064
+			c-0.144,0-0.28-0.056-0.424-0.064L 96,480.16 c-8.8,0-19.376-6.36-23.512-14.128L 2.736,334.888c-4.144-7.768-3.312-19.968, 1.816-27.128
+			L 244.56-26.816c 2.576-3.592, 6-5.408, 9.416-5.408c 3.392,0, 6.792,1.768, 9.384,5.296L 507.312,305.2
+			C 512.504,312.296, 513.44,324.472, 509.36,332.264z M 471.184,336.184L 385.456,336.184 l 34.328,98.304L 471.184,336.184z M 287.672,448.16l 102.984,0 l-31.944-91.464
+			L 287.672,448.16z M 334.12,336.184L 185.296,336.184 l 70.336,101.048L 334.12,336.184z M 156.944,351.456L 124.856,448.16l 99.408,0 L 156.944,351.456z
+			 M 340.376,304.184L 254.36,57.912L 172.632,304.184L 340.376,304.184 z M 218.464,64.456L 46.496,304.184l 92.416,0 L 218.464,64.456z M 374.272,304.184l 92.584,0 
+			L 290.368,63.904L 374.272,304.184z M 94.24,438.792l 34.048-102.608L 39.664,336.184 L 94.24,438.792z" data-tags="diamond" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe044;" d="M 416.28,272.104c-4.168,0-17.6,0.080-32.152,0.184l 0.056,31.984c0,17.672-14.328,32-32,32
+			l-320.248,0.080c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-240.472 c0-53.016, 42.984-96, 96-96l 192.328,0 c 53.016,0, 95.504,42.984, 95.504,96l 0.032,16.424
+			c 14.512-0.112, 29.304-0.2, 32.488-0.2c 52.888,0, 95.784,42.52, 95.784,95.536C 512.064,228.664, 469.168,272.104, 416.28,272.104z
+			 M 351.768,63.88c0-35.296-28.2-64-63.504-64L 95.936-0.12 c-35.296,0-64,28.704-64,64L 31.888,304.352l 0.048,0 l 320.248-0.096L 351.768,63.88z
+			 M 416.28,111.64c-3.176,0-17.944,0.096-32.432,0.2l 0.224,128.408c 14.56-0.104, 28.024-0.184, 32.2-0.184
+			c 36.56,0, 64.312-27.272, 64.312-63.92S 452.84,111.64, 416.28,111.64z M 287.936,368.12c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,80 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16
+			s-16-7.168-16-16l0-80 C 271.936,375.28, 279.104,368.12, 287.936,368.12z M 95.936,368.12c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,80 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16
+			s-16-7.168-16-16l0-80 C 79.936,375.28, 87.104,368.12, 95.936,368.12z M 191.936,368.12c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,80 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16
+			s-16-7.168-16-16l0-80 C 175.936,375.28, 183.104,368.12, 191.936,368.12z" data-tags="cup" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe045;" d="M 366.592,339.864l-156.576-67.32c-2.832-1.44-5.128-3.736-6.576-6.576L 131.712,121.36
+			c-2.936-5.768-1.872-12.768, 2.656-17.392c 2.904-2.952, 6.816-4.512, 10.768-4.512c 2.216,0, 4.472,0.488, 6.56,1.504l 152.864,63.488
+			c 2.8,1.344, 5.112,3.528, 6.608,6.248l 75.44,148.448c 3.216,5.8, 2.264,13.016-2.328,17.784C 379.672,341.696, 372.488,342.864, 366.592,339.864
+			z M 178.928,147.592l 43.504,88.84l 43.936-54.992L 178.928,147.592z M 292.352,200.192l-44.4,55.576l 88.392,34.88L 292.352,200.192z M 256,480
+			C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224c0-141.392, 114.616-256, 256-256c 141.392,0, 256,114.608, 256,256C 512,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480z M 256-0.504
+			C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224S 379.512-0.504, 256-0.504z" data-tags="compass" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe046;" d="M 500.176,94.192c-7.832,5.504-93.528,62.488-104.032,68.904
+			c-4.576,2.8-10.16,4.168-16.232,4.168c-7.832,0-16.504-2.28-24.968-6.736c-8.248-4.344-33.232-18.56-45.456-25.544
+			c-10.768,7.56-36.064,26.936-75.92,66.832c-39.608,39.592-59.16,65.096-66.768,75.92c 6.968,12.216, 21.168,37.2, 25.488,45.424
+			c 8.184,15.504, 9.112,30.984, 2.472,41.424c-6.232,9.84-62.984,95.904-68.84,104c-5.512,7.64-15.408,11.768-26.144,11.768
+			c-8.472,0-17.456-2.56-25.248-7.984C 73.776,471.832-1.52,417.24-0.52,386.192C 2.256,298.976, 87.008,196.48, 157.616,125.848
+			s 173.112-155.408, 260.672-158.2l 0.72,0 c 30.656,0, 84.544,74.344, 85.064,75.080C 518.208,62.928, 513.056,85.168, 500.176,94.192z M 478.072,61.368
+			c-20.296-28.112-49.112-57.472-60.392-61.672c-60.016,2.816-144.232,55.56-237.44,148.784C 87.040,241.712, 34.304,325.832, 31.52,385.648
+			c 4.048,11.312, 33.408,40.312, 61.264,60.456c 2.064,1.424, 4.608,2.248, 6.984,2.248c 0.528,0, 0.968-0.048, 1.312-0.112
+			c 9-13.080, 57.312-86.216, 66.080-99.888c 0.032-1.44-0.456-5.096-3.2-10.312c-2.92-5.56-12.016-21.768-24.952-44.44l-10.064-17.64
+			l 11.672-16.624c 8.704-12.36, 29.408-39.232, 70.312-80.144c 41.080-41.096, 67.856-61.736, 80.168-70.392l 16.624-11.672l 17.64,10.080
+			c 17.096,9.768, 37.752,21.472, 44.472,25c 5.392,2.84, 9.080,3.064, 10.080,3.064c 0.16,0, 0.296,0, 0.408-0.016
+			c 12.248-7.688, 86.968-57.296, 100.16-66.344C 480.696,67.632, 480.496,64.848, 478.072,61.368z M 341.952,288.864L 479.576,425.648l-0.44-77.528
+			c-0.144-6.472, 4.984-12.096, 11.456-11.944l 8.208,0.008c 6.48,0.16, 11.824,4, 11.96,10.464l 0.328,115.504
+			c0,0.112-0.432,0.192-0.432,0.304l 0.632,5.856c 0.064,3.248-0.688,6.144-2.8,8.216c-2.064,2.088-4.968,3.36-8.192,3.272
+			l-5.848-0.136c-0.112,0-0.2-0.048-0.328-0.064L 379.384,480.112c-6.464-0.144-11.808-5.488-11.96-11.96l-0.016-8.208
+			c 0.984-7.616, 6.968-12.080, 13.44-11.936l 75.624-0.2L 319.328,311.496c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.384,0-22.632
+			C 325.576,282.624, 335.704,282.624, 341.952,288.864z" data-tags="call-out" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe047;" d="M 500.176,94.192c-7.832,5.504-93.528,62.488-104.032,68.904
+			c-4.576,2.8-10.16,4.168-16.232,4.168c-7.832,0-16.504-2.28-24.968-6.736c-8.248-4.344-33.232-18.56-45.456-25.544
+			c-10.768,7.56-36.064,26.936-75.92,66.832c-39.608,39.592-59.16,65.096-66.768,75.92c 6.968,12.216, 21.168,37.2, 25.488,45.424
+			c 8.184,15.504, 9.112,30.984, 2.472,41.424c-6.232,9.84-62.984,95.904-68.84,104c-5.512,7.64-15.408,11.768-26.144,11.768
+			c-8.472,0-17.456-2.56-25.248-7.984C 73.776,471.832-1.52,417.24-0.52,386.192C 2.256,298.976, 87.008,196.48, 157.616,125.848
+			s 173.112-155.408, 260.672-158.2l 0.72,0 c 30.656,0, 84.544,74.344, 85.064,75.080C 518.208,62.928, 513.056,85.168, 500.176,94.192z M 478.072,61.368
+			c-20.296-28.112-49.112-57.472-60.392-61.672c-60.016,2.816-144.232,55.56-237.44,148.784C 87.040,241.712, 34.304,325.832, 31.52,385.648
+			c 4.048,11.312, 33.408,40.312, 61.264,60.456c 2.064,1.424, 4.608,2.248, 6.984,2.248c 0.528,0, 0.968-0.048, 1.312-0.112
+			c 9-13.080, 57.312-86.216, 66.080-99.888c 0.032-1.44-0.456-5.096-3.2-10.312c-2.92-5.56-12.016-21.768-24.952-44.44l-10.064-17.64
+			l 11.672-16.624c 8.704-12.36, 29.408-39.232, 70.312-80.144c 41.080-41.096, 67.856-61.736, 80.168-70.392l 16.624-11.672l 17.64,10.080
+			c 17.096,9.768, 37.752,21.472, 44.472,25c 5.392,2.84, 9.080,3.064, 10.080,3.064c 0.16,0, 0.296,0, 0.408-0.016
+			c 12.248-7.688, 86.968-57.296, 100.16-66.344C 480.696,67.632, 480.496,64.848, 478.072,61.368z M 321.92,291.744
+			c 2.064-2.088, 4.968-3.36, 8.192-3.272l 5.856,0.136c 0.112,0, 0.192,0.048, 0.32,0.056l 114.752-0.504
+			c 6.456,0.152, 11.808,5.496, 11.96,11.968l 0.008,8.208c-0.976,7.616-6.968,12.080-13.432,11.936l-75.752,0.2l 130.976,130.8
+			c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.384,0,22.632c-6.248,6.24-16.376,6.24-22.624,0L 350.84,342.744L 351.28,420.16c 0.144,6.464-4.984,12.096-11.448,11.944
+			l-8.208-0.008c-6.48-0.16-11.832-4.008-11.968-10.472l-0.328-115.504c0-0.112, 0.44-0.192, 0.44-0.304l-0.64-5.856
+			C 319.064,296.712, 319.824,293.824, 321.92,291.744z" data-tags="call-in" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe048;" d="M 480.848,380.224c0-0.528-0.048-0.968-0.112-1.312c-13.080-9-86.216-57.312-99.888-66.080c-1.44-0.032-5.096,0.456-10.312,3.2
+	c-5.56,2.92-21.768,12.016-44.44,24.952l-17.64,10.064l-16.624-11.672c-12.36-8.704-39.232-29.408-80.144-70.312
+	c-41.088-41.080-61.728-67.856-70.384-80.168l-11.672-16.624l 10.080-17.64c 9.768-17.096, 21.472-37.752, 25-44.472
+	c 2.84-5.392, 3.064-9.080, 3.064-10.080c0-0.16,0-0.296-0.016-0.408c-7.68-12.248-57.296-86.968-66.336-100.16
+	c-1.28-0.216-4.064-0.016-7.544,2.408C 65.752,22.224, 36.4,51.040, 32.192,62.32c 2.816,60.016, 55.56,144.232, 148.784,237.44
+	C 274.208,392.96, 358.336,445.696, 418.152,448.48c 11.312-4.048, 40.312-33.408, 60.456-61.264C 480.024,385.152, 480.848,382.6, 480.848,380.224
+	 M 511.848,380.224c0,8.472-2.56,17.456-7.984,25.248c-0.528,0.752-54.128,76.048-85.168,75.048C 331.48,477.744, 228.976,392.992, 158.344,322.384
+	C 87.728,251.776, 2.944,149.272, 0.152,61.712l0-0.72 c0-30.656, 74.336-84.544, 75.072-85.064c 20.2-14.144, 42.44-8.984, 51.472,3.888
+	c 5.504,7.832, 62.488,93.528, 68.904,104.032c 2.8,4.576, 4.168,10.16, 4.168,16.232c0,7.832-2.288,16.504-6.736,24.968
+	c-4.344,8.248-18.56,33.232-25.544,45.456c 7.56,10.768, 26.936,36.064, 66.832,75.92c 39.592,39.608, 65.096,59.16, 75.92,66.768
+	c 12.216-6.968, 37.2-21.168, 45.424-25.488c 15.504-8.184, 30.984-9.112, 41.424-2.472c 9.84,6.232, 94.904,62.984, 103,68.84
+	C 507.728,359.6, 511.848,369.496, 511.848,380.224L 511.848,380.224z" data-tags="call-end" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe049;" d="M 480,480.048L 32,480.048 c-17.592,0-32-14.408-32-32l0-448.096 c0-17.592, 14.408-32, 32-32l 448,0 
+			c 17.592,0, 32,14.408, 32,32L 512,448.048 C 512,465.64, 497.592,480.048, 480,480.048z M 480-0.048L 32-0.048 L 32,448.048 l 448,0 L 480-0.048 z M 112,303.848l 32,0 l0-32 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16
+			s 16,7.168, 16,16l0,32 l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 l0,32 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16s-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16
+			S 103.168,303.848, 112,303.848z M 216.568,184.424c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.624,0L 160,150.488l-33.944,33.936
+			c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.632,0c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.384,0-22.632l 33.936-33.936l-33.936-33.936c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.384,0-22.632
+			c 6.248-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.632,0L 160,105.216l 33.944-33.936c 6.248-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.384,0,22.632
+			l-33.936,33.936l 33.936,33.936C 222.816,168.040, 222.816,178.168, 216.568,184.424z M 304,303.848l 96,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16L 304,335.848 
+			c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16S 295.168,303.848, 304,303.848z M 304,143.848l 96,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16L 304,175.848 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16
+			S 295.168,143.848, 304,143.848z M 304,79.848l 96,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16L 304,111.848 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16S 295.168,79.848, 304,79.848z" data-tags="calculator" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe04a;" d="M 212.408,140.328c 115.472,0, 204.952,65.952, 203.576,163.816c0,86.592-91.608,155.816-207.080,155.816
+			c-115.488,0-209.080-69.224-209.080-155.816c0-53.936, 26.456-111.44, 81.704-139.688c0-0.328-0.096-0.576-0.096-0.936
+			c0-23.44-19.512-55.576-27.2-68.832l 0.032,0 c-0.608-1.44-0.976-3-0.976-4.672c0-6.56, 5.288-11.832, 11.848-11.832
+			c 0.968,0, 2.544,0.2, 3.112,0.2c 0.16,0, 0.216,0, 0.2-0.048c 40.832,6.672, 101.128,52.624, 110.064,63.512
+			c 9.168-1.36, 15.36-1.576, 23.040-1.576C 204.816,140.28, 208.288,140.328, 212.408,140.328z M 165.344,174.768l-20.488-17.016
+			c-4.752-5.488-25.4-22.72-43.176-33.904c 10.824,30.84, 10.352,40.608, 10.352,40.608l 1.504,19.576l-17.44,8.904
+			c-44.336,22.672-64.264,69.872-64.264,111.2c0,68.832, 79.432,123.816, 177.080,123.816c 97.64,0, 175.080-54.984, 175.080-123.816
+			c-0.304-76.304-72.936-132.312-170.576-132.312c0,0-14.904-0.576-30.2,1.688L 165.344,174.768z M 512.168,174.904
+			c0,43.368-16.944,76.44-59.224,101.256c-1.032-11.536-4.32-23.912-7.896-34.784c 27.328-18.888, 35.128-38.28, 35.128-66.472
+			c0-34.512-16.080-59.544-53.456-78.672l-15.92-7.904c0,0, 1.656-41, 4.112-51.376c-31.224,22.888-41.952,42-41.952,42l-16.832-2.592
+			c-6.656-0.968-24.656-0.984-24.656-0.984c-43.472,0-75.688,10.36-103.168,31.872c 7.464,0.456-44.592,0.44-45.752-0.576
+			c 31.784-38.816, 83.736-63.296, 148.92-63.296c 3.544,0, 6.544-0.032, 9.36-0.032c 6.64,0, 12,0.184, 19.92,1.344
+			c 7.744-9.392, 51.112-50.752, 86.408-56.504c-0.016,0.032, 0.032,0.032, 0.184,0.032c 0.472,0, 1.84-0.168, 2.672-0.168
+			c 5.672,0, 10.248,4.56, 10.248,10.232c0,1.44-0.328,2.8-0.84,4.032l 0.032,0 c-6.64,11.44-17.064,44.872-17.064,65.128
+			c0,0.312-0.096,0.528-0.096,0.816C 490.048,92.672, 512.168,128.296, 512.168,174.904z" data-tags="bubbles" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe04b;" d="M 480.008,384.264L 352.208,384.264 L 352.208,415.264 c0,26.472-21.528,48-48,48L 207.992,463.264 c-26.472,0-48-21.528-48-48l0-31 L 32.008,384.264 c-17.592,0-32-14.408-32-32l0-112.128 
+			l-0.016,0 l0-32 l 0.016,0 l0-191.408 c0-17.592, 14.408-32, 32-32l 448,0 c 17.592,0, 32,14.408, 32,32L 512.008,352.264 C 512.008,369.856, 497.6,384.264, 480.008,384.264z
+			 M 191.992,415.264c0,8.832, 7.168,16, 16,16l 96.216,0 c 8.832,0, 16-7.168, 16-16l0-31 L 191.992,384.264 L 191.992,415.264 z M 32.008,352.264l 448,0 l0-112.128 L 303.824,240.136 l0,16.376 
+			c0,17.64-14.36,32-32,32l-31.872,0 c-17.64,0-32-14.36-32-32l0-16.376 L 32.008,240.136 L 32.008,352.264 z M 271.848,175.936l-31.904,0 L 239.944,256.512 l 31.872,0 L 271.848,175.936z
+			 M 32.008,16.736L 32.008,208.144 l 175.936,0 l0-32.2 c0-17.64, 14.36-32, 32-32l 31.872,0 c 17.64,0, 32,14.36, 32,32l0,32.2 l 176.184,0 l0-191.408 L 32.008,16.736 z" data-tags="briefcase" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe04c;" d="M 476.040,479.224L 264.52,421.928c-5.376-1.44-17.048-1.424-22.408,0.080L 36.040,479.112
+			C 17.648,484.176-0.168,470.912-0.168,451.976l0-389.056 c0-16.048, 12.168-31.392, 27.656-35.704l 206.080-57.112c 5.512-1.528, 12.608-2.376, 19.968-2.376
+			c 5.048,0, 12.504,0.392, 19.36,2.264l 211.512,57.296c 15.528,4.2, 27.752,19.512, 27.752,35.624L 512.16,451.976 C 512.168,470.896, 494.352,484.208, 476.040,479.224
+			z M 240,1.528L 35.536,58.056c-1.544,0.424-3.704,3.248-3.704,4.856L 31.832,446.928 l 201.736-55.768c 1.952-0.544, 4.144-0.968, 6.432-1.328L 240,1.528 z
+			 M 480.168,62.912c0-1.576-2.592-4.328-4.128-4.752L 272,2.896L 272,390.856 c 0.296,0.072, 0.6,0.112, 0.896,0.192l 207.264,56.064L 480.16,62.912 z
+			 M 321,296.848c 1.44,0, 2.904,0.184, 4.344,0.592l 111.968,31.512c 8.512,2.408, 13.472,11.232, 11.080,19.736s-11.28,13.44-19.736,11.080
+			l-111.968-31.512c-8.512-2.408-13.472-11.232-11.080-19.736C 307.592,301.456, 314.016,296.848, 321,296.848z M 321,200.848
+			c 1.44,0, 2.904,0.184, 4.344,0.592l 111.968,31.512c 8.512,2.408, 13.472,11.232, 11.080,19.736s-11.28,13.44-19.736,11.080l-111.968-31.512
+			c-8.512-2.408-13.472-11.232-11.080-19.728C 307.592,205.464, 314.016,200.848, 321,200.848z M 321,104.848
+			c 1.44,0, 2.904,0.184, 4.344,0.592l 111.968,31.512c 8.512,2.408, 13.472,11.232, 11.080,19.736s-11.28,13.44-19.736,11.080l-111.968-31.512
+			c-8.512-2.408-13.472-11.232-11.080-19.736C 307.592,109.464, 314.016,104.848, 321,104.848z M 197.312,328.256l-111.968,31.512
+			c-8.456,2.36-17.344-2.576-19.736-11.080s 2.56-17.328, 11.080-19.736l 111.968-31.512c 1.44-0.408, 2.904-0.592, 4.344-0.592
+			c 6.984,0, 13.408,4.608, 15.392,11.672C 210.784,317.016, 205.832,325.848, 197.312,328.256z M 197.312,232.256l-111.968,31.512
+			c-8.456,2.36-17.344-2.576-19.736-11.080s 2.56-17.328, 11.080-19.736l 111.968-31.512c 1.44-0.408, 2.904-0.592, 4.344-0.592
+			c 6.984,0, 13.408,4.608, 15.392,11.672C 210.784,221.016, 205.832,229.848, 197.312,232.256z M 197.312,136.256l-111.968,31.512
+			c-8.456,2.36-17.344-2.576-19.736-11.080s 2.56-17.328, 11.080-19.736l 111.968-31.512c 1.44-0.408, 2.904-0.592, 4.344-0.592
+			c 6.984,0, 13.408,4.608, 15.392,11.672C 210.784,125.024, 205.832,133.848, 197.312,136.256z" data-tags="book-open" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe04d;" d="M 507.832,338c-2.984,4.232-7.832,6.752-13,6.752L 444.96,344.752 L 342.392,432.168c-12.488,12.488-32.76,12.504-45.248,0L 196.32,344.752
+			l-41.048,0 l-25.704,88.64c-10.080,34.904-34.032,38.672-43.856,38.672L 17.168,472.064 c-8.784,0-15.888-7.112-15.888-15.888s 7.112-15.888, 15.888-15.888l 68.528,0 
+			c 2.168,0, 8.784,0, 13.296-15.592l 88.424-324.968c 1.92-6.856, 8.168-11.592, 15.296-11.592l 215.984,0 c 6.704,0, 12.688,4.2, 14.952,10.512
+			l 76.128,224.84C 511.528,328.36, 510.8,333.784, 507.832,338z M 319.768,409.536l 76.016-64.792L 243.728,344.744 L 319.768,409.536z M 407.512,119.904L 214.768,119.904 
+			l-50.576,193.064l 308.048,0 L 407.512,119.904z M 376,55.936c-22.096,0-40-17.904-40-40s 17.904-40, 40-40s 40,17.904, 40,40S 398.096,55.936, 376,55.936z
+			 M 232,55.936c-22.096,0-40-17.904-40-40s 17.904-40, 40-40s 40,17.904, 40,40S 254.096,55.936, 232,55.936z" data-tags="basket-loaded" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe04e;" d="M 507.832,338c-2.984,4.232-7.832,6.752-13,6.752L 155.264,344.752 l-25.704,88.64
+			c-10.080,34.904-34.032,38.672-43.856,38.672L 17.168,472.064 c-8.784,0-15.888-7.112-15.888-15.888s 7.112-15.888, 15.888-15.888l 68.528,0 
+			c 2.168,0, 8.784,0, 13.296-15.592l 88.424-324.968c 1.92-6.856, 8.168-11.592, 15.296-11.592l 215.984,0 c 6.704,0, 12.688,4.2, 14.952,10.512
+			l 76.128,224.84C 511.528,328.36, 510.8,333.784, 507.832,338z M 407.512,119.904L 214.768,119.904 l-50.576,193.064l 308.048,0 L 407.512,119.904z M 376,55.936
+			c-22.096,0-40-17.904-40-40s 17.904-40, 40-40s 40,17.904, 40,40S 398.096,55.936, 376,55.936z M 232,55.936c-22.096,0-40-17.904-40-40s 17.904-40, 40-40
+			s 40,17.904, 40,40S 254.096,55.936, 232,55.936z" data-tags="basket" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe04f;" d="M 432,400.648L 336.408,400.648 L 336.408,431.336 c0,26.472-21.528,48-48,48l-63.816,0 c-26.472,0-48-21.528-48-48l0-30.688 L 80,400.648 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-367.984 
+			c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 352,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 464,368.648 C 464,386.32, 449.672,400.648, 432,400.648z M 208.592,431.336c0,8.832, 7.168,16, 16,16l 63.816,0 
+			c 8.832,0, 16-7.168, 16-16l0-30.688 L 208.592,400.648 L 208.592,431.336 z M 432,0.664L 80,0.664 L 80,368.648 l 96.592,0 l0-32.92 c0,0-0.424-15.984, 15.904-15.984
+			c 18,0, 16.096,15.984, 16.096,15.984l0,32.92 l 95.816,0 l0-32.92 c0,0-1.064-16.064, 15.936-16.064c 16,0, 16.064,16.064, 16.064,16.064l0,32.92 L 432,368.648 L 432,0.664 z
+			" data-tags="bag" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe050;" d="M 495.032,8.832c-0.168,0-0.36,0-0.544,0.016c-8.096,0.264-13.2,6.544-13.888,14.608c-0.544,5.936-16.984,149.544-241.128,149.392
+	l0-91.832 c0-6.184-3.56-11.832-9.168-14.472c-5.544-2.656-12.216-1.84-16.984,2.112L 5.832,240.544c-3.72,3.048-5.856,7.592-5.84,12.392
+	s 2.168,9.344, 5.888,12.376L 213.36,435.592c 4.784,3.904, 11.392,4.656, 16.968,2.048c 5.576-2.656, 9.144-8.28, 9.144-14.456l0-89.816 
+	c 92.984-2.952, 165.496-32.856, 212.168-87.488c 75.968-88.888, 59.016-218.080, 58.216-223.456C 508.672,14.592, 502.92,8.832, 495.032,8.832z
+	 M 223.472,205.096c 0.016,0, 0.032,0, 0.032,0c 160.112-0.096, 221.296-54.16, 256.232-101.904c-5.112,38.248-20.032,84.36-52.504,122.016
+	c-43.168,50.048-112.72,76.424-203.768,76.424c-8.84,0-16,7.16-16,16l0,71.888 L 41.248,252.84l 166.216-137.952l0,74.2 
+	c0,4.248, 1.688,8.328, 4.704,11.328C 215.168,203.408, 219.232,205.096, 223.472,205.096z" data-tags="action-undo" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe051;" d="M 16.968,8.832c 0.168,0, 0.36,0, 0.544,0.016c 8.096,0.264, 13.2,6.544, 13.888,14.608c 0.544,5.936, 16.488,149.544, 240.624,149.392
+	l 0.504-91.832c0-6.184, 3.56-11.832, 9.168-14.472c 5.544-2.656, 12.216-1.84, 16.984,2.112l 207.488,171.888
+	c 3.72,3.048, 5.856,7.592, 5.84,12.392s-2.168,9.344-5.888,12.376L 298.64,435.592c-4.784,3.904-11.392,4.656-16.968,2.048
+	c-5.576-2.656-9.144-8.28-9.144-14.456l-0.504-89.816C 179.048,330.424, 107.040,300.512, 60.36,245.888
+	c-75.968-88.888-59.016-218.080-58.216-223.456C 3.328,14.592, 9.080,8.832, 16.968,8.832z M 288.528,205.096c-0.016,0-0.032,0-0.032,0
+	C 128.392,205, 67.2,150.936, 32.264,103.184c 5.112,38.248, 20.032,84.36, 52.504,122.016c 43.168,50.048, 112.72,76.424, 203.768,76.424
+	c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16l0,71.888 l 166.216-136.672L 304.528,114.888l0,74.2 c0,4.248-1.688,8.328-4.704,11.328
+	C 296.832,203.408, 292.768,205.096, 288.528,205.096z" data-tags="action-redo" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe052;" d="M 503.184,372.032c-5.392,2.488-11.792,1.544-16.28-2.424l-80.656-72.448l-72.816,74.704l 72.096,83.264
+	c 3.92,4.528, 4.872,10.768, 2.432,16.256s-7.832,8.848-13.76,8.848l-4.344,0 c-44.56,0-121.488-3.832-155.832-38.672l-6.928-6.88
+	c-36.64-37.384-43.144-98.688-23.84-145.288L 18.616,100.944c-24.896-25.24-24.896-66.16,0-91.408l 22.536-22.848
+	C 53.6-25.928, 69.92-32.24, 86.24-32.24c 16.312,0, 32.632,6.312, 45.072,18.928l 187.36,188.864c 17.72-9.576, 42-15.832, 62.392-15.832
+	c 32.688,0, 63.672,13.184, 87.264,37.128l 6.832,6.92c 37.304,37.824, 36.728,118.648, 36.896,154.208C 512.072,364.024, 508.592,369.52, 503.184,372.032z
+	 M 452.832,225.496l-5.936-6.936c-17.872-18.136-41.248-26.824-65.832-26.824c-12.16,0-28.544,2.288-39.608,6.896
+	c-10,4.152-19.288,10.144-27.6,17.712L 108.768,9.536c-6.016-6.112-14.016-9.472-22.528-9.472c-8.512,0-16.52,3.36-22.544,9.472
+	l-22.528,22.84c-12.432,12.608-12.432,33.112-0.008,45.72l 200.392,204.432c-6.72,9.784-11.296,20.448-14.024,31.488L 227.52,314.016 
+	c-7.712,31.192-3.216,74.304, 21.008,99.024l 6.896,6.96c 20.776,21.080, 74.728,27.312, 104.6,29.152l-58.68-67.768
+	c-5.248-6.064-4.984-15.2, 0.608-20.936L 394.72,265.28c 5.624-5.792, 14.72-6.128, 20.776-0.76l 65.304,58.816
+	C 478.856,291.656, 472.704,245.648, 452.832,225.496z" data-tags="wrench" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe053;" d="M 512.16,225.208c0-8.832-7.144-15.992-15.984-15.992L 271.736,209.216 L 271.736,47.12 
+	c0-43.576-35.456-79.040-79.048-79.040c-43.592,0-79.056,35.464-79.056,79.040c0,8.832, 7.16,15.992, 15.992,15.992s 15.992-7.16, 15.992-15.992
+	c0-25.952, 21.112-47.064, 47.080-47.064c 25.96,0, 47.080,21.112, 47.080,47.064L 239.776,209.216 L 15.832,209.216 c-8.832,0-15.992,7.168-15.992,15.992
+	c0,123.648, 90.456,202.056, 239.928,207.24L 239.768,463.936 c0,8.832, 7.16,15.984, 15.992,15.984c 8.84,0, 15.984-7.16, 15.984-15.984l0-31.488 
+	C 421.248,427.272, 512.16,348.856, 512.16,225.208z M 479.576,241.192C 471.688,341.456, 390.128,400.752, 255.752,400.752
+	c-134.376,0-215.448-59.296-223.328-159.552L 479.576,241.2 z" data-tags="umbrella" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe054;" d="M 448.4,400.488L 335.76,400.488 L 335.76,444.12 c0,20.264-16.504,36.248-36.768,36.248L 213,480.368 c-20.264,0-36.76-15.984-36.76-36.248l0-43.632 L 63.6,400.488 
+			c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 22.008,0 l 37.12-369.96c 1.552-17.312, 16.304-30.888, 33.568-30.888l 199.4,0 c 17.264,0, 32,13.576, 33.544,30.736
+			l 37.152,370.12l 22.008,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 457.24,400.488, 448.4,400.488z M 208.24,444.12c0,2.616, 2.136,4.752, 4.76,4.752l 85.992,0 
+			c 2.624,0, 4.768-2.136, 4.768-4.752l0-43.632 L 208.24,400.488 L 208.24,444.12 z M 357.384,1.4c-0.080-0.888-1.128-1.768-1.688-1.768L 156.296-0.368 
+			c-0.56,0-1.616,0.872-1.712,1.92l-36.816,366.928l 276.456,0 L 357.384,1.4z" data-tags="trash" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe055;" d="M 511.992,271.864L 511.992,441.048 C 511.992,462.52, 494.52,480, 473.056,480L 307.464,479.976L 300.368,480
+			c-10.84,0-27.248,0-37.96-10.72L 9.44,216.304C 3.36,210.224,0,202.152,0,193.56c0-8.608, 3.344-16.688, 9.424-22.768l 193.4-193.36
+			C 208.88-28.656, 216.96-32, 225.552-32s 16.68,3.344, 22.744,9.424l 252.976,252.984C 512.12,241.232, 512.056,256.816, 511.992,271.864z
+			 M 478.648,253.032L 225.44,0.064L 32.064,193.672L 284.76,446.424C 287.304,448, 296.464,448, 300.256,448l 7.2-0.024L 473.056,448
+			c 3.832,0, 6.936-3.12, 6.936-6.952l0-169.312 C 480.024,265.648, 480.056,255.464, 478.648,253.032z M 384.008,416c-35.344,0-64-28.656-64-64s 28.656-64, 64-64
+			s 64,28.656, 64,64S 419.352,416, 384.008,416z M 384.008,320c-17.672,0-32,14.328-32,32s 14.328,32, 32,32s 32-14.328, 32-32S 401.68,320, 384.008,320z" data-tags="tag" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe056;" d="M 256,480C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224s 114.616-256, 256-256s 256,114.616, 256,256S 397.384,480, 256,480z
+			 M 320,438.512c 72.112-21.496, 128.824-78.4, 150.352-150.512L 366.568,288 c-11.208,19.264-27.296,35.336-46.568,46.528L 320,438.512 z M 351.816,223.896
+			c0-52.968-42.896-95.904-95.816-95.904s-95.816,42.936-95.816,95.904S 203.088,319.808, 256,319.808S 351.816,276.864, 351.816,223.896z
+			 M 224,445.536c 10.456,1.496, 21.128,2.312, 32,2.312c 10.864,0, 21.544-0.816, 32-2.312l0-97.904 c-10.24,2.648-20.928,4.2-32,4.2
+			s-21.752-1.552-32-4.2L 224,445.536 z M 192,438.512l0-103.984 c-19.28-11.192-35.36-27.272-46.568-46.528L 41.648,288 C 63.168,360.112, 119.888,417.016, 192,438.512z
+			 M 32.152,223.92c0,10.912, 0.928,21.584, 2.44,32.080l 97.696,0 c-2.656-10.256-4.12-20.992-4.12-32.088c0-11.032, 1.456-21.712, 4.080-31.912L 34.568,192 
+			C 33.080,202.44, 32.152,213.072, 32.152,223.92z M 192,9.336C 119.832,30.84, 63.096,87.824, 41.6,160l 103.736,0 
+			c 11.216-19.328, 27.328-35.472, 46.664-46.696L 192,9.336 z M 288,2.312C 277.544,0.816, 266.864,0, 256,0c-10.872,0-21.544,0.824-32,2.312L 224,100.2 
+			C 234.248,97.552, 244.928,96, 256,96s 21.76,1.552, 32,4.2L 288,2.312 z M 320,9.336L 320,113.304 c 19.328,11.224, 35.448,27.368, 46.656,46.696l 103.736,0 
+			C 448.896,87.832, 392.16,30.84, 320,9.336z M 379.752,192c 2.624,10.2, 4.080,20.88, 4.080,31.912c0,11.096-1.464,21.832-4.128,32.088l 97.704,0 
+			c 1.504-10.496, 2.44-21.168, 2.44-32.080c0-10.848-0.92-21.488-2.416-31.92L 379.752,192 z" data-tags="support" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe057;" d="M 342.952,288.408L 480.584,425.192l-0.448-77.536c-0.144-6.464, 4.984-12.088, 11.456-11.944
+			l 8.208,0.008c 6.472,0.152, 11.824,4, 11.96,10.464l 0.336,115.504c0,0.112-0.44,0.2-0.44,0.312l 0.632,5.856
+			c 0.064,3.248-0.696,6.144-2.792,8.216c-2.072,2.088-4.976,3.36-8.2,3.272l-5.848-0.136c-0.112,0-0.2-0.040-0.32-0.056
+			L 380.384,479.656c-6.464-0.144-11.816-5.488-11.96-11.96l-0.016-8.208c 0.984-7.624, 6.976-12.080, 13.44-11.936l 75.624-0.2L 320.328,311.040
+			c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.376,0-22.632C 326.576,282.168, 336.704,282.168, 342.952,288.408z M 169.544,159.592L 31.912,23.232l 0.44,77.112
+			c 0.152,6.472-4.984,12.096-11.448,11.952l-8.712-0.016c-6.48-0.16-11.824-4-11.96-10.472l-0.336-115.504
+			c0-0.112, 0.44-0.184, 0.44-0.312l-0.632-5.84c-0.072-3.248, 0.688-6.16, 2.792-8.216c 2.064-2.096, 4.976-3.36, 8.192-3.28L 16.544-31.2
+			c 0.112,0, 0.192,0.048, 0.32,0.048l 115.248-0.504c 6.464,0.16, 11.808,5.504, 11.96,11.968l 0.016,8.216
+			c-0.984,7.608-6.976,12.080-13.44,11.936l-75.624,0.2l 137.136,136.296c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.376,0,22.624S 175.792,165.84, 169.544,159.592z
+			 M 512.104-13.688l-0.336,115.504c-0.144,6.472-5.496,10.312-11.96,10.472l-8.208,0.016c-6.472,0.144-11.592-5.488-11.456-11.952
+			l 0.448-77.536L 342.952,159.592c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.624,0s-6.248-16.376,0-22.624l 137.136-136.296l-75.616-0.2
+			c-6.464,0.144-12.456-4.328-13.44-11.936l 0.016-8.216c 0.152-6.472, 5.504-11.816, 11.96-11.968l 114.752,0.504
+			c 0.12,0, 0.208-0.048, 0.32-0.048l 5.848-0.144c 3.224-0.080, 6.136,1.184, 8.2,3.28c 2.096,2.064, 2.848,4.968, 2.792,8.216l-0.632,5.84
+			C 511.664-13.872, 512.104-13.8, 512.104-13.688z M 55.024,447.336l 75.632,0.2c 6.464-0.144, 12.456,4.32, 13.44,11.936L 144.080,467.688
+			c-0.16,6.472-5.504,11.824-11.96,11.96L 16.864,479.152c-0.128,0.016-0.208,0.056-0.32,0.056L 10.688,479.344
+			C 7.472,479.432, 4.552,478.16, 2.496,476.072C 0.392,474-0.368,471.104-0.296,467.856L 0.336,462c0-0.112-0.44-0.192-0.44-0.312
+			l 0.336-115.504c 0.144-6.464, 5.488-10.312, 11.96-10.464l 8.712-0.008c 6.464-0.144, 11.592,5.48, 11.448,11.944L 31.912,424.768l 137.632-136.36
+			c 6.24-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.384,0,22.632L 55.024,447.336z" data-tags="size-fullscreen" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe058;" d="M 191.6,306.6L 191.264,422.104c-0.144,6.464-5.496,10.312-11.96,10.464l-8.208,0.008
+			c-6.472,0.144-11.592-5.488-11.456-11.944l 0.448-77.624L 26.952,474.872c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.624,0s-6.248-16.376,0-22.624
+			l 132.56-131.304l-75.544-0.2c-6.464,0.144-12.456-4.32-13.44-11.936l 0.016-8.208c 0.16-6.472, 5.504-11.824, 11.96-11.968l 114.752,0.504
+			c 0.128-0.008, 0.208-0.056, 0.32-0.056l 5.848-0.136c 3.224-0.088, 6.136,1.176, 8.2,3.272c 2.104,2.072, 2.856,4.976, 2.792,8.216
+			l-0.632,5.856C 191.168,306.4, 191.6,306.488, 191.6,306.6z M 322.992,292.216c 2.064-2.088, 4.976-3.36, 8.2-3.272l 5.848,0.136
+			c 0.112,0, 0.192,0.040, 0.32,0.056l 114.752-0.504c 6.464,0.144, 11.808,5.496, 11.96,11.968l 0.016,8.208
+			c-0.984,7.624-6.976,12.080-13.44,11.936l-75.544,0.2l 132.56,131.304c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.376,0,22.624s-16.376,6.248-22.624,0
+			L 351.912,343.016l 0.44,77.616c 0.152,6.464-4.976,12.088-11.448,11.944l-8.208-0.008c-6.48-0.152-11.824-4-11.96-10.464L 320.4,306.6
+			c0-0.112, 0.44-0.192, 0.44-0.312l-0.632-5.856C 320.136,297.184, 320.888,294.288, 322.992,292.216z M 189.008,156.288
+			c-2.072,2.088-4.976,3.352-8.2,3.272l-5.848-0.144c-0.112,0-0.192-0.048-0.32-0.056L 59.88,159.864
+			c-6.464-0.152-11.808-5.496-11.96-11.96l-0.016-8.216c 0.984-7.608, 6.976-12.080, 13.44-11.928l 75.624-0.2L 4.328-4.248
+			c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.376,0-22.624s 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0l 133.136,132.288l-0.448-78.040c-0.144-6.472, 4.984-12.096, 11.456-11.952
+			l 8.208,0.016c 6.472,0.16, 11.824,4, 11.96,10.464l 0.336,115.504c0,0.112-0.44,0.184-0.44,0.304l 0.632,6.352
+			C 191.864,151.312, 191.112,154.208, 189.008,156.288z M 375.032,127.552l 75.624,0.2c 6.464-0.152, 12.456,4.32, 13.44,11.928l-0.016,8.216
+			c-0.16,6.472-5.504,11.816-11.96,11.96L 337.368,159.856 c-0.128,0.008-0.208,0.056-0.32,0.056l-6.848,0.136
+			c-3.224,0.088-6.144-2.176-8.2-4.272c-2.104-2.072-2.856-4.968-2.792-8.216l 0.632-5.848c0-0.12-0.44-0.192-0.44-0.304
+			l 0.336-115.504c 0.144-6.464, 5.488-10.304, 11.96-10.464l 8.712-0.016c 6.472-0.144, 11.592,5.488, 11.448,11.952l-0.44,77.264l 133.632-131.512
+			c 6.248-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0s 6.248,16.376,0,22.624L 375.032,127.552z" data-tags="size-actual" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe059;" d="M 201.152,227.072l 19.632,27.624l-67.152,91.64L 1.368,346.336 l0-32 l 135.744,0 L 201.152,227.072z
+			 M 459.392,314.336l-38.768-34.768c-4.672-4.472-6.184-11.72-1.512-16.184l 2.736-4.032c 4.688-4.472, 12.248-4.472, 16.912,0l 63.872,57.752
+			c 0.088,0.080, 0.192,0.096, 0.272,0.168l 4.232,4.048c 2.336,2.248, 3.504,5.184, 3.488,8.144c 0.016,2.936-1.152,5.888-3.488,8.112
+			l-4.232,4.048c-0.080,0.080-0.168,0.112-0.272,0.184l-64.864,59.216c-4.68,4.472-12.232,4.472-16.92,0l-2.736-4.032
+			c-4.68-4.472-3.16-11.704, 1.512-16.168l 38.024-34.488L 341.768,346.336 l-204.656-288L 1.368,58.336 l0-32 l 152.256,0 l 204.664,288L 459.392,314.336 z M 502.904,53.616
+			c-0.080,0.080-0.168,0.112-0.272,0.184l-64.864,59.216c-4.68,4.472-12.232,4.472-16.92,0l-2.736-4.032
+			c-4.68-4.472-3.16-11.704, 1.512-16.168l 38.168-34.616l-99.504,0.136l-57.216,88.504l-19.64-27.624l 60.328-92.88l 117.472-0.144
+			l-38.608-34.624c-4.672-4.472-6.184-11.72-1.512-16.184l 2.736-4.032c 4.688-4.472, 12.248-4.472, 16.912,0l 63.872,57.752
+			c 0.088,0.080, 0.192,0.096, 0.272,0.168l 4.232,4.048c 2.336,2.248, 3.504,5.184, 3.488,8.144c 0.016,2.936-1.152,5.888-3.488,8.112
+			L 502.904,53.616z" data-tags="shuffle" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe05a;" d="M 450.92,5.312l-416,0 l0,320 l 128.8,0 l 32.36,31.168l-0.832,0.832L 34.92,357.312 
+			c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-320 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 416,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 482.92,255.648 l-32-30.544L 450.92,5.312 z M 135.064,133.312l 32.24,0 
+			c 22.432,127.248, 133.272,224, 266.944,224c 5.608,0, 10.928-0.048, 16.312-0.088l-58.624-58.616c-6.232-6.248-6.232-16.376,0-22.624
+			c 3.128-3.128, 7.232-4.688, 11.328-4.688s 8.168,1.56, 11.296,4.688l 94.512,97L 414.56,470c-6.232,6.248-16.36,6.248-22.624,0
+			c-6.232-6.248-6.232-16.376,0-22.624l 58.088-58.080c-5.016,0.008-9.984,0.024-15.104,0.024C 283.392,389.32, 158.136,278.344, 135.064,133.312z" data-tags="share-alt" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe05b;" d="M 432,128c-26.344,0-49.648-12.792-64.216-32.44l-210.68,107.36
+			C 158.936,209.648, 160,216.688, 160,224c0,9.152-1.608,17.904-4.44,26.088L 367.44,352.896C 381.984,332.992, 405.448,320, 432,320
+			c 44.184,0, 80,35.824, 80,80c0,44.184-35.816,80-80,80S 352,444.184, 352,400c0-6.216, 0.784-12.232, 2.12-18.040L 139.2,277.672
+			C 124.56,293.808, 103.504,304, 80,304C 35.816,304,0,268.184,0,224c0-44.176, 35.816-80, 80-80c 25.448,0, 48.064,11.912, 62.712,30.432l 211.552-107.816
+			C 352.832,60.632, 352,54.424, 352,48c0-44.184, 35.816-80, 80-80s 80,35.816, 80,80S 476.184,128, 432,128z M 432,448c 26.504,0, 48-21.496, 48-48s-21.496-48-48-48
+			s-48,21.496-48,48S 405.496,448, 432,448z M 80,176c-26.512,0-48,21.496-48,48s 21.488,48, 48,48c 26.504,0, 48-21.496, 48-48S 106.504,176, 80,176z M 432,0
+			c-26.504,0-48,21.496-48,48s 21.496,48, 48,48s 48-21.496, 48-48S 458.504,0, 432,0z" data-tags="share" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe05c;" d="M 104.84,38.368c-10.056-20.904-16.4-34.832-72.344-36.864c 1.608,53.984, 11.896,59.776, 32.496,70.040
+			c 8.648,4.312, 19.416,9.672, 31.056,18.624L 76.568,115.040c-9.2-7.064-17.664-10.784-25.848-14.856c-34.32-17.112-50.496-33.968-50.496-114.328
+			l 0.272-16.352l 15.728,0.352c 84.816,0, 100.664,19.16, 116.552,52.16c 3.48,7.232, 5.416,12.12, 11.28,21.864l-23.728,21.552
+			C 113.216,55.728, 108.776,46.496, 104.84,38.368z M 352.48,385.672c-35.384,0-64.176-28.792-64.176-64.168c0-35.392, 28.8-64.176, 64.176-64.176
+			c 35.376,0, 64.168,28.792, 64.168,64.176C 416.648,356.88, 387.848,385.672, 352.48,385.672z M 352.48,289.464c-17.664,0-32.040,14.376-32.040,32.040
+			c0,17.656, 14.376,32.040, 32.040,32.040s 32.040-14.384, 32.040-32.040C 384.512,303.832, 370.144,289.464, 352.48,289.464z M 511.888,465.344
+			c-0.488,7.984-6.816,14.384-14.8,14.976c0,0-89.544,6.528-175.688-25.64c-31.472-11.752-57.376-30.368-81.552-58.568
+			c-20.16-23.512-40.192-66.016-57.872-101.304c-6.832-13.624-13.36-26.656-18.896-36.608L 74.072,258.2 c-4.576,0-8.928-1.96-11.968-5.384l-58.648-63.568
+			c-3.752-4.232-4.992-10.128-3.264-15.504c 1.72-5.392, 6.16-9.472, 11.664-10.72l 95.472-21.832c 6.504-8.032, 17.344-20.048, 34.688-39.296
+			l 36.168-40.096l 19.472-82.36c 1.28-5.424, 5.304-9.8, 10.616-11.528c 1.616-0.512, 3.288-0.784, 4.952-0.784
+			c 3.768,0, 7.472,1.328, 10.416,3.856l 59.28,58.968c 3.544,3.032, 5.592,7.472, 5.592,12.144l0,82.56 c 7.968,4.952, 22.096,12.576, 35.392,20.016
+			c 36.232,20.248, 90.312,45.456, 112.736,65.392c 31.576,28.064, 43.080,48.64, 54.376,79.056C 517.872,361.464, 512.16,461.136, 511.888,465.344z
+			 M 461,300.264c-9.856-26.536-18.784-42.416-45.624-66.28c-19.832-17.616-74.064-42.912-107.096-61.384
+			c-24.656-13.784-39.424-21.832-45.896-27.128c-3.72-3.032-5.88-7.576-5.88-12.392l0-83.624 l-33.76-37.096l-14.376,60.8
+			c-0.616,2.608-1.888,5.032-3.696,7.032c-29.424,32.608-73.872,81.904-77.28,85.816c-2.224,2.704-5.304,4.624-8.784,5.424l-73.296,16.768
+			l 35.952,38l 91.016,0 c 5.56,0, 10.728,2.888, 13.632,7.624c 7.040,11.464, 15.208,27.768, 24.672,46.648c 16.024,31.976, 35.96,74.272, 53.56,94.816
+			c 20.792,24.264, 41.912,39.504, 68.448,49.424c 59.048,22.064, 119.984,24.384, 147.84,24.176C 480.952,419.384, 479.84,350.976, 461,300.264z" data-tags="rocket" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe05d;" d="M 256,480C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224c0-141.392, 114.616-256, 256-256c 141.392,0, 256.008,114.608, 256.008,256C 512.008,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480z
+			 M 256-0.504C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224.008-100.488, 224.008-224S 379.512-0.504, 256-0.504z M 232.472,79.76l 40.256,0 
+			l0,40.624 l-40.256,0 L 232.472,79.76 z M 255.528,368.232c-23.44,0-42.752-6.32-57.92-18.944c-15.168-12.632-22.544-37.928-22.168-58.888l 0.592-1.168l 36.72,0 
+			c0,12.504, 4.168,30.472, 12.504,36.92c 8.328,6.44, 18.424,9.664, 30.28,9.664c 13.664,0, 24.168-3.712, 31.536-11.136
+			c 7.36-7.424, 11.032-18.040, 11.032-31.832c0-11.592-2.72-21.488-8.184-29.688c-5.48-8.2-14.664-19.92-27.544-35.16
+			c-13.288-11.984-21.496-21.616-24.616-28.904c-3.128-7.296-4.752-20.384-4.872-39.256l 38.48,0 c0,11.84, 0.752,20.568, 2.248,26.168
+			c 1.488,5.592, 5.752,11.912, 12.784,18.944c 15.112,14.576, 27.248,28.832, 36.44,42.776c 9.168,13.928, 13.76,29.296, 13.76,46.096
+			c0,23.44-7.088,41.704-21.288,54.784C 301.104,361.696, 281.176,368.232, 255.528,368.232z" data-tags="question" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe05e;" d="M 287.8,433.296c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16C 401.024,401.296, 480,318.56, 480,205.344C 480,92.112, 387.888,0, 274.664,0
+			C 161.448,0, 78.704,81.8, 78.704,195.032c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16s-16-7.168-16-16C 46.704,64.16, 143.8-32, 274.664-32S 512,74.472, 512,205.344
+			C 512,336.2, 418.664,433.296, 287.8,433.296z M 240.128,255.872L 240.128,464 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16C 99.504,480,0,380.496,0,255.872c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16
+			l 208.128,0 C 232.96,239.872, 240.128,247.040, 240.128,255.872z M 208.128,271.872L 32.656,271.872 C 40.384,366.12, 113.88,439.616, 208.128,447.344L 208.128,271.872 z" data-tags="pie-chart" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe05f;" d="M 482.128,455.168c-17.432,16.704-36.664,25.168-57.192,25.168c-32.096,0-55.512-20.736-61.92-27.088
+			C 354,444.32, 46.44,136.648, 46.44,136.648c-2.008-2.016-3.472-4.536-4.224-7.296c-6.936-25.632-41.68-139.36-42.024-140.504
+			c-1.784-5.824-0.192-12.168, 4.104-16.464c 3.088-3.072, 7.2-4.72, 11.416-4.72c 1.656,0, 3.328,0.248, 4.96,0.784
+			c 1.176,0.384, 118.568,38.328, 137.888,44.096c 2.544,0.768, 4.872,2.144, 6.768,4.016c 12.208,12.064, 299.064,295.728, 318.104,315.392
+			c 19.696,20.296, 29.48,41.432, 29.104,62.808C 512.144,415.864, 501.912,436.184, 482.128,455.168z M 357.92,402.080c 8.152-1.976, 27.376-8.432, 47.008-28.24
+			c 19.84-20.016, 25.208-42.896, 26.208-48.104c-62.912-62.584-207.728-205.864-264.816-262.336c-5.272,12.28-13.792,27.072-27.496,40.88
+			c-16.736,16.864-33.768,26.392-46.904,31.752C 148.416,192.536, 295.96,340.144, 357.92,402.080z M 70.192,109.024
+			c 8.792-2.336, 27.056-9.112, 45.672-27.88c 14.336-14.456, 21.104-30.4, 24.144-40.12c-22.24-7.152-70.936-23.96-101.88-33.936
+			C 47.296,37.256, 62.784,84.24, 70.192,109.024z M 460.208,354.816c-0.656-0.672-1.736-1.768-3.032-3.080
+			c-5.056,13.024-13.928,29.76-29.288,45.248c-15.696,15.824-31.616,25.16-44.376,30.68c 1.088,1.080, 1.928,1.928, 2.256,2.248
+			c 1.832,1.808, 18.448,17.688, 39.16,17.688c 11.92,0, 23.624-5.44, 34.808-16.16c 13.256-12.712, 20.088-25.256, 20.312-37.296
+			C 480.264,381.856, 473.592,368.624, 460.208,354.816z" data-tags="pencil" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe060;" d="M 399.672-0.144l-368,0 l0,400 l 224.8,0 l 32.352,31.168l-0.832,0.832L 31.672,431.856 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-400 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 368,0 
+			c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 431.672,234.184 l-32-30.544L 399.672-0.144 z M 487.112,459.28c-14.44,13.84-30.376,20.856-47.376,20.856
+			c-26.608,0-46.016-17.184-51.296-22.448c-7.488-7.392-219.584-219.176-219.584-219.176c-1.664-1.696-2.88-3.768-3.504-6.072
+			c-5.744-21.224-34.536-115.496-34.824-116.432c-1.488-4.832-0.16-10.096, 3.4-13.608c 2.552-2.56, 5.96-3.92, 9.456-3.92
+			c 1.376,0, 2.76,0.2, 4.12,0.624c 0.976,0.328, 98.248,31.784, 114.256,36.56c 2.112,0.624, 4.024,1.768, 5.608,3.312
+			c 10.104,9.968, 205.056,201.896, 220.832,218.192c 16.312,16.832, 24.424,34.328, 24.112,52.048C 512.016,426.72, 503.504,443.568, 487.112,459.28z
+			 M 465.216,379.44c-8.904-9.184-78.624-78.080-207.224-204.768l-9.84-9.704c-14.744-4.56-50.048-15.904-76.736-24.512
+			c 8.592,28.376, 18.904,62.656, 23.504,78.872C 222.4,246.768, 404.112,428.2, 411.016,435.016c 1.344,1.344, 13.608,13.128, 28.72,13.128
+			c 8.576,0, 16.84-3.912, 25.232-11.96c 10.032-9.624, 15.2-18.872, 15.344-27.512C 480.472,399.776, 475.392,389.944, 465.216,379.44z" data-tags="note" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe061;" d="M 495.864,127.296c 0.008,0.28, 0.080,0.536, 0.080,0.816L 495.944,461.624 
+			c 0.192,1.752, 0.128,3.56-0.288,5.376c-1.368,7.456-7.864,13.112-15.712,13.112c-2.944,0-5.672-0.848-8.040-2.24L 172.968,400.048
+			c-5.384-1.336-9.376-5.36-11.016-10.336c-1.24-2.272-2-4.832-2-7.6L 159.952,95.84 c-15.232,10.192-34.704,16.328-55.936,16.328
+			c-48.768,0-88.32-32.304-88.32-72.136c0-39.84, 39.552-72.152, 88.32-72.152c 48.784,0, 88.304,32.304, 88.304,72.152
+			c0,2.032-0.168,4.032-0.368,6.024c0,0.016,0,0.032,0,0.048L 191.952,371.928 l 272,70.8l0-266.88 c-15.224,10.192-34.704,16.328-55.936,16.328
+			c-48.768,0-88.32-32.312-88.32-72.136c0-39.84, 39.552-72.152, 88.32-72.152c 48.784,0, 88.304,32.304, 88.304,72.152
+			C 496.312,122.496, 496.16,124.912, 495.864,127.296z M 104.352,0.024c-33.28,0-56.48,21.096-56.48,40c0,18.912, 23.192,39.976, 56.48,39.976
+			c 29.616,0, 51.2-16.696, 55.592-33.704l0-0.184 c0-1.616, 0.312-3.144, 0.76-4.608c 0.032-0.496, 0.112-0.984, 0.112-1.48
+			C 160.816,21.12, 137.616,0.024, 104.352,0.024z M 407.848,80.024c-32.984,0-55.976,21.088-55.976,40S 374.864,160, 407.848,160
+			c 32.976,0, 55.968-21.064, 55.968-39.976S 440.832,80.024, 407.848,80.024z" data-tags="music-tone-alt" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe062;" d="M 426.304,318.352L 269.848,474.808c-4.96,4.96-12.336,5.92-18.304,3.008
+			c-6.272-2.168-10.8-8.056-10.8-15.064l0-354.2 c-16.96,12.56-39.216,20.264-63.688,20.264c-53.032,0-96.056-35.888-96.056-80.144
+			c0-44.272, 43.024-80.168, 96.056-80.168c 53.056,0, 96.040,35.888, 96.040,80.168c0,1.96-0.184,3.88-0.352,5.816L 272.744,426.656 L 403.68,295.728
+			c 6.24-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0S 432.552,312.112, 426.304,318.352z M 176.688,0.712c-37.824,0-64.176,25.272-64.176,47.936
+			s 26.36,47.912, 64.176,47.912c 37.016,0, 63-24.2, 64.064-46.496l0-2.84 C 239.68,24.936, 213.704,0.712, 176.688,0.712z" data-tags="music-tone" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe063;" d="M 255.44,128l 3.8,0 C 303.72,128, 336,160.8, 336,205.984L 336,396.688 C 336,443.408, 302.28,480, 259.232,480
+			L 255.44,480 C 211.632,480, 176,442.624, 176,396.688l0-190.704 C 176,161.528, 210.152,128, 255.44,128z M 208,396.688C 208,424.984, 229.28,448, 255.44,448l 3.8,0 
+			C 284.752,448, 304,425.936, 304,396.688l0-190.704 C 304,178.488, 286.016,160, 259.232,160L 255.44,160 C 227.504,160, 208,178.904, 208,205.984L 208,396.688 z M 400,304
+			c-8.84,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-66.536 C 384,126.264, 350.016,80, 280.128,80L 232.56,80 C 141.16,80, 128,156.92, 128,221.464L 128,288 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16
+			s-16-7.168-16-16l0-66.536 C 96,111.216, 141.944,48, 232.56,48L 240,48 l0-48 L 160,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 192,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16
+			L 272,0 l0,48 l 8.128,0 C 342.112,48, 416,78.096, 416,221.464L 416,288 C 416,296.832, 408.84,304, 400,304z" data-tags="microphone" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe064;" d="M 480,429.080L 32,429.080 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-288 c0-17.68, 14.328-32, 32-32l 80,0 
+			c 10.248,0, 16,13.16, 16,15.992l0,0.008 c0,2.912-5.44,16.208-16,16.208L 51.52,109.288 c-10.688,0-19.36,8.672-19.36,19.36L 32.16,377 
+			c0,10.696, 8.664,19.36, 19.36,19.36l 409.136,0.504c 10.688,0, 19.36-8.664, 19.36-19.36l0-248.848 c0-10.688-8.672-19.36-19.36-19.36L 259.072,109.296 
+			l 37.992,34.456c 4.672,4.472, 6.184,11.704, 1.512,16.168l-2.736,4.032c-4.688,4.472-12.248,4.472-16.92,0l-64.864-59.216
+			c-0.096-0.080-0.184-0.112-0.264-0.184l-4.24-4.048c-2.336-2.216-3.504-5.168-3.488-8.112c-0.016-2.952, 1.144-5.888, 3.488-8.144
+			l 4.24-4.048c 0.080-0.080, 0.184-0.096, 0.264-0.168l 63.864-57.752c 4.672-4.472, 12.232-4.472, 16.92,0l 2.736,4.032
+			c 4.672,4.472, 3.16,11.72-1.512,16.184l-38.568,34.584L 480,77.080 c 17.672,0, 32,14.32, 32,32l0,288 C 512,414.752, 497.672,429.080, 480,429.080z" data-tags="loop" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe065;" d="M 58.416,208.168l 277.224,0 c 8.848,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.152,16-16,16L 59.416,240.168 l 57.88,57.88
+			c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.376,0,22.624s-16.376,6.248-22.624,0L 0.168,223.672l 94.504-97c 3.128-3.128, 7.216-4.688, 11.312-4.688
+			s 8.184,1.56, 11.312,4.688c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.376,0,22.624L 58.416,208.168z M 479.832,480L 207.832,480 c-17.68,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-144 l 32.208,0 L 208.040,428.488 
+			c0,10.688, 8.672,19.36, 19.36,19.36L 459.76,447.848 c 10.696,0, 19.36-8.672, 19.36-19.36l 0.504-409.144c0-10.688-8.664-19.36-19.36-19.36L 227.408-0.016 
+			c-10.688,0-19.36,8.672-19.36,19.36L 208.048,144.528 l-32.208-0.040L 175.84,0 c0-17.672, 14.32-32, 32-32l 271.992,0 c 17.68,0, 32.008,14.328, 32.008,32L 511.84,448 
+			C 511.832,465.672, 497.504,480, 479.832,480z" data-tags="logout" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe066;" d="M 266.264,149.296c-6.256-6.248-6.256-16.376,0-22.624
+			c 3.128-3.128, 7.216-4.688, 11.312-4.688s 8.184,1.56, 11.312,4.688l 94.504,97L 288.888,320.68c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.624,0
+			c-6.256-6.248-6.256-16.376,0-22.624l 57.872-57.88L 15.92,240.176 c-8.84,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.16-16, 16-16l 309.224,0 L 266.264,149.296z M 480.080,480l-288,0 
+			c-17.68,0-32.008-14.328-32.008-32l0-144 l 32.216,0 L 192.288,428.488 c0,10.688, 8.672,19.36, 19.36,19.36L 460,447.848 c 10.704,0, 19.36-8.672, 19.36-19.36l 0.504-409.144
+			c0-10.688-8.656-19.36-19.36-19.36L 211.656-0.016 c-10.688,0-19.36,8.672-19.36,19.36L 192.296,144.528 l-32.216-0.040L 160.080,0 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32.008-32l 288,0 
+			c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 512.088,448 C 512.080,465.672, 497.752,480, 480.080,480z" data-tags="login" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe067;" d="M 48,256L 16,256 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,32 
+			C 64,248.832, 56.832,256, 48,256z M 496,240L 160,240 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 336,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 504.832,240, 496,240z M 48,128L 16,128 
+			c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,32 C 64,120.832, 56.832,128, 48,128z M 496,112L 160,112 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16
+			s 7.168-16, 16-16l 336,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 504.832,112, 496,112z M 48,384L 16,384 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16
+			l0,32 C 64,376.832, 56.832,384, 48,384z M 160,336l 336,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16L 160,368 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16S 151.168,336, 160,336z" data-tags="list" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe068;" d="M 304.272-31.872c-145.416,0-146.536,6.032-164.544,19.592c-9.552,7.184-27.576,12.16-93.408,16.448
+	c-4.776,0.312-9.32,2.144-12.368,5.84c-1.4,1.704-34.296,49.68-34.296,126.52c0,75.72, 23.544,110.232, 24.552,111.832
+	c 2.92,4.68, 8.048,7.52, 13.56,7.52c 54.056,0, 128.992,69, 179.368,189.448c 8.712,20.832, 10.512,34.536, 42.512,34.536
+	c 18.2,0, 38.6-13.032, 48.672-29.752c 20.664-34.16, 10.168-107.528, 0.464-146.736c 33,0.264, 92.736,0.712, 121.16,0.712
+	c 39.536,0, 65.704-23.576, 66.496-58.040c 0.264-11.376-1.232-25.904-4.52-33.424c 8.704-8.68, 19.928-21.768, 20.416-38.624
+	c 0.608-21.76-13.64-38.328-22.736-47.832c 2.088-6.328, 6.264-14.72, 5.856-24.752c-1-24.672-20.048-40.568-31.912-48.864
+	c 0.984-6.752, 1.752-19.488-0.416-29.336C 454.568-16.088, 396.928-31.872, 304.272-31.872z M 54.808,36.616c 57.344-4.744, 88-11.168, 104.168-23.336
+	c 12.512-9.424, 10.584-13.16, 145.296-13.16c 41.088,0, 121.448,1.712, 127.608,29.92c 2.448,11.28-9.448,22.368-9.488,22.456
+	c-3.248,8.016, 0.368,17.424, 8.288,20.888c 0.128,0.064, 32.072,11.504, 32.8,29.36c 0.48,11.416-7.36,18.272-7.536,18.56
+	c-4.664,7.232-2.96,17.152, 4.112,22.080c 0.080,0.064, 20.776,12.608, 20.272,29.712c-0.392,13.584-18.288,23.144-18.832,23.464
+	c-4,2.288-6.912,6.248-7.824,10.776c-0.896,4.52, 0.112,9.264, 2.92,12.936c0,0, 8.136,12.928, 7.84,25.056
+	c-0.584,25.96-28.504,26.776-34.496,26.776c-40.36,0-144.016-0.408-144.016-0.408c-5.592-0.024-10.432,2.616-13.44,7.088
+	c-3,4.472-3.224,10.024-1.464,15.112c 15.632,45.016, 24.36,115.64, 9.864,139.768c-4.272,7.112-5.248,14.216-21.248,14.216
+	c-2.216,0-7.496-1.752-13-14.872C 193.168,305.088, 113.312,231.096, 47.904,224.424c-5.64-12.864-16.248-39.52-16.248-87.888
+	C 31.656,87.168, 47.296,48.976, 54.808,36.616z" data-tags="like" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe069;" d="M 508.352,223.32L 268.168,474.904c-3.016,3.152-7.184,4.92-11.544,4.92c-4.352,0-8.52-1.776-11.544-4.92L 3.656,223.328
+			c-6.12-6.376-5.904-16.496, 0.472-22.624c 6.376-6.112, 16.496-5.936, 22.624,0.472l 21.504,22.416l0-239.416 c0-8.84, 7.168-16, 16-16l 111.776,0 
+			c 8.816,0, 15.968,7.128, 16,15.952l 0.504,159.832l 127.496,0 l0-159.784 c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16l 111.736,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16L 463.768,223.672 l 21.496-22.52
+			c 3.144-3.264, 7.344-4.92, 11.544-4.92c 3.984,0, 7.984,1.472, 11.080,4.472C 514.256,206.816, 514.464,216.944, 508.352,223.32z
+			 M 431.768,252.592l0-252.416 l-79.736,0 L 352.032,159.952 c0,8.84-7.16,16-16,16l-159.44,0 c-8.816,0-15.968-7.128-16-15.952l-0.504-159.832l-79.832,0 L 80.256,252.592 
+			c0,1.32-0.208,2.584-0.504,3.816l 176.88,184.312l 175.712-184.104C 432,255.32, 431.768,253.984, 431.768,252.592z" data-tags="home" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe06a;" d="M 480-32L 320-32 c-17.672,0-32,14.328-32,32L 288,160 c0,17.672, 14.328,32, 32,32l 160,0 c 17.672,0, 32-14.328, 32-32l0-160 
+	C 512-17.672, 497.672-32, 480-32z M 480,160L 320,160 l0-160 l 160,0 L 480,160 z M 480,256L 320,256 c-17.672,0-32,14.328-32,32L 288,448 c0,17.672, 14.328,32, 32,32l 160,0 c 17.672,0, 32-14.328, 32-32l0-160 
+	C 512,270.328, 497.672,256, 480,256z M 480,448L 320,448 l0-160 l 160,0 L 480,448 z M 192-32L 32-32 c-17.672,0-32,14.328-32,32L0,160 c0,17.672, 14.328,32, 32,32l 160,0 c 17.672,0, 32-14.328, 32-32l0-160 
+	C 224-17.672, 209.672-32, 192-32z M 192,160L 32,160 l0-160 l 160,0 L 192,160 z M 192,256L 32,256 c-17.672,0-32,14.328-32,32L0,448 c0,17.672, 14.328,32, 32,32l 160,0 c 17.672,0, 32-14.328, 32-32l0-160 
+	C 224,270.328, 209.672,256, 192,256z M 192,448L 32,448 l0-160 l 160,0 L 192,448 z" data-tags="grid" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe06b;" d="M 472,368c-22.096,0-40-17.912-40-40c0-4.536, 0.92-8.816, 2.304-12.88L 336.8,231.16C 329.96,236.608, 321.424,240, 312,240
+			c-10.872,0-20.704-4.368-27.904-11.408l-76.376,38.24C 206.232,287.576, 189.12,304, 168,304c-22.088,0-40-17.912-40-40c0-6.048, 1.44-11.72, 3.84-16.856
+			L 53.968,157.352C 49.6,158.984, 44.936,160, 40,160c-22.088,0-40-17.912-40-40s 17.912-40, 40-40s 40,17.912, 40,40c0,5.32-1.088,10.384-2.976,15.024
+			l 79.136,90.96C 159.928,224.816, 163.848,224, 168,224c 11.64,0, 22.024,5.056, 29.336,13l 74.704-37.456C 272.304,177.672, 290.064,160, 312,160
+			c 22.096,0, 40,17.912, 40,40c0,0.712-0.168,1.376-0.208,2.080L 455.84,291.464C 460.792,289.272, 466.232,288, 472,288c 22.096,0, 40,17.904, 40,40
+			C 512,350.088, 494.096,368, 472,368z" data-tags="graph" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe06c;" d="M 80.024,286.064L 80.024,464 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16s-16-7.168-16-16l0-177.92 
+			C 20.36,278.952-0.176,253.856-0.176,224c0-29.864, 20.536-54.952, 48.2-62.088L 48.024-16 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16L 80.024,161.928 
+			c 27.64,7.152, 48.152,32.224, 48.152,62.072C 128.176,253.84, 107.664,278.92, 80.024,286.064z M 64.208,191.984C 64.152,191.984, 64.088,192, 64.024,192
+			c-0.072,0-0.136-0.016-0.208-0.024C 46.24,192.080, 31.968,206.4, 31.968,224c0,17.592, 14.28,31.92, 31.856,32.016
+			C 63.888,256.016, 63.96,256, 64.024,256c 0.064,0, 0.12,0.016, 0.184,0.016c 17.568-0.112, 31.832-14.432, 31.832-32.016
+			C 96.040,206.408, 81.776,192.096, 64.208,191.984z M 272.032,190.064L 272.032,464 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-273.92 
+			c-27.664-7.136-48.2-32.216-48.2-62.080c0-29.864, 20.536-54.952, 48.2-62.088L 240.032-16 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16L 272.032,65.928 
+			c 27.632,7.152, 48.144,32.224, 48.144,62.072C 320.168,157.832, 299.664,182.912, 272.032,190.064z M 256.208,95.984
+			c-0.064,0-0.12,0.016-0.184,0.016c-0.072,0-0.136-0.016-0.208-0.024C 238.24,96.080, 223.968,110.4, 223.968,128
+			c0,17.608, 14.304,31.936, 31.896,32.016c 0.056,0, 0.112-0.016, 0.168-0.016c 0.048,0, 0.096,0.016, 0.144,0.016
+			C 273.76,159.92, 288.048,145.6, 288.048,128C 288.048,110.408, 273.784,96.096, 256.208,95.984z M 464.032,382.064L 464.032,464 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16
+			c-8.84,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-81.92 c-27.664-7.128-48.2-32.216-48.2-62.080c0-29.864, 20.536-54.96, 48.2-62.088L 432.032-16 c0-8.832, 7.16-16, 16-16
+			c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16L 464.032,257.928 c 27.632,7.152, 48.144,32.224, 48.144,62.072C 512.168,349.832, 491.664,374.912, 464.032,382.064z M 448.208,287.984
+			c-0.064,0-0.12,0.016-0.176,0.016c-0.072,0-0.144-0.016-0.208-0.016C 430.248,288.080, 415.968,302.4, 415.968,320
+			c0,17.592, 14.28,31.92, 31.848,32.016c 0.072,0, 0.144-0.016, 0.208-0.016c 0.064,0, 0.12,0.016, 0.176,0.016
+			c 17.568-0.12, 31.832-14.432, 31.832-32.016C 480.048,302.408, 465.784,288.096, 448.208,287.984z" data-tags="equalizer" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe06d;" d="M 207.72,479.88c 145.416,0, 146.544-6.032, 164.552-19.592c 9.552-7.184, 27.576-12.168, 93.416-16.456
+	c 4.784-0.312, 9.32-2.144, 12.368-5.84c 1.4-1.704, 34.296-49.68, 34.296-126.512c0-75.72-23.544-110.24-24.552-111.848
+	c-2.92-4.672-8.048-7.512-13.56-7.512c-54.056,0-128.992-69-179.376-189.456c-8.712-20.832-10.504-34.528-42.512-34.528
+	c-18.2,0-38.6,13.032-48.688,29.752c-20.656,34.16-10.168,107.528-0.456,146.736c-33-0.264-92.736-0.72-121.16-0.72
+	c-39.536,0-65.696,23.576-66.504,58.048c-0.256,11.376, 1.232,25.912, 4.528,33.416c-8.696,8.68-19.928,21.776-20.416,38.632
+	c-0.616,21.752, 13.64,38.32, 22.728,47.832c-2.080,6.328-6.256,14.72-5.856,24.752c 1.008,24.672, 20.048,40.576, 31.92,48.872
+	C 47.472,402.184, 46.704,414.928, 48.864,424.768C 57.424,464.080, 115.064,479.88, 207.72,479.88z M 457.192,411.376c-57.344,4.744-88,11.168-104.168,23.344
+	c-12.512,9.416-10.576,13.152-145.304,13.152c-41.088,0-121.448-1.712-127.608-29.912c-2.456-11.28, 9.44-22.376, 9.488-22.456
+	c 3.248-8.024-0.376-17.424-8.296-20.888c-0.128-0.064-32.064-11.512-32.8-29.368c-0.472-11.416, 7.36-18.272, 7.544-18.552
+	c 4.656-7.232, 2.952-17.16-4.112-22.080c-0.080-0.064-20.784-12.608-20.272-29.72c 0.392-13.576, 18.288-23.144, 18.832-23.464
+	c 4-2.288, 6.912-6.248, 7.816-10.784c 0.904-4.512-0.112-9.264-2.912-12.92c0,0-8.136-12.936-7.848-25.056
+	c 0.592-25.968, 28.512-26.784, 34.504-26.784c 40.36,0, 144.016,0.424, 144.016,0.424c 5.592,0.016, 10.432-2.624, 13.432-7.096
+	s 3.232-10.032, 1.464-15.112c-15.624-45.016-24.352-115.64-9.856-139.768c 4.264-7.112, 5.248-14.216, 21.248-14.216
+	c 2.216,0, 7.496,1.752, 13,14.872c 53.496,127.904, 133.352,201.904, 198.76,208.576c 5.64,12.864, 16.248,39.52, 16.248,87.896
+	C 480.352,360.832, 464.712,399.016, 457.192,411.376z" data-tags="dislike" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe06e;" d="M 460.544,428.384L 292.416,35.488l-59.656,172.256L 60.664,259.76L 460.544,428.384 M 502.232,479.616c-3.048,0-6.76-0.864-11.048-2.68
+	L 13.856,274.4c-17.192-7.296-18.28-21.352-2.424-31.232l 197.648-61.792l 64.68-201.632c 4.64-7.592, 10.248-11.36, 15.632-11.36
+	c 5.968,0, 11.648,4.576, 15.52,13.624L 509.048,458.872C 514.576,471.816, 511.432,479.616, 502.232,479.616L 502.232,479.616z" data-tags="cursor" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe06f;" d="M 487.472,447.304c0,11.616-6.296,22.328-16.456,27.968
+			c-4.84,2.696-10.184,4.032-15.544,4.032c-5.856,0-11.736-1.616-16.888-4.824L 70.72,251.184c-7.976-4.952-13.256-13.104-14.688-22.2L 56.032,464 
+			c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16s-16-7.168-16-16l0-480 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16L 56.032,219.032 c 1.44-9.104, 6.72-17.256, 14.688-22.192L 439.080-26.48
+			c 5.16-3.216, 11.032-4.832, 16.888-4.832c 5.36,0, 10.704,1.344, 15.544,4.032c 10.16,5.64, 16.456,16.344, 16.456,27.968L 487.472,447.304z
+			 M 87.6,224.008L 455.472,447.304l 0.504-446.608L 87.6,224.008z" data-tags="control-start" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe070;" d="M 286.96,381.048L 34.32,224l 252.64-157.048L 286.96,190.44 l 192-123.488L 478.96,381.048 l-192-123.496L 286.96,385.472  M 285.632,413.048
+	c 5.352,0, 11.368-1.336, 16.208-4.032c 10.16-5.64, 17.12-16.352, 17.12-27.968l0-65.92 L 468.072,408.224c 5.16,3.2, 10.688,4.824, 16.56,4.824
+	c 5.344,0, 7.864-1.336, 12.712-4.032c 10.16-5.64, 13.616-16.352, 13.616-27.968l0-314.096 c0-11.624-3.624-22.328-13.784-27.968
+	c-4.84-2.688-8.864-4.032-14.216-4.032c-5.864,0-10.392,1.608-15.552,4.832L 318.96,132.872l0-65.92 c0-11.624-6.96-22.328-17.12-27.968
+	c-4.84-2.688-10.52-4.032-15.88-4.032c-5.856,0-11.896,1.608-17.056,4.832L 16.176,196.832C 6.792,202.656, 1.040,212.936, 1.040,224
+	s 5.688,21.336, 15.080,27.176L 268.752,408.224C 273.904,411.432, 279.768,413.048, 285.632,413.048L 285.632,413.048z" data-tags="control-rewind" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe071;" d="M 72.312,447.304l 367.872-223.296L 71.816,0.696L 72.312,447.304 M 72.312,479.304c-5.36,0-10.704-1.336-15.544-4.032
+	c-10.16-5.64-16.456-16.352-16.456-27.968L 39.816,0.696c0-11.624, 6.296-22.328, 16.456-27.968c 4.84-2.688, 10.184-4.032, 15.544-4.032
+	c 5.856,0, 11.736,1.608, 16.888,4.832l 368.36,223.312c 9.408,5.832, 15.128,16.112, 15.128,27.168s-5.72,21.336-15.128,27.176L 89.2,474.488
+	C 84.048,477.688, 78.168,479.304, 72.312,479.304L 72.312,479.304z" data-tags="control-play" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe072;" d="M 208.136,480L 96.032,480 c-8.832,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-480 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 112.104,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.168, 16,16L 224.136,464 
+			C 224.136,472.84, 216.976,480, 208.136,480z M 192.136,0L 112.032,0 L 112.032,448 l 80.104,0 L 192.136,0 z M 415.968,480L 304.44,480 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-480 c0-8.832, 7.16-16, 16-16
+			l 111.528,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.168, 16,16L 431.968,464 C 431.968,472.84, 424.816,480, 415.968,480z M 399.968,0l-79.528,0 L 320.44,448 l 79.528,0 L 399.968,0 z" data-tags="control-pause" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe073;" d="M 225.040,381.048L 477.68,224L 225.040,66.952L 225.040,190.44 l-192-123.488L 33.040,381.048 l 192-123.496L 225.040,385.472  M 226.368,413.048
+	c-5.36,0-11.368-1.336-16.216-4.032C 200,403.376, 193.040,392.664, 193.040,381.048l0-65.92 L 43.928,408.224c-5.16,3.2-10.688,4.824-16.56,4.824
+	c-5.344,0-7.864-1.336-12.72-4.032C 4.504,403.376, 1.040,392.664, 1.040,381.048l0-314.096 c0-11.624, 3.624-22.328, 13.784-27.968
+	c 4.84-2.688, 8.864-4.032, 14.216-4.032c 5.864,0, 10.392,1.608, 15.552,4.832L 193.040,132.872l0-65.92 c0-11.624, 6.96-22.328, 17.112-27.968
+	c 4.848-2.688, 10.528-4.032, 15.888-4.032c 5.856,0, 11.896,1.608, 17.056,4.832l 252.728,157.048c 9.392,5.832, 15.144,16.112, 15.144,27.168
+	s-5.688,21.336-15.080,27.176L 243.248,408.224C 238.096,411.432, 232.224,413.048, 226.368,413.048L 226.368,413.048z" data-tags="control-forward" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe074;" d="M 471.968,480c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-235 c-1.44,9.096-6.72,17.232-14.688,22.184
+			L 73.424,474.488c-5.16,3.2-11.032,4.824-16.888,4.824c-5.36,0-10.704-1.336-15.544-4.032c-10.16-5.64-16.456-16.352-16.456-27.968
+			L 24.032,0.696c0-11.624, 6.296-22.328, 16.456-27.968c 4.84-2.688, 10.184-4.032, 15.544-4.032c 5.856,0, 11.736,1.608, 16.888,4.832
+			L 441.28,196.832c 7.968,4.936, 13.248,13.080, 14.688,22.176L 455.968-16 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16L 487.968,464 C 487.968,472.832, 480.808,480, 471.968,480z
+			 M 56.032,0.696L 56.528,447.304l 367.872-223.296L 56.032,0.696z" data-tags="control-end" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe075;" d="M 480,432.056L 351.888,432.056 L 351.888,463.944 c0,8.84-7.16,16-16,16s-16-7.16-16-16l0-31.88 l-128,0 L 191.888,463.944 
+			c0,8.84-7.16,16-16,16c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-31.88 L 32,432.064 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-400 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 448,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32l0,400 
+			C 512,417.728, 497.672,432.056, 480,432.056z M 480,0.064L 32,0.064 l0,400 l 127.888,0 l0-16.12 c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16L 191.888,400.056 l 128,0 l0-16.12 
+			c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16s 16,7.16, 16,16L 351.888,400.056 L 480,400.056 L 480,0.064 z M 368,224.056l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,32 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 
+			c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 C 352,231.224, 359.168,224.056, 368,224.056z M 368,96.064l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.16, 16,16l0,32 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 
+			c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 C 352,103.216, 359.168,96.064, 368,96.064z M 272,160.064l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 c0-8.84, 7.168-16, 16-16l 32,0 
+			c 8.832,0, 16,7.16, 16,16l0,32 C 288,152.888, 280.832,160.064, 272,160.064z M 272,288.056l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 32,0 
+			c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,32 C 288,280.896, 280.832,288.056, 272,288.056z M 144,288.056l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 32,0 
+			c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,32 C 160,280.896, 152.832,288.056, 144,288.056z M 144,160.064l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 c0-8.84, 7.168-16, 16-16l 32,0 
+			c 8.832,0, 16,7.16, 16,16l0,32 C 160,152.888, 152.832,160.064, 144,160.064z" data-tags="calendar" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe076;" d="M 255.992,480C 156.976,480, 79.432,399.448, 79.432,300.432c0-74.6, 36.64-110.128, 65.592-136.064c 18.64-16.712, 31.184-26.776, 31.184-39.176
+			l0-27.128 c0-0.696, 0.096-1.376, 0.184-2.064l-0.36,0 l0-46.312 C 176.040,0.832, 207.632-32, 256.568-32c 47.232,0, 79.472,32.832, 79.472,81.688L 336.040,96 
+			l-0.464,0 c 0.088,0.688, 0.208,1.368, 0.208,2.064l0,27.128 c0,18.88, 14.016,30.296, 35.264,48.848c 28.752,25.104, 61.512,56.344, 61.512,126.392
+			C 432.568,399.448, 355.008,480, 255.992,480z M 255.384,0c-29.952,0-47.344,18.576-47.344,49.688l-0.232,21.336C 219.32,67.088, 235,64, 256,64
+			c 20.712,0, 36.424,3.312, 48.040,7.384l0-21.696 C 304.040,18.112, 286.416,0, 255.384,0z M 350.008,198.144c-21.736-18.984-46.216-38.608-46.216-72.952
+			l0-20.216 c-7.592-4.24-21.592-9.28-48.064-9.28c-27.784,0-40.96,4.928-47.512,8.736l0,20.768 c0,27.304-21.344,44.648-41.84,63.008
+			c-27.16,24.336-54.936,51.92-54.936,112.232C 111.432,381.8, 174.632,448, 255.992,448c 81.376,0, 144.576-66.2, 144.576-147.568
+			C 400.568,244.92, 376.336,221.144, 350.008,198.144z" data-tags="bulb" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe077;" d="M 136.032,320.008L 24,320.008 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16L 8-16 c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16l 112.032,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16L 152.032,304.008 
+			C 152.032,312.848, 144.872,320.008, 136.032,320.008z M 120.032,0L 40,0 L 40,288.008 l 80.032,0 L 120.032,0 z M 311.872,224.872L 199.832,224.872 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16L 183.832-16 
+			c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16l 112.040,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16L 327.872,208.872 C 327.872,217.72, 320.72,224.872, 311.872,224.872z M 295.872,0L 215.832,0 L 215.832,192.872 
+			l 80.040,0 L 295.872,0 z M 488,480L 376.136,480 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-480 c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16L 488-32 c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16L 504,464 C 504,472.84, 496.84,480, 488,480z M 472,0
+			l-79.864,0 L 392.136,448 L 472,448 L 472,0 z" data-tags="bar-chart" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe078;" d="M 512,224C 512,365.392, 397.384,480, 256,480C 114.608,480,0,365.392,0,224c0-141.384, 114.608-256, 256-256C 397.384-32, 512,82.616, 512,224z M 31.504,224
+			C 31.504,347.512, 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224S 379.512,0, 256,0S 31.504,100.488, 31.504,224z M 272.168,111.84L 272.168,292.072 l 57.88-57.88
+			c 6.248-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0s 6.248,16.376,0,22.624L 255.672,351.32L 158.672,256.816c-3.128-3.128-4.688-7.216-4.688-11.312
+			s 1.56-8.184, 4.688-11.312c 6.248-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0l 58.872,58.88L 240.168,111.84 c0-8.84, 7.168-16, 16-16S 272.168,103, 272.168,111.84z" data-tags="arrow-up" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe079;" d="M 256,480C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224c0-141.392, 114.616-256, 256-256c 141.392,0, 256,114.608, 256,256C 512,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480z M 256-0.504
+			C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224S 379.512-0.504, 256-0.504z M 266.184,320.68
+			c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.376,0-22.624l 57.88-57.88L 143.84,240.176 c-8.84,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.16-16, 16-16l 181.232,0 l-58.88-58.872
+			c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.376,0-22.624c 3.128-3.128, 7.216-4.688, 11.312-4.688s 8.184,1.56, 11.312,4.688l 94.504,97L 288.816,320.68
+			C 282.56,326.928, 272.44,326.928, 266.184,320.68z" data-tags="arrow-right" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe07a;" d="M 256,480C 114.608,480,0,365.384,0,224c0-141.392, 114.608-256, 256-256c 141.384,0, 256,114.608, 256,256C 512,365.384, 397.384,480, 256,480z M 256-0.504
+			C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224S 379.512-0.504, 256-0.504z M 368.16,240.168L 187.928,240.168 l 57.88,57.88
+			c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.376,0,22.624s-16.376,6.248-22.624,0L 128.68,223.672l 94.504-97c 3.128-3.128, 7.216-4.688, 11.312-4.688
+			s 8.184,1.56, 11.312,4.688c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.376,0,22.624l-58.88,58.872L 368.16,208.168 c 8.84,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 377,240.168, 368.16,240.168z" data-tags="arrow-left" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe07b;" d="M0,224c0-141.392, 114.616-256, 256-256c 141.392,0, 256,114.608, 256,256C 512,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224z M 480.504,224
+			c0-123.512-100.984-224-224.504-224S 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448S 480.504,347.512, 480.504,224z M 239.832,336.16l0-180.224 l-57.88,57.88
+			c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.624,0s-6.248-16.376,0-22.624l 97.008-94.504l 97,94.504c 3.128,3.128, 4.688,7.216, 4.688,11.312
+			s-1.56,8.184-4.688,11.312c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.624,0l-58.872-58.88L 271.84,336.16 c0,8.84-7.168,16-16,16S 239.832,345, 239.832,336.16z" data-tags="arrow-down" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe07c;" d="M 256,480C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224c0-141.392, 114.616-256, 256-256
+			c 141.392,0, 256,114.608, 256,256C 512,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480z M 32,224c0,56.136, 20.808,107.48, 55.048,146.832l 315.928-315.928
+			C 363.608,20.464, 312.208-0.504, 256-0.504C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224z M 425.512,77.608L 109.704,393.416C 148.992,427.384, 200.12,448, 256,448
+			c 123.512,0, 224-100.488, 224-224C 480,168.168, 459.424,116.984, 425.512,77.608z" data-tags="ban" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe07d;" d="M 256,416c 123.512,0, 224-71.776, 224-160c0-88.216-100.488-160-224-160l-7.568-0.032l-5.688-0.016c-8.792,0-14.544,0.232-23.536,1.576
+	l-17.928,2.56l-11.504-13.92c-5.288-6.392-32.272-28.56-62.056-42.832c 6.056,16.016, 10.52,33.504, 10.92,50.8l 0.16,0.952l0,2.736 l0,19.576 
+	l-17.432,8.904C 64.568,155.36, 32,202.624, 32,256C 32,344.224, 132.488,416, 256,416 M 256,448C 114.6,448,0,362.032,0,256c0-66.032, 39.128-123.576, 106.792-158.168
+	c0-0.408-0.128-0.704-0.128-1.16c0-28.688-16.080-60.232-25.504-76.472l 0.024,0 C 80.44,18.456, 80,16.544, 80,14.496
+	C 80,6.456, 86.48,0, 94.504,0c 1.208,0, 3.128,0.248, 3.832,0.248c 0.168,0, 0.264,0, 0.248-0.048c 50,8.168, 104.976,52.344, 115.912,65.672
+	c 11.24-1.672, 18.832-1.92, 28.24-1.92C 246.704,63.952, 250.984,64, 256,64c 141.376,0, 256,85.952, 256,192C 512,362.032, 397.376,448, 256,448L 256,448z" data-tags="bubble" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe07e;" d="M 319.064,368.312c 0.64,0, 1.16-0.504, 1.16-1.12l0-63.936 c0-11.832, 6.528-22.712, 17-28.264c 4.704-2.504, 9.856-3.736, 15-3.736
+	c 6.28,0, 13.528,1.84, 18.92,5.496L 480,338.368L 480,110.16 L 370.544,169.92c-5.488,3.832-11.888,5.768-18.328,5.768
+	c-5.064,0-10.128-1.2-14.784-3.608c-10.56-5.512-17.2-16.44-17.216-28.344l-0.080-62.92c0-0.624-0.504-1.128-1.144-1.128L 33.144,79.688 
+	C 32.504,79.688, 32,80.184, 32,80.8l 0.080,286.392c0,0.624, 0.504,1.12, 1.144,1.12L 319.064,368.312  M 495.184,384.328c-3.408,0-10.144-1.008-13.984-4.832
+	l-128.984-76.24l0,63.936 c0,18.28-14.84,33.12-33.16,33.12L 33.216,400.312 c-18.336,0-33.144-14.832-33.144-33.12L0,80.816
+	c0-18.28, 14.816-33.128, 33.144-33.128l 285.856,0 c 18.328,0, 33.144,14.84, 33.144,33.128l 0.080,62.872l 131.488-76.656
+	c 3.856-3.84, 8.128-3.344, 11.544-3.344c 3.544,0, 6.184,1.080, 6.512,1.216C 507.984,67.496, 512,73.496, 512,80.248L 512,367.736 
+	c0,6.752-4.016,12.776-10.232,15.328C 501.408,383.224, 498.752,384.328, 495.184,384.328L 495.184,384.328z" data-tags="camcorder" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe07f;" d="M 464,368l-73.592,0 L 352,432L 160,432 l-38.4-64L 48,368 c-16,0-48-16-48-47.504L0,64 c0-26.504, 24-48, 44.664-48l 420.336,0 C 486,16, 512,38.496, 512,63.496L 512,320 
+			C 512,336, 496,368, 464,368z M 480,63.496c0-6.312-10.232-15.144-15-15.504L 44.76,47.992 C 41.056,48.296, 32,55.512, 32,64L 32,320.496 
+			C 32,330.632, 45.616,335.744, 48,336l 91.72,0 l 9.32,15.536L 178.12,400l 156.824,0 l 28.56-48.472l 8.8-15.528L 464,336 c 11.28,0, 15.84-14.736, 16-16L 480,63.496 z M 256,320
+			c-61.856,0-112-50.144-112-112s 50.144-112, 112-112s 112,50.144, 112,112S 317.856,320, 256,320z M 256,128c-44.112,0-80,35.888-80,80s 35.888,80, 80,80
+			s 80-35.888, 80-80S 300.112,128, 256,128z" data-tags="camera" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe080;" d="M 256,480C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224c0-141.392, 114.616-256, 256-256
+			c 141.392,0, 256,114.608, 256,256C 512,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480z M 256-0.504C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224
+			S 379.512-0.504, 256-0.504z M 358.168,317.672L 207.968,166.528l-67.64,67.64c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.632,0
+			c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.376,0-22.624l 79.192-79.2c 6.248-6.24, 16.376-6.24, 22.632,0c 0.72,0.72, 1.336,1.504, 1.896,2.32L 380.808,295.040
+			c 6.24,6.248, 6.24,16.376,0,22.632C 374.552,323.92, 364.424,323.92, 358.168,317.672z" data-tags="check" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe081;" d="M 256,480C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224c0-141.392, 114.616-256, 256-256
+			c 141.392,0, 256,114.608, 256,256C 512,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480z M 256-0.504C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224
+			S 379.512-0.504, 256-0.504z M 272,230.496L 272,384 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16s-16-7.168-16-16l0-160 c0-4.528, 1.896-8.6, 4.928-11.504
+			c 0.264-0.312, 0.48-0.648, 0.768-0.944l 79.192-79.2c 6.248-6.24, 16.376-6.24, 22.624,0c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.384,0,22.632L 272,230.496z" data-tags="clock" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe082;" d="M 256,480C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224c0-141.392, 114.616-256, 256-256
+			c 141.392,0, 256,114.608, 256,256C 512,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480z M 256-0.504C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224
+			S 379.512-0.504, 256-0.504z M 346.504,314.504c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.624,0L 256,246.624l-67.88,67.88
+			c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.632,0c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.376,0-22.624L 233.368,224l-67.88-67.88c-6.248-6.24-6.248-16.384,0-22.624
+			c 6.248-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.632,0L 256,201.376l 67.88-67.88c 6.248-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0c 6.248,6.24, 6.248,16.384,0,22.624
+			L 278.624,224l 67.88,67.88C 352.76,298.136, 352.76,308.264, 346.504,314.504z" data-tags="close" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe083;" d="M 381.512,350C 359.2,409.216, 311.232,446.72, 238.784,446.72c-92.192,0-156.696-68.456-162.24-157.768C 32.088,274.736,0,229.392,0,178.032
+			c0-62.872, 49.424-115.984, 107.912-115.984l 14.224,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.16, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16l-14.224,0 c-41.152,0-76.416,38.456-76.416,83.984
+			c0,40.232, 28.208,76.528, 63.592,82.608l 14.52,2.504l-1.296,14.672l-0.12,0.184c 0.008,77.936, 51.304,136.72, 130.592,136.72
+			c 63.552,0, 99.256-31.312, 115.776-84.72l 3.416-11.016l 11.536-0.248c 59.432-1.248, 111.544-49.472, 111.544-109.392
+			c0-54.528-36.136-115.296-90.856-115.296l-4.552,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.16-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l0,0.048 c 80,2.112, 126.12,78.544, 126.12,147.248
+			C 511.752,283.208, 453.872,342.216, 381.512,350z M 323.168,92.264c-4.472,4.672-11.704,4.672-16.168,0l-35.192-38.824L 271.808,214.512 
+			c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16s-16-7.168-16-16l0-161.216 l-34.056,37.968c-4.472,4.672-11.72,5.672-16.184,1l-4.032-2.208
+			c-4.472-4.688-4.472-12.24,0-16.912l 57.752-63.872c 0.080-0.080, 0.096-0.184, 0.168-0.264l 4.048-4.232
+			c 2.248-2.344, 5.184-3.504, 8.144-3.488c 2.936-0.016, 5.888,1.144, 8.112,3.488l 4.048,4.232c 0.080,0.080, 0.12,0.168, 0.184,0.264
+			l 59.216,64.872c 4.472,4.672, 4.472,10.224,0,14.912L 323.168,92.264z" data-tags="cloud-download" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe084;" d="M 381.512,350.016C 359.2,409.232, 311.232,446.736, 238.776,446.736c-92.192,0-156.696-68.456-162.24-157.768
+			C 32.088,274.752,0,229.408,0,178.048c0-62.872, 49.424-115.984, 107.912-115.984l 46.224,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16c0,8.84-7.168,16-16,16l-46.224,0 
+			c-41.152,0-76.416,38.456-76.416,83.984c0,40.232, 28.208,76.528, 63.592,82.608l 14.52,2.504l-1.288,14.664l-0.12,0.184
+			c0,77.936, 51.288,136.72, 130.576,136.72c 63.552,0, 99.256-31.312, 115.768-84.72l 3.424-11.016l 11.528-0.248
+			c 59.44-1.248, 111.552-49.472, 111.552-109.384c0-54.528-36.136-115.296-90.848-115.296l-36.56,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16c0-8.84, 7.168-16, 16-16
+			l 36.44,0.048c 80,2.112, 121.672,78.536, 121.672,147.248C 511.752,283.216, 453.872,342.232, 381.512,350.016z M 267.992,222.528
+			c-0.088,0.096-0.12,0.176-0.176,0.256l-4.048,4.232c-2.216,2.344-5.168,3.504-8.12,3.488c-2.952,0.024-5.888-1.144-8.144-3.488
+			l-4.048-4.232c-0.080-0.080-0.096-0.176-0.168-0.256l-57.752-63.872c-4.472-4.672-4.472-12.232,0-16.92l 4.032-2.736
+			c 4.472-4.672, 11.72-3.16, 16.184,1.512l 34.056,37.968l0-161.216 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16L 271.808,178.328 l 35.184-38.816
+			c 4.472-4.672, 11.704-6.184, 16.168-1.512l 4.032,2.736c 4.472,4.688, 4.472,12.248,0,16.92L 267.992,222.528z" data-tags="cloud-upload" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe085;" d="M 280,480L 104,480 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-448 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 304,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 440,319.992 L 280,480z M 408,306.736L 408,304 L 264,304 L 264,448 l 2.752,0 
+			L 408,306.736z M 104,0L 104,448 l 128,0 l0-176 l 176,0 l0-272 L 104,0 z" data-tags="doc" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe086;" d="M 511.728,364c 0.496,3.072, 0.088,6.24-1.24,9.136C 506.456,390.856, 493.648,400, 472,400L 56,400 c-19.040,0-39.552-7-49.64-20.736
+			c-0.872-0.664-1.704-1.416-2.456-2.288c-3.224-3.72-4.352-8.504-3.632-13.016C 0.128,362.664,0,361.36,0,360l0-256 c0-26.512, 29.496-56, 56-56
+			l 416,0 c 26.512,0, 40,29.488, 40,56L 512,360 C 512,361.416, 511.816,362.656, 511.728,364z M 56,368l 416,0 c 0.096,0, 0.144,0, 0.216,0L 256,195.672L 40.656,367.296
+			C 45.552,368.2, 51.576,368, 56,368z M 472,80L 56,80 c-8.824,0-24,15.168-24,24L 32,333.224 L 245.52,162.4c 3.008-2.6, 6.744-3.896, 10.48-3.896
+			s 7.472,1.296, 10.488,3.896L 480,333.216L 480,104 C 480,95.168, 480.832,80, 472,80z" data-tags="envelope" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe087;" d="M 257.736,319.296c-53.016,0-96-42.984-96-96c0-53.008, 42.984-96, 96-96s 96,42.984, 96,96
+			C 353.736,276.312, 310.752,319.296, 257.736,319.296z M 257.736,159.296c-35.288,0-64.736,29.408-64.736,64.696c0,35.288, 28.712,64, 64,64
+			c 35.296,0, 64-28.712, 64-64C 321,188.704, 293.032,159.296, 257.736,159.296z M 511.84,227.712c-0.184,0.808-0.104,1.664-0.344,2.456
+			c-0.104,0.336-0.312,0.528-0.432,0.824c-0.168,0.456-0.128,0.992-0.36,1.432C 464.168,338.976, 363.872,400.304, 256.992,400.304
+			c-106.88,0-209.184-61.216-255.744-167.776c-0.2-0.448-0.168-0.912-0.328-1.424c-0.112-0.312-0.344-0.488-0.448-0.784
+			c-0.248-0.808-0.152-1.648-0.304-2.464c-0.296-1.44-0.568-2.84-0.568-4.296c0-1.472, 0.272-2.832, 0.568-4.296
+			c 0.16-0.8, 0.056-1.672, 0.304-2.44c 0.104-0.36, 0.336-0.512, 0.448-0.84c 0.168-0.44, 0.128-0.984, 0.328-1.424
+			C 47.816,108.032, 149.12,47.704, 256,47.704c 106.888,0, 208.168,60.2, 254.72,166.752c 0.232,0.456, 0.184,0.936, 0.36,1.44
+			c 0.112,0.28, 0.328,0.488, 0.424,0.8c 0.248,0.784, 0.168,1.64, 0.344,2.456c 0.28,1.432, 0.544,2.832, 0.544,4.312
+			C 512.392,224.872, 512.128,226.264, 511.84,227.712z M 256,79.704c-90.648,0-179.872,47.784-223.712,143.84
+			c 43.424,95.736, 133.84,144.752, 224.712,144.752c 90.84,0, 179.248-49.072, 222.688-144.856C 436.28,127.736, 346.872,79.704, 256,79.704z" data-tags="eye" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe088;" d="M 340,432.336c-80,0-101.328,48-202.656,48C 72,480.336, 32,430.992, 32,430.992l0-447.328 
+			c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16L 64,187.6 c 16.88,10.888, 40.168,20.736, 69.344,20.736c 101.328,0, 130.656-48, 210.656-48s 136,48, 136,48l0,272 
+			C 480,480.336, 420,432.336, 340,432.336z M 448,224.64c-18.080-11.792-56.392-32.304-104-32.304c-31.456,0-52.92,8.632-80.112,19.568
+			c-33.136,13.32-70.704,28.432-130.544,28.432c-27.344,0-50.536-6.88-69.344-16.080L 64,417.992 c 12.048,10.96, 38.312,30.344, 73.344,30.344
+			c 47.056,0, 73.544-11.424, 101.592-23.504c 27.936-12.040, 56.832-24.496, 101.064-24.496c 42.624,0, 80.064,11.784, 108,24.456L 448,224.64 z" data-tags="flag" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe089;" d="M 177.376,392l 39.312-38.624L 226.744,344L 240,344 l 240,0 l0-288 L 32,56 L 32,392 l 144,0  M 192,424L 32,424 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-336 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 448,0 
+	c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 512,344 c0,17.672-14.328,32-32,32L 240,376 L 192,424L 192,424z" data-tags="folder" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe08a;" d="M 143.992,422.92c 15.688,0, 44.048-7.504, 90.048-52.808l 22.808-22.456l 22.464,22.816C 311.248,402.92, 345.232,423.072, 368,423.072
+	c 30.704,0, 54.904-10.504, 78.504-34.048c 22.232-22.184, 34.496-51.68, 34.496-83.056c 0.016-31.392-12.224-60.912-34.704-83.336
+	c-1.832-1.856-98.496-106.152-179.48-193.552c-3.816-3.624-8.176-4.16-10.496-4.16c-2.288,0-6.6,0.512-10.4,4.048
+	c-19.736,21.952-162.776,181-179.408,197.616C 44.248,248.792, 32,278.312, 32,309.696c 0.008,31.376, 12.256,60.864, 34.52,83.072
+	C 88.168,414.4, 113.512,422.92, 143.992,422.92 M 143.992,454.92c-38.264,0-72-11.448-100.088-39.504c-58.536-58.384-58.536-153.064,0-211.48
+	c 16.712-16.72, 178.928-197.168, 178.928-197.168c 9.24-9.248, 21.376-13.84, 33.48-13.84c 12.112,0, 24.2,4.592, 33.456,13.84
+	c0,0, 177.44,191.512, 179.328,193.424c 58.52,58.44, 58.52,153.12,0,211.504c-29.056,29-61.512,43.392-101.104,43.392
+	c-37.824,0-80-30.16-111.504-62.16C 223.992,424.92, 183.12,454.92, 143.992,454.92L 143.992,454.92z" data-tags="heart" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe08b;" d="M 288,112l-16,0 L 272,255 c0,0.168-0.048,0.328-0.048,0.504S 272,255.832, 272,256c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16
+			s 7.168-16, 16-16l 16,0 l0-128 l-16,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 64,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 296.832,112, 288,112z M 256,304c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32
+			s-14.328,32-32,32s-32-14.328-32-32S 238.328,304, 256,304z M 256,480C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224c0-141.392, 114.616-256, 256-256c 141.392,0, 256,114.608, 256,256
+			C 512,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480z M 256-0.504C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224S 379.512-0.504, 256-0.504z" data-tags="info" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe08c;" d="M 327.848,480c-79.528,0-144-64.576-144-144.232c0-35.704, 13.016-68.312, 34.472-93.504
+			c-4.416,0.272-8.92-1.216-12.296-4.592L 44.832,75.48c-6.24-6.248-6.24-16.384,0-22.624c 0.12-0.12, 0.256-0.192, 0.384-0.312
+			c 0.040-0.040, 0.064-0.088, 0.104-0.128l 78.456-79.952c 6.24-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0s 6.248,16.384,0,22.624l-67.736,69.032l 41.248,41.504
+			l 67.864-69.16c 6.24-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0s 6.24,16.384,0,22.624l-67.928,69.224l 86.192,86.736c 3.336,3.336, 4.832,7.768, 4.608,12.136
+			c 25.312-22.144, 58.336-35.656, 94.584-35.656c 79.528,0, 144,64.576, 144,144.24C 471.848,415.424, 407.384,480, 327.848,480z M 327.848,224
+			c-61.624,0-112,50.136-112,112c0,61.872, 50.376,112, 112,112s 112-50.128, 112-112C 439.848,274.136, 389.48,224, 327.848,224z" data-tags="key" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe08d;" d="M 147.832,113.776c 3.128-3.128, 7.216-4.688, 11.312-4.688s 8.184,1.56, 11.312,4.688L 364.288,309.12
+			c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.376,0,22.624s-16.376,6.248-22.624,0L 147.832,136.4C 141.576,130.152, 141.576,120.024, 147.832,113.776z M 237.936,147.848
+			c 5.288-23.312-0.416-46.2-18.432-64.216l-64.624-62.624c-13.6-13.592-31.68-21.080-50.912-21.080s-37.312,7.488-50.904,21.080
+			c-28.072,28.080-28.072,73.768-0.168,101.672l 63.128,65.128c 13.6,13.592, 31.68,21.088, 50.912,21.088c 6.576,0, 12.912-1.176, 19.088-2.872
+			l 24.976,24.976c-13.936,6.512-28.976,9.896-44.064,9.896c-26.616,0-53.232-10.16-73.536-30.464l-62.968-64.968
+			c-40.608-40.608-40.608-106.456,0-147.080c 20.304-20.312, 46.92-30.456, 73.536-30.456s 53.232,10.144, 73.536,30.456l 64.472,62.472
+			c 31.064,31.064, 37.784,74.36, 21.328,112.36L 237.936,147.848z M 481.568,449.608c-20.312,20.304-46.92,30.464-73.528,30.464
+			c-26.624,0-53.248-10.16-73.544-30.464l-64.464-62.472c-32.2-32.2-38.768-80.232-19.896-119.016l 24.832,24.824
+			c-7.352,24.552-1.704,52.168, 17.528,71.416l 64.624,62.624c 13.608,13.592, 31.672,21.088, 50.92,21.088c 19.216,0, 37.312-7.496, 50.904-21.088
+			c 28.064-28.080, 28.064-73.768, 0.16-101.672l-64.624-64.624c-13.592-13.592-31.688-21.080-50.904-21.080c-4.904,0-9.216-0.496-13.92,0.464
+			l-25.488-25.504c 12.736-5.296, 25.816-6.968, 39.408-6.968c 26.608,0, 53.216,10.152, 73.528,30.464l 64.472,64.472
+			C 522.176,343.144, 522.176,408.984, 481.568,449.608z" data-tags="link" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe08e;" d="M 400,288l-16,0 l0,61.064 C 384,422.488, 330.872,480, 255.408,480C 179.64,480, 128,421.264, 128,349.064L 128,288 l-16,0 
+			c-35.296,0-64-28.704-64-64l0-192 c0-35.296, 28.704-64, 64-64l 288,0 c 35.296,0, 64,28.704, 64,64L 464,224 C 464,259.296, 435.296,288, 400,288z M 160,349.064
+			C 160,403.608, 197.28,448, 255.408,448C 312.936,448, 352,404.544, 352,349.064L 352,288 L 160,288 L 160,349.064 z M 432,32c0-17.64-14.36-32-32-32L 112,0 c-17.64,0-32,14.36-32,32L 80,224 
+			c0,17.64, 14.36,32, 32,32l 288,0 c 17.64,0, 32-14.36, 32-32L 432,32 z M 256,192c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32c0-11.816, 6.48-22.016, 16-27.56L 240,80 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16
+			s 16,7.168, 16,16l0,52.44 c 9.52,5.544, 16,15.752, 16,27.56C 288,177.672, 273.672,192, 256,192z" data-tags="lock" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe08f;" d="M 400,287.448L 171.52,287.448 l-8.28,37.136
+			c-14.12,52.688, 10.408,105.216, 66.544,120.256c 55.568,14.888, 104.544-16.968, 118.912-70.56l 6.8-26.984c 2.288-8.536, 11.056-13.6, 19.6-11.312
+			c 8.536,2.288, 13.6,11.056, 11.312,19.592l-6.808,26.984C 360.608,453.48, 294.408,495.28, 221.504,475.752C 148.32,456.144, 113.648,386.040, 132.336,316.296
+			l 6.432-28.848L 112,287.448 c-35.296,0-64-28.704-64-64l0-192 c0-35.296, 28.704-64, 64-64l 288,0 c 35.296,0, 64,28.704, 64,64l0,192 C 464,258.744, 435.296,287.448, 400,287.448z
+			 M 432,31.448c0-17.64-14.36-32-32-32L 112-0.552 c-17.64,0-32,14.36-32,32l0,192 c0,17.64, 14.36,32, 32,32l 288,0 c 17.64,0, 32-14.36, 32-32L 432,31.448 z M 256,191.448
+			c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32c0-11.816, 6.48-22.016, 16-27.56l0-52.44 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16l0,52.44 c 9.52,5.544, 16,15.752, 16,27.56
+			C 288,177.12, 273.672,191.448, 256,191.448z" data-tags="lock-open" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe090;" d="M 507.32-4.52L 351.856,151.896c 28.976,34.704, 46.44,79.352, 46.44,128.104
+			c0,110.456-89.544,200-200,200c-110.456,0-200-89.544-200-200c0-110.456, 89.544-200, 200-200c 50.184,0, 96.024,18.528, 131.144,49.072l 155.248-156.224
+			c 6.248-6.248, 16.384-6.248, 22.632,0C 513.56-20.904, 513.56-10.776, 507.32-4.52z M 198.296,111.736
+			C 105.368,111.736, 30.032,187.072, 30.032,280S 105.368,448.264, 198.296,448.264S 366.56,372.928, 366.56,280S 291.224,111.736, 198.296,111.736z" data-tags="magnifier" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe091;" d="M 507.312-4.52L 365.8,137.864c 30.304,36.2, 48.544,82.88, 48.544,133.856
+			C 414.344,386.752, 321.592,480, 206.568,480S-1.704,386.752-1.704,271.728c0-115.024, 93.248-208.272, 208.272-208.272
+			c 52.504,0, 100.336,19.48, 136.848,51.536l 141.264-142.152c 6.248-6.248, 16.384-6.248, 22.624,0C 513.56-20.904, 513.56-10.776, 507.312-4.52z
+			 M 206.296,96c-96.776,0-176,79.224-176,176s 79.224,176, 176,176s 176-79.224, 176-176S 303.072,96, 206.296,96z M 286.296,288l-64,0 l0,64 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16
+			s-16-7.168-16-16l0-64 l-64,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 64,0 l0-64 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16l0,64 l 64,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16
+			S 295.136,288, 286.296,288z" data-tags="magnifier-add" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe092;" d="M 507.312-4.52L 365.8,137.864c 30.304,36.2, 48.544,82.88, 48.544,133.856
+			C 414.344,386.752, 321.592,480, 206.568,480S-1.704,386.752-1.704,271.728c0-115.024, 93.248-208.272, 208.272-208.272
+			c 52.504,0, 100.336,19.48, 136.848,51.536l 141.264-142.152c 6.248-6.248, 16.384-6.248, 22.624,0C 513.56-20.904, 513.56-10.776, 507.312-4.52z
+			 M 206.296,96c-96.776,0-176,79.224-176,176s 79.224,176, 176,176s 176-79.224, 176-176S 303.072,96, 206.296,96z M 286.296,288l-160,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16
+			s 7.168-16, 16-16l 160,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 295.136,288, 286.296,288z" data-tags="magnifier-remove" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe093;" d="M 86.36-23.816c-21.704,0-42.544,8.984-59.152,25.608C-9.616,38.736-9.616,98.824, 27.2,135.744L 314.336,440.656
+	c 44.8,44.872, 113.424,40.84, 163.504-9.304c 22.44-22.48, 35.032-54.888, 34.56-88.952c-0.472-33.704-13.64-65.96-36.144-88.504L 259.248,22.872
+	c-6.040-6.472-16.168-6.768-22.616-0.696c-6.432,6.080-6.744,16.224-0.68,22.672l 217.336,231.376c 17,17.032, 26.752,41.192, 27.112,66.624
+	c 0.36,25.448-8.832,49.44-25.184,65.832c-30.72,30.784-80.736,46.904-117.92,9.632L 50.168,113.4c-24.688-24.752-24.68-64.504-0.32-88.928
+	c 11.424-11.432, 24.984-17, 39.424-16.128c 14.288,0.872, 28.976,8.2, 41.36,20.616l 228.464,243.168c 8.28,8.296, 24.92,28.632, 7.984,45.608
+	c-9.592,9.608-16.328,9.016-18.544,8.832c-6.328-0.56-13.72-4.936-21.392-12.632L 155.184,131.048c-6.072-6.456-16.208-6.768-22.616-0.68
+	c-6.44,6.064-6.736,16.224-0.68,22.656l 172.272,183.232c 13.544,13.608, 27.392,20.984, 41.488,22.248c 11,0.976, 27.36-1.368, 44.048-18.104
+	c 24.768-24.816, 21.688-61.216-7.64-90.608L 153.592,6.64c-18.24-18.304-40.264-28.936-62.36-30.296
+	C 89.608-23.768, 87.984-23.816, 86.36-23.816z" data-tags="paper-clip" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe094;" d="M 502.016,480c-3.048,0-6.76-0.864-11.048-2.68L 13.64,274.776c-17.184-7.288-18.272-21.344-2.416-31.224l 134.88-84.016
+			c 15.856-9.872, 36.824-31.040, 46.592-47.024l 80.856-132.384c 4.64-7.592, 10.248-11.36, 15.64-11.36c 5.96,0, 11.64,4.576, 15.512,13.616
+			L 508.832,459.256C 514.36,472.192, 511.208,480, 502.016,480z M 162.776,188.040L 53.448,256.144L 420.256,411.768L 184.16,171.672
+			C 176.944,178.072, 169.616,183.784, 162.776,188.040z M 286.36,22.368l-65.216,106.76c-3.848,6.304-8.928,13.024-14.592,19.696l 237.192,241.192
+			L 286.36,22.368z" data-tags="paper-plane" />
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+			c 141.392,0, 256,114.608, 256,256C 512,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480z M 256-0.504C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224
+			S 379.512-0.504, 256-0.504z M 368,240L 272,240 L 272,336 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16s-16-7.168-16-16l0-96 L 144,240 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 96,0 l0-96 
+			c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16L 272,208 l 96,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 376.832,240, 368,240z" data-tags="plus" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe096;" d="M 257.832,480.184C 152.88,480.184, 64,390.8, 64,284.912c0-110.88, 103.016-224.272, 172.312-303.968c 0.264-0.32, 11.464-12.76, 25.264-12.76
+			l 1.224,0 c 13.8,0, 24.92,12.44, 25.2,12.76c 65.032,74.76, 160,198.024, 160,303.968C 448,390.8, 378.672,480.184, 257.832,480.184z M 264.248,2.408
+			c-0.56-0.56-1.376-1.184-2.096-1.704c-0.736,0.504-1.536,1.144-2.128,1.704l-8.368,9.624C 185.96,87.4, 96,190.608, 96,284.912
+			c0,88.504, 74.112,163.28, 161.832,163.28C 367.096,448.192, 416,366.192, 416,284.912C 416,213.32, 364.936,118.264, 264.248,2.408z M 256.56,383.296
+			c-53.016,0-96-42.984-96-96s 42.984-96, 96-96s 96,42.984, 96,96S 309.576,383.296, 256.56,383.296z M 256.56,223.296
+			c-35.288,0-64.736,29.408-64.736,64.704c0,35.288, 28.712,64, 64,64c 35.312,0, 64-28.712, 64-64C 319.84,252.704, 291.872,223.296, 256.56,223.296z" data-tags="pointer" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe097;" d="M 350.776,397.952c-8,3.728-17.512,0.296-21.264-7.712c-3.76-8-0.296-17.52, 7.704-21.272
+			c 81.168-38, 125.248-125.976, 107.176-213.936c-21.456-104.44-123.832-171.904-228.28-150.512c-50.584,10.392-92.104,39.856-120.528,82.968
+			c-28.432,43.128-38.368,94.752-27.976,145.336c 12.352,60.112, 51.312,109.664, 106.88,135.952c 7.984,3.776, 11.4,13.312, 7.616,21.304
+			c-3.776,7.976-13.296,11.368-21.296,7.616C 96.056,367.064, 50.664,309.328, 36.264,239.264c-12.112-58.968-0.536-119.128, 32.592-169.392
+			c 33.136-50.24, 81.848-84.584, 140.816-96.704c 15.216-3.128, 30.408-4.624, 45.376-4.624c 104.728,0, 198.824,73.56, 220.688,180.056
+			C 496.792,251.104, 445.408,353.648, 350.776,397.952z M 256.008,272c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16L 272.008,464 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-176 
+			C 240.008,279.168, 247.176,272, 256.008,272z" data-tags="power" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe098;" d="M 248.704,30.72c-0.040,0.096-0.136,0.16-0.192,0.24l-45.96,71.832
+			c-3.264,5.36-10.344,7.264-15.864,4.256l-4.096-2.52c-5.504-3-5.384-10.768-2.128-16.128l 29.464-45.704
+			c-2.512,0.552-5.048,1-7.528,1.648c-51.592,13.496-95.248,48.416-119.768,95.8c-23.168,44.76-27.52,95.848-12.256,143.872
+			c 15.256,48.024, 49.888,87.232, 94.648,110.392c 7.624,3.944, 10.6,13.32, 6.656,20.928c-3.936,7.632-13.32,10.616-20.928,6.664
+			c-52.136-26.976-92.2-72.64-109.984-128.576c-17.776-55.928-12.712-115.44, 14.272-167.568c 28.568-55.168, 79.416-95.832, 139.512-111.568
+			c 0.68-0.176, 1.392-0.28, 2.080-0.456l-40.656-20.616c-5.504-3.016-7.328-9.816-4.064-15.176l 1.576-4.088
+			c 3.28-5.36, 8.92-7.264, 14.408-4.256l 74.416,38.104c 0.096,0.064, 0.192,0.048, 0.288,0.112l 4.992,2.728
+			c 2.76,1.512, 4.584,3.984, 5.312,6.752c 0.76,2.76, 0.408,5.832-1.224,8.496L 248.704,30.72z M 456.952,319.592
+			c-28.528,55.152-77.792,95.816-137.88,111.56c-4.28,1.12-8.656,1.992-13.024,2.856l 39.912,20.24c 5.504,3.016, 8.784,9.816, 5.52,15.184
+			l-1.576,4.080c-3.28,5.368-10.376,7.264-15.864,4.264l-74.408-38.104c-0.088-0.056-0.192-0.040-0.288-0.104l-4.984-2.736
+			c-2.768-1.52-4.584-3.984-5.312-6.752c-0.76-2.76-0.408-5.824, 1.232-8.488l 2.96-4.856c 0.048-0.096, 0.136-0.152, 0.192-0.248
+			l 45.96-71.824c 3.256-5.368, 10.344-7.264, 15.856-4.256l 3.608,2.512c 5.504,3, 5.864,10.768, 2.616,16.12l-29.6,45.928
+			c 6.504-1, 12.984-2.208, 19.312-3.88c 51.616-13.52, 93.696-48.432, 118.2-95.784c 23.16-44.76, 27.512-95.848, 12.24-143.864
+			c-15.256-48.024-48.328-87.224-93.088-110.408c-7.616-3.944-10.584-13.304-6.64-20.936c 2.76-5.32, 8.168-8.384, 13.8-8.384
+			c 2.4,0, 4.832,0.56, 7.136,1.744c 52.136,26.968, 90.624,72.64, 108.408,128.56C 489.008,207.968, 483.936,267.48, 456.952,319.592z" data-tags="refresh" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe099;" d="M 255.64,480C 127.736,480, 23.68,375.936, 23.68,248.032
+			c0-120.224, 92.648-220.768, 211.784-231.048l-45.928-23.28c-5.672-3.112-9.048-10.112-5.688-15.64l 1.624-4.2
+			c 3.376-5.528, 10.688-7.488, 16.344-4.392l 76.656,39.248c 0.096,0.064, 0.2,0.048, 0.296,0.112l 5.144,2.816
+			c 2.84,1.56, 4.72,4.112, 5.472,6.952c 0.784,2.84, 0.424,6-1.264,8.752l-3.048,5c-0.048,0.096-0.144,0.16-0.2,0.248
+			l-47.344,73.984c-3.36,5.528-10.656,7.488-16.344,4.392l-3.72-2.592c-5.672-3.096-6.048-11.096-2.688-16.608l 27.936-43.336
+			c-0.152,0.008-0.288,0.064-0.432,0.072C 137.64,55.376, 55.68,143.032, 55.68,248.032C 55.68,358.296, 145.384,448, 255.64,448
+			c 110.272,0, 200.48-89.704, 200.48-199.968c0-63.488-29.16-121.8-80-159.984c-7.064-5.312-8.488-15.344-3.184-22.408
+			c 5.312-7.080, 15.344-8.488, 22.408-3.184c 58.968,44.296, 92.784,111.936, 92.784,185.576C 488.12,375.936, 383.552,480, 255.64,480z" data-tags="reload" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe09a;" d="M 480.248,272.472l-41.064,9.112c-3.2,10.24-7.392,20.040-12.2,29.464l 22.216,37.016c 8.296,13.256, 12.488,32.76,0,45.256l-22.64,22.624
+			c-12.488,12.496-33.576,10.248-46.312,1.416l-36.016-22.944c-9.344,4.848-19.112,9-29.264,12.28l-9.216,41.56
+			C 303,463.496, 289.672,480, 272,480l-32,0 c-17.672,0-28.504-16.752-32-32l-10.264-41.064c-10.84-3.456-21.248-7.872-31.168-13.104l-36.92,23.512
+			c-12.728,8.832-33.824,11.080-46.312-1.416l-22.632-22.624c-12.496-12.504-8.304-32,0-45.256l 23.376-38.96
+			c-4.384-8.832-8.272-17.968-11.272-27.512l-41.056-9.112C 16.504,269.72,0,256.392,0,238.72l0-32 c0-17.672, 16.752-28.504, 32-32l 41.576-10.392
+			c 2.872-8.816, 6.464-17.28, 10.528-25.488L 60.704,99.84c-8.296-13.248-12.488-32.752,0-45.248l 22.64-22.624
+			c 12.488-12.504, 33.576-10.248, 46.312-1.424l 37,23.576c 9.976-5.264, 20.44-9.72, 31.352-13.168L 208.248,0c 3.504-15.248, 14.328-32, 32-32l 32,0 
+			c 17.672,0, 31,16.504, 33.752,31.752l 9.232,41.672c 10.048,3.248, 19.688,7.344, 28.92,12.128l 36.096-23
+			c 12.736-8.832, 33.832-11.080, 46.312,1.424l 22.64,22.624c 12.488,12.504, 8.296,32,0,45.248l-22.232,37.064c 4.472,8.784, 8.344,17.92, 11.456,27.424
+			L 480,174.72c 15.248,3.504, 32,14.328, 32,32l0,32 C 512,256.392, 495.504,269.72, 480.248,272.472z M 480.016,208.976c-1.36-0.976-3.92-2.32-7.168-3.072
+			l-59.328-14.816l-5.504-16.816c-2.488-7.576-5.704-15.264-9.56-22.856l-8.032-15.784l 31.344-52.264c 2-3.2, 2.936-6.064, 3.216-7.752
+			l-21.048-21.016c-2.032,0.64-4.344,1.472-5.456,2.232l-52.672,33.592l-16.376-8.472c-7.888-4.096-15.984-7.488-24.048-10.096l-17.44-5.64
+			l-13.184-59.56c-0.608-3.184-2.312-5.752-3.48-6.672l-28.8,0 c-0.976,1.36-2.312,3.92-3.056,7.16l-14.728,58.904l-17.048,5.408
+			c-8.784,2.768-17.544,6.456-26.072,10.952l-16.456,8.688l-52.68-33.576c-2.152-1.456-4.456-2.28-6.544-2.28l-20.984,20.424
+			c 0.28,1.656, 1.152,4.392, 2.896,7.184l 32.728,54.528l-7.784,15.672C 109.12,160.44, 106.24,167.376, 104,174.248l-5.496,16.832L 39.76,205.768
+			c-3.696,0.84-6.368,2.216-7.76,3.2L 32,238.72 c 0.016-0.008, 0.040-0.016, 0.072-0.016c 0.536,0, 3.168,1.872, 5.36,2.272l 60.36,13.368
+			l 5.544,17.64c 2.256,7.184, 5.336,14.672, 9.408,22.888l 7.784,15.68l-32.384,53.96c-2.008,3.216-2.936,6.080-3.216,7.76l 21.040,21.032
+			c 2.040-0.656, 4.336-1.48, 5.44-2.24l 53.656-34.2l 16.44,8.672c 8.44,4.448, 17.168,8.12, 25.952,10.912l 17.008,5.416l 14.592,58.384
+			c 0.848,3.696, 2.208,6.368, 3.2,7.76L 272,448.008 c-0.216-0.328, 1.84-3.12, 2.264-5.432l 13.44-60.704l 17.424-5.632
+			c 8.168-2.64, 16.376-6.080, 24.36-10.224l 16.376-8.504l 51.576,32.856c 2.16,1.472, 4.472,2.288, 6.544,2.288l 21-20.408
+			c-0.28-1.664-1.16-4.408-2.904-7.208l-31.672-52.744l 8.080-15.808c 4.36-8.528, 7.688-16.528, 10.16-24.464l 5.528-17.672l 59.144-13.128
+			c 3.576-0.664, 6.36-2.728, 6.952-3.848L 480.016,208.976z M 256.216,320.16c-53.136,0-96.368-43.144-96.368-96.16
+			c0-53.008, 43.232-96.152, 96.368-96.152c 53.136,0, 96.368,43.144, 96.368,96.152C 352.584,277.016, 309.352,320.16, 256.216,320.16z M 256,160
+			c-35.288,0-64,28.712-64,64c0,35.296, 28.712,64, 64,64c 35.296,0, 64-28.704, 64-64C 320,188.712, 291.288,160, 256,160z" data-tags="settings" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe09b;" d="M 256,441.256l 58.472-121.264l 10.264-21.28l 23.392-3.488l 132.912-19.744L 384.112,178.808l-16.28-16.248l 3.808-22.656l 22.64-135.080
+	l-117.136,63l-21.168,11.392l-21.168-11.392L 117.68,4.792l 22.648,135.112l 3.792,22.656l-16.28,16.248L 30.952,275.496l 132.912,19.744
+	l 23.384,3.488l 10.272,21.272L 256,441.256 M 255.992,472.224c-14.328,0-27.392-8.088-33.488-20.728l-57.952-120.32L 31.2,311.344
+	c-13.696-2.048-25.072-11.4-29.488-24.192c-4.408-12.832-1.072-26.952, 8.6-36.576l 97.704-97.6l-22.664-135.328
+	c-2.28-13.64, 3.616-27.312, 15.184-35.288c 6.36-4.368, 13.832-6.576, 21.312-6.576c 6.16,0, 12.32,1.496, 17.896,4.488l 116.248,62.592
+	l 116.256-62.592c 5.592-2.992, 11.752-4.488, 17.888-4.488c 7.48,0, 14.952,2.208, 21.328,6.576c 11.552,7.976, 17.456,21.648, 15.16,35.288
+	l-22.672,135.328l 97.752,97.6c 9.672,9.624, 12.984,23.752, 8.576,36.576c-4.424,12.808-15.8,22.16-29.488,24.192l-133.328,19.832l-57.984,120.32
+	C 283.424,464.152, 270.352,472.224, 255.992,472.224L 255.992,472.224z" data-tags="star" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe09c;" d="M 311.848,480.112c-110.456,0-200-89.536-200-200c0-49.256, 17.84-94.336, 47.368-129.184
+			l-63.656-64.048l-67.632,68.272c-6.24,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.624,0s-6.248-16.376,0-22.624l 67.696-68.344l-68.176-68.592
+			c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.392,0-22.624c 6.24-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0l 68.072,68.496l 68.232-68.88c 6.248-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0
+			s 6.248,16.376,0,22.624l-68.304,68.952l 63.704,64.096c 34.976-29.984, 80.384-48.144, 130.064-48.144c 110.456,0, 200,89.544, 200,200
+			C 511.848,390.576, 422.304,480.112, 311.848,480.112z M 311.848,111.84c-92.928,0-168.264,75.344-168.264,168.272
+			c0,92.928, 75.336,168.264, 168.264,168.264s 168.264-75.336, 168.264-168.264C 480.12,187.184, 404.784,111.84, 311.848,111.84z" data-tags="symbol-female" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe09d;" d="M 511.648,468.672c 0.072,3.24-0.688,6.144-2.792,8.216
+			c-2.072,2.088-4.976,3.36-8.2,3.264l-5.848-0.136c-0.112,0-0.192-0.040-0.32-0.056L 347.736,480.472
+			c-6.464-0.144-11.808-5.496-11.96-11.96L 335.76,460.296c 0.984-7.624, 6.976-12.080, 13.44-11.936l 107.608-0.216L 328.736,320.848
+			c-34.744,29.12-79.504,46.68-128.384,46.68c-110.464,0-200-89.536-200-200c0-110.456, 89.536-200, 200-200c 110.456,0, 200,89.544, 200,200
+			c0,50.056-18.432,95.784-48.832,130.856L 479.968,426.040l-0.472-109.576c-0.152-6.464, 4.976-12.088, 11.448-11.944l 8.208,0.016
+			c 6.48,0.152, 11.824,4, 11.96,10.464l 0.336,147.504c0,0.12-0.44,0.2-0.44,0.312L 511.648,468.672z M 368.616,167.528
+			c0-92.928-75.336-168.264-168.272-168.264c-92.928,0-168.264,75.336-168.264,168.264s 75.336,168.264, 168.264,168.264
+			C 293.28,335.8, 368.616,260.464, 368.616,167.528z" data-tags="symbol-male" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe09e;" d="M 496,240l-48.72,0 C 439.584,333.264, 365.256,407.52, 272,415.232L 272,464 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16
+			s-16-7.168-16-16l0-48.768 C 146.752,407.52, 72.416,333.264, 64.712,240L 16,240 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 48.712,0 
+			C 72.416,114.744, 146.752,40.48, 240,32.768L 240-16 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16l0,48.768 C 365.256,40.48, 439.584,114.744, 447.28,208L 496,208 
+			c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 504.832,240, 496,240z M 240,383.208L 240,240 L 96.776,240 C 104.28,315.6, 164.4,375.704, 240,383.208z M 96.776,208L 240,208 l0-143.208 
+			C 164.4,72.296, 104.28,132.4, 96.776,208z M 272,64.792L 272,208 l 143.224,0 C 407.72,132.4, 347.6,72.296, 272,64.792z M 272,240L 272,383.208 
+			C 347.6,375.704, 407.72,315.6, 415.224,240L 272,240 z" data-tags="target" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe09f;" d="M 327.384,447.048c-5.216,2.776-11.544,2.464-16.456-0.848L 150.384,320.144l-53.312-0.040c-27.256,0-49.44-19.328-49.44-43.2
+			l 0.856-105.568c0-23.768, 22.176-43.112, 49.432-43.112l 53.296-0.032l 159.696-126.376c 2.688-1.816, 5.816-2.736, 8.952-2.736
+			c 2.576,0, 5.16,0.624, 7.504,1.872c 5.232,2.768, 8.504,8.2, 8.504,14.128L 335.872,432.92 C 335.864,438.832, 332.6,444.264, 327.384,447.048z
+			 M 303.864,45.184l-138.8,112.264c-2.64,1.784-5.76,2.736-8.944,2.736l-58.192,0.032c-10.272,0-17.44,5.856-17.44,11.232L 79.632,277.024
+			c0,5.24, 7.168,11.080, 17.448,11.080l 58.2,0.040c 3.176,0, 6.288,0.952, 8.928,2.728l 139.656,112L 303.864,45.184 z M 394.912,306.184
+			c-8.856,1.464-16.968-4.432-18.424-13.152c-1.456-8.712, 4.44-16.96, 13.144-18.416c 25.16-4.2, 42.736-26.152, 42.736-53.376
+			c0-25.92-18.184-48.344-43.248-53.344c-8.672-1.72-14.296-10.144-12.56-18.816c 1.512-7.608, 8.184-12.872, 15.672-12.872
+			c 1.032,0, 2.096,0.096, 3.144,0.312c 39.984,7.952, 69,43.592, 69,84.72C 464.368,263.752, 435.152,299.472, 394.912,306.184z" data-tags="volume-1" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe0a0;" d="M 287.248,447.048c-5.216,2.776-11.544,2.464-16.456-0.848L 110.248,320.144l-53.312-0.040c-27.256,0-49.44-19.328-49.44-43.2
+			l 0.856-105.568c0-23.768, 22.176-43.112, 49.432-43.112l 53.296-0.032l 159.696-126.376c 2.688-1.816, 5.816-2.736, 8.952-2.736
+			c 2.576,0, 5.16,0.624, 7.504,1.872c 5.232,2.768, 8.504,8.2, 8.504,14.128L 295.736,432.92 C 295.736,438.832, 292.472,444.264, 287.248,447.048z
+			 M 263.736,45.184l-138.8,112.264c-2.64,1.784-5.76,2.736-8.944,2.736l-58.192,0.032c-10.272,0-17.44,5.856-17.44,11.232L 39.504,277.024
+			c0,5.24, 7.168,11.080, 17.448,11.080l 58.2,0.040c 3.176,0, 6.288,0.952, 8.928,2.728l 139.656,112L 263.736,45.184 z M 424.232,221.248
+			c0,42.504-29.216,78.216-69.456,84.936c-8.856,1.464-16.968-4.432-18.424-13.152c-1.456-8.712, 4.44-16.96, 13.144-18.416
+			c 25.16-4.2, 42.736-26.152, 42.736-53.376c0-25.92-18.184-48.344-43.248-53.344c-8.672-1.72-14.296-10.144-12.56-18.816
+			c 1.512-7.608, 8.184-12.872, 15.672-12.872c 1.032,0, 2.096,0.096, 3.144,0.312C 395.216,144.488, 424.232,180.128, 424.232,221.248z
+			 M 403,368.048c-8.264,3.080-17.504-1.12-20.576-9.4c-3.096-8.28, 1.112-17.496, 9.392-20.584
+			c 48.264-18.008, 80.688-64.952, 80.688-116.816c0-51.888-32.424-98.92-80.656-117c-8.28-3.112-12.472-12.328-9.376-20.592
+			c 2.408-6.44, 8.504-10.392, 14.984-10.392c 1.872,0, 3.768,0.328, 5.608,1.016c 60.672,22.752, 101.44,81.816, 101.44,146.968
+			C 504.504,286.4, 463.704,345.392, 403,368.048z" data-tags="volume-2" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe0a1;" d="M 287.768,447.048c-5.216,2.776-11.544,2.464-16.456-0.848L 110.76,320.144l-53.312-0.040
+			c-27.256,0-49.44-19.328-49.44-43.2l 0.856-105.568c0-23.768, 22.176-43.112, 49.432-43.112l 53.296-0.032l 159.696-126.376
+			c 2.688-1.816, 5.816-2.736, 8.952-2.736c 2.576,0, 5.16,0.624, 7.504,1.872c 5.232,2.768, 8.504,8.2, 8.504,14.128L 296.248,432.92 
+			C 296.248,438.832, 292.984,444.264, 287.768,447.048z M 264.248,45.184l-138.8,112.264c-2.64,1.784-5.76,2.736-8.944,2.736l-58.192,0.032
+			c-10.272,0-17.44,5.856-17.44,11.232L 40.008,277.024c0,5.24, 7.168,11.080, 17.448,11.080l 58.2,0.040c 3.176,0, 6.288,0.952, 8.928,2.728
+			l 139.664,112L 264.248,45.184 z M 447,223.744l 52.296,52.92c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.376,0,22.624c-6.232,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.624,0l-52.168-52.784
+			l-52.168,52.784c-6.232,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.624,0s-6.248-16.376,0-22.624l 52.296-52.92l-51.8-52.408c-6.232-6.24-6.248-16.376,0-22.624
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+			c 2.36-1, 5.264-2.672, 7.392-4.144L 368.016-0.248 z M 484.984,142.032l-102.232,55.8c 37.44,29.456, 49.112,87.344, 49.112,119.8l0,67.56 
+			c0,44.736-60.936,95.064-120.64,95.064c-38.8,0-78.472-21.096-101.56-48.112c 13.168-0.816, 27.688-0.832, 40.232-4.832
+			c 16.856,13.128, 38.184,20.936, 61.328,20.936c 46.216,0, 88.64-39.528, 88.64-63.064l0-67.56 c0-25.064-9.28-72.92-36.888-94.64
+			c-8.456-6.656-13-17.112-12.112-27.832c 0.904-10.72, 7.128-20.264, 16.56-25.424l 102.232-55.8c 0.888-0.488, 2.016-1.016, 2.952-1.424
+			c 2.36-1, 5.264-2.672, 7.392-4.144l0-28.456 l-64.592,0 c 9.752-7.36, 12.704-17.888, 16.488-32l 53.096,0 c 14.904,0, 27.016,12.112, 27.016,27.032l0,40.048 
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+			c0,8.832, 7.168,16, 16,16l 192.144,0 c 8.832,0, 16-7.168, 16-16L 368.072,16 z M 256.024,79.912c-17.64,0-31.92-14.296-31.92-31.912s 14.288-31.92, 31.92-31.92
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+			c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 192,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16L 272,47.904 l0,48.104 l 208,0 c 17.592,0, 32,14.4, 32,31.992L 512,400.096 
+			C 512,417.696, 497.592,432.096, 480,432.096z M 480,128L 32,128 L 32,400.096 l 448,0 L 480,128 z"  />
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+	l-0.28-12.84c-0.216-10.248-0.168-28.64-0.144-44.856c 0.032-11.296, 0.064-21.56-0.016-27.216c-0.144-0.264, 2.184-0.576, 1.968-0.952
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+	c-24.264,14.656-51.144,31.576-67.544,42.144C 42.096,129.736, 42.56,128, 42.936,128.2L 44,128.2 c 5.16,0, 13.688-0.112, 23.248-0.248
+	c 12.504-0.168, 26.688-0.376, 37.544-0.376c 4.16,0, 7.856,0.032, 10.832,0.096l 12.84,0.296l 9.080,9.080l 62.872,64.856l 35.392,35.376l-46.968,17.28
+	c-35.296,12.984-102.904,38.232-134.528,50.112c 8.112,7.472, 17.888,16.344, 23.592,21.064c 1.592,1.312, 2.832,1.984, 3.688,1.984l 1.128-0.032
+	c 3.528-0.168, 47.344-3.032, 89.704-5.8c 44.968-2.936, 95.72-6.248, 124.576-8.080l 14.424-0.904l 10.216,10.216L 426.936,428.424
+	C 443.16,444.624, 459.096,447.048, 467.16,447.048 M 467.16,479.048c-18.904,0-42.112-7.264-62.84-28L 299.016,345.752
+	c-59.312,3.752-211.216,13.8-214.984,13.904c-0.672,0.032-1.504,0.064-2.44,0.064c-5.128,0-13.984-0.984-24.064-9.312
+	c-11.832-9.784-36.504-32.984-36.504-32.984c-5.952-5.968-8.968-13.36-8.248-20.312c 0.44-4.2, 2.72-11.856, 13.032-15.888
+	c 6.264-2.456, 105.952-39.752, 151.984-56.688l-62.872-64.856c-2.784-0.064-6.232-0.096-10.128-0.096c-19.168,0-48.888,0.624-60.8,0.624
+	c-1.576,0-2.84,0-3.736-0.032c-3.624-0.112-11.128,1.672-30.92-14.872l-1.408-1.312c-5.936-5.936-7.328-11.856-7.456-15.768
+	c-0.128-4.032, 0.952-9.84, 6.784-14.512c 3.504-2.832, 48.424-31.592, 85.264-53.84c 8.832-14.408, 49.472-79, 51.592-82.504
+	c 3.096-5.232, 8.16-8.216, 14.216-8.408c 0.168,0, 0.328,0, 0.504,0c 5.888,0, 11.936,2.92, 17.856,8.672c 16.752,19.592, 14.44,27.704, 14.512,31.112
+	c 0.264,10.688-0.184,55.968, 0.2,73.92l 65.296,62.8c 16.688-45.84, 53.168-144.504, 55.608-150.784c 4.064-10.312, 11.72-12.576, 15.92-13
+	c 0.688-0.080, 1.392-0.112, 2.080-0.112c 6.312,0, 12.856,2.968, 18.216,8.328c0,0, 23.128,24.544, 32.952,36.488
+	c 9.84,11.936, 9.456,22.128, 9.264,26.936c-0.080,3.328-9.344,154.408-12.784,213.408l 105.328,105.328c 37.328,37.344, 31.392,82.344, 17.528,96.184
+	C 494.688,474.392, 482.296,479.048, 467.16,479.048L 467.16,479.048z"  />
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+			l0-64.376 L 56.592,287.624 c-8.656,0-15.672-7.016-15.672-15.672s 7.016-15.672, 15.672-15.672L 72.56,256.28 l0-64.72 L 56.248,191.56 c-8.656,0-15.672-7.016-15.672-15.672
+			s 7.016-15.672, 15.672-15.672L 72.56,160.216 l0-64.232 L 56.248,95.984 c-8.656,0-15.672-7.016-15.672-15.672s 7.016-15.672, 15.672-15.672L 72.56,64.64 L 72.56,0 
+			c0-26.512, 20.768-32, 32.264-32l 319.752,0 c 26.512,0, 48,21.488, 48,48L 472.576,432 C 472.576,458.512, 451.096,480, 424.576,480z M 104.56,0l0,64.64 l 16.672,0 
+			c 8.656,0, 15.672,7.016, 15.672,15.672s-7.016,15.672-15.672,15.672L 104.56,95.984 l0,64.232 l 16.672,0 c 8.656,0, 15.672,7.016, 15.672,15.672
+			s-7.016,15.672-15.672,15.672L 104.56,191.56 l0,64.72 l 17.016,0 c 8.656,0, 15.672,7.016, 15.672,15.672s-7.016,15.672-15.672,15.672L 104.56,287.624 L 104.56,352 l 15.512,0 
+			c 8.656,0, 15.672,7.016, 15.672,15.672s-7.016,15.672-15.672,15.672L 104.56,383.344 L 104.56,447 c0,0.376, 0.032,0.688, 0.080,0.968
+			C 104.888,447.984, 105.2,448, 105.576,448l 255,0 l0-448 L 104.56,0 z M 440.576,16c0-8.832-7.168-16-16-16l-32,0 L 392.576,448 l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16-7.168, 16-16L 440.576,16 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe014;" d="M 396.424,111.64c-50.672,0-79.432,23.816-98.472,39.576c-6.736,5.576-12.864,10.952-18.44,15.832
+	c-8.456,7.424-19,16.672-22.672,17.952c-0.112,0-1.856,0.080-1.968,0.096c-0.584-0.048-2.072-0.344-2.224-0.36
+	c-2.536-1.032-11.544-8.784-18.784-15c-6.568-5.64-14.056-12.080-22.52-18.688l-1.544-1.184c-21.736-16.968-48.792-38.080-96.576-38.080
+	c-35.496,0-70.464,16.064-91.288,41.936c-13.96,17.344-28.648,47.512-19.336,92.736c 1.128,5.472, 5.008,9.952, 10.216,11.816
+	c 5.24,1.888, 11.008,0.856, 15.304-2.688c 0.312-0.232, 11.288-8.672, 29.528-8.672c 9.184,0, 18.752,2.168, 28.416,6.472
+	c 16.568,7.376, 28.368,28.064, 40.856,42.032c 17.088,19.080, 36.424,40.704, 68.344,40.952c 22.024,0, 41.896-8.144, 59.624-24.248
+	c 17.656,16.032, 37.384,24.128, 58.84,24.128c 32.552-0.248, 52.296-21.888, 69.72-41c 12.72-13.936, 24.736-34.608, 41.304-41.984
+	c 9.664-4.296, 19.336-6.472, 28.744-6.472c 18.936,0, 30.752,8.656, 31.224,9.032c 4.384,3.248, 10.16,4.096, 15.24,2.112
+	c 5.072-2, 8.84-6.44, 9.856-11.832c 8.544-44.72-6.48-74.704-20.592-91.984C 467.84,127.92, 432.272,111.64, 396.424,111.64z M 255.368,217.064
+	c 0.496,0, 1.84-0.048, 2.312-0.096c 0.016,0, 2.344-0.168, 2.344-0.184c 0.168-0.016, 1.504-0.184, 1.648-0.216
+	c 11.576-1.64, 22.312-11.064, 38.608-25.344c 5.352-4.704, 11.248-9.872, 17.736-15.248c 17.392-14.408, 39.048-32.328, 78.408-32.328
+	c 26.656,0, 52.872,11.816, 68.392,30.84c 10.2,12.488, 15.504,27.36, 15.84,44.392c-7.512-2.344-16.64-4.096-27.16-4.096
+	c-13.832,0-27.784,3.096-41.488,9.184c-22.624,10.048-38.152,34.56-51.84,49.576c-17.264,18.936-28.736,30.544-46.040,30.688
+	c-23.080,0-37.976-14.528-47.208-25.456c-3.016-3.56-7.408-5.608-12.048-5.608l0,0c-4.64,0-9.040,2.064-12.040,5.624
+	c-9.264,10.968-24.208,25.56-46.92,25.56c-17.544-0.128-28.704-11.64-45.496-30.424c-13.528-15.112-28.848-39.736-51.616-49.84
+	c-13.696-6.096-27.552-9.184-41.152-9.184c-10.2,0-19.032,1.704-26.312,4.016c-0.016-17.36, 5.056-32.456, 15.168-45.016
+	c 14.968-18.576, 40.52-30.128, 66.72-30.128c 37,0, 57.448,15.968, 77.232,31.408L 192,176.392c 8.024,6.264, 15.12,12.376, 21.344,17.72
+	c 14.256,12.248, 23.664,20.344, 33.824,22.144l0,0C 247.176,216.248, 252.016,217.064, 255.368,217.064z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe015;" d="M 256.792,480c-79.064,0-144.752-64.112-144.752-143.168l0-225.656 
+			C 112.040,32.112, 177.728-32, 256.792-32s 143.176,64.112, 143.176,143.168L 399.968,336.832 C 399.968,415.888, 335.856,480, 256.792,480z M 367.968,111.168
+			C 367.968,49.872, 318.096,0, 256.792,0s-112.752,49.872-112.752,111.168L 144.040,336.832 C 144.040,398.128, 195.496,448, 256.792,448
+			s 111.176-49.872, 111.176-111.168L 367.968,111.168 z M 256.168,384c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-80 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16L 272.168,368 
+			C 272.168,376.832, 265,384, 256.168,384z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe016;" d="M 480.144,449.912L 480.144,464.416 c0,8.84-7.16,16-16,16L 351.832,480.416 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-65.328 
+			c0-0.024, 0.016-0.048, 0.016-0.072l0-198.76 c0-48.16-27.168-87.328-75.328-87.328s-84.328,39.168-84.328,87.328L 176.192,449.912 l-0.048,0 L 176.144,464.416 
+			c0,8.84-7.16,16-16,16L 47.832,480.416 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-65.328 c0-0.328, 0.168-0.6, 0.184-0.92l0-205.248 
+			c0-124.456, 99.392-225.328, 223.832-225.328s 224.328,100.872, 224.328,225.328L 480.176,449.912 L 480.144,449.912 z M 448.144,448.416l0-64.168 L 368.016,384.248 L 368.016,448.416 L 448.144,448.416 z
+			 M 144.144,448.416l0-64.168 L 64.016,384.248 L 64.016,448.416 L 144.144,448.416 z M 255.84-0.416c-106.608,0-191.832,86.736-191.832,193.328L 64.008,352.248 l 80.168,0 l0-151.992 
+			c0-65.904, 50.424-119.328, 116.328-119.328S 367.84,134.352, 367.84,200.256L 367.84,352.248 l 80.328,0 l0-159.336 C 448.168,86.32, 362.456-0.416, 255.84-0.416z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe020;" d="M 297.672,447.64l 0.088,0  M 297.672,447.64l-36.104-189.688l 130.792-0.44L 214.328,0.36l 36.104,208.688l-130.784,0.456L 297.672,447.64
+	 M 297.696,479.64c-0.864,0-1.728-0.032-2.576-0.096c-5.648-0.456-9.392-2.344-13.832-5.328c-2.464-1.64-4.72-3.64-6.696-5.968
+	c-0.584-0.688-1.136-1.408-1.648-2.144L 93.64,228.8c-7.080-9.704-8.12-22.512-2.68-33.216c 5.432-10.704, 16.416-17.488, 28.456-17.576
+	l 92.368-0.672l-29.040-171.096c-2.76-14.704, 5.080-29.36, 18.88-35.264c 4.112-1.768, 8.432-2.608, 12.696-2.608c 10.056,0, 18.32,4.704, 24.52,13.2
+	L 418.368,238.72c 7.080,9.704, 8.112,22.528, 2.68,33.216c-5.432,10.704-16.416,17.488-28.456,17.576l-92.368,0.16l 28.728,150.44
+	c 0.6,2.424, 0.912,4.936, 0.912,7.528c0,17.312-13.784,31.424-31.032,31.984C 298.448,479.64, 298.072,479.64, 297.696,479.64L 297.696,479.64z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe021;" d="M 390.632,176.424c-8.128,3.64-17.544-0.032-21.128-8.096c-0.328-0.712-33.064-72.104-114.72-73.064
+			c-0.504,0-1-0.016-1.504-0.016c-76.832,0-109.968,70.184-111.344,73.2c-3.656,8-13.096,11.56-21.16,7.936
+			c-8.048-3.64-11.624-13.104-7.984-21.168c 1.704-3.784, 42.688-91.968, 140.424-91.968c 0.64,0, 1.296,0.016, 1.936,0.016
+			c 101.936,1.2, 141.92,88.328, 143.56,92.032C 402.336,163.376, 398.696,172.832, 390.632,176.424z M 256,480C 114.608,480,0,365.392,0,224
+			s 114.608-256, 256-256s 256,114.608, 256,256S 397.392,480, 256,480z M 256,0C 132.488,0, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224S 379.512,0, 256,0z
+			 M 175.752,240.088c 17.632,0, 31.92,14.296, 31.92,31.912s-14.288,31.912-31.92,31.912c-17.64,0-31.92-14.296-31.92-31.912
+			S 158.112,240.088, 175.752,240.088z M 335.752,240.088c 17.632,0, 31.92,14.296, 31.92,31.912s-14.288,31.912-31.92,31.912
+			c-17.64,0-31.92-14.296-31.92-31.912S 318.112,240.088, 335.752,240.088z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe022;" d="M 256,480C 114.608,480,0,365.392,0,224s 114.608-256, 256-256s 256,114.608, 256,256S 397.392,480, 256,480z M 480,224c0-33.16-7.296-64.632-20.28-92.968
+			l-141.608,75.776c 1.512,5.488, 2.392,11.232, 2.392,17.192c0,35.624-28.872,64.504-64.504,64.504c-7.312,0-14.312-1.272-20.856-3.512
+			L 150.336,421.448C 181.832,438.368, 217.808,448, 256,448C 379.512,448, 480,347.512, 480,224z M 256,256.496c 17.92,0, 32.504-14.576, 32.504-32.504
+			S 273.92,191.496, 256,191.496S 223.504,206.080, 223.504,224S 238.080,256.496, 256,256.496z M 123.288,404.312l 85.088-136.92
+			c-0.376-0.416-0.768-0.824-1.144-1.256l-141.584,75.76C 80.752,366.184, 100.344,387.384, 123.288,404.312z M 32,224
+			c0,31.84, 6.72,62.128, 18.752,89.584l 142.184-76.080c-0.928-4.36-1.44-8.864-1.44-13.504c0-35.624, 28.872-64.504, 64.504-64.504
+			c 6.2,0, 12.176,0.92, 17.848,2.552l 85.096-136.896C 328.104,9.128, 293.112,0, 256,0C 132.488,0, 32,100.488, 32,224z M 386.224,41.92
+			L 301.472,178.264c 0.248,0.248, 0.48,0.512, 0.728,0.768l 142.144-76.072C 428.968,79.144, 409.224,58.416, 386.224,41.92z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe023;" d="M 508.2,231.68l-4.24,4.040c-0.080,0.080-0.168,0.112-0.264,0.184l-64.872,59.216
+			c-4.672,4.472-12.224,4.472-16.912,0l-2.744-4.032c-4.672-4.472-3.152-11.704, 1.52-16.168l 38.232-34.672L 273.248,240.248 L 273.248,426.92 l 34.672-38.232
+			c 4.472-4.672, 11.704-6.192, 16.168-1.512l 4.032,2.736c 4.472,4.688, 4.472,12.24,0,16.92l-56.584,61.984
+			c-1.376,2.776-3.504,5.072-6.16,6.648l-0.712,0.744c-2.216,2.336-5.168,3.504-8.112,3.488c-2.952,0.016-5.888-1.152-8.144-3.488
+			l-4.048-4.232c-0.080-0.080-0.088-0.184-0.168-0.272l-57.752-63.872c-4.464-4.664-4.464-12.224,0-16.912l 4.032-2.736
+			c 4.464-4.672, 11.712-3.16, 16.184,1.512l 34.576,38.552l0-187.992 L 53.080,240.256 l 38.232,34.672c 4.672,4.472, 6.192,11.704, 1.52,16.168l-2.736,4.032
+			c-4.68,4.472-12.248,4.472-16.92,0l-61.992-56.592c-2.768-1.368-5.064-3.504-6.64-6.144L 3.8,231.68
+			c-2.344-2.224-3.504-5.176-3.488-8.12c-0.008-2.952, 1.144-5.888, 3.488-8.144l 4.232-4.048c 0.080-0.080, 0.184-0.088, 0.264-0.168
+			l 63.872-57.752c 4.672-4.464, 12.232-4.464, 16.92,0l 2.736,4.032c 4.672,4.472, 3.152,11.72-1.52,16.184l-38.56,34.576l 189.504,0 L 241.248,19.76 
+			l-34.576,38.552c-4.472,4.672-11.72,6.184-16.184,1.512l-4.032-2.736c-4.464-4.688-4.464-12.248,0-16.912l 57.752-63.872
+			c 0.080-0.088, 0.096-0.184, 0.168-0.264l 4.048-4.24c 2.256-2.336, 5.192-3.504, 8.144-3.488c 2.936-0.016, 5.888,1.152, 8.112,3.488
+			l 4.048,4.24c 0.080,0.080, 0.112,0.168, 0.184,0.264l 59.216,64.872c 4.472,4.672, 4.472,12.232,0,16.912l-4.032,2.744
+			c-4.472,4.672-11.704,3.152-16.168-1.52l-34.672-38.232L 273.256,208.248 L 460.24,208.248 l-38.552-34.576c-4.672-4.472-6.184-11.72-1.512-16.184l 2.736-4.032
+			c 4.688-4.464, 12.248-4.464, 16.912,0l 63.872,57.752c 0.088,0.088, 0.184,0.096, 0.264,0.168l 4.24,4.048
+			c 2.336,2.248, 3.504,5.184, 3.488,8.144C 511.704,226.496, 510.536,229.456, 508.2,231.68z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe024;" d="M 496,80l-64,0 L 432,376.952 l 59.728,59.648c 6.24,6.248, 6.24,16.384,0,22.632c-6.248,6.248-16.384,6.248-22.632,0L 409.792,400L 112,400 L 112,464 
+			c0,8.84-7.16,16-16,16s-16-7.16-16-16l0-64 L 16,400 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16c0-8.832, 7.16-16, 16-16l 64,0 l0-304 c0-1.472, 0.472-2.8, 0.84-4.144
+			c 0.16-0.608, 0.128-1.232, 0.36-1.816c 1.608-4.032, 4.8-7.216, 8.832-8.84c 0.688-0.28, 1.44-0.248, 2.144-0.424
+			C 93.44,48.456, 94.64,48, 96,48l 304,0 l0-64 c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16s 16,7.16, 16,16l0,64 l 64,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16S 504.84,80, 496,80z M 377.744,368
+			L 112,102.608L 112,368 L 377.744,368 z M 134.64,80L 400,344.992L 400,80 L 134.64,80 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe025;" d="M 464.072,392L 47.928,392 c-26.512,0-48-21.488-48-48l0-240 c0-26.512, 21.488-48, 48-48l 416.144,0 
+			c 26.512,0, 48,21.488, 48,48L 512.072,344 C 512.072,370.512, 490.584,392, 464.072,392z M 47.928,360l 416.144,0 c 8.832,0, 16-7.168, 16-16l0-32 L 31.928,312 l0,32 
+			C 31.928,352.832, 39.104,360, 47.928,360z M 464.072,88L 47.928,88 c-8.832,0-16,7.168-16,16L 31.928,248 l 448.144,0 l0-144 C 480.072,95.168, 472.896,88, 464.072,88z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe026;" d="M 405.208-5.36l-85.2,100.832L 320.008,272.224 l 10.656,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16s-7.16,16-16,16l-26.656,0 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-198.912 
+			c0-3.968, 1.472-7.784, 4.128-10.72l 65.184-78.672l-202.64,0 l 65.184,78.672c 2.656,2.936, 4.128,6.752, 4.128,10.72L 223.992,288.224 c0,8.84-7.16,16-16,16
+			l-26.656,0 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16s 7.16-16, 16-16l 10.656,0 l0-176.752 L 106.792-5.36c-4.232-4.688-5.312-11.44-2.752-17.216
+			c 2.576-5.784, 8.296-9.504, 14.624-9.504l 274.672,0 c 6.328,0, 12.048,3.72, 14.624,9.504C 410.52-16.8, 409.448-10.048, 405.208-5.36z M 240,320.16
+			c 17.632,0, 31.92,14.296, 31.92,31.92c0,17.608-14.288,31.904-31.92,31.904c-17.64,0-31.92-14.296-31.92-31.904
+			C 208.080,334.456, 222.36,320.16, 240,320.16z M 344.24,367.656c 31.184,0, 56.464,25.168, 56.464,56.208s-25.272,56.208-56.464,56.208
+			c-31.176,0-56.464-25.168-56.464-56.208S 313.064,367.656, 344.24,367.656z M 343.992,448.168c 13.328,0, 24.168-10.792, 24.168-24.064
+			c0-13.264-10.84-24.064-24.168-24.064s-24.168,10.8-24.168,24.064C 319.832,437.376, 330.664,448.168, 343.992,448.168z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe005;" d="M 255.864,448c 54.336,0, 111.96-45.768, 111.96-79.928l0-79.96 c0-30.776-12.8-89.656-47.128-116.688c-8.752-6.888-13.296-17.84-11.984-28.904
+	c 1.312-11.080, 8.296-20.656, 18.424-25.312l 139.248-66.032c 1.088-0.496, 13.344-2.552, 13.344-19.672l 0.016-31.232L 32,0.248L 32,32.72 
+	c0,12.72, 9.544,16.712, 13.36,18.472l 140.512,66.312c 10.080,4.624, 17.032,14.16, 18.384,25.16c 1.36,11-3.080,21.92-11.728,28.856
+	c-33.24,26.688-48.728,85.352-48.728,116.592l0,79.96 C 143.808,401.496, 202.008,448, 255.864,448 M 255.864,480c-70.656,0-144.064-58.968-144.064-111.928
+	l0-79.96 c0-34.936, 15.944-105.624, 60.696-141.544L 31.976,80.248c0,0-31.976-14.248-31.976-31.984l0-48.016 c0-17.672, 14.32-31.984, 31.976-31.984l 447.776,0 
+	c 17.672,0, 31.984,14.312, 31.984,31.984l0,48.016 c0,18.8-31.984,31.984-31.984,31.984l-139.248,66.032c 44.328,34.888, 59.328,103.424, 59.328,141.832
+	l0,79.96 C 399.832,421.032, 326.512,480, 255.864,480L 255.864,480z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe007;" d="M 255.992,461.936C 115.008,461.936, 0.32,347.232, 0.32,206.248
+			c0-88.576, 44.84-169.592, 119.952-216.704c 7.472-4.736, 17.344-2.44, 22.048,5.048s 2.44,17.36-5.048,22.048
+			c-27.048,16.976-49.52,39.024-66.712,64.44l 16.776,9.688c 7.656,4.424, 10.28,14.2, 5.856,21.856c-4.44,7.672-14.232,10.28-21.856,5.856
+			l-16.8-9.696c-12.2,25.256-19.648,52.896-21.64,81.712l 17.808,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16s-7.16,16-16,16L 32.976,222.496 
+			c 2.12,29.344, 9.888,57.152, 22.28,82.296l 16.080-9.28c 2.512-1.456, 5.264-2.144, 7.984-2.144c 5.528,0, 10.904,2.872, 13.872,8
+			c 4.424,7.656, 1.8,17.44-5.856,21.856l-15.92,9.184c 16.056,23.416, 36.432,43.648, 59.992,59.512l 9.008-15.6c 2.968-5.144, 8.344-8, 13.872-8
+			c 2.72,0, 5.472,0.688, 7.984,2.144c 7.656,4.424, 10.28,14.2, 5.856,21.856l-8.976,15.536c 24.664,11.896, 51.84,19.328, 80.488,21.408l0-19.936 
+			c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16s 16,7.16, 16,16L 271.64,429.328 c 29.296-2.040, 57.064-9.696, 82.192-21.976l-8.68-15.024c-4.424-7.656-1.8-17.44, 5.856-21.856
+			c 2.512-1.456, 5.264-2.144, 7.984-2.144c 5.528,0, 10.904,2.856, 13.872,8l 8.64,14.968c 23.344-15.888, 43.536-36.072, 59.44-59.408l-14.984-8.656
+			c-7.656-4.424-10.28-14.2-5.856-21.856c 2.968-5.144, 8.344-8, 13.872-8c 2.72,0, 5.472,0.688, 7.984,2.144l 15.064,8.696
+			c 12.296-25.136, 19.976-52.912, 22.024-82.216l-17.568,0 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16s 7.16-16, 16-16l 17.56,0 c-2.024-28.44-9.296-55.72-21.248-80.656
+			l-15.84,9.144c-7.64,4.424-17.456,1.784-21.856-5.856c-4.424-7.656-1.8-17.44, 5.856-21.856L 441.84,81.6
+			c-17.552-26.12-40.72-48.696-68.68-65.912c-7.528-4.64-9.856-14.504-5.232-22.016c 3.032-4.904, 8.264-7.608, 13.64-7.608
+			c 2.856,0, 5.768,0.768, 8.376,2.376c 76.232,46.952, 121.736,128.392, 121.736,217.816C 511.68,347.232, 396.976,461.936, 255.992,461.936z
+			 M 374.056,256.136c 7.648,4.424, 10.272,14.2, 5.856,21.856c-4.416,7.648-14.208,10.272-21.856,5.848l-86.912-50.176
+			c-4.64,2.624-9.928,4.248-15.64,4.248c-17.64,0-31.92-14.296-31.92-31.904c0-17.624, 14.288-31.92, 31.92-31.92c 17.64,0, 31.92,14.296, 31.92,31.92
+			c0,0.032-0.008,0.072-0.008,0.104L 374.056,256.136z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe008;" d="M 470.368,385.152c-13.872,9.984-52.528,23.248-214.504,23.248c-173.576,0-199.328-15.232-207.592-20.216
+			c-43.984-26.424-48.16-143.408-48.544-167.128c 0.528-31.328, 5.592-135.56, 48.512-161.344c 8.248-4.968, 33.856-20.112, 207.624-20.112
+			c 162.080,0, 200.688,13.2, 214.504,23.144c 37.488,26.968, 41.8,119.84, 41.904,158.72C 512.176,252.728, 508.896,357.4, 470.368,385.152z
+			 M 451.68,88.712c-5.576-4.016-37.592-17.112-195.816-17.112c-152.968,0-185.064,11.872-191.128,15.528c-15.44,9.264-31.736,58.44-33.016,134.016
+			c 1.264,75.408, 17.784,130.456, 33.048,139.608c 6.080,3.672, 38.296,15.64, 191.096,15.64c 158.096,0, 190.2-13.184, 195.816-17.216
+			c 13.704-9.872, 28.376-61.84, 28.592-137.816C 480.056,144.192, 465.288,98.504, 451.68,88.712z M 360.208,236.584L 216.24,324.928
+			c-4.952,2.984-11.112,3.064-16.128,0.232c-5.032-2.84-8.144-8.168-8.144-13.936l0-176.72 c0-5.768, 3.112-11.096, 8.144-13.936
+			c 2.44-1.376, 5.16-2.064, 7.856-2.064c 2.856,0, 5.736,0.768, 8.264,2.296l 143.968,88.376c 4.8,2.904, 7.736,8.096, 7.736,13.704
+			S 365.008,233.696, 360.208,236.584z M 223.976,162.848L 223.976,282.896 l 97-60.016L 223.976,162.848z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe009;" d="M 342.2,400.656c 26.44,0, 50.312-10.816, 67.128-28.184c 20.92,4.048, 40.64,11.424, 58.36,21.64c-6.856-20.816-21.44-38.28-40.408-49.328
+	c 18.56,2.184, 36.328,6.952, 52.816,14.080c-12.36-17.872-27.92-33.608-45.888-46.184c 0.168-3.816, 0.264-7.672, 0.264-11.512
+	c0-117.864-92.504-253.808-261.656-253.808c-51.92,0-100.28,14.816-140.952,40.112c 7.184-0.84, 14.504-1.264, 21.92-1.264
+	c 43.080,0, 82.752,14.248, 114.232,38.2c-40.264,0.688-74.248,26.504-85.904,61.92c 5.608-1.048, 11.376-1.608, 17.312-1.608
+	c 8.36,0, 16.504,1.080, 24.2,3.128c-42.064,8.168-73.768,44.224-73.768,87.464c0,0.392,0,0.768,0,1.144
+	c 12.408-6.688, 26.576-10.704, 41.672-11.168c-24.688,16.016-40.92,43.28-40.92,74.232c0,16.36, 4.544,31.688, 12.456,44.816
+	C 108.408,330.4, 176.168,294.88, 252.608,291.144c-1.576,6.512-2.392,13.392-2.392,20.312C 250.216,360.728, 291.392,400.656, 342.2,400.656
+	 M 480.096,358.848l 0.080,0  M 342.2,432.656c-62.832,0-114.888-45.904-122.904-105.216c-51.408,10.328-98.16,37.544-131.752,77.472
+	C 81.448,412.168, 72.464,416.32, 63.056,416.32c-0.832,0-1.672-0.032-2.512-0.096C 50.248,415.4, 40.984,409.664, 35.656,400.832
+	c-11.16-18.512-17.048-39.72-17.048-61.328c0-14.424, 2.592-28.472, 7.504-41.608c-5.232-5.816-8.248-13.424-8.248-21.456l0-1.144 
+	c0-31.344, 12.392-60.432, 32.968-82.232c-1.184-5.488-0.92-11.232, 0.888-16.736c 7.096-21.592, 20.016-40.2, 36.768-54.376
+	c-11.248-2.504-22.856-3.768-34.704-3.768c-6.264,0-12.36,0.344-18.128,1.048c-1.28,0.16-2.544,0.216-3.816,0.216
+	c-13.44,0-25.64-8.472-30.168-21.392c-4.968-14.16, 0.544-29.856, 13.28-37.784c 47.264-29.408, 101.856-44.936, 157.856-44.936
+	c 182.016,0, 291.504,142.488, 293.632,281.672c 14.896,12.328, 28.064,26.592, 39.224,42.576c 4.064,5.344, 6.48,12.016, 6.48,19.248
+	c0,10.888-5.448,20.512-13.744,26.296c 3.592,12.312-0.504,25.64-10.504,33.784c-5.84,4.752-13,7.168-20.2,7.168
+	c-5.504,0-11.016-1.408-15.984-4.28c-10.576-6.096-21.888-10.92-33.8-14.392C 396.36,423.624, 369.64,432.656, 342.2,432.656L 342.2,432.656z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe00a;" d="M 264.008,448.128l0-111.936 l 112.16,0 l0-47.984 L 264.504,288.208 l-0.16-139.264c0-25.888, 1.344-42.504, 4.080-49.872c 4.264-11.624, 19.784-26.504, 48.592-26.504
+	c 22.344,0, 52.488,6.72, 75.080,23.624l0-74.656 c-18.84-8.984-36.36-12.608-51.624-16.232c-15.28-3.608-31.832-5.424-49.576-5.424
+	c-19.768,0-76.832,0.544-100.248,60.2c-4.216,10.736-6.328,26.328-6.328,46.736L 184.32,288.128 l-64.424,0 l 0.312,49.064
+	c 21.328,0, 85.312,12.952, 85.312,110.936L 264.008,448.128  M 264.008,480.128L 205.52,480.128 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32c0-73.248-40.816-78.936-53.312-78.936
+	c-17.608,0-31.92-14.232-32-31.84l-0.312-49.064c-0.048-8.512, 3.312-16.688, 9.312-22.736c 6.016-6.032, 14.168-9.424, 22.688-9.424l 32.424,0 l0-149.312 
+	c0-24.688, 2.8-43.816, 8.544-58.44c 14.424-36.72, 48.688-80.504, 130.032-80.504c 20.144,0, 39.296,2.112, 56.936,6.28l 3.528,0.832
+	c 14.936,3.512, 34.016,7.888, 54.504,17.656c 11.144,5.312, 18.232,16.544, 18.232,28.888l0,74.656 c0,12.112-6.84,23.184-17.672,28.608
+	c-4.528,2.28-9.44,3.392-14.328,3.392c-6.784,0-13.528-2.16-19.168-6.376c-19.048-14.264-43.424-17.248-55.904-17.248
+	c-12.8,0-17.56,4.64-18.608,5.872c-0.544,2.512-2.064,11.888-2.064,38.504l 0.112,107.264l 79.704,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32l0,47.984 
+	c0,17.672-14.328,32-32,32l-80.16,0 L 296.008,448.128 C 296.008,465.8, 281.68,480.128, 264.008,480.128L 264.008,480.128z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe00b;" d="M 290.88,439.752c 1.904,0, 3-0.080, 3-0.080l 41.784,0 l-0.216-48l-41.504,0 c-22.84,0-22.312-19.504-22.312-19.504l0-76.096 l 80.816,0 
+	l-11.28-47.936l-69.8,0 l0-239.888 l-47.952,0 l-0.032,239.888L 159.68,248.136 l-0.128,47.936l 63.856,0 c0,0,0,58.688,0,74.592
+	C 223.416,435.704, 277.432,439.752, 290.88,439.752 M 335.664,439.672l 0.080,0  M 290.88,471.752L 290.88,471.752c-11.504,0-33.984-1.904-55.28-14.736
+	c-20.16-12.128-44.184-36.968-44.184-86.344l0-42.592 l-31.856,0 c-8.504,0-16.656-3.392-22.672-9.408c-6-6.032-9.36-14.184-9.328-22.704
+	l 0.128-47.936c 0.064-17.624, 14.376-31.888, 32-31.888l 31.704,0 l 0.032-207.888c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 47.952,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 303.376,216.144 l 37.8,0 
+	c 14.2,0, 26.704,9.36, 30.704,22.984l 11.28,47.936c 2.84,9.672, 0.952,20.128-5.096,28.184c-6.032,8.080-15.528,12.832-25.608,12.832l-48.816,0 
+	l0,31.576 l 31.816,0.016c 17.608,0, 31.92,14.232, 32,31.856l 0.216,46.376c 0.032,0.592, 0.048,1.168, 0.048,1.768c0,17.672-14.296,32-31.968,32l-0.080,0 
+	l-40.888,0 C 293.864,471.72, 292.536,471.752, 290.88,471.752L 290.88,471.752z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe00c;" d="M 511.712,367.624c-0.36,5.112-3.144,9.736-7.488,12.456L 361.632,469.064c-5.8,3.608-13.216,3.16-18.528-1.144l-87.112-70.472
+			L 168.896,467.92c-5.296,4.28-12.768,4.768-18.528,1.144L 7.776,380.080c-4.344-2.72-7.128-7.344-7.488-12.456
+			c-0.376-5.112, 1.736-10.080, 5.656-13.376l 82.608-69.408l-70.768-55.592c-4.048-3.16-6.312-8.088-6.112-13.208
+			c 0.2-5.12, 2.84-9.832, 7.112-12.68l 65.488-43.656c-3.216-2.92-5.272-7.104-5.272-11.8l0-64.168 c0-5.56, 2.888-10.72, 7.624-13.64
+			l 160.984-91.216c 2.56-1.576, 5.472-2.36, 8.376-2.36s 5.816,0.8, 8.392,2.376l 159.112,91.216c 4.736,2.92, 7.608,8.080, 7.608,13.624
+			l0,75.264 c0,1.032-0.12,2.040-0.304,3.016l 62.024,41.344c 4.264,2.84, 6.904,7.544, 7.112,12.664c 0.2,5.128-2.048,10.040-6.080,13.208
+			l-70.456,55.576l 82.656,69.44C 509.976,357.544, 512.088,362.512, 511.712,367.624z M 368.336,284.672l-112.344-70.392l-112.344,70.392l 112.344,73.112
+			L 368.336,284.672z M 43.4,364.576l 114.232,71.296l 71.184-57.592l-113.672-73.984L 43.4,364.576z M 114.96,264.888l 112.984-70.8l-64.032-49.016
+			L 54.912,217.728L 114.96,264.888z M 111.008,141.888l 44.672-29.784c 5.672-3.784, 13.16-3.528, 18.592,0.608l 64.704,49.52l0-141.4 l-127.968,71.84
+			L 111.008,141.888 z M 399.104,92.672l-128.128-72.84L 270.976,163.72 l 66.328-50.984c 2.856-2.2, 6.312-3.312, 9.752-3.312c 3.096,0, 6.184,0.888, 8.872,2.688
+			l 43.168,28.784L 399.096,92.672 z M 456.728,217.76l-109.016-72.664l-63.72,48.968l 113,70.816L 456.728,217.76z M 396.832,304.296l-113.672,73.984
+			l 71.2,57.592l 114.232-71.296L 396.832,304.296z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe00d;" d="M 255.992,479.864c-34.928,0-68.232-7.056-98.592-19.784c-1.056-0.336-2.088-0.776-3.072-1.336
+			C 63.696,419.336, 0.136,328.968, 0.136,223.992c0-141.080, 114.784-255.856, 255.856-255.856c 141.096,0, 255.872,114.784, 255.872,255.856
+			C 511.864,365.088, 397.088,479.864, 255.992,479.864z M 479.864,223.992c0-1.792-0.096-3.56-0.136-5.336
+			c-24.512,6.504-86.696,18.72-163.4,1.872c-6.76,15.448-14.256,31.288-22.64,47.408c-0.704,1.352-1.392,2.64-2.088,3.976
+			c 82.064,31.672, 116.944,74.336, 131.384,100.976C 458.328,333.28, 479.864,281.112, 479.864,223.992z M 398.768,396.28
+			c-7.456-17.6-34.52-63-122.36-95.944C 236.96,372.448, 206.296,415.672, 189.112,437.656c 21.128,6.632, 43.592,10.208, 66.88,10.208
+			C 310.208,447.864, 359.984,428.48, 398.768,396.28z M 158.024,425.24c 13.608-16.64, 45.192-58.528, 87.552-135.224
+			c-100-30.144-181.224-26.52-209.416-23.896C 49.568,336.192, 95.696,394.776, 158.024,425.24z M 32.136,223.992c0,3.448, 0.104,6.872, 0.264,10.288
+			c 9.624-0.968, 24.576-2.040, 44.144-2.040c 43.448,0, 108.856,5.376, 184.504,29.072c 1.424-2.688, 2.832-5.368, 4.272-8.136
+			c 7.216-13.888, 13.744-27.592, 19.704-41.032c-13.688-4.304-27.696-9.536-41.936-15.984c-91.312-41.352-134.096-100.352-149.336-126.168
+			C 55.616,110.152, 32.136,164.368, 32.136,223.992z M 118.048,47.88c 8.12,15.376, 45.304,77.040, 138.224,119.128
+			c 13.984,6.336, 27.76,11.392, 41.192,15.456c 30.368-77.16, 40.904-140.784, 44.088-165.296c-26.376-10.952-55.264-17.032-85.56-17.032
+			C 203.984,0.136, 156.096,18.016, 118.048,47.88z M 371.808,32.48c-4.616,30.8-16.072,88.696-42.984,157.832
+			c 74.224,14.776, 132.976,0.28, 147.808-4.040C 465.52,121.168, 426.264,65.528, 371.808,32.48z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe00e;" d="M 453.976,407.76c-5.936,5.544-13.752,8.608-21.832,8.608
+			c-0.736,0-1.472-0.032-2.2-0.080c-0.456-0.032-5.592-0.344-13.64-0.344c-13.328,0-39.344,0.904-63.984,6.968
+			c-31.832,7.816-68.56,44.080-79.248,51.232c-5.376,3.592-11.576,5.392-17.784,5.392c-6.184,0-12.392-1.8-17.768-5.376
+			c-1.296-0.872-39.752-42.016-77.376-51.248c-24.624-6.064-51.144-6.968-64.456-6.968c-8.048,0-13.184,0.312-13.688,0.344
+			c-0.704,0.048-1.408,0.080-2.112,0.080c-8.096,0-15.936-3.080-21.888-8.64c-6.472-6.048-10.16-14.504-10.16-23.36l0-80.016 
+			c0-295.816, 193.56-333.904, 201.784-335.392c 1.872-0.328, 3.768-0.504, 5.656-0.504s 3.8,0.168, 5.656,0.504
+			c 8.216,1.488, 203.2,39.576, 203.2,335.392L 464.136,384.368 C 464.152,393.24, 460.464,401.712, 453.976,407.76z M 432.152,304.352
+			c0-272.456-176.856-303.888-176.856-303.888s-175.44,31.44-175.44,303.888c0,69.84,0,80.016,0,80.016s 6.048-0.424, 15.84-0.424
+			c 16.784,0, 45.016,1.232, 72.080,7.888c 44.312,10.872, 87.512,55.704, 87.512,55.704s 45.128-44.832, 89.392-55.704
+			c 27.096-6.656, 54.84-7.888, 71.624-7.888c 9.784,0, 15.84,0.424, 15.84,0.424S 432.152,374.192, 432.152,304.352z M 323.8,306.88
+			c-6.248,6.248-16.384,6.248-22.624,0l-45.256-45.256l-45.256,45.256c-6.248,6.248-16.384,6.248-22.632,0s-6.248-16.384,0-22.624l 45.256-45.256
+			l-45.256-45.256c-6.248-6.24-6.248-16.376,0-22.624s 16.384-6.248, 22.632,0l 45.256,45.256l 45.256-45.256c 6.24-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0
+			s 6.248,16.384,0,22.624l-45.256,45.256l 45.256,45.256C 330.048,290.496, 330.048,300.632, 323.8,306.88z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe00f;" d="M 416.072,480L 95.928,480 c-26.512,0-48-21.488-48-48l0-416 c0-26.512, 21.488-48, 48-48l 320.144,0 
+			c 26.512,0, 48,21.488, 48,48L 464.072,432 C 464.072,458.512, 442.584,480, 416.072,480z M 432.072,16c0-8.832-7.168-16-16-16L 95.928,0 c-8.832,0-16,7.168-16,16L 79.928,432 
+			c0,8.832, 7.168,16, 16,16l 320.144,0 c 8.832,0, 16-7.168, 16-16L 432.072,16 z M 256.024,79.912c-17.64,0-31.92-14.296-31.92-31.912s 14.28-31.92, 31.92-31.92
+			c 17.632,0, 31.92,14.304, 31.92,31.92S 273.656,79.912, 256.024,79.912z M 288.024,432l-64,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 64,0 
+			c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 296.856,432, 288.024,432z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe017;" d="M 510.256,265.312l-51.392,76.84l 25.576,89.408c 1.592,5.608, 0.032,11.64-4.112,15.752c-4.128,4.128-10.128,5.656-15.768,4.016
+			L 375.304,425.264l-77.144,51.952c-4.856,3.264-11.080,3.656-16.232,0.968c-5.184-2.656-8.512-7.936-8.704-13.752l-2.768-92.968
+			l-73.248-57.296c-4.592-3.592-6.856-9.408-5.936-15.16s 4.904-10.544, 10.408-12.512l 68.728-24.64c-0.464-0.368-0.952-0.696-1.384-1.128
+			L 3.648-4.648c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.376,0-22.624c 3.128-3.128, 7.216-4.688, 11.312-4.688s 8.184,1.56, 11.312,4.688l 265.376,265.376
+			c 1.032,1.032, 1.832,2.2, 2.52,3.408l 26.896-73.776c 2-5.472, 6.816-9.424, 12.576-10.328c 0.816-0.128, 1.64-0.184, 2.456-0.184
+			c 4.904,0, 9.592,2.264, 12.656,6.216l 56.888,73.584l 91.952,3.28c 5.832,0.2, 11.080,3.56, 13.72,8.768
+			C 513.944,254.264, 513.536,260.496, 510.256,265.312z M 397.024,268.728c-4.752-0.16-9.184-2.44-12.096-6.2l-43.736-56.552l-24.488,67.16
+			c-1.624,4.472-5.16,7.968-9.64,9.576l-67.296,24.128l 56.312,44.032c 3.752,2.936, 5.984,7.376, 6.144,12.128l 2.128,71.472l 59.296-39.936
+			c 3.952-2.656, 8.888-3.408, 13.424-2.096l 68.624,20.048l-19.672-68.736c-1.296-4.576-0.504-9.488, 2.168-13.424l 40.28-59.064L 397.024,268.728z
+			"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe018;" d="M 416.528,447.696l-32.232,0 l0-107.704 c0-52.192-28.328-91.68-89.048-122.6
+	C 358.28,185.488, 384.8,146.312, 384.8,87.856c0-38.064-0.168-70-0.296-87.56l 32.032,0 c 8.84,0, 16-7.144, 16-15.984s-7.16-16-16-16L 95.472-31.688 
+	c-8.84,0-16,7.16-16,16s 7.16,15.984, 16,15.984l 32.968,0 c-0.12,17.56-0.296,49.504-0.296,87.56c0,58.456, 26.144,97.624, 89.072,129.528
+	c-60.616,30.92-88.568,70.408-88.568,122.6L 128.648,447.696 l-33.176,0 c-8.84,0-16,7.152-16,16c0,8.832, 7.16,15.992, 16,15.992l 321.064,0 
+	c 8.84,0, 16-7.16, 16-15.992C 432.528,454.848, 425.376,447.696, 416.528,447.696z M 160.136,87.856c0-38.144, 0.176-70.112, 0.296-87.56l 192.088,0 
+	c 0.112,17.456, 0.296,49.424, 0.296,87.56c0,44.504-16.56,79.016-96.592,112.2C 176.216,166.872, 160.136,132.36, 160.136,87.856z M 352.312,447.696
+	l-191.68,0 l0-107.704 c0-30.688, 10.32-70.208, 95.584-105.264c 85.28,35.056, 96.096,74.576, 96.096,105.264L 352.312,447.696 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe019;" d="M 495.424,131.848L 495.424,260.92 l 8.048,4.248c 5.232,2.72, 8.528,8.112, 8.592,14.016
+			c 0.064,5.888-3.128,11.344-8.296,14.184l-240.72,128.8c-4.816,2.64-10.64,2.624-15.488-0.048L 8.16,293.16
+			c-5.096-2.84-8.248-8.232-8.216-14.080s 3.248-11.2, 8.408-13.984l 105.192-55.992c-1.32-2.328-2.136-4.984-2.136-7.848l0-135.392 
+			c0-4.56, 1.952-8.92, 5.36-11.952c 3.472-3.080, 36.72-30.048, 138.376-30.048c 101.296,0, 135.44,25.488, 139,28.392
+			c 3.72,3.032, 5.872,7.576, 5.872,12.392L 400.016,203.512 c0,2.248-0.472,4.384-1.304,6.32l 64.712,34.184l0-112.256 
+			c-9.488-5.552-15.92-15.736-15.92-27.512c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32s 32,14.328, 32,32C 511.504,116.096, 504.984,126.32, 495.424,131.848z M 368.016,73.816
+			c-12.576-6.048-45.856-17.952-112.872-17.952c-67.44,0-99.968,12.672-111.736,18.768L 143.408,193.2 l 103.904-55.312c 2.36-1.28, 4.984-1.92, 7.592-1.92
+			c 2.544,0, 5.096,0.608, 7.408,1.832l 105.704,55.832L 368.016,73.816 z M 255.032,170.096L 49.232,279.376l 206.16,110.488l 206.8-110.168L 255.032,170.096z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe01a;" d="M 255.992,480.064c-114.608,0-207.84-99.952-207.84-222.8l0-273.336 c0-6.608, 4.080-12.544, 10.248-14.92
+			c 1.856-0.736, 3.816-1.080, 5.752-1.080c 4.424,0, 8.768,1.84, 11.856,5.264l 60.296,66.56l 47.216-65.216
+			c 2.984-4.128, 7.752-6.576, 12.84-6.608l 0.112,0 c 5.048,0, 9.816,2.392, 12.832,6.456l 47.408,63.672l 46.592-63.576
+			c 3.016-4.112, 7.8-6.544, 12.904-6.544c 5.096,0, 9.888,2.424, 12.904,6.528l 47.784,65.144l 59-66.312
+			c 4.408-4.952, 11.472-6.688, 17.64-4.312c 6.2,2.36, 10.312,8.312, 10.312,14.952L 463.848,257.272 C 463.848,380.112, 370.6,480.064, 255.992,480.064z
+			 M 431.848,25.984l-44.2,49.688c-3.216,3.608-7.904,5.656-12.704,5.344c-4.832-0.232-9.296-2.624-12.16-6.512l-46.56-63.504
+			l-46.504,63.456c-3,4.096-7.768,6.528-12.84,6.544l-0.064,0 c-5.064,0-9.816-2.392-12.832-6.456l-47.344-63.576l-46,63.544
+			c-2.832,3.904-7.264,6.328-12.080,6.576c-0.296,0.016-0.576,0.032-0.872,0.032c-4.504,0-8.816-1.904-11.856-5.264l-45.688-50.424
+			L 80.144,257.272 c0,105.2, 78.888,190.8, 175.84,190.8c 96.968,0, 175.856-85.592, 175.856-190.8L 431.84,25.984 z M 336,303.92c-17.64,0-31.92-14.296-31.92-31.904
+			c0-17.624, 14.28-31.92, 31.92-31.92s 31.92,14.296, 31.92,31.92C 367.92,289.624, 353.64,303.92, 336,303.92z M 176,303.92
+			c-17.64,0-31.92-14.296-31.92-31.904c0-17.624, 14.288-31.92, 31.92-31.92s 31.92,14.296, 31.92,31.92C 207.92,289.624, 193.64,303.92, 176,303.92z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe01b;" d="M 371.608,442.224c-12.8,6.008-24.904,11.664-35.92,17.192
+			c-28.232,14.144-53.832,21.016-78.232,21.016c-49.144,0-83.152-28.352-104.48-49.68l-17.792-17.808l-11.872-11.888l-17.232-17.256l-26.864-26.896
+			l-29.664-29.688c-55.344-55.4-64.184-111.8-28.632-182.904c 5.512-11.040, 11.184-23.168, 17.184-36.016
+			c 32.352-69.192, 65.792-140.744, 120.528-140.744c 1.536,0, 3.056,0.048, 4.608,0.168c 56.488,4.424, 72.512,77.144, 86.656,141.296
+			c 2.248,10.16, 4.376,19.904, 6.56,28.64c 3.8,15.104, 11.28,24.488, 31.776,45.032l 2.816,2.832l 1.736,1.736l 2.248,2.24l 2.312,2.304
+			c 20.544,20.544, 29.928,28.016, 45.048,31.832c 8.656,2.176, 18.376,4.32, 28.512,6.544c 64.112,14.152, 136.8,30.184, 141.2,86.76
+			C 516.544,374.352, 442.872,408.856, 371.608,442.224z M 479.232,319.832c-3.112-39.888-92.408-51.664-145.552-64.992
+			c-23.504-5.936-37.808-18.376-59.392-39.968c-1.504-1.504-3.016-3.008-4.544-4.536c-1.512-1.512-3.016-3.048-4.528-4.544
+			c-21.584-21.608-34-35.904-39.912-59.44c-13.336-53.192-25.096-142.584-64.936-145.72c-0.72-0.056-1.44-0.072-2.16-0.072
+			c-42.272,0-77.84,96.12-109.224,158.832C 17.112,223.144, 30.768,264.504, 71.664,305.44c 7.848,7.864, 17.608,17.624, 29.568,29.592
+			c 12.216,12.232, 26.744,26.776, 43.96,44c 11.952,11.968, 21.704,21.712, 29.56,29.592c 25.4,25.424, 50.968,40.32, 81.96,40.32
+			c 18.904,0, 39.816-5.528, 63.936-17.624C 384.376,399.368, 482.592,363.080, 479.232,319.832z M 239.392,304.36l 32,0 l0,32 l-32,0 L 239.392,304.36 z M 239.392,352.36l 32,0 
+			l0,32 l-32,0 L 239.392,352.36 z M 287.392,352.36l 32,0 l0,32 l-32,0 L 287.392,352.36 z M 287.392,304.36l 32,0 l0,32 l-32,0 L 287.392,304.36 z M 164.944,208.28l 12.168,12.168
+			c 6,6, 6,15.736,0,21.728c-6,6-15.72,6-21.72,0l-12.176-12.176l-12.176,12.176c-6,6-15.72,6-21.72,0
+			c-6-6-6-15.728,0-21.728l 12.176-12.176l-12.176-12.176c-6-5.992-6-15.72,0-21.72c 6-6, 15.728-6, 21.72,0
+			l 12.176,12.168l 12.528-12.528c 6-6, 15.72-6, 21.72,0s 6,15.736,0,21.736L 164.944,208.28z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe01c;" d="M 254.208-31.64c-120.624,0-206.184,83.64-206.184,198.888c0,61.184, 36.688,127.096, 38.248,129.856
+	c 3.184,5.672, 9.44,8.752, 15.968,8.032c 6.456-0.832, 11.768-5.488, 13.44-11.784c 0.096-0.376, 9.984-37.376, 23.032-57.92
+	c 8.768-13.824, 17.656-23.592, 27.656-30.376c-6.768,29.328-11.952,73.456-3.512,118.736C 186.024,448.080, 283.848,477.816, 288.040,479.016
+	c 5.392,1.544, 11.112,0.16, 15.216-3.576c 4.096-3.752, 5.968-9.376, 4.904-14.832c-0.16-0.872-16.312-87.888, 17.968-162.032
+	c 3.112-6.736, 7.456-14.56, 12.128-22.392c 1.328,10.752, 3.392,22.184, 6.56,33.28c 12.576,43.984, 45.096,59, 46.472,59.608
+	c 5.424,2.472, 11.752,1.656, 16.44-2.016c 4.672-3.688, 6.92-9.64, 5.84-15.504c-0.168-1.080-4.704-31.016, 20.768-73.472
+	c 23-38.336, 29.64-63.184, 29.64-110.84C 463.976,52, 375.76-31.64, 254.208-31.64z M 97.848,246.16
+	c-8.784-22.152-17.832-51.624-17.832-78.904c0-96.704, 72.096-166.888, 174.184-166.888c 103,0, 177.768,70.184, 177.768,166.888
+	c0,41.768-5.16,61.16-25.080,94.376c-13.312,22.184-19.888,42.128-23.032,58c-3.168-5.128-6.112-11.392-8.264-18.936
+	c-9.752-34.096-7.296-73.968-7.264-74.376c 0.472-7.136-3.872-13.736-10.624-16.128s-14.264-0.032-18.408,5.832
+	c-1.2,1.704-29.656,41.984-42.2,69.12c-26.048,56.296-25.608,117.168-22.952,152.232c-26.36-15.36-66.832-49.672-79.832-119.456
+	c-12.656-67.904, 11.936-135.8, 12.2-136.472c 2.128-5.544, 1-11.832-2.904-16.296c-3.92-4.44-9.952-6.408-15.768-5.016
+	c-1.984,0.488-47.016,12.2-76.168,58.144C 106.464,226.512, 101.792,236.472, 97.848,246.16z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe01d;" d="M 512.688,154.104c-0.488,6.92-26.504,159.656-30.576,184.112c-0.392,2.344-0.704,4.84-1.048,7.472
+			c-3.144,24.576-9.016,70.312-82.736,70.312c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16s 7.16-16, 16-16c 45.56,0, 47.968-18.704, 51-42.392
+			c 0.392-3.032, 0.768-5.936, 1.216-8.64c 1.872-11.264, 10.352-56.080, 17.672-100.512c-18.776,14.312-42.144,22.904-67.56,22.904
+			c-40.824,0-77.16-21.976-97.136-54.68c-9.608,3.632-25.912,8.168-47.696,8.168c-21.472,0-37.256-4.568-47.016-8.544
+			c-19.424,32.912-55.152,55.064-96.136,55.064c-26.632,0-51.368-9.36-70.92-24.92C 49.168,275.44, 57.952,321.464, 59.856,332.96
+			c 0.456,2.704, 0.832,5.608, 1.216,8.64c 3.032,23.688, 5.44,42.392, 51,42.392c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16s-7.16,16-16,16
+			c-73.72,0-79.592-45.736-82.736-70.312c-0.344-2.624-0.656-5.128-1.048-7.472c-4.080-24.456-28.504-176.184-28.984-183.112
+			c-0.112-1.544, 0.072-3.024, 0.376-4.472c-0.152-2.312-0.36-4.608-0.36-6.952c0-61.672, 51.672-111.672, 113.344-111.672
+			s 111.672,50, 111.672,111.672c0,9.328-1.272,18.336-3.424,26.992c 6.56,2.64, 18.416,6.168, 34.904,6.168c 16.088,0, 28.232-3.216, 35.152-5.664
+			c-2.304-8.816-3.664-17.984-3.664-27.496c0-61.672, 51.672-111.672, 113.344-111.672s 111.672,50, 111.672,111.672
+			c0,1.672-0.176,3.304-0.248,4.96C 512.56,150.376, 512.832,152.2, 512.688,154.104z M 112.672,64.008c-44.096,0-81.344,36.488-81.344,79.672
+			s 37.248,79.672, 81.344,79.672c 43.936,0, 79.672-35.736, 79.672-79.672S 156.608,64.008, 112.672,64.008z M 400.656,64.008
+			c-44.096,0-81.344,36.488-81.344,79.672s 37.248,79.672, 81.344,79.672c 38,0, 69.816-26.744, 77.728-62.392
+			c 0.328-3.264, 0.6-6.336, 0.808-9.144c 0.096-1.344, 0.456-2.608, 0.92-3.832c 0.080-1.44, 0.216-2.856, 0.216-4.312
+			C 480.328,99.744, 444.592,64.008, 400.656,64.008z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe01e;" d="M 511.656,243.352c-0.68,5.656-2.808,10.856-6.048,15.232l 0.080,0 l-0.44,0.44c-1.64,2.16-3.56,4.064-5.704,5.752L 290.904,466.48
+			c-18.112,18.112-49.752,18.144-67.888,0L 14.408,266.352c-4.512-4.2-14.44-15.544-14.44-26.672l0-239.76 c0-17.592, 14.408-32, 32-32l 448,0 
+			c 17.592,0, 32,14.408, 32,32L 511.968,239.048 C 512.080,240.488, 511.936,241.928, 511.656,243.352z M 134.896,116.832L 31.968,22.048L 31.968,207.64 L 134.896,116.832z
+			 M 167.784,103.64c 1.144,0.76, 2.232,1.624, 3.184,2.704c 0.184,0.208, 0.312,0.456, 0.48,0.672l 70.584,65
+			c 3.624,2.92, 7.92,4.456, 12.44,4.456c 4.592,0, 9.184-1.608, 12.264-4L 458.536-0.080L 55.168-0.080 L 167.784,103.64z M 378.728,114.72
+			l 101.24,89.848l0-180.92 L 378.728,114.72z M 51.888,258.584L 245.64,443.856c 3.032,3.016, 7.048,4.688, 11.312,4.688
+			c 4.28,0, 8.296-1.672, 11.328-4.688L 448.968,271.68l-0.488,0 l 27.448-27.896l-121.152-107.52l-67.624,60.832
+			c-18.84,14.768-45.888,15.408-65.84-0.688l-62.752-57.792L 37.664,245.288l 13.496,13.296L 51.888,258.584 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe01f;" d="M 511.656,243.36c-0.68,5.656-2.808,10.856-6.048,15.232l 0.080,0 l-0.44,0.44c-1.64,2.16-3.56,4.064-5.704,5.752
+			L 415.968,348.976L 415.968,400.608 c0,8.84-7.16,16-16,16l-50.664,0 l-58.4,49.856c-18.112,18.112-49.752,18.144-67.888,0l-58.2-49.856l-52.848,0 
+			c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-52.688 L 14.408,266.36c-8.672-5.736-14.44-15.544-14.44-26.672l0-239.752 c0-17.592, 14.408-32, 32-32l 448,0 
+			c 17.592,0, 32,14.408, 32,32l0,239.12 C 512.080,240.496, 511.936,241.936, 511.656,243.36z M 134.432,117.248L 31.968,22.208L 31.968,207.656 L 134.432,117.248z
+			 M 165.28,102.248c 2.112,0.904, 4.064,2.264, 5.688,4.112c 0.856,0.968, 1.528,2.032, 2.112,3.128l 68.952,63.968
+			c 3.624,2.92, 7.92,4.456, 12.44,4.456c 4.592,0, 9.184-1.608, 12.264-4l 191.92-173.968L 55-0.056 L 165.28,102.248z M 379.168,115.136l 100.8,89.448
+			l0-180.816 L 379.168,115.136z M 448.968,271.688l-0.488,0 l 27.448-27.896l-59.96-53.216L 415.968,304.68 L 448.968,271.688z M 245.64,443.84
+			c 3.032,3.016, 7.048,4.688, 11.312,4.688c 4.28,0, 8.296-1.672, 11.328-4.688l 32.312-27.232L 213.376,416.608 L 245.64,443.84z M 383.968,384.608l0-222.424 
+			l-28.656-25.44l-68.16,61.784c-18.84,14.768-45.888,15.408-65.84-0.688L 158,139.12l-30.032,26.504L 127.968,384.608 L 383.968,384.608 z M 51.888,258.592l 44.080,44.064
+			l0-108.808 l-58.312,51.448l 13.496,13.296L 51.888,258.592 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe027;" d="M 452.808,124.056c-18.672,22.712-44.24,54.872-44.24,87.68l0,104.48 
+			c0,90.008-67.32,163.24-153.344,163.24c-86.040,0-152.832-73.232-152.832-163.24l0-104.48 c0-32.256-27.744-62.744-45.336-86.4
+			c-15.824-21.256-28.312-38.048-19.88-54.832c 7.416-14.768, 25.984-16.664, 41.328-16.664l 91.68,0 c 0.024-47.104, 38.224-85.288, 85.336-85.288
+			c 47.12,0, 85.32,38.184, 85.344,85.288l 93.832,0 c 9.76,0, 32.576,0, 40.432,16.6C 483.056,87.248, 470.368,102.696, 452.808,124.056z
+			 M 255.504,2.072c-28.608,0-51.816,23.176-51.856,51.768L 307.36,53.84 C 307.32,25.248, 284.128,2.072, 255.504,2.072z M 434.696,87.904L 78.504,87.904 
+			c-2.448,0-4.496,0.080-6.184,0.184c 3.296,5.104, 8.136,11.624, 12.072,16.928c 19.496,26.2, 52.072,63.184, 52.072,106.712l0,104.48 
+			c0,71.232, 51.52,129.176, 118.76,129.176c 67.24,0, 119.28-57.944, 119.28-129.176l0-104.48 c0-45.008, 30.040-82.624, 51.984-109.304
+			c 3.696-4.496, 8.12-9.88, 11.56-14.48C 437.032,87.92, 435.912,87.904, 434.696,87.904z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe028;" d="M 510.528,60.016L 416.896,233.168c 9.552,21.68, 14.896,45.64, 14.896,70.848c0,97.152-78.76,175.904-175.904,175.904
+			c-97.168,0-175.92-78.76-175.92-175.904c0-25.816, 5.608-50.312, 15.592-72.392L 1.512,60.096c-3.032-5.512-2.528-12.312, 1.264-17.344
+			c 3.8-5.016, 10.216-7.376, 16.344-5.936l 80.312,18.424l 27.488-76.56c 2.144-5.952, 7.576-10.080, 13.872-10.544
+			c 0.408-0.032, 0.8-0.048, 1.184-0.048c 5.856,0, 11.296,3.216, 14.096,8.44l 81.848,152.488c 5.904-0.6, 11.896-0.904, 17.96-0.904
+			c 5.56,0, 11.048,0.288, 16.472,0.8l 83.624-152.504c 2.832-5.16, 8.216-8.312, 14.032-8.312c 0.408,0, 0.832,0.016, 1.248,0.048
+			c 6.28,0.504, 11.688,4.624, 13.816,10.544l 27.488,76.56l 80.312-18.424c 6.16-1.488, 12.512,0.904, 16.312,5.904
+			C 513,47.72, 513.512,54.488, 510.528,60.016z M 144.888,23.328l-20.128,56.080c-2.752,7.624-10.736,12.064-18.64,10.184L 46.72,75.968
+			l 67.704,123.488c 22.296-30.12, 53.976-52.84, 90.72-63.896L 144.888,23.328z M 112.112,304.016c0,79.272, 64.504,143.768, 143.784,143.768
+			c 79.272,0, 143.768-64.496, 143.768-143.768s-64.496-143.784-143.768-143.784C 176.608,160.232, 112.112,224.744, 112.112,304.016z M 405.872,89.592
+			c-7.936,1.872-15.888-2.56-18.64-10.184l-20.264-56.488L 305.392,135.2c 37.72,11.048, 70.168,34.368, 92.752,65.368l 67.424-124.664L 405.872,89.592z
+			"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe029;" d="M 510.512,114.296l-41.144,75.648c-0.064,0.104-0.048,0.2-0.112,0.296l-2.936,5.072
+			c-1.64,2.808-4.216,4.616-7.096,5.296c-2.848,0.704-5.992,0.272-8.704-1.488l-4.92-3.168c-0.096-0.056-0.152-0.144-0.248-0.208
+			l-72.8-49.16c-5.44-3.504-7.208-10.84-3.968-16.456l 3.272-3.6c 3.24-5.592, 10.632-5.824, 16.080-2.32l 43.52,29.592
+			c-10.304-83-77.368-146.696-159.48-154.088L 271.976,320.512 L 336,320.512 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16l-64.72,0 
+			c-0.12,0.416-0.224,0.832-0.384,1.232c 28.552,6.64, 49.848,32.184, 49.848,62.768c0,35.624-28.872,64.504-64.504,64.504
+			c-35.624,0-64.496-28.872-64.496-64.504c0-30.408, 21.056-55.832, 49.368-62.64c-0.168-0.44-0.288-0.904-0.424-1.36L 176,352.512 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16
+			s 7.168-16, 16-16l 63.992,0 l0-320.792 c-82.088,7.392-149.080,71.064-159.408,154.056l 43.472-29.56c 5.44-3.504, 12.832-3.272, 16.072,2.32l 3.28,3.6
+			c 3.24,5.608, 1.472,12.952-3.976,16.456l-72.8,49.16c-0.096,0.072-0.152,0.16-0.24,0.208l-4.928,3.168
+			c-2.704,1.76-5.848,2.184-8.704,1.488c-2.872-0.68-5.456-2.496-7.096-5.296L 42.728,190.24c-0.056-0.096-0.048-0.192-0.104-0.296
+			l-41.136-75.648c-3.248-5.584-1.472-12.936, 3.976-16.448l 4.56-1.712c 5.44-3.496, 12.128-0.32, 15.376,5.272l 23.952,44.488
+			c 14.688-102.36, 102.552-178.912, 206.64-178.912c 104.032,0, 191.96,76.544, 206.68,178.856l 23.92-44.432c 3.248-5.592, 9.944-8.768, 15.384-5.272
+			l 4.56,1.712C 511.984,101.36, 513.76,108.712, 510.512,114.296z M 223.752,416.512c0,17.92, 14.576,32.504, 32.496,32.504
+			c 17.92,0, 32.504-14.576, 32.504-32.504s-14.576-32.504-32.504-32.504C 238.336,384.016, 223.752,398.592, 223.752,416.512z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe02a;" d="M 511.824,334.76c 0.232,11.832-2.952,39.424-38.92,49.032L 115.024,455.76l-3.328,0.344
+			c-26.472,0-48-21.528-48-48l0-64.352 l-16,0.040c-26.376-0.112-47.816-21.576-47.816-47.984l0-255.904 c0-26.472, 21.528-48, 48-48l 416.232,0 
+			c 26.472,0, 48,21.528, 48,48L 511.824,334.76z M 95.696,408.104c0,8.36, 6.44,15.232, 14.608,15.936l 353-71.44
+			c 0.128-0.064-2.624-8.968-15.44-8.8L 95.696,343.8 L 95.696,408.104 z M 480.12,39.896c0-8.832-7.168-16-16-16L 47.88,23.896 c-8.832,0-16,7.168-16,16L 31.88,295.808 
+			c0,8.832, 7.168,16, 16,16l 400.032,0 c 15.704,0, 32.2,5.352, 32.2,15.944L 480.112,39.896 z M 95.912,199.752c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32s 14.328-32, 32-32
+			s 32,14.328, 32,32S 113.584,199.752, 95.912,199.752z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe02b;" d="M 496,144l-16.136,0 l0,0.808 c0,80.96-43.264,151.904-107.832,191.192l 80.408,0 
+			c 5.544-9.52, 15.752-16, 27.56-16c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32s-14.328,32-32,32c-11.816,0-22.016-6.48-27.56-16L 304,368 l0,16 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-64,0 
+			c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 L 59.56,368 C 54.016,377.52, 43.816,384, 32,384c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32s 14.328-32, 32-32c 11.816,0, 22.016,6.48, 27.56,16l 80.4,0 
+			C 75.392,296.704, 32.136,225.768, 32.136,144.808L 32.136,144 L 16,144 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-64 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 64,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,64 
+			c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16L 64.136,144 l0,0.808 c0,89.224, 61.232,164.336, 143.864,185.696L 208,320 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 64,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,10.504 
+			c 82.632-21.368, 143.864-96.48, 143.864-185.696L 447.864,144 L 432,144 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-64 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 64,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,64 
+			C 512,136.832, 504.832,144, 496,144z M 64,80L 32,80 l0,32 l 32,0 L 64,80 z M 272,336l-32,0 l0,32 l 32,0 L 272,336 z M 480,80l-32,0 l0,32 l 32,0 L 480,80 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe02c;" d="M 480,448.2L 32,448.2 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-288.752 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 63.768,0 l0-79.656 
+			c0-6.456, 3.872-12.264, 9.816-14.752c 2-0.84, 4.112-1.248, 6.184-1.248c 4.128,0, 8.168,1.592, 11.216,4.592l 92.512,91.064L 480,95.448 
+			c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 512,416.2 C 512,433.872, 497.672,448.2, 480,448.2z M 480,127.456L 202.392,127.456 l-74.624-73.456l0,73.456 L 32,127.456 L 32,416.2 l 448,0 L 480,127.456 z
+			 M 112,255.496l 288,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16L 112,287.496 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16S 103.168,255.496, 112,255.496z M 112,319.496l 288,0 
+			c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16L 112,351.496 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16S 103.168,319.496, 112,319.496z M 112,191.496l 192,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16
+			s-7.168,16-16,16L 112,223.496 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16S 103.168,191.496, 112,191.496z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe02d;" d="M 256-32.080c-10.144,0-19.688,3.936-26.872,11.096L 10.872,197.264c-14.768,14.84-14.768,38.976-0.032,53.784l 79.952,79.936
+	c 4.936,4.936, 12.512,6.112, 18.72,2.872c 6.184-3.232, 9.56-10.112, 8.344-16.984c-0.816-4.576-1.184-8.248-1.184-11.56
+	c0-35, 28.488-64.072, 63.504-64.072c 35.048,0, 60.64,29.072, 60.64,64.072c0,35.048-25.592,63.544-60.64,63.544c-3.28,0-6.936-0.376-11.512-1.184
+	c-6.936-1.28-13.752,2.16-16.984,8.344c-3.232,6.2-2.064,13.784, 2.872,18.72l 74.544,74.56c 14.44,14.376, 39.408,14.344, 53.784,0.032
+	l 54.576-54.608c 11.392,35.408, 44.64,61.112, 83.768,61.112c 48.512,0, 87.984-39.488, 87.984-88.016c0-39.128-25.688-72.376-61.112-83.752
+	l 53.016-52.984c 14.8-14.84, 14.8-38.976, 0.016-53.8L 282.904-20.952C 275.688-28.144, 266.144-32.080, 256-32.080z M 87.448,282.392l-53.952-53.936
+	c-2.328-2.344-2.328-6.216, 0.032-8.592l 218.184-218.192c 3.064-3.032, 5.472-3.064, 8.592,0.032l 218.176,218.192
+	c 2.344,2.36, 2.344,6.2-0.016,8.576l-76.952,76.904c-4.816,4.816-6.064,12.16-3.096,18.28s 9.424,9.752, 16.264,8.92l 2.44-0.312
+	c 1.344-0.184, 2.688-0.408, 4.096-0.408c 30.872,0, 55.984,25.096, 55.984,55.952c0,30.888-25.112,56.016-55.984,56.016
+	c-30.856,0-55.968-25.128-55.968-56.016c0-1.28, 0.2-2.528, 0.376-3.784l 0.344-2.856c 0.72-6.752-2.888-13.216-9.016-16.144
+	c-6.080-2.904-13.408-1.656-18.2,3.128l-78.472,78.512c-3.064,3.032-5.472,3.064-8.592-0.032l-48.56-48.56
+	c 41.64-10.312, 69.688-47.984, 69.688-92.768c0-52.656-39.96-96.064-92.648-96.064C 135.4,209.248, 97.744,240.784, 87.448,282.392z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe02e;" d="M 476.368,352.536l-60.36,0 L 416.008,479.76 L 95.992,479.76 l0-127.224 L 35.632,352.536 c-19.656,0-35.656-16-35.656-35.672
+			L-0.024,99.92 c0-19.672, 16-35.672, 35.656-35.672l 60.36,0 L 95.992-31.76 l 320.016,0 L 416.008,64.248 l 60.36,0 c 19.656,0, 35.656,16, 35.656,35.672L 512.024,316.864 
+			C 512.024,336.536, 496.024,352.536, 476.368,352.536z M 127.992,448.256l 256.016,0 l0-95.72 L 127.992,352.536 L 127.992,448.256 z M 384.008,0.24L 127.992,0.24 L 127.992,176.44 l 256.016,0 
+			L 384.008,0.24 z M 480.024,99.92c0-2.040-1.64-3.672-3.656-3.672l-60.36,0 L 416.008,208.44 L 95.992,208.44 l0-112.184 L 35.632,96.256 c-2.016,0-3.656,1.632-3.656,3.672
+			L 31.976,316.864 c0,2.032, 1.64,3.672, 3.656,3.672l 440.736,0 c 2.016,0, 3.656-1.64, 3.656-3.672L 480.024,99.92 z M 416,288.28l-16,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16
+			s 7.168-16, 16-16l 16,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 424.832,288.28, 416,288.28z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe02f;" d="M 512,319.752c0,17.672-14.328,32-32,32l-54.624,0 c 14.136,13.944, 23.184,32.224, 23.184,54.736c0,27.72-15.92,57.832-60.608,57.832
+			c-58.8,0-107.92-62.608-131-97.704C 233.856,401.704, 183.232,464.312, 124.44,464.312c-44.688,0-60.608-30.112-60.608-57.832
+			c0-22.504, 9.296-40.792, 23.72-54.736L 32,351.744 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-95.784 l 32.28,0 l0-208.28 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 383.84,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32
+			L 480.12,223.968 L 512,223.968 L 512,319.752 z M 387.952,432.312c 19.784,0, 28.608-8.312, 28.608-25.832c0-35.544-39.672-54.72-76.984-54.72l-54.168,0 
+			C 308.144,385.528, 348.16,432.312, 387.952,432.312z M 124.44,432.312c 39.8,0, 81.328-46.784, 104.064-80.544l-54.184,0 
+			c-37.312,0-78.488,19.672-78.488,55.216C 95.832,424.496, 104.656,432.312, 124.44,432.312z M 480,255.968L 272,255.968 l0,63.784 l 208,0 L 480,255.968 z M 32,319.752l 208,0 l0-63.784 
+			L 32,255.968 L 32,319.752 z M 64.28,223.968L 240,223.968 l0-208.28 L 64.28,15.688 L 64.28,223.968 z M 448.128,15.688L 272,15.688 L 272,223.968 l 176.128,0 L 448.128,15.688 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe030;" d="M 16.88,448.12l 224,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16l-224,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16
+			S 8.040,448.12, 16.88,448.12z M 16.88,352.12l 224,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16l-224,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16S 8.040,352.12, 16.88,352.12z
+			 M 256.88,272.12c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-224,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 224,0 C 249.712,256.12, 256.88,263.288, 256.88,272.12z
+			 M 506.44,317.728L 349.984,474.176c-4.952,4.96-12.328,5.92-18.296,3.008c-6.272-2.168-10.808-8.056-10.808-15.064L 320.88,107.92 
+			c-16.96,12.568-39.216,20.264-63.688,20.264c-53.032,0-96.048-35.888-96.048-80.144c0-44.264, 43.016-80.168, 96.048-80.168
+			c 53.064,0, 96.048,35.904, 96.048,80.168c0,2.008-0.184,3.968-0.36,5.936L 352.88,426.024 l 130.92-130.928c 6.248-6.248, 16.384-6.248, 22.632,0
+			C 512.68,301.344, 512.68,311.48, 506.44,317.728z M 320.88,46.488c-1.152-22.248-27.096-46.408-64.064-46.408
+			c-37.824,0-64.176,25.28-64.176,47.936c0,22.672, 26.352,47.92, 64.176,47.92c 36.968,0, 62.912-24.128, 64.064-46.392L 320.88,46.488 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe031;" d="M 507.424,290.168L 323.344,475.176c-3.968,3.984-9.688,5.608-15.16,4.248c-5.456-1.328-9.8-5.424-11.472-10.784
+			c-11.080-35.656-12.36-67.92-3.896-97.344c-0.776-0.536-1.52-1.12-2.208-1.808L 205.056,283.952c-27.6,12.8-57.272,19.728-86.848,19.728
+			c-18.8,0-37.232-2.784-54.784-8.232c-5.344-1.672-9.44-6-10.784-11.424c-1.344-5.44, 0.232-11.168, 4.184-15.144l 109.488-110.192
+			L 13.232,3.168l-13.312-35.064l 32.184,12.44l 156.68,155.52l 110.912-111.632c 3.032-3.064, 7.144-4.72, 11.344-4.72
+			c 1.264,0, 2.544,0.16, 3.816,0.456c 5.456,1.344, 9.8,5.44, 11.472,10.8c 14.488,46.616, 10.24,96.672-10.168,141.56l 87.352,87.368
+			c 0.312,0.312, 0.528,0.664, 0.816,1c 13.184-3.768, 26.848-5.784, 41.024-5.784c 17.608,0, 36.28,2.528, 55.488,8.504
+			c 5.344,1.656, 9.44,6, 10.784,11.424C 512.952,280.464, 511.376,286.192, 507.424,290.168z M 301.576,67.928L 100.184,270.632
+			c 51.688,6.032, 107.424-14.8, 147.784-55.16C 288.128,175.32, 307.72,119.824, 301.576,67.928z M 300.112,201.728
+			c-8.416,12.864-18.232,25.088-29.512,36.376c-11.232,11.232-23.504,21.128-36.48,29.664l 72.064,72.048c 7.352-12.784, 16.832-25, 28.504-36.664
+			c 11.928-11.92, 24.544-21.568, 37.8-29.032L 300.112,201.728z M 357.312,325.776c-30.768,30.768-42.624,65.064-36.344,106.44l 143.456-144.2
+			C 423.096,282.088, 388.624,294.464, 357.312,325.776z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe032;" d="M 480,440.048L 32,440.048 c-17.592,0-32-14.408-32-32l0-368.096 c0-17.592, 14.408-32, 32-32l 448,0 c 17.592,0, 32,14.408, 32,32L 512,408.048 
+			C 512,425.64, 497.592,440.048, 480,440.048z M 480,39.952L 32,39.952 L 32,134.232 l 128.424,124.456l 132.392-132.248c 5.456-6.624, 15.168-5.784, 22.064-0.56
+			l 58.44,52.904L 478.72,70.592c 0.4-0.4, 0.848-0.696, 1.28-1.040L 480,39.952 z M 480,115.104L 385.984,211.312
+			c-5.704,5.624-14.64,6.2-20.968,1.376l-60.28-52.512L 172.264,291.216c-2.832,3.424-6.92,5.512-11.344,5.8
+			c-4.408,0.16-8.752-1.28-11.984-4.312L 32,178.904L 32,408.048 l 448,0 L 480,115.104 z M 368,279.936c 17.64,0, 31.92,14.304, 31.92,31.92
+			c0,17.608-14.28,31.912-31.92,31.912s-31.92-14.304-31.92-31.912C 336.080,294.24, 350.36,279.936, 368,279.936z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe033;" d="M 496.592,412.496L 336.112,479.032L 176.392,415.816L 15.408,479
+			c-1.376,0.408-2.72,0.56-3.984,0.56C 4.856,479.592,0,474.688,0,467.312l0-415 c0-8.784, 6.936-17.936, 15.408-20.28l 161.168-63.592
+			l 159.504,64.752l 160.512-63.064c 1.376-0.376, 2.72-0.56, 3.984-0.56c 6.56,0, 11.424,4.872, 11.424,12.248L 512,392.184 
+			C 512,400.968, 505.064,410.128, 496.592,412.496z M 192,389.432l 128,50.152l0-380.752 l-128-50.592L 192,389.432 z M 32,436.656l 128-47.288l0-380.88 L 32,60.624L 32,436.656 z
+			 M 480,11l-128,48.192L 352,439.104 l 128-55.192L 480,11 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe034;" d="M 10.92,329.096l 237.544-129.36c 2.392-1.296, 5.016-1.952, 7.656-1.952c 2.608,0, 5.216,0.64, 7.592,1.92l 240.048,129.36
+			c 5.232,2.816, 8.488,8.312, 8.408,14.264c-0.080,5.968-3.456,11.376-8.752,14.080L 265.856,478.048c-4.528,2.296-9.872,2.312-14.44,0.032
+			L 11.392,357.44c-5.312-2.672-8.72-8.080-8.816-14.032S 5.704,331.936, 10.92,329.096z M 258.576,445.856L 461.656,342.72L 256.168,231.984
+			L 53.080,342.576L 258.576,445.856z M 500.672,239.84l-47.488,24.112l-34.28-18.488l 40-20.312L 253.424,114.424L 50.328,225.016l 42.656,21.44L 58.8,265.080
+			l-50.16-25.2c-5.312-2.672-8.72-8.080-8.816-14.032s 3.128-11.472, 8.344-14.312l 237.544-129.36c 2.392-1.296, 5.016-1.952, 7.656-1.952
+			c 2.608,0, 5.216,0.64, 7.592,1.92l 240.048,129.36c 5.232,2.816, 8.488,8.312, 8.408,14.264C 509.344,231.736, 505.968,237.144, 500.672,239.84z
+			 M 500.672,127.84l-44.984,22.112l-34.28-18.488l 37.504-18.312L 253.424,2.424L 50.328,113.016l 39.656,17.936l-34.184,18.624L 8.64,127.872
+			c-5.312-2.672-8.72-8.080-8.816-14.032s 3.128-11.472, 8.344-14.312l 237.544-129.36c 2.392-1.296, 5.016-1.952, 7.656-1.952
+			c 2.608,0, 5.216,0.64, 7.592,1.92l 240.048,129.36c 5.232,2.816, 8.488,8.312, 8.408,14.264C 509.344,119.736, 505.968,125.144, 500.672,127.84z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe035;" d="M 511.368,8.68l-41.704,251.888c-3.72,32.656-33.488,59.216-66.36,59.216l-35.328,0 l0,42.64 c0,65.080-46.424,118.016-111.488,118.016
+			c-65.048,0-112.472-52.936-112.472-118.016l0-42.64 L 105.68,319.784 c-32.872,0-62.64-26.56-66.264-58.528l-38.64-252.080
+			c-1.488-13.28, 1.112-23.752, 7.704-31.144c 6.216-6.952, 15.264-10.488, 26.872-10.488l 436.784,0 c 16.456,0, 25.888,6.608, 30.92,12.16
+			C 507.664-15.192, 512.88-6.224, 511.368,8.68z M 176.024,362.432c0,47.424, 33.064,86.016, 80.472,86.016s 79.488-38.592, 79.488-86.016l0-42.64 
+			L 176.024,319.792 L 176.024,362.432 z M 473.584-0.224L 37.336-0.448c-2.752,0-5.504,1.472-4.856,5.344l 38.624,252.048c 1.92,16.72, 17.752,30.84, 34.576,30.84
+			l 38.344,0 l0-36.464 C 134.488,245.784, 128,235.576, 128,223.752c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32s 32,14.328, 32,32c0,11.808-6.464,22-15.976,27.544l0,36.496 l 159.952,0 
+			l0-36.496 C 326.472,245.752, 320,235.552, 320,223.752c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32s 32,14.328, 32,32c0,11.824-6.488,22.032-16.024,27.576l0,36.464 l 35.328,0 
+			c 16.832,0, 32.656-14.128, 34.704-31.72l 41.672-251.64C 479.88,2.384, 478.272-0.224, 473.584-0.224z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe036;" d="M 464.752,272.792c0,84.392-44.488,160.936-118.984,204.784c-7.624,4.504-17.44,1.936-21.904-5.688
+			c-4.472-7.608-1.936-17.424, 5.688-21.904c 64.624-38.016, 103.2-104.264, 103.2-177.184c0-121.184-87.968-209.144-209.16-209.144
+			c-27.096,0-53.392,5.080-78.16,15.080c-8.184,3.328-17.528-0.64-20.832-8.832c-3.312-8.2, 0.64-17.528, 8.832-20.832
+			c 28.608-11.56, 58.936-17.424, 90.16-17.424c 0.096,0, 0.192,0.008, 0.288,0.008l0-31.504 l-46.464,0 c-9.232,0-16.72-7.152-16.72-15.976
+			c0-8.824, 7.488-15.968, 16.72-15.968L 303.84-31.792 c 9.232,0, 16.72,7.152, 16.72,15.968c0,8.832-7.488,15.976-16.72,15.976l-48.192,0 l0,33.4 
+			C 378.552,47.832, 464.752,144.008, 464.752,272.792z M 399.688,271.352c0,97.328-78.872,176.704-176.2,176.704
+			c-97.344,0-176.232-79.376-176.232-176.704s 78.888-175.72, 176.232-175.72C 320.816,95.632, 399.688,174.024, 399.688,271.352z M 79.248,271.352
+			c0,79.512, 64.704,144.704, 144.232,144.704c 79.512,0, 144.2-65.184, 144.2-144.704s-64.688-143.72-144.2-143.72
+			C 143.952,127.632, 79.248,191.832, 79.248,271.352z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe037;" d="M 512.512,224c0,136.008-106.832,247.552-241.16,255.512c-2.768,0.304-5.544,0.504-8.36,0.504c-0.832,0-1.664-0.088-2.496-0.112
+			C 259,479.928, 257.512,480.016, 256,480.016C 114.56,480.016-0.512,365.168-0.512,224c0-141.168, 115.072-256.016, 256.512-256.016
+			c 1.512,0, 3,0.088, 4.504,0.12c 0.832-0.032, 1.664-0.12, 2.496-0.12c 2.816,0, 5.592,0.2, 8.36,0.504
+			C 405.68-23.552, 512.512,87.976, 512.512,224z M 464.784,141.584c-8.816,2.56-30.96,8.12-70.032,12.696c 3.232,22.096, 5,45.448, 5,69.72
+			c0,19.128-1.104,37.672-3.144,55.504c 49.504,5.912, 71.192,13.36, 72.648,13.872l-5.96,16.792c 11.12-26.544, 17.28-55.648, 17.28-86.168
+			C 480.576,194.904, 474.936,167.12, 464.784,141.584z M 142.744,224c0,17.904, 1.184,35.384, 3.352,52.2c 25.944-2.040, 56.968-3.544, 93.432-3.896
+			l0-111.032 c-35.496-0.344-65.832-1.784-91.344-3.736C 144.664,178.632, 142.744,200.976, 142.744,224z M 271.472,445.888
+			c 39.232-11.368, 72.824-65.848, 87.872-138.056c-24.184-1.928-53.312-3.336-87.872-3.664L 271.472,445.888 z M 239.528,445.496l0-141.312 
+			c-34.184,0.344-63.44,1.736-88.032,3.616C 166.848,379.104, 200.712,433.176, 239.528,445.496z M 239.528,129.384l0-126.872 
+			c-36.2,11.488-68.096,59.288-84.68,123.512C 178.728,127.776, 206.896,129.056, 239.528,129.384z M 271.472,2.112l0,127.28 
+			c 32.976-0.312, 61.032-1.64, 84.608-3.464C 339.776,60.864, 308.080,12.72, 271.472,2.112z M 271.472,161.272L 271.472,272.288 
+			c 36.656,0.344, 67.496,1.888, 93.096,4c 2.104-16.848, 3.248-34.352, 3.248-52.296c0-23.064-1.856-45.432-5.264-66.56
+			C 337.344,159.472, 307.152,160.936, 271.472,161.272z M 457.4,323.032c-4.832-1.504-25.032-7.24-65.512-12.016
+			C 382.864,358.992, 366.552,400, 345.328,429.6C 394.096,408.408, 433.896,370.448, 457.4,323.032z M 179.408,434.704
+			c-26.104-29.976-47.416-73.080-59.048-124.056c-36.24,3.928-57.96,8.544-66.656,10.64C 79.064,373.608, 124.224,414.664, 179.408,434.704z
+			 M 41.816,291.408c 6.16-1.672, 29.456-7.472, 72.776-12.264c-2.48-17.72-3.84-36.152-3.84-55.152c0-24.136, 2.184-47.36, 6.12-69.344
+			c-37.2-4.016-60.080-8.824-70.344-11.304C 36.808,168.392, 31.424,195.568, 31.424,224C 31.424,247.48, 35.080,270.128, 41.816,291.408z M 60.544,113.824
+			c 11.632,2.472, 32.456,6.232, 63.296,9.464c 12.144-44.856, 31.896-82.808, 55.568-109.984C 128.848,31.664, 86.76,67.68, 60.544,113.824z
+			 M 345.328,18.408c 19.112,26.632, 34.24,62.512, 43.648,104.4c 31.704-3.64, 51.608-7.896, 61.648-10.432
+			C 426.616,70.84, 389.696,37.68, 345.328,18.408z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe038;" d="M 112,424L 16,424 C 7.168,424,0,416.832,0,408l0-96 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16L 32,392 l 80,0 
+			c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 120.832,424, 112,424z M 496,152c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-80 L 400,56 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 96,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16
+			L 512,136 C 512,144.832, 504.832,152, 496,152z M 112,56L 32,56 L 32,136 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16s-16-7.168-16-16l0-96 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 96,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16
+			S 120.832,56, 112,56z M 496,424L 400,424 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 80,0 l0-80 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16L 512,408 C 512,416.832, 504.832,424, 496,424z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe039;" d="M 480.080,376l-240,0 l-48,48l-160,0 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-80 l-0.152,0 l0-32 l 0.152,0 l0-224 
+			c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 448,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 512.080,344 C 512.080,361.672, 497.752,376, 480.080,376z M 32.072,392l 145.376,0 l 39.312-38.624L 226.816,344L 480.080,344 
+			l0-32 l-448,0 L 32.080,392 z M 32.072,56L 32.072,280 l 448,0 l0-224 L 32.072,56 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe03a;" d="M 400,343.856l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,16 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 C 384,351.024, 391.168,343.856, 400,343.856z
+			 M 400,247.856l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,16 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 C 384,255.024, 391.168,247.856, 400,247.856z
+			 M 400,151.856l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,16 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 C 384,159.024, 391.168,151.856, 400,151.856z
+			 M 400,55.856l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,16 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 C 384,63.024, 391.168,55.856, 400,55.856z
+			 M 80,343.856l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,16 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 C 64,351.024, 71.168,343.856, 80,343.856z
+			 M 80,247.856l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,16 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 C 64,255.024, 71.168,247.856, 80,247.856z
+			 M 80,151.856l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,16 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 C 64,159.024, 71.168,151.856, 80,151.856z
+			 M 80,55.856l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,16 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 C 64,63.024, 71.168,55.856, 80,55.856z M 480,472.048
+			L 32,472.048 c-17.592,0-32-14.408-32-32l0-432.096 c0-17.592, 14.408-32, 32-32l 448,0 c 17.592,0, 32,14.408, 32,32L 512,440.048 C 512,457.64, 497.592,472.048, 480,472.048z M 480,7.952L 32,7.952 
+			L 32,440.048 l 448,0 L 480,7.952 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe03b;" d="M 50.936,314.872c-9.064,0-16.384-7.328-16.384-16.384c0-9.048, 7.32-16.384, 16.384-16.384c 151.504,0, 262.672-112.184, 262.672-263.68
+			c0-9.048, 7.328-16.376, 16.384-16.376s 16.384,7.328, 16.384,16.376C 346.376,188.608, 221.112,314.872, 50.936,314.872z M 51.080,478.688
+			c-9.056,0-16.384-7.328-16.384-16.384c0-9.056, 7.328-16.384, 16.384-16.384c 235.088,0, 426.336-191.248, 426.336-426.328
+			c0-9.048, 7.328-16.376, 16.384-16.376s 16.384,7.328, 16.384,16.376C 510.176,272.736, 304.224,478.688, 51.080,478.688z M 92.008,150.2
+			c-49.736,0-90.184-40.56-90.184-90.44c0-49.856, 40.456-90.456, 90.184-90.456s 90.2,40.592, 90.2,90.456
+			C 182.208,109.64, 141.744,150.2, 92.008,150.2z M 92.008,0.984c-32.304,0-58.584,26.376-58.584,58.784s 26.28,58.768, 58.584,58.768
+			c 32.312,0, 58.608-26.36, 58.608-58.768S 124.32,0.984, 92.008,0.984z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe03c;" d="M 511.92,193.728c 0.048,10.528-1.608,50.248-2.872,61.608
+			C 494.488,385.712, 388.672,480.336, 257.456,480.336c-136.672,0-247.408-105.312-254.92-244.952c-0.16-3.048-1.28-24.672-1.36-37.544l-0.040-7.16
+			c-0.656-2.96-1.056-6.016-1.056-9.168l0-107.328 c0-23.44, 19.064-42.504, 42.504-42.504l 43.144,0 c 23.44,0, 42.512,19.064, 42.512,42.504L 128.24,181.504 
+			c0,23.44-19.080,42.504-42.512,42.504L 42.576,224.008 c-2.944,0-5.816-0.304-8.592-0.872c 0.24,5.192, 0.456,9.288, 0.512,10.528
+			C 41.080,356.056, 138.064,448.336, 257.456,448.336c 114.64,0, 207.064-82.672, 219.784-196.56c 0.536-4.752, 1.224-16.832, 1.776-28.96
+			c-3.096,0.72-6.288,1.192-9.6,1.192l-42.64,0 c-23.44,0-42.504-19.064-42.504-42.504l0-106.832 c0-16.184, 9.2-30.128, 22.544-37.296l-102.72-40.328
+			l0,2.608 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-48,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-16 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 48,0 c 0.136,0, 0.256,0.040, 0.392,0.040l 28.68,0.112
+			l 164.776,64.688c 2.16,0.896, 3.992,2.232, 5.496,3.832c 14.424,6.808, 24.496,21.368, 24.496,38.344L 511.936,181.504 c0,2.608-0.32,5.144-0.776,7.616
+			C 511.6,190.592, 511.912,192.12, 511.92,193.728z M 42.576,192.008l 43.144,0 c 5.8,0, 10.512-4.704, 10.512-10.504l0-107.328 
+			c0-5.8-4.72-10.504-10.512-10.504L 42.576,63.672 c-5.8,0-10.504,4.704-10.504,10.504L 32.072,181.504 C 32.080,187.304, 36.784,192.008, 42.576,192.008z
+			 M 416.264,181.504c0,5.8, 4.704,10.504, 10.504,10.504l 42.64,0 c 5.8,0, 10.512-4.704, 10.512-10.504l0-106.832 c0-5.8-4.72-10.504-10.512-10.504
+			l-42.64,0 c-5.8,0-10.504,4.704-10.504,10.504L 416.264,181.504 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe03d;" d="M 511.92,177.72c 0.048,10.528-1.608,50.248-2.872,61.608C 494.488,369.704, 388.672,464.328, 257.456,464.328
+			c-136.672,0-247.408-105.312-254.92-244.952c-0.16-3.048-1.28-24.672-1.36-37.544l-0.040-7.16c-0.656-2.96-1.056-6.016-1.056-9.168
+			l0-139.328 c0-23.44, 19.064-42.504, 42.504-42.504l 43.144,0 c 23.44,0, 42.512,19.064, 42.512,42.504L 128.24,165.496 c0,23.44-19.080,42.504-42.512,42.504L 42.568,208 
+			c-2.944,0-5.816-0.304-8.592-0.872c 0.24,5.192, 0.456,9.296, 0.512,10.528C 41.080,340.048, 138.056,432.328, 257.456,432.328
+			c 114.64,0, 207.064-82.672, 219.784-196.56c 0.544-4.752, 1.232-16.832, 1.784-28.96C 475.904,207.528, 472.72,208, 469.408,208l-42.64,0 
+			c-23.44,0-42.504-19.064-42.504-42.504l0-138.832 c0-23.448, 19.064-42.504, 42.504-42.504l 42.64,0 c 23.44,0, 42.512,19.064, 42.512,42.504L 511.92,165.496 
+			c0,2.608-0.32,5.144-0.784,7.608C 511.6,174.576, 511.904,176.112, 511.92,177.72z M 42.568,176l 43.144,0 c 5.8,0, 10.512-4.704, 10.512-10.504
+			l0-139.328 c0-5.808-4.72-10.504-10.512-10.504L 42.568,15.664 c-5.8,0-10.504,4.704-10.504,10.504L 32.064,165.496 C 32.080,171.296, 36.784,176, 42.568,176z
+			 M 479.92,26.672c0-5.8-4.72-10.504-10.512-10.504l-42.64,0 c-5.8,0-10.504,4.704-10.504,10.504L 416.264,165.496 c0,5.8, 4.704,10.504, 10.504,10.504
+			l 42.64,0 c 5.8,0, 10.512-4.704, 10.512-10.504L 479.92,26.672 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe03e;" d="M 255.2-31.352c-96.656,0-175.296,77.56-175.296,172.888c0,111.344, 155.816,322.424, 162.456,331.36
+	c 3,4.032, 7.704,6.424, 12.736,6.456c 5.592,0.048, 9.784-2.296, 12.832-6.28c 6.704-8.768, 164.168-216.112, 164.168-331.528
+	C 432.096,46.208, 352.736-31.352, 255.2-31.352z M 255.376,436.152c-37.2-52.832-143.472-211.032-143.472-294.608
+	c0-77.688, 64.28-140.888, 143.296-140.888c 79.888,0, 144.888,63.2, 144.888,140.888C 400.096,228.224, 293.016,384.056, 255.376,436.152z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe03f;" d="M 511.488,225.008L 452.736,428.552c-1.92,6.936-8.232,11.736-15.424,11.736L 69.64,440.288 c-7.248,0-13.592-4.872-15.472-11.888L 0.472,235.224
+			c-0.992-3.752-0.504-7.504, 1-10.768C 0.608,221.56,0,218.544,0,215.368l0-175.656 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 448,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 512,215.368 
+			c0,0.856-0.184,1.664-0.248,2.504C 512.168,220.168, 512.16,222.592, 511.488,225.008z M 81.952,408.288l 343.184,0 l 46.56-160.92L 322.528,247.368 
+			c-0.72-38.408-27.952-64.84-66.528-64.84s-65.312,26.44-66.032,64.84L 37.080,247.368 L 81.952,408.288z M 480,39.712L 32,39.712 L 32,215.368 l 131.56,0 
+			c 13.968-40.216, 47.888-64.84, 92.44-64.84s 78.968,24.624, 92.936,64.84L 480,215.368 L 480,39.712 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe040;" d="M 384,480L 208,480 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l 176,0 l0-128 l 128,0 l0-256 L 368,64 l0-32 l 112,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 512,351.992 L 384,480z M 384,352L 384,434.752 L 466.736,352L 384,352 z M 32,416
+			c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-384 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 272,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 336,287.992 L 208,416L 32,416 z M 304,0L 32,0 L 32,384 l 144,0 l0-128 l 128,0 L 304,0 z M 208,288L 208,370.752 
+			L 290.736,288L 208,288 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe041;" d="M 508.528,386.968L 458.68,442.64c-3.032,3.424-7.392,5.376-11.968,5.376L 271.584,448.016 L 271.584,465 c0,8.28-7.168,15-16,15
+			c-8.832,0-16-6.72-16-15l0-16.984 L 111.68,448.016 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-111.832 c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16l 127.904,0 l0-32.048 L 65.288,272.136 
+			c-4.576,0-8.936-1.952-11.968-5.376l-49.84-56.656c-5.376-6.064-5.376-15.184,0-21.248l 49.84-56.144c 3.056-3.424, 7.392-4.872, 11.968-4.872
+			l 174.296,0 l0-144.84 c0-8.28, 7.168-15, 16-15c 8.832,0, 16,6.72, 16,15L 271.584,127.84 l 128.232,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16L 415.816,256.144 c0,8.84-7.16,16-16,16
+			L 271.584,272.144 l0,32.048 l 175.128,0 c 4.576,0, 8.936,1.952, 11.968,5.376l 49.848,56.16C 513.896,371.784, 513.896,380.904, 508.528,386.968z M 383.824,159.84
+			L 72.48,159.84 l-35.64,39.64l 35.64,40.656l 311.344,0 L 383.824,159.84 z M 439.52,336.184L 127.68,336.184 L 127.68,416.016 l 311.84,0 l 35.64-39.672L 439.52,336.184z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe042;" d="M 483.456,330.92l-89.56,96C 390.856,430.16, 386.624,432, 382.184,432L 248.624,432 l-0.504,33c0,8.28-7.168,15-16,15
+			c-8.832,0-15-6.72-15-15L 216.632,432L 40.248,432 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-192 c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16l 176.168,0 l0-225 
+			c0-8.28, 7.168-15, 16-15c 8.832,0, 16,6.72, 16,15L 248.416,208 l 133.768,0 c 4.44,0, 8.672,1.84, 11.704,5.080l 89.56,96
+			C 489.184,315.232, 489.184,324.768, 483.456,330.92z M 375.232,240L 56.248,240 L 56.248,400 l 318.984,0 l 74.64-80L 375.232,240z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe043;" d="M 509.36,332.264L 439.424,465.984C 435.344,473.784, 424.792,480.16, 416,480.16L 255.032,480.16 c-0.176,0.008-0.352,0.056-0.528,0.064
+			c-0.144,0-0.28-0.056-0.424-0.064L 96,480.16 c-8.8,0-19.376-6.36-23.512-14.128L 2.736,334.888c-4.144-7.768-3.312-19.968, 1.816-27.128
+			L 244.56-26.816c 2.576-3.592, 6-5.408, 9.416-5.408c 3.392,0, 6.792,1.768, 9.384,5.296L 507.312,305.2
+			C 512.504,312.296, 513.44,324.472, 509.36,332.264z M 471.184,336.184L 385.456,336.184 l 34.328,98.304L 471.184,336.184z M 287.672,448.16l 102.984,0 l-31.944-91.464
+			L 287.672,448.16z M 334.12,336.184L 185.296,336.184 l 70.336,101.048L 334.12,336.184z M 156.944,351.456L 124.856,448.16l 99.408,0 L 156.944,351.456z
+			 M 340.376,304.184L 254.36,57.912L 172.632,304.184L 340.376,304.184 z M 218.464,64.456L 46.496,304.184l 92.416,0 L 218.464,64.456z M 374.272,304.184l 92.584,0 
+			L 290.368,63.904L 374.272,304.184z M 94.24,438.792l 34.048-102.608L 39.664,336.184 L 94.24,438.792z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe044;" d="M 416.28,272.104c-4.168,0-17.6,0.080-32.152,0.184l 0.056,31.984c0,17.672-14.328,32-32,32
+			l-320.248,0.080c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-240.472 c0-53.016, 42.984-96, 96-96l 192.328,0 c 53.016,0, 95.504,42.984, 95.504,96l 0.032,16.424
+			c 14.512-0.112, 29.304-0.2, 32.488-0.2c 52.888,0, 95.784,42.52, 95.784,95.536C 512.064,228.664, 469.168,272.104, 416.28,272.104z
+			 M 351.768,63.88c0-35.296-28.2-64-63.504-64L 95.936-0.12 c-35.296,0-64,28.704-64,64L 31.888,304.352l 0.048,0 l 320.248-0.096L 351.768,63.88z
+			 M 416.28,111.64c-3.176,0-17.944,0.096-32.432,0.2l 0.224,128.408c 14.56-0.104, 28.024-0.184, 32.2-0.184
+			c 36.56,0, 64.312-27.272, 64.312-63.92S 452.84,111.64, 416.28,111.64z M 287.936,368.12c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,80 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16
+			s-16-7.168-16-16l0-80 C 271.936,375.28, 279.104,368.12, 287.936,368.12z M 95.936,368.12c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,80 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16
+			s-16-7.168-16-16l0-80 C 79.936,375.28, 87.104,368.12, 95.936,368.12z M 191.936,368.12c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,80 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16
+			s-16-7.168-16-16l0-80 C 175.936,375.28, 183.104,368.12, 191.936,368.12z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe045;" d="M 366.592,339.864l-156.576-67.32c-2.832-1.44-5.128-3.736-6.576-6.576L 131.712,121.36
+			c-2.936-5.768-1.872-12.768, 2.656-17.392c 2.904-2.952, 6.816-4.512, 10.768-4.512c 2.216,0, 4.472,0.488, 6.56,1.504l 152.864,63.488
+			c 2.8,1.344, 5.112,3.528, 6.608,6.248l 75.44,148.448c 3.216,5.8, 2.264,13.016-2.328,17.784C 379.672,341.696, 372.488,342.864, 366.592,339.864
+			z M 178.928,147.592l 43.504,88.84l 43.936-54.992L 178.928,147.592z M 292.352,200.192l-44.4,55.576l 88.392,34.88L 292.352,200.192z M 256,480
+			C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224c0-141.392, 114.616-256, 256-256c 141.392,0, 256,114.608, 256,256C 512,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480z M 256-0.504
+			C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224S 379.512-0.504, 256-0.504z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe046;" d="M 500.176,94.192c-7.832,5.504-93.528,62.488-104.032,68.904
+			c-4.576,2.8-10.16,4.168-16.232,4.168c-7.832,0-16.504-2.28-24.968-6.736c-8.248-4.344-33.232-18.56-45.456-25.544
+			c-10.768,7.56-36.064,26.936-75.92,66.832c-39.608,39.592-59.16,65.096-66.768,75.92c 6.968,12.216, 21.168,37.2, 25.488,45.424
+			c 8.184,15.504, 9.112,30.984, 2.472,41.424c-6.232,9.84-62.984,95.904-68.84,104c-5.512,7.64-15.408,11.768-26.144,11.768
+			c-8.472,0-17.456-2.56-25.248-7.984C 73.776,471.832-1.52,417.24-0.52,386.192C 2.256,298.976, 87.008,196.48, 157.616,125.848
+			s 173.112-155.408, 260.672-158.2l 0.72,0 c 30.656,0, 84.544,74.344, 85.064,75.080C 518.208,62.928, 513.056,85.168, 500.176,94.192z M 478.072,61.368
+			c-20.296-28.112-49.112-57.472-60.392-61.672c-60.016,2.816-144.232,55.56-237.44,148.784C 87.040,241.712, 34.304,325.832, 31.52,385.648
+			c 4.048,11.312, 33.408,40.312, 61.264,60.456c 2.064,1.424, 4.608,2.248, 6.984,2.248c 0.528,0, 0.968-0.048, 1.312-0.112
+			c 9-13.080, 57.312-86.216, 66.080-99.888c 0.032-1.44-0.456-5.096-3.2-10.312c-2.92-5.56-12.016-21.768-24.952-44.44l-10.064-17.64
+			l 11.672-16.624c 8.704-12.36, 29.408-39.232, 70.312-80.144c 41.080-41.096, 67.856-61.736, 80.168-70.392l 16.624-11.672l 17.64,10.080
+			c 17.096,9.768, 37.752,21.472, 44.472,25c 5.392,2.84, 9.080,3.064, 10.080,3.064c 0.16,0, 0.296,0, 0.408-0.016
+			c 12.248-7.688, 86.968-57.296, 100.16-66.344C 480.696,67.632, 480.496,64.848, 478.072,61.368z M 341.952,288.864L 479.576,425.648l-0.44-77.528
+			c-0.144-6.472, 4.984-12.096, 11.456-11.944l 8.208,0.008c 6.48,0.16, 11.824,4, 11.96,10.464l 0.328,115.504
+			c0,0.112-0.432,0.192-0.432,0.304l 0.632,5.856c 0.064,3.248-0.688,6.144-2.8,8.216c-2.064,2.088-4.968,3.36-8.192,3.272
+			l-5.848-0.136c-0.112,0-0.2-0.048-0.328-0.064L 379.384,480.112c-6.464-0.144-11.808-5.488-11.96-11.96l-0.016-8.208
+			c 0.984-7.616, 6.968-12.080, 13.44-11.936l 75.624-0.2L 319.328,311.496c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.384,0-22.632
+			C 325.576,282.624, 335.704,282.624, 341.952,288.864z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe047;" d="M 500.176,94.192c-7.832,5.504-93.528,62.488-104.032,68.904
+			c-4.576,2.8-10.16,4.168-16.232,4.168c-7.832,0-16.504-2.28-24.968-6.736c-8.248-4.344-33.232-18.56-45.456-25.544
+			c-10.768,7.56-36.064,26.936-75.92,66.832c-39.608,39.592-59.16,65.096-66.768,75.92c 6.968,12.216, 21.168,37.2, 25.488,45.424
+			c 8.184,15.504, 9.112,30.984, 2.472,41.424c-6.232,9.84-62.984,95.904-68.84,104c-5.512,7.64-15.408,11.768-26.144,11.768
+			c-8.472,0-17.456-2.56-25.248-7.984C 73.776,471.832-1.52,417.24-0.52,386.192C 2.256,298.976, 87.008,196.48, 157.616,125.848
+			s 173.112-155.408, 260.672-158.2l 0.72,0 c 30.656,0, 84.544,74.344, 85.064,75.080C 518.208,62.928, 513.056,85.168, 500.176,94.192z M 478.072,61.368
+			c-20.296-28.112-49.112-57.472-60.392-61.672c-60.016,2.816-144.232,55.56-237.44,148.784C 87.040,241.712, 34.304,325.832, 31.52,385.648
+			c 4.048,11.312, 33.408,40.312, 61.264,60.456c 2.064,1.424, 4.608,2.248, 6.984,2.248c 0.528,0, 0.968-0.048, 1.312-0.112
+			c 9-13.080, 57.312-86.216, 66.080-99.888c 0.032-1.44-0.456-5.096-3.2-10.312c-2.92-5.56-12.016-21.768-24.952-44.44l-10.064-17.64
+			l 11.672-16.624c 8.704-12.36, 29.408-39.232, 70.312-80.144c 41.080-41.096, 67.856-61.736, 80.168-70.392l 16.624-11.672l 17.64,10.080
+			c 17.096,9.768, 37.752,21.472, 44.472,25c 5.392,2.84, 9.080,3.064, 10.080,3.064c 0.16,0, 0.296,0, 0.408-0.016
+			c 12.248-7.688, 86.968-57.296, 100.16-66.344C 480.696,67.632, 480.496,64.848, 478.072,61.368z M 321.92,291.744
+			c 2.064-2.088, 4.968-3.36, 8.192-3.272l 5.856,0.136c 0.112,0, 0.192,0.048, 0.32,0.056l 114.752-0.504
+			c 6.456,0.152, 11.808,5.496, 11.96,11.968l 0.008,8.208c-0.976,7.616-6.968,12.080-13.432,11.936l-75.752,0.2l 130.976,130.8
+			c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.384,0,22.632c-6.248,6.24-16.376,6.24-22.624,0L 350.84,342.744L 351.28,420.16c 0.144,6.464-4.984,12.096-11.448,11.944
+			l-8.208-0.008c-6.48-0.16-11.832-4.008-11.968-10.472l-0.328-115.504c0-0.112, 0.44-0.192, 0.44-0.304l-0.64-5.856
+			C 319.064,296.712, 319.824,293.824, 321.92,291.744z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe048;" d="M 480.848,380.224c0-0.528-0.048-0.968-0.112-1.312c-13.080-9-86.216-57.312-99.888-66.080c-1.44-0.032-5.096,0.456-10.312,3.2
+	c-5.56,2.92-21.768,12.016-44.44,24.952l-17.64,10.064l-16.624-11.672c-12.36-8.704-39.232-29.408-80.144-70.312
+	c-41.088-41.080-61.728-67.856-70.384-80.168l-11.672-16.624l 10.080-17.64c 9.768-17.096, 21.472-37.752, 25-44.472
+	c 2.84-5.392, 3.064-9.080, 3.064-10.080c0-0.16,0-0.296-0.016-0.408c-7.68-12.248-57.296-86.968-66.336-100.16
+	c-1.28-0.216-4.064-0.016-7.544,2.408C 65.752,22.224, 36.4,51.040, 32.192,62.32c 2.816,60.016, 55.56,144.232, 148.784,237.44
+	C 274.208,392.96, 358.336,445.696, 418.152,448.48c 11.312-4.048, 40.312-33.408, 60.456-61.264C 480.024,385.152, 480.848,382.6, 480.848,380.224
+	 M 511.848,380.224c0,8.472-2.56,17.456-7.984,25.248c-0.528,0.752-54.128,76.048-85.168,75.048C 331.48,477.744, 228.976,392.992, 158.344,322.384
+	C 87.728,251.776, 2.944,149.272, 0.152,61.712l0-0.72 c0-30.656, 74.336-84.544, 75.072-85.064c 20.2-14.144, 42.44-8.984, 51.472,3.888
+	c 5.504,7.832, 62.488,93.528, 68.904,104.032c 2.8,4.576, 4.168,10.16, 4.168,16.232c0,7.832-2.288,16.504-6.736,24.968
+	c-4.344,8.248-18.56,33.232-25.544,45.456c 7.56,10.768, 26.936,36.064, 66.832,75.92c 39.592,39.608, 65.096,59.16, 75.92,66.768
+	c 12.216-6.968, 37.2-21.168, 45.424-25.488c 15.504-8.184, 30.984-9.112, 41.424-2.472c 9.84,6.232, 94.904,62.984, 103,68.84
+	C 507.728,359.6, 511.848,369.496, 511.848,380.224L 511.848,380.224z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe049;" d="M 480,480.048L 32,480.048 c-17.592,0-32-14.408-32-32l0-448.096 c0-17.592, 14.408-32, 32-32l 448,0 
+			c 17.592,0, 32,14.408, 32,32L 512,448.048 C 512,465.64, 497.592,480.048, 480,480.048z M 480-0.048L 32-0.048 L 32,448.048 l 448,0 L 480-0.048 z M 112,303.848l 32,0 l0-32 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16
+			s 16,7.168, 16,16l0,32 l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 l0,32 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16s-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16
+			S 103.168,303.848, 112,303.848z M 216.568,184.424c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.624,0L 160,150.488l-33.944,33.936
+			c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.632,0c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.384,0-22.632l 33.936-33.936l-33.936-33.936c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.384,0-22.632
+			c 6.248-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.632,0L 160,105.216l 33.944-33.936c 6.248-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.384,0,22.632
+			l-33.936,33.936l 33.936,33.936C 222.816,168.040, 222.816,178.168, 216.568,184.424z M 304,303.848l 96,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16L 304,335.848 
+			c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16S 295.168,303.848, 304,303.848z M 304,143.848l 96,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16L 304,175.848 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16
+			S 295.168,143.848, 304,143.848z M 304,79.848l 96,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16L 304,111.848 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16S 295.168,79.848, 304,79.848z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe04a;" d="M 212.408,140.328c 115.472,0, 204.952,65.952, 203.576,163.816c0,86.592-91.608,155.816-207.080,155.816
+			c-115.488,0-209.080-69.224-209.080-155.816c0-53.936, 26.456-111.44, 81.704-139.688c0-0.328-0.096-0.576-0.096-0.936
+			c0-23.44-19.512-55.576-27.2-68.832l 0.032,0 c-0.608-1.44-0.976-3-0.976-4.672c0-6.56, 5.288-11.832, 11.848-11.832
+			c 0.968,0, 2.544,0.2, 3.112,0.2c 0.16,0, 0.216,0, 0.2-0.048c 40.832,6.672, 101.128,52.624, 110.064,63.512
+			c 9.168-1.36, 15.36-1.576, 23.040-1.576C 204.816,140.28, 208.288,140.328, 212.408,140.328z M 165.344,174.768l-20.488-17.016
+			c-4.752-5.488-25.4-22.72-43.176-33.904c 10.824,30.84, 10.352,40.608, 10.352,40.608l 1.504,19.576l-17.44,8.904
+			c-44.336,22.672-64.264,69.872-64.264,111.2c0,68.832, 79.432,123.816, 177.080,123.816c 97.64,0, 175.080-54.984, 175.080-123.816
+			c-0.304-76.304-72.936-132.312-170.576-132.312c0,0-14.904-0.576-30.2,1.688L 165.344,174.768z M 512.168,174.904
+			c0,43.368-16.944,76.44-59.224,101.256c-1.032-11.536-4.32-23.912-7.896-34.784c 27.328-18.888, 35.128-38.28, 35.128-66.472
+			c0-34.512-16.080-59.544-53.456-78.672l-15.92-7.904c0,0, 1.656-41, 4.112-51.376c-31.224,22.888-41.952,42-41.952,42l-16.832-2.592
+			c-6.656-0.968-24.656-0.984-24.656-0.984c-43.472,0-75.688,10.36-103.168,31.872c 7.464,0.456-44.592,0.44-45.752-0.576
+			c 31.784-38.816, 83.736-63.296, 148.92-63.296c 3.544,0, 6.544-0.032, 9.36-0.032c 6.64,0, 12,0.184, 19.92,1.344
+			c 7.744-9.392, 51.112-50.752, 86.408-56.504c-0.016,0.032, 0.032,0.032, 0.184,0.032c 0.472,0, 1.84-0.168, 2.672-0.168
+			c 5.672,0, 10.248,4.56, 10.248,10.232c0,1.44-0.328,2.8-0.84,4.032l 0.032,0 c-6.64,11.44-17.064,44.872-17.064,65.128
+			c0,0.312-0.096,0.528-0.096,0.816C 490.048,92.672, 512.168,128.296, 512.168,174.904z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe04b;" d="M 480.008,384.264L 352.208,384.264 L 352.208,415.264 c0,26.472-21.528,48-48,48L 207.992,463.264 c-26.472,0-48-21.528-48-48l0-31 L 32.008,384.264 c-17.592,0-32-14.408-32-32l0-112.128 
+			l-0.016,0 l0-32 l 0.016,0 l0-191.408 c0-17.592, 14.408-32, 32-32l 448,0 c 17.592,0, 32,14.408, 32,32L 512.008,352.264 C 512.008,369.856, 497.6,384.264, 480.008,384.264z
+			 M 191.992,415.264c0,8.832, 7.168,16, 16,16l 96.216,0 c 8.832,0, 16-7.168, 16-16l0-31 L 191.992,384.264 L 191.992,415.264 z M 32.008,352.264l 448,0 l0-112.128 L 303.824,240.136 l0,16.376 
+			c0,17.64-14.36,32-32,32l-31.872,0 c-17.64,0-32-14.36-32-32l0-16.376 L 32.008,240.136 L 32.008,352.264 z M 271.848,175.936l-31.904,0 L 239.944,256.512 l 31.872,0 L 271.848,175.936z
+			 M 32.008,16.736L 32.008,208.144 l 175.936,0 l0-32.2 c0-17.64, 14.36-32, 32-32l 31.872,0 c 17.64,0, 32,14.36, 32,32l0,32.2 l 176.184,0 l0-191.408 L 32.008,16.736 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe04c;" d="M 476.040,479.224L 264.52,421.928c-5.376-1.44-17.048-1.424-22.408,0.080L 36.040,479.112
+			C 17.648,484.176-0.168,470.912-0.168,451.976l0-389.056 c0-16.048, 12.168-31.392, 27.656-35.704l 206.080-57.112c 5.512-1.528, 12.608-2.376, 19.968-2.376
+			c 5.048,0, 12.504,0.392, 19.36,2.264l 211.512,57.296c 15.528,4.2, 27.752,19.512, 27.752,35.624L 512.16,451.976 C 512.168,470.896, 494.352,484.208, 476.040,479.224
+			z M 240,1.528L 35.536,58.056c-1.544,0.424-3.704,3.248-3.704,4.856L 31.832,446.928 l 201.736-55.768c 1.952-0.544, 4.144-0.968, 6.432-1.328L 240,1.528 z
+			 M 480.168,62.912c0-1.576-2.592-4.328-4.128-4.752L 272,2.896L 272,390.856 c 0.296,0.072, 0.6,0.112, 0.896,0.192l 207.264,56.064L 480.16,62.912 z
+			 M 321,296.848c 1.44,0, 2.904,0.184, 4.344,0.592l 111.968,31.512c 8.512,2.408, 13.472,11.232, 11.080,19.736s-11.28,13.44-19.736,11.080
+			l-111.968-31.512c-8.512-2.408-13.472-11.232-11.080-19.736C 307.592,301.456, 314.016,296.848, 321,296.848z M 321,200.848
+			c 1.44,0, 2.904,0.184, 4.344,0.592l 111.968,31.512c 8.512,2.408, 13.472,11.232, 11.080,19.736s-11.28,13.44-19.736,11.080l-111.968-31.512
+			c-8.512-2.408-13.472-11.232-11.080-19.728C 307.592,205.464, 314.016,200.848, 321,200.848z M 321,104.848
+			c 1.44,0, 2.904,0.184, 4.344,0.592l 111.968,31.512c 8.512,2.408, 13.472,11.232, 11.080,19.736s-11.28,13.44-19.736,11.080l-111.968-31.512
+			c-8.512-2.408-13.472-11.232-11.080-19.736C 307.592,109.464, 314.016,104.848, 321,104.848z M 197.312,328.256l-111.968,31.512
+			c-8.456,2.36-17.344-2.576-19.736-11.080s 2.56-17.328, 11.080-19.736l 111.968-31.512c 1.44-0.408, 2.904-0.592, 4.344-0.592
+			c 6.984,0, 13.408,4.608, 15.392,11.672C 210.784,317.016, 205.832,325.848, 197.312,328.256z M 197.312,232.256l-111.968,31.512
+			c-8.456,2.36-17.344-2.576-19.736-11.080s 2.56-17.328, 11.080-19.736l 111.968-31.512c 1.44-0.408, 2.904-0.592, 4.344-0.592
+			c 6.984,0, 13.408,4.608, 15.392,11.672C 210.784,221.016, 205.832,229.848, 197.312,232.256z M 197.312,136.256l-111.968,31.512
+			c-8.456,2.36-17.344-2.576-19.736-11.080s 2.56-17.328, 11.080-19.736l 111.968-31.512c 1.44-0.408, 2.904-0.592, 4.344-0.592
+			c 6.984,0, 13.408,4.608, 15.392,11.672C 210.784,125.024, 205.832,133.848, 197.312,136.256z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe04d;" d="M 507.832,338c-2.984,4.232-7.832,6.752-13,6.752L 444.96,344.752 L 342.392,432.168c-12.488,12.488-32.76,12.504-45.248,0L 196.32,344.752
+			l-41.048,0 l-25.704,88.64c-10.080,34.904-34.032,38.672-43.856,38.672L 17.168,472.064 c-8.784,0-15.888-7.112-15.888-15.888s 7.112-15.888, 15.888-15.888l 68.528,0 
+			c 2.168,0, 8.784,0, 13.296-15.592l 88.424-324.968c 1.92-6.856, 8.168-11.592, 15.296-11.592l 215.984,0 c 6.704,0, 12.688,4.2, 14.952,10.512
+			l 76.128,224.84C 511.528,328.36, 510.8,333.784, 507.832,338z M 319.768,409.536l 76.016-64.792L 243.728,344.744 L 319.768,409.536z M 407.512,119.904L 214.768,119.904 
+			l-50.576,193.064l 308.048,0 L 407.512,119.904z M 376,55.936c-22.096,0-40-17.904-40-40s 17.904-40, 40-40s 40,17.904, 40,40S 398.096,55.936, 376,55.936z
+			 M 232,55.936c-22.096,0-40-17.904-40-40s 17.904-40, 40-40s 40,17.904, 40,40S 254.096,55.936, 232,55.936z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe04e;" d="M 507.832,338c-2.984,4.232-7.832,6.752-13,6.752L 155.264,344.752 l-25.704,88.64
+			c-10.080,34.904-34.032,38.672-43.856,38.672L 17.168,472.064 c-8.784,0-15.888-7.112-15.888-15.888s 7.112-15.888, 15.888-15.888l 68.528,0 
+			c 2.168,0, 8.784,0, 13.296-15.592l 88.424-324.968c 1.92-6.856, 8.168-11.592, 15.296-11.592l 215.984,0 c 6.704,0, 12.688,4.2, 14.952,10.512
+			l 76.128,224.84C 511.528,328.36, 510.8,333.784, 507.832,338z M 407.512,119.904L 214.768,119.904 l-50.576,193.064l 308.048,0 L 407.512,119.904z M 376,55.936
+			c-22.096,0-40-17.904-40-40s 17.904-40, 40-40s 40,17.904, 40,40S 398.096,55.936, 376,55.936z M 232,55.936c-22.096,0-40-17.904-40-40s 17.904-40, 40-40
+			s 40,17.904, 40,40S 254.096,55.936, 232,55.936z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe04f;" d="M 432,400.648L 336.408,400.648 L 336.408,431.336 c0,26.472-21.528,48-48,48l-63.816,0 c-26.472,0-48-21.528-48-48l0-30.688 L 80,400.648 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-367.984 
+			c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 352,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 464,368.648 C 464,386.32, 449.672,400.648, 432,400.648z M 208.592,431.336c0,8.832, 7.168,16, 16,16l 63.816,0 
+			c 8.832,0, 16-7.168, 16-16l0-30.688 L 208.592,400.648 L 208.592,431.336 z M 432,0.664L 80,0.664 L 80,368.648 l 96.592,0 l0-32.92 c0,0-0.424-15.984, 15.904-15.984
+			c 18,0, 16.096,15.984, 16.096,15.984l0,32.92 l 95.816,0 l0-32.92 c0,0-1.064-16.064, 15.936-16.064c 16,0, 16.064,16.064, 16.064,16.064l0,32.92 L 432,368.648 L 432,0.664 z
+			"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe050;" d="M 495.032,8.832c-0.168,0-0.36,0-0.544,0.016c-8.096,0.264-13.2,6.544-13.888,14.608c-0.544,5.936-16.984,149.544-241.128,149.392
+	l0-91.832 c0-6.184-3.56-11.832-9.168-14.472c-5.544-2.656-12.216-1.84-16.984,2.112L 5.832,240.544c-3.72,3.048-5.856,7.592-5.84,12.392
+	s 2.168,9.344, 5.888,12.376L 213.36,435.592c 4.784,3.904, 11.392,4.656, 16.968,2.048c 5.576-2.656, 9.144-8.28, 9.144-14.456l0-89.816 
+	c 92.984-2.952, 165.496-32.856, 212.168-87.488c 75.968-88.888, 59.016-218.080, 58.216-223.456C 508.672,14.592, 502.92,8.832, 495.032,8.832z
+	 M 223.472,205.096c 0.016,0, 0.032,0, 0.032,0c 160.112-0.096, 221.296-54.16, 256.232-101.904c-5.112,38.248-20.032,84.36-52.504,122.016
+	c-43.168,50.048-112.72,76.424-203.768,76.424c-8.84,0-16,7.16-16,16l0,71.888 L 41.248,252.84l 166.216-137.952l0,74.2 
+	c0,4.248, 1.688,8.328, 4.704,11.328C 215.168,203.408, 219.232,205.096, 223.472,205.096z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe051;" d="M 16.968,8.832c 0.168,0, 0.36,0, 0.544,0.016c 8.096,0.264, 13.2,6.544, 13.888,14.608c 0.544,5.936, 16.488,149.544, 240.624,149.392
+	l 0.504-91.832c0-6.184, 3.56-11.832, 9.168-14.472c 5.544-2.656, 12.216-1.84, 16.984,2.112l 207.488,171.888
+	c 3.72,3.048, 5.856,7.592, 5.84,12.392s-2.168,9.344-5.888,12.376L 298.64,435.592c-4.784,3.904-11.392,4.656-16.968,2.048
+	c-5.576-2.656-9.144-8.28-9.144-14.456l-0.504-89.816C 179.048,330.424, 107.040,300.512, 60.36,245.888
+	c-75.968-88.888-59.016-218.080-58.216-223.456C 3.328,14.592, 9.080,8.832, 16.968,8.832z M 288.528,205.096c-0.016,0-0.032,0-0.032,0
+	C 128.392,205, 67.2,150.936, 32.264,103.184c 5.112,38.248, 20.032,84.36, 52.504,122.016c 43.168,50.048, 112.72,76.424, 203.768,76.424
+	c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16l0,71.888 l 166.216-136.672L 304.528,114.888l0,74.2 c0,4.248-1.688,8.328-4.704,11.328
+	C 296.832,203.408, 292.768,205.096, 288.528,205.096z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe052;" d="M 503.184,372.032c-5.392,2.488-11.792,1.544-16.28-2.424l-80.656-72.448l-72.816,74.704l 72.096,83.264
+	c 3.92,4.528, 4.872,10.768, 2.432,16.256s-7.832,8.848-13.76,8.848l-4.344,0 c-44.56,0-121.488-3.832-155.832-38.672l-6.928-6.88
+	c-36.64-37.384-43.144-98.688-23.84-145.288L 18.616,100.944c-24.896-25.24-24.896-66.16,0-91.408l 22.536-22.848
+	C 53.6-25.928, 69.92-32.24, 86.24-32.24c 16.312,0, 32.632,6.312, 45.072,18.928l 187.36,188.864c 17.72-9.576, 42-15.832, 62.392-15.832
+	c 32.688,0, 63.672,13.184, 87.264,37.128l 6.832,6.92c 37.304,37.824, 36.728,118.648, 36.896,154.208C 512.072,364.024, 508.592,369.52, 503.184,372.032z
+	 M 452.832,225.496l-5.936-6.936c-17.872-18.136-41.248-26.824-65.832-26.824c-12.16,0-28.544,2.288-39.608,6.896
+	c-10,4.152-19.288,10.144-27.6,17.712L 108.768,9.536c-6.016-6.112-14.016-9.472-22.528-9.472c-8.512,0-16.52,3.36-22.544,9.472
+	l-22.528,22.84c-12.432,12.608-12.432,33.112-0.008,45.72l 200.392,204.432c-6.72,9.784-11.296,20.448-14.024,31.488L 227.52,314.016 
+	c-7.712,31.192-3.216,74.304, 21.008,99.024l 6.896,6.96c 20.776,21.080, 74.728,27.312, 104.6,29.152l-58.68-67.768
+	c-5.248-6.064-4.984-15.2, 0.608-20.936L 394.72,265.28c 5.624-5.792, 14.72-6.128, 20.776-0.76l 65.304,58.816
+	C 478.856,291.656, 472.704,245.648, 452.832,225.496z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe053;" d="M 512.16,225.208c0-8.832-7.144-15.992-15.984-15.992L 271.736,209.216 L 271.736,47.12 
+	c0-43.576-35.456-79.040-79.048-79.040c-43.592,0-79.056,35.464-79.056,79.040c0,8.832, 7.16,15.992, 15.992,15.992s 15.992-7.16, 15.992-15.992
+	c0-25.952, 21.112-47.064, 47.080-47.064c 25.96,0, 47.080,21.112, 47.080,47.064L 239.776,209.216 L 15.832,209.216 c-8.832,0-15.992,7.168-15.992,15.992
+	c0,123.648, 90.456,202.056, 239.928,207.24L 239.768,463.936 c0,8.832, 7.16,15.984, 15.992,15.984c 8.84,0, 15.984-7.16, 15.984-15.984l0-31.488 
+	C 421.248,427.272, 512.16,348.856, 512.16,225.208z M 479.576,241.192C 471.688,341.456, 390.128,400.752, 255.752,400.752
+	c-134.376,0-215.448-59.296-223.328-159.552L 479.576,241.2 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe054;" d="M 448.4,400.488L 335.76,400.488 L 335.76,444.12 c0,20.264-16.504,36.248-36.768,36.248L 213,480.368 c-20.264,0-36.76-15.984-36.76-36.248l0-43.632 L 63.6,400.488 
+			c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 22.008,0 l 37.12-369.96c 1.552-17.312, 16.304-30.888, 33.568-30.888l 199.4,0 c 17.264,0, 32,13.576, 33.544,30.736
+			l 37.152,370.12l 22.008,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 457.24,400.488, 448.4,400.488z M 208.24,444.12c0,2.616, 2.136,4.752, 4.76,4.752l 85.992,0 
+			c 2.624,0, 4.768-2.136, 4.768-4.752l0-43.632 L 208.24,400.488 L 208.24,444.12 z M 357.384,1.4c-0.080-0.888-1.128-1.768-1.688-1.768L 156.296-0.368 
+			c-0.56,0-1.616,0.872-1.712,1.92l-36.816,366.928l 276.456,0 L 357.384,1.4z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe055;" d="M 511.992,271.864L 511.992,441.048 C 511.992,462.52, 494.52,480, 473.056,480L 307.464,479.976L 300.368,480
+			c-10.84,0-27.248,0-37.96-10.72L 9.44,216.304C 3.36,210.224,0,202.152,0,193.56c0-8.608, 3.344-16.688, 9.424-22.768l 193.4-193.36
+			C 208.88-28.656, 216.96-32, 225.552-32s 16.68,3.344, 22.744,9.424l 252.976,252.984C 512.12,241.232, 512.056,256.816, 511.992,271.864z
+			 M 478.648,253.032L 225.44,0.064L 32.064,193.672L 284.76,446.424C 287.304,448, 296.464,448, 300.256,448l 7.2-0.024L 473.056,448
+			c 3.832,0, 6.936-3.12, 6.936-6.952l0-169.312 C 480.024,265.648, 480.056,255.464, 478.648,253.032z M 384.008,416c-35.344,0-64-28.656-64-64s 28.656-64, 64-64
+			s 64,28.656, 64,64S 419.352,416, 384.008,416z M 384.008,320c-17.672,0-32,14.328-32,32s 14.328,32, 32,32s 32-14.328, 32-32S 401.68,320, 384.008,320z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe056;" d="M 256,480C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224s 114.616-256, 256-256s 256,114.616, 256,256S 397.384,480, 256,480z
+			 M 320,438.512c 72.112-21.496, 128.824-78.4, 150.352-150.512L 366.568,288 c-11.208,19.264-27.296,35.336-46.568,46.528L 320,438.512 z M 351.816,223.896
+			c0-52.968-42.896-95.904-95.816-95.904s-95.816,42.936-95.816,95.904S 203.088,319.808, 256,319.808S 351.816,276.864, 351.816,223.896z
+			 M 224,445.536c 10.456,1.496, 21.128,2.312, 32,2.312c 10.864,0, 21.544-0.816, 32-2.312l0-97.904 c-10.24,2.648-20.928,4.2-32,4.2
+			s-21.752-1.552-32-4.2L 224,445.536 z M 192,438.512l0-103.984 c-19.28-11.192-35.36-27.272-46.568-46.528L 41.648,288 C 63.168,360.112, 119.888,417.016, 192,438.512z
+			 M 32.152,223.92c0,10.912, 0.928,21.584, 2.44,32.080l 97.696,0 c-2.656-10.256-4.12-20.992-4.12-32.088c0-11.032, 1.456-21.712, 4.080-31.912L 34.568,192 
+			C 33.080,202.44, 32.152,213.072, 32.152,223.92z M 192,9.336C 119.832,30.84, 63.096,87.824, 41.6,160l 103.736,0 
+			c 11.216-19.328, 27.328-35.472, 46.664-46.696L 192,9.336 z M 288,2.312C 277.544,0.816, 266.864,0, 256,0c-10.872,0-21.544,0.824-32,2.312L 224,100.2 
+			C 234.248,97.552, 244.928,96, 256,96s 21.76,1.552, 32,4.2L 288,2.312 z M 320,9.336L 320,113.304 c 19.328,11.224, 35.448,27.368, 46.656,46.696l 103.736,0 
+			C 448.896,87.832, 392.16,30.84, 320,9.336z M 379.752,192c 2.624,10.2, 4.080,20.88, 4.080,31.912c0,11.096-1.464,21.832-4.128,32.088l 97.704,0 
+			c 1.504-10.496, 2.44-21.168, 2.44-32.080c0-10.848-0.92-21.488-2.416-31.92L 379.752,192 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe057;" d="M 342.952,288.408L 480.584,425.192l-0.448-77.536c-0.144-6.464, 4.984-12.088, 11.456-11.944
+			l 8.208,0.008c 6.472,0.152, 11.824,4, 11.96,10.464l 0.336,115.504c0,0.112-0.44,0.2-0.44,0.312l 0.632,5.856
+			c 0.064,3.248-0.696,6.144-2.792,8.216c-2.072,2.088-4.976,3.36-8.2,3.272l-5.848-0.136c-0.112,0-0.2-0.040-0.32-0.056
+			L 380.384,479.656c-6.464-0.144-11.816-5.488-11.96-11.96l-0.016-8.208c 0.984-7.624, 6.976-12.080, 13.44-11.936l 75.624-0.2L 320.328,311.040
+			c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.376,0-22.632C 326.576,282.168, 336.704,282.168, 342.952,288.408z M 169.544,159.592L 31.912,23.232l 0.44,77.112
+			c 0.152,6.472-4.984,12.096-11.448,11.952l-8.712-0.016c-6.48-0.16-11.824-4-11.96-10.472l-0.336-115.504
+			c0-0.112, 0.44-0.184, 0.44-0.312l-0.632-5.84c-0.072-3.248, 0.688-6.16, 2.792-8.216c 2.064-2.096, 4.976-3.36, 8.192-3.28L 16.544-31.2
+			c 0.112,0, 0.192,0.048, 0.32,0.048l 115.248-0.504c 6.464,0.16, 11.808,5.504, 11.96,11.968l 0.016,8.216
+			c-0.984,7.608-6.976,12.080-13.44,11.936l-75.624,0.2l 137.136,136.296c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.376,0,22.624S 175.792,165.84, 169.544,159.592z
+			 M 512.104-13.688l-0.336,115.504c-0.144,6.472-5.496,10.312-11.96,10.472l-8.208,0.016c-6.472,0.144-11.592-5.488-11.456-11.952
+			l 0.448-77.536L 342.952,159.592c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.624,0s-6.248-16.376,0-22.624l 137.136-136.296l-75.616-0.2
+			c-6.464,0.144-12.456-4.328-13.44-11.936l 0.016-8.216c 0.152-6.472, 5.504-11.816, 11.96-11.968l 114.752,0.504
+			c 0.12,0, 0.208-0.048, 0.32-0.048l 5.848-0.144c 3.224-0.080, 6.136,1.184, 8.2,3.28c 2.096,2.064, 2.848,4.968, 2.792,8.216l-0.632,5.84
+			C 511.664-13.872, 512.104-13.8, 512.104-13.688z M 55.024,447.336l 75.632,0.2c 6.464-0.144, 12.456,4.32, 13.44,11.936L 144.080,467.688
+			c-0.16,6.472-5.504,11.824-11.96,11.96L 16.864,479.152c-0.128,0.016-0.208,0.056-0.32,0.056L 10.688,479.344
+			C 7.472,479.432, 4.552,478.16, 2.496,476.072C 0.392,474-0.368,471.104-0.296,467.856L 0.336,462c0-0.112-0.44-0.192-0.44-0.312
+			l 0.336-115.504c 0.144-6.464, 5.488-10.312, 11.96-10.464l 8.712-0.008c 6.464-0.144, 11.592,5.48, 11.448,11.944L 31.912,424.768l 137.632-136.36
+			c 6.24-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.384,0,22.632L 55.024,447.336z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe058;" d="M 191.6,306.6L 191.264,422.104c-0.144,6.464-5.496,10.312-11.96,10.464l-8.208,0.008
+			c-6.472,0.144-11.592-5.488-11.456-11.944l 0.448-77.624L 26.952,474.872c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.624,0s-6.248-16.376,0-22.624
+			l 132.56-131.304l-75.544-0.2c-6.464,0.144-12.456-4.32-13.44-11.936l 0.016-8.208c 0.16-6.472, 5.504-11.824, 11.96-11.968l 114.752,0.504
+			c 0.128-0.008, 0.208-0.056, 0.32-0.056l 5.848-0.136c 3.224-0.088, 6.136,1.176, 8.2,3.272c 2.104,2.072, 2.856,4.976, 2.792,8.216
+			l-0.632,5.856C 191.168,306.4, 191.6,306.488, 191.6,306.6z M 322.992,292.216c 2.064-2.088, 4.976-3.36, 8.2-3.272l 5.848,0.136
+			c 0.112,0, 0.192,0.040, 0.32,0.056l 114.752-0.504c 6.464,0.144, 11.808,5.496, 11.96,11.968l 0.016,8.208
+			c-0.984,7.624-6.976,12.080-13.44,11.936l-75.544,0.2l 132.56,131.304c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.376,0,22.624s-16.376,6.248-22.624,0
+			L 351.912,343.016l 0.44,77.616c 0.152,6.464-4.976,12.088-11.448,11.944l-8.208-0.008c-6.48-0.152-11.824-4-11.96-10.464L 320.4,306.6
+			c0-0.112, 0.44-0.192, 0.44-0.312l-0.632-5.856C 320.136,297.184, 320.888,294.288, 322.992,292.216z M 189.008,156.288
+			c-2.072,2.088-4.976,3.352-8.2,3.272l-5.848-0.144c-0.112,0-0.192-0.048-0.32-0.056L 59.88,159.864
+			c-6.464-0.152-11.808-5.496-11.96-11.96l-0.016-8.216c 0.984-7.608, 6.976-12.080, 13.44-11.928l 75.624-0.2L 4.328-4.248
+			c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.376,0-22.624s 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0l 133.136,132.288l-0.448-78.040c-0.144-6.472, 4.984-12.096, 11.456-11.952
+			l 8.208,0.016c 6.472,0.16, 11.824,4, 11.96,10.464l 0.336,115.504c0,0.112-0.44,0.184-0.44,0.304l 0.632,6.352
+			C 191.864,151.312, 191.112,154.208, 189.008,156.288z M 375.032,127.552l 75.624,0.2c 6.464-0.152, 12.456,4.32, 13.44,11.928l-0.016,8.216
+			c-0.16,6.472-5.504,11.816-11.96,11.96L 337.368,159.856 c-0.128,0.008-0.208,0.056-0.32,0.056l-6.848,0.136
+			c-3.224,0.088-6.144-2.176-8.2-4.272c-2.104-2.072-2.856-4.968-2.792-8.216l 0.632-5.848c0-0.12-0.44-0.192-0.44-0.304
+			l 0.336-115.504c 0.144-6.464, 5.488-10.304, 11.96-10.464l 8.712-0.016c 6.472-0.144, 11.592,5.488, 11.448,11.952l-0.44,77.264l 133.632-131.512
+			c 6.248-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0s 6.248,16.376,0,22.624L 375.032,127.552z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe059;" d="M 201.152,227.072l 19.632,27.624l-67.152,91.64L 1.368,346.336 l0-32 l 135.744,0 L 201.152,227.072z
+			 M 459.392,314.336l-38.768-34.768c-4.672-4.472-6.184-11.72-1.512-16.184l 2.736-4.032c 4.688-4.472, 12.248-4.472, 16.912,0l 63.872,57.752
+			c 0.088,0.080, 0.192,0.096, 0.272,0.168l 4.232,4.048c 2.336,2.248, 3.504,5.184, 3.488,8.144c 0.016,2.936-1.152,5.888-3.488,8.112
+			l-4.232,4.048c-0.080,0.080-0.168,0.112-0.272,0.184l-64.864,59.216c-4.68,4.472-12.232,4.472-16.92,0l-2.736-4.032
+			c-4.68-4.472-3.16-11.704, 1.512-16.168l 38.024-34.488L 341.768,346.336 l-204.656-288L 1.368,58.336 l0-32 l 152.256,0 l 204.664,288L 459.392,314.336 z M 502.904,53.616
+			c-0.080,0.080-0.168,0.112-0.272,0.184l-64.864,59.216c-4.68,4.472-12.232,4.472-16.92,0l-2.736-4.032
+			c-4.68-4.472-3.16-11.704, 1.512-16.168l 38.168-34.616l-99.504,0.136l-57.216,88.504l-19.64-27.624l 60.328-92.88l 117.472-0.144
+			l-38.608-34.624c-4.672-4.472-6.184-11.72-1.512-16.184l 2.736-4.032c 4.688-4.472, 12.248-4.472, 16.912,0l 63.872,57.752
+			c 0.088,0.080, 0.192,0.096, 0.272,0.168l 4.232,4.048c 2.336,2.248, 3.504,5.184, 3.488,8.144c 0.016,2.936-1.152,5.888-3.488,8.112
+			L 502.904,53.616z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe05a;" d="M 450.92,5.312l-416,0 l0,320 l 128.8,0 l 32.36,31.168l-0.832,0.832L 34.92,357.312 
+			c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-320 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 416,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 482.92,255.648 l-32-30.544L 450.92,5.312 z M 135.064,133.312l 32.24,0 
+			c 22.432,127.248, 133.272,224, 266.944,224c 5.608,0, 10.928-0.048, 16.312-0.088l-58.624-58.616c-6.232-6.248-6.232-16.376,0-22.624
+			c 3.128-3.128, 7.232-4.688, 11.328-4.688s 8.168,1.56, 11.296,4.688l 94.512,97L 414.56,470c-6.232,6.248-16.36,6.248-22.624,0
+			c-6.232-6.248-6.232-16.376,0-22.624l 58.088-58.080c-5.016,0.008-9.984,0.024-15.104,0.024C 283.392,389.32, 158.136,278.344, 135.064,133.312z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe05b;" d="M 432,128c-26.344,0-49.648-12.792-64.216-32.44l-210.68,107.36
+			C 158.936,209.648, 160,216.688, 160,224c0,9.152-1.608,17.904-4.44,26.088L 367.44,352.896C 381.984,332.992, 405.448,320, 432,320
+			c 44.184,0, 80,35.824, 80,80c0,44.184-35.816,80-80,80S 352,444.184, 352,400c0-6.216, 0.784-12.232, 2.12-18.040L 139.2,277.672
+			C 124.56,293.808, 103.504,304, 80,304C 35.816,304,0,268.184,0,224c0-44.176, 35.816-80, 80-80c 25.448,0, 48.064,11.912, 62.712,30.432l 211.552-107.816
+			C 352.832,60.632, 352,54.424, 352,48c0-44.184, 35.816-80, 80-80s 80,35.816, 80,80S 476.184,128, 432,128z M 432,448c 26.504,0, 48-21.496, 48-48s-21.496-48-48-48
+			s-48,21.496-48,48S 405.496,448, 432,448z M 80,176c-26.512,0-48,21.496-48,48s 21.488,48, 48,48c 26.504,0, 48-21.496, 48-48S 106.504,176, 80,176z M 432,0
+			c-26.504,0-48,21.496-48,48s 21.496,48, 48,48s 48-21.496, 48-48S 458.504,0, 432,0z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe05c;" d="M 104.84,38.368c-10.056-20.904-16.4-34.832-72.344-36.864c 1.608,53.984, 11.896,59.776, 32.496,70.040
+			c 8.648,4.312, 19.416,9.672, 31.056,18.624L 76.568,115.040c-9.2-7.064-17.664-10.784-25.848-14.856c-34.32-17.112-50.496-33.968-50.496-114.328
+			l 0.272-16.352l 15.728,0.352c 84.816,0, 100.664,19.16, 116.552,52.16c 3.48,7.232, 5.416,12.12, 11.28,21.864l-23.728,21.552
+			C 113.216,55.728, 108.776,46.496, 104.84,38.368z M 352.48,385.672c-35.384,0-64.176-28.792-64.176-64.168c0-35.392, 28.8-64.176, 64.176-64.176
+			c 35.376,0, 64.168,28.792, 64.168,64.176C 416.648,356.88, 387.848,385.672, 352.48,385.672z M 352.48,289.464c-17.664,0-32.040,14.376-32.040,32.040
+			c0,17.656, 14.376,32.040, 32.040,32.040s 32.040-14.384, 32.040-32.040C 384.512,303.832, 370.144,289.464, 352.48,289.464z M 511.888,465.344
+			c-0.488,7.984-6.816,14.384-14.8,14.976c0,0-89.544,6.528-175.688-25.64c-31.472-11.752-57.376-30.368-81.552-58.568
+			c-20.16-23.512-40.192-66.016-57.872-101.304c-6.832-13.624-13.36-26.656-18.896-36.608L 74.072,258.2 c-4.576,0-8.928-1.96-11.968-5.384l-58.648-63.568
+			c-3.752-4.232-4.992-10.128-3.264-15.504c 1.72-5.392, 6.16-9.472, 11.664-10.72l 95.472-21.832c 6.504-8.032, 17.344-20.048, 34.688-39.296
+			l 36.168-40.096l 19.472-82.36c 1.28-5.424, 5.304-9.8, 10.616-11.528c 1.616-0.512, 3.288-0.784, 4.952-0.784
+			c 3.768,0, 7.472,1.328, 10.416,3.856l 59.28,58.968c 3.544,3.032, 5.592,7.472, 5.592,12.144l0,82.56 c 7.968,4.952, 22.096,12.576, 35.392,20.016
+			c 36.232,20.248, 90.312,45.456, 112.736,65.392c 31.576,28.064, 43.080,48.64, 54.376,79.056C 517.872,361.464, 512.16,461.136, 511.888,465.344z
+			 M 461,300.264c-9.856-26.536-18.784-42.416-45.624-66.28c-19.832-17.616-74.064-42.912-107.096-61.384
+			c-24.656-13.784-39.424-21.832-45.896-27.128c-3.72-3.032-5.88-7.576-5.88-12.392l0-83.624 l-33.76-37.096l-14.376,60.8
+			c-0.616,2.608-1.888,5.032-3.696,7.032c-29.424,32.608-73.872,81.904-77.28,85.816c-2.224,2.704-5.304,4.624-8.784,5.424l-73.296,16.768
+			l 35.952,38l 91.016,0 c 5.56,0, 10.728,2.888, 13.632,7.624c 7.040,11.464, 15.208,27.768, 24.672,46.648c 16.024,31.976, 35.96,74.272, 53.56,94.816
+			c 20.792,24.264, 41.912,39.504, 68.448,49.424c 59.048,22.064, 119.984,24.384, 147.84,24.176C 480.952,419.384, 479.84,350.976, 461,300.264z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe05d;" d="M 256,480C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224c0-141.392, 114.616-256, 256-256c 141.392,0, 256.008,114.608, 256.008,256C 512.008,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480z
+			 M 256-0.504C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224.008-100.488, 224.008-224S 379.512-0.504, 256-0.504z M 232.472,79.76l 40.256,0 
+			l0,40.624 l-40.256,0 L 232.472,79.76 z M 255.528,368.232c-23.44,0-42.752-6.32-57.92-18.944c-15.168-12.632-22.544-37.928-22.168-58.888l 0.592-1.168l 36.72,0 
+			c0,12.504, 4.168,30.472, 12.504,36.92c 8.328,6.44, 18.424,9.664, 30.28,9.664c 13.664,0, 24.168-3.712, 31.536-11.136
+			c 7.36-7.424, 11.032-18.040, 11.032-31.832c0-11.592-2.72-21.488-8.184-29.688c-5.48-8.2-14.664-19.92-27.544-35.16
+			c-13.288-11.984-21.496-21.616-24.616-28.904c-3.128-7.296-4.752-20.384-4.872-39.256l 38.48,0 c0,11.84, 0.752,20.568, 2.248,26.168
+			c 1.488,5.592, 5.752,11.912, 12.784,18.944c 15.112,14.576, 27.248,28.832, 36.44,42.776c 9.168,13.928, 13.76,29.296, 13.76,46.096
+			c0,23.44-7.088,41.704-21.288,54.784C 301.104,361.696, 281.176,368.232, 255.528,368.232z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe05e;" d="M 287.8,433.296c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16C 401.024,401.296, 480,318.56, 480,205.344C 480,92.112, 387.888,0, 274.664,0
+			C 161.448,0, 78.704,81.8, 78.704,195.032c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16s-16-7.168-16-16C 46.704,64.16, 143.8-32, 274.664-32S 512,74.472, 512,205.344
+			C 512,336.2, 418.664,433.296, 287.8,433.296z M 240.128,255.872L 240.128,464 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16C 99.504,480,0,380.496,0,255.872c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16
+			l 208.128,0 C 232.96,239.872, 240.128,247.040, 240.128,255.872z M 208.128,271.872L 32.656,271.872 C 40.384,366.12, 113.88,439.616, 208.128,447.344L 208.128,271.872 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe05f;" d="M 482.128,455.168c-17.432,16.704-36.664,25.168-57.192,25.168c-32.096,0-55.512-20.736-61.92-27.088
+			C 354,444.32, 46.44,136.648, 46.44,136.648c-2.008-2.016-3.472-4.536-4.224-7.296c-6.936-25.632-41.68-139.36-42.024-140.504
+			c-1.784-5.824-0.192-12.168, 4.104-16.464c 3.088-3.072, 7.2-4.72, 11.416-4.72c 1.656,0, 3.328,0.248, 4.96,0.784
+			c 1.176,0.384, 118.568,38.328, 137.888,44.096c 2.544,0.768, 4.872,2.144, 6.768,4.016c 12.208,12.064, 299.064,295.728, 318.104,315.392
+			c 19.696,20.296, 29.48,41.432, 29.104,62.808C 512.144,415.864, 501.912,436.184, 482.128,455.168z M 357.92,402.080c 8.152-1.976, 27.376-8.432, 47.008-28.24
+			c 19.84-20.016, 25.208-42.896, 26.208-48.104c-62.912-62.584-207.728-205.864-264.816-262.336c-5.272,12.28-13.792,27.072-27.496,40.88
+			c-16.736,16.864-33.768,26.392-46.904,31.752C 148.416,192.536, 295.96,340.144, 357.92,402.080z M 70.192,109.024
+			c 8.792-2.336, 27.056-9.112, 45.672-27.88c 14.336-14.456, 21.104-30.4, 24.144-40.12c-22.24-7.152-70.936-23.96-101.88-33.936
+			C 47.296,37.256, 62.784,84.24, 70.192,109.024z M 460.208,354.816c-0.656-0.672-1.736-1.768-3.032-3.080
+			c-5.056,13.024-13.928,29.76-29.288,45.248c-15.696,15.824-31.616,25.16-44.376,30.68c 1.088,1.080, 1.928,1.928, 2.256,2.248
+			c 1.832,1.808, 18.448,17.688, 39.16,17.688c 11.92,0, 23.624-5.44, 34.808-16.16c 13.256-12.712, 20.088-25.256, 20.312-37.296
+			C 480.264,381.856, 473.592,368.624, 460.208,354.816z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe060;" d="M 399.672-0.144l-368,0 l0,400 l 224.8,0 l 32.352,31.168l-0.832,0.832L 31.672,431.856 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-400 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 368,0 
+			c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 431.672,234.184 l-32-30.544L 399.672-0.144 z M 487.112,459.28c-14.44,13.84-30.376,20.856-47.376,20.856
+			c-26.608,0-46.016-17.184-51.296-22.448c-7.488-7.392-219.584-219.176-219.584-219.176c-1.664-1.696-2.88-3.768-3.504-6.072
+			c-5.744-21.224-34.536-115.496-34.824-116.432c-1.488-4.832-0.16-10.096, 3.4-13.608c 2.552-2.56, 5.96-3.92, 9.456-3.92
+			c 1.376,0, 2.76,0.2, 4.12,0.624c 0.976,0.328, 98.248,31.784, 114.256,36.56c 2.112,0.624, 4.024,1.768, 5.608,3.312
+			c 10.104,9.968, 205.056,201.896, 220.832,218.192c 16.312,16.832, 24.424,34.328, 24.112,52.048C 512.016,426.72, 503.504,443.568, 487.112,459.28z
+			 M 465.216,379.44c-8.904-9.184-78.624-78.080-207.224-204.768l-9.84-9.704c-14.744-4.56-50.048-15.904-76.736-24.512
+			c 8.592,28.376, 18.904,62.656, 23.504,78.872C 222.4,246.768, 404.112,428.2, 411.016,435.016c 1.344,1.344, 13.608,13.128, 28.72,13.128
+			c 8.576,0, 16.84-3.912, 25.232-11.96c 10.032-9.624, 15.2-18.872, 15.344-27.512C 480.472,399.776, 475.392,389.944, 465.216,379.44z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe061;" d="M 495.864,127.296c 0.008,0.28, 0.080,0.536, 0.080,0.816L 495.944,461.624 
+			c 0.192,1.752, 0.128,3.56-0.288,5.376c-1.368,7.456-7.864,13.112-15.712,13.112c-2.944,0-5.672-0.848-8.040-2.24L 172.968,400.048
+			c-5.384-1.336-9.376-5.36-11.016-10.336c-1.24-2.272-2-4.832-2-7.6L 159.952,95.84 c-15.232,10.192-34.704,16.328-55.936,16.328
+			c-48.768,0-88.32-32.304-88.32-72.136c0-39.84, 39.552-72.152, 88.32-72.152c 48.784,0, 88.304,32.304, 88.304,72.152
+			c0,2.032-0.168,4.032-0.368,6.024c0,0.016,0,0.032,0,0.048L 191.952,371.928 l 272,70.8l0-266.88 c-15.224,10.192-34.704,16.328-55.936,16.328
+			c-48.768,0-88.32-32.312-88.32-72.136c0-39.84, 39.552-72.152, 88.32-72.152c 48.784,0, 88.304,32.304, 88.304,72.152
+			C 496.312,122.496, 496.16,124.912, 495.864,127.296z M 104.352,0.024c-33.28,0-56.48,21.096-56.48,40c0,18.912, 23.192,39.976, 56.48,39.976
+			c 29.616,0, 51.2-16.696, 55.592-33.704l0-0.184 c0-1.616, 0.312-3.144, 0.76-4.608c 0.032-0.496, 0.112-0.984, 0.112-1.48
+			C 160.816,21.12, 137.616,0.024, 104.352,0.024z M 407.848,80.024c-32.984,0-55.976,21.088-55.976,40S 374.864,160, 407.848,160
+			c 32.976,0, 55.968-21.064, 55.968-39.976S 440.832,80.024, 407.848,80.024z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe062;" d="M 426.304,318.352L 269.848,474.808c-4.96,4.96-12.336,5.92-18.304,3.008
+			c-6.272-2.168-10.8-8.056-10.8-15.064l0-354.2 c-16.96,12.56-39.216,20.264-63.688,20.264c-53.032,0-96.056-35.888-96.056-80.144
+			c0-44.272, 43.024-80.168, 96.056-80.168c 53.056,0, 96.040,35.888, 96.040,80.168c0,1.96-0.184,3.88-0.352,5.816L 272.744,426.656 L 403.68,295.728
+			c 6.24-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0S 432.552,312.112, 426.304,318.352z M 176.688,0.712c-37.824,0-64.176,25.272-64.176,47.936
+			s 26.36,47.912, 64.176,47.912c 37.016,0, 63-24.2, 64.064-46.496l0-2.84 C 239.68,24.936, 213.704,0.712, 176.688,0.712z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe063;" d="M 255.44,128l 3.8,0 C 303.72,128, 336,160.8, 336,205.984L 336,396.688 C 336,443.408, 302.28,480, 259.232,480
+			L 255.44,480 C 211.632,480, 176,442.624, 176,396.688l0-190.704 C 176,161.528, 210.152,128, 255.44,128z M 208,396.688C 208,424.984, 229.28,448, 255.44,448l 3.8,0 
+			C 284.752,448, 304,425.936, 304,396.688l0-190.704 C 304,178.488, 286.016,160, 259.232,160L 255.44,160 C 227.504,160, 208,178.904, 208,205.984L 208,396.688 z M 400,304
+			c-8.84,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-66.536 C 384,126.264, 350.016,80, 280.128,80L 232.56,80 C 141.16,80, 128,156.92, 128,221.464L 128,288 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16
+			s-16-7.168-16-16l0-66.536 C 96,111.216, 141.944,48, 232.56,48L 240,48 l0-48 L 160,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 192,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16
+			L 272,0 l0,48 l 8.128,0 C 342.112,48, 416,78.096, 416,221.464L 416,288 C 416,296.832, 408.84,304, 400,304z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe064;" d="M 480,429.080L 32,429.080 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-288 c0-17.68, 14.328-32, 32-32l 80,0 
+			c 10.248,0, 16,13.16, 16,15.992l0,0.008 c0,2.912-5.44,16.208-16,16.208L 51.52,109.288 c-10.688,0-19.36,8.672-19.36,19.36L 32.16,377 
+			c0,10.696, 8.664,19.36, 19.36,19.36l 409.136,0.504c 10.688,0, 19.36-8.664, 19.36-19.36l0-248.848 c0-10.688-8.672-19.36-19.36-19.36L 259.072,109.296 
+			l 37.992,34.456c 4.672,4.472, 6.184,11.704, 1.512,16.168l-2.736,4.032c-4.688,4.472-12.248,4.472-16.92,0l-64.864-59.216
+			c-0.096-0.080-0.184-0.112-0.264-0.184l-4.24-4.048c-2.336-2.216-3.504-5.168-3.488-8.112c-0.016-2.952, 1.144-5.888, 3.488-8.144
+			l 4.24-4.048c 0.080-0.080, 0.184-0.096, 0.264-0.168l 63.864-57.752c 4.672-4.472, 12.232-4.472, 16.92,0l 2.736,4.032
+			c 4.672,4.472, 3.16,11.72-1.512,16.184l-38.568,34.584L 480,77.080 c 17.672,0, 32,14.32, 32,32l0,288 C 512,414.752, 497.672,429.080, 480,429.080z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe065;" d="M 58.416,208.168l 277.224,0 c 8.848,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.152,16-16,16L 59.416,240.168 l 57.88,57.88
+			c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.376,0,22.624s-16.376,6.248-22.624,0L 0.168,223.672l 94.504-97c 3.128-3.128, 7.216-4.688, 11.312-4.688
+			s 8.184,1.56, 11.312,4.688c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.376,0,22.624L 58.416,208.168z M 479.832,480L 207.832,480 c-17.68,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-144 l 32.208,0 L 208.040,428.488 
+			c0,10.688, 8.672,19.36, 19.36,19.36L 459.76,447.848 c 10.696,0, 19.36-8.672, 19.36-19.36l 0.504-409.144c0-10.688-8.664-19.36-19.36-19.36L 227.408-0.016 
+			c-10.688,0-19.36,8.672-19.36,19.36L 208.048,144.528 l-32.208-0.040L 175.84,0 c0-17.672, 14.32-32, 32-32l 271.992,0 c 17.68,0, 32.008,14.328, 32.008,32L 511.84,448 
+			C 511.832,465.672, 497.504,480, 479.832,480z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe066;" d="M 266.264,149.296c-6.256-6.248-6.256-16.376,0-22.624
+			c 3.128-3.128, 7.216-4.688, 11.312-4.688s 8.184,1.56, 11.312,4.688l 94.504,97L 288.888,320.68c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.624,0
+			c-6.256-6.248-6.256-16.376,0-22.624l 57.872-57.88L 15.92,240.176 c-8.84,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.16-16, 16-16l 309.224,0 L 266.264,149.296z M 480.080,480l-288,0 
+			c-17.68,0-32.008-14.328-32.008-32l0-144 l 32.216,0 L 192.288,428.488 c0,10.688, 8.672,19.36, 19.36,19.36L 460,447.848 c 10.704,0, 19.36-8.672, 19.36-19.36l 0.504-409.144
+			c0-10.688-8.656-19.36-19.36-19.36L 211.656-0.016 c-10.688,0-19.36,8.672-19.36,19.36L 192.296,144.528 l-32.216-0.040L 160.080,0 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32.008-32l 288,0 
+			c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 512.088,448 C 512.080,465.672, 497.752,480, 480.080,480z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe067;" d="M 48,256L 16,256 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,32 
+			C 64,248.832, 56.832,256, 48,256z M 496,240L 160,240 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 336,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 504.832,240, 496,240z M 48,128L 16,128 
+			c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,32 C 64,120.832, 56.832,128, 48,128z M 496,112L 160,112 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16
+			s 7.168-16, 16-16l 336,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 504.832,112, 496,112z M 48,384L 16,384 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16
+			l0,32 C 64,376.832, 56.832,384, 48,384z M 160,336l 336,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16L 160,368 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16S 151.168,336, 160,336z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe068;" d="M 304.272-31.872c-145.416,0-146.536,6.032-164.544,19.592c-9.552,7.184-27.576,12.16-93.408,16.448
+	c-4.776,0.312-9.32,2.144-12.368,5.84c-1.4,1.704-34.296,49.68-34.296,126.52c0,75.72, 23.544,110.232, 24.552,111.832
+	c 2.92,4.68, 8.048,7.52, 13.56,7.52c 54.056,0, 128.992,69, 179.368,189.448c 8.712,20.832, 10.512,34.536, 42.512,34.536
+	c 18.2,0, 38.6-13.032, 48.672-29.752c 20.664-34.16, 10.168-107.528, 0.464-146.736c 33,0.264, 92.736,0.712, 121.16,0.712
+	c 39.536,0, 65.704-23.576, 66.496-58.040c 0.264-11.376-1.232-25.904-4.52-33.424c 8.704-8.68, 19.928-21.768, 20.416-38.624
+	c 0.608-21.76-13.64-38.328-22.736-47.832c 2.088-6.328, 6.264-14.72, 5.856-24.752c-1-24.672-20.048-40.568-31.912-48.864
+	c 0.984-6.752, 1.752-19.488-0.416-29.336C 454.568-16.088, 396.928-31.872, 304.272-31.872z M 54.808,36.616c 57.344-4.744, 88-11.168, 104.168-23.336
+	c 12.512-9.424, 10.584-13.16, 145.296-13.16c 41.088,0, 121.448,1.712, 127.608,29.92c 2.448,11.28-9.448,22.368-9.488,22.456
+	c-3.248,8.016, 0.368,17.424, 8.288,20.888c 0.128,0.064, 32.072,11.504, 32.8,29.36c 0.48,11.416-7.36,18.272-7.536,18.56
+	c-4.664,7.232-2.96,17.152, 4.112,22.080c 0.080,0.064, 20.776,12.608, 20.272,29.712c-0.392,13.584-18.288,23.144-18.832,23.464
+	c-4,2.288-6.912,6.248-7.824,10.776c-0.896,4.52, 0.112,9.264, 2.92,12.936c0,0, 8.136,12.928, 7.84,25.056
+	c-0.584,25.96-28.504,26.776-34.496,26.776c-40.36,0-144.016-0.408-144.016-0.408c-5.592-0.024-10.432,2.616-13.44,7.088
+	c-3,4.472-3.224,10.024-1.464,15.112c 15.632,45.016, 24.36,115.64, 9.864,139.768c-4.272,7.112-5.248,14.216-21.248,14.216
+	c-2.216,0-7.496-1.752-13-14.872C 193.168,305.088, 113.312,231.096, 47.904,224.424c-5.64-12.864-16.248-39.52-16.248-87.888
+	C 31.656,87.168, 47.296,48.976, 54.808,36.616z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe069;" d="M 508.352,223.32L 268.168,474.904c-3.016,3.152-7.184,4.92-11.544,4.92c-4.352,0-8.52-1.776-11.544-4.92L 3.656,223.328
+			c-6.12-6.376-5.904-16.496, 0.472-22.624c 6.376-6.112, 16.496-5.936, 22.624,0.472l 21.504,22.416l0-239.416 c0-8.84, 7.168-16, 16-16l 111.776,0 
+			c 8.816,0, 15.968,7.128, 16,15.952l 0.504,159.832l 127.496,0 l0-159.784 c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16l 111.736,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16L 463.768,223.672 l 21.496-22.52
+			c 3.144-3.264, 7.344-4.92, 11.544-4.92c 3.984,0, 7.984,1.472, 11.080,4.472C 514.256,206.816, 514.464,216.944, 508.352,223.32z
+			 M 431.768,252.592l0-252.416 l-79.736,0 L 352.032,159.952 c0,8.84-7.16,16-16,16l-159.44,0 c-8.816,0-15.968-7.128-16-15.952l-0.504-159.832l-79.832,0 L 80.256,252.592 
+			c0,1.32-0.208,2.584-0.504,3.816l 176.88,184.312l 175.712-184.104C 432,255.32, 431.768,253.984, 431.768,252.592z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe06a;" d="M 480-32L 320-32 c-17.672,0-32,14.328-32,32L 288,160 c0,17.672, 14.328,32, 32,32l 160,0 c 17.672,0, 32-14.328, 32-32l0-160 
+	C 512-17.672, 497.672-32, 480-32z M 480,160L 320,160 l0-160 l 160,0 L 480,160 z M 480,256L 320,256 c-17.672,0-32,14.328-32,32L 288,448 c0,17.672, 14.328,32, 32,32l 160,0 c 17.672,0, 32-14.328, 32-32l0-160 
+	C 512,270.328, 497.672,256, 480,256z M 480,448L 320,448 l0-160 l 160,0 L 480,448 z M 192-32L 32-32 c-17.672,0-32,14.328-32,32L0,160 c0,17.672, 14.328,32, 32,32l 160,0 c 17.672,0, 32-14.328, 32-32l0-160 
+	C 224-17.672, 209.672-32, 192-32z M 192,160L 32,160 l0-160 l 160,0 L 192,160 z M 192,256L 32,256 c-17.672,0-32,14.328-32,32L0,448 c0,17.672, 14.328,32, 32,32l 160,0 c 17.672,0, 32-14.328, 32-32l0-160 
+	C 224,270.328, 209.672,256, 192,256z M 192,448L 32,448 l0-160 l 160,0 L 192,448 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe06b;" d="M 472,368c-22.096,0-40-17.912-40-40c0-4.536, 0.92-8.816, 2.304-12.88L 336.8,231.16C 329.96,236.608, 321.424,240, 312,240
+			c-10.872,0-20.704-4.368-27.904-11.408l-76.376,38.24C 206.232,287.576, 189.12,304, 168,304c-22.088,0-40-17.912-40-40c0-6.048, 1.44-11.72, 3.84-16.856
+			L 53.968,157.352C 49.6,158.984, 44.936,160, 40,160c-22.088,0-40-17.912-40-40s 17.912-40, 40-40s 40,17.912, 40,40c0,5.32-1.088,10.384-2.976,15.024
+			l 79.136,90.96C 159.928,224.816, 163.848,224, 168,224c 11.64,0, 22.024,5.056, 29.336,13l 74.704-37.456C 272.304,177.672, 290.064,160, 312,160
+			c 22.096,0, 40,17.912, 40,40c0,0.712-0.168,1.376-0.208,2.080L 455.84,291.464C 460.792,289.272, 466.232,288, 472,288c 22.096,0, 40,17.904, 40,40
+			C 512,350.088, 494.096,368, 472,368z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe06c;" d="M 80.024,286.064L 80.024,464 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16s-16-7.168-16-16l0-177.92 
+			C 20.36,278.952-0.176,253.856-0.176,224c0-29.864, 20.536-54.952, 48.2-62.088L 48.024-16 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16L 80.024,161.928 
+			c 27.64,7.152, 48.152,32.224, 48.152,62.072C 128.176,253.84, 107.664,278.92, 80.024,286.064z M 64.208,191.984C 64.152,191.984, 64.088,192, 64.024,192
+			c-0.072,0-0.136-0.016-0.208-0.024C 46.24,192.080, 31.968,206.4, 31.968,224c0,17.592, 14.28,31.92, 31.856,32.016
+			C 63.888,256.016, 63.96,256, 64.024,256c 0.064,0, 0.12,0.016, 0.184,0.016c 17.568-0.112, 31.832-14.432, 31.832-32.016
+			C 96.040,206.408, 81.776,192.096, 64.208,191.984z M 272.032,190.064L 272.032,464 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-273.92 
+			c-27.664-7.136-48.2-32.216-48.2-62.080c0-29.864, 20.536-54.952, 48.2-62.088L 240.032-16 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16L 272.032,65.928 
+			c 27.632,7.152, 48.144,32.224, 48.144,62.072C 320.168,157.832, 299.664,182.912, 272.032,190.064z M 256.208,95.984
+			c-0.064,0-0.12,0.016-0.184,0.016c-0.072,0-0.136-0.016-0.208-0.024C 238.24,96.080, 223.968,110.4, 223.968,128
+			c0,17.608, 14.304,31.936, 31.896,32.016c 0.056,0, 0.112-0.016, 0.168-0.016c 0.048,0, 0.096,0.016, 0.144,0.016
+			C 273.76,159.92, 288.048,145.6, 288.048,128C 288.048,110.408, 273.784,96.096, 256.208,95.984z M 464.032,382.064L 464.032,464 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16
+			c-8.84,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-81.92 c-27.664-7.128-48.2-32.216-48.2-62.080c0-29.864, 20.536-54.96, 48.2-62.088L 432.032-16 c0-8.832, 7.16-16, 16-16
+			c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16L 464.032,257.928 c 27.632,7.152, 48.144,32.224, 48.144,62.072C 512.168,349.832, 491.664,374.912, 464.032,382.064z M 448.208,287.984
+			c-0.064,0-0.12,0.016-0.176,0.016c-0.072,0-0.144-0.016-0.208-0.016C 430.248,288.080, 415.968,302.4, 415.968,320
+			c0,17.592, 14.28,31.92, 31.848,32.016c 0.072,0, 0.144-0.016, 0.208-0.016c 0.064,0, 0.12,0.016, 0.176,0.016
+			c 17.568-0.12, 31.832-14.432, 31.832-32.016C 480.048,302.408, 465.784,288.096, 448.208,287.984z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe06d;" d="M 207.72,479.88c 145.416,0, 146.544-6.032, 164.552-19.592c 9.552-7.184, 27.576-12.168, 93.416-16.456
+	c 4.784-0.312, 9.32-2.144, 12.368-5.84c 1.4-1.704, 34.296-49.68, 34.296-126.512c0-75.72-23.544-110.24-24.552-111.848
+	c-2.92-4.672-8.048-7.512-13.56-7.512c-54.056,0-128.992-69-179.376-189.456c-8.712-20.832-10.504-34.528-42.512-34.528
+	c-18.2,0-38.6,13.032-48.688,29.752c-20.656,34.16-10.168,107.528-0.456,146.736c-33-0.264-92.736-0.72-121.16-0.72
+	c-39.536,0-65.696,23.576-66.504,58.048c-0.256,11.376, 1.232,25.912, 4.528,33.416c-8.696,8.68-19.928,21.776-20.416,38.632
+	c-0.616,21.752, 13.64,38.32, 22.728,47.832c-2.080,6.328-6.256,14.72-5.856,24.752c 1.008,24.672, 20.048,40.576, 31.92,48.872
+	C 47.472,402.184, 46.704,414.928, 48.864,424.768C 57.424,464.080, 115.064,479.88, 207.72,479.88z M 457.192,411.376c-57.344,4.744-88,11.168-104.168,23.344
+	c-12.512,9.416-10.576,13.152-145.304,13.152c-41.088,0-121.448-1.712-127.608-29.912c-2.456-11.28, 9.44-22.376, 9.488-22.456
+	c 3.248-8.024-0.376-17.424-8.296-20.888c-0.128-0.064-32.064-11.512-32.8-29.368c-0.472-11.416, 7.36-18.272, 7.544-18.552
+	c 4.656-7.232, 2.952-17.16-4.112-22.080c-0.080-0.064-20.784-12.608-20.272-29.72c 0.392-13.576, 18.288-23.144, 18.832-23.464
+	c 4-2.288, 6.912-6.248, 7.816-10.784c 0.904-4.512-0.112-9.264-2.912-12.92c0,0-8.136-12.936-7.848-25.056
+	c 0.592-25.968, 28.512-26.784, 34.504-26.784c 40.36,0, 144.016,0.424, 144.016,0.424c 5.592,0.016, 10.432-2.624, 13.432-7.096
+	s 3.232-10.032, 1.464-15.112c-15.624-45.016-24.352-115.64-9.856-139.768c 4.264-7.112, 5.248-14.216, 21.248-14.216
+	c 2.216,0, 7.496,1.752, 13,14.872c 53.496,127.904, 133.352,201.904, 198.76,208.576c 5.64,12.864, 16.248,39.52, 16.248,87.896
+	C 480.352,360.832, 464.712,399.016, 457.192,411.376z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe06e;" d="M 460.544,428.384L 292.416,35.488l-59.656,172.256L 60.664,259.76L 460.544,428.384 M 502.232,479.616c-3.048,0-6.76-0.864-11.048-2.68
+	L 13.856,274.4c-17.192-7.296-18.28-21.352-2.424-31.232l 197.648-61.792l 64.68-201.632c 4.64-7.592, 10.248-11.36, 15.632-11.36
+	c 5.968,0, 11.648,4.576, 15.52,13.624L 509.048,458.872C 514.576,471.816, 511.432,479.616, 502.232,479.616L 502.232,479.616z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe06f;" d="M 487.472,447.304c0,11.616-6.296,22.328-16.456,27.968
+			c-4.84,2.696-10.184,4.032-15.544,4.032c-5.856,0-11.736-1.616-16.888-4.824L 70.72,251.184c-7.976-4.952-13.256-13.104-14.688-22.2L 56.032,464 
+			c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16s-16-7.168-16-16l0-480 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16L 56.032,219.032 c 1.44-9.104, 6.72-17.256, 14.688-22.192L 439.080-26.48
+			c 5.16-3.216, 11.032-4.832, 16.888-4.832c 5.36,0, 10.704,1.344, 15.544,4.032c 10.16,5.64, 16.456,16.344, 16.456,27.968L 487.472,447.304z
+			 M 87.6,224.008L 455.472,447.304l 0.504-446.608L 87.6,224.008z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe070;" d="M 286.96,381.048L 34.32,224l 252.64-157.048L 286.96,190.44 l 192-123.488L 478.96,381.048 l-192-123.496L 286.96,385.472  M 285.632,413.048
+	c 5.352,0, 11.368-1.336, 16.208-4.032c 10.16-5.64, 17.12-16.352, 17.12-27.968l0-65.92 L 468.072,408.224c 5.16,3.2, 10.688,4.824, 16.56,4.824
+	c 5.344,0, 7.864-1.336, 12.712-4.032c 10.16-5.64, 13.616-16.352, 13.616-27.968l0-314.096 c0-11.624-3.624-22.328-13.784-27.968
+	c-4.84-2.688-8.864-4.032-14.216-4.032c-5.864,0-10.392,1.608-15.552,4.832L 318.96,132.872l0-65.92 c0-11.624-6.96-22.328-17.12-27.968
+	c-4.84-2.688-10.52-4.032-15.88-4.032c-5.856,0-11.896,1.608-17.056,4.832L 16.176,196.832C 6.792,202.656, 1.040,212.936, 1.040,224
+	s 5.688,21.336, 15.080,27.176L 268.752,408.224C 273.904,411.432, 279.768,413.048, 285.632,413.048L 285.632,413.048z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe071;" d="M 72.312,447.304l 367.872-223.296L 71.816,0.696L 72.312,447.304 M 72.312,479.304c-5.36,0-10.704-1.336-15.544-4.032
+	c-10.16-5.64-16.456-16.352-16.456-27.968L 39.816,0.696c0-11.624, 6.296-22.328, 16.456-27.968c 4.84-2.688, 10.184-4.032, 15.544-4.032
+	c 5.856,0, 11.736,1.608, 16.888,4.832l 368.36,223.312c 9.408,5.832, 15.128,16.112, 15.128,27.168s-5.72,21.336-15.128,27.176L 89.2,474.488
+	C 84.048,477.688, 78.168,479.304, 72.312,479.304L 72.312,479.304z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe072;" d="M 208.136,480L 96.032,480 c-8.832,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-480 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 112.104,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.168, 16,16L 224.136,464 
+			C 224.136,472.84, 216.976,480, 208.136,480z M 192.136,0L 112.032,0 L 112.032,448 l 80.104,0 L 192.136,0 z M 415.968,480L 304.44,480 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-480 c0-8.832, 7.16-16, 16-16
+			l 111.528,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.168, 16,16L 431.968,464 C 431.968,472.84, 424.816,480, 415.968,480z M 399.968,0l-79.528,0 L 320.44,448 l 79.528,0 L 399.968,0 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe073;" d="M 225.040,381.048L 477.68,224L 225.040,66.952L 225.040,190.44 l-192-123.488L 33.040,381.048 l 192-123.496L 225.040,385.472  M 226.368,413.048
+	c-5.36,0-11.368-1.336-16.216-4.032C 200,403.376, 193.040,392.664, 193.040,381.048l0-65.92 L 43.928,408.224c-5.16,3.2-10.688,4.824-16.56,4.824
+	c-5.344,0-7.864-1.336-12.72-4.032C 4.504,403.376, 1.040,392.664, 1.040,381.048l0-314.096 c0-11.624, 3.624-22.328, 13.784-27.968
+	c 4.84-2.688, 8.864-4.032, 14.216-4.032c 5.864,0, 10.392,1.608, 15.552,4.832L 193.040,132.872l0-65.92 c0-11.624, 6.96-22.328, 17.112-27.968
+	c 4.848-2.688, 10.528-4.032, 15.888-4.032c 5.856,0, 11.896,1.608, 17.056,4.832l 252.728,157.048c 9.392,5.832, 15.144,16.112, 15.144,27.168
+	s-5.688,21.336-15.080,27.176L 243.248,408.224C 238.096,411.432, 232.224,413.048, 226.368,413.048L 226.368,413.048z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe074;" d="M 471.968,480c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-235 c-1.44,9.096-6.72,17.232-14.688,22.184
+			L 73.424,474.488c-5.16,3.2-11.032,4.824-16.888,4.824c-5.36,0-10.704-1.336-15.544-4.032c-10.16-5.64-16.456-16.352-16.456-27.968
+			L 24.032,0.696c0-11.624, 6.296-22.328, 16.456-27.968c 4.84-2.688, 10.184-4.032, 15.544-4.032c 5.856,0, 11.736,1.608, 16.888,4.832
+			L 441.28,196.832c 7.968,4.936, 13.248,13.080, 14.688,22.176L 455.968-16 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16L 487.968,464 C 487.968,472.832, 480.808,480, 471.968,480z
+			 M 56.032,0.696L 56.528,447.304l 367.872-223.296L 56.032,0.696z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe075;" d="M 480,432.056L 351.888,432.056 L 351.888,463.944 c0,8.84-7.16,16-16,16s-16-7.16-16-16l0-31.88 l-128,0 L 191.888,463.944 
+			c0,8.84-7.16,16-16,16c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-31.88 L 32,432.064 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-400 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 448,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32l0,400 
+			C 512,417.728, 497.672,432.056, 480,432.056z M 480,0.064L 32,0.064 l0,400 l 127.888,0 l0-16.12 c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16L 191.888,400.056 l 128,0 l0-16.12 
+			c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16s 16,7.16, 16,16L 351.888,400.056 L 480,400.056 L 480,0.064 z M 368,224.056l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,32 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 
+			c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 C 352,231.224, 359.168,224.056, 368,224.056z M 368,96.064l 32,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.16, 16,16l0,32 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 
+			c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 C 352,103.216, 359.168,96.064, 368,96.064z M 272,160.064l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 c0-8.84, 7.168-16, 16-16l 32,0 
+			c 8.832,0, 16,7.16, 16,16l0,32 C 288,152.888, 280.832,160.064, 272,160.064z M 272,288.056l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 32,0 
+			c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,32 C 288,280.896, 280.832,288.056, 272,288.056z M 144,288.056l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16l 32,0 
+			c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16l0,32 C 160,280.896, 152.832,288.056, 144,288.056z M 144,160.064l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-32 c0-8.84, 7.168-16, 16-16l 32,0 
+			c 8.832,0, 16,7.16, 16,16l0,32 C 160,152.888, 152.832,160.064, 144,160.064z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe076;" d="M 255.992,480C 156.976,480, 79.432,399.448, 79.432,300.432c0-74.6, 36.64-110.128, 65.592-136.064c 18.64-16.712, 31.184-26.776, 31.184-39.176
+			l0-27.128 c0-0.696, 0.096-1.376, 0.184-2.064l-0.36,0 l0-46.312 C 176.040,0.832, 207.632-32, 256.568-32c 47.232,0, 79.472,32.832, 79.472,81.688L 336.040,96 
+			l-0.464,0 c 0.088,0.688, 0.208,1.368, 0.208,2.064l0,27.128 c0,18.88, 14.016,30.296, 35.264,48.848c 28.752,25.104, 61.512,56.344, 61.512,126.392
+			C 432.568,399.448, 355.008,480, 255.992,480z M 255.384,0c-29.952,0-47.344,18.576-47.344,49.688l-0.232,21.336C 219.32,67.088, 235,64, 256,64
+			c 20.712,0, 36.424,3.312, 48.040,7.384l0-21.696 C 304.040,18.112, 286.416,0, 255.384,0z M 350.008,198.144c-21.736-18.984-46.216-38.608-46.216-72.952
+			l0-20.216 c-7.592-4.24-21.592-9.28-48.064-9.28c-27.784,0-40.96,4.928-47.512,8.736l0,20.768 c0,27.304-21.344,44.648-41.84,63.008
+			c-27.16,24.336-54.936,51.92-54.936,112.232C 111.432,381.8, 174.632,448, 255.992,448c 81.376,0, 144.576-66.2, 144.576-147.568
+			C 400.568,244.92, 376.336,221.144, 350.008,198.144z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe077;" d="M 136.032,320.008L 24,320.008 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16L 8-16 c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16l 112.032,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16L 152.032,304.008 
+			C 152.032,312.848, 144.872,320.008, 136.032,320.008z M 120.032,0L 40,0 L 40,288.008 l 80.032,0 L 120.032,0 z M 311.872,224.872L 199.832,224.872 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16L 183.832-16 
+			c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16l 112.040,0 c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16L 327.872,208.872 C 327.872,217.72, 320.72,224.872, 311.872,224.872z M 295.872,0L 215.832,0 L 215.832,192.872 
+			l 80.040,0 L 295.872,0 z M 488,480L 376.136,480 c-8.84,0-16-7.16-16-16l0-480 c0-8.84, 7.16-16, 16-16L 488-32 c 8.84,0, 16,7.16, 16,16L 504,464 C 504,472.84, 496.84,480, 488,480z M 472,0
+			l-79.864,0 L 392.136,448 L 472,448 L 472,0 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe078;" d="M 512,224C 512,365.392, 397.384,480, 256,480C 114.608,480,0,365.392,0,224c0-141.384, 114.608-256, 256-256C 397.384-32, 512,82.616, 512,224z M 31.504,224
+			C 31.504,347.512, 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224S 379.512,0, 256,0S 31.504,100.488, 31.504,224z M 272.168,111.84L 272.168,292.072 l 57.88-57.88
+			c 6.248-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0s 6.248,16.376,0,22.624L 255.672,351.32L 158.672,256.816c-3.128-3.128-4.688-7.216-4.688-11.312
+			s 1.56-8.184, 4.688-11.312c 6.248-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0l 58.872,58.88L 240.168,111.84 c0-8.84, 7.168-16, 16-16S 272.168,103, 272.168,111.84z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe079;" d="M 256,480C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224c0-141.392, 114.616-256, 256-256c 141.392,0, 256,114.608, 256,256C 512,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480z M 256-0.504
+			C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224S 379.512-0.504, 256-0.504z M 266.184,320.68
+			c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.376,0-22.624l 57.88-57.88L 143.84,240.176 c-8.84,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.16-16, 16-16l 181.232,0 l-58.88-58.872
+			c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.376,0-22.624c 3.128-3.128, 7.216-4.688, 11.312-4.688s 8.184,1.56, 11.312,4.688l 94.504,97L 288.816,320.68
+			C 282.56,326.928, 272.44,326.928, 266.184,320.68z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe07a;" d="M 256,480C 114.608,480,0,365.384,0,224c0-141.392, 114.608-256, 256-256c 141.384,0, 256,114.608, 256,256C 512,365.384, 397.384,480, 256,480z M 256-0.504
+			C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224S 379.512-0.504, 256-0.504z M 368.16,240.168L 187.928,240.168 l 57.88,57.88
+			c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.376,0,22.624s-16.376,6.248-22.624,0L 128.68,223.672l 94.504-97c 3.128-3.128, 7.216-4.688, 11.312-4.688
+			s 8.184,1.56, 11.312,4.688c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.376,0,22.624l-58.88,58.872L 368.16,208.168 c 8.84,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 377,240.168, 368.16,240.168z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe07b;" d="M0,224c0-141.392, 114.616-256, 256-256c 141.392,0, 256,114.608, 256,256C 512,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224z M 480.504,224
+			c0-123.512-100.984-224-224.504-224S 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448S 480.504,347.512, 480.504,224z M 239.832,336.16l0-180.224 l-57.88,57.88
+			c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.624,0s-6.248-16.376,0-22.624l 97.008-94.504l 97,94.504c 3.128,3.128, 4.688,7.216, 4.688,11.312
+			s-1.56,8.184-4.688,11.312c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.624,0l-58.872-58.88L 271.84,336.16 c0,8.84-7.168,16-16,16S 239.832,345, 239.832,336.16z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe07c;" d="M 256,480C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224c0-141.392, 114.616-256, 256-256
+			c 141.392,0, 256,114.608, 256,256C 512,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480z M 32,224c0,56.136, 20.808,107.48, 55.048,146.832l 315.928-315.928
+			C 363.608,20.464, 312.208-0.504, 256-0.504C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224z M 425.512,77.608L 109.704,393.416C 148.992,427.384, 200.12,448, 256,448
+			c 123.512,0, 224-100.488, 224-224C 480,168.168, 459.424,116.984, 425.512,77.608z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe07d;" d="M 256,416c 123.512,0, 224-71.776, 224-160c0-88.216-100.488-160-224-160l-7.568-0.032l-5.688-0.016c-8.792,0-14.544,0.232-23.536,1.576
+	l-17.928,2.56l-11.504-13.92c-5.288-6.392-32.272-28.56-62.056-42.832c 6.056,16.016, 10.52,33.504, 10.92,50.8l 0.16,0.952l0,2.736 l0,19.576 
+	l-17.432,8.904C 64.568,155.36, 32,202.624, 32,256C 32,344.224, 132.488,416, 256,416 M 256,448C 114.6,448,0,362.032,0,256c0-66.032, 39.128-123.576, 106.792-158.168
+	c0-0.408-0.128-0.704-0.128-1.16c0-28.688-16.080-60.232-25.504-76.472l 0.024,0 C 80.44,18.456, 80,16.544, 80,14.496
+	C 80,6.456, 86.48,0, 94.504,0c 1.208,0, 3.128,0.248, 3.832,0.248c 0.168,0, 0.264,0, 0.248-0.048c 50,8.168, 104.976,52.344, 115.912,65.672
+	c 11.24-1.672, 18.832-1.92, 28.24-1.92C 246.704,63.952, 250.984,64, 256,64c 141.376,0, 256,85.952, 256,192C 512,362.032, 397.376,448, 256,448L 256,448z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe07e;" d="M 319.064,368.312c 0.64,0, 1.16-0.504, 1.16-1.12l0-63.936 c0-11.832, 6.528-22.712, 17-28.264c 4.704-2.504, 9.856-3.736, 15-3.736
+	c 6.28,0, 13.528,1.84, 18.92,5.496L 480,338.368L 480,110.16 L 370.544,169.92c-5.488,3.832-11.888,5.768-18.328,5.768
+	c-5.064,0-10.128-1.2-14.784-3.608c-10.56-5.512-17.2-16.44-17.216-28.344l-0.080-62.92c0-0.624-0.504-1.128-1.144-1.128L 33.144,79.688 
+	C 32.504,79.688, 32,80.184, 32,80.8l 0.080,286.392c0,0.624, 0.504,1.12, 1.144,1.12L 319.064,368.312  M 495.184,384.328c-3.408,0-10.144-1.008-13.984-4.832
+	l-128.984-76.24l0,63.936 c0,18.28-14.84,33.12-33.16,33.12L 33.216,400.312 c-18.336,0-33.144-14.832-33.144-33.12L0,80.816
+	c0-18.28, 14.816-33.128, 33.144-33.128l 285.856,0 c 18.328,0, 33.144,14.84, 33.144,33.128l 0.080,62.872l 131.488-76.656
+	c 3.856-3.84, 8.128-3.344, 11.544-3.344c 3.544,0, 6.184,1.080, 6.512,1.216C 507.984,67.496, 512,73.496, 512,80.248L 512,367.736 
+	c0,6.752-4.016,12.776-10.232,15.328C 501.408,383.224, 498.752,384.328, 495.184,384.328L 495.184,384.328z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe07f;" d="M 464,368l-73.592,0 L 352,432L 160,432 l-38.4-64L 48,368 c-16,0-48-16-48-47.504L0,64 c0-26.504, 24-48, 44.664-48l 420.336,0 C 486,16, 512,38.496, 512,63.496L 512,320 
+			C 512,336, 496,368, 464,368z M 480,63.496c0-6.312-10.232-15.144-15-15.504L 44.76,47.992 C 41.056,48.296, 32,55.512, 32,64L 32,320.496 
+			C 32,330.632, 45.616,335.744, 48,336l 91.72,0 l 9.32,15.536L 178.12,400l 156.824,0 l 28.56-48.472l 8.8-15.528L 464,336 c 11.28,0, 15.84-14.736, 16-16L 480,63.496 z M 256,320
+			c-61.856,0-112-50.144-112-112s 50.144-112, 112-112s 112,50.144, 112,112S 317.856,320, 256,320z M 256,128c-44.112,0-80,35.888-80,80s 35.888,80, 80,80
+			s 80-35.888, 80-80S 300.112,128, 256,128z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe080;" d="M 256,480C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224c0-141.392, 114.616-256, 256-256
+			c 141.392,0, 256,114.608, 256,256C 512,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480z M 256-0.504C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224
+			S 379.512-0.504, 256-0.504z M 358.168,317.672L 207.968,166.528l-67.64,67.64c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.632,0
+			c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.376,0-22.624l 79.192-79.2c 6.248-6.24, 16.376-6.24, 22.632,0c 0.72,0.72, 1.336,1.504, 1.896,2.32L 380.808,295.040
+			c 6.24,6.248, 6.24,16.376,0,22.632C 374.552,323.92, 364.424,323.92, 358.168,317.672z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe081;" d="M 256,480C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224c0-141.392, 114.616-256, 256-256
+			c 141.392,0, 256,114.608, 256,256C 512,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480z M 256-0.504C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224
+			S 379.512-0.504, 256-0.504z M 272,230.496L 272,384 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16s-16-7.168-16-16l0-160 c0-4.528, 1.896-8.6, 4.928-11.504
+			c 0.264-0.312, 0.48-0.648, 0.768-0.944l 79.192-79.2c 6.248-6.24, 16.376-6.24, 22.624,0c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.384,0,22.632L 272,230.496z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe082;" d="M 256,480C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224c0-141.392, 114.616-256, 256-256
+			c 141.392,0, 256,114.608, 256,256C 512,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480z M 256-0.504C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224
+			S 379.512-0.504, 256-0.504z M 346.504,314.504c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.624,0L 256,246.624l-67.88,67.88
+			c-6.248,6.248-16.376,6.248-22.632,0c-6.248-6.248-6.248-16.376,0-22.624L 233.368,224l-67.88-67.88c-6.248-6.24-6.248-16.384,0-22.624
+			c 6.248-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.632,0L 256,201.376l 67.88-67.88c 6.248-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0c 6.248,6.24, 6.248,16.384,0,22.624
+			L 278.624,224l 67.88,67.88C 352.76,298.136, 352.76,308.264, 346.504,314.504z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe083;" d="M 381.512,350C 359.2,409.216, 311.232,446.72, 238.784,446.72c-92.192,0-156.696-68.456-162.24-157.768C 32.088,274.736,0,229.392,0,178.032
+			c0-62.872, 49.424-115.984, 107.912-115.984l 14.224,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.16, 16,16s-7.168,16-16,16l-14.224,0 c-41.152,0-76.416,38.456-76.416,83.984
+			c0,40.232, 28.208,76.528, 63.592,82.608l 14.52,2.504l-1.296,14.672l-0.12,0.184c 0.008,77.936, 51.304,136.72, 130.592,136.72
+			c 63.552,0, 99.256-31.312, 115.776-84.72l 3.416-11.016l 11.536-0.248c 59.432-1.248, 111.544-49.472, 111.544-109.392
+			c0-54.528-36.136-115.296-90.856-115.296l-4.552,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.16-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l0,0.048 c 80,2.112, 126.12,78.544, 126.12,147.248
+			C 511.752,283.208, 453.872,342.216, 381.512,350z M 323.168,92.264c-4.472,4.672-11.704,4.672-16.168,0l-35.192-38.824L 271.808,214.512 
+			c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16s-16-7.168-16-16l0-161.216 l-34.056,37.968c-4.472,4.672-11.72,5.672-16.184,1l-4.032-2.208
+			c-4.472-4.688-4.472-12.24,0-16.912l 57.752-63.872c 0.080-0.080, 0.096-0.184, 0.168-0.264l 4.048-4.232
+			c 2.248-2.344, 5.184-3.504, 8.144-3.488c 2.936-0.016, 5.888,1.144, 8.112,3.488l 4.048,4.232c 0.080,0.080, 0.12,0.168, 0.184,0.264
+			l 59.216,64.872c 4.472,4.672, 4.472,10.224,0,14.912L 323.168,92.264z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe084;" d="M 381.512,350.016C 359.2,409.232, 311.232,446.736, 238.776,446.736c-92.192,0-156.696-68.456-162.24-157.768
+			C 32.088,274.752,0,229.408,0,178.048c0-62.872, 49.424-115.984, 107.912-115.984l 46.224,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16c0,8.84-7.168,16-16,16l-46.224,0 
+			c-41.152,0-76.416,38.456-76.416,83.984c0,40.232, 28.208,76.528, 63.592,82.608l 14.52,2.504l-1.288,14.664l-0.12,0.184
+			c0,77.936, 51.288,136.72, 130.576,136.72c 63.552,0, 99.256-31.312, 115.768-84.72l 3.424-11.016l 11.528-0.248
+			c 59.44-1.248, 111.552-49.472, 111.552-109.384c0-54.528-36.136-115.296-90.848-115.296l-36.56,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16c0-8.84, 7.168-16, 16-16
+			l 36.44,0.048c 80,2.112, 121.672,78.536, 121.672,147.248C 511.752,283.216, 453.872,342.232, 381.512,350.016z M 267.992,222.528
+			c-0.088,0.096-0.12,0.176-0.176,0.256l-4.048,4.232c-2.216,2.344-5.168,3.504-8.12,3.488c-2.952,0.024-5.888-1.144-8.144-3.488
+			l-4.048-4.232c-0.080-0.080-0.096-0.176-0.168-0.256l-57.752-63.872c-4.472-4.672-4.472-12.232,0-16.92l 4.032-2.736
+			c 4.472-4.672, 11.72-3.16, 16.184,1.512l 34.056,37.968l0-161.216 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16L 271.808,178.328 l 35.184-38.816
+			c 4.472-4.672, 11.704-6.184, 16.168-1.512l 4.032,2.736c 4.472,4.688, 4.472,12.248,0,16.92L 267.992,222.528z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe085;" d="M 280,480L 104,480 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-448 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 304,0 c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 440,319.992 L 280,480z M 408,306.736L 408,304 L 264,304 L 264,448 l 2.752,0 
+			L 408,306.736z M 104,0L 104,448 l 128,0 l0-176 l 176,0 l0-272 L 104,0 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe086;" d="M 511.728,364c 0.496,3.072, 0.088,6.24-1.24,9.136C 506.456,390.856, 493.648,400, 472,400L 56,400 c-19.040,0-39.552-7-49.64-20.736
+			c-0.872-0.664-1.704-1.416-2.456-2.288c-3.224-3.72-4.352-8.504-3.632-13.016C 0.128,362.664,0,361.36,0,360l0-256 c0-26.512, 29.496-56, 56-56
+			l 416,0 c 26.512,0, 40,29.488, 40,56L 512,360 C 512,361.416, 511.816,362.656, 511.728,364z M 56,368l 416,0 c 0.096,0, 0.144,0, 0.216,0L 256,195.672L 40.656,367.296
+			C 45.552,368.2, 51.576,368, 56,368z M 472,80L 56,80 c-8.824,0-24,15.168-24,24L 32,333.224 L 245.52,162.4c 3.008-2.6, 6.744-3.896, 10.48-3.896
+			s 7.472,1.296, 10.488,3.896L 480,333.216L 480,104 C 480,95.168, 480.832,80, 472,80z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe087;" d="M 257.736,319.296c-53.016,0-96-42.984-96-96c0-53.008, 42.984-96, 96-96s 96,42.984, 96,96
+			C 353.736,276.312, 310.752,319.296, 257.736,319.296z M 257.736,159.296c-35.288,0-64.736,29.408-64.736,64.696c0,35.288, 28.712,64, 64,64
+			c 35.296,0, 64-28.712, 64-64C 321,188.704, 293.032,159.296, 257.736,159.296z M 511.84,227.712c-0.184,0.808-0.104,1.664-0.344,2.456
+			c-0.104,0.336-0.312,0.528-0.432,0.824c-0.168,0.456-0.128,0.992-0.36,1.432C 464.168,338.976, 363.872,400.304, 256.992,400.304
+			c-106.88,0-209.184-61.216-255.744-167.776c-0.2-0.448-0.168-0.912-0.328-1.424c-0.112-0.312-0.344-0.488-0.448-0.784
+			c-0.248-0.808-0.152-1.648-0.304-2.464c-0.296-1.44-0.568-2.84-0.568-4.296c0-1.472, 0.272-2.832, 0.568-4.296
+			c 0.16-0.8, 0.056-1.672, 0.304-2.44c 0.104-0.36, 0.336-0.512, 0.448-0.84c 0.168-0.44, 0.128-0.984, 0.328-1.424
+			C 47.816,108.032, 149.12,47.704, 256,47.704c 106.888,0, 208.168,60.2, 254.72,166.752c 0.232,0.456, 0.184,0.936, 0.36,1.44
+			c 0.112,0.28, 0.328,0.488, 0.424,0.8c 0.248,0.784, 0.168,1.64, 0.344,2.456c 0.28,1.432, 0.544,2.832, 0.544,4.312
+			C 512.392,224.872, 512.128,226.264, 511.84,227.712z M 256,79.704c-90.648,0-179.872,47.784-223.712,143.84
+			c 43.424,95.736, 133.84,144.752, 224.712,144.752c 90.84,0, 179.248-49.072, 222.688-144.856C 436.28,127.736, 346.872,79.704, 256,79.704z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe088;" d="M 340,432.336c-80,0-101.328,48-202.656,48C 72,480.336, 32,430.992, 32,430.992l0-447.328 
+			c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16L 64,187.6 c 16.88,10.888, 40.168,20.736, 69.344,20.736c 101.328,0, 130.656-48, 210.656-48s 136,48, 136,48l0,272 
+			C 480,480.336, 420,432.336, 340,432.336z M 448,224.64c-18.080-11.792-56.392-32.304-104-32.304c-31.456,0-52.92,8.632-80.112,19.568
+			c-33.136,13.32-70.704,28.432-130.544,28.432c-27.344,0-50.536-6.88-69.344-16.080L 64,417.992 c 12.048,10.96, 38.312,30.344, 73.344,30.344
+			c 47.056,0, 73.544-11.424, 101.592-23.504c 27.936-12.040, 56.832-24.496, 101.064-24.496c 42.624,0, 80.064,11.784, 108,24.456L 448,224.64 z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe089;" d="M 177.376,392l 39.312-38.624L 226.744,344L 240,344 l 240,0 l0-288 L 32,56 L 32,392 l 144,0  M 192,424L 32,424 c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32l0-336 c0-17.672, 14.328-32, 32-32l 448,0 
+	c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32L 512,344 c0,17.672-14.328,32-32,32L 240,376 L 192,424L 192,424z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe08a;" d="M 143.992,422.92c 15.688,0, 44.048-7.504, 90.048-52.808l 22.808-22.456l 22.464,22.816C 311.248,402.92, 345.232,423.072, 368,423.072
+	c 30.704,0, 54.904-10.504, 78.504-34.048c 22.232-22.184, 34.496-51.68, 34.496-83.056c 0.016-31.392-12.224-60.912-34.704-83.336
+	c-1.832-1.856-98.496-106.152-179.48-193.552c-3.816-3.624-8.176-4.16-10.496-4.16c-2.288,0-6.6,0.512-10.4,4.048
+	c-19.736,21.952-162.776,181-179.408,197.616C 44.248,248.792, 32,278.312, 32,309.696c 0.008,31.376, 12.256,60.864, 34.52,83.072
+	C 88.168,414.4, 113.512,422.92, 143.992,422.92 M 143.992,454.92c-38.264,0-72-11.448-100.088-39.504c-58.536-58.384-58.536-153.064,0-211.48
+	c 16.712-16.72, 178.928-197.168, 178.928-197.168c 9.24-9.248, 21.376-13.84, 33.48-13.84c 12.112,0, 24.2,4.592, 33.456,13.84
+	c0,0, 177.44,191.512, 179.328,193.424c 58.52,58.44, 58.52,153.12,0,211.504c-29.056,29-61.512,43.392-101.104,43.392
+	c-37.824,0-80-30.16-111.504-62.16C 223.992,424.92, 183.12,454.92, 143.992,454.92L 143.992,454.92z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe08b;" d="M 288,112l-16,0 L 272,255 c0,0.168-0.048,0.328-0.048,0.504S 272,255.832, 272,256c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16l-32,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16
+			s 7.168-16, 16-16l 16,0 l0-128 l-16,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 64,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 296.832,112, 288,112z M 256,304c 17.672,0, 32,14.328, 32,32
+			s-14.328,32-32,32s-32-14.328-32-32S 238.328,304, 256,304z M 256,480C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224c0-141.392, 114.616-256, 256-256c 141.392,0, 256,114.608, 256,256
+			C 512,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480z M 256-0.504C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224S 379.512-0.504, 256-0.504z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe08c;" d="M 327.848,480c-79.528,0-144-64.576-144-144.232c0-35.704, 13.016-68.312, 34.472-93.504
+			c-4.416,0.272-8.92-1.216-12.296-4.592L 44.832,75.48c-6.24-6.248-6.24-16.384,0-22.624c 0.12-0.12, 0.256-0.192, 0.384-0.312
+			c 0.040-0.040, 0.064-0.088, 0.104-0.128l 78.456-79.952c 6.24-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0s 6.248,16.384,0,22.624l-67.736,69.032l 41.248,41.504
+			l 67.864-69.16c 6.24-6.248, 16.376-6.248, 22.624,0s 6.24,16.384,0,22.624l-67.928,69.224l 86.192,86.736c 3.336,3.336, 4.832,7.768, 4.608,12.136
+			c 25.312-22.144, 58.336-35.656, 94.584-35.656c 79.528,0, 144,64.576, 144,144.24C 471.848,415.424, 407.384,480, 327.848,480z M 327.848,224
+			c-61.624,0-112,50.136-112,112c0,61.872, 50.376,112, 112,112s 112-50.128, 112-112C 439.848,274.136, 389.48,224, 327.848,224z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe08d;" d="M 147.832,113.776c 3.128-3.128, 7.216-4.688, 11.312-4.688s 8.184,1.56, 11.312,4.688L 364.288,309.12
+			c 6.248,6.248, 6.248,16.376,0,22.624s-16.376,6.248-22.624,0L 147.832,136.4C 141.576,130.152, 141.576,120.024, 147.832,113.776z M 237.936,147.848
+			c 5.288-23.312-0.416-46.2-18.432-64.216l-64.624-62.624c-13.6-13.592-31.68-21.080-50.912-21.080s-37.312,7.488-50.904,21.080
+			c-28.072,28.080-28.072,73.768-0.168,101.672l 63.128,65.128c 13.6,13.592, 31.68,21.088, 50.912,21.088c 6.576,0, 12.912-1.176, 19.088-2.872
+			l 24.976,24.976c-13.936,6.512-28.976,9.896-44.064,9.896c-26.616,0-53.232-10.16-73.536-30.464l-62.968-64.968
+			c-40.608-40.608-40.608-106.456,0-147.080c 20.304-20.312, 46.92-30.456, 73.536-30.456s 53.232,10.144, 73.536,30.456l 64.472,62.472
+			c 31.064,31.064, 37.784,74.36, 21.328,112.36L 237.936,147.848z M 481.568,449.608c-20.312,20.304-46.92,30.464-73.528,30.464
+			c-26.624,0-53.248-10.16-73.544-30.464l-64.464-62.472c-32.2-32.2-38.768-80.232-19.896-119.016l 24.832,24.824
+			c-7.352,24.552-1.704,52.168, 17.528,71.416l 64.624,62.624c 13.608,13.592, 31.672,21.088, 50.92,21.088c 19.216,0, 37.312-7.496, 50.904-21.088
+			c 28.064-28.080, 28.064-73.768, 0.16-101.672l-64.624-64.624c-13.592-13.592-31.688-21.080-50.904-21.080c-4.904,0-9.216-0.496-13.92,0.464
+			l-25.488-25.504c 12.736-5.296, 25.816-6.968, 39.408-6.968c 26.608,0, 53.216,10.152, 73.528,30.464l 64.472,64.472
+			C 522.176,343.144, 522.176,408.984, 481.568,449.608z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe08e;" d="M 400,288l-16,0 l0,61.064 C 384,422.488, 330.872,480, 255.408,480C 179.64,480, 128,421.264, 128,349.064L 128,288 l-16,0 
+			c-35.296,0-64-28.704-64-64l0-192 c0-35.296, 28.704-64, 64-64l 288,0 c 35.296,0, 64,28.704, 64,64L 464,224 C 464,259.296, 435.296,288, 400,288z M 160,349.064
+			C 160,403.608, 197.28,448, 255.408,448C 312.936,448, 352,404.544, 352,349.064L 352,288 L 160,288 L 160,349.064 z M 432,32c0-17.64-14.36-32-32-32L 112,0 c-17.64,0-32,14.36-32,32L 80,224 
+			c0,17.64, 14.36,32, 32,32l 288,0 c 17.64,0, 32-14.36, 32-32L 432,32 z M 256,192c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32c0-11.816, 6.48-22.016, 16-27.56L 240,80 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16
+			s 16,7.168, 16,16l0,52.44 c 9.52,5.544, 16,15.752, 16,27.56C 288,177.672, 273.672,192, 256,192z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe08f;" d="M 400,287.448L 171.52,287.448 l-8.28,37.136
+			c-14.12,52.688, 10.408,105.216, 66.544,120.256c 55.568,14.888, 104.544-16.968, 118.912-70.56l 6.8-26.984c 2.288-8.536, 11.056-13.6, 19.6-11.312
+			c 8.536,2.288, 13.6,11.056, 11.312,19.592l-6.808,26.984C 360.608,453.48, 294.408,495.28, 221.504,475.752C 148.32,456.144, 113.648,386.040, 132.336,316.296
+			l 6.432-28.848L 112,287.448 c-35.296,0-64-28.704-64-64l0-192 c0-35.296, 28.704-64, 64-64l 288,0 c 35.296,0, 64,28.704, 64,64l0,192 C 464,258.744, 435.296,287.448, 400,287.448z
+			 M 432,31.448c0-17.64-14.36-32-32-32L 112-0.552 c-17.64,0-32,14.36-32,32l0,192 c0,17.64, 14.36,32, 32,32l 288,0 c 17.64,0, 32-14.36, 32-32L 432,31.448 z M 256,191.448
+			c-17.672,0-32-14.328-32-32c0-11.816, 6.48-22.016, 16-27.56l0-52.44 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16l0,52.44 c 9.52,5.544, 16,15.752, 16,27.56
+			C 288,177.12, 273.672,191.448, 256,191.448z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe090;" d="M 507.32-4.52L 351.856,151.896c 28.976,34.704, 46.44,79.352, 46.44,128.104
+			c0,110.456-89.544,200-200,200c-110.456,0-200-89.544-200-200c0-110.456, 89.544-200, 200-200c 50.184,0, 96.024,18.528, 131.144,49.072l 155.248-156.224
+			c 6.248-6.248, 16.384-6.248, 22.632,0C 513.56-20.904, 513.56-10.776, 507.32-4.52z M 198.296,111.736
+			C 105.368,111.736, 30.032,187.072, 30.032,280S 105.368,448.264, 198.296,448.264S 366.56,372.928, 366.56,280S 291.224,111.736, 198.296,111.736z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe091;" d="M 507.312-4.52L 365.8,137.864c 30.304,36.2, 48.544,82.88, 48.544,133.856
+			C 414.344,386.752, 321.592,480, 206.568,480S-1.704,386.752-1.704,271.728c0-115.024, 93.248-208.272, 208.272-208.272
+			c 52.504,0, 100.336,19.48, 136.848,51.536l 141.264-142.152c 6.248-6.248, 16.384-6.248, 22.624,0C 513.56-20.904, 513.56-10.776, 507.312-4.52z
+			 M 206.296,96c-96.776,0-176,79.224-176,176s 79.224,176, 176,176s 176-79.224, 176-176S 303.072,96, 206.296,96z M 286.296,288l-64,0 l0,64 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16
+			s-16-7.168-16-16l0-64 l-64,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 64,0 l0-64 c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16l0,64 l 64,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16
+			S 295.136,288, 286.296,288z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe092;" d="M 507.312-4.52L 365.8,137.864c 30.304,36.2, 48.544,82.88, 48.544,133.856
+			C 414.344,386.752, 321.592,480, 206.568,480S-1.704,386.752-1.704,271.728c0-115.024, 93.248-208.272, 208.272-208.272
+			c 52.504,0, 100.336,19.48, 136.848,51.536l 141.264-142.152c 6.248-6.248, 16.384-6.248, 22.624,0C 513.56-20.904, 513.56-10.776, 507.312-4.52z
+			 M 206.296,96c-96.776,0-176,79.224-176,176s 79.224,176, 176,176s 176-79.224, 176-176S 303.072,96, 206.296,96z M 286.296,288l-160,0 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16
+			s 7.168-16, 16-16l 160,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 295.136,288, 286.296,288z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe093;" d="M 86.36-23.816c-21.704,0-42.544,8.984-59.152,25.608C-9.616,38.736-9.616,98.824, 27.2,135.744L 314.336,440.656
+	c 44.8,44.872, 113.424,40.84, 163.504-9.304c 22.44-22.48, 35.032-54.888, 34.56-88.952c-0.472-33.704-13.64-65.96-36.144-88.504L 259.248,22.872
+	c-6.040-6.472-16.168-6.768-22.616-0.696c-6.432,6.080-6.744,16.224-0.68,22.672l 217.336,231.376c 17,17.032, 26.752,41.192, 27.112,66.624
+	c 0.36,25.448-8.832,49.44-25.184,65.832c-30.72,30.784-80.736,46.904-117.92,9.632L 50.168,113.4c-24.688-24.752-24.68-64.504-0.32-88.928
+	c 11.424-11.432, 24.984-17, 39.424-16.128c 14.288,0.872, 28.976,8.2, 41.36,20.616l 228.464,243.168c 8.28,8.296, 24.92,28.632, 7.984,45.608
+	c-9.592,9.608-16.328,9.016-18.544,8.832c-6.328-0.56-13.72-4.936-21.392-12.632L 155.184,131.048c-6.072-6.456-16.208-6.768-22.616-0.68
+	c-6.44,6.064-6.736,16.224-0.68,22.656l 172.272,183.232c 13.544,13.608, 27.392,20.984, 41.488,22.248c 11,0.976, 27.36-1.368, 44.048-18.104
+	c 24.768-24.816, 21.688-61.216-7.64-90.608L 153.592,6.64c-18.24-18.304-40.264-28.936-62.36-30.296
+	C 89.608-23.768, 87.984-23.816, 86.36-23.816z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe094;" d="M 502.016,480c-3.048,0-6.76-0.864-11.048-2.68L 13.64,274.776c-17.184-7.288-18.272-21.344-2.416-31.224l 134.88-84.016
+			c 15.856-9.872, 36.824-31.040, 46.592-47.024l 80.856-132.384c 4.64-7.592, 10.248-11.36, 15.64-11.36c 5.96,0, 11.64,4.576, 15.512,13.616
+			L 508.832,459.256C 514.36,472.192, 511.208,480, 502.016,480z M 162.776,188.040L 53.448,256.144L 420.256,411.768L 184.16,171.672
+			C 176.944,178.072, 169.616,183.784, 162.776,188.040z M 286.36,22.368l-65.216,106.76c-3.848,6.304-8.928,13.024-14.592,19.696l 237.192,241.192
+			L 286.36,22.368z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe095;" d="M 256,480C 114.616,480,0,365.384,0,224c0-141.392, 114.616-256, 256-256
+			c 141.392,0, 256,114.608, 256,256C 512,365.384, 397.392,480, 256,480z M 256-0.504C 132.488-0.504, 32,100.488, 32,224S 132.488,448, 256,448s 224-100.488, 224-224
+			S 379.512-0.504, 256-0.504z M 368,240L 272,240 L 272,336 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16s-16-7.168-16-16l0-96 L 144,240 c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16s 7.168-16, 16-16l 96,0 l0-96 
+			c0-8.832, 7.168-16, 16-16s 16,7.168, 16,16L 272,208 l 96,0 c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 376.832,240, 368,240z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe096;" d="M 257.832,480.184C 152.88,480.184, 64,390.8, 64,284.912c0-110.88, 103.016-224.272, 172.312-303.968c 0.264-0.32, 11.464-12.76, 25.264-12.76
+			l 1.224,0 c 13.8,0, 24.92,12.44, 25.2,12.76c 65.032,74.76, 160,198.024, 160,303.968C 448,390.8, 378.672,480.184, 257.832,480.184z M 264.248,2.408
+			c-0.56-0.56-1.376-1.184-2.096-1.704c-0.736,0.504-1.536,1.144-2.128,1.704l-8.368,9.624C 185.96,87.4, 96,190.608, 96,284.912
+			c0,88.504, 74.112,163.28, 161.832,163.28C 367.096,448.192, 416,366.192, 416,284.912C 416,213.32, 364.936,118.264, 264.248,2.408z M 256.56,383.296
+			c-53.016,0-96-42.984-96-96s 42.984-96, 96-96s 96,42.984, 96,96S 309.576,383.296, 256.56,383.296z M 256.56,223.296
+			c-35.288,0-64.736,29.408-64.736,64.704c0,35.288, 28.712,64, 64,64c 35.312,0, 64-28.712, 64-64C 319.84,252.704, 291.872,223.296, 256.56,223.296z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe097;" d="M 350.776,397.952c-8,3.728-17.512,0.296-21.264-7.712c-3.76-8-0.296-17.52, 7.704-21.272
+			c 81.168-38, 125.248-125.976, 107.176-213.936c-21.456-104.44-123.832-171.904-228.28-150.512c-50.584,10.392-92.104,39.856-120.528,82.968
+			c-28.432,43.128-38.368,94.752-27.976,145.336c 12.352,60.112, 51.312,109.664, 106.88,135.952c 7.984,3.776, 11.4,13.312, 7.616,21.304
+			c-3.776,7.976-13.296,11.368-21.296,7.616C 96.056,367.064, 50.664,309.328, 36.264,239.264c-12.112-58.968-0.536-119.128, 32.592-169.392
+			c 33.136-50.24, 81.848-84.584, 140.816-96.704c 15.216-3.128, 30.408-4.624, 45.376-4.624c 104.728,0, 198.824,73.56, 220.688,180.056
+			C 496.792,251.104, 445.408,353.648, 350.776,397.952z M 256.008,272c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16L 272.008,464 c0,8.832-7.168,16-16,16c-8.832,0-16-7.168-16-16l0-176 
+			C 240.008,279.168, 247.176,272, 256.008,272z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe098;" d="M 248.704,30.72c-0.040,0.096-0.136,0.16-0.192,0.24l-45.96,71.832
+			c-3.264,5.36-10.344,7.264-15.864,4.256l-4.096-2.52c-5.504-3-5.384-10.768-2.128-16.128l 29.464-45.704
+			c-2.512,0.552-5.048,1-7.528,1.648c-51.592,13.496-95.248,48.416-119.768,95.8c-23.168,44.76-27.52,95.848-12.256,143.872
+			c 15.256,48.024, 49.888,87.232, 94.648,110.392c 7.624,3.944, 10.6,13.32, 6.656,20.928c-3.936,7.632-13.32,10.616-20.928,6.664
+			c-52.136-26.976-92.2-72.64-109.984-128.576c-17.776-55.928-12.712-115.44, 14.272-167.568c 28.568-55.168, 79.416-95.832, 139.512-111.568
+			c 0.68-0.176, 1.392-0.28, 2.080-0.456l-40.656-20.616c-5.504-3.016-7.328-9.816-4.064-15.176l 1.576-4.088
+			c 3.28-5.36, 8.92-7.264, 14.408-4.256l 74.416,38.104c 0.096,0.064, 0.192,0.048, 0.288,0.112l 4.992,2.728
+			c 2.76,1.512, 4.584,3.984, 5.312,6.752c 0.76,2.76, 0.408,5.832-1.224,8.496L 248.704,30.72z M 456.952,319.592
+			c-28.528,55.152-77.792,95.816-137.88,111.56c-4.28,1.12-8.656,1.992-13.024,2.856l 39.912,20.24c 5.504,3.016, 8.784,9.816, 5.52,15.184
+			l-1.576,4.080c-3.28,5.368-10.376,7.264-15.864,4.264l-74.408-38.104c-0.088-0.056-0.192-0.040-0.288-0.104l-4.984-2.736
+			c-2.768-1.52-4.584-3.984-5.312-6.752c-0.76-2.76-0.408-5.824, 1.232-8.488l 2.96-4.856c 0.048-0.096, 0.136-0.152, 0.192-0.248
+			l 45.96-71.824c 3.256-5.368, 10.344-7.264, 15.856-4.256l 3.608,2.512c 5.504,3, 5.864,10.768, 2.616,16.12l-29.6,45.928
+			c 6.504-1, 12.984-2.208, 19.312-3.88c 51.616-13.52, 93.696-48.432, 118.2-95.784c 23.16-44.76, 27.512-95.848, 12.24-143.864
+			c-15.256-48.024-48.328-87.224-93.088-110.408c-7.616-3.944-10.584-13.304-6.64-20.936c 2.76-5.32, 8.168-8.384, 13.8-8.384
+			c 2.4,0, 4.832,0.56, 7.136,1.744c 52.136,26.968, 90.624,72.64, 108.408,128.56C 489.008,207.968, 483.936,267.48, 456.952,319.592z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe099;" d="M 255.64,480C 127.736,480, 23.68,375.936, 23.68,248.032
+			c0-120.224, 92.648-220.768, 211.784-231.048l-45.928-23.28c-5.672-3.112-9.048-10.112-5.688-15.64l 1.624-4.2
+			c 3.376-5.528, 10.688-7.488, 16.344-4.392l 76.656,39.248c 0.096,0.064, 0.2,0.048, 0.296,0.112l 5.144,2.816
+			c 2.84,1.56, 4.72,4.112, 5.472,6.952c 0.784,2.84, 0.424,6-1.264,8.752l-3.048,5c-0.048,0.096-0.144,0.16-0.2,0.248
+			l-47.344,73.984c-3.36,5.528-10.656,7.488-16.344,4.392l-3.72-2.592c-5.672-3.096-6.048-11.096-2.688-16.608l 27.936-43.336
+			c-0.152,0.008-0.288,0.064-0.432,0.072C 137.64,55.376, 55.68,143.032, 55.68,248.032C 55.68,358.296, 145.384,448, 255.64,448
+			c 110.272,0, 200.48-89.704, 200.48-199.968c0-63.488-29.16-121.8-80-159.984c-7.064-5.312-8.488-15.344-3.184-22.408
+			c 5.312-7.080, 15.344-8.488, 22.408-3.184c 58.968,44.296, 92.784,111.936, 92.784,185.576C 488.12,375.936, 383.552,480, 255.64,480z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe09a;" d="M 480.248,272.472l-41.064,9.112c-3.2,10.24-7.392,20.040-12.2,29.464l 22.216,37.016c 8.296,13.256, 12.488,32.76,0,45.256l-22.64,22.624
+			c-12.488,12.496-33.576,10.248-46.312,1.416l-36.016-22.944c-9.344,4.848-19.112,9-29.264,12.28l-9.216,41.56
+			C 303,463.496, 289.672,480, 272,480l-32,0 c-17.672,0-28.504-16.752-32-32l-10.264-41.064c-10.84-3.456-21.248-7.872-31.168-13.104l-36.92,23.512
+			c-12.728,8.832-33.824,11.080-46.312-1.416l-22.632-22.624c-12.496-12.504-8.304-32,0-45.256l 23.376-38.96
+			c-4.384-8.832-8.272-17.968-11.272-27.512l-41.056-9.112C 16.504,269.72,0,256.392,0,238.72l0-32 c0-17.672, 16.752-28.504, 32-32l 41.576-10.392
+			c 2.872-8.816, 6.464-17.28, 10.528-25.488L 60.704,99.84c-8.296-13.248-12.488-32.752,0-45.248l 22.64-22.624
+			c 12.488-12.504, 33.576-10.248, 46.312-1.424l 37,23.576c 9.976-5.264, 20.44-9.72, 31.352-13.168L 208.248,0c 3.504-15.248, 14.328-32, 32-32l 32,0 
+			c 17.672,0, 31,16.504, 33.752,31.752l 9.232,41.672c 10.048,3.248, 19.688,7.344, 28.92,12.128l 36.096-23
+			c 12.736-8.832, 33.832-11.080, 46.312,1.424l 22.64,22.624c 12.488,12.504, 8.296,32,0,45.248l-22.232,37.064c 4.472,8.784, 8.344,17.92, 11.456,27.424
+			L 480,174.72c 15.248,3.504, 32,14.328, 32,32l0,32 C 512,256.392, 495.504,269.72, 480.248,272.472z M 480.016,208.976c-1.36-0.976-3.92-2.32-7.168-3.072
+			l-59.328-14.816l-5.504-16.816c-2.488-7.576-5.704-15.264-9.56-22.856l-8.032-15.784l 31.344-52.264c 2-3.2, 2.936-6.064, 3.216-7.752
+			l-21.048-21.016c-2.032,0.64-4.344,1.472-5.456,2.232l-52.672,33.592l-16.376-8.472c-7.888-4.096-15.984-7.488-24.048-10.096l-17.44-5.64
+			l-13.184-59.56c-0.608-3.184-2.312-5.752-3.48-6.672l-28.8,0 c-0.976,1.36-2.312,3.92-3.056,7.16l-14.728,58.904l-17.048,5.408
+			c-8.784,2.768-17.544,6.456-26.072,10.952l-16.456,8.688l-52.68-33.576c-2.152-1.456-4.456-2.28-6.544-2.28l-20.984,20.424
+			c 0.28,1.656, 1.152,4.392, 2.896,7.184l 32.728,54.528l-7.784,15.672C 109.12,160.44, 106.24,167.376, 104,174.248l-5.496,16.832L 39.76,205.768
+			c-3.696,0.84-6.368,2.216-7.76,3.2L 32,238.72 c 0.016-0.008, 0.040-0.016, 0.072-0.016c 0.536,0, 3.168,1.872, 5.36,2.272l 60.36,13.368
+			l 5.544,17.64c 2.256,7.184, 5.336,14.672, 9.408,22.888l 7.784,15.68l-32.384,53.96c-2.008,3.216-2.936,6.080-3.216,7.76l 21.040,21.032
+			c 2.040-0.656, 4.336-1.48, 5.44-2.24l 53.656-34.2l 16.44,8.672c 8.44,4.448, 17.168,8.12, 25.952,10.912l 17.008,5.416l 14.592,58.384
+			c 0.848,3.696, 2.208,6.368, 3.2,7.76L 272,448.008 c-0.216-0.328, 1.84-3.12, 2.264-5.432l 13.44-60.704l 17.424-5.632
+			c 8.168-2.64, 16.376-6.080, 24.36-10.224l 16.376-8.504l 51.576,32.856c 2.16,1.472, 4.472,2.288, 6.544,2.288l 21-20.408
+			c-0.28-1.664-1.16-4.408-2.904-7.208l-31.672-52.744l 8.080-15.808c 4.36-8.528, 7.688-16.528, 10.16-24.464l 5.528-17.672l 59.144-13.128
+			c 3.576-0.664, 6.36-2.728, 6.952-3.848L 480.016,208.976z M 256.216,320.16c-53.136,0-96.368-43.144-96.368-96.16
+			c0-53.008, 43.232-96.152, 96.368-96.152c 53.136,0, 96.368,43.144, 96.368,96.152C 352.584,277.016, 309.352,320.16, 256.216,320.16z M 256,160
+			c-35.288,0-64,28.712-64,64c0,35.296, 28.712,64, 64,64c 35.296,0, 64-28.704, 64-64C 320,188.712, 291.288,160, 256,160z"  />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe09b;" d="M 256,441.256l 58.472-121.264l 10.264-21.28l 23.392-3.488l 132.912-19.744L 384.112,178.808l-16.28-16.248l 3.808-22.656l 22.64-135.080
+	l-117.136,63l-21.168,11.392l-21.168-11.392L 117.68,4.792l 22.648,135.112l 3.792,22.656l-16.28,16.248L 30.952,275.496l 132.912,19.744
+	l 23.384,3.488l 10.272,21.272L 256,441.256 M 255.992,472.224c-14.328,0-27.392-8.088-33.488-20.728l-57.952-120.32L 31.2,311.344
+	c-13.696-2.048-25.072-11.4-29.488-24.192c-4.408-12.832-1.072-26.952, 8.6-36.576l 97.704-97.6l-22.664-135.328
+	c-2.28-13.64, 3.616-27.312, 15.184-35.288c 6.36-4.368, 13.832-6.576, 21.312-6.576c 6.16,0, 12.32,1.496, 17.896,4.488l 116.248,62.592
+	l 116.256-62.592c 5.592-2.992, 11.752-4.488, 17.888-4.488c 7.48,0, 14.952,2.208, 21.328,6.576c 11.552,7.976, 17.456,21.648, 15.16,35.288
+	l-22.672,135.328l 97.752,97.6c 9.672,9.624, 12.984,23.752, 8.576,36.576c-4.424,12.808-15.8,22.16-29.488,24.192l-133.328,19.832l-57.984,120.32
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+			c 8.832,0, 16,7.168, 16,16S 504.832,240, 496,240z M 240,383.208L 240,240 L 96.776,240 C 104.28,315.6, 164.4,375.704, 240,383.208z M 96.776,208L 240,208 l0-143.208 
+			C 164.4,72.296, 104.28,132.4, 96.776,208z M 272,64.792L 272,208 l 143.224,0 C 407.72,132.4, 347.6,72.296, 272,64.792z M 272,240L 272,383.208 
+			C 347.6,375.704, 407.72,315.6, 415.224,240L 272,240 z"  />
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+			l 0.856-105.568c0-23.768, 22.176-43.112, 49.432-43.112l 53.296-0.032l 159.696-126.376c 2.688-1.816, 5.816-2.736, 8.952-2.736
+			c 2.576,0, 5.16,0.624, 7.504,1.872c 5.232,2.768, 8.504,8.2, 8.504,14.128L 335.872,432.92 C 335.864,438.832, 332.6,444.264, 327.384,447.048z
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+			c0,5.24, 7.168,11.080, 17.448,11.080l 58.2,0.040c 3.176,0, 6.288,0.952, 8.928,2.728l 139.656,112L 263.736,45.184 z M 424.232,221.248
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+			c 2.688-1.816, 5.816-2.736, 8.952-2.736c 2.576,0, 5.16,0.624, 7.504,1.872c 5.232,2.768, 8.504,8.2, 8.504,14.128L 296.248,432.92 
+			C 296.248,438.832, 292.984,444.264, 287.768,447.048z M 264.248,45.184l-138.8,112.264c-2.64,1.784-5.76,2.736-8.944,2.736l-58.192,0.032
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+			c-8.456-6.656-13-17.112-12.112-27.832c 0.904-10.72, 7.128-20.264, 16.56-25.424l 100.736-55.8c 0.888-0.488, 2.016-1.016, 2.952-1.424
+			c 2.36-1, 5.264-2.672, 7.392-4.144L 368.016-0.248 z M 484.984,142.032l-102.232,55.8c 37.44,29.456, 49.112,87.344, 49.112,119.8l0,67.56 
+			c0,44.736-60.936,95.064-120.64,95.064c-38.8,0-78.472-21.096-101.56-48.112c 13.168-0.816, 27.688-0.832, 40.232-4.832
+			c 16.856,13.128, 38.184,20.936, 61.328,20.936c 46.216,0, 88.64-39.528, 88.64-63.064l0-67.56 c0-25.064-9.28-72.92-36.888-94.64
+			c-8.456-6.656-13-17.112-12.112-27.832c 0.904-10.72, 7.128-20.264, 16.56-25.424l 102.232-55.8c 0.888-0.488, 2.016-1.016, 2.952-1.424
+			c 2.36-1, 5.264-2.672, 7.392-4.144l0-28.456 l-64.592,0 c 9.752-7.36, 12.704-17.888, 16.488-32l 53.096,0 c 14.904,0, 27.016,12.112, 27.016,27.032l0,40.048 
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+<glyph unicode="&#xde;" horiz-adv-x="1185" d="M287 0v1434h24v-310h299q234 0 360 -101t126 -308q0 -89 -35.5 -164.5t-100 -129.5t-153.5 -85t-197 -31h-299v-305h-24zM311 326h299q105 0 190.5 30t145.5 83t92.5 123.5t32.5 152.5q0 191 -115 290t-346 99h-299v-778z" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xdf;" horiz-adv-x="1132" d="M215 0v1034q0 101 32.5 178.5t88 130t131 79t162.5 26.5q72 0 131 -21.5t101.5 -58t65.5 -83.5t23 -97q0 -67 -26 -115.5t-65 -87.5t-85 -70t-85 -62t-65 -64.5t-26 -75.5t18 -69.5t47.5 -46.5t67.5 -33t78 -29t78 -33.5t67.5 -47.5t47.5 -70.5t18 -102.5t-22 -115.5 t-64 -94.5t-103 -63.5t-139 -23.5q-54 0 -96.5 8.5t-79 24t-67.5 38t-62 49.5l6 7q3 3 5 4.5t8 1.5q8 0 26.5 -17.5t51.5 -39t83.5 -39t124.5 -17.5t131 21.5t95.5 59t58.5 87t20 107.5q0 59 -17.5 99t-47.5 67t-68 44.5t-78 32.5t-77.5 29t-67.5 34.5t-48 51t-18 76.5 q0 45 26.5 80t66 67t85.5 63t85.5 69t65.5 85.5t26 112.5q0 31 -15.5 72t-51 77.5t-93 62t-141.5 25.5q-76 0 -146 -22t-124 -69.5t-86.5 -121.5t-32.5 -180v-1034h-25z" />
+<glyph unicode="&#xe0;" horiz-adv-x="960" d="M123 236q0 68 39.5 121.5t121 91t205 59.5t293.5 27v129q0 79 -17 141t-51 105t-85 66t-119 23q-53 0 -96 -11t-77 -27.5t-59 -36t-43.5 -36t-29.5 -27.5t-17 -11q-4 0 -10 6l-4 4q74 78 153 119t183 41q77 0 132.5 -24.5t92.5 -70.5t54.5 -112.5t17.5 -148.5v-664h-4 q-14 0 -15 16l-6 163q-43 -45 -86 -81.5t-91 -61.5t-103.5 -38.5t-122.5 -13.5q-45 0 -90.5 13.5t-82.5 44t-60 78t-23 116.5zM147 236q0 -60 20 -104t52.5 -72t74 -42t85.5 -14q71 0 128 16.5t105 44t89.5 64t80.5 76.5v309q-323 -10 -479 -80t-156 -198zM344 1450h27 q17 0 25 -4t18 -19l168 -241h-15q-11 0 -16 8z" />
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+<glyph unicode="&#xee;" horiz-adv-x="454" d="M3 1198l218 236h16l217 -236h-18q-8 0 -17 8l-184 201l-6 6l-6 -6l-185 -201q-3 -3 -7 -5.5t-9 -2.5h-19zM215 0v1004h25v-1004h-25z" />
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+<glyph unicode="&#xf1;" horiz-adv-x="1081" d="M180 0v1004h6q14 0 15 -17l3 -193q35 51 78.5 93t93.5 71.5t105.5 45.5t114.5 16q167 0 249.5 -99.5t82.5 -277.5v-643h-25v643q0 84 -18.5 150t-56.5 112t-96 70t-136 24q-118 0 -217 -63t-174 -173v-763h-25zM319 1253q0 28 8 53t23 43.5t37.5 30t52.5 11.5 q34 0 62.5 -18.5t56 -41t54.5 -41t57 -18.5q51 0 75.5 33.5t26.5 83.5h16q0 -28 -7 -53t-21.5 -43.5t-37 -30t-52.5 -11.5q-33 0 -62 18.5t-56.5 41t-54.5 41t-57 18.5q-25 0 -43.5 -9t-31.5 -25t-19.5 -37.5t-7.5 -45.5h-19z" />
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+							<h1 class="text-uppercase"><span class="text-extrabold">Fullstack-разработчик</span> </h1>
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+								<div class="col-md-10">
+									<p class="banner-text">Меня зовут Дарья, я начинающий
+										<strong>fullstack-разработчик</strong>. Занимаюсь созданием макета сайта,
+										оформлением пользовательского интерфейса, разработкой программной логики.
+										</span></p>
+									<p class="banner-text">Для разработки и публикации полноценного сайта в интернете
+										необходимо несколько специалистов: <strong>web-дизайнер</strong>,
+										<strong>frontend</strong> и <strong>backend-разработчики</strong>.
+										</span></p>
+									<p class="banner-text"> <strong>Моя сфера затрагивает сразу все области, благодаря
+											чему Вы можете полностью доверить создание своего проекта.</strong>
+										</span></p>
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+						<h3 class="section-msg1 color-grey text-uppercase"><span class="text-extrabold">Мои
+								навыки</span></h3>
+						<!-- Content -->
+						<p>Знания и умения, которыми я владею.</p>
+						<!-- Shape Down Arrow -->
+						<p class="color-grey"><i class="flaticon flaticon-yield gk-triangle-medium"></i></p>
+						<!-- List Elements -->
+						<ul class="list-unstyled gk-list color-grey">
+							<li class="text-bold"><span class="simple-icon icon-check"></span> Начальный уровень PHP и
+								JavaScript</li>
+							<li class="text-bold"><span class="simple-icon icon-check"></span> Работа в Figma, Adobe
+								Photoshop</li>
+							<li class="text-bold"><span class="simple-icon icon-check"></span> Адаптивная верстка</li>
+							<li class="text-bold no-border"><span class="simple-icon icon-check"></span> HTML и CSS</li>
+						</ul>
+					</div><!-- Features Left Info Ends -->
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+						data-animation-delay="500">
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+						<!-- Title -->
+						<h2 class="section-title color-grey"><span class="text-extrabold">Преимущества</span></h2>
+						<!-- Shape Down Arrow -->
+						<!-- Description -->
+						<h3 class="section-msg text-center color-grey">сотрудничества со мной:</h3>
+						<p class="text-center color-grey"><i class="flaticon flaticon-yield gk-triangle-medium"></i></p>
+						<div class="container features-right-grid">
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+										  </svg></span>
+										<!-- Title -->
+										<h4 class="text-uppercase grid-title text-bold color-grey">Экономическая выгода
+										</h4>
+										<!-- Content -->
+										<p>Вы взаимодействуете с одним специалистом.</p>
+									</div>
+									<!-- Horizontal Line -->
+									<hr class="features-line" />
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+											<path d="M8.864.046C7.908-.193 7.02.53 6.956 1.466c-.072 1.051-.23 2.016-.428 2.59-.125.36-.479 1.013-1.04 1.639-.557.623-1.282 1.178-2.131 1.41C2.685 7.288 2 7.87 2 8.72v4.001c0 .845.682 1.464 1.448 1.545 1.07.114 1.564.415 2.068.723l.048.03c.272.165.578.348.97.484.397.136.861.217 1.466.217h3.5c.937 0 1.599-.477 1.934-1.064a1.86 1.86 0 0 0 .254-.912c0-.152-.023-.312-.077-.464.201-.263.38-.578.488-.901.11-.33.172-.762.004-1.149.069-.13.12-.269.159-.403.077-.27.113-.568.113-.857 0-.288-.036-.585-.113-.856a2.144 2.144 0 0 0-.138-.362 1.9 1.9 0 0 0 .234-1.734c-.206-.592-.682-1.1-1.2-1.272-.847-.282-1.803-.276-2.516-.211a9.84 9.84 0 0 0-.443.05 9.365 9.365 0 0 0-.062-4.509A1.38 1.38 0 0 0 9.125.111L8.864.046zM11.5 14.721H8c-.51 0-.863-.069-1.14-.164-.281-.097-.506-.228-.776-.393l-.04-.024c-.555-.339-1.198-.731-2.49-.868-.333-.036-.554-.29-.554-.55V8.72c0-.254.226-.543.62-.65 1.095-.3 1.977-.996 2.614-1.708.635-.71 1.064-1.475 1.238-1.978.243-.7.407-1.768.482-2.85.025-.362.36-.594.667-.518l.262.066c. 8.34 0 0 1-.145 4.725.5.5 0 0 0 .595.644l.003-.001.014-.003.058-.014a8.908 8.908 0 0 1 1.036-.157c.663-.06 1.457-.054 1.022l-.353.353.353.354c. 0 .212-.027.414-.075.582-.05.174-.111.272-.154.315l-.353.353.353.354c. 2.224 0 0 1-.505.805l-.353.353.353.354c. 0 0 1-.121.416c-.165.288-.503.56-1.066.56z"/>
+										  </svg></span>
+										<!-- Title -->
+										<h4 class="text-uppercase grid-title text-bold color-grey">Полное понимание
+											разработки</h4>
+										<!-- Content -->
+										<p>Я разрабатываю Ваш проект от начала<br> и до конца.</p>
+									</div>
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+									<hr class="features-line" />
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+										  </svg></span>
+										<!-- Title -->
+										<h4 class="text-uppercase grid-title text-bold color-grey">Персональный подход
+										</h4>
+										<!-- Content -->
+										<p>Я согласовываю все желания и детали по Вашему проекту.</p>
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+											<path d="M3 0h10a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v12a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H3a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-1h1v1a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h10a1 1 0 0 0 1-1V2a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H3a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v1H1V2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2z"/>
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+										  </svg></span>
+										<!-- Title -->
+										<h4 class="text-uppercase grid-title text-bold color-grey">Универсальность
+											работы</h4>
+										<!-- Content -->
+										<p>Вы работаете как с фронтенд, так и с бэкенд-разработчиком.</p>
+									</div>
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+						<h2 class="section-title color-white"><span class="text-extrabold">Мои услуги</span></h2>
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+						<!-- Description -->
+						<h3 class="section-msg text-center color-white">Что могу Вам предложить?</h3>
+						<p class="text-center color-white"><i class="flaticon flaticon-yield gk-triangle-medium"></i>
+						</p>
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+								<h3 class="color-grey text-uppercase text-bold">Создание макета сайта</h3>
+								<!-- Content -->
+								<p class="big-text">Время выполнения проекта до <strong>7 дней</strong>.</p>
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+								<!-- Title -->
+								<h3 class="color-grey text-uppercase text-bold">Верстка сайта<br>по макету</h3>
+								<!-- Content -->
+								<p class="big-text">Время выполнения проекта до <strong>14 дней</strong>.</p>
+							</div>
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+								  </svg></span>
+								<!-- Title -->
+								<h3 class="color-grey text-uppercase text-bold">Разработка макета сайта &amp; верстка
+								</h3>
+								<!-- Content -->
+								<p class="big-text">Время выполнения проекта до <strong>22 дней</strong>.</p>
+							</div>
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+					<h2 class="section-title color-grey"><span class="text-extrabold">Цены </span></h2>
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+							<div class="pricing-title">
+								<h3 class="text-center text-uppercase text-bold color-greenalt">Макет сайта</h3>
+								<div class="price text-center">
+									<h6 class="color-white text-bold">5000<span class="symbol color-grey">&#8381;</span>
+											</h6>
+								</div>
+							</div>
+							<!-- Price Table Features -->
+							<ul class="list-unstyled gk-list text-bold color-grey">
+								<li class="no-border"><span class="simple-icon icon-check"></span> Разработка логотипа</li>
+								<li class="no-border"><span class="simple-icon icon-check"></span> Создание особенного стиля</li>
+								<li class="no-border"><span class="simple-icon icon-check"></span> Внесение изменений в готовый макет
+								</li>
+							</ul>
+						</div>
+					</div>
+					<!-- Price Table 02 -->
+					<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 pricing-item2 animated" data-animation="fadeIn"
+						data-animation-delay="700">
+						<div class="pricing-box">
+							<!-- Price Title -->
+							<div class="pricing-title">
+								<h3 class="text-center text-uppercase text-bold color-greenalt">Верстка сайта</h3>
+								<div class="price text-center">
+									<h6 class="color-white text-bold">10000<span class="symbol color-grey">&#8381;</span>
+									</h6>
+								</div>
+							</div>
+							<!-- Price Table Features -->
+							<ul class="list-unstyled gk-list text-bold color-grey">
+								<li class="no-border"><span class="simple-icon icon-check"></span> Валидная верстка</li>
+								<li class="no-border"><span class="simple-icon icon-check"></span> Верстка сайта любого вида</li>
+								<li class="no-border"><span class="simple-icon icon-check"></span> Разработка адаптива под разные экраны
+								</li>
+							</ul>
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+					<!-- Price Table 03 -->
+					<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 pricing-item3 animated" data-animation="fadeInRight"
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+						<div class="pricing-box">
+							<!-- Price Title -->
+							<div class="pricing-title">
+								<h3 class="text-center text-uppercase text-bold color-greenalt">Макет &amp; верстка сайта</h3>
+								<div class="price text-center">
+									<h6 class="color-white text-bold">20000<span class="symbol color-grey">&#8381;</span>
+									</h6>
+								</div>
+							</div>
+							<!-- Price Table Features -->
+							<ul class="list-unstyled gk-list text-bold color-grey">
+								<li class="no-border"><span class="simple-icon icon-check"></span> Разработка с нуля</li>
+								<li class="no-border"><span class="simple-icon icon-check"></span> Консультация<br> по проекту</li>
+								<li class="no-border"><span class="simple-icon icon-check"></span> Внесение изменений в готовый сайт
+								</li>
+							</ul>
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+					<h2 class="section-title color-white"><span class="text-extrabold">Свяжитесь со мной</span></h2>
+					<!-- Shape Down Arrow -->
+					<!-- Description -->
+					<h3 class="section-msg text-center color-white">удобным для Вас способом:</h3>
+					<p class="text-center color-white"><i class="flaticon flaticon-yield gk-triangle-medium"></i></p>
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+ 277 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
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+	Animated Items
+	=================== */	
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+	Carousel Slider
+	============================= */	
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+	Services Carousel Slider
+	============================= */	
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+	Scroll Navigation
+	=================== */	
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+	$('.nav li a').click(function () {
+		 $('.navbar-collapse').removeClass('in');
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+	Fixed Menu on Scroll
+	=================== */	
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+	Active Scrollspy Navigation
+	============================= */	
+	$('body').scrollspy({ 
+	  target: '#topnav',
+	  offset: 95
+ 	});
+	/* =============================
+	Contact Form Validation
+	============================= */	
+	$('#contactform').bootstrapValidator({
+        message: '',
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+            valid: 'fa fa-check',
+            invalid: 'fa fa-times',
+            validating: 'fa fa-refresh'
+        },
+        fields: {            
+			contact_name: {
+                validators: {
+                    notEmpty: {
+                        message: ''
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+			contact_email: {
+                validators: {
+                    notEmpty: {
+                        message: ''
+                    },
+                    emailAddress: {
+                        message: ''
+                    }
+                }
+            },			
+			contact_message: {
+                validators: {
+                    notEmpty: {
+                        message: ''
+                    }                    
+                }
+            }
+        },
+		submitHandler: function(validator, form, submitButton) {
+			var data = $('#contactform').serialize();
+			$.ajax({
+					type: "POST",
+					url: "process.php",					
+					data: $('#contactform').serialize(),
+					success: function(msg){						
+						$('.gk-form-message').html(msg);
+						$('.gk-form-message').show();
+						submitButton.removeAttr("disabled");
+						resetForm($('#contactform'));						
+					},
+					error: function(msg){						
+						$('.gk-form-message').html(msg);
+						$('.gk-form-message').show();
+						submitButton.removeAttr("disabled");
+						resetForm($('#contactform'));
+					}
+             });
+			return false;
+        },
+    });
+	$('#subscribe').bootstrapValidator({
+        message: '',
+        feedbackIcons: {
+            valid: 'fa fa-check',
+            invalid: 'fa fa-times',
+            validating: 'fa fa-refresh'
+        },
+        fields: {            
+			subscribe_email: {
+                validators: {
+                    notEmpty: {
+                        message: ''
+                    }
+                }
+            }			
+        },
+		submitHandler: function(validator, form, submitButton) {
+			var data = $('#subscribe').serialize();
+			$.ajax({
+					type: "POST",
+					url: "subscribe.php",					
+					data: $('#subscribe').serialize(),
+					success: function(msg){						
+						$('.gk-form-message-subscribe').html(msg);
+						$('.gk-form-message-subscribe').show();
+						submitButton.removeAttr("disabled");
+						resetForm($('#subscribe'));						
+					},
+					error: function(msg){						
+						$('.gk-form-message-subscribe').html(msg);
+						$('.gk-form-message-subscribe').show();
+						submitButton.removeAttr("disabled");
+						resetForm($('#subscribe'));
+					}
+             });
+			return false;
+        },
+    });
+	function resetForm($form) {
+		$form.find('input:text, input:password, input, input:file, select, textarea').val('');
+		$form.find('input:radio, input:checkbox').removeAttr('checked').removeAttr('selected');		
+		$form.find('input:text, input:password, input, input:file, select, textarea, input:radio, input:checkbox').parent().find('.form-control-feedback').hide();
+	}
+	/* =============================
+	Color Panel
+	============================= */	
+	// Theme Panel Open/Close
+	$( "#theme-panel .panel-button" ).click(function(){
+		$( "#theme-panel" ).toggleClass( "close-theme-panel", "open-theme-panel", 1000 );
+		$( "#theme-panel" ).toggleClass( "open-theme-panel", "close-theme-panel", 1000 );
+		return false;
+	});
+	/* =============================
+	Count Section
+	============================= */	
+	$(".count-number").appear(function(){
+		$(this).each(function(){
+			var datacount = $(this).attr('data-count');
+			$(this).find('.counter').delay(6000).countTo({
+				from: 10,
+				to: datacount,
+				speed: 3000,
+				refreshInterval: 50,
+			});
+		});
+	});
+	/* ===================
+	Video Script
+	=================== */
+	$(".player").mb_YTPlayer();
+$(window).resize(function() {
+	'use strict';
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+ CSS Fix for Background Shapes
+=============================== */
+function InitcssFix() {	
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+		$('.wrapper-class').addClass('after-2600');
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+	}

+ 189 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+/* Load this script using conditional IE comments if you need to support IE 7 and IE 6. */
+window.onload = function() {
+	function addIcon(el, entity) {
+		var html = el.innerHTML;
+		el.innerHTML = '<span style="font-family: \'Simple-Line-Icons\'">' + entity + '</span>' + html;
+	}
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+			'icon-directions' : '&#xe038;',
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+			'icon-drop' : '&#xe03b;',
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+			'icon-earphones-alt' : '&#xe03d;',
+			'icon-feed' : '&#xe03e;',
+			'icon-film' : '&#xe03f;',
+			'icon-folder-alt' : '&#xe040;',
+			'icon-frame' : '&#xe041;',
+			'icon-globe' : '&#xe042;',
+			'icon-globe-alt' : '&#xe043;',
+			'icon-handbag' : '&#xe044;',
+			'icon-layers' : '&#xe045;',
+			'icon-map' : '&#xe046;',
+			'icon-picture' : '&#xe047;',
+			'icon-pin' : '&#xe048;',
+			'icon-playlist' : '&#xe049;',
+			'icon-present' : '&#xe04a;',
+			'icon-printer' : '&#xe04b;',
+			'icon-puzzle' : '&#xe04c;',
+			'icon-speech' : '&#xe04d;',
+			'icon-vector' : '&#xe04e;',
+			'icon-wallet' : '&#xe04f;',
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+			'icon-arrow-left' : '&#xe051;',
+			'icon-arrow-right' : '&#xe052;',
+			'icon-arrow-up' : '&#xe053;',
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+			'icon-bulb' : '&#xe055;',
+			'icon-calendar' : '&#xe056;',
+			'icon-control-end' : '&#xe057;',
+			'icon-control-forward' : '&#xe058;',
+			'icon-control-pause' : '&#xe059;',
+			'icon-control-play' : '&#xe05a;',
+			'icon-control-rewind' : '&#xe05b;',
+			'icon-control-start' : '&#xe05c;',
+			'icon-cursor' : '&#xe05d;',
+			'icon-dislike' : '&#xe05e;',
+			'icon-equalizer' : '&#xe05f;',
+			'icon-graph' : '&#xe060;',
+			'icon-grid' : '&#xe061;',
+			'icon-home' : '&#xe062;',
+			'icon-like' : '&#xe063;',
+			'icon-list' : '&#xe064;',
+			'icon-login' : '&#xe065;',
+			'icon-logout' : '&#xe066;',
+			'icon-loop' : '&#xe067;',
+			'icon-microphone' : '&#xe068;',
+			'icon-music-tone' : '&#xe069;',
+			'icon-music-tone-alt' : '&#xe06a;',
+			'icon-note' : '&#xe06b;',
+			'icon-pencil' : '&#xe06c;',
+			'icon-pie-chart' : '&#xe06d;',
+			'icon-question' : '&#xe06e;',
+			'icon-rocket' : '&#xe06f;',
+			'icon-share' : '&#xe070;',
+			'icon-share-alt' : '&#xe071;',
+			'icon-shuffle' : '&#xe072;',
+			'icon-size-actual' : '&#xe073;',
+			'icon-size-fullscreen' : '&#xe074;',
+			'icon-support' : '&#xe075;',
+			'icon-tag' : '&#xe076;',
+			'icon-trash' : '&#xe077;',
+			'icon-umbrella' : '&#xe078;',
+			'icon-wrench' : '&#xe079;',
+			'icon-ban' : '&#xe07a;',
+			'icon-bubble' : '&#xe07b;',
+			'icon-camcorder' : '&#xe07c;',
+			'icon-camera' : '&#xe07d;',
+			'icon-check' : '&#xe07e;',
+			'icon-clock' : '&#xe07f;',
+			'icon-close' : '&#xe080;',
+			'icon-cloud-download' : '&#xe081;',
+			'icon-cloud-upload' : '&#xe082;',
+			'icon-doc' : '&#xe083;',
+			'icon-envelope' : '&#xe084;',
+			'icon-eye' : '&#xe085;',
+			'icon-flag' : '&#xe086;',
+			'icon-folder' : '&#xe087;',
+			'icon-heart' : '&#xe088;',
+			'icon-info' : '&#xe089;',
+			'icon-key' : '&#xe08a;',
+			'icon-link' : '&#xe08b;',
+			'icon-lock' : '&#xe08c;',
+			'icon-lock-open' : '&#xe08d;',
+			'icon-magnifier' : '&#xe08e;',
+			'icon-magnifier-add' : '&#xe08f;',
+			'icon-magnifier-remove' : '&#xe090;',
+			'icon-paper-clip' : '&#xe091;',
+			'icon-paper-plane' : '&#xe092;',
+			'icon-plus' : '&#xe093;',
+			'icon-pointer' : '&#xe094;',
+			'icon-power' : '&#xe095;',
+			'icon-refresh' : '&#xe096;',
+			'icon-reload' : '&#xe097;',
+			'icon-settings' : '&#xe098;',
+			'icon-star' : '&#xe099;',
+			'icon-symbol-female' : '&#xe09a;',
+			'icon-symbol-male' : '&#xe09b;',
+			'icon-target' : '&#xe09c;',
+			'icon-user-female' : '&#xe09d;',
+			'icon-user-male' : '&#xe09e;',
+			'icon-volume-1' : '&#xe09f;',
+			'icon-volume-2' : '&#xe0a0;',
+			'icon-volume-off' : '&#xe0a1;'
+		},
+		els = document.getElementsByTagName('*'),
+		i, attr, c, el;
+	for (i = 0; ; i += 1) {
+		el = els[i];
+		if(!el) {
+			break;
+		}
+		attr = el.getAttribute('data-icon');
+		if (attr) {
+			addIcon(el, attr);
+		}
+		c = el.className;
+		c = c.match(/icon-[^\s'"]+/);
+		if (c && icons[c[0]]) {
+			addIcon(el, icons[c[0]]);
+		}
+	}

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 1 - 0

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ * jQuery.appear
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Michael Hixson
+ * Licensed under the MIT license (
+(function($){$.fn.appear=function(f,o){var s=$.extend({one:true},o);return this.each(function(){var t=$(this);t.appeared=false;if(!f){t.trigger('appear',;return;}var w=$(window);var c=function(){if(!':visible')){t.appeared=false;return;}var a=w.scrollLeft();var b=w.scrollTop();var o=t.offset();var x=o.left;var;if(y+t.height()>=b&&y<=b+w.height()&&x+t.width()>=a&&x<=a+w.width()){if(!t.appeared)t.trigger('appear',;}else{t.appeared=false;}};var m=function(){t.appeared=true;if({w.unbind('scroll',c);var i=$.inArray(c,$.fn.appear.checks);if(i>=0)$.fn.appear.checks.splice(i,1);}f.apply(this,arguments);};if('appear',,m);else t.bind('appear',,m);w.scroll(c);$.fn.appear.checks.push(c);(c)();});};$.extend($.fn.appear,{checks:[],timeout:null,checkAll:function(){var l=$.fn.appear.checks.length;if(l>0)while(l--)($.fn.appear.checks[l])();},run:function(){if($.fn.appear.timeout)clearTimeout($.fn.appear.timeout);$.fn.appear.timeout=setTimeout($.fn.appear.checkAll,20);}});$.each(['append','prepend','after','before','attr','removeAttr','addClass','removeClass','toggleClass','remove','css','show','hide'],function(i,n){var u=$.fn[n];if(u){$.fn[n]=function(){var r=u.apply(this,arguments);$;return r;}}});})(jQuery);

+ 80 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+(function ($) {
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+		options = options || {};
+		return $(this).each(function () {
+			// set options for current element
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+				from:            $(this).data('from'),
+				to:              $(this).data('to'),
+				speed:           $(this).data('speed'),
+				refreshInterval: $(this).data('refresh-interval'),
+				decimals:        $(this).data('decimals')
+			}, options);
+			// how many times to update the value, and how much to increment the value on each update
+			var loops = Math.ceil(settings.speed / settings.refreshInterval),
+				increment = ( - settings.from) / loops;
+			// references & variables that will change with each update
+			var self = this,
+				$self = $(this),
+				loopCount = 0,
+				value = settings.from,
+				data = $'countTo') || {};
+			$'countTo', data);
+			// if an existing interval can be found, clear it first
+			if (data.interval) {
+				clearInterval(data.interval);
+			}
+			data.interval = setInterval(updateTimer, settings.refreshInterval);
+			// initialize the element with the starting value
+			render(value);
+			function updateTimer() {
+				value += increment;
+				loopCount++;
+				render(value);
+				if (typeof(settings.onUpdate) == 'function') {
+, value);
+				}
+				if (loopCount >= loops) {
+					// remove the interval
+					$self.removeData('countTo');
+					clearInterval(data.interval);
+					value =;
+					if (typeof(settings.onComplete) == 'function') {
+, value);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function render(value) {
+				var formattedValue =, value, settings);
+				$self.text(formattedValue);
+			}
+		});
+	};
+	$.fn.countTo.defaults = {
+		from: 0,               // the number the element should start at
+		to: 0,                 // the number the element should end at
+		speed: 1000,           // how long it should take to count between the target numbers
+		refreshInterval: 100,  // how often the element should be updated
+		decimals: 0,           // the number of decimal places to show
+		formatter: formatter,  // handler for formatting the value before rendering
+		onUpdate: null,        // callback method for every time the element is updated
+		onComplete: null       // callback method for when the element finishes updating
+	};
+	function formatter(value, settings) {
+		return value.toFixed(settings.decimals);
+	}

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 38 - 0

+ 1061 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1061 @@
+ * ******************************************************************************
+ *  jquery.mb.components
+ *  file: jquery.mb.YTPlayer.js
+ *
+ *  Copyright (c) 2001-2013. Matteo Bicocchi (Pupunzi);
+ *  Open lab srl, Firenze - Italy
+ *  email:
+ *  site:
+ *  blog:
+ *
+ *
+ *  Licences: MIT, GPL
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  last modified: 23/11/13 21.05
+ *  *****************************************************************************
+ */
+if(typeof ytp != "object")
+	ytp ={};
+function onYouTubePlayerAPIReady() {
+	if(ytp.YTAPIReady)
+		return;
+	ytp.YTAPIReady=true;
+	jQuery(document).trigger("YTAPIReady");
+(function (jQuery, ytp) {
+	ytp.isDevice = 'ontouchstart' in window;
+	/*Browser detection patch*/
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+ = nAgt;
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+	}
+	/*******************************************************************************
+	 * jQuery.mb.components: jquery.mb.CSSAnimate
+	 ******************************************************************************/
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+	/*
+	 * Metadata - jQuery plugin for parsing metadata from elements
+	 * Copyright (c) 2006 John Resig, Yehuda Katz, Jörn Zaefferer, Paul McLanahan
+	 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+	 *
+	 *
+	 */
+	(function(c){c.extend({metadata:{defaults:{type:"class",name:"metadata",cre:/({.*})/,single:"metadata"},setType:function(b,c){this.defaults.type=b;},get:function(b,f){var d=c.extend({},this.defaults,f);d.single.length||(d.single="metadata");var,d.single);if(a)return a;a="{}";if("class"==d.type){var e=d.cre.exec(b.className);e&&(a=e[1])}else if("elem"==d.type){if(!b.getElementsByTagName)return;e=b.getElementsByTagName(;e.length&&(a=c.trim(e[0].innerHTML))}else void 0!= b.getAttribute&&(e=b.getAttribute(;0>a.indexOf("{")&&(a="{"+a+"}");a=eval("("+a+")");,d.single,a);return a}}});c.fn.metadata=function(b){return c.metadata.get(this[0],b)}})(jQuery);
+	String.prototype.getVideoID=function(){
+		var movieURL;
+		if(this.substr(0,16)==""){
+			movieURL= this.replace("","");
+		}else if(this.indexOf("http")>-1){
+			movieURL = this.match(/[\\?&]v=([^&#]*)/)[1];
+		}else{
+			movieURL = this
+		}
+		return movieURL;
+	};
+	jQuery.mbYTPlayer = {
+		name           : "jquery.mb.YTPlayer",
+		version        : "2.6.0",
+		author         : "Matteo Bicocchi",
+		defaults       : {
+			containment            : "body",
+			ratio                  : "4/3",
+			showYTLogo             : false,
+			videoURL               : null,
+			startAt                : 0,
+			autoPlay               : true,
+			vol                    :100,
+			addRaster              : false,
+			opacity                : 1,
+			quality                : "default", //or “small”, “medium”, “large”, “hd720”, “hd1080”, “highres”
+			mute                   : false,
+			loop                   : true,
+			showControls           : true,
+			showAnnotations        : false,
+			printUrl               : true,
+			stopMovieOnClick       :false,
+			realfullscreen         :true,
+			onReady                : function (player) {},
+			onStateChange          : function (player) {},
+			onPlaybackQualityChange: function (player) {},
+			onError                : function (player) {}
+		},
+		controls       : {
+			play  : "P",
+			pause : "p",
+			mute  : "M",
+			unmute: "A",
+			onlyYT: "O",
+			showSite: "R",
+			ytLogo: "Y"
+		},
+		rasterImg      : "images/raster.png",
+		rasterImgRetina: "images/raster@2x.png",
+		locationProtocol: location.protocol != "file:" ? location.protocol : "http:",
+		buildPlayer: function (options) {
+			return this.each(function () {
+				var YTPlayer = this;
+				var $YTPlayer = jQuery(YTPlayer);
+				YTPlayer.loop = 0;
+				YTPlayer.opt = {};
+				var property = {};
+				$YTPlayer.addClass("mb_YTVPlayer");
+				if (jQuery.metadata) {
+					jQuery.metadata.setType("class");
+					property = $YTPlayer.metadata();
+				}
+				if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(property))
+					property = $"property") && typeof $"property") == "string" ? eval('(' + $"property") + ')') : $"property");
+				jQuery.extend(YTPlayer.opt, jQuery.mbYTPlayer.defaults, options, property);
+				var canGoFullscreen = !(jQuery.browser.msie || jQuery.browser.opera || self.location.href != top.location.href);
+				if(!canGoFullscreen)
+					YTPlayer.opt.realfullscreen = false;
+				if (!$YTPlayer.attr("id"))
+					$YTPlayer.attr("id", "id_" + new Date().getTime());
+ =;
+				YTPlayer.isAlone = false;
+				/*to maintain back compatibility
+				 * ***********************************************************/
+				if (YTPlayer.opt.isBgndMovie)
+					YTPlayer.opt.containment = "body";
+				if (YTPlayer.opt.isBgndMovie && YTPlayer.opt.isBgndMovie.mute != undefined)
+					YTPlayer.opt.mute = YTPlayer.opt.isBgndMovie.mute;
+				if (!YTPlayer.opt.videoURL)
+					YTPlayer.opt.videoURL = $YTPlayer.attr("href");
+				/************************************************************/
+				var playerID = "mbYTP_" +;
+				var videoID = this.opt.videoURL ? this.opt.videoURL.getVideoID() : $YTPlayer.attr("href") ? $YTPlayer.attr("href").getVideoID() : false;
+				YTPlayer.videoID = videoID;
+				YTPlayer.opt.showAnnotations = (YTPlayer.opt.showAnnotations) ? '0' : '3';
+				var playerVars = { 'autoplay': 0, 'modestbranding': 1, 'controls': 0, 'showinfo': 0, 'rel': 0, 'enablejsapi': 1, 'version': 3, 'playerapiid': playerID, 'origin': '*', 'allowfullscreen': true, 'wmode': "transparent", 'iv_load_policy': YTPlayer.opt.showAnnotations};
+				var canPlayHTML5 = false;
+				var v = document.createElement('video');
+				if (v.canPlayType ) { // && !jQuery.browser.msie
+					canPlayHTML5 = true;
+				}
+				if (canPlayHTML5) //  && !(YTPlayer.isPlayList && jQuery.browser.msie)
+					jQuery.extend(playerVars, {'html5': 1});
+				if(jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version < 9 ){
+					this.opt.opacity = 1;
+				}
+				var playerBox = jQuery("<div/>").attr("id", playerID).addClass("playerBox");
+				var overlay = jQuery("<div/>").css({position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0, width: "100%", height: "100%"}).addClass("YTPOverlay"); //YTPlayer.isBackground ? "fixed" :
+				YTPlayer.opt.containment = YTPlayer.opt.containment == "self" ? jQuery(this) : jQuery(YTPlayer.opt.containment);
+				YTPlayer.isBackground = YTPlayer.opt.containment.get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() == "body";
+				if (ytp.isDevice && YTPlayer.isBackground){
+					$YTPlayer.hide();
+					return;
+				}
+				if (YTPlayer.opt.addRaster) {
+					var retina = (window.retina || window.devicePixelRatio > 1);
+					overlay.addClass(retina ? "raster retina" : "raster");
+				}else{
+					overlay.removeClass("raster retina");
+				}
+				var wrapper = jQuery("<div/>").addClass("mbYTP_wrapper").attr("id", "wrapper_" + playerID);
+				wrapper.css({position: "absolute", zIndex: 0, minWidth: "100%", minHeight: "100%",left:0, top:0, overflow: "hidden", opacity: 0});
+				playerBox.css({position: "absolute", zIndex: 0, width: "100%", height: "100%", top: 0, left: 0, overflow: "hidden", opacity: this.opt.opacity});
+				wrapper.append(playerBox);
+				if (YTPlayer.isBackground && ytp.isInit)
+					return;
+				YTPlayer.opt.containment.children().each(function () {
+					if (jQuery(this).css("position") == "static")
+						jQuery(this).css("position", "relative");
+				});
+				if (YTPlayer.isBackground) {
+					jQuery("body").css({position: "relative", minWidth: "100%", minHeight: "100%", zIndex: 1, boxSizing: "border-box"});
+					wrapper.css({position: "fixed", top: 0, left: 0, zIndex: 0});
+					$YTPlayer.hide();
+					YTPlayer.opt.containment.prepend(wrapper);
+				} else
+					YTPlayer.opt.containment.prepend(wrapper);
+				YTPlayer.wrapper = wrapper;
+				playerBox.css({opacity: 1});
+				if (!ytp.isDevice){
+					playerBox.after(overlay);
+					YTPlayer.overlay = overlay;
+				}
+				if(!YTPlayer.isBackground){
+					overlay.on("mouseenter",function(){
+						$YTPlayer.find(".mb_YTVPBar").addClass("visible");
+					}).on("mouseleave",function(){
+								$YTPlayer.find(".mb_YTVPBar").removeClass("visible");
+							})
+				}
+				// add YT API to the header
+				//jQuery("#YTAPI").remove();
+				if(!ytp.YTAPIReady){
+					var tag = document.createElement('script');
+					tag.src = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.locationProtocol+"//";
+ = "YTAPI";
+					var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
+					firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
+				}else{
+					setTimeout(function(){
+						jQuery(document).trigger("YTAPIReady");
+					}, 200)
+				}
+				jQuery(document).on("YTAPIReady", function () {
+					if ((YTPlayer.isBackground && ytp.isInit) || YTPlayer.opt.isInit)
+						return;
+					if(YTPlayer.isBackground && YTPlayer.opt.stopMovieOnClick)
+						jQuery(document).off("mousedown.ytplayer").on("mousedown,.ytplayer",function(e){
+							var target = jQuery(;
+							if("a") || target.parents().is("a")){
+								$YTPlayer.pauseYTP();
+							}
+						});
+					if (YTPlayer.isBackground)
+						ytp.isInit = true;
+					YTPlayer.opt.isInit = true;
+					YTPlayer.opt.vol = YTPlayer.opt.vol ? YTPlayer.opt.vol : 100;
+					jQuery.mbYTPlayer.getDataFromFeed(YTPlayer.videoID, YTPlayer);
+					jQuery(document).on("getVideoInfo_" +, function () {
+						if(ytp.isDevice && !YTPlayer.isBackground){
+							new YT.Player(playerID, {
+								height: '100%',
+								width: '100%',
+								videoId: YTPlayer.videoID,
+								events: {
+									'onReady': function(){
+										$YTPlayer.optimizeDisplay();
+										playerBox.css({opacity: 1});
+										YTPlayer.wrapper.css({opacity: 1});
+										$YTPlayer.optimizeDisplay();
+									},
+									'onStateChange': function(){}
+								}
+							});
+							return;
+						}
+						new YT.Player(playerID, {
+							videoId   : YTPlayer.videoID.toString(),
+							playerVars: playerVars,
+							events    : {
+								'onReady': function (event) {
+									YTPlayer.player =;
+									if(YTPlayer.isReady)
+										return;
+									YTPlayer.isReady = true;
+									YTPlayer.playerEl = YTPlayer.player.getIframe();
+									$YTPlayer.optimizeDisplay();
+									YTPlayer.videoID = videoID;
+									jQuery(window).on("resize.YTP",function () {
+										$YTPlayer.optimizeDisplay();
+									});
+									if (YTPlayer.opt.showControls)
+										jQuery(YTPlayer).buildYTPControls();
+									YTPlayer.player.setPlaybackQuality(YTPlayer.opt.quality);
+									if (YTPlayer.opt.startAt > 0)
+										YTPlayer.player.seekTo(parseFloat(YTPlayer.opt.startAt), true);
+									if (!YTPlayer.opt.autoPlay) {
+										//	$YTPlayer.stopYTP();
+										YTPlayer.player.pauseVideo();
+										YTPlayer.checkForStartAt = setInterval(function () {
+											if (YTPlayer.player.getCurrentTime() >= YTPlayer.opt.startAt) {
+												clearInterval(YTPlayer.checkForStartAt);
+												//YTPlayer.wrapper.CSSAnimate({opacity: YTPlayer.isAlone ? 1 : YTPlayer.opt.opacity}, 2000);
+												if (YTPlayer.opt.mute) {
+													jQuery(YTPlayer).muteYTPVolume();
+												}else{
+													jQuery(YTPlayer).unmuteYTPVolume();
+												}
+											}
+										}, 1);
+									} else {
+										$YTPlayer.playYTP();
+										YTPlayer.player.setVolume(YTPlayer.opt.vol);
+										if (YTPlayer.opt.mute) {
+											jQuery(YTPlayer).muteYTPVolume();
+										}else{
+											jQuery(YTPlayer).unmuteYTPVolume();
+										}
+									}
+									if (typeof YTPlayer.opt.onReady == "function")
+										YTPlayer.opt.onReady($YTPlayer);
+									jQuery.mbYTPlayer.checkForState(YTPlayer);
+								},
+								'onStateChange'          : function (event) {
+									/*
+									 -1 (unstarted)
+									 0 (ended)
+									 1 (playing)
+									 2 (paused)
+									 3 (buffering)
+									 5 (video cued).
+									 */
+									if (typeof != "function")
+										return;
+									var state =;
+									if (typeof YTPlayer.opt.onStateChange == "function")
+										YTPlayer.opt.onStateChange($YTPlayer, state);
+									var playerBox = jQuery(YTPlayer.playerEl);
+									var controls = jQuery("#controlBar_" +;
+									var data = YTPlayer.opt;
+									if (state == 0) { // end
+										if (YTPlayer.state == state)
+											return;
+										YTPlayer.state = state;
+										YTPlayer.player.pauseVideo();
+										var startAt = YTPlayer.opt.startAt ? YTPlayer.opt.startAt : 1;
+										if (data.loop) {
+											YTPlayer.wrapper.css({opacity: 0});
+											$YTPlayer.playYTP();
+											YTPlayer.player.seekTo(startAt,true);
+										} else if (!YTPlayer.isBackground) {
+											YTPlayer.player.seekTo(startAt, true);
+											$YTPlayer.playYTP();
+											setTimeout(function () {
+												$YTPlayer.pauseYTP();
+											}, 10);
+										}
+										if (!data.loop && YTPlayer.isBackground)
+											YTPlayer.wrapper.CSSAnimate({opacity: 0}, 2000);
+										else if (data.loop) {
+											YTPlayer.wrapper.css({opacity: 0});
+											YTPlayer.loop++;
+										}
+										controls.find(".mb_YTVPPlaypause").html(;
+										jQuery(YTPlayer).trigger("YTPEnd");
+									}
+									if (state == 3) { // buffering
+										if (YTPlayer.state == state)
+											return;
+										YTPlayer.state = state;
+										controls.find(".mb_YTVPPlaypause").html(;
+										jQuery(YTPlayer).trigger("YTPBuffering");
+									}
+									if (state == -1) { // unstarted
+										if (YTPlayer.state == state)
+											return;
+										YTPlayer.state = state;
+										YTPlayer.wrapper.css({opacity:0});
+										jQuery(YTPlayer).trigger("YTPUnstarted");
+									}
+									if (state == 1) { // play
+										if (YTPlayer.state == state)
+											return;
+										YTPlayer.state = state;
+										YTPlayer.player.setPlaybackQuality(YTPlayer.opt.quality);
+										if(YTPlayer.opt.mute){
+											$YTPlayer.muteYTPVolume();
+											YTPlayer.opt.mute = false;
+										}
+										if (YTPlayer.opt.autoPlay && YTPlayer.loop == 0) {
+											YTPlayer.wrapper.CSSAnimate({opacity: YTPlayer.isAlone ? 1 : YTPlayer.opt.opacity}, 2000);
+										} else if(!YTPlayer.isBackground) {
+											YTPlayer.wrapper.css({opacity: YTPlayer.isAlone ? 1 : YTPlayer.opt.opacity});
+											$YTPlayer.css({background: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)"});
+										}else{
+											setTimeout(function () {
+												jQuery(YTPlayer.playerEl).CSSAnimate({opacity: 1}, 2000);
+												YTPlayer.wrapper.CSSAnimate({opacity: YTPlayer.opt.opacity}, 2000);
+											}, 1000);
+										}
+										controls.find(".mb_YTVPPlaypause").html(jQuery.mbYTPlayer.controls.pause);
+										jQuery(YTPlayer).trigger("YTPStart");
+										if (typeof _gaq != "undefined")
+											_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'YTPlayer', 'Play', (YTPlayer.title || YTPlayer.videoID.toString())]);
+									}
+									if (state == 2) { // pause
+										if (YTPlayer.state == state)
+											return;
+										YTPlayer.state = state;
+										controls.find(".mb_YTVPPlaypause").html(;
+										jQuery(YTPlayer).trigger("YTPPause");
+									}
+								},
+								'onPlaybackQualityChange': function (e) {
+									if (typeof YTPlayer.opt.onPlaybackQualityChange == "function")
+										YTPlayer.opt.onPlaybackQualityChange($YTPlayer);
+								},
+								'onError'                : function (err) {
+									if( == 2 && YTPlayer.isPlayList)
+										jQuery(YTPlayer).playNext();
+									if (typeof YTPlayer.opt.onError == "function")
+										YTPlayer.opt.onError($YTPlayer, err);
+								}
+							}
+						});
+					});
+				})
+			});
+		},
+		getDataFromFeed: function (videoID, YTPlayer) {
+			//Get video info from FEEDS API
+			YTPlayer.videoID = videoID;
+			if (!jQuery.browser.msie) { //!(jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version<9)
+				jQuery.getJSON(jQuery.mbYTPlayer.locationProtocol+'//' + videoID + '?v=2&alt=jsonc', function (data, status, xhr) {
+					YTPlayer.dataReceived = true;
+					var videoData =;
+					YTPlayer.title = videoData.title;
+					YTPlayer.videoData = videoData;
+					if (YTPlayer.opt.ratio == "auto")
+						if (videoData.aspectRatio && videoData.aspectRatio === "widescreen")
+							YTPlayer.opt.ratio = "16/9";
+						else
+							YTPlayer.opt.ratio = "4/3";
+					if(!YTPlayer.isInit){
+						YTPlayer.isInit = true;
+						if (!YTPlayer.isBackground) {
+							var bgndURL = YTPlayer.videoData.thumbnail.hqDefault;
+							jQuery(YTPlayer).css({background: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5) url(" + bgndURL + ") center center", backgroundSize: "cover"});
+						}
+						jQuery(document).trigger("getVideoInfo_" +;
+					}
+					jQuery(YTPlayer).trigger("YTPChanged");
+				});
+				setTimeout(function(){
+					if(!YTPlayer.dataReceived && !YTPlayer.isInit){
+						YTPlayer.isInit = true;
+						jQuery(document).trigger("getVideoInfo_" +;
+					}
+				},2500)
+			} else {
+				YTPlayer.opt.ratio == "auto" ? YTPlayer.opt.ratio = "16/9" : YTPlayer.opt.ratio;
+				if(!YTPlayer.isInit){
+					YTPlayer.isInit = true;
+					setTimeout(function(){
+						jQuery(document).trigger("getVideoInfo_" +;
+					},100)
+				}
+				jQuery(YTPlayer).trigger("YTPChanged");
+			}
+		},
+		getVideoID: function(){
+			var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+			return YTPlayer.videoID || false ;
+		},
+		setVideoQuality: function(quality){
+			var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+			YTPlayer.player.setPlaybackQuality(quality);
+		},
+		YTPlaylist : function(videos, shuffle, callback){
+			var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+			YTPlayer.isPlayList = true;
+			if(shuffle)
+				videos = jQuery.shuffle(videos);
+			if(!YTPlayer.videoID){
+				YTPlayer.videos = videos;
+				YTPlayer.videoCounter = 0;
+				YTPlayer.videoLength = videos.length;
+				jQuery(YTPlayer).data("property", videos[0]);
+				jQuery(YTPlayer).mb_YTPlayer();
+			}
+			if(typeof callback == "function")
+				jQuery(YTPlayer).on("YTPChanged",function(){
+					callback(YTPlayer);
+				});
+			jQuery(YTPlayer).on("YTPEnd", function(){
+				jQuery(YTPlayer).playNext();
+			});
+		},
+		playNext: function(){
+			var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+			YTPlayer.videoCounter++;
+			if(YTPlayer.videoCounter>=YTPlayer.videoLength)
+				YTPlayer.videoCounter = 0;
+			jQuery(YTPlayer.playerEl).css({opacity:0});
+			jQuery(YTPlayer).changeMovie(YTPlayer.videos[YTPlayer.videoCounter]);
+		},
+		playPrev: function(){
+			var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+			YTPlayer.videoCounter--;
+			if(YTPlayer.videoCounter<=0)
+				YTPlayer.videoCounter = YTPlayer.videoLength;
+			jQuery(YTPlayer.playerEl).css({opacity:0});
+			jQuery(YTPlayer).changeMovie(YTPlayer.videos[YTPlayer.videoCounter]);
+		},
+		changeMovie: function (opt) {
+			var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+			var data = YTPlayer.opt;
+			if (opt) {
+				jQuery.extend(data, opt);
+			}
+			YTPlayer.videoID = data.videoURL.getVideoID();
+			jQuery(YTPlayer).pauseYTP();
+			var timer = jQuery.browser.msie ? 1000 : 0;
+			jQuery(YTPlayer).getPlayer().cueVideoByUrl(encodeURI(jQuery.mbYTPlayer.locationProtocol+"//" + YTPlayer.videoID) , 5 , YTPlayer.opt.quality);
+			setTimeout(function(){
+				jQuery(YTPlayer).playYTP();
+				jQuery(YTPlayer).one("YTPStart", function(){
+					jQuery(YTPlayer.playerEl).CSSAnimate({opacity:1},2000);
+				});
+			},timer)
+			if (YTPlayer.opt.mute) {
+				jQuery(YTPlayer).muteYTPVolume();
+			}else{
+				jQuery(YTPlayer).unmuteYTPVolume();
+			}
+			if (YTPlayer.opt.addRaster) {
+				var retina = (window.retina || window.devicePixelRatio > 1);
+				YTPlayer.overlay.addClass(retina ? "raster retina" : "raster");
+			}else{
+				YTPlayer.overlay.removeClass("raster");
+				YTPlayer.overlay.removeClass("retina");
+			}
+			jQuery("#controlBar_" +;
+			if (YTPlayer.opt.showControls)
+				jQuery(YTPlayer).buildYTPControls();
+			jQuery.mbYTPlayer.getDataFromFeed(YTPlayer.videoID, YTPlayer);
+			jQuery(YTPlayer).optimizeDisplay();
+			jQuery.mbYTPlayer.checkForState(YTPlayer);
+		},
+		getPlayer: function () {
+			return jQuery(this).get(0).player;
+		},
+		playerDestroy: function () {
+			var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+			ytp.YTAPIReady = false;
+			ytp.isInit = false;
+			YTPlayer.opt.isInit = false;
+			YTPlayer.videoID = null;
+			var playerBox = YTPlayer.wrapper;
+			playerBox.remove();
+			jQuery("#controlBar_" +;
+		},
+		fullscreen: function(real) {
+			var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+			var controls = jQuery("#controlBar_" +;
+			var fullScreenBtn = controls.find(".mb_OnlyYT");
+			var videoWrapper = jQuery(YTPlayer.wrapper);
+			if(real){
+				var fullscreenchange = jQuery.browser.mozilla ? "mozfullscreenchange" : jQuery.browser.webkit ? "webkitfullscreenchange" : "fullscreenchange";
+				jQuery(document).off(fullscreenchange);
+				jQuery(document).on(fullscreenchange, function() {
+					var isFullScreen = RunPrefixMethod(document, "IsFullScreen") || RunPrefixMethod(document, "FullScreen");
+					if (!isFullScreen) {
+						jQuery(YTPlayer).removeClass("fullscreen");
+						YTPlayer.isAlone = false;
+						fullScreenBtn.html(jQuery.mbYTPlayer.controls.onlyYT)
+						jQuery(YTPlayer).setVideoQuality(YTPlayer.opt.quality);
+						if (YTPlayer.isBackground){
+							jQuery("body").after(controls);
+						}else{
+							YTPlayer.wrapper.before(controls);
+						}
+						jQuery(window).resize();
+					}else{
+						jQuery(YTPlayer).setVideoQuality("default");
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			if (!YTPlayer.isAlone) {
+					if(YTPlayer.player.getPlayerState() != 1 && YTPlayer.player.getPlayerState() != 2)
+						jQuery(YTPlayer).playYTP();
+					if(real){
+						YTPlayer.wrapper.append(controls);
+						jQuery(YTPlayer).addClass("fullscreen");
+						launchFullscreen(videoWrapper.get(0));
+					} else
+						videoWrapper.css({zIndex: 10000}).CSSAnimate({opacity: 1}, 1000, 0);
+					jQuery(YTPlayer).trigger("YTPFullScreenStart");
+					fullScreenBtn.html(jQuery.mbYTPlayer.controls.showSite)
+					YTPlayer.isAlone = true;
+			} else {
+				if(real){
+					cancelFullscreen();
+				} else{
+					videoWrapper.CSSAnimate({opacity: YTPlayer.opt.opacity}, 500);
+				}
+				jQuery(YTPlayer).trigger("YTPFullScreenEnd");
+				videoWrapper.css({zIndex: -1});
+				fullScreenBtn.html(jQuery.mbYTPlayer.controls.onlyYT)
+				YTPlayer.isAlone = false;
+			}
+			function RunPrefixMethod(obj, method) {
+				var pfx = ["webkit", "moz", "ms", "o", ""];
+				var p = 0, m, t;
+				while (p < pfx.length && !obj[m]) {
+					m = method;
+					if (pfx[p] == "") {
+						m = m.substr(0,1).toLowerCase() + m.substr(1);
+					}
+					m = pfx[p] + m;
+					t = typeof obj[m];
+					if (t != "undefined") {
+						pfx = [pfx[p]];
+						return (t == "function" ? obj[m]() : obj[m]);
+					}
+					p++;
+				}
+			}
+			function launchFullscreen(element) {
+				RunPrefixMethod(element, "RequestFullScreen");
+			}
+			function cancelFullscreen() {
+				if (RunPrefixMethod(document, "FullScreen") || RunPrefixMethod(document, "IsFullScreen")) {
+					RunPrefixMethod(document, "CancelFullScreen");
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		playYTP: function () {
+			var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+			var controls = jQuery("#controlBar_" +;
+			var playBtn = controls.find(".mb_YTVPPlaypause");
+			playBtn.html(jQuery.mbYTPlayer.controls.pause);
+			YTPlayer.player.playVideo();
+			YTPlayer.wrapper.CSSAnimate({opacity: YTPlayer.opt.opacity}, 2000);
+			jQuery(YTPlayer).on("YTPStart", function(){
+				jQuery(YTPlayer).css("background", "none");
+			})
+		},
+		toggleLoops: function () {
+			var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+			var data = YTPlayer.opt;
+			if (data.loop == 1) {
+				data.loop = 0;
+			} else {
+				if(data.startAt) {
+					YTPlayer.player.seekTo(data.startAt);
+				} else {
+					YTPlayer.player.playVideo();
+				}
+				data.loop = 1;
+			}
+		},
+		stopYTP: function () {
+			var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+			var controls = jQuery("#controlBar_" +;
+			var playBtn = controls.find(".mb_YTVPPlaypause");
+			playBtn.html(;
+			YTPlayer.player.stopVideo();
+		},
+		pauseYTP: function () {
+			var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+			var data = YTPlayer.opt;
+			var controls = jQuery("#controlBar_" +;
+			var playBtn = controls.find(".mb_YTVPPlaypause");
+			playBtn.html(;
+			YTPlayer.player.pauseVideo();
+		},
+		seekToYTP: function(val) {
+			var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+			YTPlayer.player.seekTo(val,true);
+		},
+		setYTPVolume: function (val) {
+			var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+			if (!val && !YTPlayer.opt.vol && player.getVolume() == 0)
+				jQuery(YTPlayer).unmuteYTPVolume();
+			else if ((!val && YTPlayer.player.getVolume() > 0) || (val && YTPlayer.player.getVolume() == val))
+				jQuery(YTPlayer).muteYTPVolume();
+			else
+				YTPlayer.opt.vol = val;
+			YTPlayer.player.setVolume(YTPlayer.opt.vol);
+		},
+		muteYTPVolume: function () {
+			var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+			YTPlayer.opt.vol = YTPlayer.player.getVolume() || 50;
+			YTPlayer.player.mute();
+			YTPlayer.player.setVolume(0);
+			var controls = jQuery("#controlBar_" +;
+			var muteBtn = controls.find(".mb_YTVPMuteUnmute");
+			muteBtn.html(jQuery.mbYTPlayer.controls.unmute);
+		},
+		unmuteYTPVolume: function () {
+			var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+			YTPlayer.player.unMute();
+			YTPlayer.player.setVolume(YTPlayer.opt.vol);
+			var controls = jQuery("#controlBar_" +;
+			var muteBtn = controls.find(".mb_YTVPMuteUnmute");
+			muteBtn.html(jQuery.mbYTPlayer.controls.mute);
+		},
+		manageYTPProgress: function () {
+			var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+			var controls = jQuery("#controlBar_" +;
+			var progressBar = controls.find(".mb_YTVPProgress");
+			var loadedBar = controls.find(".mb_YTVPLoaded");
+			var timeBar = controls.find(".mb_YTVTime");
+			var totW = progressBar.outerWidth();
+			var currentTime = Math.floor(YTPlayer.player.getCurrentTime());
+			var totalTime = Math.floor(YTPlayer.player.getDuration());
+			var timeW = (currentTime * totW) / totalTime;
+			var startLeft = 0;
+			var loadedW = YTPlayer.player.getVideoLoadedFraction() * 100;
+			loadedBar.css({left: startLeft, width: loadedW + "%"});
+			timeBar.css({left: 0, width: timeW});
+			return {totalTime: totalTime, currentTime: currentTime};
+		},
+		buildYTPControls: function () {
+			var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+			var data = YTPlayer.opt;
+			if(jQuery("#controlBar_"+
+				return;
+			var controlBar = jQuery("<span/>").attr("id", "controlBar_" +"mb_YTVPBar").css({whiteSpace: "noWrap", position: YTPlayer.isBackground ? "fixed" : "absolute", zIndex: YTPlayer.isBackground ? 10000 : 1000}).hide();
+			var buttonBar = jQuery("<div/>").addClass("buttonBar");
+			var playpause = jQuery("<span>" + + "</span>").addClass("mb_YTVPPlaypause ytpicon").click(function () {
+				if (YTPlayer.player.getPlayerState() == 1)
+					jQuery(YTPlayer).pauseYTP();
+				else
+					jQuery(YTPlayer).playYTP();
+			});
+			var MuteUnmute = jQuery("<span>" + jQuery.mbYTPlayer.controls.mute + "</span>").addClass("mb_YTVPMuteUnmute ytpicon").click(function () {
+				if (YTPlayer.player.getVolume()==0) {
+					jQuery(YTPlayer).unmuteYTPVolume();
+				} else {
+					jQuery(YTPlayer).muteYTPVolume();
+				}
+			});
+			var idx = jQuery("<span/>").addClass("mb_YTVPTime");
+			var vURL = data.videoURL;
+			if(vURL.indexOf("http") < 0)
+				vURL = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.locationProtocol+"//"+data.videoURL;
+			var movieUrl = jQuery("<span/>").html(jQuery.mbYTPlayer.controls.ytLogo).addClass("mb_YTVPUrl ytpicon").attr("title", "view on YouTube").on("click", function () {, "viewOnYT")});
+			var onlyVideo = jQuery("<span/>").html(jQuery.mbYTPlayer.controls.onlyYT).addClass("mb_OnlyYT ytpicon").on("click",function () {jQuery(YTPlayer).fullscreen(data.realfullscreen);});
+			var progressBar = jQuery("<div/>").addClass("mb_YTVPProgress").css("position", "absolute").click(function (e) {
+				timeBar.css({width: (e.clientX - timeBar.offset().left)});
+				YTPlayer.timeW = e.clientX - timeBar.offset().left;
+				controlBar.find(".mb_YTVPLoaded").css({width: 0});
+				var totalTime = Math.floor(YTPlayer.player.getDuration());
+				YTPlayer.goto = (timeBar.outerWidth() * totalTime) / progressBar.outerWidth();
+				YTPlayer.player.seekTo(parseFloat(YTPlayer.goto), true);
+				controlBar.find(".mb_YTVPLoaded").css({width: 0});
+			});
+			var loadedBar = jQuery("<div/>").addClass("mb_YTVPLoaded").css("position", "absolute");
+			var timeBar = jQuery("<div/>").addClass("mb_YTVTime").css("position", "absolute");
+			progressBar.append(loadedBar).append(timeBar);
+			buttonBar.append(playpause).append(MuteUnmute).append(idx);
+			if (data.printUrl){
+				buttonBar.append(movieUrl);
+			}
+			if (YTPlayer.isBackground || (YTPlayer.opt.realfullscreen && !YTPlayer.isBackground))
+				buttonBar.append(onlyVideo);
+			controlBar.append(buttonBar).append(progressBar);
+			if (!YTPlayer.isBackground) {
+				controlBar.addClass("inlinePlayer");
+				YTPlayer.wrapper.before(controlBar);
+			} else {
+				jQuery("body").after(controlBar);
+			}
+			controlBar.fadeIn();
+		},
+		checkForState:function(YTPlayer){
+			var controlBar = jQuery("#controlBar_" +;
+			var data = YTPlayer.opt;
+			var startAt = YTPlayer.opt.startAt ? YTPlayer.opt.startAt : 1;
+			YTPlayer.getState = setInterval(function () {
+				var prog = jQuery(YTPlayer).manageYTPProgress();
+				controlBar.find(".mb_YTVPTime").html(jQuery.mbYTPlayer.formatTime(prog.currentTime) + " / " + jQuery.mbYTPlayer.formatTime(prog.totalTime));
+				if (parseFloat(YTPlayer.player.getDuration() - 3) < YTPlayer.player.getCurrentTime() && YTPlayer.player.getPlayerState() == 1 && !YTPlayer.isPlayList) {
+					if(!data.loop){
+						YTPlayer.player.pauseVideo();
+						YTPlayer.wrapper.CSSAnimate({opacity: 0}, 2000,function(){
+							YTPlayer.player.seekTo(startAt, true);
+							if (!YTPlayer.isBackground) {
+								var bgndURL = YTPlayer.videoData.thumbnail.hqDefault;
+								jQuery(YTPlayer).css({background: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5) url(" + bgndURL + ") center center", backgroundSize: "cover"});
+							}
+						});
+					}else
+						YTPlayer.player.seekTo(startAt);
+					jQuery(YTPlayer).trigger("YTPEnd");
+				}
+			}, 1);
+		},
+		formatTime      : function (s) {
+			var min = Math.floor(s / 60);
+			var sec = Math.floor(s - (60 * min));
+			return (min < 9 ? "0" + min : min) + " : " + (sec < 9 ? "0" + sec : sec);
+		}
+	};
+	jQuery.fn.toggleVolume = function () {
+		var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+		if (!YTPlayer)
+			return;
+		if (YTPlayer.player.isMuted()) {
+			jQuery(YTPlayer).unmuteYTPVolume();
+			return true;
+		} else {
+			jQuery(YTPlayer).muteYTPVolume();
+			return false;
+		}
+	};
+	jQuery.fn.optimizeDisplay = function () {
+		var YTPlayer = this.get(0);
+		var data = YTPlayer.opt;
+		var playerBox = jQuery(YTPlayer.playerEl);
+		var win = {};
+		var el = !YTPlayer.isBackground ? data.containment : jQuery(window);
+		win.width = el.width();
+		win.height = el.height();
+		var margin = 24;
+		var vid = {};
+		vid.width = win.width + ((win.width * margin) / 100);
+		vid.height = data.ratio == "16/9" ? Math.ceil((9 * win.width) / 16) : Math.ceil((3 * win.width) / 4);
+		vid.marginTop = -((vid.height - win.height) / 2);
+		vid.marginLeft = -((win.width * (margin / 2)) / 100);
+		if (vid.height < win.height) {
+			vid.height = win.height + ((win.height * margin) / 100);
+			vid.width = data.ratio == "16/9" ? Math.floor((16 * win.height) / 9) : Math.floor((4 * win.height) / 3);
+			vid.marginTop = -((win.height * (margin / 2)) / 100);
+			vid.marginLeft = -((vid.width - win.width) / 2);
+		}
+		playerBox.css({width: vid.width, height: vid.height, marginTop: vid.marginTop, marginLeft: vid.marginLeft});
+	};
+	jQuery.shuffle = function(arr) {
+		var newArray = arr.slice();
+		var len = newArray.length;
+		var i = len;
+		while (i--) {
+			var p = parseInt(Math.random()*len);
+			var t = newArray[i];
+			newArray[i] = newArray[p];
+			newArray[p] = t;
+		}
+		return newArray;
+	};
+	jQuery.fn.mb_YTPlayer = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.buildPlayer;
+	jQuery.fn.YTPlaylist = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.YTPlaylist;
+	jQuery.fn.playNext = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.playNext;
+	jQuery.fn.playPrev = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.playPrev;
+	jQuery.fn.changeMovie = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.changeMovie;
+	jQuery.fn.getVideoID = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.getVideoID;
+	jQuery.fn.getPlayer = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.getPlayer;
+	jQuery.fn.playerDestroy = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.playerDestroy;
+	jQuery.fn.fullscreen = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.fullscreen;
+	jQuery.fn.buildYTPControls = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.buildYTPControls;
+	jQuery.fn.playYTP = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.playYTP;
+	jQuery.fn.toggleLoops = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.toggleLoops;
+	jQuery.fn.stopYTP = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.stopYTP;
+	jQuery.fn.pauseYTP = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.pauseYTP;
+	jQuery.fn.seekToYTP = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.seekToYTP;
+	jQuery.fn.muteYTPVolume = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.muteYTPVolume;
+	jQuery.fn.unmuteYTPVolume = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.unmuteYTPVolume;
+	jQuery.fn.setYTPVolume = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.setYTPVolume;
+	jQuery.fn.setVideoQuality = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.setVideoQuality;
+	jQuery.fn.manageYTPProgress = jQuery.mbYTPlayer.manageYTPProgress;
+})(jQuery, ytp);

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Sticky Plugin v1.0.0 for jQuery
+// =============
+// Author: Anthony Garand
+// Improvements by German M. Bravo (Kronuz) and Ruud Kamphuis (ruudk)
+// Improvements by Leonardo C. Daronco (daronco)
+// Created: 2/14/2011
+// Date: 2/12/2012
+// Website:
+// Description: Makes an element on the page stick on the screen as you scroll
+//       It will only set the 'top' and 'position' of your element, you
+//       might need to adjust the width in some cases.
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+ * Copyright 2011-2019 The Bootstrap Authors
+ * Copyright 2011-2019 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (
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+ 218 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+ * Owl Carousel v2.3.4
+ * Copyright 2013-2018 David Deutsch
+ * Licensed under: SEE LICENSE IN
+ */
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+    height: 100%;
+    width: 100%

+ 61 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ * Owl Carousel v2.3.4
+ * Copyright 2013-2018 David Deutsch
+ * Licensed under: SEE LICENSE IN
+ */
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+ 705 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
+Tooplate 2115 Marvel
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+ 1058 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1058 @@
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+<glyph glyph-name="camera-plus" unicode="&#xe895;" d="M833 413a42 42 0 0 1-41-42v-292a42 42 0 0 0-42-41h-583a42 42 0 0 0-42 41v334a42 42 0 0 0 42 41h83a42 42 0 0 1 42 29l22 68a42 42 0 0 0 40 28h229a42 42 0 0 1 0 84h-231a125 125 0 0 1-119-86l-13-42h-53a125 125 0 0 1-125-125v-333a125 125 0 0 1 125-125h583a125 125 0 0 1 125 125v292a42 42 0 0 1-42 44z m-375 41a167 167 0 1 1 167-166 167 167 0 0 1-167 166z m0-250a83 83 0 1 0 84 84 83 83 0 0 0-84-84z m459 459h-42v41a42 42 0 0 1-83 0v-41h-42a42 42 0 0 1 0-84h42v-41a42 42 0 0 1 83 0v41h42a42 42 0 0 1 0 84z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="car" unicode="&#xe89e;" d="M276 305a38 38 0 0 1-23-22 42 42 0 0 1 55-55 48 48 0 0 1 13 9 48 48 0 0 1 9 14 35 35 0 0 1 3 16 44 44 0 0 1-12 29 42 42 0 0 1-45 9z m547 167l-56 168a125 125 0 0 1-119 83h-296a125 125 0 0 1-119-83l-56-170a125 125 0 0 1-94-120v-167a125 125 0 0 1 84-117v-49a42 42 0 0 1 83 0v41h500v-41a42 42 0 0 1 83 0v49a125 125 0 0 1 84 117v167a125 125 0 0 1-94 120z m-511 141a42 42 0 0 0 40 29h296a42 42 0 0 0 42-29l44-138h-468z m521-430a42 42 0 0 0-41-41h-584a42 42 0 0 0-41 41v167a42 42 0 0 0 41 42h584a42 42 0 0 0 41-42z m-140 122a38 38 0 0 1-23-22 42 42 0 0 1 54-55 38 38 0 0 1 23 23 35 35 0 0 1 3 16 44 44 0 0 1-12 29 42 42 0 0 1-45 9z m-151 3h-84a42 42 0 0 1 0-83h84a42 42 0 0 1 0 83z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="chart-bar-alt" unicode="&#xe8a4;" d="M875 17h-708v83h125a42 42 0 0 1 0 83h-125v84h458a42 42 0 0 1 0 83h-458v83h291a42 42 0 0 1 0 84h-291v83h625a42 42 0 0 1 0 83h-625v42a42 42 0 0 1-84 0v-750a42 42 0 0 1 42-42h750a42 42 0 0 1 0 84z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="chart-growth" unicode="&#xe8a8;" d="M875 17h-42v625a42 42 0 0 1-83 0v-625h-83v458a42 42 0 0 1-84 0v-458h-83v291a42 42 0 0 1-83 0v-291h-84v125a42 42 0 0 1-83 0v-125h-83v708a42 42 0 0 1-84 0v-750a42 42 0 0 1 42-42h750a42 42 0 0 1 0 84z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
+<glyph glyph-name="chart-line" unicode="&#xe8a9;" d="M292 183a63 63 0 0 1 62 63 32 32 0 0 1 0 6l116 116h20l67-67v-3a63 63 0 1 1 125 0v3l151 153a63 63 0 1 1-62 63 32 32 0 0 1 0-7l-151-150h-6l-72 73a62 62 0 0 1-125 0l-125-125a63 63 0 0 1 0-125z m562-166h-708v708a42 42 0 0 1-83 0v-750a42 42 0 0 1 41-42h750a42 42 0 0 1 0 84z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
+<glyph glyph-name="chart-pie-alt" unicode="&#xe8aa;" d="M792 350h-292v292c0 25-17 41-42 41-208 0-375-166-375-375s167-375 375-375 375 167 375 375c0 25-16 42-41 42z m-292-329c-158-25-308 87-329 246-25 158 87 308 246 329v-288c0-25 16-41 41-41h288c-17-129-117-229-246-246z m125 746c-25 0-42-17-42-42v-250c0-25 17-42 42-42h250c25 0 42 17 42 42 0 163-129 292-292 292z m42-250v162c83-16 146-79 162-162h-162z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
+<glyph glyph-name="chart-pie" unicode="&#xe8ab;" d="M500 767a417 417 0 1 1 205-779h5a417 417 0 0 1-210 779z m42-87a333 333 0 0 0 288-288h-288z m-42-663a333 333 0 0 0-42 663v-330a45 45 0 0 1 3-15v-6l167-286a325 325 0 0 0-128-26z m201 68l-129 223h258a333 333 0 0 0-129-223z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="chat" unicode="&#xe8af;" d="M750 767h-500a125 125 0 0 1-125-125v-459a125 125 0 0 1 125-125h108l112-113a42 42 0 0 1 30-12 42 42 0 0 1 27 10l134 115h89a125 125 0 0 1 125 125v459a125 125 0 0 1-125 125z m42-584a42 42 0 0 0-42-41h-104a42 42 0 0 1-27-10l-117-100-97 98a42 42 0 0 1-30 12h-125a42 42 0 0 0-42 41v459a42 42 0 0 0 42 41h500a42 42 0 0 0 42-41z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
+<glyph glyph-name="check-circle" unicode="&#xe8b0;" d="M613 484l-178-179-69 68a42 42 0 1 1-59-58l98-99a42 42 0 0 1 30-12 42 42 0 0 1 29 12l208 209a42 42 0 0 1 0 59 42 42 0 0 1-59 0z m-113 283a417 417 0 1 1 417-417 417 417 0 0 1-417 417z m0-750a333 333 0 1 0 333 333 333 333 0 0 0-333-333z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="image-lock" unicode="&#xea28;" d="M833 634v49a125 125 0 0 1-250 0v-49a125 125 0 0 1-83-117v-84a125 125 0 0 1 125-125h167a125 125 0 0 1 125 125v84a125 125 0 0 1-84 117z m-166 49a42 42 0 0 0 83 0v-41h-83z m166-250a42 42 0 0 0-41-41h-167a42 42 0 0 0-42 41v84a42 42 0 0 0 42 41h167a42 42 0 0 0 41-41z m-41-208a42 42 0 0 1-42-42v-125a37 37 0 0 0-7-22l-351 351a119 119 0 0 1-164 0l-61-62v233a42 42 0 0 0 41 42h209a42 42 0 0 1 0 83h-209a125 125 0 0 1-125-125v-500a125 125 0 0 1 125-125h500a125 125 0 0 1 125 125v125a42 42 0 0 1-41 42z m-584-208a42 42 0 0 0-41 41v149l121 121a33 33 0 0 0 45 0l311-311z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="image-plus" unicode="&#xea2a;" d="M792 433a42 42 0 0 1-42-41v-141l-62 62a116 116 0 0 1-163 0l-30-30-103 104a116 116 0 0 1-164 0l-61-62v233a42 42 0 0 0 41 42h334a42 42 0 0 1 0 83h-334a125 125 0 0 1-125-125v-509a116 116 0 0 1 116-116h518a120 120 0 0 1 34 5 114 114 0 0 1 83 111v343a42 42 0 0 1-42 41z m-584-416a42 42 0 0 0-41 41v149l120 121a33 33 0 0 0 46 0l311-311z m542 41a42 42 0 0 0-7-22l-189 189 30 29a32 32 0 0 0 46 0l120-121z m125 625h-42v42a42 42 0 0 1-83 0v-42h-42a42 42 0 0 1 0-83h42v-42a42 42 0 0 1 83 0v42h42a42 42 0 0 1 0 83z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
+<glyph glyph-name="image-question" unicode="&#xea2b;" d="M792 308a42 42 0 0 1-42-41v-17l-62 62a115 115 0 0 1-163 0l-30-29-103 104a119 119 0 0 1-164 0l-61-62v233a42 42 0 0 0 41 42h334a42 42 0 0 1 0 83h-334a125 125 0 0 1-125-125v-500a125 125 0 0 1 125-125h500a125 125 0 0 1 125 125v209a42 42 0 0 1-41 41z m-584-291a42 42 0 0 0-41 41v149l121 121a33 33 0 0 0 45 0l132-132 179-179z m542 41a42 42 0 0 0-7-22l-188 189 29 29a33 33 0 0 0 46 0l120-121z m42 709a125 125 0 0 1-109-63 42 42 0 0 1 16-57 42 42 0 0 1 56 16 42 42 0 0 0 78-21 42 42 0 0 0-41-42 42 42 0 0 1 0-83 125 125 0 0 1 0 250z m16-295a42 42 0 0 1-25 3l-7-2-8-4-6-6a42 42 0 0 1-12-30 42 42 0 0 1 12-29 42 42 0 0 1 59 0 42 42 0 0 1 12 29 42 42 0 0 1-26 39z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
+<glyph glyph-name="image-redo" unicode="&#xea2c;" d="M896 788a42 42 0 0 1-42-42 208 208 0 1 1 13-323 42 42 0 0 1-55 63 125 125 0 1 0 10 177h-51a42 42 0 0 1 0-83h125a42 42 0 0 1 41 41v125a42 42 0 0 1-41 42z m-125-500a42 42 0 0 1-42-42v-16l-62 61a115 115 0 0 1-164 0l-29-29-103 104a116 116 0 0 1-164 0l-61-62v234a42 42 0 0 0 41 41h209a42 42 0 0 1 0 84h-209a125 125 0 0 1-125-125v-500a125 125 0 0 1 125-126h501a125 125 0 0 1 125 126v208a42 42 0 0 1-42 41z m-583-292a42 42 0 0 0-42 42v148l121 122a33 33 0 0 0 45 0l132-132 181-180z m541 42a42 42 0 0 0-7-23l-188 188 29 29a33 33 0 0 0 46 0l120-120z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
+<glyph glyph-name="image-resize-landscape" unicode="&#xea2d;" d="M542 392h-459a42 42 0 0 1-41-42v-375a42 42 0 0 1 41-42h459a42 42 0 0 1 41 42v375a42 42 0 0 1-41 42z m-232-375l80 80a12 12 0 0 0 21 0l80-80z m190 109l-30 29a100 100 0 0 1-139 0l-139-138h-67v291h375z m-417 553a42 42 0 0 1 36 20 44 44 0 0 1 8 26 42 42 0 0 1-44 42 42 42 0 0 1-41-42v-4a42 42 0 0 1 41-42z m330 4h8a42 42 0 0 1 0 84h-8a42 42 0 0 1 0-84z m-330-199a42 42 0 0 1 42 42v9a42 42 0 1 1-83 0v-9a42 42 0 0 1 41-42z m504 283h-8a42 42 0 0 1 0-84h8a42 42 0 0 1 0 84z m-341-84h8a42 42 0 0 1 0 84h-8a42 42 0 0 1 0-84z m671-100a42 42 0 0 1-42-41v-9a42 42 0 0 1 83 0v9a42 42 0 0 1-41 41z m-204-566h-10a42 42 0 1 1 0-84h10a42 42 0 0 1 0 84z m199 750a42 42 0 0 1-37-42 42 42 0 0 1 4-17 42 42 0 0 1 79 12v5a45 45 0 0 1-46 42z m5-371a42 42 0 0 1-42-42v-9a42 42 0 0 1 83 0v9a42 42 0 0 1-41 42z m-163 371h-8a42 42 0 0 1 0-84h8a42 42 0 0 1 0 84z m163-750a39 39 0 0 1-19-5 42 42 0 0 1-23-37 42 42 0 0 1 42-42 45 45 0 0 1 41 46 42 42 0 0 1-41 38z m0 190a42 42 0 0 1-42-42v-9a42 42 0 1 1 83 0v11a42 42 0 0 1-41 41z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="image-search" unicode="&#xea2f;" d="M792 308a42 42 0 0 1-42-41v-17l-62 62a116 116 0 0 1-163 0l-30-29-103 104a120 120 0 0 1-164 0l-61-62v233a42 42 0 0 0 41 42h167a42 42 0 0 1 0 83h-167a125 125 0 0 1-125-125v-500a125 125 0 0 1 125-125h500a125 125 0 0 1 125 125v209a42 42 0 0 1-41 41z m-584-291a42 42 0 0 0-41 41v149l121 121a33 33 0 0 0 45 0l132-133 179-178z m542 41a42 42 0 0 0-7-22l-188 189 29 29a32 32 0 0 0 46 0l120-121z m155 363l-72 72a180 180 0 1 1-280-33 178 178 0 0 1 125-52 181 181 0 0 1 96 25l71-72a42 42 0 0 1 60 0 42 42 0 0 1 0 60z m-155 96a97 97 0 1 0 0 136 97 97 0 0 0 0-136z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
+<glyph glyph-name="image-share" unicode="&#xea30;" d="M833 558a83 83 0 0 1-49-16l-73 33 81 37a83 83 0 0 1 41-12 83 83 0 1 1-83 83l-79-36a83 83 0 1 1-46-151 78 78 0 0 1 38 10l88-42a83 83 0 1 1 82 94z m-41-250a42 42 0 0 1-42-41v-17l-62 62a115 115 0 0 1-163 0l-30-29-103 104a116 116 0 0 1-164 0l-61-62v233a42 42 0 0 0 41 42h209a42 42 0 0 1 0 83h-209a125 125 0 0 1-125-125v-500a125 125 0 0 1 125-125h500a125 125 0 0 1 125 125v209a42 42 0 0 1-41 41z m-584-291a42 42 0 0 0-41 41v149l121 121a33 33 0 0 0 45 0l132-132 179-179z m542 41a37 37 0 0 0-7-22l-188 189 29 29a33 33 0 0 0 46 0l120-121z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
+<glyph glyph-name="image-shield" unicode="&#xea31;" d="M922 752a42 42 0 0 1-35 8 113 113 0 0 0-92 20 42 42 0 0 1-49 0 113 113 0 0 0-91-20 42 42 0 0 1-35-8 42 42 0 0 1-16-33v-138a193 193 0 0 1 77-154l65-48a42 42 0 0 1 49 0l66 48a193 193 0 0 1 76 154v138a42 42 0 0 1-15 33z m-68-171a109 109 0 0 0-41-87l-42-30-42 30a109 109 0 0 0-41 87v93a200 200 0 0 1 83 23 200 200 0 0 1 83-23z m-83-293a42 42 0 0 1-42-42v-16l-62 61a115 115 0 0 1-164 0l-29-29-103 104a119 119 0 0 1-164 0l-61-62v234a42 42 0 0 0 41 41h292a42 42 0 0 1 0 84h-291a125 125 0 0 1-125-125v-500a125 125 0 0 1 125-126h500a125 125 0 0 1 125 126v208a42 42 0 0 1-42 41z m-583-292a42 42 0 0 0-42 42v148l121 122a33 33 0 0 0 45 0l132-132 181-180z m541 42a42 42 0 0 0-7-23l-188 188 29 29a33 33 0 0 0 46 0l120-120z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
+<glyph glyph-name="image-slash" unicode="&#xea32;" d="M813 683h-396a42 42 0 0 1 0-83h396a42 42 0 0 0 41-42v-281l-78 78a125 125 0 0 1-48 30 42 42 0 1 1-26-80 34 34 0 0 0 15-9l138-137a28 28 0 0 1 0-6 35 35 0 0 1 0-7 49 49 0 0 1 5-7 20 20 0 0 1 4-5 38 38 0 0 1 8-6 25 25 0 0 1 5-2 38 38 0 0 1 15-4 42 42 0 0 1 42 42v394a125 125 0 0 1-122 125z m-679 72a42 42 0 0 1-59-60l58-57a125 125 0 0 1-29-80v-416a125 125 0 0 1 125-125h525l71-72a42 42 0 0 1 59 0 42 42 0 0 1 0 60z m54-197a42 42 0 0 0 5 20l113-113a125 125 0 0 1-42-27l-76-78z m41-458a42 42 0 0 0-41 42v101l137 137a42 42 0 0 0 58 0l280-280z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
+<glyph glyph-name="image-times" unicode="&#xea33;" d="M792 433a42 42 0 0 1-42-41v-142l-62 62a115 115 0 0 1-163 0l-30-29-103 104a116 116 0 0 1-164 0l-61-62v233a42 42 0 0 0 41 42h334a42 42 0 0 1 0 83h-334a125 125 0 0 1-125-125v-500a125 125 0 0 1 125-125h500a125 125 0 0 1 125 125v334a42 42 0 0 1-41 41z m-584-416a42 42 0 0 0-41 41v149l121 121a33 33 0 0 0 45 0l132-132 179-179z m542 41a37 37 0 0 0-7-22l-188 189 29 29a33 33 0 0 0 46 0l120-121z m100 584l55 53a42 42 0 0 1 0 59 42 42 0 0 1-60 0l-53-54-54 54a42 42 0 0 1-59 0 42 42 0 0 1 0-59l54-53-54-54a42 42 0 0 1 0-59 42 42 0 0 1 59 0l54 54 53-54a42 42 0 0 1 60 0 42 42 0 0 1 0 59z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
+<glyph glyph-name="image-upload" unicode="&#xea34;" d="M792 308a42 42 0 0 1-42-41v-16l-62 62a116 116 0 0 1-163 0l-30-30-103 104a119 119 0 0 1-164 0l-61-62v233a42 42 0 0 0 41 42h292a42 42 0 0 1 0 83h-292a125 125 0 0 1-125-125v-500a125 125 0 0 1 125-125h500a125 125 0 0 1 125 125v209a42 42 0 0 1-41 41z m-584-291a42 42 0 0 0-41 41v149l121 121a33 33 0 0 0 45 0l132-132 179-179z m542 41a37 37 0 0 0-7-22l-188 189 29 29a32 32 0 0 0 46 0l120-121z m196 613l-125 125a42 42 0 0 1-13 9 42 42 0 0 1-32 0 42 42 0 0 1-14-9l-125-125a42 42 0 0 1 59-59l54 54v-233a42 42 0 0 1 83 0v233l54-54a42 42 0 0 1 59 0 42 42 0 0 1 0 59z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
+<glyph glyph-name="image-v" unicode="&#xea35;" d="M792 767h-584a125 125 0 0 1-125-125v-584a125 125 0 0 1 125-125h584a117 117 0 0 1 20 2l13 3h5l15 6 5 3c5 3 9 5 13 8a158 158 0 0 1 16 13l3 4a112 112 0 0 1 11 13l4 5a96 96 0 0 1 8 15 42 42 0 0 1 2 6c3 5 4 11 5 16v6a108 108 0 0 1 5 25v584a125 125 0 0 1-125 125z m-584-750a42 42 0 0 0-41 41v180l137 137a42 42 0 0 0 59 0l358-358z m625 41a42 42 0 0 0-3-15 42 42 0 0 0-3-5 39 39 0 0 0-4-5l-223 222 37 37a42 42 0 0 0 59 0l137-137z m0 215l-78 77a128 128 0 0 1-177 0l-36-37-120 120a128 128 0 0 1-177 0l-78-77v286a42 42 0 0 0 41 41h584a42 42 0 0 0 41-41z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="images" unicode="&#xea37;" d="M750 225v417a125 125 0 0 1-125 125h-417a125 125 0 0 1-125-125v-417a125 125 0 0 1 125-125h417a125 125 0 0 1 125 125z m-583 417a42 42 0 0 0 41 41h417a42 42 0 0 0 42-41v-182l-45 45a107 107 0 0 1-76 32 108 108 0 0 1-75-32l-38-37-34 33a122 122 0 0 1-171 0l-61-61z m5-436a39 39 0 0 0-5 19v97l120 120a38 38 0 0 0 53 0l35-34z m358 240a22 22 0 0 0 16 7 22 22 0 0 0 17-7l104-103v-118a42 42 0 0 0-42-42h-358z m345 154a42 42 0 0 1-42-42v-416a125 125 0 0 0-125-125h-416a42 42 0 0 1 0-84h416a208 208 0 0 1 209 209v416a42 42 0 0 1-42 42z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
+<glyph glyph-name="incoming-call" unicode="&#xea38;" d="M648 475a45 45 0 0 1 16-3h167a42 42 0 0 1 0 83h-66l137 138a42 42 0 1 1-59 58l-137-136v66a42 42 0 1 1-84 0v-167a45 45 0 0 1 3-16 42 42 0 0 1 23-23z m162-167c-9 0-19 3-28 5a393 393 0 0 0-54 17 83 83 0 0 1-104-42l-9-19a507 507 0 0 0-111 84 507 507 0 0 0-83 110l17 12a83 83 0 0 1 42 103 430 430 0 0 0-16 55c-2 9-4 19-5 28a125 125 0 0 1-125 104h-125a125 125 0 0 1-125-142 792 792 0 0 1 688-686h16a125 125 0 0 1 83 32 125 125 0 0 1 42 94v125a125 125 0 0 1-103 120z m21-250a42 42 0 0 0-14-31 44 44 0 0 0-34-10 708 708 0 0 0-613 616 45 45 0 0 0 10 34 42 42 0 0 0 31 14h125a42 42 0 0 0 42-33q2-17 6-34a463 463 0 0 1 19-64l-58-27a42 42 0 0 1-20-56 604 604 0 0 1 291-292 42 42 0 0 1 32 0 42 42 0 0 1 24 22l26 58a570 570 0 0 1 65-19q17-3 34-6a42 42 0 0 0 33-42z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
+<glyph glyph-name="info-circle" unicode="&#xea39;" d="M500 392a42 42 0 0 1-42-42v-167a42 42 0 0 1 84 0v167a42 42 0 0 1-42 42z m16 163a42 42 0 0 1-32 0 42 42 0 0 1-14-9 48 48 0 0 1-8-13 35 35 0 0 1-4-16 42 42 0 0 1 12-30 48 48 0 0 1 14-9 42 42 0 0 1 58 39 44 44 0 0 1-12 29 42 42 0 0 1-14 9z m-16 212a417 417 0 1 1 417-417 417 417 0 0 1-417 417z m0-750a333 333 0 1 0 333 333 333 333 0 0 0-333-333z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
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+  <!-- ABOUT -->
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+            <h1 class="animated animated-text">
+              <span class="mr-2">Привет, я </span>
+              <div class="animated-info">
+                <span class="animated-item">Кристина</span>
+                <span class="animated-item">веб-дизайнер</span>
+                <span class="animated-item">UI разработчик</span>
+              </div>
+            </h1>
+            <p id="small-text">Разработаю сайт с индивидуальным дизайном, который повысит <br> Ваши продажи и
+              заинтересует целевую
+              аудиторию</p>
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+              <a href="#contact" class="btn custom-btn custom-btn-bg custom-btn-link">Написать</a>
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+          <div class="about-image svg">
+            <img src="./images/self.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt="svg image">
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+        </div>
+        <h2 class="pl-3 mr-2">Почему нужен <span style="color:red;">дизайн</span></h2>
+        <div class="mt-4">
+          <div class="row">
+            <div class="col-lg-6 col-md-12 col-sm-12 text-center top-0 end-0">
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+                <div style="height: 300px; border-radius: 30px" class="col-lg-10 col-md-12 col-sm-12 text-center"
+                  id="gray-block">
+                  <h3 style="color: #f4f4f4" class="mb-4 pt-sm-4 pt-lg-5 px-sm-5 mt-sm-5 mt-lg-0" id="header-gray">3
+                    секунды</h3>
+                  <p style="color: #f4f4f4" class="p-3" id="header-gray">
+                    &mdash; столько времени достаточно человеку, <br> чтобы он получил информацию о продукте.
+                  </p>
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+            <div class="col-lg-6 col-md-12 col-sm-12 text-center mt-sm-5 mt-lg-0">
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+                <div style="height: 300px; border-radius: 30px"
+                  class="col-lg-10 col-md-12 col-sm-12 text-center top-0 end-0" id="gray-block">
+                  <h3 style="color: #f4f4f4" class="mb-1 px-2 pt-lg-4 pt-sm-5 px-sm-5 mt-sm-5 mt-lg-0" id="header-gray">
+                    Донести
+                    максимум информации</h3>
+                  <p style="color: #f4f4f4" class="p-lg-3 p-sm-5" id="header-gray">
+                    о продукте и сформировать к нему определенное отношение, которое сподвигнет
+                    совершить покупку или выполнить любое другое действие.
+                  </p>
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+          <p class="text-center mt-5 px-5" id="lol">Эту задачу решает <b>UI-разработчик</b>, который объединяет искусство и
+            технические навыки для создания
+            визуальных коммуникаций с Вашей целевой аудиторией.</p>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <!-- PROJECTS -->
+      <section class="project pt-5" id="project">
+        <div class="container">
+          <div class="row">
+            <div class="mb-4 text-left">
+              <h2>Портфолио (2023-2024)</h2>
+            </div>
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+              <div class="owl-carousel owl-theme">
+                <div class="item">
+                  <div class="project-info">
+                    <img src="images/project/1.png" class="img-fluid" alt="project image">
+                  </div>
+                </div>
+                <div class="item">
+                  <div class="project-info">
+                    <img src="images/project/2.png" class="img-fluid" alt="project image">
+                  </div>
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+  </section>
+  <!-- FEATURES -->
+  <section class="resume py-5 d-lg-flex justify-content-center align-items-center" id="resume">
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+          <h2 class="mb-4">Навыки</h2>
+          <div class="timeline">
+            <div class="timeline-wrapper">
+              <div class="timeline-yr">
+                <span>1</span>
+              </div>
+              <div class="timeline-info">
+                <h3><span>Figma</span><small>Онлайн-сервис</small></h3>
+                <p id="info-white">Онлайн-сервис для разработки интерфейсов <br> и прототипирования</p>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+            <div class="timeline-wrapper">
+              <div class="timeline-yr">
+                <span>2</span>
+              </div>
+              <div class="timeline-info">
+                <h3><span>HTML</span><small>Язык разметки</small></h3>
+                <p id="info-white">Это основной язык разметки, который используется для создания структуры <br> и
+                  содержимого веб-страницы</p>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+            <div class="timeline-wrapper">
+              <div class="timeline-yr">
+                <span>3</span>
+              </div>
+              <div class="timeline-info">
+                <h3><span>CSS<small>Язык стилей</small></h3>
+                <p id="info-white">Это язык стилей, используемый для определения внешнего вида и форматирования
+                  веб-страницы, созданной с помощью HTML
+                </p>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+            <div class="timeline-wrapper">
+              <div class="timeline-yr">
+                <span>4</span>
+              </div>
+              <div class="timeline-info">
+                <h3><span>Bootstrap<small>CSS-фреймворк</small></h3>
+                <p id="info-white">Это библиотека CSS, которая предоставляет готовые компоненты и стили для создания
+                  адаптивных и современных веб-страниц</p>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div class="col-lg-6 col-12">
+          <h2 class="mb-4 mobile-mt-2">Образование</h2>
+          <div class="timeline">
+            <div class="timeline-wrapper">
+              <div class="timeline-yr">
+                <span>2020</span>
+              </div>
+              <div class="timeline-info">
+                <h3><span>Школа искусств</span><small>Художник</small></h3>
+                <p id="low">с 2011 по 2020
+                </p>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+            <div class="timeline-wrapper">
+              <div class="timeline-yr">
+                <span>2026</span>
+              </div>
+              <div class="timeline-info">
+                <h3><span>Колледж</span><small>Веб-разработчик</small></h3>
+                <p id="low">с 2022 по 2026
+                </p>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </section>
+  <section class="py-5" id="cost">
+    <div class="container">
+      <h2 class="mb-4">Услуги и стоимость</h2>
+      <div class="row">
+        <div class="col-lg-6 p-0">
+          <div class="col-lg-10 text-left" style="height: 300px; border-radius: 30px" id="price">
+            <h2 class="text-center pt-3" id="white-red">Дизайн</h2>
+            <ul class="mt-4 px-4 pb-3">
+              <h5 id="white">&mdash; Создание логотипа</h5>
+              <h5 id="white">&mdash; Дизайн презентации</h5>
+              <h5 id="white">&mdash; Создание векторной иллюстрации</h5>
+              <h5 id="white">&mdash; Разработка афиши и баннера</h5>
+            </ul>
+            <h4 class="px-4 mb-4" id="white"><b>Стоимость: от 1500 руб.</b></h4>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div class="col-lg-6 p-0 mt-sm-5 mt-lg-0">
+          <div class="row justify-content-end">
+            <div class="col-lg-10 " style="height: 300px; border-radius: 30px" id="price">
+              <h2 class="text-center pt-3" id="white-red">Разработка</h2>
+              <ul class="mt-4 px-4 pb-3">
+                <h5 id="white">&mdash; Верстка веб-страницы</h5>
+                <h5 id="white">&mdash; Создание анимации</h5>
+                <h5 id="white">&mdash; Настройка взаимодействия сайта с пользователем </h5>
+              </ul>
+              <h4 class="px-4 mb-4" id="white"><b>Стоимость: от 5000 руб.</b></h4>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    </div>
+  </section>
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 6 - 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 5 - 0

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+(function ($) {
+  "use strict";
+    // COLOR MODE
+    $('.color-mode').click(function(){
+        $('.color-mode-icon').toggleClass('active')
+        $('body').toggleClass('dark-mode')
+    })
+    // HEADER
+    $(".navbar").headroom();
+    $('.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({
+    	items: 1,
+	    loop:true,
+	    margin:10,
+	    nav:true
+	});
+    $(function() {
+      $('.nav-link, .custom-btn-link').on('click', function(event) {
+        var $anchor = $(this);
+        $('html, body').stop().animate({
+            scrollTop: $($anchor.attr('href')).offset().top - 49
+        }, 1000);
+        event.preventDefault();
+      });
+    });  
+    // TOOLTIP
+    $('.social-links a').tooltip();

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+(function($) {
+  if(!$) {
+    return;
+  }
+  ////////////
+  // Plugin //
+  ////////////
+  $.fn.headroom = function(option) {
+    return this.each(function() {
+      var $this   = $(this),
+        data      = $'headroom'),
+        options   = typeof option === 'object' && option;
+      options = $.extend(true, {}, Headroom.options, options);
+      if (!data) {
+        data = new Headroom(this, options);
+        data.init();
+        $'headroom', data);
+      }
+      if (typeof option === 'string') {
+        data[option]();
+        if(option === 'destroy'){
+          $this.removeData('headroom');
+        }
+      }
+    });
+  };
+  //////////////
+  // Data API //
+  //////////////
+  $('[data-headroom]').each(function() {
+    var $this = $(this);
+    $this.headroom($;
+  });
+}(window.Zepto || window.jQuery));

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 1 - 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 5 - 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 3 - 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 17 - 0

+ 658 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
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+    25% { opacity: 1; transform: translateY(0px); }
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+		color: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);
+		&:hover {
+			color: $main-color;
+		}
+	}
+	.navbar {
+		&[class*="headroom--not-top"] {
+			background: $dark-mode-color;
+			border-bottom: 1px solid #1f1f1f;
+	    }
+	}
+	.small-text {
+		background: #0d0c15;
+		color: $text-white;
+	}
+	.feature-card .uil,
+	.navbar-light .navbar-brand,
+	h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6,
+	.color-mode {
+		color: $text-white;
+	}
+	.owl-carousel {
+		.owl-nav button.owl-next,
+		.owl-nav button.owl-prev,
+		button.owl-dot {
+			color: $text-white;
+		}
+	}
+.timeline-wrapper {
+	position: relative;
+	padding-bottom: 10px;
+	&:last-child {
+		&:before {
+			height: 0;
+		}
+	}
+	&:before {
+		content: "";
+    	background: $button-color;
+    	width: 3px;
+    	height: 100%;
+    	position: absolute;
+    	left: 38px; 
+	}
+.timeline-yr {
+	background: $button-color;
+	border-radius: 100%;
+	position: absolute;
+	width: 75px;
+	height: 75px;
+	line-height: 75px;
+	text-align: center;
+	span {
+		color: $text-white;
+    	font-size: $link-font-size;
+    	font-weight: $font-weight-bold;
+    	display: block;
+    	line-height: 75px;
+	}
+.timeline-info {
+	display: inline-block;
+	vertical-align: top;
+	max-width: 432px;
+	margin-left: 6em;
+	small {
+		color: $button-color;
+    	font-size: $link-font-size;
+    	font-weight: $font-weight-bold;
+    	display: inline-block;
+    	vertical-align: middle;
+    	margin-left: 15px;
+	}
+.owl-carousel {
+	.owl-nav {
+		span {
+			display: none;
+		}
+		.owl-prev,
+		.owl-next {
+			&:before {
+				background: none;
+				padding: 0;
+				display: block;
+				position: absolute;
+				top: 50%;
+				transform: translate(0, -50%); 
+				font-family: 'unicons';
+				font-size: 100px;
+				line-height: normal;
+			}
+		}
+		.owl-prev {
+			&:before {
+				content: '\e833';
+  				left: -45px; 
+			}
+		}
+		.owl-next {
+			&:before {
+				content: '\e836';
+  				right: -45px; 
+			}
+		}
+	}
+.owl-theme {
+	.owl-nav [class*=owl-] {
+		background: none;
+  		border-radius: 0;
+  		margin: 0;
+  		padding: 0;
+  		font-size: inherit; 
+  		&:hover {
+  			color: $main-color;
+  		}
+	}
+  	.owl-dots {
+  		.owl-dot {
+  			outline: none;
+  			span {
+  				width: 8px;
+  				height: 8px;
+  			}
+  			&.active,
+  			&:hover {
+  				span {
+  					background: $body-font-color;
+  				}
+  			}
+  		}
+  	}
+	iframe {
+		width: 100%;
+	}
+	position: relative;
+	.form-control {
+		background: transparent;
+		border-radius: 2px;
+		outline: none;
+		box-shadow: none;
+		font-weight: $font-weight-bold;
+		margin: 16px 0;
+		&:not(textarea) {
+			height: 48px;
+		}
+		&:hover,
+		&:focus {
+			border-color: $main-color;
+		}
+	}
+	.submit-btn {
+		background: $main-color;
+		border-radius: 50px;
+		color: $text-white;
+		font-weight: $font-weight-bold;
+		border: 0;
+		cursor: pointer;
+		@include transition-effect;
+		&:hover {
+			background: $button-color;
+		}
+	}
+ {
+	background: $button-color;
+	border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px;
+	position: relative;
+	bottom: 8px;
+	p, a {
+		color: #f7f3f3;
+	}
+	.uil {
+		color: #f7f3f3;
+		font-size: 20px;
+		display: block;
+		margin: 5px 0;
+		&:hover {
+			color: $main-color;
+		}
+	}
+@media (min-width: 1270px) {
+	.owl-theme {
+		.owl-dots {
+			position: relative;
+			bottom: 50px;
+		}
+	}
+@media (max-width: 991px) {
+	.full-screen {
+		padding-bottom: 4rem;
+	}
+	.color-mode {
+		display: none;
+	}
+	.about-image {
+		margin-top: 4em;
+	}
+	.mobile-mt-2,
+	.contact-form {
+		margin-top: 2em;
+	}
+	.contact-info {
+		padding: 0 2rem;
+	}
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+	h1 {
+		font-size: 2.4em;
+	}
+	h2 {
+		font-size: 2em;
+	}
+	.animated-item {
+		font-size: 28px;
+	}
+	.navbar-collapse {
+		background: $text-white;
+		text-align: center;
+		padding-bottom: 20px;
+	}
+	.navbar-expand-sm .navbar-nav .nav-link {
+		padding: 3px 20px;
+	}
+@media (max-width: 580px) {
+	.animated-item {
+		font-size: 24px;
+	}
+	.custom-btn-group {
+		text-align: center;
+	}
+	.custom-btn {
+		display: block;
+		margin: 10px 0;
+	}
+	.owl-theme .owl-nav {
+		display: none;
+	}
+	.timeline-info small {
+		display: block;
+		margin: 10px 0 0 0;
+	}
+@media (max-width: 320px) {
+	.animated-text {
+		margin-top: 0;
+	}
+	.about-text {
+		text-align: center;
+	}
+	.full-screen {
+		padding: 4rem 0;
+	}
+	.mobile-block {
+		display: block;
+	}
+	.contact-info {
+		flex-direction: column;
+	}
+	.social-links {
+		li {
+			display: inline-block;
+			vertical-align: top;
+		}
+	}

+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+footer {
+  margin-top: 90px;
+  margin-bottom: 150px;
+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: center;
+  gap: 80px;
+  flex-wrap: wrap;
+footer div p:first-child {
+  margin-bottom: 20px;
+  font-weight: normal;
+  font-size: 16px;
+  text-align: center;
+footer div div {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+footer div div a {
+  color: #000;
+  text-align: center;
+  font-size: 36px;
+  text-decoration: none;
+  transition: all 0.3s ease;
+  text-underline-offset: 3px;
+footer div div a:hover {
+  text-underline-offset: 8px;
+  text-decoration: underline;
+@media screen and (max-width: 750px) {
+  footer div a {
+    font-size: 24px !important;
+  }
+}/*# */

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 47 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+footer {
+  margin-top: 90px;
+  margin-bottom: 150px;
+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: center;
+  gap: 80px;
+  flex-wrap: wrap;
+  div {
+    p:first-child {
+      margin-bottom: 20px;
+      font-weight: normal;
+      font-size: 16px;
+      text-align: center;
+    }
+    div {
+      display: flex;
+      flex-direction: column;
+      a {
+        color: #000;
+        text-align: center;
+        font-size: 36px;
+        text-decoration: none;
+        transition: all 0.3s ease;
+        text-underline-offset: 3px;
+        &:hover {
+          text-underline-offset: 8px;
+          text-decoration: underline;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+@media screen and (max-width: 750px) {
+  footer {
+    div {
+      a {
+        font-size: 24px !important;
+      }
+    }
+  }

+ 119 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+header {
+  padding: 0 !important;
+header .top-nav {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: row;
+  align-items: center;
+  justify-content: space-between;
+  color: #000;
+  height: 100px;
+  padding: 1em;
+header .menu {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: row;
+  list-style-type: none;
+  margin: 0;
+  padding: 0;
+header .menu a {
+  color: #000;
+  text-decoration: none;
+header .menu a:hover {
+  text-decoration: underline;
+header .menu > li {
+  margin: 0 1rem;
+  overflow: hidden;
+header .menu-button-container {
+  display: none;
+  height: 100%;
+  width: 30px;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: center;
+header #menu-toggle {
+  display: none;
+header .menu-button,
+header .menu-button::before,
+header .menu-button::after {
+  display: block;
+  background-color: #000;
+  position: absolute;
+  height: 4px;
+  width: 30px;
+  transition: transform 1s cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1);
+  border-radius: 2px;
+header .menu-button::before {
+  content: "";
+  margin-top: -8px;
+header .menu-button::after {
+  content: "";
+  margin-top: 8px;
+header #menu-toggle:checked + .menu-button-container .menu-button::before {
+  margin-top: 0px;
+  transform: rotate(405deg);
+header #menu-toggle:checked + .menu-button-container .menu-button {
+  background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);
+header #menu-toggle:checked + .menu-button-container .menu-button::after {
+  margin-top: 0px;
+  transform: rotate(-405deg);
+@media (max-width: 700px) {
+  header .menu-button-container {
+    display: flex;
+  }
+  header .menu {
+    position: absolute;
+    top: 50px;
+    margin-top: 50px;
+    left: 0;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    width: 100%;
+    justify-content: center;
+    align-items: center;
+  }
+  header .menu li {
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    align-items: center;
+  }
+  header .menu li a {
+    color: #fff !important;
+  }
+  header #menu-toggle ~ .menu li {
+    height: 0;
+    margin: 0;
+    padding: 0;
+    border: 0;
+    transition: height 400ms cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1);
+  }
+  header #menu-toggle:checked ~ .menu li {
+    border: 1px solid #333;
+    height: 2.5em;
+    padding: 0.5em;
+    transition: height 400ms cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1);
+  }
+  header .menu > li {
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    margin: 0;
+    padding: 0.5em 0;
+    width: 100%;
+    background-color: #222;
+  }
+  header .menu > li:not(:last-child) {
+    border-bottom: 1px solid #444;
+  }
+}/*# */

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 135 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+header {
+  padding: 0 !important;
+  .top-nav {
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: row;
+    align-items: center;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    color: #000;
+    height: 100px;
+    padding: 1em;
+  }
+  .menu {
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: row;
+    list-style-type: none;
+    margin: 0;
+    padding: 0;
+    a {
+      color: #000;
+      text-decoration: none;
+      &:hover {
+        text-decoration: underline;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  .menu > li {
+    margin: 0 1rem;
+    overflow: hidden;
+  }
+  .menu-button-container {
+    display: none;
+    height: 100%;
+    width: 30px;
+    cursor: pointer;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    justify-content: center;
+    align-items: center;
+  }
+  #menu-toggle {
+    display: none;
+  }
+  .menu-button,
+  .menu-button::before,
+  .menu-button::after {
+    display: block;
+    background-color: #000;
+    position: absolute;
+    height: 4px;
+    width: 30px;
+    transition: transform 1s cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1);
+    border-radius: 2px;
+  }
+  .menu-button::before {
+    content: "";
+    margin-top: -8px;
+  }
+  .menu-button::after {
+    content: "";
+    margin-top: 8px;
+  }
+  #menu-toggle:checked + .menu-button-container .menu-button::before {
+    margin-top: 0px;
+    transform: rotate(405deg);
+  }
+  #menu-toggle:checked + .menu-button-container .menu-button {
+    background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);
+  }
+  #menu-toggle:checked + .menu-button-container .menu-button::after {
+    margin-top: 0px;
+    transform: rotate(-405deg);
+  }
+  @media (max-width: 700px) {
+    .menu-button-container {
+      display: flex;
+    }
+    .menu {
+      position: absolute;
+      top: 50px;
+      margin-top: 50px;
+      left: 0;
+      flex-direction: column;
+      width: 100%;
+      justify-content: center;
+      align-items: center;
+      li {
+        display: flex;
+        justify-content: center;
+        align-items: center;
+        a {
+          color: #fff !important;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    #menu-toggle ~ .menu li {
+      height: 0;
+      margin: 0;
+      padding: 0;
+      border: 0;
+      transition: height 400ms cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1);
+    }
+    #menu-toggle:checked ~ .menu li {
+      border: 1px solid #333;
+      height: 2.5em;
+      padding: 0.5em;
+      transition: height 400ms cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1);
+    }
+    .menu > li {
+      display: flex;
+      justify-content: center;
+      margin: 0;
+      padding: 0.5em 0;
+      width: 100%;
+      background-color: #222;
+    }
+    .menu > li:not(:last-child) {
+      border-bottom: 1px solid #444;
+    }
+  }

+ 855 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,855 @@
+/*! normalize.css v8.0.1 | MIT License | */
+/* Document
+   ========================================================================== */
+ * 1. Correct the line height in all browsers.
+ * 2. Prevent adjustments of font size after orientation changes in iOS.
+ */
+html {
+  line-height: 1.15; /* 1 */
+  -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */
+/* Sections
+   ========================================================================== */
+ * Remove the margin in all browsers.
+ */
+body {
+  margin: 0;
+ * Render the `main` element consistently in IE.
+ */
+main {
+  display: block;
+ * Correct the font size and margin on `h1` elements within `section` and
+ * `article` contexts in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
+ */
+h1 {
+  font-size: 2em;
+  margin: 0.67em 0;
+/* Grouping content
+   ========================================================================== */
+ * 1. Add the correct box sizing in Firefox.
+ * 2. Show the overflow in Edge and IE.
+ */
+hr {
+  box-sizing: content-box; /* 1 */
+  height: 0; /* 1 */
+  overflow: visible; /* 2 */
+ * 1. Correct the inheritance and scaling of font size in all browsers.
+ * 2. Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers.
+ */
+pre {
+  font-family: monospace, monospace; /* 1 */
+  font-size: 1em; /* 2 */
+/* Text-level semantics
+   ========================================================================== */
+ * Remove the gray background on active links in IE 10.
+ */
+a {
+  background-color: transparent;
+ * 1. Remove the bottom border in Chrome 57-
+ * 2. Add the correct text decoration in Chrome, Edge, IE, Opera, and Safari.
+ */
+abbr[title] {
+  border-bottom: none; /* 1 */
+  text-decoration: underline; /* 2 */
+  -webkit-text-decoration: underline dotted;
+          text-decoration: underline dotted; /* 2 */
+ * Add the correct font weight in Chrome, Edge, and Safari.
+ */
+strong {
+  font-weight: bolder;
+ * 1. Correct the inheritance and scaling of font size in all browsers.
+ * 2. Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers.
+ */
+samp {
+  font-family: monospace, monospace; /* 1 */
+  font-size: 1em; /* 2 */
+ * Add the correct font size in all browsers.
+ */
+small {
+  font-size: 80%;
+ * Prevent `sub` and `sup` elements from affecting the line height in
+ * all browsers.
+ */
+sup {
+  font-size: 75%;
+  line-height: 0;
+  position: relative;
+  vertical-align: baseline;
+sub {
+  bottom: -0.25em;
+sup {
+  top: -0.5em;
+/* Embedded content
+   ========================================================================== */
+ * Remove the border on images inside links in IE 10.
+ */
+img {
+  border-style: none;
+/* Forms
+   ========================================================================== */
+ * 1. Change the font styles in all browsers.
+ * 2. Remove the margin in Firefox and Safari.
+ */
+textarea {
+  font-family: inherit; /* 1 */
+  font-size: 100%; /* 1 */
+  line-height: 1.15; /* 1 */
+  margin: 0; /* 2 */
+ * Show the overflow in IE.
+ * 1. Show the overflow in Edge.
+ */
+input {
+  /* 1 */
+  overflow: visible;
+ * Remove the inheritance of text transform in Edge, Firefox, and IE.
+ * 1. Remove the inheritance of text transform in Firefox.
+ */
+select {
+  /* 1 */
+  text-transform: none;
+ * Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari.
+ */
+[type=submit] {
+  -webkit-appearance: button;
+ * Remove the inner border and padding in Firefox.
+ */
+[type=submit]::-moz-focus-inner {
+  border-style: none;
+  padding: 0;
+ * Restore the focus styles unset by the previous rule.
+ */
+[type=submit]:-moz-focusring {
+  outline: 1px dotted ButtonText;
+ * Correct the padding in Firefox.
+ */
+fieldset {
+  padding: 0.35em 0.75em 0.625em;
+ * 1. Correct the text wrapping in Edge and IE.
+ * 2. Correct the color inheritance from `fieldset` elements in IE.
+ * 3. Remove the padding so developers are not caught out when they zero out
+ *    `fieldset` elements in all browsers.
+ */
+legend {
+  box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */
+  color: inherit; /* 2 */
+  display: table; /* 1 */
+  max-width: 100%; /* 1 */
+  padding: 0; /* 3 */
+  white-space: normal; /* 1 */
+ * Add the correct vertical alignment in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
+ */
+progress {
+  vertical-align: baseline;
+ * Remove the default vertical scrollbar in IE 10+.
+ */
+textarea {
+  overflow: auto;
+ * 1. Add the correct box sizing in IE 10.
+ * 2. Remove the padding in IE 10.
+ */
+[type=radio] {
+  box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */
+  padding: 0; /* 2 */
+ * Correct the cursor style of increment and decrement buttons in Chrome.
+ */
+[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
+  height: auto;
+ * 1. Correct the odd appearance in Chrome and Safari.
+ * 2. Correct the outline style in Safari.
+ */
+[type=search] {
+  -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */
+  outline-offset: -2px; /* 2 */
+ * Remove the inner padding in Chrome and Safari on macOS.
+ */
+[type=search]::-webkit-search-decoration {
+  -webkit-appearance: none;
+ * 1. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari.
+ * 2. Change font properties to `inherit` in Safari.
+ */
+::-webkit-file-upload-button {
+  -webkit-appearance: button; /* 1 */
+  font: inherit; /* 2 */
+/* Interactive
+   ========================================================================== */
+ * Add the correct display in Edge, IE 10+, and Firefox.
+ */
+details {
+  display: block;
+ * Add the correct display in all browsers.
+ */
+summary {
+  display: list-item;
+/* Misc
+   ========================================================================== */
+ * Add the correct display in IE 10+.
+ */
+template {
+  display: none;
+ * Add the correct display in IE 10.
+ */
+[hidden] {
+  display: none;
+header {
+  padding: 0 !important;
+header .top-nav {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: row;
+  align-items: center;
+  justify-content: space-between;
+  color: #000;
+  height: 100px;
+  padding: 1em;
+header .menu {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: row;
+  list-style-type: none;
+  margin: 0;
+  padding: 0;
+header .menu a {
+  color: #000;
+  text-decoration: none;
+header .menu a:hover {
+  text-decoration: underline;
+header .menu > li {
+  margin: 0 1rem;
+  overflow: hidden;
+header .menu-button-container {
+  display: none;
+  height: 100%;
+  width: 30px;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: center;
+header #menu-toggle {
+  display: none;
+header .menu-button,
+header .menu-button::before,
+header .menu-button::after {
+  display: block;
+  background-color: #000;
+  position: absolute;
+  height: 4px;
+  width: 30px;
+  transition: transform 1s cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1);
+  border-radius: 2px;
+header .menu-button::before {
+  content: "";
+  margin-top: -8px;
+header .menu-button::after {
+  content: "";
+  margin-top: 8px;
+header #menu-toggle:checked + .menu-button-container .menu-button::before {
+  margin-top: 0px;
+  transform: rotate(405deg);
+header #menu-toggle:checked + .menu-button-container .menu-button {
+  background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);
+header #menu-toggle:checked + .menu-button-container .menu-button::after {
+  margin-top: 0px;
+  transform: rotate(-405deg);
+@media (max-width: 700px) {
+  header .menu-button-container {
+    display: flex;
+  }
+  header .menu {
+    position: absolute;
+    top: 50px;
+    margin-top: 50px;
+    left: 0;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    width: 100%;
+    justify-content: center;
+    align-items: center;
+  }
+  header .menu li {
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    align-items: center;
+  }
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+    color: #fff !important;
+  }
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+    height: 0;
+    margin: 0;
+    padding: 0;
+    border: 0;
+    transition: height 400ms cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1);
+  }
+  header #menu-toggle:checked ~ .menu li {
+    border: 1px solid #333;
+    height: 2.5em;
+    padding: 0.5em;
+    transition: height 400ms cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1);
+  }
+  header .menu > li {
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    margin: 0;
+    padding: 0.5em 0;
+    width: 100%;
+    background-color: #222;
+  }
+  header .menu > li:not(:last-child) {
+    border-bottom: 1px solid #444;
+  }
+main {
+  margin-top: 280px;
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+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  align-items: center;
+  width: 570px;
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+  width: 100%;
+  animation: typing 1s steps(10), blink 0.7s step-end infinite alternate;
+  white-space: nowrap;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  border-right: 3px solid;
+@keyframes typing {
+  from {
+    width: 0;
+  }
+@keyframes blink {
+  50% {
+    border-color: transparent;
+  }
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+  font-family: "Jura", sans-serif;
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+  margin-top: 123px;
+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: center;
+  position: relative;
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+  height: 700px;
+  width: 100%;
+  -o-object-fit: cover;
+     object-fit: cover;
+  border-radius: 25px;
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+  position: absolute;
+  color: white;
+  display: flex;
+  align-items: end;
+  height: 100%;
+  width: 100%;
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+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: center;
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+          backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
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+  border-bottom-right-radius: 25px;
+  width: 100%;
+  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
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+  width: 100%;
+  margin: 10px 0;
+  display: flex;
+  align-items: center;
+  justify-content: space-between;
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+  background: transparent;
+  border: 0;
+  cursor: pointer;
+main .video .video__content .video__content_inner button:hover {
+  transform: scale(1.1);
+main .video .video__content .video__content_inner button:active {
+  transform: scale(1.2);
+main .description {
+  display: grid;
+  width: 100%;
+  margin-top: 150px;
+  grid-template-columns: repeat(12, 1fr);
+  grid-template-rows: repeat(2, auto);
+  grid-gap: 20px;
+  align-items: center;
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+  grid-column-start: 2;
+  grid-column-end: 5;
+main .description .notebook img {
+  width: 100%;
+  margin-bottom: 28px;
+main .description .notebook p {
+  font-size: 16px;
+main .description .keyboard {
+  grid-column-start: 6;
+  grid-column-end: 13;
+main .description .keyboard img {
+  width: 100%;
+  margin-top: 68px;
+main .our-skills {
+  margin-top: 150px;
+main .our-skills h2 {
+  text-align: center;
+main .our-skills .our-skills-content {
+  display: flex;
+  margin-top: 100px;
+main .our-skills .our-skills-content .our-skills-btn {
+  margin: 0 40px;
+  background-color: transparent;
+  border: 0;
+  cursor: pointer;
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+  display: flex;
+  width: 100%;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: center;
+  gap: 20px;
+main .our-skills .our-skills-content p {
+  width: 250px;
+  background-color: #000;
+  border: 0;
+  border-radius: 25px;
+  height: 50px;
+  color: #fff;
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+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: center;
+  -webkit-user-select: none;
+     -moz-user-select: none;
+          user-select: none;
+  transition: transform 0.2s ease-in-out;
+main .our-skills .our-skills-content p:hover {
+  transform: scale(1.1);
+main .services {
+  margin-top: 150px;
+main .services h2 {
+  text-align: center;
+main .services .accordion {
+  width: 100%;
+  text-align: left;
+  margin-top: 95px;
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  gap: 5px;
+  -webkit-user-select: none;
+     -moz-user-select: none;
+          user-select: none;
+main .services .accordion .first__article {
+  background-image: url("../img/background-1.jpg");
+main .services .accordion .second__article {
+  background-image: url("../img/background-2.jpg");
+main .services .accordion .third__article {
+  background-image: url("../img/background-3.jpg");
+main .services .accordion .fourth__article {
+  background-image: url("../img/background-4.jpg");
+main .services .accordion article {
+  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
+  background-blend-mode: multiply;
+  background-position: center;
+  background-size: cover;
+  background-repeat: no-repeat;
+  color: #fff;
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  justify-content: space-between;
+  align-items: center;
+  border-radius: 25px;
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+  -webkit-appearance: none;
+     -moz-appearance: none;
+          appearance: none;
+  position: fixed;
+main .services .accordion article input[type=radio] ~ div {
+  height: 0;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  transition: height 0.5s ease-in-out;
+main .services .accordion article input[type=radio]:checked ~ div {
+  height: 450px;
+main .services .accordion article input[type=radio]:checked ~ label {
+  cursor: default;
+main .services .accordion article label {
+  padding-top: 25px;
+  height: 100px;
+  width: 100%;
+  text-align: center;
+  cursor: pointer;
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+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  justify-content: space-between;
+  align-items: center;
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+  width: 100%;
+  list-style-type: disc;
+  padding: 0 50px;
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: start;
+  gap: 10px;
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+  margin-bottom: 50px;
+  padding: 11px 65px;
+  background-color: #fff;
+  color: #000;
+  text-decoration: none;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  border: 0;
+  border-radius: 25px;
+  transition: transform 0.1s ease-in-out;
+main .services .accordion article div a:hover {
+  transform: scale(1.1);
+main .services .accordion article div a:active {
+  transform: translateY(10px);
+main .portfolio {
+  margin-top: 150px;
+main .portfolio h2 {
+  margin-bottom: 95px;
+  text-align: center;
+main .portfolio .portfolio__list {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  gap: 45px;
+  -webkit-user-select: none;
+     -moz-user-select: none;
+          user-select: none;
+main .portfolio .portfolio__list hr {
+  display: block;
+  height: 3px;
+  border: 0;
+  border-top: 3px solid #e4e0e0;
+  margin: 0;
+  padding: 0;
+main .portfolio .portfolio__list .portfolio__item {
+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: space-between;
+  align-items: center;
+  flex-wrap: wrap;
+  gap: 25px;
+main .portfolio .portfolio__list .portfolio__item div {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-wrap: wrap;
+  gap: 35px;
+  align-items: center;
+  justify-content: center;
+main .portfolio .portfolio__list .portfolio__item a {
+  font-weight: bold;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  text-decoration: none;
+  color: #000;
+main .portfolio .portfolio__list .portfolio__item a:hover {
+  text-decoration: underline;
+  text-underline-offset: 6px;
+main .portfolio .portfolio__list .portfolio__item p {
+  background-color: #000;
+  color: #fff;
+  padding: 11px 28px;
+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: center;
+  border-radius: 25px;
+  cursor: default;
+@media screen and (max-width: 1600px) {
+  .notebook {
+    grid-row-start: 2;
+    grid-column-start: 4 !important;
+    grid-column-end: 9 !important;
+    text-align: center;
+  }
+  .notebook img {
+    margin-bottom: 10px !important;
+  }
+  .keyboard {
+    grid-column-start: 3 !important;
+    grid-column-end: 10 !important;
+  }
+@media screen and (max-width: 1250px) {
+  .portfolio__item {
+    max-width: 800px;
+    margin: 0 auto;
+    justify-content: center !important;
+  }
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+    width: 310px;
+  }
+  h1 {
+    font-size: 50px !important;
+  }
+  p,
+  a {
+    font-size: 16px;
+  }
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+    width: 100% !important;
+  }
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+    height: 600px;
+  }
+  .accordion article div ul li {
+    font-size: 16px;
+  }
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+  margin-top: 90px;
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+}/*# */

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff