bug_report.yml 4.4 KB

  1. name: 🐞 Bug report
  2. description: Create a report to help us improve
  3. labels: [ "bug", "0. Needs triage" ]
  4. body:
  5. - type: markdown
  6. attributes:
  7. value: |
  8. Thank you for contributing! Before reporting, please ensure the following:
  9. * You've [searched for similar issues](https://github.com/nextcloud/talk-android/issues) and didn't find a duplicate.
  10. * You've written a clear and descriptive title for this issue, something like "Crash when trying to send a file on group chat"
  11. * You agree to Nextcloud's [Code of Conduct](https://nextcloud.com/contribute/code-of-conduct/)
  12. - type: textarea
  13. id: repro-steps
  14. attributes:
  15. label: Steps to reproduce
  16. description: |
  17. What are the steps to reproduce this issue? Please be as specific as possible.
  18. If you can't reproduce it, please add an explanation.
  19. placeholder: |
  20. 1.
  21. 2.
  22. 3.
  23. validations:
  24. required: true
  25. - type: textarea
  26. id: expected-behaviour
  27. attributes:
  28. label: Expected behaviour
  29. description: Tell us what should happen.
  30. validations:
  31. required: true
  32. - type: textarea
  33. id: actual-behaviour
  34. attributes:
  35. label: Actual behaviour
  36. description: Tell us what happens instead, as detailed as possible.
  37. validations:
  38. required: true
  39. - type: markdown
  40. attributes:
  41. value: "## Device information"
  42. - type: input
  43. id: device-model
  44. attributes:
  45. label: Device brand and model
  46. placeholder: "Fairphone 2"
  47. validations:
  48. required: true
  49. - type: input
  50. id: android-version
  51. attributes:
  52. label: Android version
  53. placeholder: "11"
  54. validations:
  55. required: true
  56. - type: input
  57. id: app-version
  58. attributes:
  59. label: Nextcloud Talk app version
  60. description: Check the Settings screen (tap on user picture) to see version
  61. placeholder: "14.1.0"
  62. validations:
  63. required: true
  64. - type: markdown
  65. attributes:
  66. value: |
  67. ## Server information
  68. If you're unsure about any of these fields, just leave them empty.
  69. - type: input
  70. id: server-version
  71. attributes:
  72. label: Nextcloud server version
  73. description: |
  74. See `About` in the profile picture menu.
  75. placeholder: "23.0.0"
  76. - type: input
  77. id: spreed-version
  78. attributes:
  79. label: Talk version
  80. description: |
  81. See apps admin page: `/index.php/settings/apps`
  82. placeholder: "14.0.0"
  83. - type: dropdown
  84. id: signaling-server
  85. attributes:
  86. label: Custom Signaling server configured
  87. description: |
  88. See Talk admin settings: `/index.php/index.php/settings/admin/talk#signaling_server`
  89. options:
  90. - "Yes (specify version in Additional Information)"
  91. - "No"
  92. - type: dropdown
  93. id: turn-server
  94. attributes:
  95. label: Custom TURN server configured
  96. description: |
  97. See Talk admin settings: `/index.php/settings/admin/talk#turn_server`
  98. options:
  99. - "Yes"
  100. - "No"
  101. - type: dropdown
  102. id: stun-server
  103. attributes:
  104. label: Custom STUN server configured
  105. description: |
  106. See Talk admin settings: `/index.php/settings/admin/talk#stun_server`
  107. options:
  108. - "Yes"
  109. - "No"
  110. - type: markdown
  111. attributes:
  112. value: "## Logs"
  113. - type: textarea
  114. id: android-logs
  115. attributes:
  116. label: Android logs
  117. description: Please **drop a log file** here, if available.
  118. - type: textarea
  119. id: server-logs
  120. attributes:
  121. label: Server log
  122. description: Paste your server error logs (`data/nextcloud.log`) here if available. Will be automatically formatted.
  123. render: bash
  124. - type: textarea
  125. id: additional-info
  126. attributes:
  127. label: Additional information
  128. description: Enter any additional information here