This list is intended to help users that have problems to receive talk notifications on their android phone. It may not be complete. Please contribute to this list as you gain new knowledge. Just create an issue with the "notification" label or create a pull request for this document.
If your problem still occurs after checking all these hints, create an issue at
Please check the "Notifications" section in the app settings which should show warnings if anything needs to be adjusted. Please take into account that the android settings might be different for each manufacturer. It might be worth it to check what other messaging apps recommend to get their apps running on a certain smartphone and adapt this to the talk app. Also might be good starting point.
Check that your phone is not in "do not disturb" mode
Check that your phone has internet access
Check the android settings like "energy saving" and "notifications" regularly as they might be reset by android at any time!
Energy saving options example for Xiaomi RedMi:
go to "Settings"
"Battery & performance"
"App battery saver"
tap on the Talk app
set "No restrictions"
Notification options example for Xiaomi RedMi:
go to "Settings"
tap on the Talk app
enable "Show notifications" and if you like enable "Lock screen notifications"
In the settings, check if ringtones are set for calls and notifications and if vibration is activated if you would like so.
In the conversation settings (in the upper right corner of a conversation), check that notifications are set to "Always notify" or "Notify when mentioned"
Also be aware that notifications are not generated when you have an active session for a conversation. This also applies for tabs that are open in the background, etc.
Run the notification:test-push
command for the user who is logged in at the device that should receive the notification:
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/yourinstance/occ notification:test-push --talk youruser
It should print something like the following:
Trying to push to 2 devices
Language is set to en
Private user key size: 1704
Public user key size: 451
Identified 1 Talk devices and 1 others.
Device token:156850
Device public key size: 451
Data to encrypt is: {"nid":525210,"app":"admin_notification_talk","subject":"Testing push notifications","type":"admin_notifications","id":"614aeee4"}
Signed encrypted push subject
Push notification sent successfully
This means the notifications are set up correctly on server side. A notification should be displayed on the device. If there is no notification shown on the device, please focus on the settings of the talk android app.
If it prints something like
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/yourinstance/occ notification:test-push --talk youruser
No devices found for user
try to remove the account from the Nextcloud Android Talk app and log in again. Afterwards try to run the command again.
If it prints
There are no commands defined in the "notification" namespace.
then the app is not installed on your nextcloud instance. The notification app is shipped and enabled by default, but could be missing in development environments or being disabled manually. Install and enable the app by following the instructions at and try again to execute the command.
Be aware that the "qa"-versions that you can install by scanning the QR-code in a github pull request don't support notifications!
When starting the talk app within Android Studio, make sure to select the "gplayDebug" build variant:
Especially after reinstalling the app, make sure to always check the android settings as they might be reset.