spotbugs-filter.xml 2.6 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <!--
  3. ~ Nextcloud Talk - Android Client
  4. ~
  5. ~ SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2024 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors
  6. ~ SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Andy Scherzinger <>
  7. ~ SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Tim Krüger <>
  8. ~ SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2019 Mario Danic <>
  9. ~ SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
  10. -->
  11. <FindBugsFilter>
  12. <Match>
  13. <Class name="~.*\.Manifest\$.*" />
  14. </Match>
  15. <Match>
  16. <Class name="~.*\.R\$.*" />
  17. </Match>
  18. <Match>
  19. <Class name="~.*\$\$Parcelable.*" />
  20. </Match>
  21. <!-- Room code is autogenerated. Exclude it from Check. -->
  22. <Match>
  23. <Class name="~.*\.TalkDatabase_Impl.*" />
  24. </Match>
  25. <Match>
  26. <Class name="~.*\.UsersDao_Impl.*" />
  27. </Match>
  28. <Match>
  29. <Class name="~.*\.ArbitraryStoragesDao_Impl.*" />
  30. </Match>
  31. <!-- JSON/Data classes with generated accessor methods -->
  32. <Match>
  33. <Class name="~com\.nextcloud\.talk\.models\.json\.push.*" />
  34. </Match>
  35. <!-- Dagger code is autogenerated. Exclude it from Check. -->
  36. <Match>
  37. <Or>
  38. <Class name="~.*\.Dagger.*" />
  39. <Class name="~~.*\.dagger\.android\..*" />
  40. <Class name="~~.*\.dagger\.modules\..*" />
  41. </Or>
  42. </Match>
  43. <!-- Dagger generated code uses internal APIs -->
  44. <Match>
  45. <Or>
  46. <Class name="~.*\..*.*Factory" />
  47. <Class name="~.*\..*.*Factory_Impl" />
  48. </Or>
  50. </Match>
  51. <!-- Data bindings autogenerated classes -->
  52. <Match>
  53. <Or>
  54. <Class name="~.*BindingImpl" />
  55. <Class name="~.*\.DataBinderMapperImpl" />
  56. <Class name="~.*Binding" />
  57. </Or>
  58. </Match>
  59. <!-- Ignore generated JsonObjectMapper -->
  60. <Match>
  61. <Class name="~.*\$\$JsonObjectMapper.*" />
  62. </Match>
  63. <!-- Third-party library code -->
  64. <Match>
  65. <Or>
  66. <Package name="~third\.parties\..*" />
  67. </Or>
  68. </Match>
  69. <Bug pattern="PATH_TRAVERSAL_IN" />
  70. <Bug pattern="ANDROID_EXTERNAL_FILE_ACCESS" />
  71. <Bug pattern="BAS_BLOATED_ASSIGNMENT_SCOPE" />
  73. <Bug pattern="EI_EXPOSE_REP" />
  74. <Bug pattern="EI_EXPOSE_REP2" />
  75. <!-- This is unmanageable for now due to large amount of interconnected static state -->
  77. <!--Autogenerated Room classes-->
  78. <Match>
  79. <Class name="~.*\.TalkDatabase_Impl.*" />
  80. </Match>
  81. <Match>
  82. <Class name="~.*\..*Dao_Impl.*" />
  83. </Match>
  84. </FindBugsFilter>