/* No comment provided by engineer. */ "%@ invitation" = "%@ Einladungen"; /* {app name} is not installed */ "%@ not installed" = "%@ ist nicht installiert"; /* {app name} version not supported */ "%@ version not supported" = "Version %@ wird nicht unterstützt"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "%d days ago" = "vor %d Tagen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "%d hours ago" = "vor %d Stunden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "%d minutes ago" = "vor %d Minuten"; /* Votes in a poll */ "%d votes" = "%d Stimmen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "%ld notifications" = "%ld-Benachrichtigungen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "%ld participants" = "%ld Teilnehmer"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "1 day" = "1 Tag"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "1 hour" = "1 Stunde"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "1 week" = "1 Woche"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "30 minutes" = "30 Minuten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "4 hours" = "4 Stunden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "4 weeks" = "4 Wochen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "8 hours" = "8 Stunden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "@-mentions only" = "Nur @-Erwähnungen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "[Unknown username]" = "[Unbekannter Benutzername]"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "About" = "Über"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Accept" = "Annehmen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Account" = "Konto"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Account already added" = "Konto wurde bereits hinzugefügt"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Account not configured" = "Konto nicht eingerichtet"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Accounts" = "Konten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Accuracy" = "Genauigkeit"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Add" = "Hinzufügen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Add (%lu)" = "(%lu) hinzufügen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Add account" = "Konto hinzufügen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Add an internal note about this ban" = "Interne Notiz zu dieser Sperrung hinzufügen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Add answer" = "Antwort hinzufügen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Add participants" = "Teilnehmer hinzufügen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Add reaction" = "Reaktion hinzufügen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Add to favorites" = "Zu Favoriten hinzufügen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Added note to self" = "Notiz für mich hinzugefügt"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Adding a mention will only notify users that did not read the message yet" = "Das Hinzufügen einer Erwähnung wird nur Benutzer benachrichtigen, die die Nachricht noch nicht gelesen haben."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Address" = "Adresse"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Advanced" = "Erweitert"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "AirPlay button" = "AirPlay Button"; /* 'All' meaning 'All conversations' */ "All" = "Alle"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "All messages" = "Alle Nachrichten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "All messages were deleted" = "Alle Nachrichten wurden gelöscht"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "All notifications are muted" = "Alle Benachrichtigungen sind stummgeschaltet"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Allow guests" = "Gäste zulassen"; /* '@all' should not be translated */ "Allow participants to mention @all" = "Teilnehmer dürfen @all erwähnen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Allow to dial-in without a pin" = "Einwahl ohne PIN erlauben"; /* '{Microphone, Camera, ...} access is allowed' */ "Allowed" = "Zugelassen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Alphabetical order" = "Alphabetische Sortierung"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Also open to guest app users" = "Auch für Gast-App-Benutzer öffnen"; /* Please put %ld placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "An administrator added you and %ld more participants" = "Die Administration hat Sie und %ld weitere Teilnehmer hinzugefügt"; /* Please put {user0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "An administrator added you and {user0}" = "Die Administration hat Sie und {user0} hinzugefügt"; /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "An administrator added {user0} and %ld more participants" = "Die Administration hat {user0} und %ld weitere Teilnehmer hinzugefügt"; /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "An administrator added {user0} and {user1}" = "Die Administration hat {user0} und {user1} hinzugefügt"; /* Please put %ld placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "An administrator demoted you and %ld more participants from moderators" = "Die Administration hat Sie und %ld weitere Teilnehmer von den Moderatoren abberufen"; /* Please put {user0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "An administrator demoted you and {user0} from moderators" = "Die Administration hat Sie und {user0} von der Moderation abberufen"; /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "An administrator demoted {user0} and %ld more participants from moderators" = "Die Administration hat {Benutzer0} und %ld weitere Teilnehmer von der Moderation abberufen"; /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "An administrator demoted {user0} and {user1} from moderators" = "Die Administration hat {Benutzer0} und {Benutzer1} von der Moderation abberufen"; /* Please put %ld placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "An administrator promoted you and %ld more participants to moderators" = "Die Administration hat Sie und %ld weitere Teilnehmer zur Moderation ernannt"; /* Please put {user0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "An administrator promoted you and {user0} to moderators" = "Die Administration hat Sie und {user0} zur Moderation ernannt"; /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "An administrator promoted {user0} and %ld more participants to moderators" = "Die Administration hat {user0} and %ld zur Moderation ernannt"; /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "An administrator promoted {user0} and {user1} to moderators" = "Die Administration hat {user0} und {user1} zur Moderation befördert"; /* Please put %ld placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "An administrator removed you and %ld more participants" = "Die Administration hat Sie und %ld weitere Teilnehmer entfernt"; /* Please put {user0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "An administrator removed you and {user0}" = "Die Administration hat Sie und {user0} entfernt"; /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "An administrator removed {user0} and %ld more participants" = "Die Administration hat {user0} und %ld weitere Teilnehmer entfernt"; /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "An administrator removed {user0} and {user1}" = "Die Administration hat {user0} und {user1} entfernt"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred changing privacy setting" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Ändern der Datenschutzeinstellungen aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred changing read status setting" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Ändern der Einstellung des Lesestatus aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred changing typing privacy setting" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Ändern der Datenschutzeinstellung für die Schreibanzeige aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred downloading the picture" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Herunterladen des Bildes aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred removing profile image" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Entfernen des Profilbildes aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred setting address" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Speichern der Adresse aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred setting email address" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Speichern der E-Mail-Adresse aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred setting phone number" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Speichern der Telefonnummer aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred setting profile image" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Speichern des Profilbildes aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred setting Twitter account" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Speichern des Twitter-Kontos aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred setting user name" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Speichern des Benutzernamens aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred setting website" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Speichern der Webseite aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred trying to translate message" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Übersetzen der Nachricht aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while adding %@ to the room" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Hinzufügen von %@ aufgetreten."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while adding a reaction to a message" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Hinzufügen einer Reaktion zu einer Nachricht aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while adding note" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Hinzufügen der Notiz aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while clearing status message" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Löschen der Statusmeldung aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while creating the poll" = "Fehler beim Erstellen der Umfrage"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while deleting the message" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Löschen der Nachricht aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while opening the file %@" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Öffnen der Datei %@ aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while removing a reaction from a message" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Entfernen einer Reaktion von einer Nachricht aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while removing the avatar" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Entfernen des Avatars aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while sending the message" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Senden der Nachricht aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while setting \(formattedPhoneNumber) as phone number" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Speichern von \(formattedPhoneNumber) als Telefonnummer aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while setting description" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Speichern der Beschreibung aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while setting phone number" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Speichern der Telefonnummer aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while setting status message" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Setzen der Statusmeldung aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while setting the avatar" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Festlegen des Avatars aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while sharing the file" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Teilen der Datei aufgetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "an hour" = "Eine Stunde"; /* Alice and Bob */ "and" = "und"; /* Alice, Bob, Charlie and 3 others are typing… */ "and %ld others are typing…" = "und %ld andere schreiben…"; /* Alice, Bob, Charlie and 1 other is typing… */ "and 1 other is typing…" = "und 1 anderer schreibt…"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Answer" = "Antworten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Answers" = "Antworten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "App" = "App"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "App is outdated" = "App ist veraltet"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Appear offline" = "Offline erscheinen"; /* Alice and Bob are typing… */ "are typing…" = "schreiben…"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Ask a question" = "Eine Frage stellen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Attachments allowed?" = "Anhänge erlaubt?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Audio options" = "Audio-Optionen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Audios" = "Audiodateien"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Away" = "Abwesend"; /* Ban a user/guest */ "Ban" = "Sperren"; /* e.g. Ban John Doe */ "Ban %@" = "Sperre %@"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Ban participant" = "Teilnehmer sperren"; /* Date and time of ban creation */ "Banned by:" = "Gesperrt von:"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Banned users and guests" = "Gesperrte Benutzer und Gäste"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "bot" = "Bot"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Cached files" = "Zwischengespeicherte Dateien"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Cached images" = "Zwischengespeicherte Bilder"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Call notification sent" = "Anruf-Benachrichtigung versandt"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Call recording enabled?" = "Anrufaufnahme aktiviert?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Call recording failed. Please contact your administrator" = "Anrufaufzeichnung fehlgeschlagen. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihre Administration."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Call recording is starting" = "Anrufaufnahme startet"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Call recording started" = "Anrufaufnahme gestartet"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Call recording stopped" = "Anrufaufnahme gestoppt"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Call without notification" = "Anruf ohne Benachrichtigung"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "CallKit supported?" = "CallKit unterstützt?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Calls" = "Anrufe"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Calls enabled?" = "Anrufe aktiviert?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Calls from an old account were received." = "Es wurden Anrufe von einem alten Konto empfangen."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Calls from old accounts" = "Anrufe von alten Konten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Camera" = "Kamera"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Camera access" = "Zugriff auf Kamera"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Camera access is not allowed. Check your settings." = "Kamera-Zugriff ist nicht erlaubt. Bitte prüfen Sie Ihre Einstellungen."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Camera disabled" = "Kamera deaktiviert"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Camera enabled" = "Kamera aktiviert"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Can create conversations?" = "Kann Unterhaltungen erstellen?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Cancel" = "Abbrechen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Cancelled call from another account" = "Der Anruf wurde von einem anderen Account abgebrochen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Cannot share to conversation" = "Kann nicht mit der Unterhaltung teilen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Capabilities" = "Fähigkeiten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Change password" = "Passwort ändern"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Change your vote" = "Ihre Stimmabgabe ändern"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Chat" = "Chat"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Chat messages" = "Chatnachrichten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Clear cache" = "Cache löschen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Clear reminder" = "Erinnerung löschen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Clear status message" = "Statusmeldung löschen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Clear status message after" = "Statusmeldung löschen nach"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Close" = "Schließen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Configuration" = "Konfiguration"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Confirm and hide warning" = "Warnung bestätigen und ausblenden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Connecting to %@ …" = "Verbinde zu %@…"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Connecting to the call …" = "Verbinde zu dem Gespräch…"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Contact access" = "Zugriff auf Kontakte"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Contact access has been denied" = "Der Kontaktzugriff wurde verweigert"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Contacts" = "Kontakte"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Conversation creation failed" = "Fehler beim Erstellen der Unterhaltung"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Conversation details" = "Unterhaltungsdetails"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Conversation name" = "Name der Unterhaltung"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Conversation name cannot be empty" = "Name der Unterhaltung darf nicht leer sein"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Conversation not found" = "Unterhaltung nicht gefunden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Conversation not found or not joined" = "Unterhaltung nicht gefunden oder nicht beigetreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Conversation settings" = "Unterhaltungseinstellungen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Conversations" = "Unterhaltungen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Copy" = "Kopieren"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not access camera" = "Auf die Kamera konnte nicht zugegriffen werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not access microphone" = "Auf das Mikrofon konnte nicht zugegriffen werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not access speech recognition" = "Auf die Spracherkennung konnte nicht zugegriffen werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not access your location" = "Auf Ihren Standort konnte nicht zugegriffen werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not add participant" = "Der Teilnehmer konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not ban participant" = "Teilnehmer konnte nicht gesperrt werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change call notifications setting" = "Die Anruf-Benachrichtigungs-Einstellungen konnten nicht geändert werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change listable scope of the conversation" = "Der auflistbare Bereich der Unterhaltung konnte nicht geändert werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change lobby state of the conversation" = "Die Einstellung der Lobby konnte für diese Unterhaltung nicht geändert werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change mention permissions of the conversation" = "Die Erwähnungsberechtigungen der Unterhaltung konnten nicht geändert werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change moderation permissions of the participant" = "Moderationsrechte für den Teilnehmer konnten nicht geändert werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change notifications setting" = "Die Benachrichtigungseinstellung kann nicht geändert werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change password protection settings" = "Die Einstellungen für den Kennwortschutz können nicht geändert werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change read-only state of the conversation" = "Der schreibgeschützte Status der Unterhaltung konnte nicht geändert werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change sharing permissions of the conversation" = "Die Freigabeberechtigungen für die Konversation können nicht geändert werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change SIP state of the conversation" = "SIP-Status der Unterhaltung konnte nicht geändert werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not clear chat history" = "Chatverlauf konnte nicht gelöscht werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not clear status message" = "Statusmeldung konnte nicht gelöscht werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not delete conversation" = "Unterhaltung kann nicht gelöscht werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not get available languages" = "Verfügbare Sprachen konnten nicht abgerufen werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not join %@ call" = "Der Anruf %@ kann nicht angenommen werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not join call with %@" = "Anruf von %@ kann nicht mit angenommen werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not join conversation" = "Konnte Unterhaltung nicht beitreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not leave conversation" = "Unterhaltung konnte nicht verlassen werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not remove participant" = "Teilnehmer kann nicht entfernt werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not rename the conversation" = "Unterhaltung kann nicht umbenannt werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not resend email invitations" = "Die E-Mail-Einladungen konnten nicht erneut versandt werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not send call notification" = "Anrufbenachrichtigung konnte nicht gesendet werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not send the message" = "Nachricht kann nicht gesendet werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not set conversation description" = "Die Unterhaltungsbeschreibung konnte nicht gespeichert werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not set conversation name" = "Name der Unterhaltung konnte nicht gespeichert werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not set message expiration time" = "Ablaufzeit der Nachricht konnte nicht gesetzt werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not set phone number" = "Telefonnummer konnte nicht gespeichert werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not set status message" = "Statusmeldung konnte nicht gesetzt werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not share file" = "Datei kann nicht geteilt werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Create" = "Erstellen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Create a new conversation" = "Neue Unterhaltung erstellen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Create or join a conversation" = "Eine Unterhaltung erstellen oder einer beitreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Create poll" = "Umfrage erstellen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Creating poll failed" = "Erstellen der Umfrage fehlgeschlagen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Credentials for this account were no longer valid" = "Die Anmeldeinformationen für dieses Konto waren nicht mehr gültig"; /* name of a moderator who banned a participant */ "Date:" = "Datum:"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "days" = "Tage"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Deck cards" = "Deck-Karten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Default" = "Standard"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Delete" = "Löschen"; /* Short version for confirmation button. Complete text is 'Delete all messages'. */ "Delete all" = "Alles löschen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Delete all messages" = "Alle Nachrichten löschen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Delete conversation" = "Unterhaltung löschen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Deleted user" = "Gelöschter Benutzer"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Deleting message" = "Löschen der Nachricht"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Demote from moderator" = "Moderator absetzen"; /* '{Microphone, Camera, ...} access is denied' */ "Denied" = "Verweigert"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Description" = "Beschreibung"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Description cannot be longer than 500 characters" = "Die Beschreibung darf nicht länger als 500 Zeichen sein."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "detected" = "erkannt"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Detecting language" = "Erkennen der Sprache"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Diagnostics" = "Diagnose"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Disable blur" = "Unschärfe deaktivieren"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Disable speaker" = "Lautsprecher deaktivieren"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Disconnected" = "Getrennt"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Dismiss" = "Verwerfen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Dismiss notification" = "Benachrichtigung verwerfen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do not disturb" = "Bitte nicht stören"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you really want to clear the file cache?" = "Möchten Sie wirklichen den Dateicache löschen?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you really want to clear the image cache?" = "Möchten Sie wirklich den Bildercache löschen?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you really want to delete all messages in this conversation?" = "Möchten Sie wirklich alle Nachrichten dieser Unterhaltung löschen?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you really want to delete this conversation?" = "Möchten Sie diese Unterhaltung wirklich löschen?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you really want to end this poll?" = "Möchten Sie diese Umfrage wirklich beenden?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you really want to log out from this account?" = "Möchten Sie sich wirklich von diesem Konto abmelden?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you really want to remove this account?" = "Möchten Sie dieses Konto wirklich entfernen?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you want to connect to the server anyway?" = "Möchten Sie dennoch eine Verbindung zu diesem Server herstellen?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you want to enable your camera?" = "Möchten Sie Ihre Kamera aktivieren?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you want to join this call?" = "Möchten Sie diesem Anruf beitreten?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you want to share '%@' in the conversation?" = "Möchten Sie '%@' in der Unterhaltung teilen?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you want to stop the recording?" = "Möchten Sie die Aufnahme beenden?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Don't clear" = "Nicht löschen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to change accounts or add a new one" = "Zweimal tippen, um Konten zu ändern oder ein neues hinzuzufügen."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to dismiss authentication dialog" = "Zweimal tippen zum Verwerfen der Anmeldedialogs"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to dismiss sharing options" = "Zweimal tippen zum Verwerfen der Teilungsoptionen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to edit profile" = "Zweimal tippen, um Ihr Profil zu bearbeiten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to enable or disable the camera" = "Zweimal tippen, um die Kamera zu aktivieren oder zu deaktivieren"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to enable or disable the microphone" = "Zweimal tippen, um das Mikrophon zu aktivieren oder zu deaktivieren"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to enable or disable the speaker" = "Zweimal tippen, um die Lautsprecher zu aktivieren oder zu deaktivieren"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to end editing profile" = "Zweimal tippen, um die Profilbearbeitung zu beenden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to go to conversation information" = "Zweimal tippen, um zu den Gesprächsinformationen zu gelangen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to go to user profile and application settings" = "Zweimal tippen, um zu den Benutzerprofil- und Anwendungseinstellungen zu gelangen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to hang up the call" = "Zweimal tippen, um den Anruf aufzulegen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to lower hand" = "Zweimal tippen um Hand zu senken"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to open file browser" = "Zweimal tippen, um den Dateibrowser zu öffnen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to select different audio routes" = "Zweimal tippen, um verschiedene Audiorouten auszuwählen "; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to send message" = "Zweimal tippen, um die Nachricht zu senden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to share with selected conversations" = "Zweimal tippen, um mit den ausgewählten Unterhaltung zu teilen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to show more actions" = "Zweimal tippen, um mehr Aktionen anzuzeigen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to show or hide chat view" = "Zweimal tippen, um die Chatansicht anzuzeigen oder auszublenden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to start a video call" = "Zweimal tippen, um den Video-Anruf zu starten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to start a voice call" = "Zweimal tippen, um den Audio-Anruf zu starten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to stop recording" = "Zweimal tippen, um Aufnahme zu beenden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to upgrade this voice call to a video call" = "Zweimal tippen, um diesen Audio-Anruf zu einem Video-Anruf zu ändern"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Duplicate session" = "Sitzung duplizieren"; /* Edit a message or room participants */ "Edit" = "Bearbeiten"; /* A message was edited */ "edited" = "Bearbeitet"; /* A message was edited by ... */ "Edited by" = "Bearbeitet von"; /* A message was edited by ... */ "edited by" = "Bearbeitet von"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Editing Message" = "Nachricht bearbeiten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Either you don't have chat permission or the conversation is read-only." = "Entweder haben Sie keine Chat-Berechtigung oder die Unterhaltung ist schreibgeschützt."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Email" = "E-Mail"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Enable" = "Aktivieren"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Enable blur" = "Unschärfe aktivieren"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Enable screensharing" = "Bildschirmfreigabe aktivieren"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Enable speaker" = "Lautsprecher aktivieren"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "End call" = "Anruf beenden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "End call for everyone" = "Anruf für alle beenden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "End poll" = "Umfrage beenden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Error occurred when creating a reminder" = "Fehler beim Erstellen einer Erinnerung"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Error occurred while editing a message" = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Bearbeiten der Nachricht aufgetreten"; /* External signaling used */ "External" = "Extern"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Failed to accept invitation" = "Einladung konnte nicht angenommen werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Failed to clear reminder" = "Fehler beim Löschen der Erinnerung"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Failed to connect to %@" = "Fehler beim Verbinden mit %@"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Failed to forward message" = "Fehler beim Weiterleiten der Nachricht"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Failed to reject invitation" = "Einladung konnte nicht abgelehnt werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Failed to send message" = "Fehler beim Senden der Nachricht"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Failed to share recording" = "Aufzeichnung konnte nicht geteilt werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Failed to unban selected entry" = "Ausgewählter Eintrag konnte nicht entsperrt werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Federated" = "Federated"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Fetching status …" = "Status abrufen…"; /* Filename of a file */ "File" = "Datei"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Files" = "Dateien"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "For password reset and notifications" = "Für Passwort-Wiederherstellung und Benachrichtigungen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Format" = "Format"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Forward" = "Weiterleiten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Forward to" = "Weiterleiten an"; /* 'From' which language user wants to translate text */ "From" = "Von"; /* from Alice at nextcloud.local */ "from %@ at %@" = "von %1$@ um %2$@"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Full name" = "Vollständiger Name"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Get source code" = "Zum Programmcode"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "GitHub API error" = "GitHub API-Fehler"; /* Give consent to the recording of the call and join that call */ "Give consent and join call" = "Zustimmen und an Unterhaltung teilnehmen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "guest" = "Gast"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Guest" = "Gast"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Guests access" = "Gastzugriff"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Guests app enabled?" = "Guests-App aktiviert?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Hang up" = "Auflegen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "hours" = "Stunden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "If you delete the conversation, it will also be deleted for %@" = "Wenn Sie diese Unterhaltung entfernen, so wird diese auch für %@ entfernt."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "If you delete the conversation, it will also be deleted for all other participants." = "Wenn Sie diese Unterhaltung entfernen, so wird diese auch für alle anderen Teilnehmer gelöscht."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "If you enable your camera, this call will be interrupted for a few seconds." = "Wenn Sie Ihre Kamera aktivieren, wird dieser Anruf für einige Sekunden unterbrochen."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "If you're using multiple servers, you need to check all of them." = "Wenn Sie mehrere Server verwenden, müssen Sie alle überprüfen."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Images, files, voice messages…" = "Bilder, Dateien, Sprachnachrichten…"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Import account" = "Konto importieren"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "in" = "in"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Include calls in call history" = "Anrufe in die Anrufliste aufnehmen"; /* Internal signaling used */ "Internal" = "Intern"; /* Internal note about why a user/guest was banned */ "Internal note" = "Interne Notiz"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Invalid server address" = "Ungültige Serveradresse"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Invisible" = "Unsichtbar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Invitation resent" = "Einladung erneut gesendet"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Invitations resent" = "Einladungen erneut gesendet"; /* Alice is typing… */ "is typing…" = "schreibt…"; /* It seems that {app name} is not installed in your server. */ "It seems that %@ is not installed in your server." = "Es scheint, das %@ auf Ihrem Server nicht installiert ist."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "It seems that there is no internet connection." = "Es scheint keine Internetverbindung zu bestehen."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Join a conversation or start a new one" = "Treten Sie einer Unterhaltung bei oder starten Sie eine neue"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Join call (audio only)" = "Anruf annehmen (nur Audio)"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Join call with video" = "Video-Anruf beitreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Join open conversations" = "Offenen Unterhaltungen beitreten"; /* Last subscription to the push notification server */ "Last subscription" = "Neustes Abonnement"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Last sync" = "Letzte Synchronisierung"; /* Remind me later today about that message */ "Later today" = "Später heute"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Leave" = "Verlassen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Leave conversation" = "Unterhaltung verlassen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "less than a minute ago" = "vor weniger als einer Minute"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Link https://…" = "Link https://…"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Linked file" = "Verknüpfte Datei"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Load more results" = "Weitere Ergebnisse laden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Lobby" = "Lobby"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Lobby is still active and you're not a moderator" = "Die Lobby ist weiterhin aktiv und Sie sind kein Moderator"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Local" = "Lokal"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Location" = "Ort"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Location access" = "Zugriff auf Standort"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Location service has been denied. Check your settings." = "Die Standortabfrage wurde verweigert. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Einstellungen."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Location service is not enabled" = "Standortdienst ist deaktiviert"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Locations" = "Orte"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Lock conversation" = "Unterhaltung sperren"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Log in" = "Anmelden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Log out" = "Abmelden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Logged out" = "Abgemeldet"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Lower hand" = "Hand herunternehmen"; /* TRANSLATORS this is used when no meeting start time is set and the meeting will be started manually */ "Manual" = "Manuell"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Mark as read" = "Als gelesen markieren"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Mark as unread" = "Als ungelesen markieren"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Match system contacts" = "Mit Adressbuch abgleichen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Media" = "Medien"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Meeting ID" = "Meeting-ID"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Meeting settings" = "Meeting-Einstellungen"; /* 'Mentioned' meaning 'Mentioned conversations' */ "Mentioned" = "Erwähnt"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Message copied" = "Nachricht kopiert"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Message could not be deleted because it is too old" = "Nachricht konnte nicht gelöscht werden, da sie zu alt ist."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Message deleted successfully" = "Nachricht gelöscht"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Message deleted successfully, but Matterbridge is configured and the message might already be distributed to other services" = "Nachricht gelöscht, aber Matterbridge ist konfiguriert und die Nachricht wurde möglicherweise bereits an andere Dienste verteilt."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Message expiration" = "Nachrichtenablauf"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Message expiration time" = "Nachrichtenablauf-Zeit"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Messages" = "Nachrichten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Microphone" = "Mikrofon"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Microphone access" = "Zugriff auf Mikrofon"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Microphone access is not allowed. Check your settings." = "Mikrofon-Zugriff ist nicht erlaubt. Bitte prüfen Sie Ihre Einstellungen."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Microphone disabled" = "Mikrofon ausgeschaltet"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Microphone enabled" = "Mikrofon eingeschaltet"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "minutes" = "Minuten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Missed call from" = "Verpasster Anruf von "; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Missing phone number information" = "Fehlende Telefonnummern-Information"; /* The signaling mode used */ "Mode" = "Modus"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "moderator" = "Moderator"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Modification date" = "Bearbeitungsdatum"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "More actions" = "Weitere Aktionen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Multiple answers" = "Mehrere Antworten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Mute all notifications" = "Alle Benachrichtigungen stummschalten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "My location" = "Meine Position"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Name" = "Name"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Nearby places" = "Orte in der Umgebung"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Network available" = "Netzwerk verfügbar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Network not available" = "Netzwerk nicht verfügbar"; /* Never subscribed to the push notification server */ "Never subscribed" = "Noch nie abonniert"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "New conversation" = "Neue Unterhaltung"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "New poll" = "Neue Umfrage"; /* Remind me next week about that message */ "Next week" = "Nächste Woche"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Nextcloud server not found" = "Nextcloud Sever nicht gefunden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No" = "Nein"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No actions available" = "Keine Aktionen verfügbar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No banned users or guests" = "Keine gesperrten Benutzer oder Gäste"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No description provided" = "Keine Beschreibung angegeben"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No files in here" = "Keine Dateien vorhanden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No messages yet, start the conversation!" = "Keine Nachrichten bisher. Beginnen Sie die Unterhaltung!"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No participants found" = "Keine Teilnehmer gefunden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No permission to join this conversation" = "Keine Berechtigung, dieser Unterhaltung beizutreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No response from server" = "Keine Antwort vom Server"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No results found" = "Keine Ergebnisse gefunden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No shared items" = "Keine geteilten Elemente"; /* '{Microphone, Camera, ...} access was not requested' */ "Not requested" = "Nicht angefordert"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Not supported" = "Nicht unterstützt"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Note to self" = "Notiz an mich"; /* Internal note for moderators, usually a reason for this ban */ "Note:" = "Notiz:"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Notifications" = "Benachrichtigungen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Notifications app enabled?" = "Benachrichtigungs-App aktiviert?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Notifications: %@" = "Benachrichtigungen: %@"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Off" = "Aus"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Offline" = "Offline"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Offline, only showing downloaded messages" = "Offline, nur heruntergeladene Nachrichten werden angezeigt"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "OK" = "OK"; /* Will be used as the caller name when a VoIP notification can't be decrypted */ "Old account" = "Altes Konto"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Once a conversation is left, to rejoin a closed conversation, an invite is needed. An open conversation can be rejoined at any time." = "Nachdem Sie eine Unterhaltung verlassen haben, ist eine Einladung erforderlich, um einer bereits geschlossenen Unterhaltung wieder beizutreten. Einer noch geöffneten Unterhaltung können Sie jederzeit wieder beitreten."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Online" = "Online"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Online status" = "Online-Status"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Only normal chat messages can be deleted" = "Nur normale Chat-Nachrichten können gelöscht werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Only synchronize to trusted servers" = "Nur mit vertrauenswürdigen Servern synchronisieren"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Only visible to people matched via phone number integration" = "Nur sichtbar für Personen, die über Rufnummernintegration abgeglichen wurden."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Only visible to people on this instance and guests" = "Nur für Personen dieser Instanz und Gäste sichtbar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Open" = "Öffnen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Open app settings" = "App-Einstellungen öffnen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Open conversation to registered users" = "Unterhaltung für registrierte Benutzer öffnen"; /* TRANSLATORS 'Open conversations' as a type of conversation. 'Open conversations' are conversations that can be found by other users */ "Open conversations" = "Offene Unterhaltungen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Open in %@" = "Öffne mit %@"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Other Accounts" = "Andere Konten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Others" = "Andere"; /* Owner of a repository */ "Owner" = "Besitzer"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Participants" = "Teilnehmer"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Password" = "Passwort"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Pending invitations" = "Ausstehende Einladungen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Phone number" = "Telefonnummer"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Phone number integration" = "Rufnummernintegration"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Phone number set successfully" = "Telefonnummer erfolgreich gesetzt"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Photo Library" = "Foto-Bibliothek"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Photo library access" = "Zugriff auf Foto-Bibliothek"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Pick date & time" = "Datum und Zeit auswählen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Please check that you entered a valid server address." = "Bitte überprüfen, ob Sie eine gültige Serveradresse eingegeben wurde."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Please check that you entered the correct Nextcloud server address." = "Bitte überprüfen, ob Sie die richtige Nextcloud-Serveradresse eingegeben haben."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Please contact your system administrator." = "Bitte wenden Sie sich an die Administration"; /* Please update your server with the latest {app name} version available. */ "Please update your server with the latest %@ version available." = "Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihren Server mit der neuesten verfügbaren %@ Version."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Please update." = "Bitte aktualisieren."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Poll" = "Umfrage"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Poll results" = "Umfrageergebnisse"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Polls" = "Umfragen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Preview" = "Vorschau"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Privacy" = "Datenschutz"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Private" = "Privat"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Private poll" = "Private Umfrage"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Profile" = "Profil"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Profile picture" = "Profilbild"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Promote to moderator" = "Zum Moderator ernennen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Published" = "Veröffentlicht"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Push notifications" = "Push-Benachrichtigungen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Question" = "Frage"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Raise hand" = "Hand heben"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Reachable?" = "Erreichbar?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Reactions" = "Reaktionen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Read status" = "Lesestatus"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Received call from an old account" = "Anruf von einem alten Konto erhalten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Record voice message" = "Sprachnachricht aufnehmen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Recording" = "Aufnahme"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Recording consent is required" = "Zustimmung zur Aufzeichnung ist erforderlich"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Recording consent required for joining the call" = "Zustimmung zur Aufzeichnung ist erforderlich um der Unterhaltung beizutreten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Recordings" = "Aufnahmen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Redo" = "Wiederherstellen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Reference API supported?" = "Referenz-API unterstützt?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Reject" = "Ablehnen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Reminder was successfully cleared" = "Erinnerung wurde gelöscht"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Reminder was successfully set" = "Eine Erinnerung wurde eingerichtet"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remote server is unreachable" = "Der entfernte Server ist nicht erreichbar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remove" = "Entfernen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remove account" = "Konto löschen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remove from favorites" = "Von Favoriten entfernen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remove group and members" = "Gruppe und Mitglieder entfernen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remove old duplicate entries and leave only the most recent entries." = "Alte doppelte Einträge entfernen und nur die neuesten Einträge belassen."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remove participant" = "Teilnehmer entfernen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remove password" = "Passwort entfernen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remove team and members" = "Team und Mitglieder entfernen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Reply" = "Antworten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Reply privately" = "Privat antworten"; /* Name of a repository */ "Repo" = "Repo"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Resend" = "Nochmals senden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Resend invitation" = "Einladung erneut senden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Resend invitations" = "Einladungen erneut versenden"; /* Results of a poll */ "Results" = "Ergebnisse"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Retry" = "Erneut versuchen"; /* Save conversation description */ "Save" = "Speichern"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Say hi to your friends and colleagues!" = "Begrüßen Sie Ihre Freunde und Kollegen!"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Scanning QR Codes is not supported on this device." = "Das Scannen von QR-Codes wird auf diesem Gerät nicht unterstützt."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Screensharing stopped" = "Bildschirmfreigabe angehalten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Search" = "Suche"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Search for places" = "Suche nach Orten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Select language" = "Sprache auswählen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Send" = "Senden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Send a reaction" = "Eine Reaktion senden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Send call notification" = "Anrufbenachrichtigung senden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Send message" = "Nachricht senden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Send without notification" = "Ohne Benachrichtigung senden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Send/Accept" = "Senden/Akzeptieren"; /* A message has been sent without notifications */ "Sent without notification" = "Ohne Benachrichtigung gesendet"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Server" = "Server"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Server address https://…" = "Serveradresse https://…"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Server is currently in maintenance mode" = "Server befindet sich im Wartungsmodus."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Set" = "Setzen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Set new password" = "Neues Passwort setzen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Set new password:" = "Neues Passwort setzen:"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Set password" = "Passwort setzen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Set password:" = "Passwort setzen:"; /* Remind me later about that message */ "Set reminder" = "Erinnerung erstellen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Set status message" = "Statusnachricht setzen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Settings" = "Einstellungen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Share" = "Teilen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Share a file from your Nextcloud" = "Eine Datei aus Ihrer Nextcloud teilen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Share current location" = "Aktuelle Position teilen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Share link" = "Link teilen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Share location" = "Ort teilen"; /* Share the location of a pin that has been dropped in a map view */ "Share pin location" = "Pin-Standort teilen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Share to chat" = "In Unterhaltung teilen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Share with" = "Teilen mit"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Shared items" = "Geteilte Elemente"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Shared location" = "Geteilter Ort"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Sharing to a federated conversation is not supported." = "Das Teilen in einer Federated-Unterhaltung wird nicht unterstützt."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Show more…" = "Mehr anzeigen…"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Signaling" = "Signalisierung"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SIP dial-in" = "SIP-Einwahl"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Skip" = "Überspringen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Slide to cancel" = "Schieben zum Abbrechen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Some messages not shown, will be downloaded when online" = "Einige Nachrichten werden nicht angezeigt. diese werden heruntergeladen, wenn Online"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Source code" = "Quelltext"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Speaker" = "Lautsprecher"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Speaker disabled" = "Lautsprecher deaktiviert"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Speaker enabled" = "Lautsprecher aktiviert"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Speech recognition access is not allowed. Check your settings." = "Spracherkennungszugriff ist nicht zugelassen. Bitte die Einstellungen prüfen."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Speech recognition failed" = "Spracherkennung fehlgeschlagen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Start recording" = "Aufnahme beginnen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Start time" = "Startzeit"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Status" = "Status"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Status message" = "Statusnachricht"; /* Action to 'Stop' a recording */ "Stop" = "Stopp"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Stop recording" = "Aufnahme stoppen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Stop screensharing" = "Bildschirmfreigabe anhalten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "STUN servers" = "STUN-Server"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Submit vote" = "Stimme abgeben"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Switch account" = "Konto wechseln"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Switching to another conversation …" = "Wechsle zu einem anderen Gespräch …"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Synchronize to trusted servers and the global and public address book" = "Mit vertrauenswürdigen Servern und dem globalen sowie öffentlichen Adressbuch synchronisieren"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Talk" = "Talk"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Tap and hold to record a voice message" = "Tippen und halten um eine Sprachnachricht aufzunehmen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Tap and hold to record a voice message, release the button to send it." = "Tippen und halten um eine Sprachnachricht aufzunehmen. Lassen Sie die Taste los, um sie zu senden."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "The app is too old and no longer supported by this server." = "Die App ist zu alt und wird von diesem Server nicht mehr unterstützt."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "The call has been running for one hour" = "Der Anruf läuft seit einer Stunde"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "The call might be recorded" = "Die Unterhaltung wird möglicherweise aufgezeichnet"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "The password is wrong" = "Das Passwort ist falsch"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "The recording might include your voice, video from camera, and screen share. Your consent is required before joining the call." = "Die Aufnahme kann Ihre Stimme, Video von der Kamera und Bildschirmfreigabe umfassen. Vor der Teilnahme am Anruf ist Ihr Zustimmung hierzu erforderlich."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "There is no account for user %@ in server %@ configured in this app." = "In dieser App ist kein Konto für Benutzer %1$@ auf Server %2$@ konfiguriert."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "This call is being recorded" = "Dieser Anruf wird aufgezeichnet"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "This conversation is read-only" = "Diese Unterhaltung ist schreibgeschützt"; /* The meeting start time will be displayed after this text e.g (This meeting is scheduled for tomorrow at 10:00) */ "This meeting is scheduled for" = "Dieses Treffen ist geplant für "; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "This usually indicates that this device was previously used for an account, which was not properly removed from the server." = "Dies weist normalerweise darauf hin, dass dieses Gerät zuvor für ein Konto verwendet wurde, das nicht ordnungsgemäß vom Server entfernt wurde."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "This week" = "Diese Woche"; /* Remind me this weekend about that message */ "This weekend" = "Dieses Wochenende"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "This will impact the functionality of this app. Please review your settings." = "Dies hat Auswirkungen auf die Funktionalität dieser App. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Einstellungen."; /* 'To' which language user wants to translate text */ "To" = "An"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "To resolve this issue, use the web interface and go to \"Settings -> Security\"." = "Um dieses Problem zu beheben, verwenden Sie die Webschnittstelle und gehen Sie zu \"Einstellungen -> Sicherheit\"."; /* TRANSLATORS this is for sending something 'to' a user. E.g. 'To: John Doe' */ "To:" = "An:"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Today" = "Heute"; /* Remind me tomorrow about that message */ "Tomorrow" = "Morgen"; /* TRANSLATORS this is for transcribing a voice message to text */ "Transcribe" = "Transkribieren"; /* TRANSLATORS transcript of a voice-message */ "Transcript" = "Abschrift"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Translate" = "Übersetzen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Translation" = "Übersetzung"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Translation failed" = "Übersetzung fehlgeschlagen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "TURN servers" = "TURN-Server"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Twitter" = "Twitter"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Twitter handle @…" = "Twitter-Handle @…"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Typing indicator" = "Schreib-Anzeige"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Typing indicators are only available when using a high performance backend (HPB)" = "Eingabestatus nur bei Verwendung eines Hochleistungs-Backends (HPB) verfügbar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unable to get context of the message" = "Der Kontext der Nachricht kann nicht abgerufen werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unable to get conversation of the message" = "Abruf der Unterhaltung zu dieser Nachricht nicht möglich"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unable to load file" = "Datei kann nicht geladen werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unable to open file" = "Datei kann nicht geöffnet werden"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unavailable" = "Nicht verfügbar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unban" = "Entsperren"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Under \"Devices & sessions\" check if there are duplicate entries for the same device." = "Überprüfen Sie unter \"Geräte & Sitzungen\", ob es doppelte Einträge für dasselbe Gerät gibt."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Undo" = "Rückgängig"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Undo Typing" = "Schreiben rückgängig machen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unknown" = "Unbekannt"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unknown error" = "Unbekannter Fehler"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unknown error occurred" = "Es ist ein unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten"; /* 'Unread' meaning 'Unread conversations' */ "Unread" = "Ungelesen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unread mentions" = "Ungelesene Erwähnungen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unread messages" = "Ungelesene Nachrichten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Update" = "Aktualisieren"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Upload failed" = "Hochladen fehlgeschlagen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Uploading %ld elements" = "%ld Elemente hochladen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Uploading 1 element" = "1 Element hochladen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "User" = "Benutzer"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "User profile and settings" = "Benutzer-Profil und Einstellungen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "User status supported?" = "Wird der Benutzerstatus unterstützt?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Users" = "Benutzer"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Version" = "Version"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Video call" = "Videoanruf"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Video quality" = "Video-Qualität"; /* Conversation visibility settings */ "Visibility" = "Sichtbarkeit"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Voice call" = "Sprachanruf"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Voice messages" = "Sprachnachrichten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Waiting for %@ to join call …" = "Warte auf %@ um dem Anruf beizutreten…"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Waiting for others to join call …" = "Warte auf andere um dem Anruf beizutreten…"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Website" = "Webseite"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "What is your status?" = "Wie ist Ihr Status?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Write message, @ to mention someone …" = "Nachricht schreiben, @ um jemanden zu erwähnen…"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Yes" = "Ja"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Yesterday" = "Gestern"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You" = "Sie"; /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "You added {user0} and %ld more participants" = "Sie haben {user0} und %ld weitere Teilnehmer hinzugefügt"; /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "You added {user0} and {user1}" = "Sie haben {user0} und {user1} hinzugefügt"; /* Please put %ld placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "You and %ld more participants joined the call" = "Sie und %ld weitere Teilnehmer sind dem Anruf beigetreten"; /* Please put %ld placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "You and %ld more participants left the call" = "Sie und %ld weitere Teilnehmer haben den Anruf verlassen"; /* Please put {actor0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "You and {actor0} joined the call" = "Sie und {actor0} sind dem Anruf beigetreten"; /* Please put {actor0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "You and {actor0} left the call" = "Sie und {actor0} haben den Anruf verlassen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You are currently waiting in the lobby" = "Sie warten derzeit in der Lobby"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You are not part of any conversation" = "Sie nehmen an keiner Unterhaltung teil"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You are not part of any conversation. Press + to start a new one." = "Sie sind nicht Teilnehmer einer Unterhaltung. Drücken Sie +, um eine neue zu starten."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You can set your phone number so other users will be able to find you" = "Sie können Ihre Telefonnummer so einstellen, dass andere Benutzer Sie finden können."; /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "You demoted {user0} and %ld more participants from moderators" = "Sie haben {Benutzer0} und %ld weitere Teilnehmer von der Moderation abberufen"; /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "You demoted {user0} and {user1} from moderators" = "Sie haben {user0} und {user1} von der Moderation abberufen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You have %ld pending invitations" = "Sie haben %ld ausstehende Einladungen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You have been muted by a moderator" = "Sie wurden von einem Moderator stummgeschaltet"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You need to promote a new moderator before you can leave %@." = "Sie müssen einen neuen Moderator bestimmen, bevor Sie %@ verlassen können."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You need to promote a new moderator before you can leave this conversation" = "Sie müssen einen neuen Moderator bestimmen, bevor Sie diese Unterhaltung verlassen können."; /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "You promoted {user0} and %ld more participants to moderators" = "Sie haben {user0} und %ld weitere Teilnehmer zur Moderation befördert"; /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "You promoted {user0} and {user1} to moderators" = "Sie haben {user0} und {user1} zur Moderation befördert"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You received a new notification" = "Sie haben eine neue Benachrichtigung erhalten"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You reconnected to the call" = "Sie haben sich wieder mit dem Anruf verbunden"; /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "You removed {user0} and %ld more participants" = "Sie haben {user0} und %ld weitere Teilnehmer entfernt"; /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "You removed {user0} and {user1}" = "Sie haben {user0} und {user1} entfernt"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Your email address" = "Ihre E-Mail-Adresse"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Your phone number" = "Ihre Telefonnummer"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Your PIN" = "Ihre PIN"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Your postal address" = "Ihre Postanschrift"; /* 'Zammad' is a product name */ "Zammad API error" = "Zammad API-Fehler"; /* Please put {actor0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} added you and %ld more participants" = "{actor0} hat Sie und %ld weitere Teilnehmer hinzugefügt"; /* Please put {actor0} and {user0} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} added you and {user0}" = "{actor0} hat Sie und {user0} hinzugefügt"; /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} added {user0} and %ld more participants" = "{actor0} hat {user0} und %ld weitere Teilnehmer hinzugefügt"; /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} added {user0} and {user1}" = "{actor0} hat {user0} und {user1} hinzugefügt"; /* Please put {actor0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} and %ld more participants joined the call" = "{actor0} und %ld weitere Teilnehmer haben sich dem Anruf angeschlossen"; /* Please put {actor0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} and %ld more participants left the call" = "{actor0} und %ld weitere Teilnehmer haben den Anruf verlassen"; /* Please put {actor0} and {actor1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} and {actor1} joined the call" = "{actor0} und {actor1} haben sich dem Anruf angeschlossen"; /* Please put {actor0} and {actor1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} and {actor1} left the call" = "{actor0} und {actor1} haben den Anruf verlassen"; /* Please put {actor0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} demoted you and %ld more participants from moderators" = "{actor0} hat Sie und %ld weitere Teilnehmer von der Moderation abberufen"; /* Please put {actor0} and {user0} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} demoted you and {user0} from moderators" = "{actor0} hat Sie und {user0} von der Moderation abberufen"; /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} demoted {user0} and %ld more participants from moderators" = "{actor0} hat {user0} und %ld weitere Teilnehmer von der Moderation abberufen"; /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} demoted {user0} and {user1} from moderators" = "{actor0} hat {user0} und {user1} von der Moderation abberufen"; /* Please put {actor0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} promoted you and %ld more participants to moderators" = "{actor0} hat Sie und %ld weitere Teilnehmer zur Moderation befördert"; /* Please put {actor0} and {user0} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} promoted you and {user0} to moderators" = "{actor0} hat Sie und {user0} zur Moderation befördert"; /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} promoted {user0} and %ld more participants to moderators" = "{actor0} hat {user0} und %ld weitere Teilnehmer zur Moderation befördert"; /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} promoted {user0} and {user1} to moderators" = "{actor0} hat {user0} und {user1} zur Moderation befördert"; /* Please put {actor0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "{actor0} reconnected to the call" = "{actor0} hat sich wieder mit dem Anruf verbunden"; /* Please put {actor0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} removed you and %ld more participants" = "{actor0} hat Sie und %ld weitere Teilnehmer entfernt"; /* Please put {actor0} and {user0} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} removed you and {user0}" = "{actor0} hat Sie und {user0} entfernt"; /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} removed {user0} and %ld more participants" = "{actor0} hat {user0} und %ld weitere Teilnehmer entfernt"; /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} removed {user0} and {user1}" = "{actor0} hat {user0} und {user1} entfernt"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "↓ New messages" = "↓ Neue Nachrichten";