/* No comment provided by engineer. */ "%@ invitation" = "%@ invitación"; /* {app name} is not installed */ "%@ not installed" = "%@ no instalado"; /* {app name} version not supported */ "%@ version not supported" = "Versión %@no soportada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "%d days ago" = "hace %d días"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "%d hours ago" = "hace %d horas"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "%d minutes ago" = "hace %d minutos"; /* Votes in a poll */ "%d votes" = "%d votos"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "%ld notifications" = "%ld notificaciones"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "%ld participants" = "%ld participantes"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "1 day" = "1 día"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "1 hour" = "1 hora"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "1 week" = "1 semana"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "30 minutes" = "30 minutos"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "4 hours" = "4 horas"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "4 weeks" = "4 semanas"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "8 hours" = "8 horas"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "@-mentions only" = "Solo menciones con @"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "[Unknown username]" = "[Nombre de usuario desconocido]"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "About" = "Acerca de"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Accept" = "Aceptar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Account" = "Cuenta"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Account already added" = "Cuenta ya añadida"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Account not configured" = "Cuenta no configurada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Accounts" = "Cuentas"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Accuracy" = "Precisión"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Add" = "Añadir"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Add (%lu)" = "Añadir (%lu)"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Add account" = "Añadir cuenta"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Add an internal note about this ban" = "Add an internal note about this ban"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Add answer" = "Añadir respuesta"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Add participants" = "Añadir participantes"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Add reaction" = "Añadir reacción"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Add to favorites" = "Añadir a favoritos"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Added note to self" = "Nota personal añadida"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Adding a mention will only notify users that did not read the message yet" = "Añadir una mención solo notificará a los usuarios que no han leído el mensaje todavía"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Address" = "Dirección"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Advanced" = "Avanzado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "AirPlay button" = "Botón AirPlay"; /* 'All' meaning 'All conversations' */ "All" = "Todo"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "All messages" = "Todos los mensajes"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "All messages were deleted" = "Todos los mensajes fueron borrados"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "All notifications are muted" = "Todas las notificaciones están silenciadas"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Allow guests" = "Permitir invitados"; /* '@all' should not be translated */ "Allow participants to mention @all" = "Allow participants to mention @all"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Allow to dial-in without a pin" = "Permitir la conexión telefónica sin pin"; /* '{Microphone, Camera, ...} access is allowed' */ "Allowed" = "Permitido"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Alphabetical order" = "Orden alfabético"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Also open to guest app users" = "Abrir también para usuarios invitados de la aplicación"; /* Please put %ld placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "An administrator added you and %ld more participants" = "Un administrador le ha añadido a usted y a %ld participantes más"; /* Please put {user0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "An administrator added you and {user0}" = "Un administrador le ha añadido a usted y a {user0}"; /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "An administrator added {user0} and %ld more participants" = "Un administrador añadió a {user0} y %ld participantes más"; /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "An administrator added {user0} and {user1}" = "Un administrador añadió a {user0} y {user1}"; /* Please put %ld placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "An administrator demoted you and %ld more participants from moderators" = "Un administrador lo ha degradado a usted y a %ld participantes más de moderadores"; /* Please put {user0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "An administrator demoted you and {user0} from moderators" = "Un administrador lo ha degradado a Ud. y a {user0} desde moderadores"; /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "An administrator demoted {user0} and %ld more participants from moderators" = "Un administrador ha degradado a {user0} y %ld participantes más de moderadores"; /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "An administrator demoted {user0} and {user1} from moderators" = "Un administrador degradó a {user0} y a {user1} desde moderadores"; /* Please put %ld placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "An administrator promoted you and %ld more participants to moderators" = "Un administrador lo ha ascendido a usted y a %ld participantes más a moderadores"; /* Please put {user0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "An administrator promoted you and {user0} to moderators" = "Un administrador lo ha ascendido a Ud. y a {user0} a moderadores"; /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "An administrator promoted {user0} and %ld more participants to moderators" = "Un administrador ha ascendido a {user0} y a %ld participantes más a moderadores"; /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "An administrator promoted {user0} and {user1} to moderators" = "Un administrador ha ascendido a {user0} y a {user1} a moderadores"; /* Please put %ld placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "An administrator removed you and %ld more participants" = "Un administrador lo eliminó a usted y a %ld participantes más"; /* Please put {user0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "An administrator removed you and {user0}" = "Un administrador lo ha eliminado a Ud. y a {user0}"; /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "An administrator removed {user0} and %ld more participants" = "Un administrador ha eliminado a {user0} y a %ld participantes más"; /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "An administrator removed {user0} and {user1}" = "Un administrador eliminó a {user0} y a {user1}"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred changing privacy setting" = "Ocurrió un error al cambiar los ajustes de privacidad"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred changing read status setting" = "Ocurrió un error al cambiar el ajuste de estado de lectura"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred changing typing privacy setting" = "Ocurrió un error al cambiar los ajustes de privacidad de escritura"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred downloading the picture" = "Ocurrió un error al descargar la imagen"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred removing profile image" = "Ocurrió un error al eliminar la imagen del perfil"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred setting address" = "Ocurrió un error al guardar la dirección"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred setting email address" = "Ocurrió un error al guardar la dirección de email"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred setting phone number" = "Ocurrió un error al guardar el número de teléfono"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred setting profile image" = "Ocurrió un error al guardar la imagen del perfil"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred setting Twitter account" = "Ocurrió un error al guardar la cuenta de Twitter"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred setting user name" = "Ocurrió un error al guardar el nombre de usuario"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred setting website" = "Ocurrió un error al guardar la página web"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred trying to translate message" = "Ocurrió un error intentando traducir el mensaje"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while adding %@ to the room" = "Ocurrió un error al añadir a %@ a la sala"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while adding a reaction to a message" = "Ha ocurrido un error al añadir una reacción a un mensaje"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while adding note" = "Ha ocurrido un error al añadir la nota"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while clearing status message" = "Ha ocurrido un error al borrar el mensaje de estado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while creating the poll" = "Ocurrió un error mientras se creaba la votación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while deleting the message" = "Ha ocurrido un error al eliminar el mensaje"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while opening the file %@" = "Ha ocurrido un error al abrir el archivo %@"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while removing a reaction from a message" = "Ha ocurrido un error al eliminar una reacción de un mensaje"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while removing the avatar" = "Ocurrió un error mientras se eliminaba el avatar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while sending the message" = "Ha ocurrido un error al mandar el mensaje"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while setting \(formattedPhoneNumber) as phone number" = "Ha ocurrido un error al guardar \(formattedPhoneNumber) como número de teléfono"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while setting description" = "Ocurrió un error al establecer la descripción"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while setting phone number" = "Ha ocurrido un error al guardar el número de teléfono"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while setting status message" = "Ha ocurrido un error al establecer el mensaje de estado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while setting the avatar" = "Ocurrió un error mientras se establecía el avatar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "An error occurred while sharing the file" = "Ha ocurrido un error al compartir el archivo"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "an hour" = "una hora"; /* Alice and Bob */ "and" = "y"; /* Alice, Bob, Charlie and 3 others are typing… */ "and %ld others are typing…" = "y %ld otros están escribiendo..."; /* Alice, Bob, Charlie and 1 other is typing… */ "and 1 other is typing…" = "y 1 otro está escribiendo..."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Answer" = "Respuesta"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Answers" = "Respuestas"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "App" = "Aplicación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "App is outdated" = "La app está desactualizada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Appear offline" = "Aparecer sin conexión"; /* Alice and Bob are typing… */ "are typing…" = "están escribiendo..."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Ask a question" = "Hacer una pregunta"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Attachments allowed?" = "¿Permitir adjuntos?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Audio options" = "Opciones de audio"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Audios" = "Audios"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Away" = "Ausente"; /* Ban a user/guest */ "Ban" = "Ban"; /* e.g. Ban John Doe */ "Ban %@" = "Ban %@"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Ban participant" = "Ban participant"; /* Date and time of ban creation */ "Banned by:" = "Banned by:"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Banned users and guests" = "Banned users and guests"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "bot" = "bot"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Cached files" = "Archivos en caché"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Cached images" = "Imágenes en caché"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Call notification sent" = "Notificación de llamada envíada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Call recording enabled?" = "¿La grabación de llamada está habilitada?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Call recording failed. Please contact your administrator" = "La grabación falló. Por favor, contacta con tu administrador."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Call recording is starting" = "Se está iniciando la grabación de la llamada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Call recording started" = "Se inició la grabación de la llamada."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Call recording stopped" = "Se detuvo la grabación de la llamada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Call without notification" = "Llamar sin avisar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "CallKit supported?" = "¿Está soportado CallKit?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Calls" = "Llamadas"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Calls enabled?" = "¿Llamadas habilitadas?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Calls from an old account were received." = "Se recibieron llamadas de una cuenta antigua."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Calls from old accounts" = "Llamadas de cuentas antiguas"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Camera" = "Cámara"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Camera access" = "Acceso a la cámara"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Camera access is not allowed. Check your settings." = "No se permite el acceso a la cámara. Verifique su configuración."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Camera disabled" = "Cámara deshabilitada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Camera enabled" = "Cámara habilitada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Can create conversations?" = "¿Puede crear conversaciones?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Cancel" = "Cancelar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Cancelled call from another account" = "Cancelada la llamada desde otra cuenta"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Cannot share to conversation" = "No se puede compartir a la conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Capabilities" = "Capacidades"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Change password" = "Cambiar contraseña"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Change your vote" = "Cambiar tu voto"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Chat" = "Chat"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Chat messages" = "Mensajes de chat"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Clear cache" = "Vaciar caché"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Clear reminder" = "Quitar recordatorio"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Clear status message" = "Borrar el mensaje de estado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Clear status message after" = "Borrar el mensaje de estado después de"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Close" = "Cerrar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Configuration" = "Configuración"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Confirm and hide warning" = "Confirmar y ocultar advertencia"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Connecting to %@ …" = "Conectando a %@ …"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Connecting to the call …" = "Conectando a la llamada …"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Contact access" = "Acceso a los contactos"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Contact access has been denied" = "Se ha denegado el acceso a los contactos"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Contacts" = "Contactos"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Conversation creation failed" = "La creación de la conversación ha fallado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Conversation details" = "Detalles de la conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Conversation name" = "Nombre de la conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Conversation name cannot be empty" = "El nombre de la conversación no puede estar vacío"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Conversation not found" = "Conversación no encontrada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Conversation not found or not joined" = "No se encontró la conversación o no se unió"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Conversation settings" = "Ajustes de la conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Conversations" = "Conversaciones"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Copy" = "Copiar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not access camera" = "No se pudo acceder a la cámara"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not access microphone" = "No se pudo acceder al micrófono"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not access speech recognition" = "No se pudo acceder al reconocimiento de voz"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not access your location" = "No se pudo acceder a la ubicación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not add participant" = "No fue posible añadir al participante"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not ban participant" = "Could not ban participant"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change call notifications setting" = "No se pudo cambiar la configuración de las notificaciones de llamada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change listable scope of the conversation" = "No se ha podido cambiar el alcance de la lista de la conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change lobby state of the conversation" = "No se ha podido cambiar el estado de la sala de conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change mention permissions of the conversation" = "Could not change mention permissions of the conversation"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change moderation permissions of the participant" = "No se pudo cambiar los permisos de moderación del participante"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change notifications setting" = "No se pudo cambiar la configuración de las notificaciones"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change password protection settings" = "No se pudo cambiar la configuración de protección por contraseña"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change read-only state of the conversation" = "No se ha podido cambiar el estado de solo lectura de la conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change sharing permissions of the conversation" = "No se pudo cambiar los permisos de compartición de la conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not change SIP state of the conversation" = "No se pudo cambiar el estado SIP de la conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not clear chat history" = "No se pudo borrar el histórico del chat"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not clear status message" = "No se ha podido borrar el mensaje de estado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not delete conversation" = "No se ha podido borrar la conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not get available languages" = "No se pudo obtener los idiomas disponibles"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not join %@ call" = "No se pudo unir %@ a la conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not join call with %@" = "No se pudo unir a la llamada con %@"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not join conversation" = "No se ha podido unir a la conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not leave conversation" = "No puedes dejar la conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not remove participant" = "No se pudo eliminar el participante"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not rename the conversation" = "No se ha podido renombrar la conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not resend email invitations" = "No se pudieron reenviar las invitaciones por correo electrónico"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not send call notification" = "No se ha podido enviar la notificación de llamada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not send the message" = "No se ha podido enviar el mensaje"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not set conversation description" = "No se pudo establecer la descripción de la conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not set conversation name" = "No se ha podido establecer el nombre de la conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not set message expiration time" = "No ha podido establecer la caducidad del mensaje"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not set phone number" = "No se pudo guardar el número de teléfono"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not set status message" = "No se ha podido establecer el mensaje de estado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Could not share file" = "No se pudo compartir el archivo"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Create" = "Crear"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Create a new conversation" = "Crear una nueva conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Create or join a conversation" = "Crear o unirse a una conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Create poll" = "Crear votación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Creating poll failed" = "La creación de la votación falló"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Credentials for this account were no longer valid" = "Las credenciales de esta cuenta ya no son válidas"; /* name of a moderator who banned a participant */ "Date:" = "Date:"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "days" = "días"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Deck cards" = "Tarjetas Deck"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Default" = "Predeterminado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Delete" = "Eliminar"; /* Short version for confirmation button. Complete text is 'Delete all messages'. */ "Delete all" = "Borrar todos"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Delete all messages" = "Borrar todos los mensajes"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Delete conversation" = "Eliminar conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Deleted user" = "Deleted user"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Deleting message" = "Eliminando mensaje"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Demote from moderator" = "Degradar de moderador"; /* '{Microphone, Camera, ...} access is denied' */ "Denied" = "Denegado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Description" = "Descripción"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Description cannot be longer than 500 characters" = "La descripción no puede ser mayor a 500 caracteres"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "detected" = "detectado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Detecting language" = "Detectando lenguaje"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Diagnostics" = "Diagnósticos"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Disable blur" = "Deshabilitar desenfoque"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Disable speaker" = "Deshabilitar altavoz"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Disconnected" = "Desconectado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Dismiss" = "Descartar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Dismiss notification" = "Descartar notificación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do not disturb" = "No molestar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you really want to clear the file cache?" = "¿Realmente deseas limpiar el caché de archivo?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you really want to clear the image cache?" = "¿Realmente deseas limpiar el caché de imágenes?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you really want to delete all messages in this conversation?" = "¿Estás seguro que quieres borrar todos los mensajes de esta conversación?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you really want to delete this conversation?" = "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar esta conversación?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you really want to end this poll?" = "¿Realmente quiere terminar esta votación? "; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you really want to log out from this account?" = "¿Estás seguro de que quieres salir de esta cuenta?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you really want to remove this account?" = "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar esta cuenta?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you want to connect to the server anyway?" = "¿Aun así quiere conectarse al servidor?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you want to enable your camera?" = "¿Quieres activar tu cámara?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you want to join this call?" = "¿Quieres unirte a esta llamada?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you want to share '%@' in the conversation?" = "¿Quieres compartir '%@' en la conversación?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Do you want to stop the recording?" = "¿Quieres detener la grabación?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Don't clear" = "No borrar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to change accounts or add a new one" = "Haz doble clic para cambiar las cuentas o añadir una nueva"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to dismiss authentication dialog" = "Toque dos veces para ignorar el diálogo de autenticación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to dismiss sharing options" = "Haz doble clic para descartar las opciones de compartir"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to edit profile" = "Doble toque para editar el perfil"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to enable or disable the camera" = "Haz doble clic para activar o desactivar la cámara"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to enable or disable the microphone" = "Haz doble clic para activar o desactivar el micrófono"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to enable or disable the speaker" = "Haz doble clic para activar o desactivar los altavoces"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to end editing profile" = "Doble toque para finalizar la edición del perfil"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to go to conversation information" = "Haz doble clic para ir a la información de la conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to go to user profile and application settings" = "Haz doble clic para ir al perfil de usuario y ajustes de la aplicación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to hang up the call" = "Haz doble clic para colgar la llamada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to lower hand" = "Toca dos veces para bajar la mano"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to open file browser" = "Haz doble clic para abrir el explorador de archivos"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to select different audio routes" = "Haz doble clic para seleccionar diferentes rutas de audio"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to send message" = "Haz doble clic para enviar el mensaje"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to share with selected conversations" = "Haz doble clic para compartir con las conversaciones seleccionadas"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to show more actions" = "Toca dos veces para mostrar más acciones"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to show or hide chat view" = "Haz doble clic para mostrar u ocultar la vista del chat"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to start a video call" = "Haz doble clic para iniciar una videollamada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to start a voice call" = "Haz doble clic para iniciar una llamada de voz"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to stop recording" = "Toca dos veces para detener la grabación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Double tap to upgrade this voice call to a video call" = "Haz doble clic para convertir esta llamada de voz en videollamada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Duplicate session" = "Sesión duplicada"; /* Edit a message or room participants */ "Edit" = "Editar"; /* A message was edited */ "edited" = "editado"; /* A message was edited by ... */ "Edited by" = "Editado por"; /* A message was edited by ... */ "edited by" = "editado por"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Editing Message" = "Editando Mensaje"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Either you don't have chat permission or the conversation is read-only." = "O no tienes permiso para chatear o la conversación es de sólo lectura."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Email" = "Email"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Enable" = "Activa"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Enable blur" = "Habilitar desenfoque"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Enable screensharing" = "Activar pantalla compartida"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Enable speaker" = "Habilitar altavoz"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "End call" = "Finalizar llamada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "End call for everyone" = "Finalizar llamada para todos"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "End poll" = "Terminar votación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Error occurred when creating a reminder" = "Ocurrió un error mientras se creaba un recordatorio"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Error occurred while editing a message" = "Ha ocurrido un error mientras se editaba un mensaje"; /* External signaling used */ "External" = "Externo"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Failed to accept invitation" = "Fallo al aceptar la invitación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Failed to clear reminder" = "No se ha podido borrar el recordatorio"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Failed to connect to %@" = "Fallo al conectar a %@"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Failed to forward message" = "Fallo al reenviar el mensaje"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Failed to reject invitation" = "Fallo al rechazar la invitación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Failed to send message" = "No se pudo enviar el mensaje"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Failed to share recording" = "Fallo al compartir la grabación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Failed to unban selected entry" = "Failed to unban selected entry"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Federated" = "Federado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Fetching status …" = "Obteniendo el estado …"; /* Filename of a file */ "File" = "Archivo"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Files" = "Archivos"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "For password reset and notifications" = "Para notificaciones y cambio de contraseña"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Format" = "Formato"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Forward" = "Reenviar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Forward to" = "Reenviar a"; /* 'From' which language user wants to translate text */ "From" = "Desde"; /* from Alice at nextcloud.local */ "from %@ at %@" = "de %1$@ a las %2$@"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Full name" = "Nombre completo"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Get source code" = "Conseguir el código fuente"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "GitHub API error" = "Error del API GitHub"; /* Give consent to the recording of the call and join that call */ "Give consent and join call" = "Dar consentimiento y unirse a la llamada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "guest" = "invitado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Guest" = "Invitado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Guests access" = "Acceso de invitados"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Guests app enabled?" = "¿La app de Invitados está habilitada?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Hang up" = "Colgar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "hours" = "horas"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "If you delete the conversation, it will also be deleted for %@" = "SI borras la conversación, también se borrará para %@"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "If you delete the conversation, it will also be deleted for all other participants." = "Si borras la conversación, también se borrará para los demás participantes."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "If you enable your camera, this call will be interrupted for a few seconds." = "Si activas la cámara, esta conversación se interrumpirá durante algunos segundos."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "If you're using multiple servers, you need to check all of them." = "Si está utilizando múltiples servidores, deberá marcarlos todos."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Images, files, voice messages…" = "Imágenes, archivos, mensajes de voz..."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Import account" = "Importa cuenta"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "in" = "en"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Include calls in call history" = "Incluír llamadas en el historial de llamadas"; /* Internal signaling used */ "Internal" = "Interno"; /* Internal note about why a user/guest was banned */ "Internal note" = "Internal note"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Invalid server address" = "Dirección inválida"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Invisible" = "Invisible"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Invitation resent" = "Invitación enviada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Invitations resent" = "Invitaciones reenviadas"; /* Alice is typing… */ "is typing…" = "está escribiendo..."; /* It seems that {app name} is not installed in your server. */ "It seems that %@ is not installed in your server." = "Parece que %@no está instalado en tu servidor. "; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "It seems that there is no internet connection." = "Parece que no hay conexión a internet"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Join a conversation or start a new one" = "Únete a una conversación o empieza una nueva"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Join call (audio only)" = "Unirse a la conversación (sólo audio)"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Join call with video" = "Unirse a la conversación con vídeo"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Join open conversations" = "Unirse a conversaciones abiertas"; /* Last subscription to the push notification server */ "Last subscription" = "Última suscripción"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Last sync" = "Última sincronización"; /* Remind me later today about that message */ "Later today" = "Más tarde hoy"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Leave" = "Salir"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Leave conversation" = "Abandonar conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "less than a minute ago" = "hace menos de un minuto"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Link https://…" = "Enlace https://..."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Linked file" = "Archivo enlazado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Load more results" = "Cargar más resultados"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Lobby" = "Recibidor"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Lobby is still active and you're not a moderator" = "El lobby sigue activo y no eres moderador"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Local" = "Local"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Location" = "Ubicación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Location access" = "Acceso a la ubicación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Location service has been denied. Check your settings." = "El servicio de ubicación ha sido denegado. Compruebe su configuración."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Location service is not enabled" = "Los servicios de ubicación no están activados"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Locations" = "Ubicaciones"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Lock conversation" = "Bloquear conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Log in" = "Iniciar sesión"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Log out" = "Cerrar sesión"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Logged out" = "Cerrado sesión"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Lower hand" = "Bajar la mano"; /* TRANSLATORS this is used when no meeting start time is set and the meeting will be started manually */ "Manual" = "Manual"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Mark as read" = "Marcar como leído"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Mark as unread" = "Marcar como no leído"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Match system contacts" = "Hacer coincidir los contactos del sistema"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Media" = "Multimedia"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Meeting ID" = "ID de reunión"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Meeting settings" = "Ajustes de la reunión"; /* 'Mentioned' meaning 'Mentioned conversations' */ "Mentioned" = "Mencionado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Message copied" = "Mensaje copiado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Message could not be deleted because it is too old" = "El mensaje no se ha podido eliminar porque es demasiado antiguo"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Message deleted successfully" = "Mensaje eliminado con éxito"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Message deleted successfully, but Matterbridge is configured and the message might already be distributed to other services" = "Mensaje borrado con éxito, pero Matterbridge está configurado y el mensaje podría haber sido filtrado a otros servicios"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Message expiration" = "Caducidad del mensaje"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Message expiration time" = "Fecha de caducidad del mensaje"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Messages" = "Mensajes"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Microphone" = "Micrófono"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Microphone access" = "Acceso al micrófono"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Microphone access is not allowed. Check your settings." = "No se permitió el acceso al micrófono. Verifique su configuración."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Microphone disabled" = "Micrófono desactivado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Microphone enabled" = "Micrófono activado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "minutes" = "minutos"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Missed call from" = "Llamada perdida de"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Missing phone number information" = "Falta información sobre el número de teléfono"; /* The signaling mode used */ "Mode" = "Modo"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "moderator" = "moderador"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Modification date" = "Fecha de modificación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "More actions" = "Más acciones"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Multiple answers" = "Múltiples respuestas"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Mute all notifications" = "Silenciar todas las notificaciones"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "My location" = "Mi ubicación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Name" = "Nombre"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Nearby places" = "Sitios cercanos"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Network available" = "Red disponible"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Network not available" = "Red no disponible"; /* Never subscribed to the push notification server */ "Never subscribed" = "Nunca se ha suscrito"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "New conversation" = "Nueva conversación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "New poll" = "Nueva votación"; /* Remind me next week about that message */ "Next week" = "Próxima semana"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Nextcloud server not found" = "Servidor Nextcloud no encontrado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No" = "No"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No actions available" = "No hay acciones disponibles"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No banned users or guests" = "No banned users or guests"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No description provided" = "No se ha proporcionado descripción"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No files in here" = "No hay archivos aquí"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No messages yet, start the conversation!" = "No hay mensajes todavía, ¡empieza la conversación!"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No participants found" = "No se encontraron participantes"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No permission to join this conversation" = "No permission to join this conversation"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No response from server" = "Sin respuesta del servidor"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No results found" = "No se han encontrado resultados"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No shared items" = "No hay elementos compartidos"; /* '{Microphone, Camera, ...} access was not requested' */ "Not requested" = "No solicitado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Not supported" = "No soportado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Note to self" = "Nota personal"; /* Internal note for moderators, usually a reason for this ban */ "Note:" = "Note:"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Notifications" = "Notificaciones"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Notifications app enabled?" = "¿Está habilitada la aplicación de notificaciones?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Notifications: %@" = "Notificaciones: %@"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Off" = "Off"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Offline" = "Sin conexión"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Offline, only showing downloaded messages" = "Fuera de línea, sólo se mostrarán los mensajes descargados"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "OK" = "OK"; /* Will be used as the caller name when a VoIP notification can't be decrypted */ "Old account" = "Cuenta antigua"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Once a conversation is left, to rejoin a closed conversation, an invite is needed. An open conversation can be rejoined at any time." = "Una vez que se abandona una conversación, para reincorporarse a una conversación cerrada se necesita una invitación. Una conversación abierta puede reanudarse en cualquier momento."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Online" = "En línea"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Online status" = "Estado en línea"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Only normal chat messages can be deleted" = "Solo se pueden eliminar mensaje normales del chat"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Only synchronize to trusted servers" = "Sincronizar solo con servidores de confianza"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Only visible to people matched via phone number integration" = "Sólo visible para las personas que coincidan con la integración del número de teléfono"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Only visible to people on this instance and guests" = "Sólo visible para las personas de esta instancia e invitados"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Open" = "Abrir"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Open app settings" = "Abrir ajustes de la aplicación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Open conversation to registered users" = "Abrir conversación a usuarios registrados"; /* TRANSLATORS 'Open conversations' as a type of conversation. 'Open conversations' are conversations that can be found by other users */ "Open conversations" = "Conversaciones abiertas"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Open in %@" = "Abrir en %@"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Other Accounts" = "Otras Cuentas"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Others" = "Otros"; /* Owner of a repository */ "Owner" = "Propietario"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Participants" = "Participantes"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Password" = "Contraseña"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Pending invitations" = "Invitaciones pendientes"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Phone number" = "Número de teléfono"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Phone number integration" = "Integración del número de teléfono"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Phone number set successfully" = "Número de teléfono guardado correctamente"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Photo Library" = "Biblioteca de fotos"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Photo library access" = "Acceso a la biblioteca de fotos"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Pick date & time" = "Seleccione fecha y hora"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Please check that you entered a valid server address." = "Por favor, comprueba que has introducido una dirección de servidor válida."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Please check that you entered the correct Nextcloud server address." = "Por favor, comprueba que has introducido la dirección correcta del servidor de Nextcloud."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Please contact your system administrator." = "Por favor, contacte con el administrador."; /* Please update your server with the latest {app name} version available. */ "Please update your server with the latest %@ version available." = "Por favor actualice su servidor con la última %@ versión disponible."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Please update." = "Por favor actualice."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Poll" = "Votación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Poll results" = "Resultados de la votación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Polls" = "Votaciones"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Preview" = "Vista previa"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Privacy" = "Privacidad"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Private" = "Privado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Private poll" = "Votacion privada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Profile" = "Perfil"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Profile picture" = "Foto de perfil"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Promote to moderator" = "Elevar a moderador"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Published" = "Publicado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Push notifications" = "Notificaciones de tipo push"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Question" = "Pregunta"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Raise hand" = "Levantar la mano"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Reachable?" = "¿Accesible?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Reactions" = "Reacciones"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Read status" = "Estado de lectura"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Received call from an old account" = "Se recibió una llamada de una cuenta antigua"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Record voice message" = "Grabar mensaje de voz"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Recording" = "Grabando"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Recording consent is required" = "Es necesario el consentimiento de grabación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Recording consent required for joining the call" = "El consentimiento de grabación es necesario para unirse a la llamada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Recordings" = "Grabaciones"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Redo" = "Rehacer"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Reference API supported?" = "¿Está soportada la API de referencia?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Reject" = "Rechazar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Reminder was successfully cleared" = "Se quitó el recordatorio exitósamente"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Reminder was successfully set" = "Se estableció el recordatorio exitósamente"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remote server is unreachable" = "No se puede contactar al servidor remoto"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remove" = "Eliminar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remove account" = "Eliminar cuenta"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remove from favorites" = "Quitar de favoritos"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remove group and members" = "Eliminar grupo y miembros"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remove old duplicate entries and leave only the most recent entries." = "Quitar las entradas duplicadas antiguas y conservar sólo las entradas más recientes."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remove participant" = "Eliminar participante"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remove password" = "Quitar la contraseña"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remove team and members" = "Quitar equipo y miembros"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Reply" = "Responder"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Reply privately" = "Responder en privado"; /* Name of a repository */ "Repo" = "Repo"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Resend" = "Volver a enviar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Resend invitation" = "Reenviar invitación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Resend invitations" = "Reenviar invitaciones"; /* Results of a poll */ "Results" = "Resultados"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Retry" = "Reintentar"; /* Save conversation description */ "Save" = "Guardar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Say hi to your friends and colleagues!" = "¡Saluda a tus amigos y colegas!"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Scanning QR Codes is not supported on this device." = "El escaneo de códigos QR no está soportado en este dispositivo."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Screensharing stopped" = "Pantalla compartida detenida"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Search" = "Buscar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Search for places" = "Buscar sitios"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Select language" = "Seleccione idioma"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Send" = "Enviar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Send a reaction" = "Enviar una reacción"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Send call notification" = "Enviar notificación de llamada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Send message" = "Enviar mensaje"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Send without notification" = "Enviar sin notificación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Send/Accept" = "Enviar/Aceptar"; /* A message has been sent without notifications */ "Sent without notification" = "Sent without notification"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Server" = "Servidor"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Server address https://…" = "Dirección del servidor https://…"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Server is currently in maintenance mode" = "El servidor se encuentra en modo mantenimiento."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Set" = "Guardar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Set new password" = "Establecer contraseña nueva"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Set new password:" = "Establecer nueva contraseña:"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Set password" = "Establecer contraseña"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Set password:" = "Establecer contraseña:"; /* Remind me later about that message */ "Set reminder" = "Establecer recordatorio"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Set status message" = "Establecer mensaje de estado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Settings" = "Ajustes"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Share" = "Compartir"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Share a file from your Nextcloud" = "Compartir un archivo desde tu Nextcloud"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Share current location" = "Compartir mi ubicación actual"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Share link" = "Compartir enlace"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Share location" = "Compartir ubicación"; /* Share the location of a pin that has been dropped in a map view */ "Share pin location" = "Compartir la ubicación del pin"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Share to chat" = "Compartir al chat"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Share with" = "Compartir con"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Shared items" = "Elementos compartidos"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Shared location" = "Ubicación compartida"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Sharing to a federated conversation is not supported." = "No está soportado compartir a una conversación federada."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Show more…" = "Mostrar más..."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Signaling" = "Señalización"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SIP dial-in" = "Marcación SIP"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Skip" = "Omitir"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Slide to cancel" = "Deslizar para cancelar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Some messages not shown, will be downloaded when online" = "No se muestran algunos mensajes; será descargados cuando estés conectado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Source code" = "Código fuente"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Speaker" = "Altavoz"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Speaker disabled" = "Altavoz desactivado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Speaker enabled" = "Altavoz activado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Speech recognition access is not allowed. Check your settings." = "El acceso al reconocimiento de voz no está permitido. Verifique su configuración."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Speech recognition failed" = "Falló el reconocimiento de voz"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Start recording" = "Empezar a grabar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Start time" = "Hora de inicio"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Status" = "Estado"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Status message" = "Mensaje de estado"; /* Action to 'Stop' a recording */ "Stop" = "Detener"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Stop recording" = "Detener grabación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Stop screensharing" = "Detener pantalla compartida"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "STUN servers" = "Servidores STUN"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Submit vote" = "Enviar voto"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Switch account" = "Cambiar cuenta"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Switching to another conversation …" = "Cambiando a otra conversación ..."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Synchronize to trusted servers and the global and public address book" = "Sincronizar con servidores de confianza y con la libreta de direcciones global y pública"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Talk" = "Coloquio"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Tap and hold to record a voice message" = "Mantenga pulsado para grabar un mensaje de voz"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Tap and hold to record a voice message, release the button to send it." = "Mantenga pulsado para grabar un mensaje de voz, suelte el botón para enviarlo."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "The app is too old and no longer supported by this server." = "La app es muy antigua y ya no está soportada por este servidor."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "The call has been running for one hour" = "La llamada ha estado activa por una hora."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "The call might be recorded" = "La llamada puede ser grabada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "The password is wrong" = "La contraseña es incorrecta"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "The recording might include your voice, video from camera, and screen share. Your consent is required before joining the call." = "La grabación puede incluir tu voz, vídeo de tu cámara y la pantalla compartida. Es necesario que des tu consentimiento antes de unirte a la llamada."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "There is no account for user %@ in server %@ configured in this app." = "No hay una cuenta para el usuario %1$@ en el servidor %2$@ configurada en esta aplicación."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "This call is being recorded" = "Esta llamada está siendo grabada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "This conversation is read-only" = "Esta conversación es de solo lectura"; /* The meeting start time will be displayed after this text e.g (This meeting is scheduled for tomorrow at 10:00) */ "This meeting is scheduled for" = "Esta reunión está programada para"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "This usually indicates that this device was previously used for an account, which was not properly removed from the server." = "Esto usualmente indica que este dispositivo fue utilizado para una cuenta, la cual no fue quitada de forma apropiada del servidor."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "This week" = "Esta semana"; /* Remind me this weekend about that message */ "This weekend" = "Este fin de semana"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "This will impact the functionality of this app. Please review your settings." = "Esto afectará a la funcionalidad de la aplicación. Por favor, revisa tus ajustes."; /* 'To' which language user wants to translate text */ "To" = "Para"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "To resolve this issue, use the web interface and go to \"Settings -> Security\"." = "Para resolver el problema, utilice la interfaz web y vaya a \"Configuraciones\" -> \"Seguridad\"."; /* TRANSLATORS this is for sending something 'to' a user. E.g. 'To: John Doe' */ "To:" = "Para:"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Today" = "Hoy"; /* Remind me tomorrow about that message */ "Tomorrow" = "Mañana"; /* TRANSLATORS this is for transcribing a voice message to text */ "Transcribe" = "Transcribir"; /* TRANSLATORS transcript of a voice-message */ "Transcript" = "Transcripción"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Translate" = "Traducir"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Translation" = "Traducción"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Translation failed" = "Falló la traducción"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "TURN servers" = "Servidores TURN."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Twitter" = "Twitter"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Twitter handle @…" = "Usuario de Twitter @…"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Typing indicator" = "Indicador de escritura"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Typing indicators are only available when using a high performance backend (HPB)" = "Los indicadores de escritura solo están disponibles cuando se usa un backend de alto rendimiento (HPB)"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unable to get context of the message" = "No fue posible obtener el contexto del mensaje"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unable to get conversation of the message" = "No fue posible obtener la conversación del mensaje"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unable to load file" = "No se ha podido cargar el archivo"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unable to open file" = "No es posible abrir el archivo"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unavailable" = "No disponible"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unban" = "Unban"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Under \"Devices & sessions\" check if there are duplicate entries for the same device." = "Bajo \"Dispositivos y sesiones\" verifique que no existan entradas duplicadas para el mismo dispositivo."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Undo" = "Deshacer"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Undo Typing" = "Deshacer Escritura"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unknown" = "Desconocido"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unknown error" = "Error desconocido"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unknown error occurred" = "Ocurrió un error desconocido"; /* 'Unread' meaning 'Unread conversations' */ "Unread" = "No leído"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unread mentions" = "Menciones no leídas"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unread messages" = "Mensajes no leídos"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Update" = "Actualizar"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Upload failed" = "Error en la subida del fichero"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Uploading %ld elements" = "Subiendo %ld elementos"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Uploading 1 element" = "Subiendo 1 elemento"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "User" = "Usuario"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "User profile and settings" = "Perfil de usuario y ajustes"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "User status supported?" = "¿Soporta estado de usuario?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Users" = "Usuarios"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Version" = "Versión"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Video call" = "Llamada de vídeo"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Video quality" = "Calidad del video"; /* Conversation visibility settings */ "Visibility" = "Visibilidad"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Voice call" = "Llamada de voz"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Voice messages" = "Mensajes de voz"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Waiting for %@ to join call …" = "Esperando a que %@ se una a la llamada..."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Waiting for others to join call …" = "Esperando a que otros se unan a la llamada ..."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Website" = "Sitio web"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "What is your status?" = "¿Cuál es su estado?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Write message, @ to mention someone …" = "Escribe un mensaje, @ para mencionar a alguien…"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Yes" = "Si"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Yesterday" = "Ayer"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You" = "Tú"; /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "You added {user0} and %ld more participants" = "Añadió a {user0} y %ld participantes más"; /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "You added {user0} and {user1}" = "Añadió a {user0} y {user1}"; /* Please put %ld placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "You and %ld more participants joined the call" = "Usted y %ld participantes más se unieron a la llamada"; /* Please put %ld placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "You and %ld more participants left the call" = "Usted y %ld participantes más abandonaron la llamada"; /* Please put {actor0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "You and {actor0} joined the call" = "Ud. y {actor0} se unieron a la llamada"; /* Please put {actor0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "You and {actor0} left the call" = "Ud. y {actor0} abandonaron la llamada"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You are currently waiting in the lobby" = "Ahora estás esperando en el recibidor."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You are not part of any conversation" = "No eres parte de ninguna conversación."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You are not part of any conversation. Press + to start a new one." = "No eres parte de ninguna conversación. Pulsa + para iniciar una nueva."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You can set your phone number so other users will be able to find you" = "Puede establecer su número de teléfono para que otros usuarios puedan encontrarlo"; /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "You demoted {user0} and %ld more participants from moderators" = "Usted degradó a {user0} y a %ld participantes más de moderadores"; /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "You demoted {user0} and {user1} from moderators" = "Ud. degradó a {user0} y a {user1} desde moderadores"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You have %ld pending invitations" = "Ud. tiene %ld invitaciones pendientes"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You have been muted by a moderator" = "Has sido silenciado por un moderador"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You need to promote a new moderator before you can leave %@." = "Necesitas establecer un nuevo moderador antes de salir %@."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You need to promote a new moderator before you can leave this conversation" = "Necesitas elegir un nuevo moderador antes de que puedas abandonar la conversación"; /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "You promoted {user0} and %ld more participants to moderators" = "Usted ha ascendido a {user0} y a %ld participantes más a moderadores"; /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "You promoted {user0} and {user1} to moderators" = "Ud. ha ascendido a {user0} y a {user1} a moderadores"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You received a new notification" = "Tienes una nueva notificación"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "You reconnected to the call" = "Se ha reconectado a la llamada"; /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "You removed {user0} and %ld more participants" = "Usted eliminó a {user0} y a %ld participantes más"; /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "You removed {user0} and {user1}" = "Ud. eliminó a {user0} y a {user1}"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Your email address" = "Su dirección de correo"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Your phone number" = "Su número de teléfono"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Your PIN" = "Tu PIN"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Your postal address" = "Su dirección física"; /* 'Zammad' is a product name */ "Zammad API error" = "Zammad API error"; /* Please put {actor0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} added you and %ld more participants" = "{actor0} lo ha añadido a usted y a %ld participantes más"; /* Please put {actor0} and {user0} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} added you and {user0}" = "{actor0} lo ha añadido a Ud. y a {user0}"; /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} added {user0} and %ld more participants" = "{actor0} añadió a {user0} y a %ld participantes más"; /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} added {user0} and {user1}" = "{actor0} añadió a {user0} y a {user1}"; /* Please put {actor0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} and %ld more participants joined the call" = "{actor0} y %ld participantes más se unieron a la llamada"; /* Please put {actor0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} and %ld more participants left the call" = "{actor0} y %ld participantes más abandonaron la llamada"; /* Please put {actor0} and {actor1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} and {actor1} joined the call" = "{actor0} y {actor1} se unieron a la llamada"; /* Please put {actor0} and {actor1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} and {actor1} left the call" = "{actor0} y {actor1} abandonaron la llamada"; /* Please put {actor0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} demoted you and %ld more participants from moderators" = "{actor0} lo ha degradado a usted y a %ld participantes más de moderadores"; /* Please put {actor0} and {user0} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} demoted you and {user0} from moderators" = "{actor0} lo ha degradado a Ud. y a {user0} desde moderadores"; /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} demoted {user0} and %ld more participants from moderators" = "{actor0} ha degradado a {user0} y a %ld participantes más de moderadores"; /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} demoted {user0} and {user1} from moderators" = "{actor0} degradó a {user0} y a {user1} desde moderadores"; /* Please put {actor0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} promoted you and %ld more participants to moderators" = "{actor0} lo ha ascendido a usted y a %ld participantes más a moderadores"; /* Please put {actor0} and {user0} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} promoted you and {user0} to moderators" = "{actor0} lo ha ascendido a Ud. y a {user0} a moderadores"; /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} promoted {user0} and %ld more participants to moderators" = "{actor0} ha ascendido a {user0} y a %ld participantes más a moderadores"; /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} promoted {user0} and {user1} to moderators" = "{actor0} ha ascendido a {user0} y a {user1} a moderadores"; /* Please put {actor0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */ "{actor0} reconnected to the call" = "{actor0} se ha reconectado a la llamada"; /* Please put {actor0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} removed you and %ld more participants" = "{actor0} lo ha eliminado a usted y a %ld participantes más"; /* Please put {actor0} and {user0} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} removed you and {user0}" = "{actor0} lo ha eliminado a Ud. y a {user0}"; /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} removed {user0} and %ld more participants" = "{actor0} ha eliminado a {user0} y a %ld participantes más"; /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */ "{actor0} removed {user0} and {user1}" = "{actor0} eliminó a {user0} y a {user1}"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "↓ New messages" = "↓ Nuevos mensajes";