// // SlackTextViewController // https://github.com/slackhq/SlackTextViewController // // Copyright 2014-2016 Slack Technologies, Inc. // Licence: MIT-Licence // #import /** Classes that adopt the SLKTextInput protocol interact with the text input system and thus acquire features such as text processing. All these methods are already implemented in SLKTextInput+Implementation.m */ @protocol SLKTextInput @optional /** Searches for any matching string prefix at the text input's caret position. When nothing found, the completion block returns nil values. This implementation is internally performed on a background thread and forwarded to the main thread once completed. @param prefixes A set of prefixes to search for. @param completion A completion block called whenever the text processing finishes, successfuly or not. Required. */ - (void)lookForPrefixes:(NSSet *)prefixes completion:(void (^)(NSString *prefix, NSString *word, NSRange wordRange))completion; /** Finds the word close to the caret's position, if any. @param range Returns the range of the found word. @returns The found word. */ - (NSString *)wordAtCaretRange:(NSRangePointer)range; /** Finds the word close to specific range. @param range The range to be used for searching the word. @param rangePointer Returns the range of the found word. @returns The found word. */ - (NSString *)wordAtRange:(NSRange)range rangeInText:(NSRangePointer)rangePointer; @end