// // SlackTextViewController // https://github.com/slackhq/SlackTextViewController // // Copyright 2014-2016 Slack Technologies, Inc. // Licence: MIT-Licence // #import "SLKTextView.h" NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /** @name SLKTextView additional features used for SlackTextViewController. */ @interface SLKTextView (SLKAdditions) /** Clears the text. @param clearUndo YES if clearing the text should also clear the undo manager (if enabled). */ - (void)slk_clearText:(BOOL)clearUndo; /** Scrolls to the very end of the content size, animated. @param animated YES if the scrolling should be animated. */ - (void)slk_scrollToBottomAnimated:(BOOL)animated; /** Scrolls to the caret position, animated. @param animated YES if the scrolling should be animated. */ - (void)slk_scrollToCaretPositonAnimated:(BOOL)animated; /** Inserts a line break at the caret's position. */ - (void)slk_insertNewLineBreak; /** Inserts a string at the caret's position. @param text The string to be appended to the current text. */ - (void)slk_insertTextAtCaretRange:(NSString *)text; /** Insert a string at the caret's position with stylization from the attributes. @param text The string to be appended to the current text. @param attributes The attributes used to stylize the text. */ - (void)slk_insertTextAtCaretRange:(NSString *)text withAttributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes; /** Adds a string to a specific range. @param text The string to be appended to the current text. @param range The range where to insert text. @return The range of the newly inserted text. */ - (NSRange)slk_insertText:(NSString *)text inRange:(NSRange)range; /** Adds a string to a specific range, with stylization from the attributes. @param text The string to be appended to the current text. @param attributes The attributes used to stylize the text. @param range The range where to insert text. @return The range of the newly inserted text. */ - (NSRange)slk_insertText:(NSString *)text withAttributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes inRange:(NSRange)range; /** Sets the text attributes for the attributed string in the provided range. @param attributes The attributes used to style NSAttributedString class. @param range The range of the text that needs to be stylized by the given attributes. @return An attributed string. */ - (NSAttributedString *)slk_setAttributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes inRange:(NSRange)range; /** Inserts an attributed string at the caret's position. @param attributedText The attributed string to be appended. */ - (void)slk_insertAttributedTextAtCaretRange:(NSAttributedString *)attributedText; /** Adds an attributed string to a specific range. @param text The string to be appended to the current text. @param range The range where to insert text. @return The range of the newly inserted text. */ - (NSRange)slk_insertAttributedText:(NSAttributedString *)attributedText inRange:(NSRange)range; /** Removes all attributed string attributes from the text view, for the given range. @param range The range to remove the attributes. */ - (void)slk_clearAllAttributesInRange:(NSRange)range; /** Returns a default attributed string, using the text view's font and text color. @param text The string to be used for creating a new attributed string. @return An attributed string. */ - (NSAttributedString *)slk_defaultAttributedStringForText:(NSString *)text; /** Registers the current text for future undo actions. @param description A simple description associated with the Undo or Redo command. */ - (void)slk_prepareForUndo:(NSString *)description; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END