123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346 |
- //
- // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors
- // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
- //
- import Foundation
- @objc extension NCAPIController {
- // MARK: - Rooms Controller
- public func getRooms(forAccount account: TalkAccount, updateStatus: Bool, modifiedSince: Int, completionBlock: @escaping (_ rooms: [[String: AnyObject]]?, _ error: Error?) -> Void) {
- guard let apiSessionManager = self.apiSessionManagers.object(forKey: account.accountId) as? NCAPISessionManager
- else { return }
- let apiVersion = self.conversationAPIVersion(for: account)
- var urlString = self.getRequestURL(forEndpoint: "room", withAPIVersion: apiVersion, for: account)
- let serverCapabilities = NCDatabaseManager.sharedInstance().serverCapabilities(forAccountId: account.accountId)
- let parameters: [String: Any] = [
- "noStatusUpdate": !updateStatus,
- "modifiedSince": modifiedSince
- ]
- // Since we are using "modifiedSince" only in background fetches
- // we will request including user status only when getting the complete room list
- if serverCapabilities?.userStatus == true, modifiedSince == 0 {
- urlString = urlString.appending("?includeStatus=true")
- }
- apiSessionManager.getOcs(urlString, account: account, parameters: parameters) { ocs, error in
- // TODO: Move away from generic dictionary return type
- // let rooms = ocs?.dataArrayDict.compactMap { NCRoom(dictionary: $0, andAccountId: account.accountId) }
- completionBlock(ocs?.dataArrayDict, error)
- }
- }
- public func getRoom(forAccount account: TalkAccount, withToken token: String, completionBlock: @escaping (_ room: [String: AnyObject]?, _ error: Error?) -> Void) {
- guard let apiSessionManager = self.apiSessionManagers.object(forKey: account.accountId) as? NCAPISessionManager,
- let encodedToken = token.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlHostAllowed)
- else { return }
- let apiVersion = self.conversationAPIVersion(for: account)
- let urlString = self.getRequestURL(forEndpoint: "room/\(encodedToken)", withAPIVersion: apiVersion, for: account)
- apiSessionManager.getOcs(urlString, account: account) { ocs, error in
- completionBlock(ocs?.dataDict, error)
- }
- }
- public func getNoteToSelfRoom(forAccount account: TalkAccount, completionBlock: @escaping (_ room: [String: AnyObject]?, _ error: Error?) -> Void) {
- guard let apiSessionManager = self.apiSessionManagers.object(forKey: account.accountId) as? NCAPISessionManager
- else { return }
- let apiVersion = self.conversationAPIVersion(for: account)
- let urlString = self.getRequestURL(forEndpoint: "room/note-to-self", withAPIVersion: apiVersion, for: account)
- apiSessionManager.getOcs(urlString, account: account) { ocs, error in
- completionBlock(ocs?.dataDict, error)
- }
- }
- public func getListableRooms(forAccount account: TalkAccount, withSerachTerm searchTerm: String?, completionBlock: @escaping (_ rooms: [NCRoom]?, _ error: Error?) -> Void) {
- guard let apiSessionManager = self.apiSessionManagers.object(forKey: account.accountId) as? NCAPISessionManager
- else { return }
- let apiVersion = self.conversationAPIVersion(for: account)
- let urlString = self.getRequestURL(forEndpoint: "listed-room", withAPIVersion: apiVersion, for: account)
- var parameters: [String: Any] = [:]
- if let searchTerm, !searchTerm.isEmpty {
- parameters["searchTerm"] = searchTerm
- }
- apiSessionManager.getOcs(urlString, account: account, parameters: parameters) { ocs, error in
- let rooms = ocs?.dataArrayDict?.compactMap { NCRoom(dictionary: $0, andAccountId: account.accountId) }
- completionBlock(rooms, error)
- }
- }
- public func createRoom(forAccount account: TalkAccount, withInvite invite: String?, ofType roomType: NCRoomType, andName roomName: String?, completionBlock: @escaping (_ room: NCRoom?, _ error: Error?) -> Void) {
- guard let apiSessionManager = self.apiSessionManagers.object(forKey: account.accountId) as? NCAPISessionManager
- else { return }
- let apiVersion = self.conversationAPIVersion(for: account)
- let urlString = self.getRequestURL(forEndpoint: "room", withAPIVersion: apiVersion, for: account)
- var parameters: [String: Any] = ["roomType": roomType.rawValue]
- if let invite, !invite.isEmpty {
- parameters["invite"] = invite
- }
- if let roomName, !roomName.isEmpty {
- parameters["roomName"] = roomName
- }
- apiSessionManager.postOcs(urlString, account: account, parameters: parameters) { ocs, error in
- let room = NCRoom(dictionary: ocs?.dataDict, andAccountId: account.accountId)
- completionBlock(room, error)
- }
- }
- public func renameRoom(_ token: String, forAccount account: TalkAccount, withName roomName: String, completionBlock: @escaping (_ error: Error?) -> Void) {
- guard let apiSessionManager = self.apiSessionManagers.object(forKey: account.accountId) as? NCAPISessionManager,
- let encodedToken = token.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlHostAllowed)
- else { return }
- let apiVersion = self.conversationAPIVersion(for: account)
- let urlString = self.getRequestURL(forEndpoint: "room/\(encodedToken)", withAPIVersion: apiVersion, for: account)
- let parameters: [String: String] = ["roomName": roomName]
- apiSessionManager.putOcs(urlString, account: account, parameters: parameters) { _, error in
- completionBlock(error)
- }
- }
- public func setRoomDescription(_ description: String?, forRoom token: String, forAccount account: TalkAccount, completionBlock: @escaping (_ error: Error?) -> Void) {
- guard let apiSessionManager = self.apiSessionManagers.object(forKey: account.accountId) as? NCAPISessionManager,
- let encodedToken = token.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlHostAllowed)
- else { return }
- let apiVersion = self.conversationAPIVersion(for: account)
- let urlString = self.getRequestURL(forEndpoint: "room/\(encodedToken)/description", withAPIVersion: apiVersion, for: account)
- let parameters: [String: String] = ["description": description ?? ""]
- apiSessionManager.putOcs(urlString, account: account, parameters: parameters) { _, error in
- completionBlock(error)
- }
- }
- public func setMentionPermissions(_ permissions: NCRoomMentionPermissions, forRoom token: String, forAccount account: TalkAccount, completionBlock: @escaping (_ error: Error?) -> Void) {
- guard let apiSessionManager = self.apiSessionManagers.object(forKey: account.accountId) as? NCAPISessionManager,
- let encodedToken = token.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlHostAllowed)
- else { return }
- let apiVersion = self.conversationAPIVersion(for: account)
- let urlString = self.getRequestURL(forEndpoint: "room/\(encodedToken)/mention-permissions", withAPIVersion: apiVersion, for: account)
- let parameters: [String: Int] = ["mentionPermissions": permissions.rawValue]
- apiSessionManager.putOcs(urlString, account: account, parameters: parameters) { _, error in
- completionBlock(error)
- }
- }
- // MARK: - Federation
- public func acceptFederationInvitation(for accountId: String, with invitationId: Int, completionBlock: @escaping (_ success: Bool) -> Void) {
- let account = NCDatabaseManager.sharedInstance().talkAccount(forAccountId: accountId)!
- let apiVersion = self.federationAPIVersion(for: account)
- let urlString = self.getRequestURL(forEndpoint: "federation/invitation/\(invitationId)", withAPIVersion: apiVersion, for: account)
- guard let apiSessionManager = self.apiSessionManagers.object(forKey: account.accountId) as? NCAPISessionManager
- else {
- completionBlock(false)
- return
- }
- apiSessionManager.postOcs(urlString, account: account) { _, error in
- completionBlock(error == nil)
- }
- }
- public func rejectFederationInvitation(for accountId: String, with invitationId: Int, completionBlock: @escaping (_ success: Bool) -> Void) {
- let account = NCDatabaseManager.sharedInstance().talkAccount(forAccountId: accountId)!
- let apiVersion = self.federationAPIVersion(for: account)
- let urlString = self.getRequestURL(forEndpoint: "federation/invitation/\(invitationId)", withAPIVersion: apiVersion, for: account)
- guard let apiSessionManager = self.apiSessionManagers.object(forKey: account.accountId) as? NCAPISessionManager
- else {
- completionBlock(false)
- return
- }
- apiSessionManager.deleteOcs(urlString, account: account) { _, error in
- completionBlock(error == nil)
- }
- }
- public func getFederationInvitations(for accountId: String, completionBlock: @escaping (_ invitations: [FederationInvitation]?) -> Void) {
- guard let apiSessionManager = self.apiSessionManagers.object(forKey: accountId) as? NCAPISessionManager,
- let account = NCDatabaseManager.sharedInstance().talkAccount(forAccountId: accountId)
- else {
- completionBlock(nil)
- return
- }
- let apiVersion = self.federationAPIVersion(for: account)
- let urlString = self.getRequestURL(forEndpoint: "federation/invitation", withAPIVersion: apiVersion, for: account)
- apiSessionManager.getOcs(urlString, account: account) { ocs, _ in
- let invitations = ocs?.dataArrayDict?.map { FederationInvitation(dictionary: $0, for: accountId) }
- completionBlock(invitations)
- NCDatabaseManager.sharedInstance().updateLastFederationInvitationUpdate(forAccountId: accountId, withTimestamp: Int(Date().timeIntervalSince1970))
- }
- }
- // MARK: - Room capabilities
- public func getRoomCapabilities(for accountId: String, token: String, completionBlock: @escaping (_ roomCapabilities: [String: AnyObject]?, _ proxyHash: String?) -> Void) {
- guard let account = NCDatabaseManager.sharedInstance().talkAccount(forAccountId: accountId),
- let apiSessionManager = self.apiSessionManagers.object(forKey: account.accountId) as? NCAPISessionManager,
- let encodedToken = token.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlHostAllowed)
- else {
- completionBlock(nil, nil)
- return
- }
- let apiVersion = self.conversationAPIVersion(for: account)
- let urlString = self.getRequestURL(forEndpoint: "room/\(encodedToken)/capabilities", withAPIVersion: apiVersion, for: account)
- apiSessionManager.getOcs(urlString, account: account) { ocs, _ in
- if let data = ocs?.dataDict,
- let response = ocs?.task?.response,
- let headers = self.getResponseHeaders(response) {
- // Need to use lowercase name in swift
- if let headerProxyHash = headers["x-nextcloud-talk-proxy-hash"] as? String {
- completionBlock(data, headerProxyHash)
- } else {
- completionBlock(data, nil)
- }
- } else {
- completionBlock(nil, nil)
- }
- }
- }
- // MARK: - Signaling
- @discardableResult
- public func getSignalingSettings(for account: TalkAccount, forRoom roomToken: String?, completionBlock: @escaping (_ signalingSettings: SignalingSettings?, _ error: (any Error)?) -> Void) -> URLSessionDataTask? {
- guard let apiSessionManager = self.apiSessionManagers.object(forKey: account.accountId) as? NCAPISessionManager
- else {
- completionBlock(nil, nil)
- return nil
- }
- let apiVersion = self.signalingAPIVersion(for: account)
- let urlString = self.getRequestURL(forEndpoint: "signaling/settings", withAPIVersion: apiVersion, for: account)
- var parameters: [String: Any]?
- if let roomToken, let encodedToken = roomToken.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlHostAllowed) {
- parameters = [
- "token": encodedToken
- ]
- }
- return apiSessionManager.getOcs(urlString, account: account, parameters: parameters) { ocs, error in
- completionBlock(SignalingSettings(dictionary: ocs?.dataDict), error)
- }
- }
- // MARK: - Mentions
- public func getMentionSuggestions(for accountId: String, in roomToken: String, with searchString: String, completionBlock: @escaping (_ mentions: [MentionSuggestion]?) -> Void) {
- guard let account = NCDatabaseManager.sharedInstance().talkAccount(forAccountId: accountId),
- let apiSessionManager = self.apiSessionManagers.object(forKey: account.accountId) as? NCAPISessionManager,
- let encodedToken = roomToken.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlHostAllowed),
- let serverCapabilities = NCDatabaseManager.sharedInstance().serverCapabilities(forAccountId: account.accountId)
- else {
- completionBlock(nil)
- return
- }
- let apiVersion = self.chatAPIVersion(for: account)
- let urlString = self.getRequestURL(forEndpoint: "chat/\(encodedToken)/mentions", withAPIVersion: apiVersion, for: account)
- let parameters: [String: Any] = [
- "limit": 20,
- "search": searchString,
- "includeStatus": serverCapabilities.userStatus
- ]
- apiSessionManager.getOcs(urlString, account: account, parameters: parameters) { ocs, _ in
- let mentions = ocs?.dataArrayDict?.map { MentionSuggestion(dictionary: $0) }
- completionBlock(mentions)
- }
- }
- // MARK: - Ban
- public func banActor(for accountId: String, in roomToken: String, with actorType: String, with actorId: String, with internalNote: String?, completionBlock: @escaping (_ success: Bool) -> Void) {
- guard let account = NCDatabaseManager.sharedInstance().talkAccount(forAccountId: accountId),
- let apiSessionManager = self.apiSessionManagers.object(forKey: account.accountId) as? NCAPISessionManager
- else {
- completionBlock(false)
- return
- }
- let apiVersion = self.banAPIVersion(for: account)
- let urlString = self.getRequestURL(forEndpoint: "ban/\(roomToken)", withAPIVersion: apiVersion, for: account)
- var parameters: [String: Any] = [
- "actorType": actorType,
- "actorId": actorId
- ]
- if let internalNote, !internalNote.isEmpty {
- parameters["internalNote"] = internalNote
- }
- apiSessionManager.post(urlString, parameters: parameters, progress: nil) { _, _ in
- completionBlock(true)
- } failure: { _, _ in
- completionBlock(false)
- }
- }
- public func listBans(for accountId: String, in roomToken: String, completionBlock: @escaping (_ bannedActors: [BannedActor]?) -> Void) {
- guard let account = NCDatabaseManager.sharedInstance().talkAccount(forAccountId: accountId),
- let apiSessionManager = self.apiSessionManagers.object(forKey: account.accountId) as? NCAPISessionManager
- else {
- completionBlock(nil)
- return
- }
- let apiVersion = self.banAPIVersion(for: account)
- let urlString = self.getRequestURL(forEndpoint: "ban/\(roomToken)", withAPIVersion: apiVersion, for: account)
- apiSessionManager.getOcs(urlString, account: account) { ocs, _ in
- let actorBans = ocs?.dataArrayDict?.map { BannedActor(dictionary: $0) }
- completionBlock(actorBans)
- }
- }
- public func unbanActor(for accountId: String, in roomToken: String, with banId: Int, completionBlock: @escaping (_ success: Bool) -> Void) {
- guard let account = NCDatabaseManager.sharedInstance().talkAccount(forAccountId: accountId),
- let apiSessionManager = self.apiSessionManagers.object(forKey: account.accountId) as? NCAPISessionManager
- else {
- completionBlock(false)
- return
- }
- let apiVersion = self.banAPIVersion(for: account)
- let urlString = self.getRequestURL(forEndpoint: "ban/\(roomToken)/\(banId)", withAPIVersion: apiVersion, for: account)
- apiSessionManager.delete(urlString, parameters: nil) { _, _ in
- completionBlock(true)
- } failure: { _, _ in
- completionBlock(false)
- }
- }
- }