Localizable.strings 141 KB

  1. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  2. "%@ invitation" = "%@ meghívó";
  3. /* {app name} is not installed */
  4. "%@ not installed" = "%@ nincs telepítve";
  5. /* {app name} version not supported */
  6. "%@ version not supported" = "%@ verzió nem támogatott";
  7. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  8. "%d days ago" = "%d nappal ezelőtt";
  9. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  10. "%d hours ago" = "%d órával ezelőtt";
  11. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  12. "%d minutes ago" = "%d perccel ezelőtt";
  13. /* Votes in a poll */
  14. "%d votes" = "%d szavazat";
  15. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  16. "%ld notifications" = "%ld értesítés";
  17. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  18. "%ld participants" = "%ld résztvevő";
  19. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  20. "1 day" = "1 nap";
  21. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  22. "1 hour" = "1 óra";
  23. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  24. "1 week" = "1 hét";
  25. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  26. "30 minutes" = "30 perc";
  27. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  28. "4 hours" = "4 óra";
  29. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  30. "4 weeks" = "4 hét";
  31. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  32. "8 hours" = "8 óra";
  33. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  34. "@-mentions only" = "Csak a @-említések";
  35. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  36. "[Unknown username]" = "[Ismeretlen felhasználónév]";
  37. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  38. "About" = "Névjegy";
  39. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  40. "Accept" = "Accept";
  41. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  42. "Account" = "Fiók";
  43. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  44. "Account already added" = "A fiók már hozzá lett adva";
  45. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  46. "Account not configured" = "Fiók nincs beállítva";
  47. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  48. "Accounts" = "Fiókok";
  49. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  50. "Accuracy" = "Pontosság";
  51. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  52. "Add" = "Hozzáadás";
  53. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  54. "Add (%lu)" = "%lu hozzáadása";
  55. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  56. "Add account" = "Fiók hozzáadása";
  57. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  58. "Add an internal note about this ban" = "Add an internal note about this ban";
  59. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  60. "Add answer" = "Válasz hozzáadása";
  61. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  62. "Add participants" = "Résztvevők hozzáadása";
  63. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  64. "Add reaction" = "Reakció hozzáadása";
  65. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  66. "Add to favorites" = "Hozzáadás a kedvencekhez";
  67. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  68. "Added note to self" = "Saját jegyzet hozzáadva";
  69. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  70. "Adding a mention will only notify users that did not read the message yet" = "Adding a mention will only notify users that did not read the message yet";
  71. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  72. "Address" = "Cím";
  73. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  74. "Advanced" = "Speciális";
  75. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  76. "AirPlay button" = "AirPlay gomb";
  77. /* 'All' meaning 'All conversations' */
  78. "All" = "Összes";
  79. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  80. "All messages" = "Összes üzenet";
  81. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  82. "All messages were deleted" = "Összes üzenet törölve";
  83. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  84. "All notifications are muted" = "Összes értesítés némítva";
  85. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  86. "Allow guests" = "Vendégek engedélyezése";
  87. /* '@all' should not be translated */
  88. "Allow participants to mention @all" = "Allow participants to mention @all";
  89. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  90. "Allow to dial-in without a pin" = "PIN-kód nélküli behívás engedélyezése";
  91. /* '{Microphone, Camera, ...} access is allowed' */
  92. "Allowed" = "Engedélyezett";
  93. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  94. "Alphabetical order" = "Betűrendben";
  95. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  96. "Also open to guest app users" = "Megnyitás a vendégfelhasználók számára is";
  97. /* Please put %ld placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */
  98. "An administrator added you and %ld more participants" = "An administrator added you and %ld more participants";
  99. /* Please put {user0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */
  100. "An administrator added you and {user0}" = "Egy rendszergazda hozzáadta Önt és {user0} felhasználót";
  101. /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  102. "An administrator added {user0} and %ld more participants" = "An administrator added {user0} and %ld more participants";
  103. /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  104. "An administrator added {user0} and {user1}" = "Egy rendszergazda hozzáadta {user0} és {user1} felhasználókat";
  105. /* Please put %ld placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */
  106. "An administrator demoted you and %ld more participants from moderators" = "An administrator demoted you and %ld more participants from moderators";
  107. /* Please put {user0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */
  108. "An administrator demoted you and {user0} from moderators" = "An administrator demoted you and {user0} from moderators";
  109. /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  110. "An administrator demoted {user0} and %ld more participants from moderators" = "An administrator demoted {user0} and %ld more participants from moderators";
  111. /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  112. "An administrator demoted {user0} and {user1} from moderators" = "An administrator demoted {user0} and {user1} from moderators";
  113. /* Please put %ld placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */
  114. "An administrator promoted you and %ld more participants to moderators" = "An administrator promoted you and %ld more participants to moderators";
  115. /* Please put {user0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */
  116. "An administrator promoted you and {user0} to moderators" = "An administrator promoted you and {user0} to moderators";
  117. /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  118. "An administrator promoted {user0} and %ld more participants to moderators" = "An administrator promoted {user0} and %ld more participants to moderators";
  119. /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  120. "An administrator promoted {user0} and {user1} to moderators" = "An administrator promoted {user0} and {user1} to moderators";
  121. /* Please put %ld placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */
  122. "An administrator removed you and %ld more participants" = "An administrator removed you and %ld more participants";
  123. /* Please put {user0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */
  124. "An administrator removed you and {user0}" = "Egy rendszergazda eltávolította Önt és {user0} felhasználót";
  125. /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  126. "An administrator removed {user0} and %ld more participants" = "An administrator removed {user0} and %ld more participants";
  127. /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  128. "An administrator removed {user0} and {user1}" = "Egy rendszergazda eltávolította {user0} és {user1} felhasználókat";
  129. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  130. "An error occurred changing privacy setting" = "Hiba történt az adatvédelmi beállítások megváltoztatása során";
  131. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  132. "An error occurred changing read status setting" = "Hiba történt az olvasási állapot beállításának megváltoztatása során";
  133. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  134. "An error occurred changing typing privacy setting" = "Hiba történt a gépelés adatvédelmi beállításának megváltoztatása során";
  135. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  136. "An error occurred downloading the picture" = "An error occurred downloading the picture";
  137. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  138. "An error occurred removing profile image" = "Hiba történt a profilkép eltávolítása során";
  139. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  140. "An error occurred setting address" = "Hiba történt a cím beállítása során";
  141. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  142. "An error occurred setting email address" = "Hiba történt az e-mail-cím beállítása során";
  143. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  144. "An error occurred setting phone number" = "Hiba történt a telefonszám beállítása során";
  145. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  146. "An error occurred setting profile image" = "Hiba történt a profilkép beállítása során";
  147. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  148. "An error occurred setting Twitter account" = "Hiba történt a Twitter-fiók beállítása során";
  149. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  150. "An error occurred setting user name" = "Hiba történt a felhasználónév beállítása során";
  151. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  152. "An error occurred setting website" = "Hiba történt a webhely beállítása során";
  153. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  154. "An error occurred trying to translate message" = "Hiba történt az üzenet lefordítása során";
  155. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  156. "An error occurred while adding %@ to the room" = "Hiba történt a(z) %@ a szobához adása során";
  157. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  158. "An error occurred while adding a reaction to a message" = "An error occurred while adding a reaction to a message";
  159. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  160. "An error occurred while adding note" = "Hiba történt a jegyzet hozzáadása során";
  161. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  162. "An error occurred while clearing status message" = "Hiba történt az állapotüzenet törlése során";
  163. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  164. "An error occurred while creating the poll" = "Hiba történt a szavazás létrehozása során";
  165. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  166. "An error occurred while deleting the message" = "Hiba történt az üzenet törlése során";
  167. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  168. "An error occurred while opening the file %@" = "Hiba történt a %@ fájl megnyitása során";
  169. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  170. "An error occurred while removing a reaction from a message" = "An error occurred while removing a reaction from a message";
  171. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  172. "An error occurred while removing the avatar" = "Hiba történt a profilkép eltávolítása során";
  173. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  174. "An error occurred while sending the message" = "Hiba történt az üzenetküldés során";
  175. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  176. "An error occurred while setting \(formattedPhoneNumber) as phone number" = "Hiba történt a(z) \(formattedPhoneNumber) telefonszámként történő beállítása során";
  177. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  178. "An error occurred while setting description" = "An error occurred while setting description";
  179. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  180. "An error occurred while setting phone number" = "Hiba történt a telefonszám beállítása során";
  181. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  182. "An error occurred while setting status message" = "Hiba történt az állapotüzenet beállítása során";
  183. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  184. "An error occurred while setting the avatar" = "Hiba történt a profilkép beállítása során";
  185. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  186. "An error occurred while sharing the file" = "Hiba történt a fájl megosztása során";
  187. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  188. "an hour" = "egy óra";
  189. /* Alice and Bob */
  190. "and" = "és";
  191. /* Alice, Bob, Charlie and 3 others are typing… */
  192. "and %ld others are typing…" = "és még %ld felhasználó gépel…";
  193. /* Alice, Bob, Charlie and 1 other is typing… */
  194. "and 1 other is typing…" = "és még 1 felhasználó gépel…";
  195. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  196. "Answer" = "Válasz";
  197. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  198. "Answers" = "Válaszok";
  199. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  200. "App" = "Alkalmazás";
  201. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  202. "App is outdated" = "Az alkalmazás elavult";
  203. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  204. "Appear offline" = "Megjelenés nem kapcsolódottként";
  205. /* Alice and Bob are typing… */
  206. "are typing…" = "gépelnek…";
  207. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  208. "Ask a question" = "Kérdés feltevése";
  209. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  210. "Attachments allowed?" = "A mellékletek engedélyezettek?";
  211. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  212. "Audio options" = "Audio options";
  213. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  214. "Audios" = "Hangok";
  215. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  216. "Away" = "Távol";
  217. /* Ban a user/guest */
  218. "Ban" = "Ban";
  219. /* e.g. Ban John Doe */
  220. "Ban %@" = "Ban %@";
  221. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  222. "Ban participant" = "Ban participant";
  223. /* Date and time of ban creation */
  224. "Banned by:" = "Banned by:";
  225. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  226. "Banned users and guests" = "Banned users and guests";
  227. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  228. "bot" = "bot";
  229. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  230. "Cached files" = "Gyorsítótárazott fájlok";
  231. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  232. "Cached images" = "Gyorsítótárazott képek";
  233. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  234. "Call notification sent" = "Hívásértesítés elküldve";
  235. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  236. "Call recording enabled?" = "A hívásfelvétel engedélyezett?";
  237. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  238. "Call recording failed. Please contact your administrator" = "A hívásfelvétel sikertelen. Lépjen kapcsolatba a rendszergazdával.";
  239. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  240. "Call recording is starting" = "A hívásfelvétel elindul";
  241. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  242. "Call recording started" = "A hívásfelvétel elindult";
  243. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  244. "Call recording stopped" = "A hívásfelvétel véget ért";
  245. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  246. "Call without notification" = "Hívás értesítés nélkül";
  247. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  248. "CallKit supported?" = "CallKit supported?";
  249. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  250. "Calls" = "Hívások";
  251. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  252. "Calls enabled?" = "A hívások engedélyezettek?";
  253. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  254. "Calls from an old account were received." = "Hívások fogadva egy régi fiókból.";
  255. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  256. "Calls from old accounts" = "Hívások régi fiókokból";
  257. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  258. "Camera" = "Kamera";
  259. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  260. "Camera access" = "Kamerahozzáférés";
  261. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  262. "Camera access is not allowed. Check your settings." = "A kamerához való hozzáférés nem engedélyezett. Ellenőrizze a beállításokat.";
  263. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  264. "Camera disabled" = "Kamera letiltva";
  265. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  266. "Camera enabled" = "Kamera engedélyezve";
  267. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  268. "Can create conversations?" = "Létrehozhat beszélgetéseket?";
  269. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  270. "Cancel" = "Mégse";
  271. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  272. "Cancelled call from another account" = "Megszakított hívás egy másik fiókból";
  273. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  274. "Cannot share to conversation" = "Nem lehet beszélgetésben megosztani";
  275. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  276. "Capabilities" = "Képességek";
  277. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  278. "Change password" = "Jelszó megváltoztatása";
  279. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  280. "Change your vote" = "Szavazat módosítása";
  281. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  282. "Chat" = "Csevegés";
  283. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  284. "Chat messages" = "Csevegőüzenetek";
  285. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  286. "Clear cache" = "Gyorsítótár ürítése";
  287. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  288. "Clear reminder" = "Emlékeztető törlése";
  289. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  290. "Clear status message" = "Állapotüzenet törlése";
  291. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  292. "Clear status message after" = "Állapotüzenet törlése ennyi idő után:";
  293. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  294. "Close" = "Bezárás";
  295. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  296. "Configuration" = "Beállítások";
  297. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  298. "Confirm and hide warning" = "Megerősítés és figyelmeztetés elrejtése";
  299. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  300. "Connecting to %@ …" = "Kapcsolódás ehhez: %@…";
  301. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  302. "Connecting to the call …" = "Csatlakozás a híváshoz…";
  303. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  304. "Contact access" = "Hozzáférés a névjegyekhez";
  305. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  306. "Contact access has been denied" = "Nem lehet hozzáférni a névjegyzékhez";
  307. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  308. "Contacts" = "Névjegyek";
  309. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  310. "Conversation creation failed" = "Conversation creation failed";
  311. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  312. "Conversation details" = "Beszélgetés részletei";
  313. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  314. "Conversation name" = "Beszélgetés neve";
  315. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  316. "Conversation name cannot be empty" = "A beszélgetés neve nem lehet üres";
  317. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  318. "Conversation not found" = "Beszélgetés nem található";
  319. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  320. "Conversation not found or not joined" = "A beszélgetés nem található, vagy nincs csatlakozva";
  321. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  322. "Conversation settings" = "Beszélgetésbeállítások";
  323. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  324. "Conversations" = "Beszélgetések";
  325. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  326. "Copy" = "Másolás";
  327. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  328. "Could not access camera" = "Nem sikerült elérni a kamerát";
  329. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  330. "Could not access microphone" = "Nem sikerült elérni a mikrofont";
  331. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  332. "Could not access speech recognition" = "Nem sikerült elérni a beszédfelismerést";
  333. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  334. "Could not access your location" = "Nem sikerült elérni a tartózkodási helyet";
  335. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  336. "Could not add participant" = "Nem sikerült a résztvevőt hozzáadni";
  337. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  338. "Could not ban participant" = "Could not ban participant";
  339. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  340. "Could not change call notifications setting" = "Nem sikerült megváltoztatni a hívásértesítési beállításokat";
  341. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  342. "Could not change listable scope of the conversation" = "Nem sikerült módosítani a beszélgetés listázható hatókörét";
  343. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  344. "Could not change lobby state of the conversation" = "Nem sikerült megváltoztatni a beszélgetés várójának állapotát";
  345. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  346. "Could not change mention permissions of the conversation" = "Could not change mention permissions of the conversation";
  347. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  348. "Could not change moderation permissions of the participant" = "Nem sikerült megváltoztatni a résztvevő moderációs engedélyeit";
  349. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  350. "Could not change notifications setting" = "Nem sikerült megváltoztatni az értesítési beállításokat";
  351. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  352. "Could not change password protection settings" = "Nem sikerült megváltoztatni a jelszóvédelem beállításait";
  353. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  354. "Could not change read-only state of the conversation" = "Nem sikerült módosítani a beszélgetés írásvédett állapotát";
  355. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  356. "Could not change sharing permissions of the conversation" = "Nem sikerült megváltoztatni a beszélgetés megosztási engedélyét";
  357. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  358. "Could not change SIP state of the conversation" = "Nem sikerült megváltoztatni a beszélgetés SIP-állapotát";
  359. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  360. "Could not clear chat history" = "Nem sikerült megváltoztatni a csevegés előzményeit";
  361. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  362. "Could not clear status message" = "Nem sikerült megváltoztatni az állapotüzenetet";
  363. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  364. "Could not delete conversation" = "Nem sikerült törölni a beszélgetést";
  365. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  366. "Could not get available languages" = "Could not get available languages";
  367. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  368. "Could not join %@ call" = "Nem sikerült csatlakozni a(z) %@ híváshoz";
  369. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  370. "Could not join call with %@" = "Nem sikerült csatlakozni a következővel: %@";
  371. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  372. "Could not join conversation" = "Nem sikerült csatlakozni a beszélgetéshez";
  373. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  374. "Could not leave conversation" = "Nem sikerült elhagyni a beszélgetést";
  375. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  376. "Could not remove participant" = "Nem sikerült eltávolítani a résztvevőt";
  377. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  378. "Could not rename the conversation" = "Nem sikerült átnevezni a beszélgetést";
  379. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  380. "Could not resend email invitations" = "Nem sikerült újraküldni az meghívó e-maileket";
  381. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  382. "Could not send call notification" = "Nem sikerült a hívásértesítés elküldése";
  383. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  384. "Could not send the message" = "Nem sikerült elküldeni az üzenetet";
  385. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  386. "Could not set conversation description" = "Could not set conversation description";
  387. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  388. "Could not set conversation name" = "Nem sikerült beállítani a beszélgetés nevét";
  389. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  390. "Could not set message expiration time" = "Nem sikerült beállítani az üzenet elévülési idejét";
  391. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  392. "Could not set phone number" = "Nem sikerült beállítani a telefonszámot";
  393. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  394. "Could not set status message" = "Nem sikerült beállítani az állapotüzenetet";
  395. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  396. "Could not share file" = "Nem sikerült a fájl megosztása";
  397. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  398. "Create" = "Létrehozás";
  399. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  400. "Create a new conversation" = "Új beszélgetés létrehozása";
  401. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  402. "Create or join a conversation" = "Create or join a conversation";
  403. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  404. "Create poll" = "Szavazás létrehozása";
  405. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  406. "Creating poll failed" = "A szavazás létrehozása sikertelen";
  407. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  408. "Credentials for this account were no longer valid" = "A fiók hitelesítő adatai már nem érvényesek";
  409. /* name of a moderator who banned a participant */
  410. "Date:" = "Date:";
  411. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  412. "days" = "nap";
  413. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  414. "Deck cards" = "Kártyák";
  415. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  416. "Default" = "Alapértelmezett";
  417. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  418. "Delete" = "Törlés";
  419. /* Short version for confirmation button. Complete text is 'Delete all messages'. */
  420. "Delete all" = "Összes törlése";
  421. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  422. "Delete all messages" = "Összes üzenet törlése";
  423. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  424. "Delete conversation" = "Beszélgetés törlése";
  425. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  426. "Deleted user" = "Deleted user";
  427. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  428. "Deleting message" = "Üzenet törlése";
  429. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  430. "Demote from moderator" = "Lefokozás moderátorról";
  431. /* '{Microphone, Camera, ...} access is denied' */
  432. "Denied" = "Tiltott";
  433. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  434. "Description" = "Leírás";
  435. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  436. "Description cannot be longer than 500 characters" = "Description cannot be longer than 500 characters";
  437. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  438. "detected" = "észlelve";
  439. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  440. "Detecting language" = "Nyelv észlelése";
  441. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  442. "Diagnostics" = "Diagnosztika";
  443. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  444. "Disable blur" = "Homályosítás letiltása";
  445. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  446. "Disable speaker" = "Disable speaker";
  447. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  448. "Disconnected" = "Kapcsolat bontva";
  449. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  450. "Dismiss" = "Mellőzés";
  451. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  452. "Dismiss notification" = "Értesítés mellőzése";
  453. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  454. "Do not disturb" = "Ne zavarjanak";
  455. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  456. "Do you really want to clear the file cache?" = "Biztos, hogy törli a fájlok gyorsítótárát?";
  457. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  458. "Do you really want to clear the image cache?" = "Biztos, hogy törli a képek gyorsítótárát?";
  459. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  460. "Do you really want to delete all messages in this conversation?" = "Biztos, hogy törli a beszélgetés összes üzenetét?";
  461. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  462. "Do you really want to delete this conversation?" = "Biztos, hogy törli ezt a beszélgetést?";
  463. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  464. "Do you really want to end this poll?" = "Biztos, hogy törli ezt a szavazást?";
  465. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  466. "Do you really want to log out from this account?" = "Biztos, hogy kijelentkezik ebből a fiókból?";
  467. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  468. "Do you really want to remove this account?" = "Biztos, hogy eltávolítja ezt a fiókot?";
  469. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  470. "Do you want to connect to the server anyway?" = "Biztos, hogy mindenképp kapcsolódik a kiszolgálóhoz?";
  471. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  472. "Do you want to enable your camera?" = "Engedélyezi a kamerát?";
  473. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  474. "Do you want to join this call?" = "Csatlakozik ehhez a híváshoz?";
  475. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  476. "Do you want to share '%@' in the conversation?" = "Megosztja a beszélgetésben a következőt: „%@”?";
  477. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  478. "Do you want to stop the recording?" = "Le akarja állítani a felvételt?";
  479. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  480. "Don't clear" = "Ne törölje";
  481. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  482. "Double tap to change accounts or add a new one" = "Koppintson duplán a fiókok módosításához vagy egy új hozzáadásához";
  483. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  484. "Double tap to dismiss authentication dialog" = "Koppintson duplán a hitelesítési párbeszédablak eltüntetéséhez";
  485. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  486. "Double tap to dismiss sharing options" = "Koppintson duplán a megosztási lehetőségek elvetéséhez";
  487. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  488. "Double tap to edit profile" = "Koppintson duplán a profil szerkesztéséhez";
  489. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  490. "Double tap to enable or disable the camera" = "Koppintson duplán a kamera engedélyezéséhez vagy letiltásához";
  491. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  492. "Double tap to enable or disable the microphone" = "Koppintson duplán a mikrofon engedélyezéséhez vagy letiltásához";
  493. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  494. "Double tap to enable or disable the speaker" = "Koppintson duplán a hangszóró engedélyezéséhez vagy letiltásához";
  495. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  496. "Double tap to end editing profile" = "Koppintson duplán a profil szerkesztésének befejezéséhez";
  497. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  498. "Double tap to go to conversation information" = "Koppintson duplán a beszélgetés adatainak megtekintéséhez";
  499. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  500. "Double tap to go to user profile and application settings" = "Koppintson duplán a felhasználói profil és az alkalmazás beállításainak eléréséhez";
  501. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  502. "Double tap to hang up the call" = "Koppintson duplán a hívás letételéhez";
  503. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  504. "Double tap to lower hand" = "Koppintson duplán a kéz leengedéséhez";
  505. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  506. "Double tap to open file browser" = "Koppintson duplán a fájlböngésző megnyitásához";
  507. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  508. "Double tap to select different audio routes" = "Koppintson duplán egy másik hangútvonal kiválasztásához";
  509. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  510. "Double tap to send message" = "Koppintson duplán az üzenet elküldéséhez";
  511. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  512. "Double tap to share with selected conversations" = "Koppintson duplán a kiválasztott beszélgetésekkel való megosztáshoz";
  513. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  514. "Double tap to show more actions" = "Koppintson duplán a további műveletek megjelenítéséhez";
  515. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  516. "Double tap to show or hide chat view" = "Koppintson duplán a csevegési nézet megjelenítéséhez vagy elrejtéséhez";
  517. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  518. "Double tap to start a video call" = "Koppintson duplán a videóhívás indításához";
  519. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  520. "Double tap to start a voice call" = "Koppintson duplán a hanghívás indításához";
  521. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  522. "Double tap to stop recording" = "Koppintson duplán a felvétel leállításához";
  523. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  524. "Double tap to upgrade this voice call to a video call" = "Koppintson duplán a hanghívás videóhívássá alakításához";
  525. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  526. "Duplicate session" = "Ismétlődő munkamenet";
  527. /* Edit a message or room participants */
  528. "Edit" = "Szerkesztés";
  529. /* A message was edited */
  530. "edited" = "edited";
  531. /* A message was edited by ... */
  532. "Edited by" = "Edited by";
  533. /* A message was edited by ... */
  534. "edited by" = "edited by";
  535. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  536. "Editing Message" = "Üzenet szerkesztése";
  537. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  538. "Either you don't have chat permission or the conversation is read-only." = "Vagy nincs csevegési engedélye, vagy a beszélgetés írásvédett.";
  539. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  540. "Email" = "E-mail";
  541. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  542. "Enable" = "Engedélyezés";
  543. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  544. "Enable blur" = "Homályosítás engedélyezése";
  545. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  546. "Enable screensharing" = "Enable screensharing";
  547. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  548. "Enable speaker" = "Enable speaker";
  549. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  550. "End call" = "Hívás vége";
  551. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  552. "End call for everyone" = "Hívás befejezése mindenki számára";
  553. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  554. "End poll" = "Szavazás befejezése";
  555. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  556. "Error occurred when creating a reminder" = "Hiba történt az emlékeztető létrehozása során";
  557. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  558. "Error occurred while editing a message" = "Error occurred while editing a message";
  559. /* External signaling used */
  560. "External" = "Külső";
  561. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  562. "Failed to accept invitation" = "Failed to accept invitation";
  563. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  564. "Failed to clear reminder" = "Failed to clear reminder";
  565. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  566. "Failed to connect to %@" = "Sikertelen kapcsolódás a következőhöz: %@";
  567. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  568. "Failed to forward message" = "Nem sikerült továbbítani az üzenetet";
  569. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  570. "Failed to reject invitation" = "Failed to reject invitation";
  571. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  572. "Failed to send message" = "Nem sikerült elküldeni az üzenetet";
  573. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  574. "Failed to share recording" = "A hívásfelvétel megosztása sikertelen";
  575. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  576. "Failed to unban selected entry" = "Failed to unban selected entry";
  577. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  578. "Federated" = "Föderált";
  579. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  580. "Fetching status …" = "Állapot lekérése…";
  581. /* Filename of a file */
  582. "File" = "Fájl";
  583. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  584. "Files" = "Fájlok";
  585. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  586. "For password reset and notifications" = "Jelszó-visszaállításhoz és értesítésekhez";
  587. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  588. "Format" = "Formátum";
  589. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  590. "Forward" = "Továbbítás";
  591. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  592. "Forward to" = "Továbbítás ide:";
  593. /* 'From' which language user wants to translate text */
  594. "From" = "Feladó";
  595. /* from Alice at nextcloud.local */
  596. "from %@ at %@" = "from %1$@ at %2$@";
  597. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  598. "Full name" = "Teljes név";
  599. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  600. "Get source code" = "Forráskód letöltése";
  601. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  602. "GitHub API error" = "GitHub API hiba";
  603. /* Give consent to the recording of the call and join that call */
  604. "Give consent and join call" = "Give consent and join call";
  605. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  606. "guest" = "vendég";
  607. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  608. "Guest" = "Vendég";
  609. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  610. "Guests access" = "Vendéghozzáférés";
  611. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  612. "Guests app enabled?" = "A Vendégek alkalmazás engedélyezett?";
  613. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  614. "Hang up" = "Hívás letétele";
  615. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  616. "hours" = "óra";
  617. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  618. "If you delete the conversation, it will also be deleted for %@" = "Ha törli a beszélgetést, akkor %@ számára is törölve lesz.";
  619. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  620. "If you delete the conversation, it will also be deleted for all other participants." = "Ha törli a beszélgetést, akkor az összes többi résztvevő számára is törölve lesz.";
  621. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  622. "If you enable your camera, this call will be interrupted for a few seconds." = "Ha engedélyezi a kameráját, ez a hívás néhány másodpercre megszakad.";
  623. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  624. "If you're using multiple servers, you need to check all of them." = "Ha több kiszolgálót használ, akkor be kell jelölnie az összeset.";
  625. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  626. "Images, files, voice messages…" = "Képek, fájlok, hangüzenetek…";
  627. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  628. "Import account" = "Fiók importálása";
  629. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  630. "in" = "itt:";
  631. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  632. "Include calls in call history" = "Include calls in call history";
  633. /* Internal signaling used */
  634. "Internal" = "Belső";
  635. /* Internal note about why a user/guest was banned */
  636. "Internal note" = "Internal note";
  637. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  638. "Invalid server address" = "Érvénytelen kiszolgálócím";
  639. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  640. "Invisible" = "Láthatatlan";
  641. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  642. "Invitation resent" = "Meghívó újraküldve";
  643. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  644. "Invitations resent" = "Meghívók újraküldve";
  645. /* Alice is typing… */
  646. "is typing…" = "gépel…";
  647. /* It seems that {app name} is not installed in your server. */
  648. "It seems that %@ is not installed in your server." = "Úgy tűnik, hogy a(z) %@ nincs telepítve a kiszolgálóra.";
  649. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  650. "It seems that there is no internet connection." = "Úgy tűnik, hogy nincs internetkapcsolat.";
  651. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  652. "Join a conversation or start a new one" = "Csatlakozzon egy beszélgetéshez vagy indítson egy újat";
  653. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  654. "Join call (audio only)" = "Csatlakozás a híváshoz (csak hang)";
  655. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  656. "Join call with video" = "Csatlakozás a híváshoz videóval";
  657. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  658. "Join open conversations" = "Join open conversations";
  659. /* Last subscription to the push notification server */
  660. "Last subscription" = "Utolsó feliratkozás";
  661. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  662. "Last sync" = "Utolsó szinkronizálás";
  663. /* Remind me later today about that message */
  664. "Later today" = "Mai nap később";
  665. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  666. "Leave" = "Elhagyás";
  667. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  668. "Leave conversation" = "Beszélgetés elhagyása";
  669. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  670. "less than a minute ago" = "kevesebb mint egy perce";
  671. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  672. "Link https://…" = "https:// hivatkozás…";
  673. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  674. "Linked file" = "Hivatkozott fájl";
  675. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  676. "Load more results" = "További találatok betöltése";
  677. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  678. "Lobby" = "Váró";
  679. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  680. "Lobby is still active and you're not a moderator" = "A váró továbbra is aktív, és Ön nem moderátor";
  681. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  682. "Local" = "Helyi";
  683. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  684. "Location" = "Hely";
  685. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  686. "Location access" = "Hozzáférés a tartózkodási helyhez";
  687. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  688. "Location service has been denied. Check your settings." = "A helyszolgáltatás megtagadva. Ellenőrizze a beállításokat.";
  689. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  690. "Location service is not enabled" = "A helyszolgáltatás nincs engedélyezve";
  691. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  692. "Locations" = "Helyek";
  693. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  694. "Lock conversation" = "Beszélgetés zárolása";
  695. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  696. "Log in" = "Bejelentkezés";
  697. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  698. "Log out" = "Kijelentkezés";
  699. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  700. "Logged out" = "Kijelentkezve";
  701. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  702. "Lower hand" = "Kéz letétele";
  703. /* TRANSLATORS this is used when no meeting start time is set and the meeting will be started manually */
  704. "Manual" = "Kézi";
  705. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  706. "Mark as read" = "Megjelölés olvasottként";
  707. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  708. "Mark as unread" = "Megjelölés olvasatlanként";
  709. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  710. "Match system contacts" = "Egyeztetés a rendszer névjegyeivel";
  711. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  712. "Media" = "Média";
  713. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  714. "Meeting ID" = "Találkozó azonosítója";
  715. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  716. "Meeting settings" = "Találkozó beállításai";
  717. /* 'Mentioned' meaning 'Mentioned conversations' */
  718. "Mentioned" = "Említett";
  719. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  720. "Message copied" = "Üzenet másolva";
  721. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  722. "Message could not be deleted because it is too old" = "Az üzenetet nem sikerült törölni, mert túl régi";
  723. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  724. "Message deleted successfully" = "Az üzenet sikeresen törölve";
  725. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  726. "Message deleted successfully, but Matterbridge is configured and the message might already be distributed to other services" = "Az üzenet sikeresen törölve, de Matterbridge van beállítva, így előfordulhat, hogy az üzenet már más szolgáltatásokba lett kézbesítetve";
  727. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  728. "Message expiration" = "Üzenetek elévülése";
  729. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  730. "Message expiration time" = "Üzenet elévülési ideje";
  731. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  732. "Messages" = "Üzenetek";
  733. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  734. "Microphone" = "Mikrofon";
  735. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  736. "Microphone access" = "Mikrofonhozzáférés";
  737. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  738. "Microphone access is not allowed. Check your settings." = "A mikrofon elérése nem engedélyezett. Ellenőrizze a beállításokat.";
  739. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  740. "Microphone disabled" = "Mikrofon letiltva";
  741. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  742. "Microphone enabled" = "Mikrofon engedélyezve";
  743. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  744. "minutes" = "perc";
  745. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  746. "Missed call from" = "Nem fogadott hívás a következőtől:";
  747. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  748. "Missing phone number information" = "Hiányzó telefonszám-információ";
  749. /* The signaling mode used */
  750. "Mode" = "Mód";
  751. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  752. "moderator" = "moderátor";
  753. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  754. "Modification date" = "Módosítás dátuma";
  755. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  756. "More actions" = "További műveletek";
  757. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  758. "Multiple answers" = "Több válasz";
  759. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  760. "Mute all notifications" = "Összes értesítés némítása";
  761. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  762. "My location" = "Saját hely";
  763. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  764. "Name" = "Név";
  765. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  766. "Nearby places" = "Közeli helyek";
  767. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  768. "Network available" = "A hálózat elérhető";
  769. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  770. "Network not available" = "A hálózat nem érhető el";
  771. /* Never subscribed to the push notification server */
  772. "Never subscribed" = "Sosem iratkozott fel";
  773. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  774. "New conversation" = "Új beszélgetés";
  775. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  776. "New poll" = "Új szavazás";
  777. /* Remind me next week about that message */
  778. "Next week" = "Következő hét";
  779. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  780. "Nextcloud server not found" = "A Nextcloud kiszolgáló nem található";
  781. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  782. "No" = "Nem";
  783. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  784. "No actions available" = "Nincs elérhető művelet";
  785. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  786. "No banned users or guests" = "No banned users or guests";
  787. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  788. "No description provided" = "Nincs leírás megadva";
  789. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  790. "No files in here" = "Itt nincsenek fájlok";
  791. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  792. "No messages yet, start the conversation!" = "Még nincs üzenet, kezdeményezzen beszélgetést.";
  793. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  794. "No participants found" = "Nem találhatók résztvevők";
  795. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  796. "No permission to join this conversation" = "No permission to join this conversation";
  797. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  798. "No response from server" = "A kiszolgáló nem válaszol";
  799. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  800. "No results found" = "Nincs találat";
  801. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  802. "No shared items" = "Nincsenek megosztott elemek";
  803. /* '{Microphone, Camera, ...} access was not requested' */
  804. "Not requested" = "Nem lett kérve";
  805. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  806. "Not supported" = "Nem támogatott";
  807. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  808. "Note to self" = "Jegyzet magmnak";
  809. /* Internal note for moderators, usually a reason for this ban */
  810. "Note:" = "Note:";
  811. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  812. "Notifications" = "Értesítések";
  813. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  814. "Notifications app enabled?" = "Engedélyezett az Értesítések alkalmazás?";
  815. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  816. "Notifications: %@" = "Értesítések: %@";
  817. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  818. "Off" = "Ki";
  819. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  820. "Offline" = "Kapcsolat nélkül";
  821. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  822. "Offline, only showing downloaded messages" = "Kapcsolat nélkül, csak a letöltött üzenetek jelennek meg";
  823. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  824. "OK" = "OK";
  825. /* Will be used as the caller name when a VoIP notification can't be decrypted */
  826. "Old account" = "Régi fiók";
  827. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  828. "Once a conversation is left, to rejoin a closed conversation, an invite is needed. An open conversation can be rejoined at any time." = "Ha kilép egy zárt beszélgetésből, akkor meghívó szükséges az újbóli visszacsatlakozáshoz. A nyílt beszélgetésekhez bármikor vissza tud csatlakozni.";
  829. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  830. "Online" = "Elérhető";
  831. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  832. "Online status" = "Elérhető állapot";
  833. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  834. "Only normal chat messages can be deleted" = "Csak a normál csevegőüzeneteket lehet törölni";
  835. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  836. "Only synchronize to trusted servers" = "Szinkronizálás csak a megbízható kiszolgálókkal";
  837. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  838. "Only visible to people matched via phone number integration" = "Csak a telefonszám integrációval egyeztetett emberek láthatják";
  839. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  840. "Only visible to people on this instance and guests" = "Csak az ezen a példányon lévő személyek és a vendégek láthatják";
  841. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  842. "Open" = "Open";
  843. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  844. "Open app settings" = "Alkalmazásbeállítások megnyitása";
  845. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  846. "Open conversation to registered users" = "Beszélgetés megnyitása a regisztrált felhasználók számára";
  847. /* TRANSLATORS 'Open conversations' as a type of conversation. 'Open conversations' are conversations that can be found by other users */
  848. "Open conversations" = "Beszélgetések megnyitása";
  849. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  850. "Open in %@" = "Megnyitás ezzel: %@";
  851. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  852. "Other Accounts" = "Egyéb fiókok";
  853. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  854. "Others" = "Egyebek";
  855. /* Owner of a repository */
  856. "Owner" = "Tulajdonos";
  857. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  858. "Participants" = "Participants";
  859. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  860. "Password" = "Jelszó";
  861. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  862. "Pending invitations" = "Pending invitations";
  863. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  864. "Phone number" = "Telefonszám";
  865. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  866. "Phone number integration" = "Telefonszám integráció";
  867. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  868. "Phone number set successfully" = "Telefonszám beállítása sikeres";
  869. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  870. "Photo Library" = "Fényképek";
  871. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  872. "Photo library access" = "Fényképtár-hozzáférés";
  873. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  874. "Pick date & time" = "Válasszon dátumot és időt";
  875. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  876. "Please check that you entered a valid server address." = "Ellenőrizze, hogy érvényes kiszolgálócímet adott-e meg.";
  877. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  878. "Please check that you entered the correct Nextcloud server address." = "Ellenőrizze, hogy helyes Nextcloud-kiszolgálócímet adott-e meg.";
  879. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  880. "Please contact your system administrator." = "Lépjen kapcsolatba a rendszergazdával.";
  881. /* Please update your server with the latest {app name} version available. */
  882. "Please update your server with the latest %@ version available." = "Frissítse a kiszolgálót a rendelkezésre álló legújabb %@ verzióval.";
  883. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  884. "Please update." = "Frissítsen.";
  885. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  886. "Poll" = "Szavazás";
  887. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  888. "Poll results" = "Szavazás eredménye";
  889. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  890. "Polls" = "Szavazások";
  891. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  892. "Preview" = "Előnézet";
  893. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  894. "Privacy" = "Adatvédelem";
  895. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  896. "Private" = "Privát";
  897. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  898. "Private poll" = "Privát szavazás";
  899. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  900. "Profile" = "Profil";
  901. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  902. "Profile picture" = "Profilkép";
  903. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  904. "Promote to moderator" = "Kinevezés moderátorrá";
  905. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  906. "Published" = "Közzétett";
  907. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  908. "Push notifications" = "Leküldéses értesítések";
  909. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  910. "Question" = "Kérdés";
  911. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  912. "Raise hand" = "Kéz felemelése";
  913. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  914. "Reachable?" = "Elérhető?";
  915. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  916. "Reactions" = "Reakciók";
  917. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  918. "Read status" = "Olvasási állapot";
  919. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  920. "Received call from an old account" = "Hívás fogadva egy régi fiókból";
  921. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  922. "Record voice message" = "Hangüzenet rögzítése";
  923. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  924. "Recording" = "Felvétel";
  925. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  926. "Recording consent is required" = "Recording consent is required";
  927. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  928. "Recording consent required for joining the call" = "Recording consent required for joining the call";
  929. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  930. "Recordings" = "Felvételek";
  931. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  932. "Redo" = "Újra";
  933. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  934. "Reference API supported?" = "A referencia API támogatott?";
  935. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  936. "Reject" = "Reject";
  937. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  938. "Reminder was successfully cleared" = "Az emlékeztető sikeresen törölve lett";
  939. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  940. "Reminder was successfully set" = "Az emlékeztető sikeresen be lett állítva";
  941. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  942. "Remote server is unreachable" = "Remote server is unreachable";
  943. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  944. "Remove" = "Eltávolítás";
  945. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  946. "Remove account" = "Fiók eltávolítása";
  947. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  948. "Remove from favorites" = "Eltávolítás a kedvencekből";
  949. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  950. "Remove group and members" = "Csoport és tagok eltávolítása";
  951. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  952. "Remove old duplicate entries and leave only the most recent entries." = "A régi ismételt elemek eltávolítása, és csak a legfrissebb bejegyzések megtartása.";
  953. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  954. "Remove participant" = "Résztvevő eltávolítása";
  955. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  956. "Remove password" = "Jelszó eltávolítása";
  957. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  958. "Remove team and members" = "Remove team and members";
  959. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  960. "Reply" = "Válasz";
  961. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  962. "Reply privately" = "Válasz privátban";
  963. /* Name of a repository */
  964. "Repo" = "Tároló";
  965. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  966. "Resend" = "Újraküdés";
  967. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  968. "Resend invitation" = "Meghívás újraküldése";
  969. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  970. "Resend invitations" = "Meghívások újraküldése";
  971. /* Results of a poll */
  972. "Results" = "Eredmények";
  973. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  974. "Retry" = "Újra";
  975. /* Save conversation description */
  976. "Save" = "Mentés";
  977. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  978. "Say hi to your friends and colleagues!" = "Köszönjön a barátainak és munkatársainak!";
  979. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  980. "Scanning QR Codes is not supported on this device." = "A QR-kódok leolvasása nem támogatott ezen az eszközön.";
  981. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  982. "Screensharing stopped" = "Screensharing stopped";
  983. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  984. "Search" = "Keresés";
  985. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  986. "Search for places" = "Helyek keresése";
  987. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  988. "Select language" = "Nyelv kiválasztása";
  989. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  990. "Send" = "Küldés";
  991. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  992. "Send a reaction" = "Reakció küldése";
  993. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  994. "Send call notification" = "Hívásértesítés küldése";
  995. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  996. "Send message" = "Üzenet küldése";
  997. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  998. "Send without notification" = "Küldés értesítés nélkül";
  999. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1000. "Send/Accept" = "Küldés/fogadás";
  1001. /* A message has been sent without notifications */
  1002. "Sent without notification" = "Sent without notification";
  1003. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1004. "Server" = "Kiszolgáló";
  1005. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1006. "Server address https://…" = "Kiszolgálócím https://…";
  1007. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1008. "Server is currently in maintenance mode" = "A kiszolgáló jelenleg karbantartási módban van";
  1009. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1010. "Set" = "Beállítás";
  1011. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1012. "Set new password" = "Set new password";
  1013. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1014. "Set new password:" = "Új jelszó beállítása:";
  1015. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1016. "Set password" = "Jelszó beállítása";
  1017. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1018. "Set password:" = "Jelszó beállítása:";
  1019. /* Remind me later about that message */
  1020. "Set reminder" = "Emlékeztető beállítása";
  1021. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1022. "Set status message" = "Állapotüzenet beállítása";
  1023. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1024. "Settings" = "Beállítások";
  1025. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1026. "Share" = "Megosztás";
  1027. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1028. "Share a file from your Nextcloud" = "Fájl megosztása a Nextcloudról";
  1029. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1030. "Share current location" = "Jelenlegi hely megosztása";
  1031. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1032. "Share link" = "Megosztási hivatkozás";
  1033. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1034. "Share location" = "Hely megosztása";
  1035. /* Share the location of a pin that has been dropped in a map view */
  1036. "Share pin location" = "Gombostű helyének megosztása";
  1037. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1038. "Share to chat" = "Megosztás csevegésben";
  1039. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1040. "Share with" = "Megosztva a következővel";
  1041. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1042. "Shared items" = "Megosztott elemek";
  1043. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1044. "Shared location" = "Megosztott hely";
  1045. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1046. "Sharing to a federated conversation is not supported." = "Sharing to a federated conversation is not supported.";
  1047. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1048. "Show more…" = "Továbbiak megjelenítése…";
  1049. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1050. "Signaling" = "Jelzőrendszer";
  1051. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1052. "SIP dial-in" = "SIP-es tárcsázás";
  1053. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1054. "Skip" = "Kihagyás";
  1055. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1056. "Slide to cancel" = "Csúsztassa a megszakításhoz";
  1057. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1058. "Some messages not shown, will be downloaded when online" = "Néhány üzenet nem látható, le lesznek töltve, ha lesz internet";
  1059. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1060. "Source code" = "Forráskód";
  1061. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1062. "Speaker" = "Hangszóró";
  1063. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1064. "Speaker disabled" = "Hangszóró letiltva";
  1065. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1066. "Speaker enabled" = "Hangszóró engedélyezve";
  1067. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1068. "Speech recognition access is not allowed. Check your settings." = "A beszédfelismerés elérése nem engedélyezett. Ellenőrizze a beállításokat.";
  1069. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1070. "Speech recognition failed" = "Beszédfelismerés sikertelen";
  1071. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1072. "Start recording" = "Felvétel indítása";
  1073. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1074. "Start time" = "Kezdési idő";
  1075. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1076. "Status" = "Állapot";
  1077. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1078. "Status message" = "Állapotüzenet";
  1079. /* Action to 'Stop' a recording */
  1080. "Stop" = "Leállítás";
  1081. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1082. "Stop recording" = "Felvétel leállítása";
  1083. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1084. "Stop screensharing" = "Stop screensharing";
  1085. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1086. "STUN servers" = "STUN-kiszolgálók";
  1087. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1088. "Submit vote" = "Szavazat leadása";
  1089. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1090. "Switch account" = "Fiókváltás";
  1091. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1092. "Switching to another conversation …" = "Váltás egy másik beszélgetésre…";
  1093. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1094. "Synchronize to trusted servers and the global and public address book" = "Szinkronizálás a megbízható kiszolgálókkal, valamint a globális és nyilvános címjegyzékkel";
  1095. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1096. "Talk" = "Előadás";
  1097. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1098. "Tap and hold to record a voice message" = "Koppintson és tartsa a hangüzenet rögzítéséhez";
  1099. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1100. "Tap and hold to record a voice message, release the button to send it." = "Koppintson és tartsa a hangüzenet rögzítéséhez, az elküldéshez engedje fel a gombot.";
  1101. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1102. "The app is too old and no longer supported by this server." = "Az alkalmazás túl régi, és már nem támogatja ez a kiszolgáló.";
  1103. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1104. "The call has been running for one hour" = "A hívás egy órája tart.";
  1105. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1106. "The call might be recorded" = "The call might be recorded";
  1107. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1108. "The password is wrong" = "A jelszó hibás";
  1109. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1110. "The recording might include your voice, video from camera, and screen share. Your consent is required before joining the call." = "The recording might include your voice, video from camera, and screen share. Your consent is required before joining the call.";
  1111. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1112. "There is no account for user %@ in server %@ configured in this app." = "Nincs fiókja %1$@ felhasználónak a(z) %2$@ kiszolgálón.";
  1113. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1114. "This call is being recorded" = "A hívásról felvétel készül";
  1115. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1116. "This conversation is read-only" = "Ez a beszélgetés csak olvasható";
  1117. /* The meeting start time will be displayed after this text e.g (This meeting is scheduled for tomorrow at 10:00) */
  1118. "This meeting is scheduled for" = "A találkozó ekkora van ütemezve:";
  1119. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1120. "This usually indicates that this device was previously used for an account, which was not properly removed from the server." = "Ez általában azt jelenti, hogy ez az eszköz előzőleg egy olyan fiókkal volt használva, amely nem lett megfelelően eltávolítva a kiszolgálóról.";
  1121. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1122. "This week" = "Ezen a héten";
  1123. /* Remind me this weekend about that message */
  1124. "This weekend" = "Ezen a hétvégén";
  1125. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1126. "This will impact the functionality of this app. Please review your settings." = "Ez érinti az alkalmazás funkcionalitását. Ellenőrizze a beállításokat.";
  1127. /* 'To' which language user wants to translate text */
  1128. "To" = "Címzett";
  1129. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1130. "To resolve this issue, use the web interface and go to \"Settings -> Security\"." = "A probléma megoldásához használja a webes felületet, és ugorjon a ''Beállítások → Biztonság'' oldalra.";
  1131. /* TRANSLATORS this is for sending something 'to' a user. E.g. 'To: John Doe' */
  1132. "To:" = "Címzett:";
  1133. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1134. "Today" = "Ma";
  1135. /* Remind me tomorrow about that message */
  1136. "Tomorrow" = "Holnap";
  1137. /* TRANSLATORS this is for transcribing a voice message to text */
  1138. "Transcribe" = "Leiratozás";
  1139. /* TRANSLATORS transcript of a voice-message */
  1140. "Transcript" = "Leirat";
  1141. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1142. "Translate" = "Fordítás";
  1143. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1144. "Translation" = "Fordítás";
  1145. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1146. "Translation failed" = "A fordítás sikertelen";
  1147. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1148. "TURN servers" = "TURN-kiszolgálók";
  1149. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1150. "Twitter" = "Twitter";
  1151. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1152. "Twitter handle @…" = "Twitter azonosító @…";
  1153. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1154. "Typing indicator" = "Gépelésjelző";
  1155. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1156. "Typing indicators are only available when using a high performance backend (HPB)" = "Typing indicators are only available when using a high performance backend (HPB)";
  1157. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1158. "Unable to get context of the message" = "Unable to get context of the message";
  1159. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1160. "Unable to get conversation of the message" = "Unable to get conversation of the message";
  1161. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1162. "Unable to load file" = "A fájl betöltése sikertelen";
  1163. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1164. "Unable to open file" = "A fájl megnyitása sikertelen";
  1165. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1166. "Unavailable" = "Nem érhető el";
  1167. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1168. "Unban" = "Unban";
  1169. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1170. "Under \"Devices & sessions\" check if there are duplicate entries for the same device." = "Ellenőrizze, hogy az ''Eszközök és munkamenetek'' alatt van-e ismételt munkamenet ugyanahhoz az eszközhöz.";
  1171. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1172. "Undo" = "Visszavonás";
  1173. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1174. "Undo Typing" = "Gépelés visszavonása";
  1175. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1176. "Unknown" = "Ismeretlen";
  1177. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1178. "Unknown error" = "Ismeretlen hiba";
  1179. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1180. "Unknown error occurred" = "Ismeretlen hiba történt";
  1181. /* 'Unread' meaning 'Unread conversations' */
  1182. "Unread" = "Olvasatlan";
  1183. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1184. "Unread mentions" = "Olvasatlan említések";
  1185. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1186. "Unread messages" = "Olvasatlan üzenetek";
  1187. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1188. "Update" = "Frissítés";
  1189. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1190. "Upload failed" = "A feltöltés sikertelen";
  1191. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1192. "Uploading %ld elements" = "%ld elem feltöltése";
  1193. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1194. "Uploading 1 element" = "1 elem feltöltése";
  1195. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1196. "User" = "Felhasználó";
  1197. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1198. "User profile and settings" = "Felhasználói profil és beállítások";
  1199. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1200. "User status supported?" = "A felhasználói állapot támogatott?";
  1201. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1202. "Users" = "Felhasználók";
  1203. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1204. "Version" = "Verzió";
  1205. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1206. "Video call" = "Videóhívás";
  1207. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1208. "Video quality" = "Videó minősége";
  1209. /* Conversation visibility settings */
  1210. "Visibility" = "Visibility";
  1211. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1212. "Voice call" = "Hanghívás";
  1213. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1214. "Voice messages" = "Hangüzenetek";
  1215. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1216. "Waiting for %@ to join call …" = "Várakozás %@ csatlakozására a híváshoz…";
  1217. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1218. "Waiting for others to join call …" = "Várakozás a többiek csatlakozására…";
  1219. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1220. "Website" = "Weboldal";
  1221. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1222. "What is your status?" = "Mi a helyzet Önnel?";
  1223. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1224. "Write message, @ to mention someone …" = "Írjon üzenetet, @ ha meg akar valakit említeni…";
  1225. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1226. "Yes" = "Igen";
  1227. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1228. "Yesterday" = "Tegnap";
  1229. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1230. "You" = "Ön";
  1231. /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */
  1232. "You added {user0} and %ld more participants" = "Hozzáadta {user0} felhasználót és %ld további résztvevőt";
  1233. /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1234. "You added {user0} and {user1}" = "Hozzáadta {user0} -t és {user1} -t";
  1235. /* Please put %ld placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */
  1236. "You and %ld more participants joined the call" = "You and %ld more participants joined the call";
  1237. /* Please put %ld placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */
  1238. "You and %ld more participants left the call" = "You and %ld more participants left the call";
  1239. /* Please put {actor0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */
  1240. "You and {actor0} joined the call" = "Ön és {actor0} csatlakozott a híváshoz";
  1241. /* Please put {actor0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */
  1242. "You and {actor0} left the call" = "Ön és {actor0} kilépett a hívásból";
  1243. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1244. "You are currently waiting in the lobby" = "Ön jelenleg a váróban van";
  1245. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1246. "You are not part of any conversation" = "Nem részese egyetlen beszélgetésnek sem";
  1247. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1248. "You are not part of any conversation. Press + to start a new one." = "Nem részese egyetlen beszélgetésnek sem. Nyomja meg a + gombot egy új indításához.";
  1249. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1250. "You can set your phone number so other users will be able to find you" = "Beállíthatja telefonszámát, hogy a többi felhasználó megtalálja Önt";
  1251. /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1252. "You demoted {user0} and %ld more participants from moderators" = "You demoted {user0} and %ld more participants from moderators";
  1253. /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1254. "You demoted {user0} and {user1} from moderators" = "Lefokozta {user0} és {user1} felhasználókat a moderátorok közül";
  1255. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1256. "You have %ld pending invitations" = "You have %ld pending invitations";
  1257. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1258. "You have been muted by a moderator" = "Egy moderátor elnémította Önt";
  1259. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1260. "You need to promote a new moderator before you can leave %@." = "Új moderátort kell kineveznie, mielőtt elhagyhatja ezt a beszélgetést: %@.";
  1261. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1262. "You need to promote a new moderator before you can leave this conversation" = "Új moderátort kell kineveznie, mielőtt elhagyhatja a beszélgetést";
  1263. /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1264. "You promoted {user0} and %ld more participants to moderators" = "You promoted {user0} and %ld more participants to moderators";
  1265. /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1266. "You promoted {user0} and {user1} to moderators" = "Moderátorrá léptette elő {user0} és {user1} felhasználókat";
  1267. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1268. "You received a new notification" = "Új értesítést kapott";
  1269. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1270. "You reconnected to the call" = "Csatlakozott a híváshoz";
  1271. /* Please put {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */
  1272. "You removed {user0} and %ld more participants" = "Eltávolította {user0} felhasználót és %ld további résztvevőt";
  1273. /* Please put {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1274. "You removed {user0} and {user1}" = "Eltávolította a következőket: {user0} és {user1}";
  1275. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1276. "Your email address" = "Az Ön e-mail-címe";
  1277. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1278. "Your phone number" = "Az Ön telefonszáma";
  1279. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1280. "Your PIN" = "Az Ön PIN-kódja";
  1281. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1282. "Your postal address" = "Az Ön postai címe";
  1283. /* 'Zammad' is a product name */
  1284. "Zammad API error" = "Zammad API error";
  1285. /* Please put {actor0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1286. "{actor0} added you and %ld more participants" = "{actor0} hozzáadta Önt és %ld további résztvevőt";
  1287. /* Please put {actor0} and {user0} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1288. "{actor0} added you and {user0}" = "{actor0} hozáadta Önt és {user0} -t";
  1289. /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1290. "{actor0} added {user0} and %ld more participants" = "{actor0} hozzáadta {user0} felhasználót és %ld további résztvevőt";
  1291. /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1292. "{actor0} added {user0} and {user1}" = "{actor0} hozzáadta {user0} -t és {user1} -t";
  1293. /* Please put {actor0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1294. "{actor0} and %ld more participants joined the call" = "{actor0} and %ld more participants joined the call";
  1295. /* Please put {actor0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1296. "{actor0} and %ld more participants left the call" = "{actor0} and %ld more participants left the call";
  1297. /* Please put {actor0} and {actor1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1298. "{actor0} and {actor1} joined the call" = "{actor0} és {actor1} csatlakozott a híváshoz";
  1299. /* Please put {actor0} and {actor1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1300. "{actor0} and {actor1} left the call" = "{actor0} és {actor1} kilépett a hívásból";
  1301. /* Please put {actor0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1302. "{actor0} demoted you and %ld more participants from moderators" = "{actor0} demoted you and %ld more participants from moderators";
  1303. /* Please put {actor0} and {user0} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1304. "{actor0} demoted you and {user0} from moderators" = "{actor0} lefokozta Önt és {user0} felhasználót a moderátorok közül";
  1305. /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1306. "{actor0} demoted {user0} and %ld more participants from moderators" = "{actor0} demoted {user0} and %ld more participants from moderators";
  1307. /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1308. "{actor0} demoted {user0} and {user1} from moderators" = "{actor0} lefokozta {user0} és {user1} felhasználókat a moderátorok közül";
  1309. /* Please put {actor0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1310. "{actor0} promoted you and %ld more participants to moderators" = "{actor0} promoted you and %ld more participants to moderators";
  1311. /* Please put {actor0} and {user0} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1312. "{actor0} promoted you and {user0} to moderators" = "{actor0} moderátorrá léptette elő Önt és {user0} felhasználót";
  1313. /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1314. "{actor0} promoted {user0} and %ld more participants to moderators" = "{actor0} promoted {user0} and %ld more participants to moderators";
  1315. /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1316. "{actor0} promoted {user0} and {user1} to moderators" = "{actor0} moderátorrá léptette elő {user0} és {user1} felhasználókat";
  1317. /* Please put {actor0} placeholder in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate it */
  1318. "{actor0} reconnected to the call" = "{actor0} újracsatlakozott a híváshoz";
  1319. /* Please put {actor0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1320. "{actor0} removed you and %ld more participants" = "{actor0} eltávolította Önt és %ld további résztvevőt";
  1321. /* Please put {actor0} and {user0} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1322. "{actor0} removed you and {user0}" = "{actor0} eltávolította Önt és {user0} -t";
  1323. /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and %ld placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1324. "{actor0} removed {user0} and %ld more participants" = "{actor0} eltávolította {user0} felhasználót és %ld további résztvevőt";
  1325. /* Please put {actor0}, {user0} and {user1} placeholders in the correct position on the translated text but do not translate them */
  1326. "{actor0} removed {user0} and {user1}" = "{actor0} eltávolította {user0} -t és {user1} -t";
  1327. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  1328. "↓ New messages" = "↓ Új üzenetek";