123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126 |
- //
- // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors
- // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
- //
- import Foundation
- import XCTest
- extension XCTestCase {
- func waitForEnabled(object: Any?) {
- let enabledPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "enabled == true")
- expectation(for: enabledPredicate, evaluatedWith: object, handler: nil)
- waitForExpectations(timeout: TestConstants.timeoutLong, handler: nil)
- }
- func waitForHittable(object: Any?) {
- let enabledPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "hittable == true")
- expectation(for: enabledPredicate, evaluatedWith: object, handler: nil)
- waitForExpectations(timeout: TestConstants.timeoutLong, handler: nil)
- }
- // Based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/47947315
- @discardableResult
- func waitForEitherElementToExist(_ elementA: XCUIElement, _ elementB: XCUIElement, _ timeout: TimeInterval) -> XCUIElement? {
- let startTime = NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
- while !elementA.exists && !elementB.exists { // while neither element exists
- if NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate - startTime > timeout {
- XCTFail("Timed out waiting for either element to exist.")
- break
- }
- sleep(1)
- }
- if elementA.exists { return elementA }
- if elementB.exists { return elementB }
- return nil
- }
- func launchAndLogin() -> XCUIApplication {
- let app = XCUIApplication()
- app.launchArguments += ["-AppleLanguages", "(en-US)"]
- app.launchArguments += ["-AppleLocale", "\"en-US\""]
- app.launchArguments += ["-TestEnvironment"]
- app.launch()
- let accountSwitcherButton = app.buttons["LoadedProfileButton"]
- let serverAddressHttpsTextField = app.textFields["Server address https://…"]
- // Wait shortly until the app is fully started
- let foundElement = waitForEitherElementToExist(accountSwitcherButton, serverAddressHttpsTextField, TestConstants.timeoutLong)
- XCTAssertNotNil(foundElement)
- // When the account switcher button exists, we have atleast one account configured
- if foundElement == accountSwitcherButton {
- return app
- }
- serverAddressHttpsTextField.tap()
- serverAddressHttpsTextField.typeText(TestConstants.server)
- let loginButton = app.buttons["Log in"]
- XCTAssert(loginButton.waitForExistence(timeout: TestConstants.timeoutLong))
- loginButton.tap()
- let webViewsQuery = app.webViews.webViews.webViews
- let main = webViewsQuery.otherElements["main"]
- // Wait for the webview to be available
- XCTAssert(main.waitForExistence(timeout: TestConstants.timeoutLong))
- // Wait for the login button to be available and to get enabled/hittable
- let loginButtonWeb = webViewsQuery.buttons["Log in"]
- XCTAssert(loginButtonWeb.waitForExistence(timeout: TestConstants.timeoutLong))
- waitForEnabled(object: loginButtonWeb)
- waitForHittable(object: loginButtonWeb)
- loginButtonWeb.tap()
- XCTAssert(main.waitForExistence(timeout: TestConstants.timeoutLong))
- let usernameTextField = main.descendants(matching: .textField).firstMatch
- let passwordTextField = main.descendants(matching: .secureTextField).firstMatch
- XCTAssert(usernameTextField.waitForExistence(timeout: TestConstants.timeoutLong))
- XCTAssert(passwordTextField.waitForExistence(timeout: TestConstants.timeoutLong))
- usernameTextField.tap()
- usernameTextField.typeText(TestConstants.username + "\n")
- passwordTextField.tap()
- passwordTextField.typeText(TestConstants.password + "\n")
- let accountAccess = webViewsQuery.staticTexts["Account access"]
- XCTAssert(accountAccess.waitForExistence(timeout: TestConstants.timeoutLong))
- let grantAccessButton = webViewsQuery.buttons["Grant access"]
- XCTAssert(grantAccessButton.waitForExistence(timeout: TestConstants.timeoutLong))
- waitForEnabled(object: grantAccessButton)
- waitForHittable(object: grantAccessButton)
- // TODO: Find a better way to reliable detect if the grant access button is tappable
- sleep(5)
- grantAccessButton.tap()
- // When the account switcher gets enabled, we have atleast 1 account in the app and are online
- XCTAssert(accountSwitcherButton.waitForExistence(timeout: TestConstants.timeoutLong))
- waitForEnabled(object: accountSwitcherButton)
- return app
- }
- func createConversation(for app: XCUIApplication, with newConversationName: String) {
- app.navigationBars["Nextcloud Talk"].buttons["Create or join a conversation"].tap()
- let createNewConversationCell = app.tables.cells.staticTexts["Create a new conversation"]
- XCTAssert(createNewConversationCell.waitForExistence(timeout: TestConstants.timeoutShort))
- createNewConversationCell.tap()
- let newConversationNavBar = app.navigationBars["New conversation"]
- XCTAssert(newConversationNavBar.waitForExistence(timeout: TestConstants.timeoutShort))
- app.typeText(newConversationName)
- newConversationNavBar.buttons["Create"].tap()
- }
- }