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Change Log

Version 1.9.7


  • Enables building the CocoaPod with CLANG_MODULES_ENABLED=NO which enables compiling with ccache.

Version 1.9.6

This release includes many iOS 11 and iPhone X hot fixes.

  • Allowing color customization in typing indicator. By @dskatz22 (#613)
  • Adding support for an optional view to host outlets under the text view. By @dzenbot (#562)
  • Exposing auto-completion variables. By @dzenbot (#561)
Hot Fixes & Enhancements:
  • Fixed the text input not being interactive on iOS 11. By @dzenbot (#624)
  • Fixed iPhone X issue where the text input bar wouldn't expand to the bottom of the screen, below the home indicator. (#619)
  • Fixed scroll view content inset adjustments on iOS 11. By @gim- (#643)
  • Fixed compiler error in example app. By @BasThomas (#629)
  • Fixed content offset for keyboard when uninverted. By @ZAndyL (#542)
  • Deprecated -shouldProcessTextForAutoCompletion: in favor of -shouldProcessTextForAutoCompletion
  • Building the SlackTextViewController framework and running basic tests using BuddyBuild CI, against all PRs. By @dzenbot (#640)

Version 1.9.5

  • Migrated the library to be using NSAttributedString underneath. The text property on SLKTextView uses a NSAttributedString representation based on its font and text color, and doesn't forward to super. By @jacywu07 (#501)
  • As part of the migration to NSAttributedString, new helpers for attributed strings have been added to SLKTextView+SLKAdditions.
  • Introduced a new API to end users to open the auto-completion mode with a given prefix. By @jacywu07 (#506)
  • Exposed the private cacheTextView method. By @acandelaria1 (#513)
Hot Fixes & Enhancements:
  • Updated the sample project to Swift 3! By @cyhsutw (#522)
  • Added a property to allow the user to set how many lines of text SLKTextView's placeholder should have. By @jedmund (#505)
  • Tweaked keyboard height calculations on invert mode. By @ZAndyL (#512)

Version 1.9.4

Hot Fixes & Enhancements:
  • Fixed keyboard status updates inconsistencies, causing sometimes the text input bar not to follow the keyboard.
  • Fixed bottom margin inconsistencies. Thanks @yury! 💪
  • Fixed an edge case where the caret would jump to the end after double-space completion in middle of text. Thanks @mtackes
  • Improved Carthage support

Version 1.9.3

Hot Fixes & Enhancements:
  • Fixes a regression causing to trigger auto-completion text processing even if no prefix have been registered. This was causing a crash to many. Sorry about that!
  • Ignores keyboard notifications when no valid first responder is detected. This fixes the text input not following the keyboard at times.
  • Now shouldProcessTextForAutoCompletion: requires calling super.

Version 1.9.2

SlackTextViewController is now MIT licensed!

Features & Enhancements:
  • Better Swift 2.2 support with nullability annotations and shiny new Swift sample code. You rock @weijentu 🙇
  • Introduced SLKTextInput protocol: A UITextInput extension to decouple all the text processing features related to auto-completion, to reuse in any text component such as UISearchBar, UITextField, UITextView, etc.
  • Added a new API -shouldProcessTextForAutoCompletion to be able to opt-out from text processing for auto-completion.
  • The registeredPrefixes property are now of type NSSet (instead of NSArray).
  • Added animation to views when switching from a keyboard to a custom input view. Thanks @cyhsutw!
  • Made keyboardStatus public, making it easier to check for the current keyboard state.
Hot Fixes:
  • Fixed a use case where the textInput would not follow the keyboard when dismissing.
  • Improved text caching from the textInput, specially when moving the app to the background (in case the app crashes while being on the background).
  • Fixed misaligned placeholder labels in the textView and out of bounds.
  • Fixed the textInput not growing accordantly to the font size. This was a regressions since version 1.7.1
  • Many, many, many auto-completion bug fixes 💪

Version 1.9.1

Features & Enhancements:
  • Renamed public autoCompleteFormatting to formattingEnabled.
  • Doesn't opt-out anymore from the built-in menu menu items Define, Replace and Share.
  • Made the collectionView's default background color to white.
  • The auto-completion view is now presented above of the table/collection view avoiding to push it up/down every time. Much better UX!
  • Stored all key commands in a instance variable, to avoid recreating the array at every character update.
Hot Fixes:
  • Fixed library from not compiling on iOS 8.
  • Fixed the right button from stretching when animating the constrains. This was broken since iOS 9.
  • Improved UITabBar support by considering hidesBottomBarWhenPushed too.
  • Fixed crash when double tapping the space bar while the textView was empty.
  • Fixed issue causing not to forward all UITextViewDelegate callbacks.

Version 1.9

  • Deprecated the keyboard panning gesture on iOS 9, to drag the keyboard up and down. More information about this in #361
  • Deprecated isLoupeVisible, which will cause issues when auto-completion mode is active and moving the cursor of the text view. More information about this in #361
Features & Enhancements:
  • Enabled interaction while the right button and the auto-completion view are being presented animatedly
  • Does not scroll to the bottom anymore, if the content size is smaller than its bounds, when shouldScrollToBottomAfterKeyboardShows is enabled.
Hot Fixes:
  • Fixed the keyboard status and custom notifications not being set on the right order.
  • Fixed a crash when calling unrecognised selectors internally in the UITextViewDelegate method implementation, when using other subclasses of UITextView.
  • Fixed UITabBar support. This was a regression. Thanks @LHIOUI for the headsup 👊
  • Fixed cursor dragging issues when deep pressing on the keyboard's trackpad.
  • Fixed the auto-completion layout being busted in 1.8. This was a regression.

Version 1.8

Features & Enhancements:
  • Added Markdown Formatting ⚡️📝, a useful and simple way to allow your users to auto-complete any markdown formatting from within the text input. 1 small step to make writing markdown quicker.
  • The shake gesture now presents an UIAlertController for iOS 8 and above. Still supports the old and good UIAlertView for legacy versions.
Hot Fixes:
  • Fixed some content inset non-sense
  • Scrolling to top now really scrolls to top. Not down. Oopsie.
  • Scrolling down when the keyboard gets presented is also working now. Yay :tada: !
  • The placeholder font now matches the textView font, for real this time.
  • Avoids reloading the text view when there is no key for cache. Thanks @susieyy!
  • Removed annoying iOS 8 warnings.

Version 1.7.2

Hot Fixes:

Version 1.7.1

Features & Enhancements:
  • Changed how the auto-completion API worked: it now allows asynch auto-completion! Have a look at how to set it up / update it](
  • Added keyboard trackpad detection for iOS 9. Used internally for disables auto-completion while its detected, so we avoid crazy things! 👻
  • Improved the magnifying glass detection.
  • Gonna get a nice warning to remind you to super in viewDidLoad now. Fancy!
  • Slowed down bouncy animation by 0.15 seconds
  • Disabled cellLayoutMarginsFollowReadableWidth on iOS 9 for the auto-completion view. No need for large margins, come on!
Hot Fixes:

Version 1.7

  • Removed shouldForceTextInputbarAdjustment and replace it with -forceTextInputbarAdjustmentForResponder:
  • Renamed canShowTypeIndicator and replace it with canShowTypingIndicator
  • Renamed editortLeftButton with editorLeftButton, and editortRightButton with editorRightButton
Features & enhancements:
  • Added iOS 9 (beta 5) support, with fixes for multi-tasking on iPad and external keyboard shortcut hud support, and many small layout tweaks.
  • Added the ability to show/hide the text input bar, with animation support, using setTextInputbarHidden:animated:. Thanks @aryaxt!
  • Added better Accessibility support with Dynamic Type
  • Improved the keyboard panning gesture by dragging the text input bar from the bottom (feature flagged as it needs more testing)
  • Added 2 more UIScrollViewDelegate method declarations to SLKTextViewController's header. super is required!
Hot Fixes:
  • Fixed wrong auto-completion view height calculations.
  • Fixed a very bad retain cycle reported in #234
  • Fixed the keyboard view detection on iOS 9
  • Fixed swift compiler warning. Thanks @csjones

Version 1.6

  • Added support for custom typing indicator, following the same pattern of registering a class using registerClassForTypingIndicatorView:, while this class conforms to SLKTypingIndicatorProtocol. Please refer to the documentation for more details about the feature. Thanks @sveinhal! (#207)
  • Added support for registering longer auto-completion prefixes
  • Improved drastically the keyboard panning experience, making it much more smooth now. Awesome stuff @camitox!
  • Added the ability to ignore the text inputbar adjustment when the keyboard is presented, using ignoreTextInputbarAdjustment. This is generally useful when SLKTVC is used in a custom modal presentation and when you want to manipulate the view's alignment yourself.
Hot Fixes:
  • No longer overriding the default background color of UITableView. Oupsi! (#205)
  • Made sure not to register the same notifications twice.
  • Fixes issue where the text input would not adjust on top of the keyboard when presenting an UIAlertViewController (UIAlertView or UIActionSheet) in iOS8

Previous versions

For more release notes of this project, please visit