123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170 |
- //
- // SlackTextViewController
- // https://github.com/slackhq/SlackTextViewController
- //
- // Copyright 2014-2016 Slack Technologies, Inc.
- // Licence: MIT-Licence
- //
- #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
- #import "SLKTextInput.h"
- typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, SLKPastableMediaType) {
- SLKPastableMediaTypeNone = 0,
- SLKPastableMediaTypePNG = 1 << 0,
- SLKPastableMediaTypeJPEG = 1 << 1,
- SLKPastableMediaTypeTIFF = 1 << 2,
- SLKPastableMediaTypeGIF = 1 << 3,
- SLKPastableMediaTypeMOV = 1 << 4,
- SLKPastableMediaTypePassbook = 1 << 5,
- SLKPastableMediaTypeImages = SLKPastableMediaTypePNG|SLKPastableMediaTypeJPEG|SLKPastableMediaTypeTIFF|SLKPastableMediaTypeGIF,
- SLKPastableMediaTypeVideos = SLKPastableMediaTypeMOV,
- SLKPastableMediaTypeAll = SLKPastableMediaTypeImages|SLKPastableMediaTypeMOV
- };
- UIKIT_EXTERN NSString * const SLKTextViewTextWillChangeNotification;
- UIKIT_EXTERN NSString * const SLKTextViewContentSizeDidChangeNotification;
- UIKIT_EXTERN NSString * const SLKTextViewSelectedRangeDidChangeNotification;
- UIKIT_EXTERN NSString * const SLKTextViewDidPasteItemNotification;
- UIKIT_EXTERN NSString * const SLKTextViewDidShakeNotification;
- UIKIT_EXTERN NSString * const SLKTextViewPastedItemContentType;
- UIKIT_EXTERN NSString * const SLKTextViewPastedItemMediaType;
- UIKIT_EXTERN NSString * const SLKTextViewPastedItemData;
- @protocol SLKTextViewDelegate;
- /** @name A custom text input view. */
- @interface SLKTextView : UITextView <SLKTextInput>
- @property (nonatomic, weak) id<SLKTextViewDelegate,UITextViewDelegate>delegate;
- /** The placeholder text string. Default is nil. */
- @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *_Nullable placeholder;
- /** The placeholder color. Default is lightGrayColor. */
- @property (nonatomic, copy) UIColor *_Null_unspecified placeholderColor;
- /** The placeholder's number of lines. Default is 1. */
- @property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSInteger placeholderNumberOfLines;
- /** The placeholder's font. Default is the textView's font. */
- @property (nonatomic, copy, null_resettable) UIFont *placeholderFont;
- /** The maximum number of lines before enabling scrolling. Default is 0 wich means limitless.
- If dynamic type is enabled, the maximum number of lines will be calculated proportionally to the user preferred font size. */
- @property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSUInteger maxNumberOfLines;
- /** The current displayed number of lines. */
- @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger numberOfLines;
- /** The supported media types allowed to be pasted in the text view, such as images or videos. Default is None. */
- @property (nonatomic) SLKPastableMediaType pastableMediaTypes;
- /** YES if the text view is and can still expand it self, depending if the maximum number of lines are reached. */
- @property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isExpanding;
- /** YES if quickly refreshed the textview without the intension to dismiss the keyboard. @view -disableQuicktypeBar: for more details. */
- @property (nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL didNotResignFirstResponder;
- /** YES if the magnifying glass is visible.
- This feature is deprecated since there are no legit alternatives to detect the magnifying glass.
- Open Radar: http://openradar.appspot.com/radar?id=5021485877952512
- */
- @property (nonatomic, getter=isLoupeVisible) BOOL loupeVisible DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE;
- /** YES if the keyboard track pad has been recognized. iOS 9 only. */
- @property (nonatomic, readonly, getter=isTrackpadEnabled) BOOL trackpadEnabled;
- /** YES if autocorrection and spell checking are enabled. On iOS8, this property also controls the predictive QuickType bar from being visible. Default is YES. */
- @property (nonatomic, getter=isTypingSuggestionEnabled) BOOL typingSuggestionEnabled;
- /** YES if the text view supports undoing, either using UIMenuController, or with ctrl+z when using an external keyboard. Default is YES. */
- @property (nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL undoManagerEnabled;
- /** YES if the font size should dynamically adapt based on the font sizing option preferred by the user. Default is YES. */
- @property (nonatomic, getter=isDynamicTypeEnabled) BOOL dynamicTypeEnabled;
- /**
- Some text view properties don't update when it's already firstResponder (auto-correction, spelling-check, etc.)
- To be able to update the text view while still being first responder, requieres to switch quickly from -resignFirstResponder to -becomeFirstResponder.
- When doing so, the flag 'didNotResignFirstResponder' is momentarly set to YES before it goes back to -isFirstResponder, to be able to prevent some tasks to be excuted because of UIKeyboard notifications.
- You can also use this method to confirm an auto-correction programatically, before the text view resigns first responder.
- */
- - (void)refreshFirstResponder;
- - (void)refreshInputViews;
- /**
- Notifies the text view that the user pressed any arrow key. This is used to move the cursor up and down while having multiple lines.
- */
- - (void)didPressArrowKey:(UIKeyCommand *)keyCommand;
- #pragma mark - Markdown Formatting
- /** YES if the a markdown closure symbol should be added automatically after double spacebar tap, just like the native gesture to add a sentence period. Default is YES.
- This will always be NO if there isn't any registered formatting symbols.
- */
- @property (nonatomic, readonly, getter=isFormattingEnabled) BOOL formattingEnabled;
- /** An array of the registered formatting symbols. */
- @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *_Nullable registeredSymbols;
- /**
- Registers any string markdown symbol for formatting tooltip, presented after selecting some text.
- The symbol must be valid string (i.e: '*', '~', '_', and so on). This also checks if no repeated symbols are inserted, and respects the ordering for the tooltip.
- @param symbol A markdown symbol to be prefixed and sufixed to a text selection.
- @param title The tooltip item title for this formatting.
- */
- - (void)registerMarkdownFormattingSymbol:(NSString *)symbol
- withTitle:(NSString *)title;
- #pragma mark - External Keyboard Support
- /**
- Registers and observes key commands' updates, when the text view is first responder.
- Instead of typically overriding UIResponder's -keyCommands method, it is better to use this API for easier and safer implementation of key input detection.
- @param input The keys that must be pressed by the user. Required.
- @param modifiers The bit mask of modifier keys that must be pressed. Use 0 if none.
- @param title The title to display to the user. Optional.
- @param completion A completion block called whenever the key combination is detected. Required.
- */
- - (void)observeKeyInput:(NSString *)input
- modifiers:(UIKeyModifierFlags)modifiers
- title:(NSString *_Nullable)title
- completion:(void (^)(UIKeyCommand *keyCommand))completion;
- @end
- @protocol SLKTextViewDelegate <UITextViewDelegate>
- @optional
- /**
- Asks the delegate whether the specified formatting symbol should be displayed in the tooltip.
- This is useful to remove some tooltip options when they no longer apply in some context.
- For example, Blockquotes formatting requires the symbol to be prefixed at the begining of a paragraph.
- @param textView The text view containing the changes.
- @param symbol The formatting symbol to be verified.
- @return YES if the formatting symbol should be displayed in the tooltip. Default is YES.
- */
- - (BOOL)textView:(SLKTextView *)textView shouldOfferFormattingForSymbol:(NSString *)symbol;
- /**
- Asks the delegate whether the specified formatting symbol should be suffixed, to close the formatting wrap.
- @para The prefix range
- */
- - (BOOL)textView:(SLKTextView *)textView shouldInsertSuffixForFormattingWithSymbol:(NSString *)symbol prefixRange:(NSRange)prefixRange;
- @end