@@ -278,17 +278,21 @@ We use [shot](https://github.com/Karumi/Shot) for taking screenshots and compare
- this will fire up docker & emulator to ensure that screenshots look the same
- creating own UI comparision tests:
- add IntentsTestRule for launching activity directly:
- @Rule public IntentsTestRule<SettingsActivity> activityRule = new IntentsTestRule<>(SettingsActivity.class,
+ @Rule public IntentsTestRule<SettingsActivity> activityRule = new IntentsTestRule<>(SettingsActivity.class,
+ ```
- in test method:
-Activity activity = activityRule.launchActivity(null);
-…do something, e.g. navigate, create folder, etc. …
- Screenshot.snapActivity(activity).record();
- ```
+ Activity activity = activityRule.launchActivity(null);
+ …do something, e.g. navigate, create folder, etc. …
+ Screenshot.snapActivity(activity).record();
+ ```
- best practise is to first create test with emulator too see behaviour and then create screenshots
## File naming