@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ import com.owncloud.android.utils.MimeType;
import java.io.File;
+import lombok.Getter;
+import lombok.Setter;
import third_parties.daveKoeller.AlphanumComparator;
public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterface {
@@ -52,48 +54,55 @@ public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterfa
private static final String TAG = OCFile.class.getSimpleName();
- private long mId;
- private long mParentId;
- private long mLength;
- private long mCreationTimestamp;
- private long mModifiedTimestamp;
- private long mModifiedTimestampAtLastSyncForData;
- private String mRemotePath;
- private String mLocalPath;
- private String mMimeType;
- private boolean mNeedsUpdating;
- private long mLastSyncDateForProperties;
- private long mLastSyncDateForData;
- private boolean mAvailableOffline;
+ /** android internal ID of the file */
+ @Getter @Setter private long fileId;
+ @Getter @Setter private long parentId;
+ @Getter @Setter private long fileLength;
+ /** UNIX timestamp of the time the file was created */
+ @Getter @Setter private long creationTimestamp;
+ /** UNIX timestamp of the file modification time */
+ @Getter @Setter private long modificationTimestamp;
+ /** UNIX timestamp of the modification time, corresponding to the value returned by the server
+ * in the last synchronization of THE CONTENTS of this file.
+ */
+ @Getter @Setter private long modificationTimestampAtLastSyncForData;
+ @Setter private String remotePath;
+ private String localPath;
+ @Getter @Setter private String mimeType;
+ @Getter private boolean needsUpdatingWhileSaving;
+ @Getter @Setter private long lastSyncDateForProperties;
+ @Getter @Setter private long lastSyncDateForData;
+ @Getter @Setter private boolean availableOffline;
private boolean mHasPreview;
- private String mEtag;
+ @Getter private String etag;
- private boolean mShareByLink;
- private String mPublicLink;
+ @Getter @Setter private boolean sharedViaLink;
+ @Getter @Setter private String publicLink;
- private String mPermissions;
- private String mRemoteId;
+ @Getter @Setter private String permissions;
+ /** The fileid namespaced by the instance fileId, globally unique */
+ @Getter @Setter private String remoteId;
- private boolean mNeedsUpdateThumbnail;
+ @Getter @Setter private boolean needsUpdateThumbnail;
- private boolean mIsDownloading;
+ @Getter @Setter private boolean downloading;
- private String mEtagInConflict; // Save file etag in the server, when there is a conflict. No conflict = null
+ @Getter @Setter private String etagInConflict; // Save file etag in the server, when there is a conflict. No conflict = null
- private boolean mShareWithSharee;
+ @Getter @Setter private boolean sharedWithSharee;
- private boolean mIsFavorite;
+ @Getter @Setter private boolean favorite;
- private boolean mIsEncrypted;
+ @Getter @Setter private boolean encrypted;
- private WebdavEntry.MountType mMountType;
+ @Getter @Setter private WebdavEntry.MountType mountType;
* URI to the local path of the file contents, if stored in the device; cached after first call
* to {@link #getStorageUri()}
- private Uri mLocalUri;
+ private Uri localUri;
@@ -101,8 +110,8 @@ public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterfa
* <p>
* Cached after first call, until changed.
- private Uri mExposedFileUri;
- private String mEncryptedFileName;
+ private Uri exposedFileUri;
+ @Getter @Setter private String encryptedFileName;
@@ -114,11 +123,11 @@ public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterfa
public OCFile(String path) {
- mNeedsUpdating = false;
+ needsUpdatingWhileSaving = false;
if (path == null || path.length() <= 0 || !path.startsWith(PATH_SEPARATOR)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to create a OCFile with a non valid remote path: " + path);
- mRemotePath = path;
+ remotePath = path;
@@ -127,90 +136,66 @@ public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterfa
* @param source The source parcel
private OCFile(Parcel source) {
- mId = source.readLong();
- mParentId = source.readLong();
- mLength = source.readLong();
- mCreationTimestamp = source.readLong();
- mModifiedTimestamp = source.readLong();
- mModifiedTimestampAtLastSyncForData = source.readLong();
- mRemotePath = source.readString();
- mLocalPath = source.readString();
- mMimeType = source.readString();
- mNeedsUpdating = source.readInt() == 0;
- mAvailableOffline = source.readInt() == 1;
- mLastSyncDateForProperties = source.readLong();
- mLastSyncDateForData = source.readLong();
- mEtag = source.readString();
- mShareByLink = source.readInt() == 1;
- mPublicLink = source.readString();
- mPermissions = source.readString();
- mRemoteId = source.readString();
- mNeedsUpdateThumbnail = source.readInt() == 1;
- mIsDownloading = source.readInt() == 1;
- mEtagInConflict = source.readString();
- mShareWithSharee = source.readInt() == 1;
- mIsFavorite = source.readInt() == 1;
- mIsEncrypted = source.readInt() == 1;
- mEncryptedFileName = source.readString();
- mMountType = (WebdavEntry.MountType) source.readSerializable();
+ fileId = source.readLong();
+ parentId = source.readLong();
+ fileLength = source.readLong();
+ creationTimestamp = source.readLong();
+ modificationTimestamp = source.readLong();
+ modificationTimestampAtLastSyncForData = source.readLong();
+ remotePath = source.readString();
+ localPath = source.readString();
+ mimeType = source.readString();
+ needsUpdatingWhileSaving = source.readInt() == 0;
+ availableOffline = source.readInt() == 1;
+ lastSyncDateForProperties = source.readLong();
+ lastSyncDateForData = source.readLong();
+ etag = source.readString();
+ sharedViaLink = source.readInt() == 1;
+ publicLink = source.readString();
+ permissions = source.readString();
+ remoteId = source.readString();
+ needsUpdateThumbnail = source.readInt() == 1;
+ downloading = source.readInt() == 1;
+ etagInConflict = source.readString();
+ sharedWithSharee = source.readInt() == 1;
+ favorite = source.readInt() == 1;
+ encrypted = source.readInt() == 1;
+ encryptedFileName = source.readString();
+ mountType = (WebdavEntry.MountType) source.readSerializable();
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
- dest.writeLong(mId);
- dest.writeLong(mParentId);
- dest.writeLong(mLength);
- dest.writeLong(mCreationTimestamp);
- dest.writeLong(mModifiedTimestamp);
- dest.writeLong(mModifiedTimestampAtLastSyncForData);
- dest.writeString(mRemotePath);
- dest.writeString(mLocalPath);
- dest.writeString(mMimeType);
- dest.writeInt(mNeedsUpdating ? 1 : 0);
- dest.writeInt(mAvailableOffline ? 1 : 0);
- dest.writeLong(mLastSyncDateForProperties);
- dest.writeLong(mLastSyncDateForData);
- dest.writeString(mEtag);
- dest.writeInt(mShareByLink ? 1 : 0);
- dest.writeString(mPublicLink);
- dest.writeString(mPermissions);
- dest.writeString(mRemoteId);
- dest.writeInt(mNeedsUpdateThumbnail ? 1 : 0);
- dest.writeInt(mIsDownloading ? 1 : 0);
- dest.writeString(mEtagInConflict);
- dest.writeInt(mShareWithSharee ? 1 : 0);
- dest.writeInt(mIsFavorite ? 1 : 0);
- dest.writeInt(mIsEncrypted ? 1 : 0);
- dest.writeString(mEncryptedFileName);
- dest.writeSerializable(mMountType);
- }
- public boolean isFavorite() {
- return mIsFavorite;
- }
- public void setFavorite(boolean mIsFavorite) {
- this.mIsFavorite = mIsFavorite;
- }
- public boolean isEncrypted() {
- return mIsEncrypted;
- }
- public void setEncrypted(boolean mIsEncrypted) {
- this.mIsEncrypted = mIsEncrypted;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the android internal ID of the file
- *
- * @return the android internal file ID
- */
- public long getFileId() {
- return mId;
+ dest.writeLong(fileId);
+ dest.writeLong(parentId);
+ dest.writeLong(fileLength);
+ dest.writeLong(creationTimestamp);
+ dest.writeLong(modificationTimestamp);
+ dest.writeLong(modificationTimestampAtLastSyncForData);
+ dest.writeString(remotePath);
+ dest.writeString(localPath);
+ dest.writeString(mimeType);
+ dest.writeInt(needsUpdatingWhileSaving ? 1 : 0);
+ dest.writeInt(availableOffline ? 1 : 0);
+ dest.writeLong(lastSyncDateForProperties);
+ dest.writeLong(lastSyncDateForData);
+ dest.writeString(etag);
+ dest.writeInt(sharedViaLink ? 1 : 0);
+ dest.writeString(publicLink);
+ dest.writeString(permissions);
+ dest.writeString(remoteId);
+ dest.writeInt(needsUpdateThumbnail ? 1 : 0);
+ dest.writeInt(downloading ? 1 : 0);
+ dest.writeString(etagInConflict);
+ dest.writeInt(sharedWithSharee ? 1 : 0);
+ dest.writeInt(favorite ? 1 : 0);
+ dest.writeInt(encrypted ? 1 : 0);
+ dest.writeString(encryptedFileName);
+ dest.writeSerializable(mountType);
public String getDecryptedRemotePath() {
- return mRemotePath;
+ return remotePath;
@@ -220,7 +205,7 @@ public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterfa
public String getRemotePath() {
if (isEncrypted() && !isFolder()) {
- String parentPath = new File(mRemotePath).getParent();
+ String parentPath = new File(remotePath).getParent();
if (parentPath.endsWith("/")) {
return parentPath + getEncryptedFileName();
@@ -229,21 +214,17 @@ public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterfa
} else {
if (isFolder()) {
- if (mRemotePath.endsWith("/")) {
- return mRemotePath;
+ if (remotePath.endsWith("/")) {
+ return remotePath;
} else {
- return mRemotePath + "/";
+ return remotePath + "/";
} else {
- return mRemotePath;
+ return remotePath;
- public void setRemotePath(String path) {
- mRemotePath = path;
- }
* Can be used to check, whether or not this file exists in the database
* already
@@ -251,7 +232,7 @@ public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterfa
* @return true, if the file exists in the database
public boolean fileExists() {
- return mId != -1;
+ return fileId != -1;
@@ -260,7 +241,7 @@ public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterfa
* @return true if it is a folder
public boolean isFolder() {
- return mMimeType != null && mMimeType.equals(MimeType.DIRECTORY);
+ return mimeType != null && mimeType.equals(MimeType.DIRECTORY);
@@ -271,7 +252,7 @@ public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterfa
* @return OCFile this file
public OCFile setFolder() {
- setMimetype(MimeType.DIRECTORY);
+ setMimeType(MimeType.DIRECTORY);
return this;
@@ -290,8 +271,8 @@ public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterfa
* @return true if it is
public boolean existsOnDevice() {
- if (mLocalPath != null && mLocalPath.length() > 0) {
- return new File(mLocalPath).exists();
+ if (localPath != null && localPath.length() > 0) {
+ return new File(localPath).exists();
return false;
@@ -302,7 +283,7 @@ public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterfa
* @return The local path to the file
public String getStoragePath() {
- return mLocalPath;
+ return localPath;
@@ -311,44 +292,44 @@ public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterfa
* @return A URI to the local copy of the file, or NULL if not stored in the device
public Uri getStorageUri() {
- if (mLocalPath == null || mLocalPath.length() == 0) {
+ if (localPath == null || localPath.length() == 0) {
return null;
- if (mLocalUri == null) {
+ if (localUri == null) {
Uri.Builder builder = new Uri.Builder();
- builder.path(mLocalPath);
- mLocalUri = builder.build();
+ builder.path(localPath);
+ localUri = builder.build();
- return mLocalUri;
+ return localUri;
public Uri getLegacyExposedFileUri(Context context) {
- if (mLocalPath == null || mLocalPath.length() == 0) {
+ if (localPath == null || localPath.length() == 0) {
return null;
- if (mExposedFileUri == null) {
- return Uri.parse(ContentResolver.SCHEME_FILE + "://" + WebdavUtils.encodePath(mLocalPath));
+ if (exposedFileUri == null) {
+ return Uri.parse(ContentResolver.SCHEME_FILE + "://" + WebdavUtils.encodePath(localPath));
- return mExposedFileUri;
+ return exposedFileUri;
Partly disabled because not all apps understand paths that we get via this method for now
public Uri getExposedFileUri(Context context) {
- if (mLocalPath == null || mLocalPath.length() == 0) {
+ if (localPath == null || localPath.length() == 0) {
return null;
- if (mExposedFileUri == null) {
+ if (exposedFileUri == null) {
try {
- mExposedFileUri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(
+ exposedFileUri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(
- new File(mLocalPath));
+ new File(localPath));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// Could not share file using FileProvider URI scheme.
// Fall back to legacy URI parsing.
@@ -356,7 +337,7 @@ public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterfa
- return mExposedFileUri;
+ return exposedFileUri;
@@ -365,82 +346,18 @@ public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterfa
* @param storage_path to set
public void setStoragePath(String storage_path) {
- mLocalPath = storage_path;
- mLocalUri = null;
- mExposedFileUri = null;
- }
- /**
- * Get a UNIX timestamp of the file creation time
- *
- * @return A UNIX timestamp of the time that file was created
- */
- public long getCreationTimestamp() {
- return mCreationTimestamp;
- }
- /**
- * Set a UNIX timestamp of the time the file was created
- *
- * @param creation_timestamp to set
- */
- public void setCreationTimestamp(long creation_timestamp) {
- mCreationTimestamp = creation_timestamp;
- }
- /**
- * Get a UNIX timestamp of the file modification time.
- *
- * @return A UNIX timestamp of the modification time, corresponding to the value returned by the server
- * in the last synchronization of the properties of this file.
- */
- public long getModificationTimestamp() {
- return mModifiedTimestamp;
- }
- /**
- * Set a UNIX timestamp of the time the time the file was modified.
- * <p/>
- * To update with the value returned by the server in every synchronization of the properties
- * of this file.
- *
- * @param modification_timestamp to set
- */
- public void setModificationTimestamp(long modification_timestamp) {
- mModifiedTimestamp = modification_timestamp;
- }
- /**
- * Get a UNIX timestamp of the file modification time.
- *
- * @return A UNIX timestamp of the modification time, corresponding to the value returned by the server
- * in the last synchronization of THE CONTENTS of this file.
- */
- public long getModificationTimestampAtLastSyncForData() {
- return mModifiedTimestampAtLastSyncForData;
+ localPath = storage_path;
+ localUri = null;
+ exposedFileUri = null;
- /**
- * Set a UNIX timestamp of the time the time the file was modified.
- * <p/>
- * To update with the value returned by the server in every synchronization of THE CONTENTS
- * of this file.
- *
- * @param modificationTimestamp to set
- */
- public void setModificationTimestampAtLastSyncForData(long modificationTimestamp) {
- mModifiedTimestampAtLastSyncForData = modificationTimestamp;
- }
* Returns the filename and "/" for the root directory
* @return The name of the file
public String getFileName() {
- File f = new File(mRemotePath);
+ File f = new File(remotePath);
return f.getName().length() == 0 ? ROOT_PATH : f.getName();
@@ -451,121 +368,49 @@ public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterfa
* directory
public void setFileName(String name) {
- Log_OC.d(TAG, "OCFile name changing from " + mRemotePath);
+ Log_OC.d(TAG, "OCFile name changing from " + remotePath);
if (name != null && name.length() > 0 && !name.contains(PATH_SEPARATOR) &&
- !mRemotePath.equals(ROOT_PATH)) {
+ !remotePath.equals(ROOT_PATH)) {
String parent = new File(this.getRemotePath()).getParent();
parent = parent.endsWith(PATH_SEPARATOR) ? parent : parent + PATH_SEPARATOR;
- mRemotePath = parent + name;
+ remotePath = parent + name;
if (isFolder()) {
- mRemotePath += PATH_SEPARATOR;
+ remotePath += PATH_SEPARATOR;
- Log_OC.d(TAG, "OCFile name changed to " + mRemotePath);
+ Log_OC.d(TAG, "OCFile name changed to " + remotePath);
- public void setEncryptedFileName(String name) {
- mEncryptedFileName = name;
- }
- public String getEncryptedFileName() {
- return mEncryptedFileName;
- }
- /**
- * Can be used to get the MimeType
- *
- * @return the MimeType as a String
- */
- @Override
- public String getMimeType() {
- return mMimeType;
- }
* Used internally. Reset all file properties
private void resetData() {
- mId = -1;
- mRemotePath = null;
- mParentId = 0;
- mLocalPath = null;
- mMimeType = null;
- mLength = 0;
- mCreationTimestamp = 0;
- mModifiedTimestamp = 0;
- mModifiedTimestampAtLastSyncForData = 0;
- mLastSyncDateForProperties = 0;
- mLastSyncDateForData = 0;
- mAvailableOffline = false;
- mNeedsUpdating = false;
- mEtag = null;
- mShareByLink = false;
- mPublicLink = null;
- mPermissions = null;
- mRemoteId = null;
- mNeedsUpdateThumbnail = false;
- mIsDownloading = false;
- mEtagInConflict = null;
- mShareWithSharee = false;
- mIsFavorite = false;
- mIsEncrypted = false;
- mEncryptedFileName = null;
- mMountType = WebdavEntry.MountType.INTERNAL;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the ID of the file
- *
- * @param file_id to set
- */
- public void setFileId(long file_id) {
- mId = file_id;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the Mime-Type of the
- *
- * @param mimetype to set
- */
- public void setMimetype(String mimetype) {
- mMimeType = mimetype;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the ID of the parent folder
- *
- * @param parent_id to set
- */
- public void setParentId(long parent_id) {
- mParentId = parent_id;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the file size in bytes
- *
- * @param file_len to set
- */
- public void setFileLength(long file_len) {
- mLength = file_len;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the size of the file in bytes
- *
- * @return The filesize in bytes
- */
- public long getFileLength() {
- return mLength;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the ID of the parent Folder
- *
- * @return The ID
- */
- public long getParentId() {
- return mParentId;
+ fileId = -1;
+ remotePath = null;
+ parentId = 0;
+ localPath = null;
+ mimeType = null;
+ fileLength = 0;
+ creationTimestamp = 0;
+ modificationTimestamp = 0;
+ modificationTimestampAtLastSyncForData = 0;
+ lastSyncDateForProperties = 0;
+ lastSyncDateForData = 0;
+ availableOffline = false;
+ needsUpdatingWhileSaving = false;
+ etag = null;
+ sharedViaLink = false;
+ publicLink = null;
+ permissions = null;
+ remoteId = null;
+ needsUpdateThumbnail = false;
+ downloading = false;
+ etagInConflict = null;
+ sharedWithSharee = false;
+ favorite = false;
+ encrypted = false;
+ encryptedFileName = null;
+ mountType = WebdavEntry.MountType.INTERNAL;
@@ -578,47 +423,6 @@ public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterfa
return parentPath.endsWith("/") ? parentPath : parentPath + "/";
- /**
- * Check, if this file needs updating
- *
- * @return
- */
- public boolean needsUpdatingWhileSaving() {
- return mNeedsUpdating;
- }
- public boolean needsUpdateThumbnail() {
- return mNeedsUpdateThumbnail;
- }
- public void setNeedsUpdateThumbnail(boolean needsUpdateThumbnail) {
- this.mNeedsUpdateThumbnail = needsUpdateThumbnail;
- }
- public long getLastSyncDateForProperties() {
- return mLastSyncDateForProperties;
- }
- public void setLastSyncDateForProperties(long lastSyncDate) {
- mLastSyncDateForProperties = lastSyncDate;
- }
- public long getLastSyncDateForData() {
- return mLastSyncDateForData;
- }
- public void setLastSyncDateForData(long lastSyncDate) {
- mLastSyncDateForData = lastSyncDate;
- }
- public void setAvailableOffline(boolean availableOffline) {
- mAvailableOffline = availableOffline;
- }
- public boolean isAvailableOffline() {
- return mAvailableOffline;
- }
public int describeContents() {
return super.hashCode();
@@ -647,51 +451,30 @@ public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterfa
OCFile ocFile = (OCFile) o;
- return mId == ocFile.mId && mParentId == ocFile.mParentId;
+ return fileId == ocFile.fileId && parentId == ocFile.parentId;
public int hashCode() {
- return 31 * (int) (mId ^ (mId >>> 32)) + (int) (mParentId ^ (mParentId >>> 32));
+ return 31 * (int) (fileId ^ (fileId >>> 32)) + (int) (parentId ^ (parentId >>> 32));
public String toString() {
- String asString = "[id=%s, name=%s, mime=%s, downloaded=%s, local=%s, remote=%s, " +
+ String asString = "[fileId=%s, name=%s, mime=%s, downloaded=%s, local=%s, remote=%s, " +
"parentId=%s, availableOffline=%s etag=%s favourite=%s]";
- return String.format(asString, mId, getFileName(), mMimeType, isDown(),
- mLocalPath, mRemotePath, mParentId, mAvailableOffline,
- mEtag, mIsFavorite);
- }
- public String getEtag() {
- return mEtag;
+ return String.format(asString, fileId, getFileName(), mimeType, isDown(),
+ localPath, remotePath, parentId, availableOffline,
+ etag, favorite);
public void setEtag(String etag) {
- this.mEtag = (etag != null ? etag : "");
- }
- public boolean isSharedViaLink() {
- return mShareByLink;
- }
- public void setShareViaLink(boolean shareByLink) {
- this.mShareByLink = shareByLink;
- }
- public String getPublicLink() {
- return mPublicLink;
- }
- public void setPublicLink(String publicLink) {
- this.mPublicLink = publicLink;
+ this.etag = (etag != null ? etag : "");
public long getLocalModificationTimestamp() {
- if (mLocalPath != null && mLocalPath.length() > 0) {
- File f = new File(mLocalPath);
+ if (localPath != null && localPath.length() > 0) {
+ File f = new File(localPath);
return f.lastModified();
return 0;
@@ -704,62 +487,17 @@ public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterfa
return getFileName().length() > 0 && getFileName().charAt(0) == '.';
- public String getPermissions() {
- return mPermissions;
- }
- public void setPermissions(String permissions) {
- this.mPermissions = permissions;
- }
- * The fileid namespaced by the instance id, globally unique
+ * The unique fileId for the file within the instance
- * @return globally unique file id: file id + instance id
- */
- public String getRemoteId() {
- return mRemoteId;
- }
- /**
- * The unique id for the file within the instance
- *
- * @return file id, unique within the instance
+ * @return file fileId, unique within the instance
public String getLocalId() {
return getRemoteId().substring(0, 8).replaceAll("^0*", "");
- public void setRemoteId(String remoteId) {
- this.mRemoteId = remoteId;
- }
- public boolean isDownloading() {
- return mIsDownloading;
- }
- public void setDownloading(boolean isDownloading) {
- this.mIsDownloading = isDownloading;
- }
- public String getEtagInConflict() {
- return mEtagInConflict;
- }
public boolean isInConflict() {
- return mEtagInConflict != null && !mEtagInConflict.equals("");
- }
- public void setEtagInConflict(String etagInConflict) {
- mEtagInConflict = etagInConflict;
- }
- public boolean isSharedWithSharee() {
- return mShareWithSharee;
- }
- public void setShareWithSharee(boolean shareWithSharee) {
- this.mShareWithSharee = shareWithSharee;
+ return etagInConflict != null && !etagInConflict.equals("");
public boolean isSharedWithMe() {
@@ -777,14 +515,6 @@ public class OCFile implements Parcelable, Comparable<OCFile>, ServerFileInterfa
return permissions != null && permissions.contains(PERMISSION_CAN_WRITE);
- public WebdavEntry.MountType getMountType() {
- return mMountType;
- }
- public void setMountType(WebdavEntry.MountType mountType) {
- mMountType = mountType;
- }
public boolean hasPreview() {
return mHasPreview;