@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ New contributions are added under AGPL version 3.
We are all about quality while not sacrificing speed so we use a very pragmatic workflow.
* create an issue with feature request
- * discuss it with other developers
+ * discuss it with other developers
* create mockup if necessary
* must be approved --> label approved
* after that no conceptual changes!
@@ -143,17 +143,17 @@ We do differentiate between three different kinds of releases:
### Stable
Play store and f-droid releases for the masses.
-Pull Requests that have been tested and reviewed can go to master. After the last release candidate is out in the wild for ~2 weeks and no errors get reported (by users or in the developer console) the master branch is ready for the stable release.
+Pull Requests that have been tested and reviewed can go to master. After the last release candidate is out in the wild for ~2 weeks and no errors get reported (by users or in the developer console) the master branch is ready for the stable release.
So when we decide to go for a new release we freeze the master feature wise.
### Release Candidate
_stable beta_ releases done via the Beta program of the Google Play store and f-droid.
Whenever a PR is reviewed/approved we put it on master.
-Before releasing a new stable version there is at least one release candidate. It is based on the current master and during this phase the master is feature freezed. After ~2 weeks with no error a stable version will be releaded, which is identically to the latest release candidate.
+Before releasing a new stable version there is at least one release candidate. It is based on the current master and during this phase the master is feature freezed. After ~2 weeks with no error a stable version will be released, which is identical to the latest release candidate.
### Dev
Done as a standalone app that can be installed in parallel to the stable app.
-Any PR which is labelled "ready for dev" will be automatically included in the dev app. This label should only set by the main developers.
+Any PR which is labelled "ready for dev" will be automatically included in the dev app. This label should only set by the main developers.
Same applies for the android-library. This repository also has a branch called dev which includes all upcoming features. The dev branch on this repository must always use the android-library dev branch.
## Version Name and number