@@ -85,3 +85,23 @@ The app is currently equipped to be built with three flavours:
[6]: https://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/index.html?pkg=studio
[7]: https://gradle.org/
[8]: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/gradle_wrapper.html
+### 5. How-To
+#### 1. Direct usage of library project
+This is handy if one wants to make changes both to files app and library:
+- in files app root: ln -s $pathToLibraryProject nextcloud-android-library
+- uncomment in build.gradle:
+ - `// implementation project('nextcloud-android-library')`
+- comment in build.gradle:
+ - `genericImplementation 'com.github.nextcloud:android-library:master-SNAPSHOT'`
+ - `gplayImplementation 'com.github.nextcloud:android-library:master-SNAPSHOT'`
+ - `versionDevImplementation 'com.github.nextcloud:android-library:master-SNAPSHOT'`
+- comment in settings.gradle:
+ - `include ':'`
+- uncomment in settings.gradle:
+ - `//include 'nextcloud-android-library'`
+- sync project with gradle files
+Now every change in library can be directly used in files app.