@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ public final class PreferenceManager {
* Value handled by the app without direct access in the UI.
private static final String AUTO_PREF__LAST_UPLOAD_PATH = "last_upload_path";
+ private static final String AUTO_PREF__UPLOAD_FROM_LOCAL_LAST_PATH = "upload_from_local_last_path";
private static final String AUTO_PREF__UPLOAD_FILE_EXTENSION_MAP_URL = "prefs_upload_file_extension_map_url";
private static final String AUTO_PREF__UPLOAD_FILE_EXTENSION_URL = "prefs_upload_file_extension_url";
private static final String AUTO_PREF__UPLOADER_BEHAVIOR = "prefs_uploader_behaviour";
@@ -186,6 +187,27 @@ public final class PreferenceManager {
saveStringPreference(context, AUTO_PREF__LAST_UPLOAD_PATH, path);
+ /**
+ * Gets the last local path where the user selected to do an upload from.
+ *
+ * @param context Caller {@link Context}, used to access to shared preferences manager.
+ * @return path Absolute path to a folder, as previously stored by
+ * {@link #setUploadFromLocalLastPath(Context, String)}, or empty String if never saved before.
+ */
+ public static String getUploadFromLocalLastPath(Context context) {
+ return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getString(AUTO_PREF__UPLOAD_FROM_LOCAL_LAST_PATH, "");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Saves the path where the user selected to do the last local upload of a file from.
+ *
+ * @param context Caller {@link Context}, used to access to shared preferences manager.
+ * @param path Absolute path to a folder.
+ */
+ public static void setUploadFromLocalLastPath(Context context, String path) {
+ saveStringPreference(context, AUTO_PREF__UPLOAD_FROM_LOCAL_LAST_PATH, path);
+ }
* Gets the lock preference configured by the user.