@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+ * Nextcloud Android client application
+ *
+ * @author Chris Narkiewicz
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Chris Narkiewicz <hello@ezaquarii.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+package com.nextcloud.client.files.downloader
+import com.nextcloud.client.account.User
+import com.owncloud.android.datamodel.OCFile
+import io.mockk.CapturingSlot
+import io.mockk.MockKAnnotations
+import io.mockk.clearAllMocks
+import io.mockk.every
+import io.mockk.impl.annotations.MockK
+import io.mockk.verify
+import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
+import org.junit.Assert.assertFalse
+import org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull
+import org.junit.Assert.assertNull
+import org.junit.Assert.assertSame
+import org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
+import org.junit.Before
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.Suite
+import java.util.UUID
+ RegistryTest.Pending::class,
+ RegistryTest.Start::class,
+ RegistryTest.Progress::class,
+ RegistryTest.Complete::class,
+ RegistryTest.GetDownloads::class,
+ RegistryTest.IsRunning::class
+class RegistryTest {
+ abstract class Base {
+ companion object {
+ const val MAX_DOWNLOAD_THREADS = 4
+ const val PROGRESS_FULL = 100
+ const val PROGRESS_HALF = 50
+ }
+ @MockK
+ lateinit var user: User
+ lateinit var file: OCFile
+ @MockK
+ lateinit var onDownloadStart: (UUID, Request) -> Unit
+ @MockK
+ lateinit var onDownloadChanged: (Download) -> Unit
+ internal lateinit var registry: Registry
+ @Before
+ fun setUpBase() {
+ MockKAnnotations.init(this, relaxed = true)
+ file = OCFile("/test/path")
+ registry = Registry(onDownloadStart, onDownloadChanged, MAX_DOWNLOAD_THREADS)
+ resetMocks()
+ }
+ fun resetMocks() {
+ clearAllMocks()
+ every { onDownloadStart(any(), any()) } answers {}
+ every { onDownloadChanged(any()) } answers {}
+ }
+ }
+ class Pending : Base() {
+ @Test
+ fun inserting_pending_download() {
+ // GIVEN
+ // registry has no pending downloads
+ assertEquals(0, registry.pending.size)
+ // WHEN
+ // new download requests added
+ val addedDownloadsCount = 10
+ for (i in 0 until addedDownloadsCount) {
+ val request = Request(user, file)
+ registry.add(request)
+ }
+ // THEN
+ // download is added to the pending queue
+ assertEquals(addedDownloadsCount, registry.pending.size)
+ }
+ }
+ class Start : Base() {
+ companion object {
+ }
+ @Before
+ fun setUp() {
+ for (i in 0 until ENQUEUED_REQUESTS_COUNT) {
+ registry.add(Request(user, file))
+ }
+ assertEquals(ENQUEUED_REQUESTS_COUNT, registry.pending.size)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun starting_download() {
+ // WHEN
+ // started
+ registry.startNext()
+ // THEN
+ // up to max threads requests are started
+ // start callback is triggered
+ // update callback is triggered on download transition
+ // started downloads are in running state
+ assertEquals(
+ "Downloads not moved to running queue",
+ registry.running.size
+ )
+ assertEquals(
+ "Downloads not moved from pending queue",
+ registry.pending.size
+ )
+ verify(exactly = MAX_DOWNLOAD_THREADS) { onDownloadStart(any(), any()) }
+ val startedDownloads = mutableListOf<Download>()
+ verify(exactly = MAX_DOWNLOAD_THREADS) { onDownloadChanged(capture(startedDownloads)) }
+ assertEquals(
+ "Callbacks not invoked for running downloads",
+ startedDownloads.size
+ )
+ startedDownloads.forEach {
+ assertEquals("Download not placed into running state", DownloadState.RUNNING, it.state)
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun start_is_ignored_if_no_more_free_threads() {
+ // WHEN
+ // max number of running downloads
+ registry.startNext()
+ assertEquals(MAX_DOWNLOAD_THREADS, registry.running.size)
+ clearAllMocks()
+ // WHEN
+ // starting more downloads
+ registry.startNext()
+ // THEN
+ // no more downloads can be started
+ assertEquals(MAX_DOWNLOAD_THREADS, registry.running.size)
+ verify(exactly = 0) { onDownloadStart(any(), any()) }
+ }
+ }
+ class Progress : Base() {
+ var uuid: UUID = UUID.randomUUID()
+ @Before
+ fun setUp() {
+ val request = Request(user, file)
+ uuid = registry.add(request)
+ registry.startNext()
+ assertEquals(uuid, request.uuid)
+ assertEquals(1, registry.running.size)
+ resetMocks()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun download_progress_is_updated() {
+ // GIVEN
+ // a download is running
+ // WHEN
+ // download progress is updated
+ val progressHalf = 50
+ registry.progress(uuid, progressHalf)
+ // THEN
+ // progress is updated
+ // update callback is invoked
+ val download = mutableListOf<Download>()
+ verify { onDownloadChanged(capture(download)) }
+ assertEquals(1, download.size)
+ assertEquals(progressHalf, download.first().progress)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun updates_for_non_running_downloads_are_ignored() {
+ // GIVEN
+ // download is not running
+ registry.complete(uuid, true)
+ assertEquals(0, registry.running.size)
+ resetMocks()
+ // WHEN
+ // progress for a non-running download is updated
+ registry.progress(uuid, PROGRESS_HALF)
+ // THEN
+ // progress update is ignored
+ verify(exactly = 0) { onDownloadChanged(any()) }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun updates_for_non_existing_downloads_are_ignored() {
+ // GIVEN
+ // some download is running
+ // WHEN
+ // progress is updated for non-existing download
+ val nonExistingDownloadId = UUID.randomUUID()
+ registry.progress(nonExistingDownloadId, PROGRESS_HALF)
+ // THEN
+ // progress uppdate is ignored
+ verify(exactly = 0) { onDownloadChanged(any()) }
+ }
+ }
+ class Complete : Base() {
+ lateinit var uuid: UUID
+ @Before
+ fun setUp() {
+ uuid = registry.add(Request(user, file))
+ registry.startNext()
+ registry.progress(uuid, PROGRESS_FULL)
+ resetMocks()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun complete_successful_download_with_updated_file() {
+ // GIVEN
+ // a download is running
+ // WHEN
+ // download is completed
+ // file has been updated
+ val updatedFile = OCFile("/updated/file")
+ registry.complete(uuid, true, updatedFile)
+ // THEN
+ // download is completed successfully
+ // status carries updated file
+ val slot = CapturingSlot<Download>()
+ verify { onDownloadChanged(capture(slot)) }
+ assertEquals(DownloadState.COMPLETED, slot.captured.state)
+ assertSame(slot.captured.file, updatedFile)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun complete_successful_download() {
+ // GIVEN
+ // a download is running
+ // WHEN
+ // download is completed
+ // file is not updated
+ registry.complete(uuid = uuid, success = true, file = null)
+ // THEN
+ // download is completed successfully
+ // status carries previous file
+ val slot = CapturingSlot<Download>()
+ verify { onDownloadChanged(capture(slot)) }
+ assertEquals(DownloadState.COMPLETED, slot.captured.state)
+ assertSame(slot.captured.file, file)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun complete_failed_download() {
+ // GIVEN
+ // a download is running
+ // WHEN
+ // download is failed
+ registry.complete(uuid, false)
+ // THEN
+ // download is completed successfully
+ val slot = CapturingSlot<Download>()
+ verify { onDownloadChanged(capture(slot)) }
+ assertEquals(DownloadState.FAILED, slot.captured.state)
+ }
+ }
+ class GetDownloads : Base() {
+ val pendingDownloadFile = OCFile("/pending")
+ val runningDownloadFile = OCFile("/running")
+ val completedDownloadFile = OCFile("/completed")
+ lateinit var pendingDownloadId: UUID
+ lateinit var runningDownloadId: UUID
+ lateinit var completedDownloadId: UUID
+ @Before
+ fun setUp() {
+ completedDownloadId = registry.add(Request(user, completedDownloadFile))
+ registry.startNext()
+ registry.complete(completedDownloadId, true)
+ runningDownloadId = registry.add(Request(user, runningDownloadFile))
+ registry.startNext()
+ pendingDownloadId = registry.add(Request(user, pendingDownloadFile))
+ resetMocks()
+ assertEquals(1, registry.pending.size)
+ assertEquals(1, registry.running.size)
+ assertEquals(1, registry.completed.size)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun get_by_path_searches_pending_queue() {
+ // GIVEN
+ // file download is pending
+ // WHEN
+ // download status is retrieved
+ val download = registry.getDownload(pendingDownloadFile)
+ // THEN
+ // download from pending queue is returned
+ assertNotNull(download)
+ assertEquals(pendingDownloadId, download?.uuid)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun get_by_id_searches_pending_queue() {
+ // GIVEN
+ // file download is pending
+ // WHEN
+ // download status is retrieved
+ val download = registry.getDownload(pendingDownloadId)
+ // THEN
+ // download from pending queue is returned
+ assertNotNull(download)
+ assertEquals(pendingDownloadId, download?.uuid)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun get_by_path_searches_running_queue() {
+ // GIVEN
+ // file download is running
+ // WHEN
+ // download status is retrieved
+ val download = registry.getDownload(runningDownloadFile)
+ // THEN
+ // download from pending queue is returned
+ assertNotNull(download)
+ assertEquals(runningDownloadId, download?.uuid)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun get_by_id_searches_running_queue() {
+ // GIVEN
+ // file download is running
+ // WHEN
+ // download status is retrieved
+ val download = registry.getDownload(runningDownloadId)
+ // THEN
+ // download from pending queue is returned
+ assertNotNull(download)
+ assertEquals(runningDownloadId, download?.uuid)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun get_by_path_searches_completed_queue() {
+ // GIVEN
+ // file download is pending
+ // WHEN
+ // download status is retrieved
+ val download = registry.getDownload(completedDownloadFile)
+ // THEN
+ // download from pending queue is returned
+ assertNotNull(download)
+ assertEquals(completedDownloadId, download?.uuid)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun get_by_id_searches_completed_queue() {
+ // GIVEN
+ // file download is pending
+ // WHEN
+ // download status is retrieved
+ val download = registry.getDownload(completedDownloadId)
+ // THEN
+ // download from pending queue is returned
+ assertNotNull(download)
+ assertEquals(completedDownloadId, download?.uuid)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun not_found_by_path() {
+ // GIVEN
+ // no download for a file
+ val nonExistingDownloadFile = OCFile("/non-nexisting/download")
+ // WHEN
+ // download status is retrieved for a file
+ val download = registry.getDownload(nonExistingDownloadFile)
+ // THEN
+ // no download is found
+ assertNull(download)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun not_found_by_id() {
+ // GIVEN
+ // no download for an id
+ val nonExistingId = UUID.randomUUID()
+ // WHEN
+ // download status is retrieved for a file
+ val download = registry.getDownload(nonExistingId)
+ // THEN
+ // no download is found
+ assertNull(download)
+ }
+ }
+ class IsRunning : Base() {
+ @Test
+ fun no_requests() {
+ // WHEN
+ // all queues empty
+ assertEquals(0, registry.pending.size)
+ assertEquals(0, registry.running.size)
+ assertEquals(0, registry.completed.size)
+ // THEN
+ // not running
+ assertFalse(registry.isRunning)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun request_pending() {
+ // WHEN
+ // request is enqueued
+ registry.add(Request(user, OCFile("/path/alpha/1")))
+ assertEquals(1, registry.pending.size)
+ assertEquals(0, registry.running.size)
+ assertEquals(0, registry.completed.size)
+ // THEN
+ // is running
+ assertTrue(registry.isRunning)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun request_running() {
+ // WHEN
+ // request is running
+ registry.add(Request(user, OCFile("/path/alpha/1")))
+ registry.startNext()
+ assertEquals(0, registry.pending.size)
+ assertEquals(1, registry.running.size)
+ assertEquals(0, registry.completed.size)
+ // THEN
+ // is running
+ assertTrue(registry.isRunning)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun request_completed() {
+ // WHEN
+ // request is running
+ val id = registry.add(Request(user, OCFile("/path/alpha/1")))
+ registry.startNext()
+ registry.complete(id, true)
+ assertEquals(0, registry.pending.size)
+ assertEquals(0, registry.running.size)
+ assertEquals(1, registry.completed.size)
+ // THEN
+ // is not running
+ assertFalse(registry.isRunning)
+ }
+ }