@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext;
import javax.net.ssl.TrustManager;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager;
+import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.Protocol;
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.BrowserCompatHostnameVerifier;
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.X509HostnameVerifier;
@@ -90,13 +91,15 @@ public class OwnCloudClientUtils {
//Log_OC.d(TAG, "Creating WebdavClient associated to " + account.name);
Uri uri = Uri.parse(AccountUtils.constructFullURLForAccount(appContext, account));
- WebdavClient client = createOwnCloudClient(uri, appContext, true);
AccountManager am = AccountManager.get(appContext);
- if (am.getUserData(account, AccountAuthenticator.KEY_SUPPORTS_OAUTH2) != null) { // TODO avoid a call to getUserData here
+ boolean isOauth2 = am.getUserData(account, AccountAuthenticator.KEY_SUPPORTS_OAUTH2) != null; // TODO avoid calling to getUserData here
+ boolean isSamlSso = am.getUserData(account, AccountAuthenticator.KEY_SUPPORTS_SAML_WEB_SSO) != null;
+ WebdavClient client = createOwnCloudClient(uri, appContext, !isSamlSso);
+ if (isOauth2) {
String accessToken = am.blockingGetAuthToken(account, AccountAuthenticator.AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE_ACCESS_TOKEN, false);
client.setBearerCredentials(accessToken); // TODO not assume that the access token is a bearer token
- } else if (am.getUserData(account, AccountAuthenticator.KEY_SUPPORTS_SAML_WEB_SSO) != null) { // TODO avoid a call to getUserData here
+ } else if (isSamlSso) { // TODO avoid a call to getUserData here
String accessToken = am.blockingGetAuthToken(account, AccountAuthenticator.AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE_SAML_WEB_SSO_SESSION_COOKIE, false);
@@ -113,16 +116,19 @@ public class OwnCloudClientUtils {
public static WebdavClient createOwnCloudClient (Account account, Context appContext, Activity currentActivity) throws OperationCanceledException, AuthenticatorException, IOException, AccountNotFoundException {
Uri uri = Uri.parse(AccountUtils.constructFullURLForAccount(appContext, account));
- WebdavClient client = createOwnCloudClient(uri, appContext, true);
AccountManager am = AccountManager.get(appContext);
- if (am.getUserData(account, AccountAuthenticator.KEY_SUPPORTS_OAUTH2) != null) { // TODO avoid a call to getUserData here
+ boolean isOauth2 = am.getUserData(account, AccountAuthenticator.KEY_SUPPORTS_OAUTH2) != null; // TODO avoid calling to getUserData here
+ boolean isSamlSso = am.getUserData(account, AccountAuthenticator.KEY_SUPPORTS_SAML_WEB_SSO) != null;
+ WebdavClient client = createOwnCloudClient(uri, appContext, !isSamlSso);
+ if (isOauth2) { // TODO avoid a call to getUserData here
AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> future = am.getAuthToken(account, AccountAuthenticator.AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE_ACCESS_TOKEN, null, currentActivity, null, null);
Bundle result = future.getResult();
String accessToken = result.getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN);
if (accessToken == null) throw new AuthenticatorException("WTF!");
client.setBearerCredentials(accessToken); // TODO not assume that the access token is a bearer token
- } else if (am.getUserData(account, AccountAuthenticator.KEY_SUPPORTS_SAML_WEB_SSO) != null) { // TODO avoid a call to getUserData here
+ } else if (isSamlSso) { // TODO avoid a call to getUserData here
AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> future = am.getAuthToken(account, AccountAuthenticator.AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE_SAML_WEB_SSO_SESSION_COOKIE, null, currentActivity, null, null);
Bundle result = future.getResult();
String accessToken = result.getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN);