@@ -39,14 +39,13 @@ import com.owncloud.android.operations.common.SyncOperation;
* Remote operation performing the removal of a remote file or folder in the ownCloud server.
public class RemoveFileOperation extends SyncOperation {
- // private static final String TAG = RemoveFileOperation.class.getSimpleName();
- private OCFile mFileToRemove;
- private String mRemotePath;
- private boolean mOnlyLocalCopy;
- private Account mAccount;
- private Context mContext;
+ private OCFile fileToRemove;
+ private String remotePath;
+ private boolean onlyLocalCopy;
+ private Account account;
+ private boolean inBackground;
+ private Context context;
@@ -57,11 +56,13 @@ public class RemoveFileOperation extends SyncOperation {
* @param onlyLocalCopy When 'true', and a local copy of the file exists, only this is
* removed.
- public RemoveFileOperation(String remotePath, boolean onlyLocalCopy, Account account, Context context) {
- mRemotePath = remotePath;
- mOnlyLocalCopy = onlyLocalCopy;
- mAccount = account;
- mContext = context;
+ public RemoveFileOperation(String remotePath, boolean onlyLocalCopy, Account account, boolean inBackground,
+ Context context) {
+ this.remotePath = remotePath;
+ this.onlyLocalCopy = onlyLocalCopy;
+ this.account = account;
+ this.inBackground = inBackground;
+ this.context = context;
@@ -71,7 +72,11 @@ public class RemoveFileOperation extends SyncOperation {
* @return File to remove or already removed.
public OCFile getFile() {
- return mFileToRemove;
+ return fileToRemove;
+ }
+ public boolean isInBackground() {
+ return inBackground;
@@ -83,30 +88,30 @@ public class RemoveFileOperation extends SyncOperation {
protected RemoteOperationResult run(OwnCloudClient client) {
RemoteOperationResult result = null;
RemoteOperation operation;
- mFileToRemove = getStorageManager().getFileByPath(mRemotePath);
+ fileToRemove = getStorageManager().getFileByPath(remotePath);
// store resized image
- ThumbnailsCacheManager.generateResizedImage(mFileToRemove);
+ ThumbnailsCacheManager.generateResizedImage(fileToRemove);
boolean localRemovalFailed = false;
- if (!mOnlyLocalCopy) {
+ if (!onlyLocalCopy) {
- if (mFileToRemove.isEncrypted() &&
+ if (fileToRemove.isEncrypted() &&
android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) {
- OCFile parent = getStorageManager().getFileByPath(mFileToRemove.getParentRemotePath());
- operation = new RemoveRemoteEncryptedFileOperation(mRemotePath, parent.getLocalId(), mAccount, mContext,
- mFileToRemove.getEncryptedFileName());
+ OCFile parent = getStorageManager().getFileByPath(fileToRemove.getParentRemotePath());
+ operation = new RemoveRemoteEncryptedFileOperation(remotePath, parent.getLocalId(), account, context,
+ fileToRemove.getEncryptedFileName());
} else {
- operation = new RemoveRemoteFileOperation(mRemotePath);
+ operation = new RemoveRemoteFileOperation(remotePath);
result = operation.execute(client);
if (result.isSuccess() || result.getCode() == ResultCode.FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
- localRemovalFailed = !(getStorageManager().removeFile(mFileToRemove, true, true));
+ localRemovalFailed = !(getStorageManager().removeFile(fileToRemove, true, true));
} else {
- localRemovalFailed = !(getStorageManager().removeFile(mFileToRemove, false, true));
+ localRemovalFailed = !(getStorageManager().removeFile(fileToRemove, false, true));
if (!localRemovalFailed) {
result = new RemoteOperationResult(ResultCode.OK);