@@ -0,0 +1,1233 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import base64
+import copy
+import getpass
+import os
+import re
+import fnmatch
+import urllib2
+import datetime, time
+import ConfigParser
+from txclib.web import *
+from txclib.utils import *
+from txclib.urls import API_URLS
+from txclib.config import OrderedRawConfigParser, Flipdict
+from txclib.log import logger
+from txclib.http_utils import http_response
+from txclib.processors import visit_hostname
+class ProjectNotInit(Exception):
+ pass
+class Project(object):
+ """
+ Represents an association between the local and remote project instances.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, path_to_tx=None, init=True):
+ """
+ Initialize the Project attributes.
+ """
+ if init:
+ self._init(path_to_tx)
+ def _init(self, path_to_tx=None):
+ instructions = "Run 'tx init' to initialize your project first!"
+ try:
+ self.root = self._get_tx_dir_path(path_to_tx)
+ self.config_file = self._get_config_file_path(self.root)
+ self.config = self._read_config_file(self.config_file)
+ self.txrc_file = self._get_transifex_file()
+ self.txrc = self._get_transifex_config(self.txrc_file)
+ except ProjectNotInit, e:
+ logger.error('\n'.join([unicode(e), instructions]))
+ raise
+ def _get_config_file_path(self, root_path):
+ """Check the .tx/config file exists."""
+ config_file = os.path.join(root_path, ".tx", "config")
+ logger.debug("Config file is %s" % config_file)
+ if not os.path.exists(config_file):
+ msg = "Cannot find the config file (.tx/config)!"
+ raise ProjectNotInit(msg)
+ return config_file
+ def _get_tx_dir_path(self, path_to_tx):
+ """Check the .tx directory exists."""
+ root_path = path_to_tx or find_dot_tx()
+ logger.debug("Path to tx is %s." % root_path)
+ if not root_path:
+ msg = "Cannot find any .tx directory!"
+ raise ProjectNotInit(msg)
+ return root_path
+ def _read_config_file(self, config_file):
+ """Parse the config file and return its contents."""
+ config = OrderedRawConfigParser()
+ try:
+ config.read(config_file)
+ except Exception, err:
+ msg = "Cannot open/parse .tx/config file: %s" % err
+ raise ProjectNotInit(msg)
+ return config
+ def _get_transifex_config(self, txrc_file):
+ """Read the configuration from the .transifexrc file."""
+ txrc = OrderedRawConfigParser()
+ try:
+ txrc.read(txrc_file)
+ except Exception, e:
+ msg = "Cannot read global configuration file: %s" % e
+ raise ProjectNotInit(msg)
+ self._migrate_txrc_file(txrc)
+ return txrc
+ def _migrate_txrc_file(self, txrc):
+ """Migrate the txrc file, if needed."""
+ for section in txrc.sections():
+ orig_hostname = txrc.get(section, 'hostname')
+ hostname = visit_hostname(orig_hostname)
+ if hostname != orig_hostname:
+ msg = "Hostname %s should be changed to %s."
+ logger.info(msg % (orig_hostname, hostname))
+ if (sys.stdin.isatty() and sys.stdout.isatty() and
+ confirm('Change it now? ', default=True)):
+ txrc.set(section, 'hostname', hostname)
+ msg = 'Hostname changed'
+ logger.info(msg)
+ else:
+ hostname = orig_hostname
+ self._save_txrc_file(txrc)
+ return txrc
+ def _get_transifex_file(self, directory=None):
+ """Fetch the path of the .transifexrc file.
+ It is in the home directory ofthe user by default.
+ """
+ if directory is None:
+ directory = os.path.expanduser('~')
+ txrc_file = os.path.join(directory, ".transifexrc")
+ logger.debug(".transifexrc file is at %s" % directory)
+ if not os.path.exists(txrc_file):
+ msg = "No authentication data found."
+ logger.info(msg)
+ mask = os.umask(077)
+ open(txrc_file, 'w').close()
+ os.umask(mask)
+ return txrc_file
+ def validate_config(self):
+ """
+ To ensure the json structure is correctly formed.
+ """
+ pass
+ def getset_host_credentials(self, host, user=None, password=None):
+ """
+ Read .transifexrc and report user,pass for a specific host else ask the
+ user for input.
+ """
+ try:
+ username = self.txrc.get(host, 'username')
+ passwd = self.txrc.get(host, 'password')
+ except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError):
+ logger.info("No entry found for host %s. Creating..." % host)
+ username = user or raw_input("Please enter your transifex username: ")
+ while (not username):
+ username = raw_input("Please enter your transifex username: ")
+ passwd = password
+ while (not passwd):
+ passwd = getpass.getpass()
+ logger.info("Updating %s file..." % self.txrc_file)
+ self.txrc.add_section(host)
+ self.txrc.set(host, 'username', username)
+ self.txrc.set(host, 'password', passwd)
+ self.txrc.set(host, 'token', '')
+ self.txrc.set(host, 'hostname', host)
+ return username, passwd
+ def set_remote_resource(self, resource, source_lang, i18n_type, host,
+ file_filter="translations<sep>%(proj)s.%(res)s<sep><lang>.%(extension)s"):
+ """
+ Method to handle the add/conf of a remote resource.
+ """
+ if not self.config.has_section(resource):
+ self.config.add_section(resource)
+ p_slug, r_slug = resource.split('.')
+ file_filter = file_filter.replace("<sep>", r"%s" % os.path.sep)
+ self.url_info = {
+ 'host': host,
+ 'project': p_slug,
+ 'resource': r_slug
+ }
+ extension = self._extension_for(i18n_type)[1:]
+ self.config.set(resource, 'source_lang', source_lang)
+ self.config.set(
+ resource, 'file_filter',
+ file_filter % {'proj': p_slug, 'res': r_slug, 'extension': extension}
+ )
+ if host != self.config.get('main', 'host'):
+ self.config.set(resource, 'host', host)
+ def get_resource_host(self, resource):
+ """
+ Returns the host that the resource is configured to use. If there is no
+ such option we return the default one
+ """
+ if self.config.has_option(resource, 'host'):
+ return self.config.get(resource, 'host')
+ return self.config.get('main', 'host')
+ def get_resource_lang_mapping(self, resource):
+ """
+ Get language mappings for a specific resource.
+ """
+ lang_map = Flipdict()
+ try:
+ args = self.config.get("main", "lang_map")
+ for arg in args.replace(' ', '').split(','):
+ k,v = arg.split(":")
+ lang_map.update({k:v})
+ except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
+ pass
+ except (ValueError, KeyError):
+ raise Exception("Your lang map configuration is not correct.")
+ if self.config.has_section(resource):
+ res_lang_map = Flipdict()
+ try:
+ args = self.config.get(resource, "lang_map")
+ for arg in args.replace(' ', '').split(','):
+ k,v = arg.split(":")
+ res_lang_map.update({k:v})
+ except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
+ pass
+ except (ValueError, KeyError):
+ raise Exception("Your lang map configuration is not correct.")
+ # merge the lang maps and return result
+ lang_map.update(res_lang_map)
+ return lang_map
+ def get_resource_files(self, resource):
+ """
+ Get a dict for all files assigned to a resource. First we calculate the
+ files matching the file expression and then we apply all translation
+ excpetions. The resulting dict will be in this format:
+ { 'en': 'path/foo/en/bar.po', 'de': 'path/foo/de/bar.po', 'es': 'path/exceptions/es.po'}
+ NOTE: All paths are relative to the root of the project
+ """
+ tr_files = {}
+ if self.config.has_section(resource):
+ try:
+ file_filter = self.config.get(resource, "file_filter")
+ except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
+ file_filter = "$^"
+ source_lang = self.config.get(resource, "source_lang")
+ source_file = self.get_resource_option(resource, 'source_file') or None
+ expr_re = regex_from_filefilter(file_filter, self.root)
+ expr_rec = re.compile(expr_re)
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.root):
+ for f in files:
+ f_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, f))
+ match = expr_rec.match(f_path)
+ if match:
+ lang = match.group(1)
+ if lang != source_lang:
+ f_path = relpath(f_path, self.root)
+ if f_path != source_file:
+ tr_files.update({lang: f_path})
+ for (name, value) in self.config.items(resource):
+ if name.startswith("trans."):
+ lang = name.split('.')[1]
+ # delete language which has same file
+ if value in tr_files.values():
+ keys = []
+ for k, v in tr_files.iteritems():
+ if v == value:
+ keys.append(k)
+ if len(keys) == 1:
+ del tr_files[keys[0]]
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Your configuration seems wrong."\
+ " You have multiple languages pointing to"\
+ " the same file.")
+ # Add language with correct file
+ tr_files.update({lang:value})
+ return tr_files
+ return None
+ def get_resource_option(self, resource, option):
+ """
+ Return the requested option for a specific resource
+ If there is no such option, we return None
+ """
+ if self.config.has_section(resource):
+ if self.config.has_option(resource, option):
+ return self.config.get(resource, option)
+ return None
+ def get_resource_list(self, project=None):
+ """
+ Parse config file and return tuples with the following format
+ [ (project_slug, resource_slug), (..., ...)]
+ """
+ resource_list= []
+ for r in self.config.sections():
+ if r == 'main':
+ continue
+ p_slug, r_slug = r.split('.', 1)
+ if project and p_slug != project:
+ continue
+ resource_list.append(r)
+ return resource_list
+ def save(self):
+ """
+ Store the config dictionary in the .tx/config file of the project.
+ """
+ self._save_tx_config()
+ self._save_txrc_file()
+ def _save_tx_config(self, config=None):
+ """Save the local config file."""
+ if config is None:
+ config = self.config
+ fh = open(self.config_file,"w")
+ config.write(fh)
+ fh.close()
+ def _save_txrc_file(self, txrc=None):
+ """Save the .transifexrc file."""
+ if txrc is None:
+ txrc = self.txrc
+ mask = os.umask(077)
+ fh = open(self.txrc_file, 'w')
+ txrc.write(fh)
+ fh.close()
+ os.umask(mask)
+ def get_full_path(self, relpath):
+ if relpath[0] == "/":
+ return relpath
+ else:
+ return os.path.join(self.root, relpath)
+ def pull(self, languages=[], resources=[], overwrite=True, fetchall=False,
+ fetchsource=False, force=False, skip=False, minimum_perc=0, mode=None):
+ """Pull all translations file from transifex server."""
+ self.minimum_perc = minimum_perc
+ resource_list = self.get_chosen_resources(resources)
+ if mode == 'reviewed':
+ url = 'pull_reviewed_file'
+ elif mode == 'translator':
+ url = 'pull_translator_file'
+ elif mode == 'developer':
+ url = 'pull_developer_file'
+ else:
+ url = 'pull_file'
+ for resource in resource_list:
+ logger.debug("Handling resource %s" % resource)
+ self.resource = resource
+ project_slug, resource_slug = resource.split('.')
+ files = self.get_resource_files(resource)
+ slang = self.get_resource_option(resource, 'source_lang')
+ sfile = self.get_resource_option(resource, 'source_file')
+ lang_map = self.get_resource_lang_mapping(resource)
+ host = self.get_resource_host(resource)
+ logger.debug("Language mapping is: %s" % lang_map)
+ if mode is None:
+ mode = self._get_option(resource, 'mode')
+ self.url_info = {
+ 'host': host,
+ 'project': project_slug,
+ 'resource': resource_slug
+ }
+ logger.debug("URL data are: %s" % self.url_info)
+ stats = self._get_stats_for_resource()
+ try:
+ file_filter = self.config.get(resource, 'file_filter')
+ except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
+ file_filter = None
+ # Pull source file
+ pull_languages = set([])
+ new_translations = set([])
+ if fetchall:
+ new_translations = self._new_translations_to_add(
+ files, slang, lang_map, stats, force
+ )
+ if new_translations:
+ msg = "New translations found for the following languages: %s"
+ logger.info(msg % ', '.join(new_translations))
+ existing, new = self._languages_to_pull(
+ languages, files, lang_map, stats, force
+ )
+ pull_languages |= existing
+ new_translations |= new
+ logger.debug("Adding to new translations: %s" % new)
+ if fetchsource:
+ if sfile and slang not in pull_languages:
+ pull_languages.add(slang)
+ elif slang not in new_translations:
+ new_translations.add(slang)
+ if pull_languages:
+ logger.debug("Pulling languages for: %s" % pull_languages)
+ msg = "Pulling translations for resource %s (source: %s)"
+ logger.info(msg % (resource, sfile))
+ for lang in pull_languages:
+ local_lang = lang
+ if lang in lang_map.values():
+ remote_lang = lang_map.flip[lang]
+ else:
+ remote_lang = lang
+ if languages and lang not in pull_languages:
+ logger.debug("Skipping language %s" % lang)
+ continue
+ if lang != slang:
+ local_file = files.get(lang, None) or files[lang_map[lang]]
+ else:
+ local_file = sfile
+ logger.debug("Using file %s" % local_file)
+ kwargs = {
+ 'lang': remote_lang,
+ 'stats': stats,
+ 'local_file': local_file,
+ 'force': force,
+ 'mode': mode,
+ }
+ if not self._should_update_translation(**kwargs):
+ msg = "Skipping '%s' translation (file: %s)."
+ logger.info(
+ msg % (color_text(remote_lang, "RED"), local_file)
+ )
+ continue
+ if not overwrite:
+ local_file = ("%s.new" % local_file)
+ logger.warning(
+ " -> %s: %s" % (color_text(remote_lang, "RED"), local_file)
+ )
+ try:
+ r = self.do_url_request(url, language=remote_lang)
+ except Exception,e:
+ if not skip:
+ raise e
+ else:
+ logger.error(e)
+ continue
+ base_dir = os.path.split(local_file)[0]
+ mkdir_p(base_dir)
+ fd = open(local_file, 'wb')
+ fd.write(r)
+ fd.close()
+ if new_translations:
+ msg = "Pulling new translations for resource %s (source: %s)"
+ logger.info(msg % (resource, sfile))
+ for lang in new_translations:
+ if lang in lang_map.keys():
+ local_lang = lang_map[lang]
+ else:
+ local_lang = lang
+ remote_lang = lang
+ if file_filter:
+ local_file = relpath(os.path.join(self.root,
+ file_filter.replace('<lang>', local_lang)), os.curdir)
+ else:
+ trans_dir = os.path.join(self.root, ".tx", resource)
+ if not os.path.exists(trans_dir):
+ os.mkdir(trans_dir)
+ local_file = relpath(os.path.join(trans_dir, '%s_translation' %
+ local_lang, os.curdir))
+ if lang != slang:
+ satisfies_min = self._satisfies_min_translated(
+ stats[remote_lang], mode
+ )
+ if not satisfies_min:
+ msg = "Skipping language %s due to used options."
+ logger.info(msg % lang)
+ continue
+ logger.warning(
+ " -> %s: %s" % (color_text(remote_lang, "RED"), local_file)
+ )
+ r = self.do_url_request(url, language=remote_lang)
+ base_dir = os.path.split(local_file)[0]
+ mkdir_p(base_dir)
+ fd = open(local_file, 'wb')
+ fd.write(r)
+ fd.close()
+ def push(self, source=False, translations=False, force=False, resources=[], languages=[],
+ skip=False, no_interactive=False):
+ """
+ Push all the resources
+ """
+ resource_list = self.get_chosen_resources(resources)
+ self.skip = skip
+ self.force = force
+ for resource in resource_list:
+ push_languages = []
+ project_slug, resource_slug = resource.split('.')
+ files = self.get_resource_files(resource)
+ slang = self.get_resource_option(resource, 'source_lang')
+ sfile = self.get_resource_option(resource, 'source_file')
+ lang_map = self.get_resource_lang_mapping(resource)
+ host = self.get_resource_host(resource)
+ logger.debug("Language mapping is: %s" % lang_map)
+ logger.debug("Using host %s" % host)
+ self.url_info = {
+ 'host': host,
+ 'project': project_slug,
+ 'resource': resource_slug
+ }
+ logger.info("Pushing translations for resource %s:" % resource)
+ stats = self._get_stats_for_resource()
+ if force and not no_interactive:
+ answer = raw_input("Warning: By using --force, the uploaded"
+ " files will overwrite remote translations, even if they"
+ " are newer than your uploaded files.\nAre you sure you"
+ " want to continue? [y/N] ")
+ if not answer in ["", 'Y', 'y', "yes", 'YES']:
+ return
+ if source:
+ if sfile == None:
+ logger.error("You don't seem to have a proper source file"
+ " mapping for resource %s. Try without the --source"
+ " option or set a source file first and then try again." %
+ resource)
+ continue
+ # Push source file
+ try:
+ logger.warning("Pushing source file (%s)" % sfile)
+ if not self._resource_exists(stats):
+ logger.info("Resource does not exist. Creating...")
+ fileinfo = "%s;%s" % (resource_slug, slang)
+ filename = self.get_full_path(sfile)
+ self._create_resource(resource, project_slug, fileinfo, filename)
+ self.do_url_request(
+ 'push_source', multipart=True, method="PUT",
+ files=[(
+ "%s;%s" % (resource_slug, slang)
+ , self.get_full_path(sfile)
+ )],
+ )
+ except Exception, e:
+ if not skip:
+ raise
+ else:
+ logger.error(e)
+ else:
+ try:
+ self.do_url_request('resource_details')
+ except Exception, e:
+ code = getattr(e, 'code', None)
+ if code == 404:
+ msg = "Resource %s doesn't exist on the server."
+ logger.error(msg % resource)
+ continue
+ if translations:
+ # Check if given language codes exist
+ if not languages:
+ push_languages = files.keys()
+ else:
+ push_languages = []
+ f_langs = files.keys()
+ for l in languages:
+ if l in lang_map.keys():
+ l = lang_map[l]
+ push_languages.append(l)
+ if l not in f_langs:
+ msg = "Warning: No mapping found for language code '%s'."
+ logger.error(msg % color_text(l,"RED"))
+ logger.debug("Languages to push are %s" % push_languages)
+ # Push translation files one by one
+ for lang in push_languages:
+ local_lang = lang
+ if lang in lang_map.values():
+ remote_lang = lang_map.flip[lang]
+ else:
+ remote_lang = lang
+ local_file = files[local_lang]
+ kwargs = {
+ 'lang': remote_lang,
+ 'stats': stats,
+ 'local_file': local_file,
+ 'force': force,
+ }
+ if not self._should_push_translation(**kwargs):
+ msg = "Skipping '%s' translation (file: %s)."
+ logger.info(msg % (color_text(lang, "RED"), local_file))
+ continue
+ msg = "Pushing '%s' translations (file: %s)"
+ logger.warning(
+ msg % (color_text(remote_lang, "RED"), local_file)
+ )
+ try:
+ self.do_url_request(
+ 'push_translation', multipart=True, method='PUT',
+ files=[(
+ "%s;%s" % (resource_slug, remote_lang),
+ self.get_full_path(local_file)
+ )], language=remote_lang
+ )
+ logger.debug("Translation %s pushed." % remote_lang)
+ except Exception, e:
+ if not skip:
+ raise e
+ else:
+ logger.error(e)
+ def delete(self, resources=[], languages=[], skip=False, force=False):
+ """Delete translations."""
+ resource_list = self.get_chosen_resources(resources)
+ self.skip = skip
+ self.force = force
+ if not languages:
+ delete_func = self._delete_resource
+ else:
+ delete_func = self._delete_translations
+ for resource in resource_list:
+ project_slug, resource_slug = resource.split('.')
+ host = self.get_resource_host(resource)
+ self.url_info = {
+ 'host': host,
+ 'project': project_slug,
+ 'resource': resource_slug
+ }
+ logger.debug("URL data are: %s" % self.url_info)
+ project_details = parse_json(
+ self.do_url_request('project_details', project=self)
+ )
+ teams = project_details['teams']
+ stats = self._get_stats_for_resource()
+ delete_func(project_details, resource, stats, languages)
+ def _delete_resource(self, project_details, resource, stats, *args):
+ """Delete a resource from Transifex."""
+ project_slug, resource_slug = resource.split('.')
+ project_resource_slugs = [
+ r['slug'] for r in project_details['resources']
+ ]
+ logger.info("Deleting resource %s:" % resource)
+ if resource_slug not in project_resource_slugs:
+ if not self.skip:
+ msg = "Skipping: %s : Resource does not exist."
+ logger.info(msg % resource)
+ return
+ if not self.force:
+ slang = self.get_resource_option(resource, 'source_lang')
+ for language in stats:
+ if language == slang:
+ continue
+ if int(stats[language]['translated_entities']) > 0:
+ msg = (
+ "Skipping: %s : Unable to delete resource because it "
+ "has a not empty %s translation.\nPlease use -f or "
+ "--force option to delete this resource."
+ )
+ logger.info(msg % (resource, language))
+ return
+ try:
+ self.do_url_request('delete_resource', method="DELETE")
+ self.config.remove_section(resource)
+ self.save()
+ msg = "Deleted resource %s of project %s."
+ logger.info(msg % (resource_slug, project_slug))
+ except Exception, e:
+ msg = "Unable to delete resource %s of project %s."
+ logger.error(msg % (resource_slug, project_slug))
+ if not self.skip:
+ raise
+ def _delete_translations(self, project_details, resource, stats, languages):
+ """Delete the specified translations for the specified resource."""
+ logger.info("Deleting translations from resource %s:" % resource)
+ for language in languages:
+ self._delete_translation(project_details, resource, stats, language)
+ def _delete_translation(self, project_details, resource, stats, language):
+ """Delete a specific translation from the specified resource."""
+ project_slug, resource_slug = resource.split('.')
+ if language not in stats:
+ if not self.skip:
+ msg = "Skipping %s: Translation does not exist."
+ logger.warning(msg % (language))
+ return
+ if not self.force:
+ teams = project_details['teams']
+ if language in teams:
+ msg = (
+ "Skipping %s: Unable to delete translation because it is "
+ "associated with a team.\nPlease use -f or --force option "
+ "to delete this translation."
+ )
+ logger.warning(msg % language)
+ return
+ if int(stats[language]['translated_entities']) > 0:
+ msg = (
+ "Skipping %s: Unable to delete translation because it "
+ "is not empty.\nPlease use -f or --force option to delete "
+ "this translation."
+ )
+ logger.warning(msg % language)
+ return
+ try:
+ self.do_url_request(
+ 'delete_translation', language=language, method="DELETE"
+ )
+ msg = "Deleted language %s from resource %s of project %s."
+ logger.info(msg % (language, resource_slug, project_slug))
+ except Exception, e:
+ msg = "Unable to delete translation %s"
+ logger.error(msg % language)
+ if not self.skip:
+ raise
+ def do_url_request(self, api_call, multipart=False, data=None,
+ files=[], encoding=None, method="GET", **kwargs):
+ """
+ Issues a url request.
+ """
+ # Read the credentials from the config file (.transifexrc)
+ host = self.url_info['host']
+ try:
+ username = self.txrc.get(host, 'username')
+ passwd = self.txrc.get(host, 'password')
+ token = self.txrc.get(host, 'token')
+ hostname = self.txrc.get(host, 'hostname')
+ except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
+ raise Exception("No user credentials found for host %s. Edit"
+ " ~/.transifexrc and add the appropriate info in there." %
+ host)
+ # Create the Url
+ kwargs['hostname'] = hostname
+ kwargs.update(self.url_info)
+ url = (API_URLS[api_call] % kwargs).encode('UTF-8')
+ logger.debug(url)
+ opener = None
+ headers = None
+ req = None
+ if multipart:
+ opener = urllib2.build_opener(MultipartPostHandler)
+ for info,filename in files:
+ data = { "resource" : info.split(';')[0],
+ "language" : info.split(';')[1],
+ "uploaded_file" : open(filename,'rb') }
+ urllib2.install_opener(opener)
+ req = RequestWithMethod(url=url, data=data, method=method)
+ else:
+ req = RequestWithMethod(url=url, data=data, method=method)
+ if encoding:
+ req.add_header("Content-Type",encoding)
+ base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, passwd))[:-1]
+ authheader = "Basic %s" % base64string
+ req.add_header("Authorization", authheader)
+ req.add_header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate")
+ req.add_header("User-Agent", user_agent_identifier())
+ try:
+ response = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=300)
+ return http_response(response)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if e.code in [401, 403, 404]:
+ raise e
+ elif 200 <= e.code < 300:
+ return None
+ else:
+ # For other requests, we should print the message as well
+ raise Exception("Remote server replied: %s" % e.read())
+ except urllib2.URLError, e:
+ error = e.args[0]
+ raise Exception("Remote server replied: %s" % error[1])
+ def _should_update_translation(self, lang, stats, local_file, force=False,
+ mode=None):
+ """Whether a translation should be udpated from Transifex.
+ We use the following criteria for that:
+ - If user requested to force the download.
+ - If language exists in Transifex.
+ - If the local file is older than the Transifex's file.
+ - If the user requested a x% completion.
+ Args:
+ lang: The language code to check.
+ stats: The (global) statistics object.
+ local_file: The local translation file.
+ force: A boolean flag.
+ mode: The mode for the translation.
+ Returns:
+ True or False.
+ """
+ return self._should_download(lang, stats, local_file, force)
+ def _should_add_translation(self, lang, stats, force=False, mode=None):
+ """Whether a translation should be added from Transifex.
+ We use the following criteria for that:
+ - If user requested to force the download.
+ - If language exists in Transifex.
+ - If the user requested a x% completion.
+ Args:
+ lang: The language code to check.
+ stats: The (global) statistics object.
+ force: A boolean flag.
+ mode: The mode for the translation.
+ Returns:
+ True or False.
+ """
+ return self._should_download(lang, stats, None, force)
+ def _should_download(self, lang, stats, local_file=None, force=False,
+ mode=None):
+ """Return whether a translation should be downloaded.
+ If local_file is None, skip the timestamps check (the file does
+ not exist locally).
+ """
+ try:
+ lang_stats = stats[lang]
+ except KeyError, e:
+ logger.debug("No lang %s in statistics" % lang)
+ return False
+ satisfies_min = self._satisfies_min_translated(lang_stats, mode)
+ if not satisfies_min:
+ return False
+ if force:
+ logger.debug("Downloading translation due to -f")
+ return True
+ if local_file is not None:
+ remote_update = self._extract_updated(lang_stats)
+ if not self._remote_is_newer(remote_update, local_file):
+ logger.debug("Local is newer than remote for lang %s" % lang)
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _should_push_translation(self, lang, stats, local_file, force=False):
+ """Return whether a local translation file should be
+ pushed to Trasnifex.
+ We use the following criteria for that:
+ - If user requested to force the upload.
+ - If language exists in Transifex.
+ - If local file is younger than the remote file.
+ Args:
+ lang: The language code to check.
+ stats: The (global) statistics object.
+ local_file: The local translation file.
+ force: A boolean flag.
+ Returns:
+ True or False.
+ """
+ if force:
+ logger.debug("Push translation due to -f.")
+ return True
+ try:
+ lang_stats = stats[lang]
+ except KeyError, e:
+ logger.debug("Language %s does not exist in Transifex." % lang)
+ return True
+ if local_file is not None:
+ remote_update = self._extract_updated(lang_stats)
+ if self._remote_is_newer(remote_update, local_file):
+ msg = "Remote translation is newer than local file for lang %s"
+ logger.debug(msg % lang)
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _generate_timestamp(self, update_datetime):
+ """Generate a UNIX timestamp from the argument.
+ Args:
+ update_datetime: The datetime in the format used by Transifex.
+ Returns:
+ A float, representing the timestamp that corresponds to the
+ argument.
+ """
+ time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+ return time.mktime(
+ datetime.datetime(
+ *time.strptime(update_datetime, time_format)[0:5]
+ ).utctimetuple()
+ )
+ def _get_time_of_local_file(self, path):
+ """Get the modified time of the path_.
+ Args:
+ path: The path we want the mtime for.
+ Returns:
+ The time as a timestamp or None, if the file does not exist
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ return None
+ return time.mktime(time.gmtime(os.path.getmtime(path)))
+ def _satisfies_min_translated(self, stats, mode=None):
+ """Check whether a translation fulfills the filter used for
+ minimum translated percentage.
+ Args:
+ perc: The current translation percentage.
+ Returns:
+ True or False
+ """
+ cur = self._extract_completed(stats, mode)
+ option_name = 'minimum_perc'
+ if self.minimum_perc is not None:
+ minimum_percent = self.minimum_perc
+ else:
+ global_minimum = int(
+ self.get_resource_option('main', option_name) or 0
+ )
+ resource_minimum = int(
+ self.get_resource_option(
+ self.resource, option_name
+ ) or global_minimum
+ )
+ minimum_percent = resource_minimum
+ return cur >= minimum_percent
+ def _remote_is_newer(self, remote_updated, local_file):
+ """Check whether the remote translation is newer that the local file.
+ Args:
+ remote_updated: The date and time the translation was last
+ updated remotely.
+ local_file: The local file.
+ Returns:
+ True or False.
+ """
+ if remote_updated is None:
+ logger.debug("No remote time")
+ return False
+ remote_time = self._generate_timestamp(remote_updated)
+ local_time = self._get_time_of_local_file(
+ self.get_full_path(local_file)
+ )
+ logger.debug(
+ "Remote time is %s and local %s" % (remote_time, local_time)
+ )
+ if local_time is not None and remote_time < local_time:
+ return False
+ return True
+ @classmethod
+ def _extract_completed(cls, stats, mode=None):
+ """Extract the information for the translated percentage from the stats.
+ Args:
+ stats: The stats object for a language as returned by Transifex.
+ mode: The mode of translations requested.
+ Returns:
+ The percentage of translation as integer.
+ """
+ if mode == 'reviewed':
+ key = 'reviewed_percentage'
+ else:
+ key = 'completed'
+ try:
+ return int(stats[key][:-1])
+ except KeyError, e:
+ return 0
+ @classmethod
+ def _extract_updated(cls, stats):
+ """Extract the information for the last update of a translation.
+ Args:
+ stats: The stats object for a language as returned by Transifex.
+ Returns:
+ The last update field.
+ """
+ try:
+ return stats['last_update']
+ except KeyError, e:
+ return None
+ def _new_translations_to_add(self, files, slang, lang_map,
+ stats, force=False):
+ """Return a list of translations which are new to the
+ local installation.
+ """
+ new_translations = []
+ timestamp = time.time()
+ langs = stats.keys()
+ logger.debug("Available languages are: %s" % langs)
+ for lang in langs:
+ lang_exists = lang in files.keys()
+ lang_is_source = lang == slang
+ mapped_lang_exists = (
+ lang in lang_map and lang_map[lang] in files.keys()
+ )
+ if lang_exists or lang_is_source or mapped_lang_exists:
+ continue
+ if self._should_add_translation(lang, stats, force):
+ new_translations.append(lang)
+ return set(new_translations)
+ def _get_stats_for_resource(self):
+ """Get the statistics information for a resource."""
+ try:
+ r = self.do_url_request('resource_stats')
+ logger.debug("Statistics response is %s" % r)
+ stats = parse_json(r)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ logger.debug("Resource not found: %s" % e)
+ stats = {}
+ except Exception,e:
+ logger.debug("Network error: %s" % e)
+ raise
+ return stats
+ def get_chosen_resources(self, resources):
+ """Get the resources the user selected.
+ Support wildcards in the resources specified by the user.
+ Args:
+ resources: A list of resources as specified in command-line or
+ an empty list.
+ Returns:
+ A list of resources.
+ """
+ configured_resources = self.get_resource_list()
+ if not resources:
+ return configured_resources
+ selected_resources = []
+ for resource in resources:
+ found = False
+ for full_name in configured_resources:
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(full_name, resource):
+ selected_resources.append(full_name)
+ found = True
+ if not found:
+ msg = "Specified resource '%s' does not exist."
+ raise Exception(msg % resource)
+ logger.debug("Operating on resources: %s" % selected_resources)
+ return selected_resources
+ def _languages_to_pull(self, languages, files, lang_map, stats, force):
+ """Get a set of langauges to pull.
+ Args:
+ languages: A list of languages the user selected in cmd.
+ files: A dictionary of current local translation files.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple of a set of existing languages and new translations.
+ """
+ if not languages:
+ pull_languages = set([])
+ pull_languages |= set(files.keys())
+ mapped_files = []
+ for lang in pull_languages:
+ if lang in lang_map.flip:
+ mapped_files.append(lang_map.flip[lang])
+ pull_languages -= set(lang_map.flip.keys())
+ pull_languages |= set(mapped_files)
+ return (pull_languages, set([]))
+ else:
+ pull_languages = []
+ new_translations = []
+ f_langs = files.keys()
+ for l in languages:
+ if l not in f_langs and not (l in lang_map and lang_map[l] in f_langs):
+ if self._should_add_translation(l, stats, force):
+ new_translations.append(l)
+ else:
+ if l in lang_map.keys():
+ l = lang_map[l]
+ pull_languages.append(l)
+ return (set(pull_languages), set(new_translations))
+ def _extension_for(self, i18n_type):
+ """Return the extension used for the specified type."""
+ try:
+ res = parse_json(self.do_url_request('formats'))
+ return res[i18n_type]['file-extensions'].split(',')[0]
+ except Exception,e:
+ logger.error(e)
+ return ''
+ def _resource_exists(self, stats):
+ """Check if resource exists.
+ Args:
+ stats: The statistics dict as returned by Tx.
+ Returns:
+ True, if the resource exists in the server.
+ """
+ return bool(stats)
+ def _create_resource(self, resource, pslug, fileinfo, filename, **kwargs):
+ """Create a resource.
+ Args:
+ resource: The full resource name.
+ pslug: The slug of the project.
+ fileinfo: The information of the resource.
+ filename: The name of the file.
+ Raises:
+ URLError, in case of a problem.
+ """
+ multipart = True
+ method = "POST"
+ api_call = 'create_resource'
+ host = self.url_info['host']
+ try:
+ username = self.txrc.get(host, 'username')
+ passwd = self.txrc.get(host, 'password')
+ token = self.txrc.get(host, 'token')
+ hostname = self.txrc.get(host, 'hostname')
+ except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
+ raise Exception("No user credentials found for host %s. Edit"
+ " ~/.transifexrc and add the appropriate info in there." %
+ host)
+ # Create the Url
+ kwargs['hostname'] = hostname
+ kwargs.update(self.url_info)
+ kwargs['project'] = pslug
+ url = (API_URLS[api_call] % kwargs).encode('UTF-8')
+ opener = None
+ headers = None
+ req = None
+ i18n_type = self._get_option(resource, 'type')
+ if i18n_type is None:
+ logger.error(
+ "Please define the resource type in .tx/config (eg. type = PO)."
+ " More info: http://bit.ly/txcl-rt"
+ )
+ opener = urllib2.build_opener(MultipartPostHandler)
+ data = {
+ "slug": fileinfo.split(';')[0],
+ "name": fileinfo.split(';')[0],
+ "uploaded_file": open(filename,'rb'),
+ "i18n_type": i18n_type
+ }
+ urllib2.install_opener(opener)
+ req = RequestWithMethod(url=url, data=data, method=method)
+ base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, passwd))[:-1]
+ authheader = "Basic %s" % base64string
+ req.add_header("Authorization", authheader)
+ try:
+ fh = urllib2.urlopen(req)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if e.code in [401, 403, 404]:
+ raise e
+ else:
+ # For other requests, we should print the message as well
+ raise Exception("Remote server replied: %s" % e.read())
+ except urllib2.URLError, e:
+ error = e.args[0]
+ raise Exception("Remote server replied: %s" % error[1])
+ raw = fh.read()
+ fh.close()
+ return raw
+ def _get_option(self, resource, option):
+ """Get the value for the option in the config file.
+ If the option is not in the resource section, look for it in
+ the project.
+ Args:
+ resource: The resource name.
+ option: The option the value of which we are interested in.
+ Returns:
+ The option value or None, if it does not exist.
+ """
+ value = self.get_resource_option(resource, option)
+ if value is None:
+ if self.config.has_option('main', option):
+ return self.config.get('main', option)
+ return value
+ def set_i18n_type(self, resources, i18n_type):
+ """Set the type for the specified resources."""
+ self._set_resource_option(resources, key='type', value=i18n_type)
+ def set_min_perc(self, resources, perc):
+ """Set the minimum percentage for the resources."""
+ self._set_resource_option(resources, key='minimum_perc', value=perc)
+ def set_default_mode(self, resources, mode):
+ """Set the default mode for the specified resources."""
+ self._set_resource_option(resources, key='mode', value=mode)
+ def _set_resource_option(self, resources, key, value):
+ """Set options in the config file.
+ If resources is empty. set the option globally.
+ """
+ if not resources:
+ self.config.set('main', key, value)
+ return
+ for r in resources:
+ self.config.set(r, key, value)