@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+ SVG template from the Android system icon style guide reference square icon
+ http://www.google.com/design/spec/style/icons.html#icons-product-icons
+ This file contains additional metadata for use with Inkscape, such as layers
+ and grids. This means that you can use the file directly with Inkscape, with
+ all elements should be visible and controllable in the UI. Additioanl
+ elements and attributes will anyways be generated by Inkscape on the first
+ save. -->
+ xmlns:osb="http://www.openswatchbook.org/uri/2009/osb"
+ xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
+ xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#"
+ xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+ xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ xmlns:sodipodi="http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/DTD/sodipodi-0.dtd"
+ xmlns:inkscape="http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape"
+ version="1.0"
+ width="48"
+ height="48"
+ viewBox="0 0 48 48"
+ id="svg2"
+ inkscape:version="0.91 r13725"
+ sodipodi:docname="launcher.svg"
+ inkscape:export-filename="C:\DEV\src\Android\nextcloud_android\res\mipmap-xxxhdpi\ic_launcher.png"
+ inkscape:export-xdpi="454.73999"
+ inkscape:export-ydpi="454.73999">
+ <metadata
+ id="metadata64">
+ <rdf:RDF>
+ <cc:Work
+ rdf:about="">
+ <dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format>
+ <dc:type
+ rdf:resource="http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage" />
+ <dc:title></dc:title>
+ </cc:Work>
+ </rdf:RDF>
+ </metadata>
+ <!--
+ We use a 48x48 grid to match the 48x48dp measure in the style guide.
+ The visible part of the icon will be smaller. -->
+ <defs
+ id="defs">
+ <linearGradient
+ id="linearGradient6098"
+ osb:paint="solid">
+ <stop
+ style="stop-color:#ffffff;stop-opacity:1;"
+ offset="0"
+ id="stop6100" />
+ </linearGradient>
+ <linearGradient
+ id="linearGradient5678">
+ <!--
+ Linear gradient that defines colors stops for the 33% midpoint.
+ Edit the stop-color attributes to change the color of the gradient.
+ Used for the radial gradient in the finish. -->
+ <stop
+ offset="0"
+ style="stop-color:#ffffff;stop-opacity:1"
+ id="stop5680" />
+ <stop
+ offset="1"
+ style="stop-color:#ffffff;stop-opacity:0"
+ id="stop5684" />
+ </linearGradient>
+ <linearGradient
+ id="linearGradient5650"
+ osb:paint="solid">
+ <stop
+ style="stop-color:#ffffff;stop-opacity:1;"
+ offset="0"
+ id="stop5652" />
+ </linearGradient>
+ <clipPath
+ id="clipSilhouette">
+ <!--
+ This clip path is used to cut out any shadows and finishes outside
+ of the 152x152px (38x38dp) square keyline shape. -->
+ <rect
+ width="38"
+ height="38"
+ x="5"
+ y="5"
+ rx="3"
+ ry="3"
+ id="clipSilhouetteBounds" />
+ </clipPath>
+ <linearGradient
+ id="linearGradientWhiteMidpoint33">
+ <!--
+ Linear gradient that defines colors stops for the 33% midpoint.
+ Edit the stop-color attributes to change the color of the gradient.
+ Used for the radial gradient in the finish. -->
+ <stop
+ id="stopStart"
+ style="stop-color:#ffffff;stop-opacity:1"
+ offset="0" />
+ <stop
+ id="stopMidpoint"
+ style="stop-color:#ffffff;stop-opacity:0.5"
+ offset="0.33333" />
+ <stop
+ id="stopEnd"
+ style="stop-color:#ffffff;stop-opacity:0"
+ offset="1" />
+ </linearGradient>
+ <radialGradient
+ id="radialGradientFinish"
+ xlink:href="#linearGradientWhiteMidpoint33"
+ cx="0"
+ cy="0"
+ r="48"
+ gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
+ <!--
+ The gradient used to fill the finishing layer of the icon with a
+ 45º angle light. The color of the light is defined in
+ #linearGradientWhiteMidpoint33 -->
+ </radialGradient>
+ <filter
+ id="filterTint"
+ inkscape:label="Tint"
+ x="0"
+ y="0"
+ width="1"
+ height="1">
+ <!--
+ Filter used to produce the lighter edge at the top of material
+ elements.
+ Edit the flood-color attribute in the feFlood element below to
+ change the tint color.-->
+ <feFlood
+ flood-opacity="0.2"
+ flood-color="#ffffff"
+ result="floodTintColor"
+ id="feFlood13" />
+ <feOffset
+ in="SourceAlpha"
+ dx="0"
+ dy="1"
+ result="offsetAlpha"
+ id="feOffset15">
+ <!--
+ The style guideline metrics specify the y offset to be 1dp, but
+ looking at the example images, they seem to use 0.5dp or lower.
+ -->
+ </feOffset>
+ <feComposite
+ in="SourceAlpha"
+ in2="offsetAlpha"
+ operator="out"
+ result="edgeAlpha"
+ id="feComposite17" />
+ <feComposite
+ in="floodTintColor"
+ in2="edgeAlpha"
+ operator="in"
+ result="edgeColor"
+ id="feComposite19" />
+ <feBlend
+ in="edgeColor"
+ in2="SourceGraphic"
+ mode="normal"
+ result="tint"
+ id="feBlend21" />
+ </filter>
+ <filter
+ id="filterShade"
+ inkscape:label="Shade"
+ height="1"
+ width="1"
+ y="0"
+ x="0">
+ <!--
+ Filter used to produce the darker edge at the bottom of material
+ elements.
+ Edit the flood-color attribute in the feFlood element below to
+ change the shade color. -->
+ <feFlood
+ flood-color="#212121"
+ flood-opacity="0.2"
+ result="floodShadeColor"
+ id="feFlood24" />
+ <feOffset
+ in="SourceAlpha"
+ dy="-1"
+ dx="0"
+ result="offsetAlpha"
+ id="feOffset26" />
+ <feComposite
+ in="SourceAlpha"
+ in2="offsetAlpha"
+ operator="out"
+ result="edgeAlpha"
+ id="feComposite28" />
+ <feComposite
+ in="floodShadeColor"
+ in2="edgeAlpha"
+ operator="in"
+ result="edgeColor"
+ id="feComposite30" />
+ <feBlend
+ in="edgeColor"
+ in2="SourceGraphic"
+ mode="normal"
+ result="shade"
+ id="feBlend32" />
+ </filter>
+ <filter
+ id="filterShadow"
+ inkscape:label="Drop Shadow"
+ width="2"
+ height="2"
+ x="-0.5"
+ y="-0.5">
+ <!--
+ Filter used to produce the blurred shadow below material elements.
+ Edit the flood-color attribute in the feFlood element below to
+ change the shadow color. To edit the shadow size and offset, change
+ the attributes in the feGaussianBlur and feOffset elements. -->
+ <feFlood
+ flood-opacity="0.2"
+ flood-color="#212121"
+ result="floodShadowColor"
+ id="feFlood35" />
+ <feComposite
+ in="floodShadowColor"
+ in2="SourceAlpha"
+ operator="in"
+ result="shadow"
+ id="feComposite37" />
+ <feGaussianBlur
+ in="shadow"
+ stdDeviation="1.5"
+ result="bluredShadow"
+ id="feGaussianBlur39" />
+ <feOffset
+ in="bluredShadow"
+ dx="0"
+ dy="1.5"
+ result="offsetShadow"
+ id="feOffset41" />
+ <feComposite
+ in="SourceGraphic"
+ in2="offsetShadow"
+ operator="over"
+ result="dropShadow"
+ id="feComposite43" />
+ </filter>
+ <linearGradient
+ inkscape:collect="always"
+ xlink:href="#linearGradient6098"
+ id="linearGradient6102"
+ x1="5"
+ y1="24"
+ x2="43"
+ y2="24"
+ gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" />
+ </defs>
+ <sodipodi:namedview
+ showgrid="true"
+ id="namedview45"
+ inkscape:zoom="9.8333333"
+ inkscape:cx="40.11977"
+ inkscape:cy="16.349996"
+ inkscape:window-width="1920"
+ inkscape:window-height="1005"
+ inkscape:window-x="-9"
+ inkscape:window-y="-9"
+ inkscape:window-maximized="1"
+ inkscape:current-layer="materialBackground">
+ <!--
+ This defines the grids shown in Inkscape.
+ These won't affect the result of the render. -->
+ <inkscape:grid
+ type="xygrid"
+ id="gridMain"
+ originx="3"
+ originy="3"
+ empspacing="7"
+ dotted="false"
+ enabled="true" />
+ <inkscape:grid
+ type="axonomgrid"
+ id="gridDiagonal"
+ units="px"
+ empspacing="1"
+ gridanglex="45"
+ gridanglez="45"
+ spacingy="48"
+ enabled="true" />
+ </sodipodi:namedview>
+ <!--
+ The following groups contain the actual visible parts of the image.
+ The groups should be clipped with the silhouette path so that any shadows
+ and finishes won't bleed over the edges.
+ The order of the elements in this group defines how the elements overlap
+ visually, with the first ones being rendered at the bottom. -->
+ <g
+ id="materialBackground"
+ inkscape:groupmode="layer"
+ inkscape:label="Material background"
+ clip-path="url(#clipSilhouette)">
+ <!--
+ We need to use nested groups to apply multiple filters on a
+ single element. -->
+ <g
+ style="filter:url(#filterShade);fill-opacity:1;fill:url(#linearGradient6102)"
+ id="g50">
+ <rect
+ style="fill:url(#linearGradient6102);filter:url(#filterTint);fill-opacity:1"
+ width="38"
+ height="38"
+ x="5"
+ y="5"
+ rx="3"
+ ry="3"
+ id="rect52" />
+ </g>
+ <path
+ inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
+ style="color:#000000;text-indent:0;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-line:none;text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#000000;text-transform:none;block-progression:tb;white-space:normal;isolation:auto;mix-blend-mode:normal;solid-color:#000000;fill:#0082c9;color-rendering:auto;image-rendering:auto;shape-rendering:auto;enable-background:accumulate"
+ d="m 24.070612,15.835785 c -3.745727,3.59e-4 -6.891036,2.565083 -7.852186,6.015574 -0.83879,-1.84545 -2.685138,-3.153398 -4.830318,-3.153398 -2.9201215,3.31e-4 -5.3210785,2.401377 -5.3213781,5.321678 -5.693e-4,2.920841 2.4006874,5.322278 5.3213781,5.322876 2.14545,-2.59e-4 3.99051,-1.308936 4.829419,-3.154596 0.960671,3.450912 4.107058,6.016175 7.853386,6.016475 3.725354,2.87e-4 6.855383,-2.53713 7.835707,-5.95835 0.852392,1.811563 2.670367,3.096173 4.791069,3.096471 2.921261,5.11e-4 5.322877,-2.401315 5.322577,-5.322876 -2.82e-4,-2.92084 -2.401767,-5.322276 -5.322577,-5.321678 -2.120672,2.46e-4 -3.939576,1.284729 -4.791968,3.096473 -0.980923,-3.42155 -4.109754,-5.95895 -7.835109,-5.958649 z m 0,3.124036 c 2.813132,-1.87e-4 5.060119,2.246419 5.060419,5.059818 1.4e-4,2.813582 -2.247077,5.061018 -5.060419,5.060718 -2.81313,-2.73e-4 -5.059518,-2.247527 -5.059518,-5.060718 2.95e-4,-2.81292 2.246657,-5.059518 5.059518,-5.059818 z m -12.682504,2.861877 c 1.232297,1.42e-4 2.197462,0.965345 2.197612,2.197702 2.17e-4,1.232627 -0.965045,2.19866 -2.197612,2.19881 -1.232567,-1.43e-4 -2.1978209,-0.966183 -2.1976111,-2.19881 1.414e-4,-1.232357 0.9652851,-2.197582 2.1976111,-2.197702 z m 25.309281,0 c 1.232537,-2.15e-4 2.19854,0.965076 2.19869,2.197702 2.94e-4,1.232897 -0.965823,2.19902 -2.19869,2.19881 -1.232596,-1.43e-4 -2.197851,-0.966183 -2.197641,-2.19881 1.4e-4,-1.232357 0.965345,-2.197582 2.197641,-2.197702 z"
+ id="path6" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="materialForeground"
+ inkscape:groupmode="layer"
+ inkscape:label="Material foreground"
+ clip-path="url(#clipSilhouette)" />
+ <g
+ id="finish"
+ inkscape:groupmode="layer"
+ inkscape:label="Finish"
+ clip-path="url(#clipSilhouette)" />