%1$s Android app About version %1$s version %1$s, build #%2$s Account creation failed Account icon Account not found! Clear failed uploads Edit Clear all notifications Empty trashbin Send/Share Grid view List view Back up contacts Restore contacts Copy New folder Move Open with Search Details Send Settings Sort Refresh account Active user No activity yet No events like additions, changes and shares yet Send Send link to… Activity Add to %1$s Associated account not found! Access failed: %1$s The account is not added on this device yet An account for the same user and server already exists on the device The entered user does not match the user of this account Unrecognised server version Cannot authenticate to this server Check server Connection established Please enter the current password Your server is not returning a correct user ID, please contact an admin Server address Server address https://… Illegal login data URL used Wrong address format for server Server not found No network connection Secure connection unavailable. Malformed server configuration Unsuccessful authorisation Access denied by authorisation server Password Secure connection redirected through an unsecured route. Refresh connection Secure connection established SSL initialisation failed Could not verify the identity of the SSL server Testing connection The server took too long to respond Trying to log in… Wrong username or password Unknown error: %1$s Unknown HTTP error occurred! Unknown error occurred! Could not find host %1$s does not support multiple accounts Username Could not establish connection Unexpected state, please enter the server address again kept in original folder, as it is readonly Only upload on unmetered Wi-Fi /AutoUpload Configure Create new custom folder setup Set up a custom folder Disable power save check Hide folder Avatar Close Disable Your device may have battery optimization enabled. AutoUpload works only properly if you exclude this app from it. Unable to start battery settings directly. Please adjust manually in settings. Battery optimization There is a problem loading the certificate. Changelog dev version Checkbox Choose local folder… Choose remote folder… Failed to clear notifications. Text copied from %1$s Received no text to copy to clipboard Link copied Unexpected error while copying to clipboard Back Cancel Cancel sync Choose account Delete Error Not enough memory Unknown error Loading… No OK Pending Delete Rename Save Send Share Switch Account unknown Yes Test the dev version This includes all upcoming features and it is on the very bleeding edge. Bugs/errors can occur, if and when they do, please report of your findings. forum Help others on the Review, amend and write code, see %1$s for details Actively Contribute Join the chat on IRC: the app Translate Download development release directly Get development release from F-Droid app Get release candidate from F-Droid app Get release candidate from Google Play store Release candidate The release candidate (RC) is a snapshot of the upcoming release and is expected to be stable. Testing your individual setup could help ensure this. Sign up for testing on the Play store or manually look in the \"Version\" section of F-Droid. Found a bug? Oddments? Help by testing Report an issue on GitHub Interested in helping out by testing what will be the next version? Configure Do you really want to delete %1$s? Do you really want to delete the selected items? Do you really want to delete %1$s and it\'s content? Do you really want to delete the selected items and their contents? Local only Already existing file Keep both Which files do you want to keep? If you select both versions, the local file will have a number appended to its name. If you select both versions, the local file will have a number appended to its name. Which files do you wish to keep? New file File conflict local version server version Restore selected contacts Choose account to import User icon for contact list No permission given, nothing imported. Automatic backup Back up now Last backup never Choose date Backup scheduled and will start shortly Import scheduled and will start shortly No file found Could not find your last backup! Permission to read contact list needed Copied to clipboard An error occurred while trying to copy this file or folder It is not possible to copy a folder into one of its own underlying folders The file is already present in the destination folder Unable to copy. Please check whether the file exists Copy link Copy/move into encrypted folder currently not supported. Copy to… Could not download full image Could not retrieve URL Could not create folder Create new Create new document Create new folder Create new presentation Create new spreadsheet Add folder info creates folder info Credentials disabled Unknown Incorrect credentials Remove account Remove account %s and delete all local files?\n\nDeletion cannot be undone. Delete entries Deselect all New version available No info available. No new version available. This digest algorithm is not available on your phone. Disable Dismiss Dismiss notification Download latest dev version Could not download %1$s Download failed, log in again Download failed The file is no longer available on the server %1$d%% Downloading %2$s Downloading… %1$s downloaded Downloaded Not downloaded yet Close sidebar Community Current account Last account Background image of drawer header Activities All files Favourites Home Notifications On device Photos Recently added Recently modified Shared Deleted files Uploads Videos Log out Manage accounts Middle account Open sidebar %1$s of %2$s used %1$s used Auto upload edit edit folder info Set as encrypted Set up encryption Decrypting… Close Please enter password to decrypt private key. This folder is not empty. Generating new keys… All 12 words together make a very strong password, letting only you view and make use of your encrypted files. Please write it down and keep it somewhere safe. End-to-end encryption disabled on server. Encryption only works on KitKat(4.4) and beyond. Make note of your 12 word encryption password Password… Retrieving keys… Storing keys Set up encryption Could not save keys, please try again. Error while decrypting. Wrong password? Please enter a filename %1$s could not be copied to %2$s local folder Critical error: Unable to perform operations Error commenting file %1$s crashed Report Report issue to tracker? (requires a Github account) Error retrieving file Error retrieving templates Error starting camera Accounts Job name Progress Started State UUID Background jobs Cancel all jobs Prune inactive jobs Start test job Stop test job Migrations (app upgrade) Preferences Engineering Test Mode Add or upload Failed to pass file to download manager Failed to print file Failed to start editor Back Revert to old login method Add to favorites Favorite file Delete Error retrieving activities for file Failed to load details File Keep Upload some content or sync with your devices. Nothing favorited yet Your search returned no favorited files. Files and folders you mark as favorites will show up here No files here No results in this folder No results No photos No videos Nothing in here. You can add a folder. Found no recently added files No recently added files. Found no files modified within the last 7 days No files modified the last 7 days. Maybe it is in a different folder? Files and folders you share will show up here Nothing shared yet Upload some photos or activate auto upload. No photos. Upload some videos or activate auto upload. No videos. folder Loading… No app set up to handle this file type. seconds ago Checking destination… Cleaning… Updating storage path Data folder already exists. Choose one of the following: Nextcloud folder already exists More space needed Could not read source file Could not write to destination file Failed during migration Failed to update index Moving data… Finished Replace Preparing migration… Restoring account config… Saving account config… Do you still want to change the storage path to %1$s?\n\nNote: All data will have to be downloaded again. Source folder not readable! Updating index… Use Awaiting full sync… File not found File could not be synced. Showing latest available version. Rename Error restoring file version! Successfully restored file version. Download File renamed %1$s during upload Sync No file selected Filename cannot be empty Forbidden characters: / \\ < > : \" | ? * Filename contains at least one invalid character Filename This is a Nextcloud feature, please upgrade. Keep your data secure and under your control Secure collaboration & file exchange Easy-to-use web mail, calendering & contacts Screensharing, online meetings & web conferences folder Folder already exists Create Folder icon No folders here Choose You are not permitted %s to copy this file to create this file to delete this file to move this file to rename this file Downloading files… Uploading files… Some files could not be moved Local: %1$s Move all Remote: %1$s All files were moved Forward Name Note Password Server not available Host your own server Also upload existing files Only upload when charging /InstantUpload Invalid URL Learn more Link Listed layout There are no files in this folder. File not found in local file system There are no further folders. %1$s Android app logs No app for sending logs found. Please install an e-mail client. Log in Delete logs Refresh Search logs Send logs by e-mail Logs: %1$d kB, query matched %2$d / %3$d in %4$d ms Loading… Logs: %1$d kB, no filter Logs Server in maintenance mode Clear data Settings, database and server certificates from %1$s\'s data will be deleted permanently. \n\nDownloaded files will be kept untouched.\n\nThis process can take a while. Manage space The media file can not be streamed Could not read the media file The media file has incorrect encoding Attempt to play file timed out The built-in media player is unable to play the media file Unsupported media codec Fast-forward button %1$s music player Play or pause button Rewind button %1$s (playing) Newest first Oldest first A - Z Z - A Biggest first Smallest first An error occurred whilst trying to move this file or folder It is not possible to move a folder into one of its own underlying folders The file is already present in the destination folder Unable to move file. Please check whether it exists Move to… An error occurred while waiting for the server. Could not complete operation An error occurred during connection to the server An error occurred while waiting for the server. Could not complete operation Could not complete operation. Server unavailable New comment… New %1$s media folder detected. photo video New Notification New version was created No app available to handle links Only one account allowed No App available to handle PDF Send Could not send note Failed to execute action. Shows download progress Download notification channel Monitors files for changes File observer Shows file sync progress and results File sync Show notifications for new media folders and similar General notifications Music player progress Media player Show push notifications sent by the server: Mentions in comments, reception of new remote shares, announcements posted by an admin etc. Push notifications Shows upload progress Upload notification channel Notification icon Loading notifications… No notifications Please check back later. No internet connection The server has reached end of life, please upgrade! More menu Enter your passcode The passcode will be requested every time the app is started Please enter your passcode The passcodes are not the same Please reenter your passcode Delete your passcode Passcode deleted Passcode stored Incorrect passcode Allow Deny Additional permissions required to upload and download files. No app found to set a picture with 389 KB placeholder.txt 12:23:45 This is a placeholder 2012/05/18 12:23 PM Disabling power save check might result in uploading files when in low battery state! deleted kept in original folder moved to app folder Add account Sync calendar & contacts Server address for the account could not be resolved for DAVx5 (formerly known as DAVdroid) Neither F-Droid nor Google Play is installed Set up DAVx5 (formerly known as DAVdroid) (v1.3.0+) for current account Calendar & contacts sync set up About Details Dev General More Daily backup of your contacts E2E mnemonic To show mnemonic please enable device credentials. Show media scan notifications Notify about newly found media folders GNU General Public License, version 2 Help Imprint Original file will be… Original file will be… Store in subfolders based on year and month Use subfolders License App passcode Device credentials enabled No device credentials have been set up. None Protect app using Device credentials Passcode Manage accounts Recommend to friend Show hidden files Get source code Storage path Local folder Remote folder Theme Dark Light Follow system Image preview There is no local file to preview Unable to show image Sorry Privacy Push notifications disabled due to dependencies on proprietary Google Play services. No push notifications due to outdated login session. Please consider re-adding your account. Push notifications currently not available. Try %1$s on your device! I want to invite you to use %1$s on your device.\nDownload here: %2$s %1$s or %2$s Failed to find file! Deletion failed Failed to remove notification. Remove Deleted Enter a new name Could not rename local copy, try a different name Renaming not possible, name already taken Resharing is not allowed Resharing is not allowed No resized image available. No resized image available. Download full image? Restore file Restore deleted file Retrieving file… Failed to load document! Password required Incorrect password Login via QR code Protecting your data self-hosted productivity Browse and share all actions at your fingertips Activity, shares, … everything quickly accessible All your accounts in one place Automatic upload for your photos & videos Calendar & contacts Sync with DAVx5 Search users and groups Select all Select template Send Send note to recipient Send button icon Set As Use picture as Connect Share Add user or group Sharing %1$s (email) Expires %1$s Share %1$s Get link %1$s (group) Share internal link Only works for users with access to this %1$s Internal share link only works for users with access to this file Internal share link only works for users with access to this folder %1$s ( at %2$s ) You must enter a password An error occurred while trying to share this file or folder Unable to share. Please check whether the file exists to share this file Enter an optional password Enter a password Set expiration date Set password No data shared with users yet Password-protected can edit can change can create can delete can share Unshare %1$s (remote) %1$s (conversation) Name, federated cloud ID or email address… Note to recipient Allow editing Set expiration date Hide download Hide file listing Password protect (%1$s) Protect with password Secured Share link Send link Unset Share with %1$s Share with… Share with users and groups Avatar from shared user share shared shared via link Shared with you by %1$s Adding sharee failed Sign up with provider Allow %1$s to access your Nextcloud account %2$s? Sort by Newest first Oldest first A - Z Z - A Smallest first Biggest first Hide Details The identity of the server could not be verified Country: Common name: Location: Organisation: Organisational unit: State: Fingerprint: Issued by: Signature: Algorithm: Issued to: Validity: From: To: - No information about the error Could not save certificate The certificate could not be shown. Do you want to trust this certificate anyway? - The server certificate expired - The server certificate is not trusted - The server certificate valid dates are in the future - The URL does not match the hostname in the certificate Camera Choose storage location Default Documents Downloads Internal storage Movies Music Pictures The self-hosted productivity platform that keeps you in control.\n\nFeatures:\n* Easy, modern interface, suited to the theme of your server\n* Upload files to your Nextcloud server\n* Share them with others\n* Keep your favorite files and folders synced\n* Search across all folders on your server\n* Auto Upload for photos and videos taken by your device\n* Keep up to date with notifications\n* Multi-account support\n* Secure access to your data with fingerprint or PIN\n* Integration with DAVx5 (formerly known as DAVdroid) for easy setup of calendar & Contacts synchronization\n\nPlease report all issues at https://github.com/nextcloud/android/issues and discuss this app at https://help.nextcloud.com/c/clients/android\n\nNew to Nextcloud? Nextcloud is a private file sync & share and communication server. It is libre software, and you can host it yourself or pay a company to do it for you. That way, you are in control of your photos, your calendar and contact data, your documents and everything else.\n\nCheck out Nextcloud at https://nextcloud.com The self-hosted productivity platform that keeps you in control.\nThis is the official development version, featuring a daily sample of any new untested functionality, which may cause instability and data loss. The app is for users willing to test, and report bugs should they occur. Do not use it for your productive work!\n\nBoth the official dev and regular version are available on F-droid, and can be installed at the same time. The self-hosted productivity platform that keeps you in control The self-hosted productivity platform that keeps you in control (dev preview version) Stream with… Internal streaming not possible Please download media instead or use external app. \"%1$s\" has been shared with you %1$s shared \"%2$s\" with you Conflicts found The folder %1$s does not exist anymore Could not sync %1$s Wrong password for %1$s Kept-in-sync files failed Sync failed Sync failed, log in again File contents already synchronised Sync of folder %1$s could not be completed As of version 1.3.16, files uploaded from this device are copied into the local %1$s folder to prevent data loss when a single file is synced with multiple accounts.\n\nDue to this change, all files uploaded with earlier versions of this app were copied into the %2$s folder. However, an error prevented the completion of this operation during account synchronization. You may either leave the file(s) as is and delete the link to %3$s, or move the file(s) into the %1$s folder and retain the link to %4$s.\n\nListed below are the local file(s), and the remote file(s) in %5$s they were linked to. Some local files were forgotten Fetching most recent version of the file. Choose what to sync Free up space %1$s is %2$s, but there is only %3$s available on device. Not enough space Sync status button Files Settings button Configure folders Loading folders… Instant uploading has been revamped completely. Re-configure your auto upload from within the main menu.\n\nEnjoy the new and extended auto uploading. No media folders found Preferences for auto uploading For %1$s Type Synced Tags Test server connection Thumbnail Thumbnail for existing file Thumbnail for new file Loading takes very long… Deleted files No deleted files You will be able to recover deleted files from here File %1$s could not be deleted! File %1$s could not be restored! Loading trashbin failed! Files could not be deleted permanently! Unread comments exist Unset encryption Remove from favourites An error occurred while trying to unshare this file or folder Unable to unshare. Please check whether the file exists to unshare this file Unsharing failed Access through untrusted domain. Please see documentation for further info. An error occurred while trying to update the share Unable to update. Please check whether the file exists to update this share Updating share failed Cannot create local file Upload from… Upload content from other apps Upload from camera Filename Filetype Google Maps shortcut file(%s) Internet shortcut file(%s) Snippet text file(.txt) Input filename and filetype to upload Upload files Upload item action button Delete No uploads available Upload some content or activate auto upload. Resolve conflict Local storage full File could not be copied to local storage Locking folder failed Encryption is only possible with >= Android 5.0 Insufficient space prevents copying the selected files into the %1$s folder. Would you like to move them there instead? Sync conflict, please resolve manually Unknown error Choose Upload Received data did not include a valid file. %1$s is not allowed to read a received file Could not copy file to a temporary folder. Try to resend it. File selected for upload not found. Please check whether the file exists. This file can not be uploaded No file to upload Folder name Choose upload folder Could not upload %1$s Upload failed, log in again File upload conflict Pick which version to keep of %1$s Upload failed Upload option: Move file to %1$s folder source folder is read-only; file will only be uploaded Keep file in source folder Delete file from source folder to upload to this folder %1$d%% Uploading %2$s Uploading… %1$s uploaded Quit Setup There are no %1$s accounts on your device. Please set up an account first. No account found Current Failed/pending restart Uploaded Waiting to upload Uploads Cancelled Conflict Connection error Credentials error File error Folder error Local file not found Permission error Untrusted server certificate Fetching server version… App terminated Completed Unknown error Virus detected. Upload cannot be completed! Waiting to exit power save mode Awaiting charge Waiting for Wi-Fi User Address E-mail Phone number Twitter Website Error retrieving user information No personal info set Add name, picture and contact details on your profile page. Username Download Wait a moment… Checking stored credentials Copying file from private storage What\'s new image Skip New in %1$s Could not sync %1$d file (conflicts: %2$d) Could not sync %1$d files (conflicts: %2$d) Failed to copy %1$d file from the %2$s folder into Failed to copy %1$d files from the %2$s folder into %1$d folder %1$d folders %1$d file %1$d files Show %1$d hidden folder Show %1$d hidden folders %d selected %d selected