bug_report.md 994 B

name: Bug report about: Create a report to help us improve labels: bug

Steps to reproduce

Expected behaviour

  • Tell us what should happen

Actual behaviour

  • Tell us what happens

Can you reproduce this problem on https://try.nextcloud.com?

  • Please create a test demo account and see if this still happens there.
  • If yes, please open up a bug report
  • If not, please verify server setup and ask for help on forum

Environment data

Android version:

Device model:

Stock or customized system:

Nextcloud app version:

Nextcloud server version:

Reverse proxy:


Web server error log

Insert your webserver log here

Nextcloud log (data/nextcloud.log)

Insert your Nextcloud log here

NOTE: Be super sure to remove sensitive data like passwords, note that everybody can look here! You can use the Issue Template application to prefill some of the required information: https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/issuetemplate