launcher.svg 11 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
  2. <!--
  3. SVG template from the Android system icon style guide reference square icon
  5. This file contains additional metadata for use with Inkscape, such as layers
  6. and grids. This means that you can use the file directly with Inkscape, with
  7. all elements should be visible and controllable in the UI. Additioanl
  8. elements and attributes will anyways be generated by Inkscape on the first
  9. save. -->
  10. <svg
  11. xmlns:osb=""
  12. xmlns:dc=""
  13. xmlns:cc=""
  14. xmlns:rdf=""
  15. xmlns:svg=""
  16. xmlns=""
  17. xmlns:xlink=""
  18. xmlns:sodipodi=""
  19. xmlns:inkscape=""
  20. version="1.0"
  21. width="48"
  22. height="48"
  23. viewBox="0 0 48 48"
  24. id="svg2"
  25. inkscape:version="0.91 r13725"
  26. sodipodi:docname="launcher.svg"
  27. inkscape:export-filename="C:\DEV\src\Android\nextcloud_android\res\mipmap-xxxhdpi\ic_launcher.png"
  28. inkscape:export-xdpi="454.73999"
  29. inkscape:export-ydpi="454.73999">
  30. <metadata
  31. id="metadata64">
  32. <rdf:RDF>
  33. <cc:Work
  34. rdf:about="">
  35. <dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format>
  36. <dc:type
  37. rdf:resource="" />
  38. <dc:title />
  39. </cc:Work>
  40. </rdf:RDF>
  41. </metadata>
  42. <!--
  43. We use a 48x48 grid to match the 48x48dp measure in the style guide.
  44. The visible part of the icon will be smaller. -->
  45. <defs
  46. id="defs">
  47. <linearGradient
  48. id="linearGradient6098"
  49. osb:paint="solid">
  50. <stop
  51. style="stop-color:#82c9ff;stop-opacity:1;"
  52. offset="0"
  53. id="stop6100" />
  54. </linearGradient>
  55. <linearGradient
  56. id="linearGradient5678">
  57. <!--
  58. Linear gradient that defines colors stops for the 33% midpoint.
  59. Edit the stop-color attributes to change the color of the gradient.
  60. Used for the radial gradient in the finish. -->
  61. <stop
  62. offset="0"
  63. style="stop-color:#ffffff;stop-opacity:1"
  64. id="stop5680" />
  65. <stop
  66. offset="1"
  67. style="stop-color:#ffffff;stop-opacity:0"
  68. id="stop5684" />
  69. </linearGradient>
  70. <linearGradient
  71. id="linearGradient5650"
  72. osb:paint="solid">
  73. <stop
  74. style="stop-color:#82c9ff;stop-opacity:1;"
  75. offset="0"
  76. id="stop5652" />
  77. </linearGradient>
  78. <clipPath
  79. id="clipSilhouette">
  80. <!--
  81. This clip path is used to cut out any shadows and finishes outside
  82. of the 152x152px (38x38dp) square keyline shape. -->
  83. <rect
  84. width="38"
  85. height="38"
  86. x="5"
  87. y="5"
  88. rx="3"
  89. ry="3"
  90. id="clipSilhouetteBounds" />
  91. </clipPath>
  92. <linearGradient
  93. id="linearGradientWhiteMidpoint33">
  94. <!--
  95. Linear gradient that defines colors stops for the 33% midpoint.
  96. Edit the stop-color attributes to change the color of the gradient.
  97. Used for the radial gradient in the finish. -->
  98. <stop
  99. id="stopStart"
  100. style="stop-color:#ffffff;stop-opacity:1"
  101. offset="0" />
  102. <stop
  103. id="stopMidpoint"
  104. style="stop-color:#ffffff;stop-opacity:0.5"
  105. offset="0.33333" />
  106. <stop
  107. id="stopEnd"
  108. style="stop-color:#ffffff;stop-opacity:0"
  109. offset="1" />
  110. </linearGradient>
  111. <radialGradient
  112. id="radialGradientFinish"
  113. xlink:href="#linearGradientWhiteMidpoint33"
  114. cx="0"
  115. cy="0"
  116. r="48"
  117. gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
  118. <!--
  119. The gradient used to fill the finishing layer of the icon with a
  120. 45º angle light. The color of the light is defined in
  121. #linearGradientWhiteMidpoint33 -->
  122. </radialGradient>
  123. <filter
  124. id="filterTint"
  125. inkscape:label="Tint"
  126. x="0"
  127. y="0"
  128. width="1"
  129. height="1">
  130. <!--
  131. Filter used to produce the lighter edge at the top of material
  132. elements.
  133. Edit the flood-color attribute in the feFlood element below to
  134. change the tint color.-->
  135. <feFlood
  136. flood-opacity="0.2"
  137. flood-color="#ffffff"
  138. result="floodTintColor"
  139. id="feFlood13" />
  140. <feOffset
  141. in="SourceAlpha"
  142. dx="0"
  143. dy="1"
  144. result="offsetAlpha"
  145. id="feOffset15">
  146. <!--
  147. The style guideline metrics specify the y offset to be 1dp, but
  148. looking at the example images, they seem to use 0.5dp or lower.
  149. -->
  150. </feOffset>
  151. <feComposite
  152. in="SourceAlpha"
  153. in2="offsetAlpha"
  154. operator="out"
  155. result="edgeAlpha"
  156. id="feComposite17" />
  157. <feComposite
  158. in="floodTintColor"
  159. in2="edgeAlpha"
  160. operator="in"
  161. result="edgeColor"
  162. id="feComposite19" />
  163. <feBlend
  164. in="edgeColor"
  165. in2="SourceGraphic"
  166. mode="normal"
  167. result="tint"
  168. id="feBlend21" />
  169. </filter>
  170. <filter
  171. id="filterShade"
  172. inkscape:label="Shade"
  173. height="1"
  174. width="1"
  175. y="0"
  176. x="0">
  177. <!--
  178. Filter used to produce the darker edge at the bottom of material
  179. elements.
  180. Edit the flood-color attribute in the feFlood element below to
  181. change the shade color. -->
  182. <feFlood
  183. flood-color="#212121"
  184. flood-opacity="0.2"
  185. result="floodShadeColor"
  186. id="feFlood24" />
  187. <feOffset
  188. in="SourceAlpha"
  189. dy="-1"
  190. dx="0"
  191. result="offsetAlpha"
  192. id="feOffset26" />
  193. <feComposite
  194. in="SourceAlpha"
  195. in2="offsetAlpha"
  196. operator="out"
  197. result="edgeAlpha"
  198. id="feComposite28" />
  199. <feComposite
  200. in="floodShadeColor"
  201. in2="edgeAlpha"
  202. operator="in"
  203. result="edgeColor"
  204. id="feComposite30" />
  205. <feBlend
  206. in="edgeColor"
  207. in2="SourceGraphic"
  208. mode="normal"
  209. result="shade"
  210. id="feBlend32" />
  211. </filter>
  212. <filter
  213. id="filterShadow"
  214. inkscape:label="Drop Shadow"
  215. width="2"
  216. height="2"
  217. x="-0.5"
  218. y="-0.5">
  219. <!--
  220. Filter used to produce the blurred shadow below material elements.
  221. Edit the flood-color attribute in the feFlood element below to
  222. change the shadow color. To edit the shadow size and offset, change
  223. the attributes in the feGaussianBlur and feOffset elements. -->
  224. <feFlood
  225. flood-opacity="0.2"
  226. flood-color="#212121"
  227. result="floodShadowColor"
  228. id="feFlood35" />
  229. <feComposite
  230. in="floodShadowColor"
  231. in2="SourceAlpha"
  232. operator="in"
  233. result="shadow"
  234. id="feComposite37" />
  235. <feGaussianBlur
  236. in="shadow"
  237. stdDeviation="1.5"
  238. result="bluredShadow"
  239. id="feGaussianBlur39" />
  240. <feOffset
  241. in="bluredShadow"
  242. dx="0"
  243. dy="1.5"
  244. result="offsetShadow"
  245. id="feOffset41" />
  246. <feComposite
  247. in="SourceGraphic"
  248. in2="offsetShadow"
  249. operator="over"
  250. result="dropShadow"
  251. id="feComposite43" />
  252. </filter>
  253. </defs>
  254. <sodipodi:namedview
  255. showgrid="true"
  256. id="namedview45"
  257. inkscape:zoom="13.906433"
  258. inkscape:cx="4.0439432"
  259. inkscape:cy="29.818644"
  260. inkscape:window-width="1920"
  261. inkscape:window-height="1005"
  262. inkscape:window-x="-9"
  263. inkscape:window-y="-9"
  264. inkscape:window-maximized="1"
  265. inkscape:current-layer="materialBackground">
  266. <!--
  267. This defines the grids shown in Inkscape.
  268. These won't affect the result of the render. -->
  269. <inkscape:grid
  270. type="xygrid"
  271. id="gridMain"
  272. originx="3"
  273. originy="3"
  274. empspacing="7"
  275. dotted="false"
  276. enabled="true" />
  277. <inkscape:grid
  278. type="axonomgrid"
  279. id="gridDiagonal"
  280. units="px"
  281. empspacing="1"
  282. gridanglex="45"
  283. gridanglez="45"
  284. spacingy="48"
  285. enabled="true" />
  286. </sodipodi:namedview>
  287. <!--
  288. The following groups contain the actual visible parts of the image.
  289. The groups should be clipped with the silhouette path so that any shadows
  290. and finishes won't bleed over the edges.
  291. The order of the elements in this group defines how the elements overlap
  292. visually, with the first ones being rendered at the bottom. -->
  293. <g
  294. id="materialBackground"
  295. inkscape:groupmode="layer"
  296. inkscape:label="Material background"
  297. clip-path="url(#clipSilhouette)">
  298. <!--
  299. We need to use nested groups to apply multiple filters on a
  300. single element. -->
  301. <g
  302. style="filter:url(#filterShade);fill-opacity:0.94117647;fill:#0082cf;stroke:none;stroke-opacity:1"
  303. id="g50">
  304. <rect
  305. style="fill:#0082cf;filter:url(#filterTint);fill-opacity:0.94117647;stroke:none;stroke-opacity:1"
  306. width="38"
  307. height="38"
  308. x="5"
  309. y="5"
  310. rx="3"
  311. ry="3"
  312. id="rect52" />
  313. </g>
  314. <path
  315. inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
  316. style="color:#000000;text-indent:0;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-line:none;text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#000000;text-transform:none;block-progression:tb;white-space:normal;isolation:auto;mix-blend-mode:normal;solid-color:#000000;fill:#ffffff;fill-opacity:1;color-rendering:auto;image-rendering:auto;shape-rendering:auto;enable-background:accumulate"
  317. d="m 24.069078,16.547649 c -3.53383,3.31e-4 -6.501209,2.357911 -7.407987,5.529718 -0.791338,-1.6964 -2.533238,-2.898709 -4.557066,-2.898709 -2.7549289,3.04e-4 -5.0200633,2.207427 -5.0203459,4.891865 -5.371e-4,2.684935 2.26488,4.892417 5.0203459,4.892966 2.024082,-2.38e-4 3.764767,-1.203218 4.556219,-2.899811 0.906325,3.172195 3.87472,5.530271 7.409118,5.530547 3.51461,2.64e-4 6.467573,-2.332215 7.392439,-5.477116 0.804172,1.665249 2.519305,2.846106 4.520038,2.84638 2.756004,4.7e-4 5.021761,-2.207369 5.021478,-4.892966 -2.66e-4,-2.684934 -2.265899,-4.892415 -5.021478,-4.891865 -2.000705,2.26e-4 -3.716713,1.180966 -4.520885,2.846382 -0.925433,-3.145204 -3.877265,-5.477667 -7.391876,-5.477391 z m 0,2.871719 c 2.653993,-1.72e-4 4.773868,2.064984 4.77415,4.651155 1.32e-4,2.586339 -2.119959,4.652257 -4.77415,4.651982 -2.653991,-2.51e-4 -4.7733,-2.066003 -4.7733,-4.651982 2.78e-4,-2.58573 2.119564,-4.650879 4.7733,-4.651155 z m -11.965053,2.630733 c 1.162587,1.31e-4 2.073152,0.887378 2.073294,2.020202 2.05e-4,1.133073 -0.910453,2.021082 -2.073294,2.02122 -1.162839,-1.31e-4 -2.073489,-0.888147 -2.073291,-2.02122 1.33e-4,-1.132824 0.910679,-2.020091 2.073291,-2.020202 z m 23.877531,0 c 1.162812,-1.97e-4 2.074168,0.887131 2.07431,2.020202 2.77e-4,1.13332 -0.911187,2.021414 -2.07431,2.02122 -1.162868,-1.31e-4 -2.073518,-0.888147 -2.07332,-2.02122 1.32e-4,-1.132824 0.910736,-2.020091 2.07332,-2.020202 z"
  318. id="path6" />
  319. </g>
  320. <g
  321. id="materialForeground"
  322. inkscape:groupmode="layer"
  323. inkscape:label="Material foreground"
  324. clip-path="url(#clipSilhouette)" />
  325. <g
  326. id="finish"
  327. inkscape:groupmode="layer"
  328. inkscape:label="Finish"
  329. clip-path="url(#clipSilhouette)" />
  330. </svg>