.travis.yml 1.5 KB

  1. sudo: false
  2. language: android
  3. android:
  4. components:
  5. - platform-tools
  6. - tools
  7. - build-tools-23.0.3
  8. - android-23
  9. - extra-android-m2repository
  10. - sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-23
  11. before_install:
  12. - echo no | android create avd --force -n test -t $ANDROID_TARGET --abi $ANDROID_ABI -c 20M
  13. - emulator -avd test -no-skin -no-audio -no-window &
  14. - chmod +x ./wait_for_emulator.sh
  15. - ./wait_for_emulator.sh
  16. script:
  17. # build app and assemble APK, in debug mode
  18. - ./gradlew assembleDebug
  19. # run all the local unit tests
  20. - ./gradlew testDebug
  21. # - ./gradlew connectedAndroidTest
  22. # install app, then assemble and install instrumented tests
  23. - ./gradlew installDebug
  24. - ./gradlew installDebugAndroidTest
  25. # run sample instrumented unit test
  26. - adb shell am instrument -w -e debug false -e class com.owncloud.android.datamodel.OCFileUnitTest com.owncloud.android.test/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner
  27. env:
  28. global:
  29. - secure: bm8mkBKaujxI/C7Kp2NjwDl0vsfWd3qDGZ+7WiLPGTbXnwJf8urxFQLrMkhqIR4wZs2M1LSW+P9SfD2FwL5Y0GDo29IeYLqhW5LIT8tGCZevBUfMDqd4w+eFHY73FXEAwLWVavfKmeuyisK/JNwGr75penOuQkZXTow6wgNLBjs=
  30. - secure: EqLPMLaAcr+6NKeXWJdaUiNfMHJ+zdocKw7SyWsezKMMfsY6hME22m8TNHJZpt0nPCDoX7iPjJoh8svOe2RZo6UZG2q4hjcLxBu29b7QvJeChq7oJvjXPVNRUg2P2zJ2OUBbnyOhpw3cZruIncSr+QasSD8FGI7j3kw3t/86YE0=
  31. - secure: pfNH4RVBy0vRPKRY3z4EQD9SRPyCuqYISQ+87cOlfpVbYHOc7xspaQSg7L9sB/sBMumOuMgGSLD6RincRrSy6nHhd70Vm4ccJxJYOynqDxC3EXNihDesw9Q+MJh1mr7WpTP21sXpP4+HkLQV0U+bKl3xcnGgeR4FU3BWYigNMkA=
  32. matrix:
  33. - ANDROID_TARGET=android-23 ANDROID_ABI=armeabi-v7a