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Nextcloud Android app

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  • Report the issue using our [template][template], it includes all the informations we need to track down the issue.
  • This repository is only for issues within the Nextcloud Android app code. Issues in other compontents should be reported in their own repositores, e.g. Nextcloud core
  • Search the existing issues first, it's likely that your issue was already reported.

If your issue appears to be a bug, and hasn't been reported, open a new issue.

Contributing to Source Code

Thanks for wanting to contribute source code to Nextcloud. That's great!


  • Contribute your code in the branch 'master'. It will give us a better chance to test your code before merging it with stable code.
  • For your first contribution, start a pull request on master and mention @nextcloud/android in your pull request.
  • Keep on using pull requests for your next contributions although you own write permissions.

1. Fork and download android/master repository:

  • Please follow to setup Nextcloud Android app work environment.

2. Create pull request:

3. Create another pull request:

To make sure your new pull request does not contain commits which are already contained in previous PRs, create a new branch which is a clone of upstream/master.

  • git fetch upstream * git checkout -b my_new_master_branch upstream/master * If you want to rename that branch later: git checkout -b my_new_master_branch_with_new_name * Push branch to server: git push -u origin name_of_local_master_branch * Use GitHub to issue PR ## Translations ...are an open issue. Please stay with us until we have bootstrapped translations.