oauth2_configuration.xml 1.2 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <resources>
  3. <!-- constants that must be respected by the authorization server; if changed, the app must be rebuild -->
  4. <string name="oauth2_redirect_scheme">owncloud</string>
  5. <string name="oauth2_redirect_uri">owncloud://callback</string>
  6. <!-- values that should be provided by ownCloud server -->
  7. <string name="oauth2_url_endpoint_auth">http://oauth2.authorization.server.org/paht/to/endpoint/for/authorization</string>
  8. <string name="oauth2_url_endpoint_access">http://oauth2.authorization.server.org/paht/to/endpoint/for/access/token</string>
  9. <string name="oauth2_scope">owncloud</string>
  10. <string name="oauth2_grant_type">authorization_code</string> <!-- the only one supported right now -->
  11. <string name="oauth2_response_type">code</string> <!-- depends on oauth2_grant_type -->
  12. <!-- values that should be pre-agreed between app and authorization server, but can be loaded without rebuilding the app -->
  13. <string name="oauth2_client_id">com.owncloud.android</string> <!-- preferable that client decides this -->
  14. <string name="oauth2_client_secret"></string> <!-- preferable that client decides this -->
  15. </resources>