12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152 |
- @echo off
- :: Use argument to decide which build system should be used
- if "%1" == "gradle" goto initForGradle
- if "%1" == "maven" goto initForMaven
- if "%1" == "ant" goto initForAnt
- goto invalidInput
- :initForGradle
- echo "Executing Gradle setup..."
- goto initDefault
- :initForMaven
- echo "Executing Maven setup..."
- goto initDefault
- :initForAnt
- echo "Executing Ant setup..."
- ::If the directory exists the script has already been executed
- ::Gets the owncloud-android-library
- call git submodule init
- call git submodule update
- call android.bat update project -p libs/android-support-appcompat-v7-exploded-aar --target android-23
- call android.bat update project -p libs/android-support-design-exploded-aar --target android-23
- call android.bat update lib-project -p owncloud-android-library
- call android.bat update project -p .
- call android.bat update project -p oc_jb_workaround
- call android.bat update test-project -p tests -m ..
- goto complete
- :initDefault
- call git submodule init
- call git submodule update
- call android.bat update lib-project -p owncloud-android-library
- call android.bat update project -p .
- call android.bat update project -p oc_jb_workaround
- call android.bat update test-project -p tests -m ..
- goto complete
- :invalidInput
- echo "Input argument invalid."
- echo "Usage: %0 [ant | maven | gradle]."
- goto exit
- :complete
- echo "...setup complete."
- goto exit
- :exit