tobiasKaminsky f0f5cb5fec wip & preferences 7 年之前
arrow_right.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
common_error.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
copy_link.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
file.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
file_application.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
file_calendar.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
file_code.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
file_doc.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
file_image.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
file_movie.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
file_pdf.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
file_ppt.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
file_sound.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
file_text.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
file_vcard.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
file_xls.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
file_zip.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
folder_external.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
folder_public.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_account_circle_white_18dp.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_account_plus.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_action_cancel_grey.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_action_cancel_sync.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_action_cancel_white.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_action_copy.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_action_create_dir.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_action_delete_grey.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_action_delete_white.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_action_download.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_action_move.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_action_refresh.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_action_refresh_grey.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_action_refresh_white.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_action_set_available_offline.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_action_set_available_offline_white.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_action_share.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_action_unset_available_offline.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_action_unset_available_offline_white.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_action_upload.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_activity.png d13b1805bd activity icon work 8 年之前
ic_activity_light_grey.png e06476f3e6 large empty list icon 8 年之前
ic_alert.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_alphabetical_asc.png a5e5cb85c2 move to new folder structure after branding 8 年之前
ic_alphabetical_desc.png a5e5cb85c2 move to new folder structure after branding 8 年之前
ic_arrow_back.png f0f5cb5fec wip & preferences 7 年之前
ic_available_offline.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_cancel.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_cellphone.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_checkbox_blank_outline.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_checkbox_marked.png 8ba192f38a tint checkboxes 7 年之前
ic_close.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_cloud_check.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_cloud_outline.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_cloud_sync_off.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_cloud_sync_on.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_done_white.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_dots_vertical.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_down.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_edit.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_email.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_favorite.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_favorite_grey.png 3a345a5e5a grey star icon (80% opacity) 8 年之前
ic_group.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_hide.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_home.png eed3995721 home icon 8 年之前
ic_import.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_information.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_key.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_link_black.png 73322ad800 image loading via glide 8 年之前
ic_link_grey.png 73322ad800 image loading via glide 8 年之前
ic_list_empty_create_folder.png de58c864bb fix folder/upload icons for empty list view (Nc blue + 50% opacity) 7 年之前
ic_list_empty_error.png 4af76bccee empty list error icon 8 年之前
ic_list_empty_folder.png de58c864bb fix folder/upload icons for empty list view (Nc blue + 50% opacity) 7 年之前
ic_list_empty_home.png eed3995721 home icon 8 年之前
ic_list_empty_image.png ba9d8da85f empty list video/image icons 8 年之前
ic_list_empty_recent.png 8e0810b9d9 recent icon 8 年之前
ic_list_empty_shared.png 5b4624025a shared icon 8 年之前
ic_list_empty_upload.png de58c864bb fix folder/upload icons for empty list view (Nc blue + 50% opacity) 7 年之前
ic_list_empty_video.png ba9d8da85f empty list video/image icons 8 年之前
ic_lock_open_white.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_lock_white.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_map_marker.png bfe6dbe80a move files for new project structure 8 年之前
ic_menu_archive.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_modification_asc.png a5e5cb85c2 move to new folder structure after branding 8 年之前
ic_modification_desc.png a5e5cb85c2 move to new folder structure after branding 8 年之前
ic_navigate_next.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_notification.png 0325dd37e5 notifications icon work 8 年之前
ic_notification_light_grey.png 20ac3b4e69 empty list icon, use latest empty list layout and butterknife 8 年之前
ic_ok.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_open_in_app.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_open_with.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_pencil.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_phone.png bfe6dbe80a move files for new project structure 8 年之前
ic_play_arrow.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_refresh.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_search.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_search_grey.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_search_light_grey.png dba8c4ed6e Move things around 8 年之前
ic_select_all.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_select_none.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_send.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_settings.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_share.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_size_asc.png a5e5cb85c2 move to new folder structure after branding 8 年之前
ic_size_desc.png a5e5cb85c2 move to new folder structure after branding 8 年之前
ic_sort_variant.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_star_light_yellow.png 5f3a1ce9bb #871 make favorite icon yellow and fix headline adding "yet" 8 年之前
ic_synced.png 99104058de List item 8 年之前
ic_twitter.png 9ffb4c6639 #781 add icons to website/twitter on user info screen, cleanup 8 年之前
ic_up.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_user.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_view.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_view_list.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_view_module.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_warning.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
ic_web.png 9ffb4c6639 #781 add icons to website/twitter on user info screen, cleanup 8 年之前
image_fail.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
nav_activity.png da497abdb6 move/copy drawer icons 7 年之前
nav_all_files.png 7eddd7440c fixed "all files" 7 年之前
nav_contacts.png da497abdb6 move/copy drawer icons 7 年之前
nav_favorites.png da497abdb6 move/copy drawer icons 7 年之前
nav_folder_sync.png da497abdb6 move/copy drawer icons 7 年之前
nav_logout.png da497abdb6 move/copy drawer icons 7 年之前
nav_notifications.png da497abdb6 move/copy drawer icons 7 年之前
nav_on_device.png da497abdb6 move/copy drawer icons 7 年之前
nav_participate.png da497abdb6 move/copy drawer icons 7 年之前
nav_photos.png 1f8ee72aa5 set to 757575ff and no transparence as in othere files 7 年之前
nav_recently.png da497abdb6 move/copy drawer icons 7 年之前
nav_settings.png da497abdb6 move/copy drawer icons 7 年之前
nav_shared.png da497abdb6 move/copy drawer icons 7 年之前
nav_uploads.png da497abdb6 move/copy drawer icons 7 年之前
nav_videos.png 1f8ee72aa5 set to 757575ff and no transparence as in othere files 7 年之前
no_network.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
notification_icon.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
shared_via_link.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
shared_via_users.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
shared_with_me_folder.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前
view_play.png 16f1243da6 Fix project structure and prepare for branding 8 年之前