5.6 KB

If you want to start help developing ownCloud please follow the contribution guidelines and observe these instructions:

1. Fork and download android/develop repository:

NOTE: You must have git in your environment path variable to perform the next operations.

  • Navigate to, click fork.
  • Clone your new repo: "git clone"
  • Move to the project folder with "cd android"
  • Checkout remote develop branch: "git checkout -b develop remotes/origin/develop"
  • Pull changes from your develop branch: "git pull origin develop"
  • Make official ownCloud repo known as upstream: "git remote add upstream"
  • Make sure to get the latest changes from official android/develop branch: "git pull upstream develop"

At this point you can continue using different tools to build the project. Section 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 describe some of the existing alternatives.

2. Building with Ant:

NOTE: You must have the Android SDK 'tools/', and 'platforms-tools/' folders in your environment path variable.

  • Resolve necessary dependencies running:
    • Windows: "setup_env.bat ant"
    • Mac OS/Linux: "./ ant"
  • Run "ant clean".
  • Run "ant debug" to generate a debuggable version of the ownCloud app.

3. Building with console/maven:

NOTE: You must have mvn (version >= 3.1.1) in your environment path. Current Android 'platforms-tools' need to be installed.

Download/install Android plugin for Maven, then build ownCloud with mvn:

  • Resolve necessary dependencies running:
    • Windows: "setup_env.bat maven"
    • Mac OS/Linux: "./ maven"
  • cd ..
  • git clone
  • cd maven-android-sdk-deployer
  • mvn -pl -am install
  • cd ../android/owncloud-android-library
  • mvn install
  • cd ..

Now you can create ownCloud APK using "mvn package" and find it as ownCloud.apk under the target

4. Building with Gradle:

  • Complete the setup of project properties running:
    • Windows: "setup_env.bat gradle"
    • Mac OS/Linux: "./ gradle"
  • Open a terminal and go to the "android" directory that contains the repository.
  • Run the 'clean' and 'build' tasks using the Gradle wrapper provided:
    • Windows: gradlew.bat clean build
    • Mac OS/Linux: ./gradlew clean build
  • You can find the generated apk file in android/build/outputs/apk

5. Building with Eclipse:

NOTE: You must have the Android SDK 'tools/', and 'platforms-tools/' folders in your environment path variable.

  • Resolve necessary dependencies running:
    • Windows: "setup_env.bat ant"
    • Mac OS/Linux: "./ ant"
    • Open Eclipse and create new "Android Project from Existing Code". Choose android/actionbarsherlock/library as root.
  • Clean project and compile.
  • If any error appears, check the project properties; in the 'Android' section, API Level should be greater or equal than 14.
  • Make sure android/actionbarsherlock/library/bin/library.jar was created.
  • Create a new "Android Project from Existing Code". Choose android/owncloud-android-library as root.
  • Clean project and compile.
  • If any error appears, check the project properties; in the 'Android' section, API Level should be 19 or greater.
  • Make sure android/owncloud-android-library/bin/classes.jar was created.
  • Import ownCloud Android project.
  • Clean project and compile.
  • If any error appears, check the project properties of owncloud-android project; in the 'Android' section:
    • API Level should be 19 or greater.
    • Two library projects should appear referred in the bottom square: actionbarsherlock/library and owncloud-android-library. Add them if needed.
  • After those actions you should be good to go. HAVE FUN!

NOTE: Even though API level is set to 19, APK also runs on older devices because in AndroidManifest.xml minSdkVersion is set to 8.

6. Building with Android Studio:

  • Complete the setup of project properties running:
    • Windows: "setup_env.bat gradle"
    • Mac OS/Linux: "./ gradle"
  • The first time you want to open the project in Android Studio, select 'Import Project...' and choose the file "android/settings.gradle". Android Studio will then create the '.iml' files it needs. If you ever close the project but the files are still there, you just select 'Open Project...'. The file chooser will show an Android face as the folder icon, which you can select to reopen the project.
  • To build the project, follow the guidelines shown on 4. Building with Gradle.

7. Create pull request:

NOTE: You must sign the Contributor Agreement before your changes can be accepted!

  • Commit your changes locally: "git commit -a"
  • Push your changes to your GitHub repo: "git push"
  • Browse to and issue pull request
  • Click "Edit" and set "base:develop"
  • Again, click "Edit" and set "compare:develop"
  • Enter description and send pull request.

8. Create another pull request:

To make sure your new pull request does not contain commits which are already contained in previous PRs, create a new branch which is a clone of upstream/develop.

  • git fetch upstream
  • git checkout -b my_new_develop_branch upstream/develop
  • If you want to rename that branch later: "git checkout -b my_new_develop_branch_with_new_name"
  • Push branch to server: "git push -u origin name_of_local_develop_branch"
  • Use GitHub to issue PR