3.2.1 (June, 11, 2018)
- Enhanced file detail/sharing screen for mail-shares
- Fix local sorting and file selection
- Fix local filtering
- Fix back navigation on privacy screen
- Fix bug on searching
- Fix crash on sorting
- Fix wrong menu highlighting
- various bug fixes
3.2.0 (May, 13, 2018)
- Revamped details screen & sharing
- minor UI/UX improvements
- many bug fixes
3.1.0 (Apr, 22, 2018)
- enhance support for 8.x
- speed improvements
- minor UI/UX improvements
- many bug fixes
3.0.3 (Mar, 05, 2018)
- Fix creating folders in auto upload
3.0.2 (Feb, 27, 2018)
- Fix crash on old android versions
- Fix E2E
- Fix crash on old server
3.0.1 (Feb, 14, 2018)
- Bugfix E2E
- Fix SSL via PlayStore updater
- Fix push notification
- New android lib, fixing wrong user agent
3.0.0 (Feb, 08, 2018)
- End to end encryption
- Screen adapted images instead of downloading
- direct access to operations for single files
- Android 8 support
- folder based sort order
- right to left language support
- detect walled garden
- load more activities when reaching end of stream
- quicker access to share
- automatically update avatars
- auto upload improvements
- fix push notifications
- UI enhancements
- bug fixes
2.0.0 (Oct, 17, 2017)
- Account-wide search (Nc 12+)
- Auto upload available on Android 4+
- Separation between Image & Video for Auto upload
- Ability to define custom folders for Auto upload
- Simple contacts backup & restore
- Server-side Theming support
- Shared files view
- Notifications view and Push notifications (on Google Play-powered devices)
- Favorites, Photos and Activities
- Fingerprint locking
- SVG preview
- Set edit permissions in federated shares of folders (Nc 10+)
- New sorting dialog
- User information view
- Custom external links support
- Detect server maintainance mode
- Nicer error views for images & video preview
- Included privacy policy
- Preserve modification time of uploaded files
- Various bug fixes & improvements
1.4.3 (May 22, 2017)
- Hotfix: ignore oauth header for now and use basic auth to allow new logins for Nc12
1.4.2 (March 14, 2017)
- Auto Upload for newly taken photos/images (Android 6+)
- Auto Upload improvements and fixes
- Filtering improvements
- Fix for Android permissions (removed read phone state permission)
- Fix re-upload of files
- Avoid toggling favourite for all selected files
- Link to providers list in the setup screen
- Further bug fixes and improvements
1.4.1 (January 27, 2017)
- Share URLs to Nextcloud
- Improve performance of Auto Upload view
- Fix for removing files
- Proper email sharee handling
- Navigation drawer: Fix lag on older devices
- Android 7: Pending jobs in upload view
- Android 7: Auto upload: ignore ".tmp" files and folders
- Bug fixes and design improvements
1.4.0 (December 8, 2016)
- External SD card support
- Auto Upload (Android 7+)
- What's new start screen
- Show/hide hidden folders & files
- Upload view: switch between grid/list view
- Descend into folder after creating it in uploader
- Provisioning links to launch and prefill app with login data
- Add open URL file feature
- Sort favorite files first in list
- Account switcher optimizations
- Bugfixes and design improvements
- Update library to 1.0.9
1.3.1 (September 20, 2016)
- Move action hard to discover - difference between single/multi selection
- Show move/copy context in toolbar title
- Share file with dictadroid to Nextcloud
- Don't show upload failure notification for already deleted files
1.3.0 (September 17, 2016)
- Files drop permission in share viewe
- Display quota if configured/available in navigation drawer
- Resume chunked uploads instead of complete restarts
- Filter remote and local file lists
- Simple integration with DAVdroid for calendar and contacts sync
- Mix folders and files on sort by date
- Upload when charging option
- Revamp upload options Move/Copy/Just-Upload
- Text can be selected and shared to Nextcloud
- Respect metered wifi and block instant uploads
- Proper handling of .djvu files
- Bugfixes and design improvements
1.2.0 (July 29, 2016)
- Multi select capabilities
- Confirmation dialog on account removal
- Offline available filter in main menu
- Sorting capability when choosing files to be uploaded
- Video thumbnails if activated on server
- Thumbnails during upload
- Fixed user agent for file firewalling
- Showing server side folder sizes
- Text in test preview can now be selected
- Search suggestions fixed for user/group search during sharing
- Minor bugfixes
1.1.0 (July 6, 2016)
- New main menu to switch accounts easily
- Ability to open Nextcloud hosted files (read-only) from other apps that support the standard file chooser (requires Android 4.4 / KitKat or higher)
- "Select all files" for upload within a folder
- Optional feature to auto-create monthly folders for your instant uploads
- Revamped login screen
- Minor bugfixes
1.0.1 (June 20, 2016)
- Fix thumbnail preview support for new files
- Add support for animated GIFs
- Optimized uploader layout
1.0.0 (June 12, 2016)
- Initial release of the Nextcloud Android app