@@ -99,11 +99,7 @@ class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, UNUserNotificationCenterD
levelLog = CCUtility.getLogLevel()
NKCommon.shared.levelLog = levelLog
NKCommon.shared.copyLogToDocumentDirectory = true
- if isSimulatorOrTestFlight {
- NKCommon.shared.writeLog("[INFO] Start session with level \(levelLog) " + versionNextcloudiOS + " (Simulator / TestFlight) in state \(UIApplication.shared.applicationState.rawValue) where (0 active, 1 incative, 2 background).")
- } else {
- NKCommon.shared.writeLog("[INFO] Start session with level \(levelLog) " + versionNextcloudiOS + " in \(UIApplication.shared.applicationState)")
- }
+ NKCommon.shared.writeLog("[INFO] Start session with level \(levelLog) " + versionNextcloudiOS + " in state \(UIApplication.shared.applicationState.rawValue) where (0 active, 1 incative, 2 background).")
// LOG Account