@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ class NCManageDatabase: NSObject {
let config = Realm.Configuration(
fileURL: dirGroup?.appendingPathComponent("\(appDatabaseNextcloud)/\(k_databaseDefault)"),
- schemaVersion: 3,
+ schemaVersion: 4,
migrationBlock: { migration, oldSchemaVersion in
// We haven’t migrated anything yet, so oldSchemaVersion == 0
- if (oldSchemaVersion < 3) {
+ if (oldSchemaVersion < 4) {
// Nothing to do!
// Realm will automatically detect new properties and removed properties
// And will update the schema on disk automatically
@@ -504,213 +504,6 @@ class NCManageDatabase: NSObject {
- //MARK: -
- //MARK: Table Auto Upload
- func addAutoUpload(metadataNet: CCMetadataNet) -> Bool {
- guard let tableAccount = self.getAccountActive() else {
- return false
- }
- let realm = try! Realm()
- if realm.isInWriteTransaction {
- print("[LOG] Could not write to database, addAutoUpload is already in write transaction")
- return false
- } else {
- do {
- try realm.write {
- if realm.objects(tableAutoUpload.self).filter("account = %@ AND assetLocalIdentifier = %@", tableAccount.account, metadataNet.assetLocalIdentifier).first == nil {
- // Add new Auto Upload
- let addAutoUpload = tableAutoUpload()
- addAutoUpload.account = tableAccount.account
- addAutoUpload.assetLocalIdentifier = metadataNet.assetLocalIdentifier
- addAutoUpload.fileName = metadataNet.fileName
- addAutoUpload.selector = metadataNet.selector
- if (metadataNet.selectorPost != nil) {
- addAutoUpload.selectorPost = metadataNet.selectorPost
- }
- addAutoUpload.serverUrl = metadataNet.serverUrl
- addAutoUpload.session = metadataNet.session
- addAutoUpload.priority = metadataNet.priority
- realm.add(addAutoUpload)
- }
- }
- } catch let error {
- print("[LOG] Could not write to database: ", error)
- }
- }
- return true
- }
- func addAutoUpload(metadatasNet: [CCMetadataNet]) {
- guard let tableAccount = self.getAccountActive() else {
- return
- }
- let realm = try! Realm()
- do {
- try realm.write {
- for metadataNet in metadatasNet {
- if realm.objects(tableAutoUpload.self).filter("account = %@ AND assetLocalIdentifier = %@", tableAccount.account, metadataNet.assetLocalIdentifier).first == nil {
- // Add new Auto Upload
- let addAutoUpload = tableAutoUpload()
- addAutoUpload.account = tableAccount.account
- addAutoUpload.assetLocalIdentifier = metadataNet.assetLocalIdentifier
- addAutoUpload.fileName = metadataNet.fileName
- addAutoUpload.selector = metadataNet.selector
- if (metadataNet.selectorPost != nil) {
- addAutoUpload.selectorPost = metadataNet.selectorPost
- }
- addAutoUpload.serverUrl = metadataNet.serverUrl
- addAutoUpload.session = metadataNet.session
- addAutoUpload.priority = metadataNet.priority
- realm.add(addAutoUpload)
- }
- }
- }
- } catch let error {
- print("[LOG] Could not write to database: ", error)
- }
- }
- func getAutoUpload(selector: String) -> CCMetadataNet? {
- guard let tableAccount = self.getAccountActive() else {
- return nil
- }
- let realm = try! Realm()
- realm.beginWrite()
- guard let result = realm.objects(tableAutoUpload.self).filter("account = %@ AND selector = %@ AND lock == false", tableAccount.account, selector).first else {
- realm.cancelWrite()
- return nil
- }
- let metadataNet = CCMetadataNet()
- metadataNet.action = actionUploadAsset
- metadataNet.assetLocalIdentifier = result.assetLocalIdentifier
- metadataNet.fileName = result.fileName
- metadataNet.priority = result.priority
- metadataNet.selector = result.selector
- metadataNet.selectorPost = result.selectorPost
- metadataNet.serverUrl = result.serverUrl
- metadataNet.session = result.session
- metadataNet.taskStatus = Int(k_taskStatusResume)
- // Lock
- result.lock = true
- do {
- try realm.commitWrite()
- } catch let error {
- print("[LOG] Could not write to database: ", error)
- return nil
- }
- return metadataNet
- }
- func getLockAutoUpload() -> [tableAutoUpload]? {
- guard let tableAccount = self.getAccountActive() else {
- return nil
- }
- let realm = try! Realm()
- let results = realm.objects(tableAutoUpload.self).filter("account = %@ AND lock = true", tableAccount.account)
- return Array(results.map { tableAutoUpload.init(value:$0) })
- }
- func unlockAutoUpload(assetLocalIdentifier: String) {
- guard let tableAccount = self.getAccountActive() else {
- return
- }
- let realm = try! Realm()
- realm.beginWrite()
- guard let result = realm.objects(tableAutoUpload.self).filter("account = %@ AND assetLocalIdentifier = %@", tableAccount.account, assetLocalIdentifier).first else {
- realm.cancelWrite()
- return
- }
- // UnLock
- result.lock = false
- do {
- try realm.commitWrite()
- } catch let error {
- print("[LOG] Could not write to database: ", error)
- }
- }
- func deleteAutoUpload(assetLocalIdentifier: String) {
- guard let tableAccount = self.getAccountActive() else {
- return
- }
- let realm = try! Realm()
- do {
- try realm.write {
- let result = realm.objects(tableAutoUpload.self).filter("account = %@ AND assetLocalIdentifier = %@", tableAccount.account, assetLocalIdentifier).first
- if result != nil {
- realm.delete(result!)
- }
- }
- } catch let error {
- print("Could not write to database: ", error)
- }
- }
- func countAutoUpload(session: String?) -> Int {
- guard let tableAccount = self.getAccountActive() else {
- return 0
- }
- let realm = try! Realm()
- let results : Results<tableAutoUpload>
- if (session == nil) {
- results = realm.objects(tableAutoUpload.self).filter("account = %@", tableAccount.account)
- } else {
- results = realm.objects(tableAutoUpload.self).filter("account = %@ AND session = %@", tableAccount.account, session!)
- }
- return results.count
- }
//MARK: -
//MARK: Table Capabilities
@@ -1800,6 +1593,213 @@ class NCManageDatabase: NSObject {
return Array(idsAsset)
+ //MARK: -
+ //MARK: Table Queue Upload
+ func addQueueUpload(metadataNet: CCMetadataNet) -> Bool {
+ guard let tableAccount = self.getAccountActive() else {
+ return false
+ }
+ let realm = try! Realm()
+ if realm.isInWriteTransaction {
+ print("[LOG] Could not write to database, addQueueUpload is already in write transaction")
+ return false
+ } else {
+ do {
+ try realm.write {
+ if realm.objects(tableQueueUpload.self).filter("account = %@ AND assetLocalIdentifier = %@", tableAccount.account, metadataNet.assetLocalIdentifier).first == nil {
+ // Add new
+ let addobject = tableQueueUpload()
+ addobject.account = tableAccount.account
+ addobject.assetLocalIdentifier = metadataNet.assetLocalIdentifier
+ addobject.fileName = metadataNet.fileName
+ addobject.selector = metadataNet.selector
+ if (metadataNet.selectorPost != nil) {
+ addobject.selectorPost = metadataNet.selectorPost
+ }
+ addobject.serverUrl = metadataNet.serverUrl
+ addobject.session = metadataNet.session
+ addobject.priority = metadataNet.priority
+ realm.add(addobject)
+ }
+ }
+ } catch let error {
+ print("[LOG] Could not write to database: ", error)
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ func addQueueUpload(metadatasNet: [CCMetadataNet]) {
+ guard let tableAccount = self.getAccountActive() else {
+ return
+ }
+ let realm = try! Realm()
+ do {
+ try realm.write {
+ for metadataNet in metadatasNet {
+ if realm.objects(tableQueueUpload.self).filter("account = %@ AND assetLocalIdentifier = %@", tableAccount.account, metadataNet.assetLocalIdentifier).first == nil {
+ // Add new
+ let addobject = tableQueueUpload()
+ addobject.account = tableAccount.account
+ addobject.assetLocalIdentifier = metadataNet.assetLocalIdentifier
+ addobject.fileName = metadataNet.fileName
+ addobject.selector = metadataNet.selector
+ if (metadataNet.selectorPost != nil) {
+ addobject.selectorPost = metadataNet.selectorPost
+ }
+ addobject.serverUrl = metadataNet.serverUrl
+ addobject.session = metadataNet.session
+ addobject.priority = metadataNet.priority
+ realm.add(addobject)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch let error {
+ print("[LOG] Could not write to database: ", error)
+ }
+ }
+ func getQueueUpload(selector: String) -> CCMetadataNet? {
+ guard let tableAccount = self.getAccountActive() else {
+ return nil
+ }
+ let realm = try! Realm()
+ realm.beginWrite()
+ guard let result = realm.objects(tableQueueUpload.self).filter("account = %@ AND selector = %@ AND lock == false", tableAccount.account, selector).first else {
+ realm.cancelWrite()
+ return nil
+ }
+ let metadataNet = CCMetadataNet()
+ metadataNet.action = actionUploadAsset
+ metadataNet.assetLocalIdentifier = result.assetLocalIdentifier
+ metadataNet.fileName = result.fileName
+ metadataNet.priority = result.priority
+ metadataNet.selector = result.selector
+ metadataNet.selectorPost = result.selectorPost
+ metadataNet.serverUrl = result.serverUrl
+ metadataNet.session = result.session
+ metadataNet.taskStatus = Int(k_taskStatusResume)
+ // Lock
+ result.lock = true
+ do {
+ try realm.commitWrite()
+ } catch let error {
+ print("[LOG] Could not write to database: ", error)
+ return nil
+ }
+ return metadataNet
+ }
+ func getLockQueueUpload() -> [tableQueueUpload]? {
+ guard let tableAccount = self.getAccountActive() else {
+ return nil
+ }
+ let realm = try! Realm()
+ let results = realm.objects(tableQueueUpload.self).filter("account = %@ AND lock = true", tableAccount.account)
+ return Array(results.map { tableQueueUpload.init(value:$0) })
+ }
+ func unlockQueueUpload(assetLocalIdentifier: String) {
+ guard let tableAccount = self.getAccountActive() else {
+ return
+ }
+ let realm = try! Realm()
+ realm.beginWrite()
+ guard let result = realm.objects(tableQueueUpload.self).filter("account = %@ AND assetLocalIdentifier = %@", tableAccount.account, assetLocalIdentifier).first else {
+ realm.cancelWrite()
+ return
+ }
+ // UnLock
+ result.lock = false
+ do {
+ try realm.commitWrite()
+ } catch let error {
+ print("[LOG] Could not write to database: ", error)
+ }
+ }
+ func deleteQueueUpload(assetLocalIdentifier: String) {
+ guard let tableAccount = self.getAccountActive() else {
+ return
+ }
+ let realm = try! Realm()
+ do {
+ try realm.write {
+ let result = realm.objects(tableQueueUpload.self).filter("account = %@ AND assetLocalIdentifier = %@", tableAccount.account, assetLocalIdentifier).first
+ if result != nil {
+ realm.delete(result!)
+ }
+ }
+ } catch let error {
+ print("Could not write to database: ", error)
+ }
+ }
+ func countQueueUpload(session: String?) -> Int {
+ guard let tableAccount = self.getAccountActive() else {
+ return 0
+ }
+ let realm = try! Realm()
+ let results : Results<tableQueueUpload>
+ if (session == nil) {
+ results = realm.objects(tableQueueUpload.self).filter("account = %@", tableAccount.account)
+ } else {
+ results = realm.objects(tableQueueUpload.self).filter("account = %@ AND session = %@", tableAccount.account, session!)
+ }
+ return results.count
+ }
//MARK: -
//MARK: Table Share