@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ class NCEndToEndMetadata: NSObject {
struct E2ee: Codable {
- struct MetadataKeyCodable: Codable {
+ struct Metadata: Codable {
let metadataKeys: [String: String]
let version: Int
- struct SharingCodable: Codable {
+ struct Sharing: Codable {
let recipient: [String: String]
@@ -44,17 +44,24 @@ class NCEndToEndMetadata: NSObject {
let version: Int
- struct FilesCodable: Codable {
+ struct Files: Codable {
+ let initializationVector: String
+ let authenticationTag: String
+ let metadataKey: Int // Number of metadataKey
+ let encrypted: String // encryptedFileAttributes
+ }
+ struct Filedrop: Codable {
let initializationVector: String
let authenticationTag: String?
let metadataKey: Int // Number of metadataKey
let encrypted: String // encryptedFileAttributes
- let metadata: MetadataKeyCodable
- let files: [String: FilesCodable]?
- let filedrop: [String: FilesCodable]?
- let sharing: SharingCodable?
+ let metadata: Metadata
+ let files: [String: Files]?
+ let filedrop: [String: Filedrop]?
+ let sharing: Sharing?
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -64,7 +71,7 @@ class NCEndToEndMetadata: NSObject {
func encoderMetadata(_ recordsE2eEncryption: [tableE2eEncryption], privateKey: String, serverUrl: String) -> String? {
let jsonEncoder = JSONEncoder()
- var files: [String: E2ee.FilesCodable] = [:]
+ var files: [String: E2ee.Files] = [:]
var version = 1
var metadataKeysDictionary: [String: String] = [:]
@@ -98,7 +105,7 @@ class NCEndToEndMetadata: NSObject {
return nil
- let e2eMetadataFilesKey = E2ee.FilesCodable(initializationVector: recordE2eEncryption.initializationVector, authenticationTag: recordE2eEncryption.authenticationTag, metadataKey: 0, encrypted: encryptedEncryptedJson)
+ let e2eMetadataFilesKey = E2ee.Files(initializationVector: recordE2eEncryption.initializationVector, authenticationTag: recordE2eEncryption.authenticationTag, metadataKey: 0, encrypted: encryptedEncryptedJson)
files.updateValue(e2eMetadataFilesKey, forKey: recordE2eEncryption.fileNameIdentifier)
@@ -112,7 +119,7 @@ class NCEndToEndMetadata: NSObject {
// Create Json metadataKeys
// e2eMetadataKey = e2eMetadata.metadataKeyCodable(metadataKeys: ["0":metadataKeyEncryptedBase64], version: version)
- let e2eMetadataKey = E2ee.MetadataKeyCodable(metadataKeys: metadataKeysDictionary, version: version)
+ let e2eMetadataKey = E2ee.Metadata(metadataKeys: metadataKeysDictionary, version: version)
// Create final Json e2emetadata
let e2emetadata = E2ee(metadata: e2eMetadataKey, files: files, filedrop: nil, sharing: nil)
@@ -168,10 +175,14 @@ class NCEndToEndMetadata: NSObject {
if let files = files {
for file in files {
+ let files = file.value as E2ee.Files
let fileNameIdentifier = file.key
- let filesCodable = file.value as E2ee.FilesCodable
- let encrypted = filesCodable.encrypted
- let metadataKey = metadataKeys["\(filesCodable.metadataKey)"]
+ let encrypted = files.encrypted
+ let authenticationTag = files.authenticationTag
+ guard let metadataKey = metadataKeys["\(files.metadataKey)"] else { continue }
+ let metadataKeyIndex = files.metadataKey
+ let initializationVector = files.initializationVector
if let encrypted = NCEndToEndEncryption.sharedManager().decryptEncryptedJson(encrypted, key: metadataKey), let encryptedData = encrypted.data(using: .utf8) {
do {
@@ -183,15 +194,15 @@ class NCEndToEndMetadata: NSObject {
let object = tableE2eEncryption()
object.account = account
- object.authenticationTag = filesCodable.authenticationTag ?? ""
+ object.authenticationTag = authenticationTag
object.blob = "files"
object.fileName = encrypted.filename
object.fileNameIdentifier = fileNameIdentifier
object.fileNamePath = CCUtility.returnFileNamePath(fromFileName: encrypted.filename, serverUrl: serverUrl, urlBase: urlBase, userId: userId, account: account)
object.key = encrypted.key
- object.initializationVector = filesCodable.initializationVector
- object.metadataKey = metadataKey!
- object.metadataKeyIndex = filesCodable.metadataKey
+ object.initializationVector = initializationVector
+ object.metadataKey = metadataKey
+ object.metadataKeyIndex = metadataKeyIndex
object.metadataVersion = 1
object.mimeType = encrypted.mimetype
object.serverUrl = serverUrl