@@ -1,3261 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 Realm Inc.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include "catch2/catch.hpp"
-#include "util/event_loop.hpp"
-#include "util/index_helpers.hpp"
-#include "util/test_file.hpp"
-#include "impl/object_accessor_impl.hpp"
-#include "impl/realm_coordinator.hpp"
-#include "binding_context.hpp"
-#include "object_schema.hpp"
-#include "property.hpp"
-#include "results.hpp"
-#include "schema.hpp"
-#include "util/scheduler.hpp"
-#include <realm/db.hpp>
-#include <realm/group.hpp>
-#include <realm/query_engine.hpp>
-#include <realm/query_expression.hpp>
-#include "sync/sync_manager.hpp"
-#include "sync/sync_session.hpp"
-namespace realm {
-class TestHelper {
- static DBRef& get_shared_group(SharedRealm const& shared_realm)
- {
- return Realm::Internal::get_db(*shared_realm);
- }
-using namespace realm;
-using namespace std::string_literals;
-namespace {
- using AnyDict = std::map<std::string, util::Any>;
- using AnyVec = std::vector<util::Any>;
-struct TestContext : CppContext {
- std::map<std::string, AnyDict> defaults;
- using CppContext::CppContext;
- TestContext(TestContext& parent, realm::Property const& prop)
- : CppContext(parent, prop)
- , defaults(parent.defaults)
- { }
- void will_change(Object const&, Property const&) {}
- void did_change() {}
- std::string print(util::Any) { return "not implemented"; }
- bool allow_missing(util::Any) { return false; }
-TEST_CASE("notifications: async delivery") {
- _impl::RealmCoordinator::assert_no_open_realms();
- InMemoryTestFile config;
- config.automatic_change_notifications = false;
- auto r = Realm::get_shared_realm(config);
- r->update_schema({
- {"object", {
- {"value", PropertyType::Int}
- }},
- });
- auto coordinator = _impl::RealmCoordinator::get_coordinator(config.path);
- auto table = r->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- auto col = table->get_column_key("value");
- r->begin_transaction();
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- table->create_object().set_all(i * 2);
- r->commit_transaction();
- Results results(r, table->where().greater(col, 0).less(col, 10));
- int notification_calls = 0;
- auto token = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr err) {
- ++notification_calls;
- });
- auto make_local_change = [&] {
- r->begin_transaction();
- table->begin()->set(col, 4);
- r->commit_transaction();
- };
- auto make_remote_change = [&] {
- auto r2 = coordinator->get_realm(util::Scheduler::get_frozen());
- r2->begin_transaction();
- r2->read_group().get_table("class_object")->begin()->set(col, 5);
- r2->commit_transaction();
- };
- SECTION("initial notification") {
- SECTION("is delivered on notify()") {
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 0);
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("is delivered on refresh()") {
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 0);
- r->refresh();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("is delivered on begin_transaction()") {
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 0);
- r->begin_transaction();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- r->cancel_transaction();
- }
- SECTION("is delivered on notify() even with autorefresh disabled") {
- r->set_auto_refresh(false);
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 0);
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("refresh() blocks due to initial results not being ready") {
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 0);
- JoiningThread thread([&] {
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(5000));
- coordinator->on_change();
- });
- r->refresh();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("begin_transaction() blocks due to initial results not being ready") {
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 0);
- JoiningThread thread([&] {
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(5000));
- coordinator->on_change();
- });
- r->begin_transaction();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- r->cancel_transaction();
- }
- SECTION("notify() does not block due to initial results not being ready") {
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 0);
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 0);
- }
- SECTION("is delivered after invalidate()") {
- r->invalidate();
- SECTION("notify()") {
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE_FALSE(r->is_in_read_transaction());
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("notify() without autorefresh") {
- r->set_auto_refresh(false);
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE_FALSE(r->is_in_read_transaction());
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("refresh()") {
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE_FALSE(r->is_in_read_transaction());
- r->refresh();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("begin_transaction()") {
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE_FALSE(r->is_in_read_transaction());
- r->begin_transaction();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- r->cancel_transaction();
- }
- }
- SECTION("is delivered by notify() even if there are later versions") {
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 0);
- coordinator->on_change();
- make_remote_change();
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- }
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- SECTION("notifications for local changes") {
- make_local_change();
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- SECTION("notify()") {
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- }
- SECTION("notify() without autorefresh") {
- r->set_auto_refresh(false);
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- }
- SECTION("refresh()") {
- r->refresh();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- }
- SECTION("begin_transaction()") {
- r->begin_transaction();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- r->cancel_transaction();
- }
- }
- SECTION("notifications for remote changes") {
- make_remote_change();
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- SECTION("notify()") {
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- }
- SECTION("notify() without autorefresh") {
- r->set_auto_refresh(false);
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- r->refresh();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- }
- SECTION("refresh()") {
- r->refresh();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- }
- SECTION("begin_transaction()") {
- r->begin_transaction();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- r->cancel_transaction();
- }
- }
- SECTION("notifications are not delivered when the token is destroyed before they are calculated") {
- make_remote_change();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- token = {};
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("notifications are not delivered when the token is destroyed before they are delivered") {
- make_remote_change();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- coordinator->on_change();
- token = {};
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("notifications are delivered on the next cycle when a new callback is added from within a callback") {
- NotificationToken token2, token3;
- bool called = false;
- token2 = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr) {
- token2 = {};
- token3 = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr) {
- called = true;
- });
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE_FALSE(called);
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(called);
- }
- SECTION("notifications are delivered on the next cycle when a new callback is added from within a callback") {
- auto results2 = results;
- auto results3 = results;
- NotificationToken token2, token3, token4;
- bool called = false;
- auto check = [&](Results& outer, Results& inner) {
- token2 = outer.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr) {
- token2 = {};
- token3 = inner.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr) {
- called = true;
- });
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE_FALSE(called);
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(called);
- };
- SECTION("same Results") {
- check(results, results);
- }
- SECTION("Results which has never had a notifier") {
- check(results, results2);
- }
- SECTION("Results which used to have callbacks but no longer does") {
- SECTION("notifier before active") {
- token3 = results2.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr) {
- token3 = {};
- });
- check(results3, results2);
- }
- SECTION("notifier after active") {
- token3 = results2.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr) {
- token3 = {};
- });
- check(results, results2);
- }
- }
- SECTION("Results which already has callbacks") {
- SECTION("notifier before active") {
- token4 = results2.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr) { });
- check(results3, results2);
- }
- SECTION("notifier after active") {
- token4 = results2.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr) { });
- check(results, results2);
- }
- }
- }
- SECTION("remote changes made before adding a callback from within a callback are not reported") {
- NotificationToken token2, token3;
- bool called = false;
- token2 = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr) {
- token2 = {};
- make_remote_change();
- coordinator->on_change();
- token3 = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet c, std::exception_ptr) {
- called = true;
- REQUIRE(c.empty());
- REQUIRE(table->begin()->get<int64_t>(col) == 5);
- });
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE_FALSE(called);
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(called);
- }
- SECTION("notifications are not delivered when a callback is removed from within a callback") {
- NotificationToken token2, token3;
- token2 = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr) {
- token3 = {};
- });
- token3 = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr) {
- REQUIRE(false);
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- }
- SECTION("removing the current callback does not stop later ones from being called") {
- NotificationToken token2, token3;
- bool called = false;
- token2 = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr) {
- token2 = {};
- });
- token3 = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr) {
- called = true;
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(called);
- }
- SECTION("the first call of a notification can include changes if it previously ran for a different callback") {
- r->begin_transaction();
- auto token2 = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet c, std::exception_ptr) {
- REQUIRE(!c.empty());
- });
- table->create_object().set(col, 5);
- r->commit_transaction();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- }
- SECTION("handling of results not ready") {
- make_remote_change();
- SECTION("notify() does nothing") {
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- coordinator->on_change();
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- }
- SECTION("refresh() blocks") {
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- JoiningThread thread([&] {
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(5000));
- coordinator->on_change();
- });
- r->refresh();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- }
- SECTION("refresh() advances to the first version with notifiers ready that is at least a recent as the newest at the time it is called") {
- JoiningThread thread([&] {
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(5000));
- make_remote_change();
- coordinator->on_change();
- make_remote_change();
- });
- // advances to the version after the one it was waiting for, but still
- // not the latest
- r->refresh();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- thread.join();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- // now advances to the latest
- coordinator->on_change();
- r->refresh();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 3);
- }
- SECTION("begin_transaction() blocks") {
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- JoiningThread thread([&] {
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(5000));
- coordinator->on_change();
- });
- r->begin_transaction();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- r->cancel_transaction();
- }
- SECTION("refresh() does not block for results without callbacks") {
- token = {};
- // this would deadlock if it waits for the notifier to be ready
- r->refresh();
- }
- SECTION("begin_transaction() does not block for results without callbacks") {
- token = {};
- // this would deadlock if it waits for the notifier to be ready
- r->begin_transaction();
- r->cancel_transaction();
- }
- SECTION("begin_transaction() does not block for Results for different Realms") {
- // this would deadlock if beginning the write on the secondary Realm
- // waited for the primary Realm to be ready
- make_remote_change();
- // sanity check that the notifications never did run
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- }
- SECTION("handling of stale results") {
- make_remote_change();
- coordinator->on_change();
- make_remote_change();
- SECTION("notify() uses the older version") {
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- coordinator->on_change();
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 3);
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 3);
- }
- SECTION("refresh() blocks") {
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- JoiningThread thread([&] {
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(5000));
- coordinator->on_change();
- });
- r->refresh();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- }
- SECTION("begin_transaction() blocks") {
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- JoiningThread thread([&] {
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(5000));
- coordinator->on_change();
- });
- r->begin_transaction();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- r->cancel_transaction();
- }
- }
- SECTION("updates are delivered after invalidate()") {
- r->invalidate();
- make_remote_change();
- SECTION("notify()") {
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE_FALSE(r->is_in_read_transaction());
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- }
- SECTION("notify() without autorefresh") {
- r->set_auto_refresh(false);
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE_FALSE(r->is_in_read_transaction());
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- r->refresh();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- }
- SECTION("refresh()") {
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE_FALSE(r->is_in_read_transaction());
- r->refresh();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- }
- SECTION("begin_transaction()") {
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE_FALSE(r->is_in_read_transaction());
- r->begin_transaction();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- r->cancel_transaction();
- }
- }
- SECTION("refresh() from within changes_available() do not interfere with notification delivery") {
- struct Context : BindingContext {
- Realm& realm;
- Context(Realm& realm) : realm(realm) { }
- void changes_available() override
- {
- REQUIRE(realm.refresh());
- }
- };
- make_remote_change();
- coordinator->on_change();
- r->set_auto_refresh(false);
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- r->m_binding_context.reset(new Context(*r));
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- }
- SECTION("refresh() from within a notification is a no-op") {
- token = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr err) {
- REQUIRE_FALSE(r->refresh()); // would deadlock if it actually tried to refresh
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- make_remote_change(); // 1
- coordinator->on_change();
- make_remote_change(); // 2
- r->notify(); // advances to version from 1
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE(r->refresh()); // advances to version from 2
- REQUIRE_FALSE(r->refresh()); // does not advance since it's now up-to-date
- }
- SECTION("begin_transaction() from within a notification does not send notifications immediately") {
- bool first = true;
- auto token2 = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr err) {
- if (first)
- first = false;
- else {
- // would deadlock if it tried to send notifications as they aren't ready yet
- r->begin_transaction();
- r->cancel_transaction();
- }
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- make_remote_change(); // 1
- coordinator->on_change();
- make_remote_change(); // 2
- r->notify(); // advances to version from 1
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE_FALSE(r->refresh()); // we made the commit locally, so no advancing here
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 3);
- }
- SECTION("begin_transaction() from within a notification does not break delivering additional notifications") {
- size_t calls = 0;
- token = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr err) {
- if (++calls == 1)
- return;
- // force the read version to advance by beginning a transaction
- r->begin_transaction();
- r->cancel_transaction();
- });
- auto results2 = results;
- size_t calls2 = 0;
- auto token2 = results2.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet c, std::exception_ptr err) {
- if (++calls2 == 1)
- return;
- REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 0);
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(calls == 1);
- REQUIRE(calls2 == 1);
- make_remote_change(); // 1
- coordinator->on_change();
- make_remote_change(); // 2
- r->notify(); // advances to version from 1
- REQUIRE(calls == 2);
- REQUIRE(calls2 == 2);
- }
- SECTION("begin_transaction() from within did_change() does not break delivering collection notification") {
- struct Context : BindingContext {
- Realm& realm;
- Context(Realm& realm) : realm(realm) { }
- void did_change(std::vector<ObserverState> const&, std::vector<void*> const&, bool) override
- {
- if (!realm.is_in_transaction()) {
- // advances to version from 2 (and recursively calls this, hence the check above)
- realm.begin_transaction();
- realm.cancel_transaction();
- }
- }
- };
- r->m_binding_context.reset(new Context(*r));
- make_remote_change(); // 1
- coordinator->on_change();
- make_remote_change(); // 2
- r->notify(); // advances to version from 1
- }
- SECTION("is_in_transaction() is reported correctly within a notification from begin_transaction() and changes can be made") {
- bool first = true;
- token = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr err) {
- if (first) {
- REQUIRE_FALSE(r->is_in_transaction());
- first = false;
- }
- else {
- REQUIRE(r->is_in_transaction());
- table->begin()->set(col, 100);
- }
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- make_remote_change();
- coordinator->on_change();
- r->begin_transaction();
- REQUIRE(table->begin()->get<int64_t>(col) == 100);
- r->cancel_transaction();
- REQUIRE(table->begin()->get<int64_t>(col) != 100);
- }
- SECTION("invalidate() from within notification is a no-op") {
- token = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr err) {
- r->invalidate();
- REQUIRE(r->is_in_read_transaction());
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(r->is_in_read_transaction());
- make_remote_change();
- coordinator->on_change();
- r->begin_transaction();
- REQUIRE(r->is_in_transaction());
- r->cancel_transaction();
- }
- SECTION("cancel_transaction() from within notification ends the write transaction started by begin_transaction()") {
- token = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr err) {
- if (r->is_in_transaction())
- r->cancel_transaction();
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- make_remote_change();
- coordinator->on_change();
- r->begin_transaction();
- REQUIRE_FALSE(r->is_in_transaction());
- }
-TEST_CASE("notifications: skip") {
- _impl::RealmCoordinator::assert_no_open_realms();
- InMemoryTestFile config;
- config.automatic_change_notifications = false;
- auto r = Realm::get_shared_realm(config);
- r->update_schema({
- {"object", {
- {"value", PropertyType::Int}
- }},
- });
- auto coordinator = _impl::RealmCoordinator::get_coordinator(config.path);
- auto table = r->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- auto col = table->get_column_key("value");
- r->begin_transaction();
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- table->create_object().set(col, i * 2);
- r->commit_transaction();
- Results results(r, table->where());
- auto add_callback = [](Results& results, int& calls, CollectionChangeSet& changes) {
- return results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet c, std::exception_ptr err) {
- ++calls;
- changes = std::move(c);
- });
- };
- auto make_local_change = [&](auto& token) {
- r->begin_transaction();
- table->create_object();
- token.suppress_next();
- r->commit_transaction();
- };
- auto make_remote_change = [&] {
- auto r2 = coordinator->get_realm(util::Scheduler::get_frozen());
- r2->begin_transaction();
- r2->read_group().get_table("class_object")->create_object();
- r2->commit_transaction();
- };
- int calls1 = 0;
- CollectionChangeSet changes1;
- auto token1 = add_callback(results, calls1, changes1);
- SECTION("no notification is sent when only callback is skipped") {
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(calls1 == 1);
- make_local_change(token1);
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(calls1 == 1);
- REQUIRE(changes1.empty());
- }
- SECTION("unskipped tokens for the same Results are still delivered") {
- int calls2 = 0;
- CollectionChangeSet changes2;
- auto token2 = add_callback(results, calls2, changes2);
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(calls1 == 1);
- REQUIRE(calls2 == 1);
- make_local_change(token1);
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(calls1 == 1);
- REQUIRE(changes1.empty());
- REQUIRE(calls2 == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(changes2.insertions, 10);
- }
- SECTION("unskipped tokens for different Results are still delivered") {
- Results results2(r, table->where());
- int calls2 = 0;
- CollectionChangeSet changes2;
- auto token2 = add_callback(results2, calls2, changes2);
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(calls1 == 1);
- REQUIRE(calls2 == 1);
- make_local_change(token1);
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(calls1 == 1);
- REQUIRE(changes1.empty());
- REQUIRE(calls2 == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(changes2.insertions, 10);
- }
- SECTION("additional commits which occur before calculation are merged in") {
- int calls2 = 0;
- CollectionChangeSet changes2;
- auto token2 = add_callback(results, calls2, changes2);
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(calls1 == 1);
- REQUIRE(calls2 == 1);
- make_local_change(token1);
- make_remote_change();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(calls1 == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(changes1.insertions, 11);
- REQUIRE(calls2 == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(changes2.insertions, 10, 11);
- }
- SECTION("additional commits which occur before delivery are merged in") {
- int calls2 = 0;
- CollectionChangeSet changes2;
- auto token2 = add_callback(results, calls2, changes2);
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(calls1 == 1);
- REQUIRE(calls2 == 1);
- make_local_change(token1);
- coordinator->on_change();
- make_remote_change();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(calls1 == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(changes1.insertions, 11);
- REQUIRE(calls2 == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(changes2.insertions, 10, 11);
- }
- SECTION("skipping must be done from within a write transaction") {
- REQUIRE_THROWS(token1.suppress_next());
- }
- SECTION("skipping must be done from the Realm's thread") {
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- r->begin_transaction();
- std::thread([&] {
- REQUIRE_THROWS(token1.suppress_next());
- }).join();
- r->cancel_transaction();
- }
- SECTION("new notifiers do not interfere with skipping") {
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(calls1 == 1);
- CollectionChangeSet changes;
- // new notifier at a version before the skipped one
- auto r2 = coordinator->get_realm();
- Results results2(r2, r2->read_group().get_table("class_object")->where());
- int calls2 = 0;
- auto token2 = add_callback(results2, calls2, changes);
- make_local_change(token1);
- // new notifier at the skipped version
- auto r3 = coordinator->get_realm();
- Results results3(r3, r3->read_group().get_table("class_object")->where());
- int calls3 = 0;
- auto token3 = add_callback(results3, calls3, changes);
- make_remote_change();
- // new notifier at version after the skipped one
- auto r4 = coordinator->get_realm();
- Results results4(r4, r4->read_group().get_table("class_object")->where());
- int calls4 = 0;
- auto token4 = add_callback(results4, calls4, changes);
- coordinator->on_change();
- r->notify();
- r2->notify();
- r3->notify();
- r4->notify();
- REQUIRE(calls1 == 2);
- REQUIRE(calls2 == 1);
- REQUIRE(calls3 == 1);
- REQUIRE(calls4 == 1);
- }
- SECTION("skipping only effects the current transaction even if no notification would occur anyway") {
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(calls1 == 1);
- // would not produce a notification even if it wasn't skipped because no changes were made
- r->begin_transaction();
- token1.suppress_next();
- r->commit_transaction();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(calls1 == 1);
- // should now produce a notification
- r->begin_transaction();
- table->create_object();
- r->commit_transaction();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(calls1 == 2);
- }
- SECTION("removing skipped notifier before it gets the chance to run") {
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(calls1 == 1);
- // Set the skip version
- make_local_change(token1);
- // Advance the file to a version after the skip version
- make_remote_change();
- REQUIRE(calls1 == 1);
- // Remove the skipped notifier and add an entirely new notifier, so that
- // notifications need to run but the skip logic shouldn't be used
- token1 = {};
- results = {};
- Results results2(r, table->where());
- auto token2 = add_callback(results2, calls1, changes1);
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(calls1 == 2);
- }
-TEST_CASE("notifications: TableView delivery") {
- _impl::RealmCoordinator::assert_no_open_realms();
- InMemoryTestFile config;
- config.automatic_change_notifications = false;
- config.max_number_of_active_versions = 5;
- auto r = Realm::get_shared_realm(config);
- r->update_schema({
- {"object", {
- {"value", PropertyType::Int}
- }},
- });
- auto coordinator = _impl::RealmCoordinator::get_coordinator(config.path);
- auto table = r->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- auto col = table->get_column_key("value");
- r->begin_transaction();
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- table->create_object().set(col, i * 2);
- r->commit_transaction();
- Results results(r, table->where());
- results.set_update_policy(Results::UpdatePolicy::AsyncOnly);
- SECTION("Initial run never happens with no callbacks") {
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(results.get_mode() == Results::Mode::Query);
- }
- results.evaluate_query_if_needed();
- // Create and immediately remove a callback so that the notifier gets created
- // even though we have automatic change notifications disabled
- static_cast<void>(results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr) {}));
- REQUIRE(results.get_mode() == Results::Mode::TableView);
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 0);
- auto make_local_change = [&] {
- r->begin_transaction();
- table->create_object();
- r->commit_transaction();
- };
- auto make_remote_change = [&] {
- auto r2 = coordinator->get_realm(util::Scheduler::get_frozen());
- r2->begin_transaction();
- r2->read_group().get_table("class_object")->create_object();
- r2->commit_transaction();
- };
- SECTION("does not update after local change with no on_change") {
- make_local_change();
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 0);
- }
- SECTION("TV is delivered when no commit is made") {
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(results.get_mode() == Results::Mode::TableView);
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 10);
- }
- SECTION("TV is not delivered when notifier version > local version") {
- make_remote_change();
- r->refresh();
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 0);
- }
- SECTION("TV is delivered when notifier version = local version") {
- make_remote_change();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 11);
- }
- SECTION("TV is delivered when previous TV wasn't used due to never refreshing") {
- // These two generate TVs that never get used
- make_remote_change();
- on_change_but_no_notify(*r);
- make_remote_change();
- on_change_but_no_notify(*r);
- // But we generate a third one anyway because the main thread never even
- // got a chance to use them, rather than it not wanting them
- make_remote_change();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 13);
- }
- SECTION("TV is not delivered when main thread refreshed but previous TV was not used") {
- // First run generates a TV that's unused
- make_remote_change();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- // When the second run is delivered we discover first run wasn't used
- make_remote_change();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- // And then third one doesn't run at all
- make_remote_change();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- // And we can't use the old TV because it's out of date
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 0);
- // We don't start implicitly updating again even after it is used
- make_remote_change();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 0);
- }
- SECTION("TV can be delivered in a write transaction") {
- make_remote_change();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- r->begin_transaction();
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 11);
- r->cancel_transaction();
- }
- SECTION("unused background TVs do not pin old versions forever") {
- // This will exceed the maximum active version count (5) if any
- // transactions are being pinned, resulting in make_remote_change() throwing
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
- REQUIRE_NOTHROW(make_remote_change());
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- }
- }
-TEST_CASE("notifications: async error handling") {
- _impl::RealmCoordinator::assert_no_open_realms();
- InMemoryTestFile config;
- config.automatic_change_notifications = false;
- auto r = Realm::get_shared_realm(config);
- r->update_schema({
- {"object", {
- {"value", PropertyType::Int},
- }},
- });
- auto coordinator = _impl::RealmCoordinator::get_coordinator(config.path);
- Results results(r, *r->read_group().get_table("class_object"));
- auto r2 = Realm::get_shared_realm(config);
- class OpenFileLimiter {
- public:
- OpenFileLimiter()
- {
- // Set the max open files to zero so that opening new files will fail
- getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &m_old);
- rlimit rl = m_old;
- rl.rlim_cur = 0;
- setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl);
- }
- ~OpenFileLimiter()
- {
- setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &m_old);
- }
- private:
- rlimit m_old;
- };
- SECTION("error when opening the advancer SG") {
- OpenFileLimiter limiter;
- bool called = false;
- auto token = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr err) {
- REQUIRE(err);
- REQUIRE_FALSE(called);
- called = true;
- });
- REQUIRE(!called);
- SECTION("error is delivered on notify() without changes") {
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE(!called);
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(called);
- }
- SECTION("error is delivered on notify() with changes") {
- r2->begin_transaction(); r2->commit_transaction();
- REQUIRE(!called);
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE(!called);
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(called);
- }
- SECTION("error is delivered on refresh() without changes") {
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE(!called);
- r->refresh();
- REQUIRE(called);
- }
- SECTION("error is delivered on refresh() with changes") {
- r2->begin_transaction(); r2->commit_transaction();
- REQUIRE(!called);
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE(!called);
- r->refresh();
- REQUIRE(called);
- }
- SECTION("error is delivered on begin_transaction() without changes") {
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE(!called);
- r->begin_transaction();
- REQUIRE(called);
- r->cancel_transaction();
- }
- SECTION("error is delivered on begin_transaction() with changes") {
- r2->begin_transaction(); r2->commit_transaction();
- REQUIRE(!called);
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE(!called);
- r->begin_transaction();
- REQUIRE(called);
- r->cancel_transaction();
- }
- SECTION("adding another callback sends the error to only the newly added one") {
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(called);
- bool called2 = false;
- auto token2 = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr err) {
- REQUIRE(err);
- REQUIRE_FALSE(called2);
- called2 = true;
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(called2);
- }
- SECTION("destroying a token from before the error does not remove newly added callbacks") {
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- bool called = false;
- auto token2 = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr err) {
- REQUIRE(err);
- REQUIRE_FALSE(called);
- called = true;
- });
- token = {};
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(called);
- }
- SECTION("adding another callback from within an error callback defers delivery") {
- NotificationToken token2;
- token = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr) {
- token2 = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr err) {
- REQUIRE(err);
- REQUIRE_FALSE(called);
- called = true;
- });
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(!called);
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(called);
- }
- SECTION("adding a callback to a different collection from within the error callback defers delivery") {
- auto results2 = results;
- NotificationToken token2;
- token = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr) {
- token2 = results2.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr err) {
- REQUIRE(err);
- REQUIRE_FALSE(called);
- called = true;
- });
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(!called);
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(called);
- }
- }
- SECTION("error when opening the executor SG") {
- SECTION("error is delivered asynchronously") {
- bool called = false;
- auto token = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr err) {
- REQUIRE(err);
- called = true;
- });
- OpenFileLimiter limiter;
- REQUIRE(!called);
- coordinator->on_change();
- REQUIRE(!called);
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(called);
- }
- SECTION("adding another callback only sends the error to the new one") {
- bool called = false;
- auto token = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr err) {
- REQUIRE(err);
- REQUIRE_FALSE(called);
- called = true;
- });
- OpenFileLimiter limiter;
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- bool called2 = false;
- auto token2 = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr err) {
- REQUIRE(err);
- REQUIRE_FALSE(called2);
- called2 = true;
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(called2);
- }
- }
-TEST_CASE("notifications: sync") {
- _impl::RealmCoordinator::assert_no_open_realms();
- SyncServer server(false);
- SyncTestFile config(server);
- config.schema = Schema{
- {"object", {
- {"value", PropertyType::Int},
- }},
- };
- SECTION("sync progress commits do not distrupt notifications") {
- auto r = Realm::get_shared_realm(config);
- auto wait_realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config);
- Results results(r, r->read_group().get_table("class_object"));
- Results wait_results(wait_realm, wait_realm->read_group().get_table("class_object"));
- auto token1 = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr) { });
- auto token2 = wait_results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr) { });
- // Add an object to the Realm so that notifications are needed
- {
- auto write_realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config);
- write_realm->begin_transaction();
- write_realm->read_group().get_table("class_object")->create_object();
- write_realm->commit_transaction();
- }
- // Wait for the notifications to become ready for the new version
- wait_realm->refresh();
- // Start the server and wait for the Realm to be uploaded so that sync
- // makes some writes to the Realm and bumps the version
- server.start();
- wait_for_upload(*r);
- // Make sure that the notifications still get delivered rather than
- // waiting forever due to that we don't get a commit notification from
- // the commits sync makes to store the upload progress
- r->refresh();
- }
-TEST_CASE("notifications: results") {
- _impl::RealmCoordinator::assert_no_open_realms();
- InMemoryTestFile config;
- config.automatic_change_notifications = false;
- auto r = Realm::get_shared_realm(config);
- r->update_schema({
- {"object", {
- {"value", PropertyType::Int},
- {"link", PropertyType::Object|PropertyType::Nullable, "linked to object"}
- }},
- {"other object", {
- {"value", PropertyType::Int}
- }},
- {"linking object", {
- {"link", PropertyType::Object|PropertyType::Nullable, "object"}
- }},
- {"linked to object", {
- {"value", PropertyType::Int}
- }}
- });
- auto coordinator = _impl::RealmCoordinator::get_coordinator(config.path);
- auto table = r->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- auto col_value = table->get_column_key("value");
- auto col_link = table->get_column_key("link");
- r->begin_transaction();
- std::vector<ObjKey> target_keys;
- r->read_group().get_table("class_linked to object")->create_objects(10, target_keys);
- ObjKeys object_keys({3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 21, 24, 34, 42, 50});
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
- table->create_object(object_keys[i]).set_all(i * 2, target_keys[i]);
- }
- r->commit_transaction();
- auto r2 = coordinator->get_realm();
- auto r2_table = r2->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- Results results(r, table->where().greater(col_value, 0).less(col_value, 10));
- SECTION("unsorted notifications") {
- int notification_calls = 0;
- CollectionChangeSet change;
- auto token = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet c, std::exception_ptr err) {
- change = c;
- ++notification_calls;
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- auto write = [&](auto&& f) {
- r->begin_transaction();
- f();
- r->commit_transaction();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- };
- SECTION("modifications to unrelated tables do not send notifications") {
- write([&] {
- r->read_group().get_table("class_other object")->create_object();
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("irrelevant modifications to linked tables do not send notifications") {
- write([&] {
- r->read_group().get_table("class_linked to object")->create_object();
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("irrelevant modifications to linking tables do not send notifications") {
- write([&] {
- r->read_group().get_table("class_linking object")->create_object();
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("modifications that leave a non-matching row non-matching do not send notifications") {
- write([&] {
- table->get_object(object_keys[6]).set(col_value, 13);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("deleting non-matching rows does not send a notification") {
- write([&] {
- table->remove_object(object_keys[0]);
- table->remove_object(object_keys[6]);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("modifying a matching row and leaving it matching marks that row as modified") {
- write([&] {
- table->get_object(object_keys[1]).set(col_value, 3);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.modifications, 0);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.modifications_new, 0);
- }
- SECTION("modifying a matching row to no longer match marks that row as deleted") {
- write([&] {
- table->get_object(object_keys[2]).set(col_value, 0);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.deletions, 1);
- }
- SECTION("modifying a non-matching row to match marks that row as inserted, but not modified") {
- write([&] {
- table->get_object(object_keys[7]).set(col_value, 3);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.insertions, 4);
- REQUIRE(change.modifications.empty());
- REQUIRE(change.modifications_new.empty());
- }
- SECTION("deleting a matching row marks that row as deleted") {
- write([&] {
- table->remove_object(object_keys[3]);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.deletions, 2);
- }
- SECTION("modifications from multiple transactions are collapsed") {
- r2->begin_transaction();
- r2_table->get_object(object_keys[0]).set(col_value, 6);
- r2->commit_transaction();
- coordinator->on_change();
- r2->begin_transaction();
- r2_table->get_object(object_keys[1]).set(col_value,03);
- r2->commit_transaction();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- coordinator->on_change();
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- }
- SECTION("inserting a row then modifying it in a second transaction does not report it as modified") {
- r2->begin_transaction();
- ObjKey k = r2_table->create_object(ObjKey(53)).set(col_value, 6).get_key();
- r2->commit_transaction();
- coordinator->on_change();
- r2->begin_transaction();
- r2_table->get_object(k).set(col_value, 7);
- r2->commit_transaction();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.insertions, 4);
- REQUIRE(change.modifications.empty());
- REQUIRE(change.modifications_new.empty());
- }
- SECTION("modification indices are pre-insert/delete") {
- r->begin_transaction();
- table->get_object(object_keys[2]).set(col_value, 0);
- table->get_object(object_keys[3]).set(col_value, 6);
- r->commit_transaction();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.deletions, 1);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.modifications, 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.modifications_new, 1);
- }
- SECTION("notifications are not delivered when collapsing transactions results in no net change") {
- r2->begin_transaction();
- ObjKey k = r2_table->create_object().set(col_value, 5).get_key();
- r2->commit_transaction();
- coordinator->on_change();
- r2->begin_transaction();
- r2_table->remove_object(k);
- r2->commit_transaction();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- coordinator->on_change();
- r->notify();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("inserting a non-matching row at the beginning does not produce a notification") {
- write([&] {
- table->create_object(ObjKey(1));
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("inserting a matching row at the beginning marks just it as inserted") {
- write([&] {
- table->create_object(ObjKey(0)).set(col_value, 5);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.insertions, 0);
- }
- SECTION("modification to related table not included in query") {
- write([&] {
- auto table = r->read_group().get_table("class_linked to object");
- auto col = table->get_column_key("value");
- auto obj = table->get_object(target_keys[1]);
- obj.set(col, 42); // Will affect first entry in results
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.modifications, 0);
- }
- }
- SECTION("before/after change callback") {
- struct Callback {
- size_t before_calls = 0;
- size_t after_calls = 0;
- CollectionChangeSet before_change;
- CollectionChangeSet after_change;
- std::function<void(void)> on_before = []{};
- std::function<void(void)> on_after = []{};
- void before(CollectionChangeSet c) {
- before_change = c;
- ++before_calls;
- on_before();
- }
- void after(CollectionChangeSet c) {
- after_change = c;
- ++after_calls;
- on_after();
- }
- void error(std::exception_ptr) {
- FAIL("error() should not be called");
- }
- } callback;
- auto token = results.add_notification_callback(&callback);
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- SECTION("only after() is called for initial results") {
- REQUIRE(callback.before_calls == 0);
- REQUIRE(callback.after_calls == 1);
- REQUIRE(callback.after_change.empty());
- }
- auto write = [&](auto&& func) {
- r2->begin_transaction();
- func(*r2_table);
- r2->commit_transaction();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- };
- SECTION("both are called after a write") {
- write([&](auto&& t) {
- t.create_object(ObjKey(53)).set(col_value, 5);
- });
- REQUIRE(callback.before_calls == 1);
- REQUIRE(callback.after_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(callback.before_change.insertions, 4);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(callback.after_change.insertions, 4);
- }
- SECTION("deleted objects are usable in before()") {
- callback.on_before = [&] {
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 4);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(callback.before_change.deletions, 0);
- REQUIRE(results.get(0).is_valid());
- REQUIRE(results.get(0).get<int64_t>(col_value) == 2);
- };
- write([&](auto&& t) {
- t.remove_object(results.get(0).get_key());
- });
- REQUIRE(callback.before_calls == 1);
- REQUIRE(callback.after_calls == 2);
- }
- SECTION("inserted objects are usable in after()") {
- callback.on_after = [&] {
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 5);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(callback.after_change.insertions, 4);
- REQUIRE(results.last()->get<int64_t>(col_value) == 5);
- };
- write([&](auto&& t) {
- t.create_object(ObjKey(53)).set(col_value, 5);
- });
- REQUIRE(callback.before_calls == 1);
- REQUIRE(callback.after_calls == 2);
- }
- }
- SECTION("sorted notifications") {
- // Sort in descending order
- results = results.sort({{{col_value}}, {false}});
- int notification_calls = 0;
- CollectionChangeSet change;
- auto token = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet c, std::exception_ptr err) {
- change = c;
- ++notification_calls;
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- auto write = [&](auto&& f) {
- r->begin_transaction();
- f();
- r->commit_transaction();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- };
- SECTION("modifications that leave a non-matching row non-matching do not send notifications") {
- write([&] {
- table->get_object(object_keys[6]).set(col_value, 13);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("deleting non-matching rows does not send a notification") {
- write([&] {
- table->remove_object(object_keys[0]);
- table->remove_object(object_keys[6]);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("modifying a matching row and leaving it matching marks that row as modified") {
- write([&] {
- table->get_object(object_keys[1]).set(col_value, 3);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.modifications, 3);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.modifications_new, 3);
- }
- SECTION("modifying a matching row to no longer match marks that row as deleted") {
- write([&] {
- table->get_object(object_keys[2]).set(col_value, 0);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.deletions, 2);
- }
- SECTION("modifying a non-matching row to match marks that row as inserted") {
- write([&] {
- table->get_object(object_keys[7]).set(col_value, 3);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.insertions, 3);
- }
- SECTION("deleting a matching row marks that row as deleted") {
- write([&] {
- table->remove_object(object_keys[3]);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.deletions, 1);
- }
- SECTION("clearing the table marks all rows as deleted") {
- size_t num_expected_deletes = results.size();
- write([&] {
- table->clear();
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE(change.deletions.count() == num_expected_deletes);
- }
- SECTION("clear insert clear marks the correct rows as deleted") {
- size_t num_expected_deletes = results.size();
- write([&] {
- table->clear();
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE(change.deletions.count() == num_expected_deletes);
- write([&] {
- table->create_object().set(col_value, 3);
- table->create_object().set(col_value, 4);
- table->create_object().set(col_value, 5);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 3);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.insertions, 0, 1, 2);
- REQUIRE(change.deletions.empty());
- write([&] {
- table->clear();
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 4);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.deletions, 0, 1, 2);
- REQUIRE(change.insertions.empty());
- REQUIRE(change.modifications.empty());
- }
- SECTION("delete insert clear marks the correct rows as deleted") {
- size_t num_expected_deletes = results.size();
- write([&] {
- results.clear(); // delete all 4 matches
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE(change.deletions.count() == num_expected_deletes);
- write([&] {
- table->create_object(ObjKey(57)).set(col_value, 3);
- table->create_object(ObjKey(58)).set(col_value, 4);
- table->create_object(ObjKey(59)).set(col_value, 5);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 3);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.insertions, 0, 1, 2);
- REQUIRE(change.deletions.empty());
- write([&] {
- table->clear();
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 4);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.deletions, 0, 1, 2);
- REQUIRE(change.insertions.empty());
- REQUIRE(change.modifications.empty());
- }
- SECTION("modifying a matching row to change its position sends insert+delete") {
- write([&] {
- table->get_object(object_keys[2]).set(col_value, 9);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.deletions, 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.insertions, 0);
- }
- SECTION("modifications from multiple transactions are collapsed") {
- r2->begin_transaction();
- r2_table->get_object(object_keys[0]).set(col_value, 5);
- r2->commit_transaction();
- r2->begin_transaction();
- r2_table->get_object(object_keys[1]).set(col_value, 0);
- r2->commit_transaction();
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- }
- SECTION("moving a matching row by deleting all other rows") {
- r->begin_transaction();
- table->clear();
- ObjKey k0 = table->create_object().set(col_value, 15).get_key();
- table->create_object().set(col_value, 5);
- r->commit_transaction();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- write([&] {
- table->remove_object(k0);
- table->create_object().set(col_value, 3);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 3);
- REQUIRE(change.deletions.empty());
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.insertions, 1);
- }
- }
- SECTION("distinct notifications") {
- results = results.distinct(DistinctDescriptor({{col_value}}));
- int notification_calls = 0;
- CollectionChangeSet change;
- auto token = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet c, std::exception_ptr err) {
- change = c;
- ++notification_calls;
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- auto write = [&](auto&& f) {
- r->begin_transaction();
- f();
- r->commit_transaction();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- };
- SECTION("modifications that leave a non-matching row non-matching do not send notifications") {
- write([&] {
- table->get_object(object_keys[6]).set(col_value, 13);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("deleting non-matching rows does not send a notification") {
- write([&] {
- table->remove_object(object_keys[0]);
- table->remove_object(object_keys[6]);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("modifying a matching row and leaving it matching marks that row as modified") {
- write([&] {
- table->get_object(object_keys[1]).set(col_value, 3);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.modifications, 0);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.modifications_new, 0);
- }
- SECTION("modifying a non-matching row which is after the distinct results in the table to be a same value \
- in the distinct results doesn't send notification.") {
- write([&] {
- table->get_object(object_keys[6]).set(col_value, 2);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- }
- SECTION("modifying a non-matching row which is before the distinct results in the table to be a same value \
- in the distinct results send insert + delete.") {
- write([&] {
- table->get_object(object_keys[0]).set(col_value, 2);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.deletions, 0);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.insertions, 0);
- }
- SECTION("modifying a matching row to duplicated value in distinct results marks that row as deleted") {
- write([&] {
- table->get_object(object_keys[2]).set(col_value, 2);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.deletions, 1);
- }
- SECTION("modifying a non-matching row to match and different value marks that row as inserted") {
- write([&] {
- table->get_object(object_keys[0]).set(col_value, 1);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.insertions, 0);
- }
- }
- SECTION("schema changes") {
- CollectionChangeSet change;
- auto token = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet c, std::exception_ptr err) {
- change = c;
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- auto write = [&](auto&& f) {
- r->begin_transaction();
- f();
- r->commit_transaction();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- };
- SECTION("insert table before observed table") {
- write([&] {
- table->create_object(ObjKey(53)).set(col_value, 5);
- r->read_group().add_table("new table");
- table->create_object(ObjKey(0)).set(col_value, 5);
- });
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.insertions, 0, 5);
- }
- auto linked_table = table->get_link_target(col_link);
- auto col = linked_table->get_column_key("value");
- SECTION("insert new column before link column") {
- write([&] {
- linked_table->get_object(target_keys[1]).set(col, 5);
- table->add_column(type_Int, "new col");
- linked_table->get_object(target_keys[2]).set(col, 5);
- });
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.modifications, 0, 1);
- }
- SECTION("insert table before link target") {
- write([&] {
- linked_table->get_object(target_keys[1]).set(col, 5);
- r->read_group().add_table("new table");
- linked_table->get_object(target_keys[2]).set(col, 5);
- });
- REQUIRE_INDICES(change.modifications, 0, 1);
- }
- }
-TEST_CASE("results: notifications after move") {
- InMemoryTestFile config;
- config.automatic_change_notifications = false;
- auto r = Realm::get_shared_realm(config);
- r->update_schema({
- {"object", {
- {"value", PropertyType::Int},
- }},
- });
- auto table = r->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- auto results = std::make_unique<Results>(r, table);
- int notification_calls = 0;
- auto token = results->add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr err) {
- ++notification_calls;
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- auto write = [&](auto&& f) {
- r->begin_transaction();
- f();
- r->commit_transaction();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- };
- SECTION("notifications continue to work after Results is moved (move-constructor)") {
- Results r(std::move(*results));
- results.reset();
- write([&] {
- table->create_object().set_all(1);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- }
- SECTION("notifications continue to work after Results is moved (move-assignment)") {
- Results r;
- r = std::move(*results);
- results.reset();
- write([&] {
- table->create_object().set_all(1);
- });
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- }
-TEST_CASE("results: notifier with no callbacks") {
- _impl::RealmCoordinator::assert_no_open_realms();
- InMemoryTestFile config;
- config.automatic_change_notifications = false;
- auto coordinator = _impl::RealmCoordinator::get_coordinator(config.path);
- auto r = coordinator->get_realm(std::move(config), none);
- r->update_schema({
- {"object", {
- {"value", PropertyType::Int},
- }},
- });
- auto table = r->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- Results results(r, table->where());
- results.last(); // force evaluation and creation of TableView
- SECTION("refresh() does not block due to implicit notifier") {
- // Create and then immediately remove a callback because
- // `automatic_change_notifications = false` makes Results not implicitly
- // create a notifier
- results.add_notification_callback([](CollectionChangeSet const&, std::exception_ptr) {});
- auto r2 = coordinator->get_realm(util::Scheduler::get_frozen());
- r2->begin_transaction();
- r2->read_group().get_table("class_object")->create_object();
- r2->commit_transaction();
- r->refresh(); // would deadlock if there was a callback
- }
- SECTION("refresh() does not attempt to deliver stale results") {
- results.add_notification_callback([](CollectionChangeSet const&, std::exception_ptr) {});
- // Create version 1
- r->begin_transaction();
- table->create_object();
- r->commit_transaction();
- r->begin_transaction();
- // Run async query for version 1
- coordinator->on_change();
- // Create version 2 without ever letting 1 be delivered
- table->create_object();
- r->commit_transaction();
- // Give it a chance to deliver the async query results (and fail, becuse
- // they're for version 1 and the realm is at 2)
- r->refresh();
- }
- SECTION("should not pin the source version even after the Realm has been closed") {
- auto r2 = coordinator->get_realm();
- REQUIRE(r != r2);
- r->close();
- auto& shared_group = TestHelper::get_shared_group(r2);
- // There's always at least 2 live versions because the previous version
- // isn't clean up until the *next* commit
- REQUIRE(shared_group->get_number_of_versions() == 2);
- auto table = r2->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- r2->begin_transaction();
- table->create_object();
- r2->commit_transaction();
- r2->begin_transaction();
- table->create_object();
- r2->commit_transaction();
- // Would now be 3 if the closed Realm is still pinning the version it was at
- REQUIRE(shared_group->get_number_of_versions() == 2);
- }
-TEST_CASE("results: error messages") {
- InMemoryTestFile config;
- config.schema = Schema{
- {"object", {
- {"value", PropertyType::String},
- }},
- };
- auto r = Realm::get_shared_realm(config);
- auto table = r->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- Results results(r, table);
- r->begin_transaction();
- table->create_object();
- r->commit_transaction();
- SECTION("out of bounds access") {
- REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(results.get(5), "Requested index 5 greater than max 0");
- }
- SECTION("unsupported aggregate operation") {
- REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(results.sum("value"), "Cannot sum property 'value': operation not supported for 'string' properties");
- }
-TEST_CASE("results: snapshots") {
- InMemoryTestFile config;
- config.automatic_change_notifications = false;
- config.schema = Schema{
- {"object", {
- {"value", PropertyType::Int},
- {"array", PropertyType::Array|PropertyType::Object, "linked to object"}
- }},
- {"linked to object", {
- {"value", PropertyType::Int}
- }}
- };
- auto r = Realm::get_shared_realm(config);
- SECTION("snapshot of empty Results") {
- Results results;
- auto snapshot = results.snapshot();
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 0);
- }
- auto write = [&](auto&& f) {
- r->begin_transaction();
- f();
- r->commit_transaction();
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- };
- SECTION("snapshot of Results based on Table") {
- auto table = r->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- Results results(r, table);
- {
- // A newly-added row should not appear in the snapshot.
- auto snapshot = results.snapshot();
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 0);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 0);
- write([=]{
- table->create_object();
- });
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 0);
- }
- {
- // Removing a row present in the snapshot should not affect the size of the snapshot,
- // but will result in the snapshot returning a detached row accessor.
- auto snapshot = results.snapshot();
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 1);
- write([=]{
- table->begin()->remove();
- });
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 0);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(!snapshot.get(0).is_valid());
- // Adding a row at the same index that was formerly present in the snapshot shouldn't
- // affect the state of the snapshot.
- write([=]{
- table->create_object();
- });
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(!snapshot.get(0).is_valid());
- }
- }
- SECTION("snapshot of Results based on LinkView") {
- auto object = r->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- auto col_link = object->get_column_key("array");
- auto linked_to = r->read_group().get_table("class_linked to object");
- write([=]{
- object->create_object();
- });
- std::shared_ptr<LnkLst> lv = object->begin()->get_linklist_ptr(col_link);
- Results results(r, lv);
- {
- // A newly-added row should not appear in the snapshot.
- auto snapshot = results.snapshot();
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 0);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 0);
- write([&]{
- lv->add(linked_to->create_object().get_key());
- });
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 0);
- }
- {
- // Removing a row from the link list should not affect the snapshot.
- auto snapshot = results.snapshot();
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 1);
- write([&]{
- lv->remove(0);
- });
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 0);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.get(0).is_valid());
- // Removing a row present in the snapshot from its table should result in the snapshot
- // returning a detached row accessor.
- write([&]{
- linked_to->begin()->remove();
- });
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(!snapshot.get(0).is_valid());
- // Adding a new row to the link list shouldn't affect the state of the snapshot.
- write([&]{
- lv->add(linked_to->create_object().get_key());
- });
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(!snapshot.get(0).is_valid());
- }
- }
- SECTION("snapshot of Results based on Query") {
- auto table = r->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- auto col_value = table->get_column_key("value");
- Query q = table->column<Int>(col_value) > 0;
- Results results(r, std::move(q));
- {
- // A newly-added row should not appear in the snapshot.
- auto snapshot = results.snapshot();
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 0);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 0);
- write([=]{
- table->create_object().set(col_value, 1);
- });
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 0);
- }
- {
- // Updating a row to no longer match the query criteria should not affect the snapshot.
- auto snapshot = results.snapshot();
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 1);
- write([=]{
- table->begin()->set(col_value, 0);
- });
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 0);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.get(0).is_valid());
- // Removing a row present in the snapshot from its table should result in the snapshot
- // returning a detached row accessor.
- write([=]{
- table->begin()->remove();
- });
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(!snapshot.get(0).is_valid());
- // Adding a new row that matches the query criteria shouldn't affect the state of the snapshot.
- write([=]{
- table->create_object().set(col_value, 1);
- });
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(!snapshot.get(0).is_valid());
- }
- }
- SECTION("snapshot of Results based on TableView from query") {
- auto table = r->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- auto col_value = table->get_column_key("value");
- Query q = table->column<Int>(col_value) > 0;
- Results results(r, q.find_all());
- {
- // A newly-added row should not appear in the snapshot.
- auto snapshot = results.snapshot();
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 0);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 0);
- write([=]{
- table->create_object().set(col_value, 1);
- });
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 0);
- }
- {
- // Updating a row to no longer match the query criteria should not affect the snapshot.
- auto snapshot = results.snapshot();
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 1);
- write([=]{
- table->begin()->set(col_value, 0);
- });
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 0);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.get(0).is_valid());
- // Removing a row present in the snapshot from its table should result in the snapshot
- // returning a detached row accessor.
- write([=]{
- table->begin()->remove();
- });
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(!snapshot.get(0).is_valid());
- // Adding a new row that matches the query criteria shouldn't affect the state of the snapshot.
- write([=]{
- table->create_object().set(col_value, 1);
- });
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(!snapshot.get(0).is_valid());
- }
- }
- SECTION("snapshot of Results based on TableView from backlinks") {
- auto object = r->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- auto col_link = object->get_column_key("array");
- auto linked_to = r->read_group().get_table("class_linked to object");
- write([=]{
- linked_to->create_object();
- object->create_object();
- });
- auto linked_to_obj = *linked_to->begin();
- auto lv = object->begin()->get_linklist_ptr(col_link);
- TableView backlinks = linked_to_obj.get_backlink_view(object, col_link);
- Results results(r, std::move(backlinks));
- {
- // A newly-added row should not appear in the snapshot.
- auto snapshot = results.snapshot();
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 0);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 0);
- write([&]{
- lv->add(linked_to_obj.get_key());
- });
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 0);
- }
- {
- // Removing the link should not affect the snapshot.
- auto snapshot = results.snapshot();
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 1);
- write([&]{
- if (lv->size() > 0)
- lv->remove(0);
- });
- REQUIRE(results.size() == 0);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(snapshot.get(0).is_valid());
- // Removing a row present in the snapshot from its table should result in the snapshot
- // returning a detached row accessor.
- write([=]{
- object->begin()->remove();
- });
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(!snapshot.get(0).is_valid());
- // Adding a new link shouldn't affect the state of the snapshot.
- write([=]{
- object->create_object().get_linklist(col_link).add(linked_to_obj.get_key());
- });
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(!snapshot.get(0).is_valid());
- }
- }
- SECTION("snapshot of Results with notification callback registered") {
- auto table = r->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- auto col_value = table->get_column_key("value");
- Query q = table->column<Int>(col_value) > 0;
- Results results(r, q.find_all());
- auto token = results.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr err) {
- });
- advance_and_notify(*r);
- SECTION("snapshot of lvalue") {
- auto snapshot = results.snapshot();
- write([=] {
- table->create_object().set(col_value, 1);
- });
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 0);
- }
- SECTION("snapshot of rvalue") {
- auto snapshot = std::move(results).snapshot();
- write([=] {
- table->create_object().set(col_value, 1);
- });
- REQUIRE(snapshot.size() == 0);
- }
- }
- SECTION("adding notification callback to snapshot throws") {
- auto table = r->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- auto col_value = table->get_column_key("value");
- Query q = table->column<Int>(col_value) > 0;
- Results results(r, q.find_all());
- auto snapshot = results.snapshot();
- CHECK_THROWS(snapshot.add_notification_callback([](CollectionChangeSet, std::exception_ptr) {}));
- }
- SECTION("accessors should return none for detached row") {
- auto table = r->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- write([=] {
- table->create_object();
- });
- Results results(r, table);
- auto snapshot = results.snapshot();
- write([=] {;
- table->clear();
- });
- REQUIRE_FALSE(snapshot.get(0).is_valid());
- REQUIRE_FALSE(snapshot.first()->is_valid());
- REQUIRE_FALSE(snapshot.last()->is_valid());
- }
-TEST_CASE("results: distinct") {
- const int N = 10;
- InMemoryTestFile config;
- config.automatic_change_notifications = false;
- auto r = Realm::get_shared_realm(config);
- r->update_schema({
- {"object", {
- {"num1", PropertyType::Int},
- {"string", PropertyType::String},
- {"num2", PropertyType::Int},
- {"num3", PropertyType::Int}
- }},
- });
- auto table = r->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- r->begin_transaction();
- for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
- table->create_object().set_all(i % 3, util::format("Foo_%1", i % 3).c_str(), N - i, i % 2);
- }
- // table:
- // 0, Foo_0, 10, 0
- // 1, Foo_1, 9, 1
- // 2, Foo_2, 8, 0
- // 0, Foo_0, 7, 1
- // 1, Foo_1, 6, 0
- // 2, Foo_2, 5, 1
- // 0, Foo_0, 4, 0
- // 1, Foo_1, 3, 1
- // 2, Foo_2, 2, 0
- // 0, Foo_0, 1, 1
- r->commit_transaction();
- Results results(r, table->where());
- ColKey col_num1 = table->get_column_key("num1");
- ColKey col_string = table->get_column_key("string");
- ColKey col_num2 = table->get_column_key("num2");
- ColKey col_num3 = table->get_column_key("num3");
- SECTION("Single integer property") {
- Results unique = results.distinct(DistinctDescriptor({{col_num1}}));
- // unique:
- // 0, Foo_0, 10
- // 1, Foo_1, 9
- // 2, Foo_2, 8
- REQUIRE(unique.size() == 3);
- REQUIRE(unique.get(0).get<Int>(col_num2) == 10);
- REQUIRE(unique.get(1).get<Int>(col_num2) == 9);
- REQUIRE(unique.get(2).get<Int>(col_num2) == 8);
- }
- SECTION("Single integer via apply_ordering") {
- DescriptorOrdering ordering;
- ordering.append_sort(SortDescriptor({{col_num1}}));
- ordering.append_distinct(DistinctDescriptor({{col_num1}}));
- Results unique = results.apply_ordering(std::move(ordering));
- // unique:
- // 0, Foo_0, 10
- // 1, Foo_1, 9
- // 2, Foo_2, 8
- REQUIRE(unique.size() == 3);
- REQUIRE(unique.get(0).get<Int>(col_num2) == 10);
- REQUIRE(unique.get(1).get<Int>(col_num2) == 9);
- REQUIRE(unique.get(2).get<Int>(col_num2) == 8);
- }
- SECTION("Single string property") {
- Results unique = results.distinct(DistinctDescriptor({{col_string}}));
- // unique:
- // 0, Foo_0, 10
- // 1, Foo_1, 9
- // 2, Foo_2, 8
- REQUIRE(unique.size() == 3);
- REQUIRE(unique.get(0).get<Int>(col_num2) == 10);
- REQUIRE(unique.get(1).get<Int>(col_num2) == 9);
- REQUIRE(unique.get(2).get<Int>(col_num2) == 8);
- }
- SECTION("Two integer properties combined") {
- Results unique = results.distinct(DistinctDescriptor({{col_num1}, {col_num2}}));
- // unique is the same as the table
- REQUIRE(unique.size() == N);
- for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
- REQUIRE(unique.get(i).get<String>(col_string) == StringData(util::format("Foo_%1", i % 3).c_str()));
- }
- }
- SECTION("String and integer combined") {
- Results unique = results.distinct(DistinctDescriptor({{col_num2}, {col_string}}));
- // unique is the same as the table
- REQUIRE(unique.size() == N);
- for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
- REQUIRE(unique.get(i).get<String>(col_string) == StringData(util::format("Foo_%1", i % 3).c_str()));
- }
- }
- // This section and next section demonstrate that sort().distinct() != distinct().sort()
- SECTION("Order after sort and distinct") {
- Results reverse = results.sort(SortDescriptor({{col_num2}}, {true}));
- // reverse:
- // 0, Foo_0, 1
- // ...
- // 0, Foo_0, 10
- REQUIRE(reverse.first()->get<Int>(col_num2) == 1);
- REQUIRE(reverse.last()->get<Int>(col_num2) == 10);
- // distinct() will be applied to the table, after sorting
- Results unique = reverse.distinct(DistinctDescriptor({{col_num1}}));
- // unique:
- // 0, Foo_0, 1
- // 2, Foo_2, 2
- // 1, Foo_1, 3
- REQUIRE(unique.size() == 3);
- REQUIRE(unique.get(0).get<Int>(col_num2) == 1);
- REQUIRE(unique.get(1).get<Int>(col_num2) == 2);
- REQUIRE(unique.get(2).get<Int>(col_num2) == 3);
- }
- SECTION("Order after distinct and sort") {
- Results unique = results.distinct(DistinctDescriptor({{col_num1}}));
- // unique:
- // 0, Foo_0, 10
- // 1, Foo_1, 9
- // 2, Foo_2, 8
- REQUIRE(unique.size() == 3);
- REQUIRE(unique.first()->get<Int>(col_num2) == 10);
- REQUIRE(unique.last()->get<Int>(col_num2) == 8);
- // sort() is only applied to unique
- Results reverse = unique.sort(SortDescriptor({{col_num2}}, {true}));
- // reversed:
- // 2, Foo_2, 8
- // 1, Foo_1, 9
- // 0, Foo_0, 10
- REQUIRE(reverse.size() == 3);
- REQUIRE(reverse.get(0).get<Int>(col_num2) == 8);
- REQUIRE(reverse.get(1).get<Int>(col_num2) == 9);
- REQUIRE(reverse.get(2).get<Int>(col_num2) == 10);
- }
- SECTION("Chaining distinct") {
- Results first = results.distinct(DistinctDescriptor({{col_num1}}));
- REQUIRE(first.size() == 3);
- // distinct() will not discard the previous applied distinct() calls
- Results second = first.distinct(DistinctDescriptor({{col_num3}}));
- REQUIRE(second.size() == 2);
- }
- SECTION("Chaining sort") {
- using cols_0_3 = std::pair<int, int>;
- Results first = results.sort(SortDescriptor({{col_num1}}));
- Results second = first.sort(SortDescriptor({{col_num3}}));
- REQUIRE(second.size() == 10);
- // results are ordered first by the last sorted column
- // if any duplicates exist in that column, they are resolved by sorting the
- // previously sorted column. Eg. sort(a).sort(b) == sort(b, a)
- std::vector<cols_0_3> results
- = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {1, 0}, {2, 0}, {2, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}, {2, 1}};
- for (size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); ++i) {
- REQUIRE(second.get(i).get<Int>(col_num1) == results[i].first);
- REQUIRE(second.get(i).get<Int>(col_num3) == results[i].second);
- }
- }
- SECTION("Distinct is carried over to new queries") {
- Results unique = results.distinct(DistinctDescriptor({{col_num1}}));
- // unique:
- // 0, Foo_0, 10
- // 1, Foo_1, 9
- // 2, Foo_2, 8
- REQUIRE(unique.size() == 3);
- Results filtered = unique.filter(Query(table->where().less(col_num1, 2)));
- // filtered:
- // 0, Foo_0, 10
- // 1, Foo_1, 9
- REQUIRE(filtered.size() == 2);
- REQUIRE(filtered.get(0).get<Int>(col_num2) == 10);
- REQUIRE(filtered.get(1).get<Int>(col_num2) == 9);
- }
- SECTION("Distinct will not forget previous query") {
- Results filtered = results.filter(Query(table->where().greater(col_num2, 5)));
- // filtered:
- // 0, Foo_0, 10
- // 1, Foo_1, 9
- // 2, Foo_2, 8
- // 0, Foo_0, 7
- // 1, Foo_1, 6
- REQUIRE(filtered.size() == 5);
- Results unique = filtered.distinct(DistinctDescriptor({{col_num1}}));
- // unique:
- // 0, Foo_0, 10
- // 1, Foo_1, 9
- // 2, Foo_2, 8
- REQUIRE(unique.size() == 3);
- REQUIRE(unique.get(0).get<Int>(col_num2) == 10);
- REQUIRE(unique.get(1).get<Int>(col_num2) == 9);
- REQUIRE(unique.get(2).get<Int>(col_num2) == 8);
- Results further_filtered = unique.filter(Query(table->where().equal(col_num2, 9)));
- // further_filtered:
- // 1, Foo_1, 9
- REQUIRE(further_filtered.size() == 1);
- REQUIRE(further_filtered.get(0).get<Int>(col_num2) == 9);
- }
-TEST_CASE("results: sort") {
- InMemoryTestFile config;
- config.schema = Schema{
- {"object", {
- {"value", PropertyType::Int},
- {"bool", PropertyType::Bool},
- {"data prop", PropertyType::Data},
- {"link", PropertyType::Object|PropertyType::Nullable, "object 2"},
- {"array", PropertyType::Object|PropertyType::Array, "object 2"},
- }},
- {"object 2", {
- {"value", PropertyType::Int},
- {"link", PropertyType::Object|PropertyType::Nullable, "object"},
- }},
- };
- auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config);
- auto table = realm->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- auto table2 = realm->read_group().get_table("class_object 2");
- Results r(realm, table);
- SECTION("invalid keypaths") {
- SECTION("empty property name") {
- REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(r.sort({{"", true}}), "Cannot sort on key path '': missing property name.");
- REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(r.sort({{".", true}}), "Cannot sort on key path '.': missing property name.");
- REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(r.sort({{"link.", true}}), "Cannot sort on key path 'link.': missing property name.");
- REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(r.sort({{".value", true}}), "Cannot sort on key path '.value': missing property name.");
- REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(r.sort({{"link..value", true}}), "Cannot sort on key path 'link..value': missing property name.");
- }
- SECTION("bad property name") {
- REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(r.sort({{"not a property", true}}),
- "Cannot sort on key path 'not a property': property 'object.not a property' does not exist.");
- REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(r.sort({{"link.not a property", true}}),
- "Cannot sort on key path 'link.not a property': property 'object 2.not a property' does not exist.");
- }
- SECTION("subscript primitive") {
- REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(r.sort({{"value.link", true}}),
- "Cannot sort on key path 'value.link': property 'object.value' of type 'int' may only be the final property in the key path.");
- }
- SECTION("end in link") {
- REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(r.sort({{"link", true}}),
- "Cannot sort on key path 'link': property 'object.link' of type 'object' cannot be the final property in the key path.");
- REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(r.sort({{"link.link", true}}),
- "Cannot sort on key path 'link.link': property 'object 2.link' of type 'object' cannot be the final property in the key path.");
- }
- SECTION("sort involving bad property types") {
- REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(r.sort({{"array", true}}),
- "Cannot sort on key path 'array': property 'object.array' is of unsupported type 'array'.");
- REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(r.sort({{"array.value", true}}),
- "Cannot sort on key path 'array.value': property 'object.array' is of unsupported type 'array'.");
- REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(r.sort({{"link.link.array.value", true}}),
- "Cannot sort on key path 'link.link.array.value': property 'object.array' is of unsupported type 'array'.");
- REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(r.sort({{"data prop", true}}),
- "Cannot sort on key path 'data prop': property 'object.data prop' is of unsupported type 'data'.");
- }
- }
- realm->begin_transaction();
- ObjKeys table_keys;
- ObjKeys table2_keys;
- table->create_objects(4, table_keys);
- table2->create_objects(4, table2_keys);
- ColKey col_link = table->get_column_key("link");
- ColKey col_link2 = table2->get_column_key("link");
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
- table->get_object(table_keys[i]).set_all((i + 2) % 4, bool(i % 2)).set(col_link, table2_keys[3 - i]);
- table2->get_object(table2_keys[i]).set_all((i + 1) % 4).set(col_link2, table_keys[i]);
- }
- realm->commit_transaction();
- /*
- | index | value | bool | link.value | link.link.value |
- |-------|-------|------|------------|-----------------|
- | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
- | 1 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 0 |
- | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 3 |
- | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
- */
- #define REQUIRE_ORDER(sort, ...) do { \
- ObjKeys expected({__VA_ARGS__}); \
- auto results = sort; \
- REQUIRE(results.size() == expected.size()); \
- for (size_t i = 0; i < expected.size(); ++i) \
- REQUIRE(results.get(i).get_key() == expected[i]); \
- } while (0)
- SECTION("sort on single property") {
- REQUIRE_ORDER((r.sort({{"value", true}})),
- 2, 3, 0, 1);
- REQUIRE_ORDER((r.sort({{"value", false}})),
- 1, 0, 3, 2);
- }
- SECTION("sort on two properties") {
- REQUIRE_ORDER((r.sort({{"bool", true}, {"value", true}})),
- 2, 0, 3, 1);
- REQUIRE_ORDER((r.sort({{"bool", false}, {"value", true}})),
- 3, 1, 2, 0);
- REQUIRE_ORDER((r.sort({{"bool", true}, {"value", false}})),
- 0, 2, 1, 3);
- REQUIRE_ORDER((r.sort({{"bool", false}, {"value", false}})),
- 1, 3, 0, 2);
- }
- SECTION("sort over link") {
- REQUIRE_ORDER((r.sort({{"link.value", true}})),
- 0, 3, 2, 1);
- REQUIRE_ORDER((r.sort({{"link.value", false}})),
- 1, 2, 3, 0);
- }
- SECTION("sort over two links") {
- REQUIRE_ORDER((r.sort({{"link.link.value", true}})),
- 1, 0, 3, 2);
- REQUIRE_ORDER((r.sort({{"link.link.value", false}})),
- 2, 3, 0, 1);
- }
-struct ResultsFromTable {
- static Results call(std::shared_ptr<Realm> r, ConstTableRef table) {
- return Results(std::move(r), table);
- }
-struct ResultsFromQuery {
- static Results call(std::shared_ptr<Realm> r, ConstTableRef table) {
- return Results(std::move(r), table->where());
- }
-struct ResultsFromTableView {
- static Results call(std::shared_ptr<Realm> r, ConstTableRef table) {
- return Results(std::move(r), table->where().find_all());
- }
-struct ResultsFromLinkView {
- static Results call(std::shared_ptr<Realm> r, ConstTableRef table) {
- r->begin_transaction();
- auto link_table = r->read_group().get_table("class_linking_object");
- std::shared_ptr<LnkLst> link_view = link_table->create_object().get_linklist_ptr(link_table->get_column_key("link"));
- for (auto& o : *table)
- link_view->add(o.get_key());
- r->commit_transaction();
- return Results(r, link_view);
- }
-TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE("results: get()", "", ResultsFromTable, ResultsFromQuery, ResultsFromTableView, ResultsFromLinkView) {
- InMemoryTestFile config;
- config.automatic_change_notifications = false;
- auto r = Realm::get_shared_realm(config);
- r->update_schema({
- {"object", {
- {"value", PropertyType::Int},
- }},
- {"linking_object", {
- {"link", PropertyType::Array|PropertyType::Object, "object"}
- }},
- });
- auto table = r->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- ColKey col_value = table->get_column_key("value");
- r->begin_transaction();
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- table->create_object().set_all(i);
- r->commit_transaction();
- Results results = TestType::call(r, table);
- SECTION("sequential in increasing order") {
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- CHECK(results.get<Obj>(i).get<int64_t>(col_value) == i);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- CHECK(results.get<Obj>(i).get<int64_t>(col_value) == i);
- CHECK_THROWS(results.get(11));
- }
- SECTION("sequential in decreasing order") {
- for (int i = 9; i >= 0; --i)
- CHECK(results.get<Obj>(i).get<int64_t>(col_value) == i);
- for (int i = 9; i >= 0; --i)
- CHECK(results.get<Obj>(i).get<int64_t>(col_value) == i);
- }
- SECTION("random order") {
- int indexes[10];
- std::iota(std::begin(indexes), std::end(indexes), 0);
- std::random_device rd;
- std::mt19937 g(rd());
- std::shuffle(std::begin(indexes), std::end(indexes), std::mt19937(rd()));
- for (auto index : indexes)
- CHECK(results.get<Obj>(index).get<int64_t>(col_value) == index);
- }
-TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE("results: aggregate", "[query][aggregate]", ResultsFromTable, ResultsFromQuery, ResultsFromTableView, ResultsFromLinkView) {
- InMemoryTestFile config;
- config.automatic_change_notifications = false;
- auto r = Realm::get_shared_realm(config);
- r->update_schema({
- {"object", {
- {"int", PropertyType::Int|PropertyType::Nullable},
- {"float", PropertyType::Float|PropertyType::Nullable},
- {"double", PropertyType::Double|PropertyType::Nullable},
- {"date", PropertyType::Date|PropertyType::Nullable},
- }},
- {"linking_object", {
- {"link", PropertyType::Array|PropertyType::Object, "object"}
- }},
- });
- auto table = r->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- ColKey col_int = table->get_column_key("int");
- ColKey col_float = table->get_column_key("float");
- ColKey col_double = table->get_column_key("double");
- ColKey col_date = table->get_column_key("date");
- SECTION("one row with null values") {
- r->begin_transaction();
- table->create_object();
- table->create_object().set_all(0, 0.f, 0.0, Timestamp(0, 0));
- table->create_object().set_all(2, 2.f, 2.0, Timestamp(2, 0));
- // table:
- // null, null, null, null,
- // 0, 0, 0, (0, 0)
- // 2, 2, 2, (2, 0)
- r->commit_transaction();
- Results results = TestType::call(r, table);
- SECTION("max") {
- REQUIRE(results.max(col_int)->get_int() == 2);
- REQUIRE(results.max(col_float)->get_float() == 2.f);
- REQUIRE(results.max(col_double)->get_double() == 2.0);
- REQUIRE(results.max(col_date)->get_timestamp() == Timestamp(2, 0));
- }
- SECTION("min") {
- REQUIRE(results.min(col_int)->get_int() == 0);
- REQUIRE(results.min(col_float)->get_float() == 0.f);
- REQUIRE(results.min(col_double)->get_double() == 0.0);
- REQUIRE(results.min(col_date)->get_timestamp() == Timestamp(0, 0));
- }
- SECTION("average") {
- REQUIRE(results.average(col_int) == 1.0);
- REQUIRE(results.average(col_float) == 1.0);
- REQUIRE(results.average(col_double) == 1.0);
- REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(results.average(col_date), Results::UnsupportedColumnTypeException);
- }
- SECTION("sum") {
- REQUIRE(results.sum(col_int)->get_int() == 2);
- REQUIRE(results.sum(col_float)->get_double() == 2.0);
- REQUIRE(results.sum(col_double)->get_double() == 2.0);
- REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(results.sum(col_date), Results::UnsupportedColumnTypeException);
- }
- }
- SECTION("rows with all null values") {
- r->begin_transaction();
- table->create_object();
- table->create_object();
- table->create_object();
- // table:
- // null, null, null, null, null
- // null, null, null, null, null
- // null, null, null, null, null
- r->commit_transaction();
- Results results = TestType::call(r, table);
- SECTION("max") {
- REQUIRE(!results.max(col_int));
- REQUIRE(!results.max(col_float));
- REQUIRE(!results.max(col_double));
- REQUIRE(!results.max(col_date));
- }
- SECTION("min") {
- REQUIRE(!results.min(col_int));
- REQUIRE(!results.min(col_float));
- REQUIRE(!results.min(col_double));
- REQUIRE(!results.min(col_date));
- }
- SECTION("average") {
- REQUIRE(!results.average(col_int));
- REQUIRE(!results.average(col_float));
- REQUIRE(!results.average(col_double));
- REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(results.average(col_date), Results::UnsupportedColumnTypeException);
- }
- SECTION("sum") {
- REQUIRE(results.sum(col_int)->get_int() == 0);
- REQUIRE(results.sum(col_float)->get_double() == 0.0);
- REQUIRE(results.sum(col_double)->get_double() == 0.0);
- REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(results.sum(col_date), Results::UnsupportedColumnTypeException);
- }
- }
- SECTION("empty") {
- Results results = TestType::call(r, table);
- SECTION("max") {
- REQUIRE(!results.max(col_int));
- REQUIRE(!results.max(col_float));
- REQUIRE(!results.max(col_double));
- REQUIRE(!results.max(col_date));
- }
- SECTION("min") {
- REQUIRE(!results.min(col_int));
- REQUIRE(!results.min(col_float));
- REQUIRE(!results.min(col_double));
- REQUIRE(!results.min(col_date));
- }
- SECTION("average") {
- REQUIRE(!results.average(col_int));
- REQUIRE(!results.average(col_float));
- REQUIRE(!results.average(col_double));
- REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(results.average(col_date), Results::UnsupportedColumnTypeException);
- }
- SECTION("sum") {
- REQUIRE(results.sum(col_int)->get_int() == 0);
- REQUIRE(results.sum(col_float)->get_double() == 0.0);
- REQUIRE(results.sum(col_double)->get_double() == 0.0);
- REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(results.sum(col_date), Results::UnsupportedColumnTypeException);
- }
- }
-TEST_CASE("results: set property value on all objects", "[batch_updates]") {
- InMemoryTestFile config;
- config.automatic_change_notifications = false;
- // config.cache = false;
- config.schema = Schema{
- {"AllTypes", {
- {"pk", PropertyType::Int, Property::IsPrimary{true}},
- {"bool", PropertyType::Bool},
- {"int", PropertyType::Int},
- {"float", PropertyType::Float},
- {"double", PropertyType::Double},
- {"string", PropertyType::String},
- {"data", PropertyType::Data},
- {"date", PropertyType::Date},
- {"object", PropertyType::Object|PropertyType::Nullable, "AllTypes"},
- {"list", PropertyType::Array|PropertyType::Object, "AllTypes"},
- {"bool array", PropertyType::Array|PropertyType::Bool},
- {"int array", PropertyType::Array|PropertyType::Int},
- {"float array", PropertyType::Array|PropertyType::Float},
- {"double array", PropertyType::Array|PropertyType::Double},
- {"string array", PropertyType::Array|PropertyType::String},
- {"data array", PropertyType::Array|PropertyType::Data},
- {"date array", PropertyType::Array|PropertyType::Date},
- {"object array", PropertyType::Array|PropertyType::Object, "AllTypes"},
- }, {
- {"parents", PropertyType::LinkingObjects|PropertyType::Array, "AllTypes", "object"},
- }}
- };
- config.schema_version = 0;
- auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config);
- auto table = realm->read_group().get_table("class_AllTypes");
- realm->begin_transaction();
- table->create_object();
- table->create_object();
- realm->commit_transaction();
- Results r(realm, table);
- TestContext ctx(realm);
- SECTION("non-existing property name") {
- realm->begin_transaction();
- REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(r.set_property_value(ctx, "i dont exist", util::Any(false)), Results::InvalidPropertyException);
- realm->cancel_transaction();
- }
- SECTION("readonly property") {
- realm->begin_transaction();
- REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(r.set_property_value(ctx, "parents", util::Any(false)), ReadOnlyPropertyException);
- realm->cancel_transaction();
- }
- SECTION("primarykey property") {
- realm->begin_transaction();
- REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(r.set_property_value(ctx, "pk", util::Any(1)), std::logic_error);
- realm->cancel_transaction();
- }
- SECTION("set property values removes object from Results") {
- realm->begin_transaction();
- Results results(realm, table->where().equal(table->get_column_key("int"),0));
- CHECK(results.size() == 2);
- r.set_property_value(ctx, "int", util::Any(INT64_C(42)));
- CHECK(results.size() == 0);
- realm->cancel_transaction();
- }
- SECTION("set property value") {
- realm->begin_transaction();
- r.set_property_value<util::Any>(ctx, "bool", util::Any(true));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < r.size(); i++) {
- CHECK(r.get(i).get<Bool>("bool") == true);
- }
- r.set_property_value(ctx, "int", util::Any(INT64_C(42)));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < r.size(); i++) {
- CHECK(r.get(i).get<Int>("int") == 42);
- }
- r.set_property_value(ctx, "float", util::Any(1.23f));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < r.size(); i++) {
- CHECK(r.get(i).get<float>("float") == 1.23f);
- }
- r.set_property_value(ctx, "double", util::Any(1.234));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < r.size(); i++) {
- CHECK(r.get(i).get<double>("double") == 1.234);
- }
- r.set_property_value(ctx, "string", util::Any(std::string("abc")));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < r.size(); i++) {
- CHECK(r.get(i).get<String>("string") == "abc");
- }
- r.set_property_value(ctx, "data", util::Any(std::string("abc")));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < r.size(); i++) {
- CHECK(r.get(i).get<Binary>("data") == BinaryData("abc", 3));
- }
- util::Any timestamp = Timestamp(1, 2);
- r.set_property_value(ctx, "date", timestamp);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < r.size(); i++) {
- CHECK(r.get(i).get<Timestamp>("date") == any_cast<Timestamp>(timestamp));
- }
- ObjKey object_key = table->create_object().get_key();
- Object linked_obj(realm, "AllTypes", object_key);
- r.set_property_value(ctx, "object", util::Any(linked_obj));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < r.size(); i++) {
- CHECK(r.get(i).get<ObjKey>("object") == object_key);
- }
- ObjKey list_object_key = table->create_object().get_key();
- Object list_object(realm, "AllTypes", list_object_key);
- r.set_property_value(ctx, "list", util::Any(AnyVector{list_object, list_object}));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < r.size(); i++) {
- auto list = r.get(i).get_linklist("list");
- CHECK(list.size() == 2);
- CHECK(list.get(0) == list_object_key);
- CHECK(list.get(1) == list_object_key);
- }
- auto check_array = [&](ColKey col, auto val0, auto... values) {
- size_t rows = r.size();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
- Obj row = r.get(i);
- auto array = row.get_list<decltype(val0)>(col);
- REQUIRE(val0 == array.get(0));
- size_t j = 1;
- for (auto& value : {values...}) {
- REQUIRE(j < array.size());
- REQUIRE(value == array.get(j));
- ++j;
- }
- }
- };
- r.set_property_value(ctx, "bool array", util::Any(AnyVec{true, false}));
- check_array(table->get_column_key("bool array"), true, false);
- r.set_property_value(ctx, "int array", util::Any(AnyVec{INT64_C(5), INT64_C(6)}));
- check_array(table->get_column_key("int array"), INT64_C(5), INT64_C(6));
- r.set_property_value(ctx, "float array", util::Any(AnyVec{1.1f, 2.2f}));
- check_array(table->get_column_key("float array"), 1.1f, 2.2f);
- r.set_property_value(ctx, "double array", util::Any(AnyVec{3.3, 4.4}));
- check_array(table->get_column_key("double array"), 3.3, 4.4);
- r.set_property_value(ctx, "string array", util::Any(AnyVec{"a"s, "b"s, "c"s}));
- check_array(table->get_column_key("string array"), StringData("a"), StringData("b"), StringData("c"));
- r.set_property_value(ctx, "data array", util::Any(AnyVec{"d"s, "e"s, "f"s}));
- check_array(table->get_column_key("data array"), BinaryData("d",1), BinaryData("e",1), BinaryData("f",1));
- r.set_property_value(ctx, "date array", util::Any(AnyVec{Timestamp(10,20), Timestamp(20,30), Timestamp(30,40)}));
- check_array(table->get_column_key("date array"), Timestamp(10,20), Timestamp(20,30), Timestamp(30,40));
- }
-TEST_CASE("results: limit", "[limit]") {
- InMemoryTestFile config;
- // config.cache = false;
- config.automatic_change_notifications = false;
- config.schema = Schema{
- {"object", {
- {"value", PropertyType::Int},
- }},
- };
- auto realm = Realm::get_shared_realm(config);
- auto table = realm->read_group().get_table("class_object");
- auto col = table->get_column_key("value");
- realm->begin_transaction();
- for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
- table->create_object().set(col, (i + 2) % 4);
- }
- realm->commit_transaction();
- Results r(realm, table);
- SECTION("unsorted") {
- REQUIRE(r.limit(0).size() == 0);
- REQUIRE_ORDER(r.limit(1), 0);
- REQUIRE_ORDER(r.limit(2), 0, 1);
- REQUIRE_ORDER(r.limit(8), 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
- REQUIRE_ORDER(r.limit(100), 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
- }
- SECTION("sorted") {
- auto sorted = r.sort({{"value", true}});
- REQUIRE(sorted.limit(0).size() == 0);
- REQUIRE_ORDER(sorted.limit(1), 2);
- REQUIRE_ORDER(sorted.limit(2), 2, 6);
- REQUIRE_ORDER(sorted.limit(8), 2, 6, 3, 7, 0, 4, 1, 5);
- REQUIRE_ORDER(sorted.limit(100), 2, 6, 3, 7, 0, 4, 1, 5);
- }
- SECTION("sort after limit") {
- REQUIRE(r.limit(0).sort({{"value", true}}).size() == 0);
- REQUIRE_ORDER(r.limit(1).sort({{"value", true}}), 0);
- REQUIRE_ORDER(r.limit(3).sort({{"value", true}}), 2, 0, 1);
- REQUIRE_ORDER(r.limit(8).sort({{"value", true}}), 2, 6, 3, 7, 0, 4, 1, 5);
- REQUIRE_ORDER(r.limit(100).sort({{"value", true}}), 2, 6, 3, 7, 0, 4, 1, 5);
- }
- SECTION("distinct") {
- auto sorted = r.distinct({"value"});
- REQUIRE(sorted.limit(0).size() == 0);
- REQUIRE_ORDER(sorted.limit(1), 0);
- REQUIRE_ORDER(sorted.limit(2), 0, 1);
- REQUIRE_ORDER(sorted.limit(8), 0, 1, 2, 3);
- sorted = r.sort({{"value", true}}).distinct({"value"});
- REQUIRE(sorted.limit(0).size() == 0);
- REQUIRE_ORDER(sorted.limit(1), 2);
- REQUIRE_ORDER(sorted.limit(2), 2, 3);
- REQUIRE_ORDER(sorted.limit(8), 2, 3, 0, 1);
- }
- SECTION("notifications on results using all descriptor types") {
- r = r.distinct({"value"}).sort({{"value", false}}).limit(2);
- int notification_calls = 0;
- auto token = r.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet c, std::exception_ptr err) {
- if (notification_calls == 0) {
- REQUIRE(c.empty());
- REQUIRE(r.size() == 2);
- REQUIRE(r.get(0).get<Int>(col) == 3);
- REQUIRE(r.get(1).get<Int>(col) == 2);
- } else if (notification_calls == 1) {
- REQUIRE(!c.empty());
- REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 0);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 1);
- REQUIRE(c.moves.size() == 0);
- REQUIRE(c.modifications.count() == 0);
- REQUIRE(r.size() == 2);
- REQUIRE(r.get(0).get<Int>(col) == 5);
- REQUIRE(r.get(1).get<Int>(col) == 3);
- }
- ++notification_calls;
- });
- advance_and_notify(*realm);
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- realm->begin_transaction();
- table->create_object().set(col, 5);
- realm->commit_transaction();
- advance_and_notify(*realm);
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- }
- SECTION("notifications on only limited results") {
- r = r.limit(2);
- int notification_calls = 0;
- auto token = r.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeSet c, std::exception_ptr err) {
- if (notification_calls == 0) {
- REQUIRE(c.empty());
- REQUIRE(r.size() == 2);
- } else if (notification_calls == 1) {
- REQUIRE(!c.empty());
- REQUIRE(c.insertions.count() == 0);
- REQUIRE(c.deletions.count() == 0);
- REQUIRE(c.modifications.count() == 1);
- REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 1);
- REQUIRE(r.size() == 2);
- }
- ++notification_calls;
- });
- advance_and_notify(*realm);
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 1);
- realm->begin_transaction();
- table->get_object(1).set(col, 5);
- realm->commit_transaction();
- advance_and_notify(*realm);
- REQUIRE(notification_calls == 2);
- }
- SECTION("does not support further filtering") {
- auto limited = r.limit(0);
- REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(limited.filter(table->where()), Results::UnimplementedOperationException);
- }