@@ -1,463 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 Realm Inc.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#import <Realm/Realm.h>
-#if __has_extension(objc_generics)
-#pragma mark - Abstract Objects
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark SingleTypeObjects
-@interface StringObject : RLMObject
-@property NSString *stringCol;
-@interface IntObject : RLMObject
-@property int intCol;
-@interface AllIntSizesObject : RLMObject
-// int8_t not supported due to being ambiguous with BOOL
-@property int16_t int16;
-@property int32_t int32;
-@property int64_t int64;
-@interface FloatObject : RLMObject
-@property float floatCol;
-@interface DoubleObject : RLMObject
-@property double doubleCol;
-@interface BoolObject : RLMObject
-@property BOOL boolCol;
-@interface DateObject : RLMObject
-@property NSDate *dateCol;
-@interface BinaryObject : RLMObject
-@property NSData *binaryCol;
-@interface UTF8Object : RLMObject
-@property NSString *柱колоéнǢкƱаم;
-@interface IndexedStringObject : RLMObject
-@property NSString *stringCol;
-@interface LinkStringObject : RLMObject
-@property StringObject *objectCol;
-@interface LinkIndexedStringObject : RLMObject
-@property IndexedStringObject *objectCol;
-@interface RequiredPropertiesObject : RLMObject
-@property NSString *stringCol;
-@property NSData *binaryCol;
-@property NSDate *dateCol;
-@interface IgnoredURLObject : RLMObject
-@property NSString *name;
-@property NSURL *url;
-#pragma mark AllTypesObject
-@interface AllTypesObject : RLMObject
-@property BOOL boolCol;
-@property int intCol;
-@property float floatCol;
-@property double doubleCol;
-@property NSString *stringCol;
-@property NSData *binaryCol;
-@property NSDate *dateCol;
-@property bool cBoolCol;
-@property int64_t longCol;
-@property StringObject *objectCol;
-@property (readonly) RLMLinkingObjects *linkingObjectsCol;
-@interface LinkToAllTypesObject : RLMObject
-@property AllTypesObject *allTypesCol;
-@interface ArrayOfAllTypesObject : RLMObject
-@property RLM_GENERIC_ARRAY(AllTypesObject) *array;
-@interface AllOptionalTypes : RLMObject
-@property NSNumber<RLMInt> *intObj;
-@property NSNumber<RLMFloat> *floatObj;
-@property NSNumber<RLMDouble> *doubleObj;
-@property NSNumber<RLMBool> *boolObj;
-@property NSString *string;
-@property NSData *data;
-@property NSDate *date;
-@interface AllOptionalTypesPK : RLMObject
-@property int pk;
-@property NSNumber<RLMInt> *intObj;
-@property NSNumber<RLMFloat> *floatObj;
-@property NSNumber<RLMDouble> *doubleObj;
-@property NSNumber<RLMBool> *boolObj;
-@property NSString *string;
-@property NSData *data;
-@property NSDate *date;
-@interface AllPrimitiveArrays : RLMObject
-@property RLMArray<RLMInt> *intObj;
-@property RLMArray<RLMFloat> *floatObj;
-@property RLMArray<RLMDouble> *doubleObj;
-@property RLMArray<RLMBool> *boolObj;
-@property RLMArray<RLMString> *stringObj;
-@property RLMArray<RLMDate> *dateObj;
-@property RLMArray<RLMData> *dataObj;
-@interface AllOptionalPrimitiveArrays : RLMObject
-@property RLMArray<RLMInt> *intObj;
-@property RLMArray<RLMFloat> *floatObj;
-@property RLMArray<RLMDouble> *doubleObj;
-@property RLMArray<RLMBool> *boolObj;
-@property RLMArray<RLMString> *stringObj;
-@property RLMArray<RLMDate> *dateObj;
-@property RLMArray<RLMData> *dataObj;
-#pragma mark - Real Life Objects
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark EmployeeObject
-@interface EmployeeObject : RLMObject
-@property NSString *name;
-@property int age;
-@property BOOL hired;
-#pragma mark CompanyObject
-@interface CompanyObject : RLMObject
-@property NSString *name;
-@property RLM_GENERIC_ARRAY(EmployeeObject) *employees;
-#pragma mark LinkToCompanyObject
-@interface LinkToCompanyObject : RLMObject
-@property CompanyObject *company;
-#pragma mark DogObject
-@interface DogObject : RLMObject
-@property NSString *dogName;
-@property int age;
-@property (readonly) RLMLinkingObjects *owners;
-@interface DogArrayObject : RLMObject
-@property RLM_GENERIC_ARRAY(DogObject) *dogs;
-#pragma mark OwnerObject
-@interface OwnerObject : RLMObject
-@property NSString *name;
-@property DogObject *dog;
-#pragma mark - Specific Use Objects
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark CustomAccessorsObject
-@interface CustomAccessorsObject : RLMObject
-@property (getter = getThatName) NSString *name;
-@property (setter = setTheInt:) int age;
-#pragma mark BaseClassStringObject
-@interface BaseClassStringObject : RLMObject
-@property int intCol;
-@interface BaseClassStringObject ()
-@property NSString *stringCol;
-#pragma mark CircleObject
-@interface CircleObject : RLMObject
-@property NSString *data;
-@property CircleObject *next;
-#pragma mark CircleArrayObject
-@interface CircleArrayObject : RLMObject
-@property RLM_GENERIC_ARRAY(CircleObject) *circles;
-#pragma mark ArrayPropertyObject
-@interface ArrayPropertyObject : RLMObject
-@property NSString *name;
-@property RLM_GENERIC_ARRAY(StringObject) *array;
-@property RLM_GENERIC_ARRAY(IntObject) *intArray;
-#pragma mark DynamicObject
-@interface DynamicObject : RLMObject
-@property NSString *stringCol;
-@property int intCol;
-#pragma mark AggregateObject
-@interface AggregateObject : RLMObject
-@property int intCol;
-@property float floatCol;
-@property double doubleCol;
-@property BOOL boolCol;
-@property NSDate *dateCol;
-@interface AggregateArrayObject : RLMObject
-@property RLMArray<AggregateObject *><AggregateObject> *array;
-#pragma mark PrimaryStringObject
-@interface PrimaryStringObject : RLMObject
-@property NSString *stringCol;
-@property int intCol;
-@interface PrimaryNullableStringObject : RLMObject
-@property NSString *stringCol;
-@property int intCol;
-@interface PrimaryIntObject : RLMObject
-@property int intCol;
-@interface PrimaryInt64Object : RLMObject
-@property int64_t int64Col;
-@interface PrimaryNullableIntObject : RLMObject
-@property NSNumber<RLMInt> *optIntCol;
-@property int value;
-@interface ReadOnlyPropertyObject : RLMObject
-@property (readonly) NSNumber *readOnlyUnsupportedProperty;
-@property (readonly) int readOnlySupportedProperty;
-@property (readonly) int readOnlyPropertyMadeReadWriteInClassExtension;
-#pragma mark IntegerArrayPropertyObject
-@interface IntegerArrayPropertyObject : RLMObject
-@property NSInteger number;
-@property RLM_GENERIC_ARRAY(IntObject) *array;
-@interface NumberObject : RLMObject
-@property NSNumber<RLMInt> *intObj;
-@property NSNumber<RLMFloat> *floatObj;
-@property NSNumber<RLMDouble> *doubleObj;
-@property NSNumber<RLMBool> *boolObj;
-@interface NumberDefaultsObject : NumberObject
-@interface RequiredNumberObject : RLMObject
-@property NSNumber<RLMInt> *intObj;
-@property NSNumber<RLMFloat> *floatObj;
-@property NSNumber<RLMDouble> *doubleObj;
-@property NSNumber<RLMBool> *boolObj;
-#pragma mark CustomInitializerObject
-@interface CustomInitializerObject : RLMObject
-@property NSString *stringCol;
-#pragma mark AbstractObject
-@interface AbstractObject : RLMObject
-#pragma mark PersonObject
-@class PersonObject;
-@interface PersonObject : RLMObject
-@property NSString *name;
-@property NSInteger age;
-@property RLMArray<PersonObject> *children;
-@property (readonly) RLMLinkingObjects *parents;
-@interface PrimaryEmployeeObject : EmployeeObject
-@interface LinkToPrimaryEmployeeObject : RLMObject
-@property PrimaryEmployeeObject *wrapped;
-@interface PrimaryCompanyObject : RLMObject
-@property NSString *name;
-@property RLM_GENERIC_ARRAY(PrimaryEmployeeObject) *employees;
-@property PrimaryEmployeeObject *intern;
-@property LinkToPrimaryEmployeeObject *wrappedIntern;
-@interface ArrayOfPrimaryCompanies : RLMObject
-@property RLM_GENERIC_ARRAY(PrimaryCompanyObject) *companies;
-#pragma mark ComputedPropertyNotExplicitlyIgnoredObject
-@interface ComputedPropertyNotExplicitlyIgnoredObject : RLMObject
-@property NSString *_URLBacking;
-@property NSURL *URL;
-@interface RenamedProperties1 : RLMObject
-@property (nonatomic) int propA;
-@property (nonatomic) NSString *propB;
-@property (readonly, nonatomic) RLMLinkingObjects *linking1;
-@property (readonly, nonatomic) RLMLinkingObjects *linking2;
-@interface RenamedProperties2 : RLMObject
-@property (nonatomic) int propC;
-@property (nonatomic) NSString *propD;
-@property (readonly, nonatomic) RLMLinkingObjects *linking1;
-@property (readonly, nonatomic) RLMLinkingObjects *linking2;
-@interface LinkToRenamedProperties1 : RLMObject
-@property (nonatomic) RenamedProperties1 *linkA;
-@property (nonatomic) RenamedProperties2 *linkB;
-@property (nonatomic) RLM_GENERIC_ARRAY(RenamedProperties1) *array;
-@interface LinkToRenamedProperties2 : RLMObject
-@property (nonatomic) RenamedProperties2 *linkC;
-@property (nonatomic) RenamedProperties1 *linkD;
-@property (nonatomic) RLM_GENERIC_ARRAY(RenamedProperties2) *array;
-@interface RenamedPrimaryKey : RLMObject
-@property (nonatomic) int pk;
-@property (nonatomic) int value;
-#pragma mark FakeObject
-@interface FakeObject : NSObject