@@ -60,167 +60,146 @@
- (void)readFolder:(NSString *)serverUrl selector:(NSString *)selector
- CCMetadataNet *metadataNet = [[CCMetadataNet alloc] initWithAccount:appDelegate.activeAccount];
- metadataNet.action = actionReadFolder;
- metadataNet.depth = @"1";
- metadataNet.priority = NSOperationQueuePriorityLow;
- metadataNet.selector = selector;
- metadataNet.serverUrl = serverUrl;
- [appDelegate addNetworkingOperationQueue:appDelegate.netQueue delegate:self metadataNet:metadataNet];
- NSLog(@"[LOG] %@ directory : %@", selector, serverUrl);
-- (void)readFolderSuccessFailure:(CCMetadataNet *)metadataNet metadataFolder:(tableMetadata *)metadataFolder metadatas:(NSArray *)metadatas message:(NSString *)message errorCode:(NSInteger)errorCode
- // Check Active Account
- if (![metadataNet.account isEqualToString:appDelegate.activeAccount])
- return;
- // ERROR
- if (errorCode != 0) {
+ OCnetworking *ocNetworking = [[OCnetworking alloc] initWithDelegate:nil metadataNet:nil withUser:nil withUserID:nil withPassword:nil withUrl:nil];
+ [ocNetworking readFolder:serverUrl depth:@"1" account:appDelegate.activeAccount success:^(NSString *account, NSArray *metadatas, tableMetadata *metadataFolder) {
- // Folder not present, remove it
- if (errorCode == 404) {
- [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] deleteDirectoryAndSubDirectoryWithServerUrl:metadataNet.serverUrl account:metadataNet.account];
- [[NCMainCommon sharedInstance] reloadDatasourceWithServerUrl:metadataNet.serverUrl fileID:nil action:k_action_NULL];
+ tableAccount *tableAccount = [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] getAccountWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"account == %@", account]];
+ if (tableAccount == nil) {
+ return;
- return;
- }
- // Add/update self Folder
- if (!metadataFolder || !metadatas || [metadatas count] == 0) {
- if (metadataFolder.serverUrl != nil) {
- [[NCMainCommon sharedInstance] reloadDatasourceWithServerUrl:metadataFolder.serverUrl fileID:nil action:k_action_NULL];
+ // Add/update self Folder
+ if (!metadataFolder || !metadatas || [metadatas count] == 0) {
+ if (metadataFolder.serverUrl != nil) {
+ [[NCMainCommon sharedInstance] reloadDatasourceWithServerUrl:metadataFolder.serverUrl fileID:nil action:k_action_NULL];
+ }
+ return;
- return;
- }
- // Add metadata and update etag Directory
- (void)[[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] addMetadata:metadataFolder];
- [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] setDirectoryWithServerUrl:metadataNet.serverUrl serverUrlTo:nil etag:metadataFolder.etag fileID:metadataFolder.fileID encrypted:metadataFolder.e2eEncrypted account:appDelegate.activeAccount];
- // reload folder ../ *
- [[NCMainCommon sharedInstance] reloadDatasourceWithServerUrl:metadataFolder.serverUrl fileID:nil action:k_action_NULL];
- dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0), ^{
- NSMutableArray *metadatasForVerifyChange = [NSMutableArray new];
- NSMutableArray *addMetadatas = [NSMutableArray new];
- NSArray *recordsInSessions = [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] getMetadatasWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"account == %@ AND serverUrl == %@ AND session != ''", metadataNet.account, metadataNet.serverUrl] sorted:nil ascending:NO];
- // ----- Test : (DELETE) -----
- NSMutableArray *metadatasNotPresents = [NSMutableArray new];
+ // Add metadata and update etag Directory
+ (void)[[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] addMetadata:metadataFolder];
+ [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] setDirectoryWithServerUrl:serverUrl serverUrlTo:nil etag:metadataFolder.etag fileID:metadataFolder.fileID encrypted:metadataFolder.e2eEncrypted account:account];
- NSArray *tableMetadatas = [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] getMetadatasWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"account == %@ AND serverUrl == %@ AND session == ''", metadataNet.account, metadataNet.serverUrl] sorted:nil ascending:NO];
+ // reload folder ../ *
+ [[NCMainCommon sharedInstance] reloadDatasourceWithServerUrl:metadataFolder.serverUrl fileID:nil action:k_action_NULL];
- for (tableMetadata *record in tableMetadatas) {
+ dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0), ^{
- BOOL fileIDFound = NO;
+ NSMutableArray *metadatasForVerifyChange = [NSMutableArray new];
+ NSMutableArray *addMetadatas = [NSMutableArray new];
- for (tableMetadata *metadata in metadatas) {
- if ([record.fileID isEqualToString:metadata.fileID]) {
- fileIDFound = YES;
- break;
- }
- }
+ NSArray *recordsInSessions = [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] getMetadatasWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"account == %@ AND serverUrl == %@ AND session != ''", account, serverUrl] sorted:nil ascending:NO];
- if (!fileIDFound)
- [metadatasNotPresents addObject:record];
- }
- // delete metadata not present
- for (tableMetadata *metadata in metadatasNotPresents) {
- [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:[CCUtility getDirectoryProviderStorageFileID:metadata.fileID] error:nil];
+ // ----- Test : (DELETE) -----
- if (metadata.directory && metadataNet.serverUrl) {
- NSString *dirForDelete = [CCUtility stringAppendServerUrl:metadataNet.serverUrl addFileName:metadata.fileName];
- [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] deleteDirectoryAndSubDirectoryWithServerUrl:dirForDelete account:metadata.account];
- }
+ NSMutableArray *metadatasNotPresents = [NSMutableArray new];
- [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] deleteMetadataWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"fileID == %@", metadata.fileID]];
- [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] deleteLocalFileWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"fileID == %@", metadata.fileID]];
- [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] deletePhotosWithFileID:metadata.fileID];
- }
- dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
- if ([metadatasNotPresents count] > 0)
- [[NCMainCommon sharedInstance] reloadDatasourceWithServerUrl:metadataNet.serverUrl fileID:nil action:k_action_NULL];
- });
- // ----- Test : (MODIFY) -----
- for (tableMetadata *metadata in metadatas) {
+ NSArray *tableMetadatas = [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] getMetadatasWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"account == %@ AND serverUrl == %@ AND session == ''", account, serverUrl] sorted:nil ascending:NO];
- if (metadata.directory) {
+ for (tableMetadata *record in tableMetadatas) {
- NSString *serverUrl = [CCUtility stringAppendServerUrl:metadataNet.serverUrl addFileName:metadata.fileName];
+ BOOL fileIDFound = NO;
- // Verify if do not exists this Metadata
- tableMetadata *result = [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] getMetadataWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"fileID == %@", metadata.fileID]];
- if (!result)
- (void)[[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] addMetadata:metadata];
- // Load if different etag
- //tableDirectory *tableDirectory = [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] getTableDirectoryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"account == %@ AND serverUrl == %@", metadataNet.account, serverUrl]];
+ for (tableMetadata *metadata in metadatas) {
+ if ([record.fileID isEqualToString:metadata.fileID]) {
+ fileIDFound = YES;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- //if (![tableDirectory.etag isEqualToString:metadata.etag] || [metadataNet.selector isEqualToString:selectorReadFolderWithDownload]) {
- // [self readFolder:serverUrl selector:metadataNet.selector];
- //}
+ if (!fileIDFound)
+ [metadatasNotPresents addObject:record];
+ }
+ // delete metadata not present
+ for (tableMetadata *metadata in metadatasNotPresents) {
- [self readFolder:serverUrl selector:metadataNet.selector];
- } else {
+ [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:[CCUtility getDirectoryProviderStorageFileID:metadata.fileID] error:nil];
- if ([metadataNet.selector isEqualToString:selectorReadFolderWithDownload]) {
+ if (metadata.directory && serverUrl) {
- // It's in session
- BOOL recordInSession = NO;
- for (tableMetadata *record in recordsInSessions) {
- if ([record.fileID isEqualToString:metadata.fileID]) {
- recordInSession = YES;
- break;
- }
- }
+ NSString *dirForDelete = [CCUtility stringAppendServerUrl:serverUrl addFileName:metadata.fileName];
- if (recordInSession)
- continue;
- // Ohhhh INSERT
- [metadatasForVerifyChange addObject:metadata];
+ [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] deleteDirectoryAndSubDirectoryWithServerUrl:dirForDelete account:metadata.account];
- if ([metadataNet.selector isEqualToString:selectorReadFolder]) {
+ [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] deleteMetadataWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"fileID == %@", metadata.fileID]];
+ [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] deleteLocalFileWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"fileID == %@", metadata.fileID]];
+ [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] deletePhotosWithFileID:metadata.fileID];
+ }
+ dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
+ if ([metadatasNotPresents count] > 0)
+ [[NCMainCommon sharedInstance] reloadDatasourceWithServerUrl:serverUrl fileID:nil action:k_action_NULL];
+ });
+ // ----- Test : (MODIFY) -----
+ for (tableMetadata *metadata in metadatas) {
+ if (metadata.directory) {
// Verify if do not exists this Metadata
tableMetadata *result = [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] getMetadataWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"fileID == %@", metadata.fileID]];
if (!result)
- [addMetadatas addObject:metadata];
+ (void)[[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] addMetadata:metadata];
+ [self readFolder:[CCUtility stringAppendServerUrl:serverUrl addFileName:metadata.fileName] selector:selector];
+ } else {
+ if ([selector isEqualToString:selectorReadFolderWithDownload]) {
+ // It's in session
+ BOOL recordInSession = NO;
+ for (tableMetadata *record in recordsInSessions) {
+ if ([record.fileID isEqualToString:metadata.fileID]) {
+ recordInSession = YES;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (recordInSession)
+ continue;
+ // Ohhhh INSERT
+ [metadatasForVerifyChange addObject:metadata];
+ }
+ if ([selector isEqualToString:selectorReadFolder]) {
+ // Verify if do not exists this Metadata
+ tableMetadata *result = [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] getMetadataWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"fileID == %@", metadata.fileID]];
+ if (!result)
+ [addMetadatas addObject:metadata];
+ }
- }
+ if ([addMetadatas count] > 0)
+ (void)[[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] addMetadatas:addMetadatas];
+ if ([metadatasForVerifyChange count] > 0)
+ [self verifyChangeMedatas:metadatasForVerifyChange serverUrl:serverUrl account:account withDownload:YES];
+ });
+ } failure:^(NSString *account, NSString *message, NSInteger errorCode) {
- if ([addMetadatas count] > 0)
- (void)[[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] addMetadatas:addMetadatas];
+ // Folder not present, remove it
+ if (errorCode == 404) {
+ [[NCManageDatabase sharedInstance] deleteDirectoryAndSubDirectoryWithServerUrl:serverUrl account:account];
+ [[NCMainCommon sharedInstance] reloadDatasourceWithServerUrl:serverUrl fileID:nil action:k_action_NULL];
+ }
- if ([metadatasForVerifyChange count] > 0)
- [self verifyChangeMedatas:metadatasForVerifyChange serverUrl:metadataNet.serverUrl account:metadataNet.account withDownload:YES];
- });
+ return;
+ }];
#pragma --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------