@@ -316,29 +316,72 @@ fi
# Downloading
+copy_core() {
+ local src="$1"
+ if [ -d .git ]; then
+ git clean -xfdq core
+ else
+ rm -r core
+ mkdir core
+ fi
+ ditto "$src" core
download_common() {
- local download_type=$1 tries_left=3 version url error temp_dir temp_path tar_path
+ local download_type="$1" tries_left=3 version url error kind suffix
+ if [ "$2" = xcframework ]; then
+ kind='-xcframework'
+ suffix='-xcframework'
+ else
+ kind='-cocoa'
+ suffix=''
+ fi
if [ "$download_type" == "core" ]; then
- url="${REALM_BASE_URL}/core/realm-core-${version}.tar.xz"
+ url="${REALM_BASE_URL}/core/realm-core${kind}-${version}.tar.xz"
elif [ "$download_type" == "sync" ]; then
- url="${REALM_BASE_URL}/sync/realm-sync-cocoa-${version}.tar.xz"
+ url="${REALM_BASE_URL}/sync/realm-sync${kind}-${version}.tar.xz"
echo "Unknown dowload_type: $download_type"
exit 1
+ # First check if we need to do anything
+ if [ -e core/version.txt ]; then
+ if [ "$(cat core/version.txt)" == "$version" ]; then
+ echo "Version ${version} already present"
+ exit 0
+ else
+ echo "Switching from version $(cat core/version.txt) to ${version}"
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ "$(find core -name librealm.a)" ]; then
+ echo 'Using existing custom core build without checking version'
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ # We may already have this version downloaded and just need to set it as
+ # the active one
+ local versioned_dir="${download_type}-${version}${suffix}"
+ if [ -e "$versioned_dir/version.txt" ]; then
+ echo "Setting ${version} as the active version"
+ copy_core "$versioned_dir${suffix}"
+ exit 0
+ fi
echo "Downloading dependency: ${download_type} ${version} from ${url}"
if [ -z "$TMPDIR" ]; then
- temp_dir=$(dirname "$TMPDIR/waste")/${download_type}_bin
+ local temp_dir=$(dirname "$TMPDIR/waste")/realm-${download_type}-tmp
mkdir -p "$temp_dir"
- tar_path="${temp_dir}/${download_type}-${version}.tar.xz"
- temp_path="${tar_path}.tmp"
+ local tar_path="${temp_dir}/${versioned_dir}.tar.xz"
+ local temp_path="${tar_path}.tmp"
while [ 0 -lt $tries_left ] && [ ! -f "$tar_path" ]; do
if ! error=$(/usr/bin/curl --fail --silent --show-error --location "$url" --output "$temp_path" 2>&1); then
@@ -357,20 +400,15 @@ download_common() {
cd "$temp_dir"
rm -rf "$download_type"
tar xf "$tar_path" --xz
- mv core "${download_type}-${version}"
+ if [ ! -f core/version.txt ]; then
+ printf %s "${version}" > core/version.txt
+ fi
+ mv core "${versioned_dir}"
- rm -rf "${download_type}-${version}" core
- mv "${temp_dir}/${download_type}-${version}" .
- ln -s "${download_type}-${version}" core
-download_core() {
- download_common "core"
-download_sync() {
- download_common "sync"
+ rm -rf "${versioned_dir}"
+ mv "${temp_dir}/${versioned_dir}" .
+ copy_core "$versioned_dir"
@@ -412,31 +450,7 @@ case "$COMMAND" in
# Core
- if [ "$REALM_CORE_VERSION" = "current" ]; then
- echo "Using version of core already in core/ directory"
- exit 0
- fi
- if [ -d core -a -d ../realm-core -a ! -L core ]; then
- # Allow newer versions than expected for local builds as testing
- # with unreleased versions is one of the reasons to use a local build
- if ! $(grep -i "${REALM_CORE_VERSION} Release notes" core/release_notes.txt >/dev/null); then
- echo "Local build of core is out of date."
- exit 1
- else
- echo "The core library seems to be up to date."
- fi
- elif ! [ -L core ]; then
- echo "core is not a symlink. Deleting..."
- rm -rf core
- download_core
- # With a prebuilt version we only want to check the first non-empty
- # line so that checking out an older commit will download the
- # appropriate version of core if the already-present version is too new
- elif ! $(grep -m 1 . core/release_notes.txt | grep -i "${REALM_CORE_VERSION} RELEASE NOTES" >/dev/null); then
- download_core
- else
- echo "The core library seems to be up to date."
- fi
+ download_common "core" "$2"
exit 0
@@ -444,21 +458,7 @@ case "$COMMAND" in
# Sync
- if [ "$REALM_SYNC_VERSION" = "current" ]; then
- echo "Using version of core already in core/ directory"
- exit 0
- fi
- if [ -d core -a -d ../realm-core -a -d ../realm-sync -a ! -L core ]; then
- echo "Using version of core already in core/ directory"
- elif ! [ -L core ]; then
- echo "core is not a symlink. Deleting..."
- rm -rf core
- download_sync
- elif [[ "$(cat core/version.txt)" != "$REALM_SYNC_VERSION" ]]; then
- download_sync
- else
- echo "The core library seems to be up to date."
- fi
+ download_common "sync" "$2"
exit 0
@@ -551,32 +551,23 @@ case "$COMMAND" in
xc "-scheme 'RealmSwift' -configuration $CONFIGURATION build"
clean_retrieve "build/DerivedData/Realm/Build/Products/$CONFIGURATION/RealmSwift.framework" "$destination" "RealmSwift.framework"
- rm -rf "$destination/Realm.framework"
- cp -R build/osx/Realm.framework "$destination"
+ clean_retrieve "build/osx/Realm.framework" "$destination" "Realm.framework"
exit 0
- xc "-scheme Realm -configuration $CONFIGURATION \
- REALM_CATALYST_FLAGS='-target x86_64-apple-ios13.0-macabi' \
- REALM_PLATFORM_SUFFIX='maccatalyst' \
- clean_retrieve "build/DerivedData/Realm/Build/Products/$CONFIGURATION/Realm.framework" "build/catalyst" "Realm.framework"
+ export REALM_SDKROOT=iphoneos
+ xc "-scheme Realm -configuration $CONFIGURATION -destination variant='Mac Catalyst'"
+ clean_retrieve "build/DerivedData/Realm/Build/Products/$CONFIGURATION-maccatalyst/Realm.framework" "build/catalyst" "Realm.framework"
sh build.sh catalyst
- # FIXME: change this to just "-destination variant='Mac Catalyst'" once the CI machines are running 10.15
- xc "-scheme 'RealmSwift' -configuration $CONFIGURATION build \
- REALM_CATALYST_FLAGS='-target x86_64-apple-ios13.0-macabi' \
- REALM_PLATFORM_SUFFIX='maccatalyst' \
+ export REALM_SDKROOT=iphoneos
+ xc "-scheme 'RealmSwift' -configuration $CONFIGURATION -destination variant='Mac Catalyst' build"
- clean_retrieve "build/DerivedData/Realm/Build/Products/$CONFIGURATION/RealmSwift.framework" "$destination" "RealmSwift.framework"
- rm -rf "$destination/Realm.framework"
- cp -R build/catalyst/Realm.framework "$destination"
+ clean_retrieve "build/DerivedData/Realm/Build/Products/$CONFIGURATION-maccatalyst/RealmSwift.framework" "$destination" "RealmSwift.framework"
+ clean_retrieve "build/catalyst/Realm.framework" "$destination" "Realm.framework"
@@ -1217,14 +1208,13 @@ EOM
exit 1
- if [ ! -d core ]; then
+ if [ ! -f core/version.txt ]; then
sh build.sh download-sync
- rm core
- mv sync-* core
mv core/librealm-ios.a core/librealmcore-ios.a
mv core/librealm-macosx.a core/librealmcore-macosx.a
mv core/librealm-tvos.a core/librealmcore-tvos.a
mv core/librealm-watchos.a core/librealmcore-watchos.a
+ rm core/librealm*-dbg.a
rm -rf include
@@ -1243,18 +1233,7 @@ EOM
cp Realm/ObjectStore/src/util/apple/*.hpp include/util/apple
echo '' > Realm/RLMPlatform.h
- if [ -n "$COCOAPODS_VERSION" ]; then
- # This variable is set for the prepare_command available
- # from the 1.0 prereleases, which requires a different
- # header layout within the header_mappings_dir.
- cp Realm/*.h include
- else
- # For CocoaPods < 1.0, we need to scope the headers within
- # the header_mappings_dir by another subdirectory to avoid
- # Clang from complaining about non-modular headers.
- mkdir -p include/Realm
- cp Realm/*.h include/Realm
- fi
+ cp Realm/*.h include
sh build.sh set-swift-version