@@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ import Alamofire
NCCommunication.shared.createFolder(fileNameFolderUrl, addCustomHeaders: ["e2e-token" : e2eToken!]) { (account, ocId, date, errorCode, errorDescription) in
if errorCode == 0 {
guard let fileId = NCUtility.shared.ocIdToFileId(ocId: ocId) else {
+ // unlock
+ if let tableLock = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getE2ETokenLock(account: account, serverUrl: serverUrl) {
+ NCCommunication.shared.lockE2EEFolder(fileId: tableLock.fileId, e2eToken: tableLock.e2eToken, method: "DELETE") { (_, _, _, _) in }
+ }
completion(Int(k_CCErrorInternalError), "Error convert ocId")
@@ -87,16 +91,32 @@ import Alamofire
let _ = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.addE2eEncryption(object)
self.sendE2EMetadata(account: account, serverUrl: serverUrl, fileNameRename: nil, fileNameNewRename: nil, deleteE2eEncryption: nil, urlBase: urlBase) { (e2eToken, errorCode, errorDescription) in
+ // unlock
+ if let tableLock = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getE2ETokenLock(account: account, serverUrl: serverUrl) {
+ NCCommunication.shared.lockE2EEFolder(fileId: tableLock.fileId, e2eToken: tableLock.e2eToken, method: "DELETE") { (_, _, _, _) in }
+ }
+ if errorCode == 0 {
+ if let metadata = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getMetadataFromOcId(ocId) {
+ NotificationCenter.default.postOnMainThread(name: k_notificationCenter_createFolder, userInfo: ["metadata": metadata])
+ }
+ }
completion(errorCode, errorDescription ?? "")
} else {
+ // unlock
+ if let tableLock = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getE2ETokenLock(account: account, serverUrl: serverUrl) {
+ NCCommunication.shared.lockE2EEFolder(fileId: tableLock.fileId, e2eToken: tableLock.e2eToken, method: "DELETE") { (_, _, _, _) in }
+ }
completion(errorCode, errorDescription)
} else {
+ // unlock
+ if let tableLock = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getE2ETokenLock(account: account, serverUrl: serverUrl) {
+ NCCommunication.shared.lockE2EEFolder(fileId: tableLock.fileId, e2eToken: tableLock.e2eToken, method: "DELETE") { (_, _, _, _) in }
+ }
completion(errorCode, errorDescription)
@@ -118,14 +138,24 @@ import Alamofire
let home = NCUtility.shared.getHomeServer(urlBase: metadata.urlBase, account: metadata.account)
if metadata.serverUrl != home {
self.sendE2EMetadata(account: metadata.account, serverUrl: metadata.serverUrl, fileNameRename: nil, fileNameNewRename: nil, deleteE2eEncryption: deleteE2eEncryption, urlBase: urlBase) { (e2eToken, errorCode, errorDescription) in
- self.NotificationPost(name: k_notificationCenter_deleteFile, account: metadata.account, serverUrl: metadata.serverUrl, userInfo: ["metadata": metadata, "onlyLocal": false, "errorCode": errorCode], errorDescription: errorDescription, completion: completion)
+ // unlock
+ if let tableLock = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getE2ETokenLock(account: metadata.account, serverUrl: metadata.serverUrl) {
+ NCCommunication.shared.lockE2EEFolder(fileId: tableLock.fileId, e2eToken: tableLock.e2eToken, method: "DELETE") { (_, _, _, _) in }
+ }
+ NotificationCenter.default.postOnMainThread(name: k_notificationCenter_deleteFile, userInfo: ["metadata": metadata, "onlyLocal": false])
+ completion(errorCode, errorDescription ?? "")
} else {
- self.NotificationPost(name: k_notificationCenter_deleteFile, account: metadata.account, serverUrl: metadata.serverUrl, userInfo: ["metadata": metadata, "onlyLocal": false, "errorCode": errorCode], errorDescription: errorDescription, completion: completion)
+ // unlock
+ if let tableLock = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getE2ETokenLock(account: metadata.account, serverUrl: metadata.serverUrl) {
+ NCCommunication.shared.lockE2EEFolder(fileId: tableLock.fileId, e2eToken: tableLock.e2eToken, method: "DELETE") { (_, _, _, _) in }
+ }
+ NotificationCenter.default.postOnMainThread(name: k_notificationCenter_deleteFile, userInfo: ["metadata": metadata, "onlyLocal": false])
+ completion(errorCode, errorDescription)
} else {
- self.NotificationPost(name: k_notificationCenter_deleteFile, account: metadata.account, serverUrl: metadata.serverUrl, userInfo: ["metadata": metadata, "onlyLocal": false, "errorCode": errorCode], errorDescription: errorDescription, completion: completion)
+ completion(errorCode, errorDescription ?? "")
@@ -137,7 +167,7 @@ import Alamofire
// verify if exists the new fileName
if NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getE2eEncryption(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "account == %@ AND serverUrl == %@ AND fileName == %@", metadata.account, metadata.serverUrl, fileNameNew)) != nil {
- self.NotificationPost(name: k_notificationCenter_renameFile, account: metadata.account, serverUrl: metadata.serverUrl, userInfo: ["metadata": metadata, "errorCode": Int(k_CCErrorInternalError)], errorDescription: "_file_already_exists_", completion: completion)
+ completion(Int(k_CCErrorInternalError), "_file_already_exists_")
} else {
@@ -152,10 +182,16 @@ import Alamofire
do {
try FileManager.default.moveItem(atPath: atPath, toPath: toPath)
} catch { }
+ NotificationCenter.default.postOnMainThread(name: k_notificationCenter_renameFile, userInfo: ["metadata": metadata])
- NotificationCenter.default.postOnMainThread(name: k_notificationCenter_reloadDataSource, userInfo: ["ocId":metadata.ocId, "serverUrl":metadata.serverUrl])
- self.NotificationPost(name: k_notificationCenter_deleteFile, account: metadata.account, serverUrl: metadata.serverUrl, userInfo: ["metadata": metadata, "onlyLocal": false, "errorCode": errorCode], errorDescription: errorDescription, completion: completion)
+ // unlock
+ if let tableLock = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getE2ETokenLock(account: metadata.account, serverUrl: metadata.serverUrl) {
+ NCCommunication.shared.lockE2EEFolder(fileId: tableLock.fileId, e2eToken: tableLock.e2eToken, method: "DELETE") { (_, _, _, _) in }
+ }
+ completion(errorCode, errorDescription)
@@ -405,26 +441,6 @@ import Alamofire
- //MARK: - Notification Post
- private func NotificationPost(name: String, account: String, serverUrl: String, userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any], errorDescription: Any?, completion: @escaping (_ errorCode: Int, _ errorDescription: String)->()) {
- var userInfo = userInfo
- DispatchQueue.main.async {
- // unlock
- if let tableLock = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getE2ETokenLock(account: account, serverUrl: serverUrl) {
- NCCommunication.shared.lockE2EEFolder(fileId: tableLock.fileId, e2eToken: tableLock.e2eToken, method: "DELETE") { (_, _, _, _) in }
- }
- if errorDescription == nil { userInfo["errorDescription"] = "" }
- else { userInfo["errorDescription"] = NSLocalizedString(errorDescription as! String, comment: "") }
- NotificationCenter.default.postOnMainThread(name: name, userInfo: userInfo)
- completion(userInfo["errorCode"] as! Int, userInfo["errorDescription"] as! String)
- }
- }