@@ -1,3 +1,36 @@
+5.4.0 Release notes (2020-09-09)
+This version bumps the Realm file format version. This means that older
+versions of Realm will be unable to open Realm files written by this version,
+and a new version of Realm Studio will be required. There are no actual format
+changes and the version bump is just to force a re-migration of incorrectly
+upgraded Realms.
+### Fixed
+* Upgrading pre-5.x files with string primary keys would result in a file where
+ `realm.object(ofType:forPrimaryKey:)` would fail to find the object.
+ ([#6716](https://github.com/realm/realm-cocoa/issues/6716), since 5.2.0)
+* A write transaction which modifies an object with more than 16 managed
+ properties and causes the Realm file to grow larger than 2 GB could cause an
+ assertion failure mentioning "m_has_refs". ([JS #3194](https://github.com/realm/realm-js/issues/3194), since 5.0.0).
+* Objects with more than 32 properties could corrupt the Realm file and result
+ in a variety of crashes. ([Java #7057](https://github.com/realm/realm-java/issues/7057), since 5.0.0).
+### Compatibility
+* File format: Generates Realms with format v11 (Reads and upgrades all previous formats)
+* Realm Object Server: 3.21.0 or later.
+* Realm Studio: 3.12 or later.
+* APIs are backwards compatible with all previous releases in the 5.x.y series.
+* Carthage release for Swift is built with Xcode 11.6.
+### Internal
+* Upgraded realm-core from v6.0.23 to v6.0.25
+* Upgraded realm-sync from v5.0.20 to v5.0.22
5.3.6 Release notes (2020-09-02)