@@ -27,6 +27,11 @@ class NCSelect: UIViewController ,UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDe
@IBOutlet fileprivate weak var collectionView: UICollectionView!
+ @IBOutlet fileprivate weak var navigationButtonRight: UIBarButtonItem!
+ @IBOutlet fileprivate weak var toolbarButtonLeft: UIBarButtonItem!
+ @IBOutlet fileprivate weak var toolbarButtonRight: UIBarButtonItem!
var titleCurrentFolder = NSLocalizedString("_select_", comment: "")
var serverUrl = ""
var directoryID = ""
@@ -144,6 +149,18 @@ class NCSelect: UIViewController ,UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDe
return true
+ @IBAction func actionNavigationButtonRight(_ sender: Any) {
+ }
+ @IBAction func actioToolbarButtonRight(_ sender: Any) {
+ }
+ @IBAction func actionToolbarButtonLeft(_ sender: Any) {
+ }
func tapSwitchHeader(sender: Any) {
@@ -282,7 +299,7 @@ class NCSelect: UIViewController ,UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDe
self.loadDatasource(withLoadFolder: false)
if item.value as? Int == 1 { self.appDelegate.activeMain.openWindowShare(metadata) }
- if item.value as? Int == 2 { self.deleteItem(with: metadata, sender: sender) }
+ if item.value as? Int == 2 { print("option 2") }
if item is ActionSheetCancelButton { print("Cancel buttons has the value `true`") }
@@ -370,47 +387,20 @@ class NCSelect: UIViewController ,UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDe
- func downloadThumbnail(with tableMetadata: tableMetadata, indexPath: IndexPath) {
+ func downloadThumbnail(with metadata: tableMetadata, indexPath: IndexPath) {
+ let width = NCUtility.sharedInstance.getScreenWidthForPreview()
+ let height = NCUtility.sharedInstance.getScreenHeightForPreview()
let ocNetworking = OCnetworking.init(delegate: self, metadataNet: nil, withUser: appDelegate.activeUser, withUserID: appDelegate.activeUserID, withPassword: appDelegate.activePassword, withUrl: appDelegate.activeUrl)
- ocNetworking?.downloadPreviewTrash(withFileID: tableMetadata.fileID, fileName: tableMetadata.fileName, completion: { (message, errorCode) in
- if errorCode == 0 && CCUtility.fileProviderStorageIconExists(tableMetadata.fileID, fileNameView: tableMetadata.fileName) {
+ ocNetworking?.downloadPreview(with: metadata, serverUrl: serverUrl, withWidth: width, andHeight: height, completion: { (message, errorCode) in
+ if errorCode == 0 && CCUtility.fileProviderStorageIconExists(metadata.fileID, fileNameView: metadata.fileName) {
self.collectionView.reloadItems(at: [indexPath])
- func deleteItem(with metadata: tableMetadata, sender: Any) {
- var items = [ActionSheetItem]()
- guard let serverUrl = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getServerUrl(metadata.directoryID) else {
- return
- }
- guard let tableDirectory = NCManageDatabase.sharedInstance.getTableDirectory(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "account == %@ AND serverUrl == serverUrl", appDelegate.activeAccount, serverUrl)) else {
- return
- }
- items.append(ActionSheetDangerButton(title: NSLocalizedString("_delete_", comment: "")))
- items.append(ActionSheetCancelButton(title: NSLocalizedString("_cancel_", comment: "")))
- actionSheet = ActionSheet(items: items) { sheet, item in
- if item is ActionSheetDangerButton {
- NCMainCommon.sharedInstance.deleteFile(metadatas: [metadata], e2ee: tableDirectory.e2eEncrypted, serverUrl: serverUrl, folderFileID: tableDirectory.fileID) { (errorCode, message) in
- self.loadDatasource(withLoadFolder: false)
- }
- }
- if item is ActionSheetCancelButton { print("Cancel buttons has the value `true`") }
- }
- let headerView = actionSheetHeader(with: metadata)
- actionSheet?.headerView = headerView
- actionSheet?.headerView?.frame.size.height = 50
- actionSheet?.present(in: self, from: sender as! UIButton)
- }
func loadFolder() {
let ocNetworking = OCnetworking.init(delegate: self, metadataNet: nil, withUser: appDelegate.activeUser, withUserID: appDelegate.activeUserID, withPassword: appDelegate.activePassword, withUrl: appDelegate.activeUrl)