@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
// Copyright © 2017 Daniel Saidi. All rights reserved.
-// TODO: Improve these tests, since much logic has changed.
import Quick
import Nimble
@testable import Sheeeeeeeeet
@@ -16,121 +14,237 @@ class ActionSheetTests: QuickSpec {
override func spec() {
- func createButton(_ title: String) -> ActionSheetButton {
- return ActionSheetOkButton(title: title)
- }
- func createItem(_ title: String) -> ActionSheetItem {
- return ActionSheetItem(title: title)
- }
+ var sheet: MockActionSheet!
func createSheet(_ items: [ActionSheetItem] = []) -> MockActionSheet {
return MockActionSheet(items: items, action: { _, _ in })
- func createTableView() -> ActionSheetTableView {
- return ActionSheetTableView(frame: .zero)
+ // MARK: - Initialization
+ describe("created instance") {
+ context("default behavior") {
+ it("use default presenter") {
+ sheet = createSheet()
+ let isStandard = sheet.presenter is ActionSheetStandardPresenter
+ let isPopover = sheet.presenter is ActionSheetPopoverPresenter
+ let isValid = isStandard || isPopover
+ expect(isValid).to(beTrue())
+ }
+ it("applies no items and buttons") {
+ sheet = createSheet()
+ expect(sheet.items.count).to(equal(0))
+ expect(sheet.buttons.count).to(equal(0))
+ }
+ }
+ context("custom properties") {
+ it("uses provided presenter") {
+ let presenter = ActionSheetPopoverPresenter()
+ sheet = MockActionSheet(items: [], presenter: presenter, action: { _, _ in })
+ expect(sheet.presenter).to(be(presenter))
+ }
+ it("sets up provided items and buttons") {
+ let items = [ActionSheetItem(title: "foo")]
+ sheet = createSheet(items)
+ expect(sheet.setupItemsInvokeCount).to(equal(1))
+ expect(sheet.setupItemsInvokeItems[0]).to(be(items))
+ }
+ }
+ it("uses provided action") {
+ var counter = 0
+ sheet = MockActionSheet(items: []) { _, _ in counter += 1 }
+ sheet.selectAction(sheet, ActionSheetItem(title: "foo"))
+ expect(counter).to(equal(1))
+ }
- // MARK: - Initialization
+ describe("setup") {
+ beforeEach {
+ sheet = createSheet()
+ }
+ it("applies default preferred popover width") {
+ sheet.setup()
+ expect(sheet.preferredContentSize.width).to(equal(300))
+ }
+ it("applies custom preferred popover width") {
+ sheet.preferredPopoverWidth = 200
+ sheet.setup()
+ expect(sheet.preferredContentSize.width).to(equal(200))
+ }
+ }
- describe("when initialized with parameters") {
+ describe("setup items") {
+ beforeEach {
+ sheet = createSheet()
+ }
- it("applies provided items") {
- let item1 = createItem("foo")
- let item2 = createItem("bar")
- let sheet = createSheet([item1, item2])
+ it("applies empty collection") {
+ sheet.setup(items: [])
- expect(sheet.items.count).to(equal(2))
- expect(sheet.items[0]).to(be(item1))
- expect(sheet.items[1]).to(be(item2))
+ expect(sheet.items.count).to(equal(0))
+ expect(sheet.buttons.count).to(equal(0))
- it("separates provided items and buttons") {
- let button = createButton("Sheeeeeeeeet")
- let item1 = createItem("foo")
- let item2 = createItem("bar")
- let sheet = createSheet([button, item1, item2])
+ it("separates items and buttons") {
+ let item1 = ActionSheetItem(title: "foo")
+ let item2 = ActionSheetItem(title: "bar")
+ let button = ActionSheetOkButton(title: "baz")
+ sheet.setup(items: [button, item1, item2])
- it("applies default presenter if none is provided") {
- let sheet = createSheet()
- let isStandard = sheet.presenter is ActionSheetStandardPresenter
- let isPopover = sheet.presenter is ActionSheetPopoverPresenter
- let isValid = isStandard || isPopover
+ it("reloads data") {
+ sheet.reloadDataInvokeCount = 0
+ sheet.setup(items: [])
- expect(isValid).to(beTrue())
+ expect(sheet.reloadDataInvokeCount).to(equal(1))
- it("applies provided presenter") {
- let presenter = ActionSheetPopoverPresenter()
- let sheet = MockActionSheet(items: [], presenter: presenter, action: { _, _ in })
+ }
+ describe("loading view") {
+ var itemsTableView: ActionSheetItemTableView!
+ var buttonsTableView: ActionSheetButtonTableView!
+ beforeEach {
+ sheet = createSheet()
+ itemsTableView = ActionSheetItemTableView(frame: .zero)
+ buttonsTableView = ActionSheetButtonTableView(frame: .zero)
+ sheet.itemsTableView = itemsTableView
+ sheet.buttonsTableView = buttonsTableView
+ sheet.viewDidLoad()
+ }
+ it("sets up action sheet") {
+ expect(sheet.setupInvokeCount).to(equal(1))
+ }
+ it("sets up items table view") {
+ expect(itemsTableView.delegate).to(be(sheet.itemHandler))
+ expect(itemsTableView.dataSource).to(be(sheet.itemHandler))
+ expect(itemsTableView.alwaysBounceVertical).to(beFalse())
+ expect(itemsTableView.estimatedRowHeight).to(equal(44))
+ expect(itemsTableView.rowHeight).to(equal(UITableView.automaticDimension))
+ expect(itemsTableView.cellLayoutMarginsFollowReadableWidth).to(beFalse())
+ }
+ it("sets up buttons table view") {
+ expect(buttonsTableView.delegate).to(be(sheet.buttonHandler))
+ expect(buttonsTableView.dataSource).to(be(sheet.buttonHandler))
+ expect(itemsTableView.alwaysBounceVertical).to(beFalse())
+ expect(buttonsTableView.estimatedRowHeight).to(equal(44))
+ expect(buttonsTableView.rowHeight).to(equal(UITableView.automaticDimension))
+ expect(buttonsTableView.cellLayoutMarginsFollowReadableWidth).to(beFalse())
+ }
+ }
+ describe("laying out subviews") {
+ it("refreshes sheet") {
+ sheet = createSheet()
+ sheet.viewDidLayoutSubviews()
- expect(sheet.presenter).to(be(presenter))
+ expect(sheet.refreshInvokeCount).to(equal(1))
- it("applies provided action") {
- var counter = 0
- let sheet = MockActionSheet(items: []) { _, _ in counter += 1 }
- sheet.selectAction(sheet, createItem("foo"))
+ }
+ describe("minimum content insets") {
+ it("has correct default value") {
+ sheet = createSheet()
+ let expected = UIEdgeInsets(top: 15, left: 15, bottom: 15, right: 15)
- expect(counter).to(equal(1))
+ expect(sheet.minimumContentInsets).to(equal(expected))
- // MARK: - Properties
- describe("appearance") {
+ describe("preferred popover width") {
- it("is initially a copy of standard appearance") {
- let original = ActionSheetAppearance.standard.popover.width
- ActionSheetAppearance.standard.popover.width = -1
- let sheet = createSheet()
- let appearance = sheet.appearance
- ActionSheetAppearance.standard.popover.width = original
+ it("has correct default value") {
+ sheet = createSheet()
+ let expected: CGFloat = 300
- expect(appearance.popover.width).to(equal(-1))
+ expect(sheet.preferredPopoverWidth).to(equal(expected))
- // MARK: - Item Properties
+ describe("section margins") {
+ it("has correct default value") {
+ sheet = createSheet()
+ let expected: CGFloat = 15
+ expect(sheet.sectionMargins).to(equal(expected))
+ }
+ }
describe("items height") {
- it("is sum of all item appearances") {
- let item1 = createItem("foo")
- let item2 = createItem("bar")
- let item3 = createButton("baz")
- item1.appearance.height = 100
- item2.appearance.height = 110
- item3.appearance.height = 120
- let sheet = createSheet([item1, item2, item3])
- expect(sheet.itemsHeight).to(equal(210))
+ beforeEach {
+ ActionSheetItem.height = 100
+ ActionSheetSingleSelectItem.height = 110
+ ActionSheetMultiSelectItem.height = 120
+ ActionSheetOkButton.height = 120
+ }
+ it("is sum of all items") {
+ let item1 = ActionSheetItem(title: "foo")
+ let item2 = ActionSheetSingleSelectItem(title: "bar", isSelected: true)
+ let item3 = ActionSheetMultiSelectItem(title: "baz", isSelected: false)
+ let button = ActionSheetOkButton(title: "ok")
+ sheet = createSheet([item1, item2, item3, button])
+ expect(sheet.itemsHeight).to(equal(330))
describe("item handler") {
it("has correct item type") {
- let sheet = createSheet()
+ sheet = createSheet()
it("has correct items") {
- let item1 = createItem("foo")
- let item2 = createItem("bar")
- let item3 = createButton("baz")
- let sheet = createSheet([item1, item2, item3])
+ let item1 = ActionSheetItem(title: "foo")
+ let item2 = ActionSheetItem(title: "bar")
+ let button = ActionSheetOkButton(title: "ok")
+ sheet = createSheet([item1, item2, button])
@@ -138,93 +252,64 @@ class ActionSheetTests: QuickSpec {
- describe("item table view") {
+ describe("items height") {
- it("is correctly setup when view is loaded") {
- let sheet = createSheet()
- let view = createTableView()
- sheet.itemsTableView = view
- sheet.viewDidLoad()
- expect(view.delegate).to(be(sheet.itemHandler))
- expect(view.dataSource).to(be(sheet.itemHandler))
- expect(view.estimatedRowHeight).to(equal(44))
- expect(view.rowHeight).to(equal(UITableView.automaticDimension))
- expect(view.cellLayoutMarginsFollowReadableWidth).to(beFalse())
+ beforeEach {
+ ActionSheetItem.height = 100
+ ActionSheetOkButton.height = 110
+ ActionSheetDangerButton.height = 120
+ ActionSheetCancelButton.height = 130
- }
- // MARK: - Button Properties
- describe("buttons height") {
- it("is sum of all button appearances") {
- let item1 = createItem("foo")
- let item2 = createButton("bar")
- let item3 = createButton("baz")
- item1.appearance.height = 100
- item2.appearance.height = 110
- item3.appearance.height = 120
- let sheet = createSheet([item1, item2, item3])
- expect(sheet.buttonsHeight).to(equal(230))
+ it("is sum of all items") {
+ let item = ActionSheetItem(title: "foo")
+ let button1 = ActionSheetOkButton(title: "ok")
+ let button2 = ActionSheetDangerButton(title: "ok")
+ let button3 = ActionSheetCancelButton(title: "ok")
+ sheet = createSheet([item, button1, button2, button3])
+ expect(sheet.buttonsHeight).to(equal(360))
- describe("button handler") {
+ describe("item handler") {
it("has correct item type") {
- let sheet = createSheet()
+ sheet = createSheet()
it("has correct items") {
- let item1 = createItem("foo")
- let item2 = createButton("bar")
- let item3 = createButton("baz")
- let sheet = createSheet([item1, item2, item3])
+ let item = ActionSheetItem(title: "foo")
+ let button1 = ActionSheetOkButton(title: "ok")
+ let button2 = ActionSheetOkButton(title: "ok")
+ sheet = createSheet([item, button1, button2])
- expect(sheet.buttonHandler.items[0]).to(be(item2))
- expect(sheet.buttonHandler.items[1]).to(be(item3))
+ expect(sheet.buttonHandler.items[0]).to(be(button1))
+ expect(sheet.buttonHandler.items[1]).to(be(button2))
- describe("button table view") {
- it("is correctly setup when view is loaded") {
- let sheet = createSheet()
- let view = createTableView()
- sheet.buttonsTableView = view
- sheet.viewDidLoad()
- expect(view.delegate).to(be(sheet.buttonHandler))
- expect(view.dataSource).to(be(sheet.buttonHandler))
- expect(view.estimatedRowHeight).to(equal(44))
- expect(view.rowHeight).to(equal(UITableView.automaticDimension))
- expect(view.cellLayoutMarginsFollowReadableWidth).to(beFalse())
- }
- }
- // MARK: - Presentation Functions
context("presentation") {
var presenter: MockActionSheetPresenter!
- func createSheet() -> MockActionSheet {
+ beforeEach {
presenter = MockActionSheetPresenter()
- return MockActionSheet(items: [], presenter: presenter, action: { _, _ in })
+ sheet = createSheet()
+ sheet.presenter = presenter
describe("when dismissed") {
- it("dismisses itself by calling presenter") {
+ it("it calls presenter") {
var counter = 0
let completion = { counter += 1 }
- let sheet = createSheet()
sheet.dismiss(completion: completion)
@@ -236,16 +321,14 @@ class ActionSheetTests: QuickSpec {
describe("when presented from view") {
it("refreshes itself") {
- let sheet = createSheet()
sheet.present(in: UIViewController(), from: UIView())
- it("presents itself by calling presenter") {
+ it("calls presenter") {
var counter = 0
let completion = { counter += 1 }
- let sheet = createSheet()
let vc = UIViewController()
let view = UIView()
sheet.present(in: vc, from: view, completion: completion)
@@ -261,16 +344,14 @@ class ActionSheetTests: QuickSpec {
describe("when presented from bar button item") {
it("refreshes itself") {
- let sheet = createSheet()
sheet.present(in: UIViewController(), from: UIBarButtonItem())
- it("presents itself by calling presenter") {
+ it("calls presenter") {
var counter = 0
let completion = { counter += 1 }
- let sheet = createSheet()
let vc = UIViewController()
let item = UIBarButtonItem()
sheet.present(in: vc, from: item, completion: completion)
@@ -285,191 +366,153 @@ class ActionSheetTests: QuickSpec {
- // MARK: - Refresh Functions
- describe("when refreshing") {
+ describe("refreshing") {
- var sheet: MockActionSheet!
- var headerViewContainer: UIView!
- var itemsView: ActionSheetTableView!
- var buttonsView: ActionSheetTableView!
+ var presenter: MockActionSheetPresenter!
var stackView: UIStackView!
beforeEach {
+ presenter = MockActionSheetPresenter()
+ stackView = UIStackView()
sheet = createSheet()
- sheet.appearance.groupMargins = 123
- sheet.appearance.cornerRadius = 90
- headerViewContainer = UIView(frame: .zero)
- itemsView = createTableView()
- buttonsView = createTableView()
- stackView = UIStackView(frame: .zero)
- sheet.headerViewContainer = headerViewContainer
- sheet.itemsTableView = itemsView
- sheet.buttonsTableView = buttonsView
sheet.stackView = stackView
+ sheet.presenter = presenter
+ sheet.refresh()
- context("sheet") {
- it("applies round corners") {
- sheet.refresh()
- expect(headerViewContainer.layer.cornerRadius).to(equal(90))
- expect(itemsView.layer.cornerRadius).to(equal(90))
- expect(buttonsView.layer.cornerRadius).to(equal(90))
- }
- it("applies stack view spacing") {
- sheet.refresh()
- expect(sheet.stackView?.spacing).to(equal(123))
- }
- it("asks presenter to refresh sheet") {
- let presenter = MockActionSheetPresenter()
- let sheet = MockActionSheet(items: [], presenter: presenter) { (_, _) in }
- sheet.refresh()
- expect(presenter.refreshActionSheetInvokeCount).to(equal(1))
- }
+ it("refreshes header") {
+ expect(sheet.refreshHeaderInvokeCount).to(equal(1))
- context("header") {
- it("refreshes header visibility") {
- sheet.refresh()
- expect(sheet.refreshHeaderInvokeCount).to(equal(1))
- }
- it("adds header view to header container") {
- let header = UIView(frame: .zero)
- sheet.headerView = header
- expect(header.constraints.count).to(equal(0))
- sheet.refresh()
- expect(headerViewContainer.subviews.count).to(equal(1))
- expect(headerViewContainer.subviews[0]).to(be(header))
- expect(header.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints).to(beFalse())
- }
+ it("refreshes items") {
+ expect(sheet.refreshItemsInvokeCount).to(equal(1))
- context("header visibility") {
- it("hides header container if header view is nil") {
- sheet.refreshHeader()
- expect(headerViewContainer.isHidden).to(beTrue())
- }
- it("shows header container if header view is nil") {
- sheet.headerView = UIView(frame: .zero)
- sheet.refreshHeader()
- expect(headerViewContainer.isHidden).to(beFalse())
- }
+ it("refreshes buttons") {
+ expect(sheet.refreshButtonsInvokeCount).to(equal(1))
- context("items") {
- it("applies appearances to all items") {
- let item1 = MockActionSheetItem(title: "foo")
- let item2 = MockActionSheetItem(title: "foo")
- sheet.setup(items: [item1, item2])
- sheet.refresh()
- expect(item1.applyAppearanceInvokeCount).to(equal(1))
- expect(item2.applyAppearanceInvokeCount).to(equal(1))
- expect(item1.applyAppearanceInvokeAppearances[0]).to(be(sheet.appearance))
- expect(item2.applyAppearanceInvokeAppearances[0]).to(be(sheet.appearance))
- }
- it("applies background color") {
- sheet.appearance.itemsBackgroundColor = .yellow
- let view = createTableView()
- sheet.itemsTableView = view
- sheet.refresh()
- expect(view.backgroundColor).to(equal(.yellow))
- }
- it("applies separator color") {
- sheet.appearance.itemsSeparatorColor = .yellow
- let view = createTableView()
- sheet.itemsTableView = view
- sheet.refresh()
- expect(view.separatorColor).to(equal(.yellow))
- }
+ it("applies stack view spacing") {
+ expect(stackView.spacing).to(equal(15))
- context("buttons") {
- it("refreshes buttons visibility") {
- sheet.refresh()
- expect(sheet.refreshButtonsInvokeCount).to(equal(1))
- }
- it("applies appearances to all buttons") {
- let item1 = MockActionSheetButton(title: "foo", value: true)
- let item2 = MockActionSheetButton(title: "foo", value: true)
- sheet.setup(items: [item1, item2])
- sheet.refresh()
- expect(item1.applyAppearanceInvokeCount).to(equal(1))
- expect(item2.applyAppearanceInvokeCount).to(equal(1))
- expect(item1.applyAppearanceInvokeAppearances[0]).to(be(sheet.appearance))
- expect(item2.applyAppearanceInvokeAppearances[0]).to(be(sheet.appearance))
- }
- it("applies background color") {
- sheet.appearance.buttonsBackgroundColor = .yellow
- let view = createTableView()
- sheet.buttonsTableView = view
- sheet.refresh()
- expect(view.backgroundColor).to(equal(.yellow))
- }
- it("applies separator color") {
- sheet.appearance.buttonsSeparatorColor = .yellow
- let view = createTableView()
- sheet.buttonsTableView = view
- sheet.refresh()
- expect(view.separatorColor).to(equal(.yellow))
- }
+ it("calls presenter to refresh itself") {
+ expect(presenter.refreshActionSheetInvokeCount).to(equal(1))
+ }
+ }
+ describe("refreshing header") {
+ var container: ActionSheetHeaderView!
+ var height: NSLayoutConstraint!
+ beforeEach {
+ container = ActionSheetHeaderView()
+ height = NSLayoutConstraint()
+ sheet = createSheet()
+ sheet.headerViewContainer = container
+ sheet.headerViewContainerHeight = height
- context("button visibility") {
+ it("refreshes correctly if header view is nil") {
+ sheet.refreshHeader()
- it("hides buttons if sheet has no buttons") {
- sheet.refreshButtons()
- expect(buttonsView.isHidden).to(beTrue())
- }
+ expect(container.isHidden).to(beTrue())
+ expect(container.subviews.count).to(equal(0))
+ expect(height.constant).to(equal(0))
+ }
+ it("refreshes correctly if header view is set") {
+ let view = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 200))
+ sheet.headerView = view
+ sheet.refreshHeader()
+ expect(container.isHidden).to(beFalse())
+ expect(container.subviews.count).to(equal(1))
+ expect(container.subviews[0]).to(be(view))
+ expect(height.constant).to(equal(200))
+ }
+ }
+ describe("refreshing items") {
+ var height: NSLayoutConstraint!
+ beforeEach {
+ height = NSLayoutConstraint()
+ sheet = createSheet()
+ sheet.itemsTableViewHeight = height
+ ActionSheetItem.height = 12
+ ActionSheetOkButton.height = 13
+ }
+ it("refreshes correctly if no items are set") {
+ sheet.refreshItems()
- it("shows buttons if sheet has buttons") {
- sheet.setup(items: [MockActionSheetButton(title: "foo", value: true)])
- sheet.refreshButtons()
- expect(buttonsView.isHidden).to(beFalse())
- }
+ expect(height.constant).to(equal(0))
+ }
+ it("refreshes correctly if items are set") {
+ let item1 = ActionSheetItem(title: "foo")
+ let item2 = ActionSheetItem(title: "foo")
+ let button = ActionSheetOkButton(title: "foo")
+ sheet.setup(items: [item1, item2, button])
+ sheet.refreshItems()
+ expect(height.constant).to(equal(24))
- // MARK: - Protected Functions
+ describe("refreshing buttons") {
+ var height: NSLayoutConstraint!
+ beforeEach {
+ height = NSLayoutConstraint()
+ sheet = createSheet()
+ sheet.buttonsTableViewHeight = height
+ ActionSheetItem.height = 12
+ ActionSheetOkButton.height = 13
+ }
+ it("refreshes correctly if no items are set") {
+ sheet.refreshButtons()
+ expect(height.constant).to(equal(0))
+ }
+ it("refreshes correctly if items are set") {
+ let item = ActionSheetItem(title: "foo")
+ let button1 = ActionSheetOkButton(title: "foo")
+ let button2 = ActionSheetOkButton(title: "foo")
+ sheet.setup(items: [item, button1, button2])
+ sheet.refreshButtons()
+ expect(height.constant).to(equal(26))
+ }
+ }
describe("handling tap on item") {
- it("reloads data") {
- let sheet = createSheet()
+ beforeEach {
+ sheet = createSheet()
sheet.reloadDataInvokeCount = 0
- sheet.handleTap(on: createItem(""))
+ }
+ it("reloads data") {
+ sheet.handleTap(on: ActionSheetItem(title: ""))
it("calls select action without dismiss if item has none tap action") {
var count = 0
- let sheet = MockActionSheet(items: []) { (_, _) in count += 1 }
- let item = createItem("")
- item.tapBehavior = .none
+ sheet = MockActionSheet { (_, _) in count += 1 }
+ let item = ActionSheetItem(title: "", tapBehavior: .none)
sheet.handleTap(on: item)
@@ -478,34 +521,49 @@ class ActionSheetTests: QuickSpec {
it("calls select action after dismiss if item has dismiss tap action") {
var count = 0
- let sheet = MockActionSheet(items: []) { (_, _) in count += 1 }
- let item = createItem("")
- item.tapBehavior = .dismiss
+ sheet = MockActionSheet { (_, _) in count += 1 }
+ let item = ActionSheetItem(title: "", tapBehavior: .dismiss)
sheet.handleTap(on: item)
-// expect(count).toEventually(equal(1), time) TODO
-// expect(sheet.dismissInvokeCount).to(equal(1)) TODO
+ expect(count).to(equal(1))
+ expect(sheet.dismissInvokeCount).to(equal(1))
describe("margin at position") {
- it("uses apperance if no superview value exists") {
+ beforeEach {
+ sheet = createSheet()
+ }
+ it("ignores custom edge margins with smaller value than the default ones") {
let sheet = createSheet()
- sheet.appearance.contentInset = 80
+ sheet.minimumContentInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: -1, left: -1, bottom: -1, right: -1)
- expect(sheet.margin(at: .top)).to(equal(80))
- expect(sheet.margin(at: .left)).to(equal(80))
- expect(sheet.margin(at: .right)).to(equal(80))
- expect(sheet.margin(at: .bottom)).to(equal(80))
+ expect(sheet.margin(at: .top)).to(equal(sheet.view.safeAreaInsets.top))
+ expect(sheet.margin(at: .left)).to(equal(sheet.view.safeAreaInsets.left))
+ expect(sheet.margin(at: .right)).to(equal(sheet.view.safeAreaInsets.right))
+ expect(sheet.margin(at: .bottom)).to(equal(sheet.view.safeAreaInsets.bottom))
+ }
+ it("uses custom edge margins with greated value than the default ones") {
+ let sheet = createSheet()
+ sheet.minimumContentInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 111, left: 222, bottom: 333, right: 444)
+ expect(sheet.margin(at: .top)).to(equal(111))
+ expect(sheet.margin(at: .left)).to(equal(222))
+ expect(sheet.margin(at: .bottom)).to(equal(333))
+ expect(sheet.margin(at: .right)).to(equal(444))
describe("reloading data") {
it("reloads both table views") {
- let view1 = MockTableView(frame: .zero)
- let view2 = MockTableView(frame: .zero)
- let sheet = createSheet()
+ let view1 = MockItemTableView(frame: .zero)
+ let view2 = MockButtonTableView(frame: .zero)
+ sheet = createSheet()
sheet.itemsTableView = view1
sheet.buttonsTableView = view2