@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ command:
clean: clean up/remove all generated files
download-core: downloads core library (binary version)
download-sync: downloads sync library (binary version, core+sync)
- build: builds all iOS and macOS frameworks
+ build: builds all iOS and macOS frameworks
ios-static: builds fat iOS static framework
ios-dynamic: builds iOS dynamic frameworks
ios-swift: builds RealmSwift frameworks for iOS
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ command:
tvos-swift: builds RealmSwift framework for tvOS
osx: builds macOS framework
osx-swift: builds RealmSwift framework for macOS
- xcframework [plats]: builds xcframeworks for Realm and RealmSwift for given platforms
analyze-osx: analyzes macOS framework
test: tests all iOS and macOS frameworks
test-all: tests all iOS and macOS frameworks in both Debug and Release configurations
@@ -152,7 +151,11 @@ build_combined() {
destination="iPhone 8"
elif [[ "$os" == "watchos" ]]; then
- destination="Apple Watch Series 3 - 42mm"
+ if (( $(xcode_version_major) >= 10 )); then
+ destination="Apple Watch Series 3 - 42mm"
+ else
+ destination="Apple Watch - 42mm"
+ fi
elif [[ "$os" == "appletvos" ]]; then
destination="Apple TV"
@@ -171,46 +174,58 @@ build_combined() {
xc "-scheme '$scheme' -configuration $config -sdk $os"
xc "-scheme '$scheme' -configuration $config -sdk $simulator -destination 'name=$destination' ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO"
- # Combine .swiftmodule
- if [ -d $simulator_path/Modules/$module_name.swiftmodule ]; then
- cp $simulator_path/Modules/$module_name.swiftmodule/* $os_path/Modules/$module_name.swiftmodule/
- fi
+ if (( $(xcode_version_major) < 11 )); then
+ # Combine .swiftmodule
+ if [ -d $simulator_path/Modules/$module_name.swiftmodule ]; then
+ cp $simulator_path/Modules/$module_name.swiftmodule/* $os_path/Modules/$module_name.swiftmodule/
+ fi
- # Xcode 10.2 merges the generated headers together with ifdef guards for
- # each of the target platforms. This doesn't handle merging
- # device/simulator builds, so we need to take care of that ourselves.
- # Currently all platforms have identical headers, so we just pick one and
- # use that rather than merging, but this may change in the future.
- if [ -f $os_path/Headers/$module_name-Swift.h ]; then
- unique_headers=$(find $build_intermediates_path -name $module_name-Swift.h -exec shasum {} \; | cut -d' ' -f 1 | uniq | grep -c '^')
- if [ $unique_headers != "1" ]; then
- echo "Platform-specific Swift generated headers are not identical. Merging them is required and is not yet implemented."
- exit 1
- fi
- find $build_intermediates_path -name $module_name-Swift.h -exec cp {} $os_path/Headers \; -quit
- fi
+ # Xcode 10.2 merges the generated headers together with ifdef guards for
+ # each of the target platforms. This doesn't handle merging
+ # device/simulator builds, so we need to take care of that ourselves.
+ # Currently all platforms have identical headers, so we just pick one and
+ # use that rather than merging, but this may change in the future.
+ if [ -f $os_path/Headers/$module_name-Swift.h ]; then
+ unique_headers=$(find $build_intermediates_path -name $module_name-Swift.h -exec shasum {} \; | cut -d' ' -f 1 | uniq | grep -c '^')
+ if [ $unique_headers != "1" ]; then
+ echo "Platform-specific Swift generated headers are not identical. Merging them is required and is not yet implemented."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ find $build_intermediates_path -name $module_name-Swift.h -exec cp {} $os_path/Headers \; -quit
+ fi
- # Copy *.bcsymbolmap to .framework for submitting app with bitcode
- copy_bcsymbolmap "$build_products_path/$config-$os$scope_suffix" "$os_path"
+ # Copy *.bcsymbolmap to .framework for submitting app with bitcode
+ copy_bcsymbolmap "$build_products_path/$config-$os$scope_suffix" "$os_path"
- # Retrieve build products
- clean_retrieve $os_path $out_path $product_name
+ # Retrieve build products
+ clean_retrieve $os_path $out_path $product_name
- # Combine ar archives
- LIPO_OUTPUT="$out_path/$product_name/$module_name"
- xcrun lipo -create "$simulator_path/$binary_path" "$os_path/$binary_path" -output "$LIPO_OUTPUT"
+ # Combine ar archives
+ LIPO_OUTPUT="$out_path/$product_name/$module_name"
+ xcrun lipo -create "$simulator_path/$binary_path" "$os_path/$binary_path" -output "$LIPO_OUTPUT"
- # Verify that the combined library has bitcode and we didn't accidentally
- # remove it somewhere along the line
- if [[ "$destination" != "" && "$config" == "Release" ]]; then
- sh build.sh binary-has-bitcode "$LIPO_OUTPUT"
+ # Verify that the combined library has bitcode and we didn't accidentally
+ # remove it somewhere along the line
+ if [[ "$destination" != "" && "$config" == "Release" ]]; then
+ sh build.sh binary-has-bitcode "$LIPO_OUTPUT"
+ fi
+ else
+ rm -rf "$out_path/$module_name.xcframework"
+ xcodebuild -create-xcframework \
+ -framework $simulator_path \
+ -framework $os_path \
+ -output "$out_path/$module_name.xcframework"
copy_realm_framework() {
local platform="$1"
- rm -rf build/$platform/swift-$REALM_XCODE_VERSION/Realm.framework
- cp -R build/$platform/Realm.framework build/$platform/swift-$REALM_XCODE_VERSION
+ local extension="xcframework"
+ if (( $(xcode_version_major) < 11 )); then
+ extension="framework"
+ fi
+ rm -rf build/$platform/swift-$REALM_XCODE_VERSION/Realm.$extension
+ cp -R build/$platform/Realm.$extension build/$platform/swift-$REALM_XCODE_VERSION
clean_retrieve() {
@@ -231,10 +246,6 @@ test_ios_static() {
xc "-scheme 'Realm iOS static' -configuration $CONFIGURATION -sdk iphonesimulator -destination '$destination' test"
-plist_get() {
- /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :$2" $1 2> /dev/null
# Device Test Helper
@@ -389,13 +400,18 @@ download_sync() {
# Use Debug config if command ends with -debug, otherwise default to Release
+# Set IS_RUNNING_PACKAGING when running packaging steps to avoid running iOS static tests with Xcode 8.3.3
case "$COMMAND" in
+ package-*)
+ ;;
# Pre-choose Xcode and Swift versions for those operations that do not set them
@@ -503,6 +519,17 @@ case "$COMMAND" in
sh build.sh tvos-swift
sh build.sh osx
sh build.sh osx-swift
+ if (( $(xcode_version_major) >= 11 )); then
+ rm -rf "build/*.xcframework"
+ find build/DerivedData -name 'Realm.framework' \
+ | grep -v '\-static' \
+ | sed 's/.*/-framework &/' \
+ | xargs xcodebuild -create-xcframework -output build/Realm.xcframework
+ find build/DerivedData -name 'RealmSwift.framework' \
+ | sed 's/.*/-framework &/' \
+ | xargs xcodebuild -create-xcframework -output build/RealmSwift.xcframework
+ fi
exit 0
@@ -563,176 +590,6 @@ case "$COMMAND" in
exit 0
- "catalyst")
- if (( $(xcode_version_major) < 11 )); then
- echo 'Building for Catalyst requires Xcode 11'
- exit 1
- fi
- xc "-scheme Realm -configuration $CONFIGURATION REALM_CATALYST_FLAGS='-target x86_64-apple-ios13.0-macabi' REALM_PLATFORM_SUFFIX='maccatalyst'"
- clean_retrieve "build/DerivedData/Realm/Build/Products/$CONFIGURATION/Realm.framework" "build/catalyst" "Realm.framework"
- ;;
- "catalyst-swift")
- if (( $(xcode_version_major) < 11 )); then
- echo 'Building for Catalyst requires Xcode 11'
- exit 1
- fi
- sh build.sh catalyst
- # FIXME: change this to just "-destination variant='Mac Catalyst'" once the CI machines are running 10.15
- xc "-scheme 'RealmSwift' -configuration $CONFIGURATION build \
- REALM_CATALYST_FLAGS='-target x86_64-apple-ios13.0-macabi' \
- REALM_PLATFORM_SUFFIX='maccatalyst' \
- destination="build/catalyst/swift-$REALM_XCODE_VERSION"
- clean_retrieve "build/DerivedData/Realm/Build/Products/$CONFIGURATION/RealmSwift.framework" "$destination" "RealmSwift.framework"
- rm -rf "$destination/Realm.framework"
- cp -R build/catalyst/Realm.framework "$destination"
- ;;
- "xcframework")
- if (( $(xcode_version_major) < 11 )); then
- echo 'Building a xcframework requires Xcode 11'
- exit 1
- fi
- # Build all of the requested frameworks
- shift
- PLATFORMS="${*:-osx ios watchos tvos catalyst}"
- for platform in $PLATFORMS; do
- sh build.sh $platform-swift
- done
- # Assemble them into xcframeworks
- rm -rf build/*.xcframework
- find build/DerivedData/Realm/Build/Products -name 'Realm.framework' \
- | grep -v '\-static' \
- | sed 's/.*/-framework &/' \
- | xargs xcodebuild -create-xcframework -output build/Realm.xcframework
- find build/DerivedData/Realm/Build/Products -name 'RealmSwift.framework' \
- | sed 's/.*/-framework &/' \
- | xargs xcodebuild -create-xcframework -output build/RealmSwift.xcframework
- # strip-frameworks.sh isn't needed with xcframeworks since we don't
- # lipo together device/simulator libs
- find build/Realm.xcframework -name 'strip-frameworks.sh' -delete
- find build/RealmSwift.xcframework -name 'strip-frameworks.sh' -delete
- # swiftinterface files currently have incorrect name resolution which
- # results in the RealmSwift.Realm class name clashing with the Realm
- # module name. Work around this by renaming the Realm module to
- # RealmObjc. This is safe to do with a pre-built library because the
- # module name is unrelated to what symbols are exported by an obj-c
- # library, and we're statically linking the obj-c library into the
- # swift library so it doesn't need to be loaded at runtime.
- cd build
- cp -R Realm.xcframework RealmObjc.xcframework
- find RealmObjc.xcframework -name 'Realm.framework' \
- -execdir mv {} RealmObjc.framework \; || true 2> /dev/null
- find RealmObjc.xcframework -name '*.h' \
- -exec sed -i '' 's/Realm\//RealmObjc\//' {} \;
- find RealmObjc.xcframework -name 'module.modulemap' \
- -exec sed -i '' 's/module Realm/module RealmObjc/' {} \;
- sed -i '' 's/Realm.framework/RealmObjc.framework/' RealmObjc.xcframework/Info.plist
- find RealmSwift.xcframework -name '*.swiftinterface' \
- -exec sed -i '' 's/import Realm/import RealmObjc/' {} \;
- find RealmSwift.xcframework -name '*.swiftinterface' \
- -exec sed -i '' 's/Realm.RLM/RealmObjc.RLM/g' {} \;
- # Realm is statically linked into RealmSwift so we no longer actually
- # need the obj-c static library, and just need the framework shell.
- # Remove everything but placeholder.o so that there's still a library
- # to link against that just doesn't define any symbols.
- find RealmObjc.xcframework -name 'Realm' | while read file; do
- (
- cd $(dirname $file)
- if readlink Realm > /dev/null; then
- ln -sf Versions/Current/RealmObjc Realm
- elif lipo -info Realm | grep -q 'Non-fat'; then
- ar -t Realm | grep -v placeholder | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 ar -d Realm >/dev/null 2>&1
- ranlib Realm >/dev/null 2>&1
- else
- for arch in $(lipo -info Realm | cut -f3 -d':'); do
- lipo Realm -thin $arch -output tmp.a
- ar -t tmp.a | grep -v placeholder | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 ar -d tmp.a >/dev/null 2>&1
- ranlib tmp.a >/dev/null 2>&1
- lipo Realm -replace $arch tmp.a -output Realm
- rm tmp.a
- done
- fi
- mv Realm RealmObjc
- )
- done
- # We built Realm.framework as a static framework so that we could link
- # it into RealmSwift.framework and not have to deal with the runtime
- # implications of renaming the shared library, but we want the end
- # result to be that Realm.xcframework is a dynamic framework. Our build
- # system isn't really set up to build both static and dynamic versions
- # of it, so instead just turn each of the static libraries in
- # Realm.xcframework into a shared library.
- cd Realm.xcframework
- i=0
- while plist_get Info.plist "AvailableLibraries:$i" > /dev/null; do
- arch_dir_name="$(plist_get Info.plist "AvailableLibraries:$i:LibraryIdentifier")"
- platform="$(plist_get Info.plist "AvailableLibraries:$i:SupportedPlatform")"
- variant="$(plist_get Info.plist "AvailableLibraries:$i:SupportedPlatformVariant" 2> /dev/null || echo 'os')"
- deployment_target_name="$platform"
- install_name='@rpath/Realm.framework/Realm'
- bitcode_flag='-fembed-bitcode'
- if [ "$variant" = 'simulator' ]; then
- bitcode_flag=''
- fi
- case "$platform" in
- "macos") sdk='macosx'; install_name='@rpath/Realm.framework/Versions/A/Realm'; bitcode_flag='';;
- "ios") sdk="iphone$variant"; deployment_target_name='iphoneos';;
- "watchos") sdk="watch$variant";;
- "tvos") sdk="appletv$variant";;
- esac
- deployment_target=$(grep -i "$deployment_target_name.*_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET" ../../Configuration/Base.xcconfig \
- | sed 's/.*= \(.*\);/\1/')
- architectures=""
- j=0
- while plist_get Info.plist "AvailableLibraries:$i:SupportedArchitectures:$j" > /dev/null; do
- architectures="${architectures} -arch $(plist_get Info.plist "AvailableLibraries:$i:SupportedArchitectures:$j")"
- j=$(($j + 1))
- done
- (
- cd $arch_dir_name/Realm.framework
- realm_lib=$(readlink Realm || echo 'Realm')
- # feature_token.cpp.o depends on PKey, which isn't actually
- # present in the macOS build of the sync library. This normally
- # works fine because we never reference any symbols from
- # feature_token.cpp.o so it doesn't get pulled in at all, but
- # -all_load makes every object file in the input get linked
- # into the shared library.
- ar -d $realm_lib feature_token.cpp.o 2> /dev/null || true
- clang++ -shared $architectures \
- -target ${platform}${deployment_target} \
- -isysroot $(xcrun --sdk ${sdk} --show-sdk-path) \
- -install_name "$install_name" \
- -compatibility_version 1 -current_version 1 \
- -fapplication-extension \
- $bitcode_flag \
- -Wl,-all_load \
- -Wl,-unexported_symbol,'__Z*' \
- -o realm.dylib \
- Realm -lz
- mv realm.dylib $realm_lib
- )
- i=$(($i + 1))
- done
- exit 0
- ;;
# Analysis
@@ -976,12 +833,8 @@ case "$COMMAND" in
sh build.sh test-tvos
- sh build.sh examples-tvos
- exit 0
- ;;
- "verify-tvos-swift")
sh build.sh test-tvos-swift
+ sh build.sh examples-tvos
sh build.sh examples-tvos-swift
exit 0
@@ -997,7 +850,9 @@ case "$COMMAND" in
- sh build.sh test-swiftpm
+ if (( $(xcode_version_major) >= 10 )); then
+ sh build.sh test-swiftpm
+ fi
exit 0
@@ -1093,7 +948,8 @@ case "$COMMAND" in
# Versioning
- echo "$(plist_get 'Realm/Realm-Info.plist' 'CFBundleShortVersionString')"
+ version_file="Realm/Realm-Info.plist"
+ echo "$(PlistBuddy -c "Print :CFBundleShortVersionString" "$version_file")"
exit 0
@@ -1294,11 +1150,12 @@ EOM
zip --symlinks -r realm-examples.zip examples -x "examples/installation/*"
- "package-test-examples-objc")
+ "package-test-examples")
if ! VERSION=$(echo realm-objc-*.zip | egrep -o '\d*\.\d*\.\d*-[a-z]*(\.\d*)?'); then
VERSION=$(echo realm-objc-*.zip | egrep -o '\d*\.\d*\.\d*')
+ SWIFT="realm-swift-${VERSION}"
unzip ${OBJC}.zip
cp $0 ${OBJC}
@@ -1309,13 +1166,7 @@ EOM
sh build.sh examples-osx
cd ..
rm -rf ${OBJC}
- ;;
- "package-test-examples-swift")
- if ! VERSION=$(echo realm-swift-*.zip | egrep -o '\d*\.\d*\.\d*-[a-z]*(\.\d*)?'); then
- VERSION=$(echo realm-swift-*.zip | egrep -o '\d*\.\d*\.\d*')
- fi
- SWIFT="realm-swift-${VERSION}"
unzip ${SWIFT}.zip
cp $0 ${SWIFT}
@@ -1335,21 +1186,79 @@ EOM
zip --symlinks -r realm-framework-ios-static.zip Realm.framework
- "package")
+ "package-ios")
+ sh build.sh prelaunch-simulator
+ sh build.sh ios-dynamic
+ cd build/ios
+ zip --symlinks -r realm-framework-ios.zip Realm.framework
+ ;;
- set_xcode_and_swift_versions
+ "package-osx")
+ sh build.sh osx
- if [[ "$PLATFORM" = "catalyst" ]] && (( $(xcode_version_major) < 11 )); then
- mkdir -p build/catalyst/swift-$REALM_XCODE_VERSION
- else
+ cd build/DerivedData/Realm/Build/Products/Release
+ zip --symlinks -r realm-framework-osx.zip Realm.framework
+ ;;
+ "package-watchos")
+ sh build.sh prelaunch-simulator
+ sh build.sh watchos
+ # If we're building the obj-c library with an Xcode version older than
+ # 10, we need to also build the arm64_32 slice with Xcode 10 and lipo
+ # it in
+ if (( $(xcode_version_major) < 10 )); then
+ (
+ set_xcode_and_swift_versions
+ sh build.sh prelaunch-simulator
+ xc "-scheme Realm -configuration $CONFIGURATION -sdk watchos ARCHS='arm64_32'"
+ cp build/DerivedData/Realm/Build/Products/Release-watchos/Realm.framework/*.bcsymbolmap build/watchos/Realm.framework
+ xcrun lipo \
+ -create build/watchos/Realm.framework/Realm build/DerivedData/Realm/Build/Products/Release-watchos/Realm.framework/Realm \
+ -output build/watchos-tmp
+ mv build/watchos-tmp build/watchos/Realm.framework/Realm
+ )
+ fi
+ cd build/watchos
+ zip --symlinks -r realm-framework-watchos.zip Realm.framework
+ ;;
+ "package-tvos")
+ sh build.sh prelaunch-simulator
+ sh build.sh tvos
+ cd build/tvos
+ zip --symlinks -r realm-framework-tvos.zip Realm.framework
+ ;;
+ package-*-swift)
+ PLATFORM=$(echo $COMMAND | cut -d - -f 2)
+ for version in 9.4 10.0 10.1 10.2.1 10.3; do
+ set_xcode_and_swift_versions
sh build.sh prelaunch-simulator
sh build.sh $PLATFORM-swift
- fi
+ done
cd build/$PLATFORM
- zip --symlinks -r realm-framework-$PLATFORM-$REALM_XCODE_VERSION.zip swift-$REALM_XCODE_VERSION
+ zip --symlinks -r realm-swift-framework-$PLATFORM.zip swift-9.4 swift-10.0 swift-10.1 swift-10.2.1 swift-10.3
+ ;;
+ package-*-swift-*)
+ PLATFORM=$(echo $COMMAND | cut -d - -f 2)
+ REALM_XCODE_VERSION=$(echo $COMMAND | cut -d - -f 4)
+ set_xcode_and_swift_versions
+ sh build.sh prelaunch-simulator
+ sh build.sh $PLATFORM-swift
+ cd build/$PLATFORM
+ zip --symlinks -r realm-swift-framework-$PLATFORM-swift-$REALM_XCODE_VERSION.zip swift-$REALM_XCODE_VERSION
@@ -1367,20 +1276,58 @@ EOM
mkdir -p ${FOLDER}/ios/dynamic
mkdir -p ${FOLDER}/Swift
- unzip ${WORKSPACE}/realm-framework-ios-static.zip -d ${FOLDER}/ios/static
- for platform in osx ios watchos tvos catalyst; do
- unzip ${WORKSPACE}/realm-framework-${platform}-${REALM_XCODE_VERSION}.zip -d ${FOLDER}/${platform}
- mv ${FOLDER}/${platform}/swift-*/Realm.framework ${FOLDER}/${platform}
- rm -r ${FOLDER}/${platform}/swift-*
- done
+ (
+ cd ${FOLDER}/osx
+ unzip ${WORKSPACE}/realm-framework-osx.zip
+ )
+ (
+ cd ${FOLDER}/ios/static
+ unzip ${WORKSPACE}/realm-framework-ios-static.zip
+ )
+ (
+ cd ${FOLDER}/ios/dynamic
+ unzip ${WORKSPACE}/realm-framework-ios.zip
+ )
+ (
+ cd ${FOLDER}/watchos
+ unzip ${WORKSPACE}/realm-framework-watchos.zip
+ )
- mv ${FOLDER}/ios/Realm.framework ${FOLDER}/ios/dynamic
+ (
+ cd ${FOLDER}/tvos
+ unzip ${WORKSPACE}/realm-framework-tvos.zip
+ )
- for platform in osx ios watchos tvos catalyst; do
- find ${WORKSPACE} -name "realm-framework-$platform-*.zip" \
- -maxdepth 1 \
- -exec unzip {} -d ${FOLDER}/${platform} \;
- done
+ (
+ cd ${FOLDER}/osx
+ for f in ${WORKSPACE}/realm-swift-framework-osx-swift-*.zip; do
+ unzip "$f"
+ done
+ )
+ (
+ cd ${FOLDER}/ios
+ for f in ${WORKSPACE}/realm-swift-framework-ios-swift-*.zip; do
+ unzip "$f"
+ done
+ )
+ (
+ cd ${FOLDER}/watchos
+ for f in ${WORKSPACE}/realm-swift-framework-watchos-swift-*.zip; do
+ unzip "$f"
+ done
+ )
+ (
+ cd ${FOLDER}/tvos
+ for f in ${WORKSPACE}/realm-swift-framework-tvos-swift-*.zip; do
+ unzip "$f"
+ done
+ )
@@ -1443,37 +1390,40 @@ EOF
echo 'Packaging iOS'
sh build.sh package-ios-static
- cp build/ios-static/realm-framework-ios-static.zip .
- sh build.sh package ios
- cp build/ios/realm-framework-ios-$REALM_XCODE_VERSION.zip .
+ cp build/ios-static/realm-framework-ios-static.zip ..
+ sh build.sh package-ios
+ cp build/ios/realm-framework-ios.zip ..
+ sh build.sh package-ios-swift
+ cp build/ios/realm-swift-framework-ios.zip ..
echo 'Packaging macOS'
- sh build.sh package osx
- cp build/osx/realm-framework-osx-$REALM_XCODE_VERSION.zip .
+ sh build.sh package-osx
+ cp build/DerivedData/Realm/Build/Products/Release/realm-framework-osx.zip ..
+ sh build.sh package-osx-swift
+ cp build/osx/realm-swift-framework-osx.zip ..
echo 'Packaging watchOS'
- sh build.sh package watchos
- cp build/watchos/realm-framework-watchos-$REALM_XCODE_VERSION.zip .
+ sh build.sh package-watchos
+ cp build/watchos/realm-framework-watchos.zip ..
+ sh build.sh package-watchos-swift
+ cp build/watchos/realm-swift-framework-watchos.zip ..
echo 'Packaging tvOS'
- sh build.sh package tvos
- cp build/tvos/realm-framework-tvos-$REALM_XCODE_VERSION.zip .
- echo 'Packaging Catalyst'
- sh build.sh package catalyst
- cp build/catalyst/realm-framework-catalyst-$REALM_XCODE_VERSION.zip .
+ sh build.sh package-tvos
+ cp build/tvos/realm-framework-tvos.zip ..
+ sh build.sh package-tvos-swift
+ cp build/tvos/realm-swift-framework-tvos.zip ..
echo 'Packaging examples'
sh build.sh package-examples
+ cp realm-examples.zip ..
echo 'Building final release packages'
- export WORKSPACE="${WORKSPACE}/realm-cocoa"
sh build.sh package-release objc
sh build.sh package-release swift
echo 'Testing packaged examples'
- sh build.sh package-test-examples-objc
- sh build.sh package-test-examples-swift
+ sh build.sh package-test-examples
@@ -1501,7 +1451,7 @@ x.y.z Release notes (yyyy-MM-dd)
* File format: Generates Realms with format v9 (Reads and upgrades all previous formats)
* Realm Object Server: 3.21.0 or later.
* APIs are backwards compatible with all previous releases in the 3.x.y series.
-* Carthage release for Swift is built with Xcode 11.0.
+* Carthage release for Swift is built with Xcode 10.3.
changelog=$(cat CHANGELOG.md)
echo "$empty_section" > CHANGELOG.md