@@ -36,73 +36,6 @@ class NCUtility: NSObject {
let activityIndicator = UIActivityIndicatorView(style: .whiteLarge)
- @objc func getWebDAV(account: String) -> String {
- return NCManageDatabase.shared.getCapabilitiesServerString(account: account, elements: NCElementsJSON.shared.capabilitiesWebDavRoot) ?? "remote.php/webdav"
- }
- @objc func getDAV() -> String {
- return "remote.php/dav"
- }
- @objc func getHomeServer(urlBase: String, account: String) -> String {
- return urlBase + "/" + self.getWebDAV(account: account)
- }
- @objc func deletingLastPathComponent(serverUrl: String, urlBase: String, account: String) -> String {
- if getHomeServer(urlBase: urlBase, account: account) == serverUrl { return serverUrl }
- let fileName = (serverUrl as NSString).lastPathComponent
- let serverUrl = serverUrl.replacingOccurrences(of: "/"+fileName, with: "", options: String.CompareOptions.backwards, range: nil)
- return serverUrl
- }
- @objc func createFileName(_ fileName: String, serverUrl: String, account: String) -> String {
- var resultFileName = fileName
- var exitLoop = false
- while exitLoop == false {
- if NCManageDatabase.shared.getMetadata(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "fileNameView == %@ AND serverUrl == %@ AND account == %@", resultFileName, serverUrl, account)) != nil {
- var name = NSString(string: resultFileName).deletingPathExtension
- let ext = NSString(string: resultFileName).pathExtension
- let characters = Array(name)
- if characters.count < 2 {
- if ext == "" {
- resultFileName = name + " " + "1"
- } else {
- resultFileName = name + " " + "1" + "." + ext
- }
- } else {
- let space = characters[characters.count-2]
- let numChar = characters[characters.count-1]
- var num = Int(String(numChar))
- if (space == " " && num != nil) {
- name = String(name.dropLast())
- num = num! + 1
- if ext == "" {
- resultFileName = name + "\(num!)"
- } else {
- resultFileName = name + "\(num!)" + "." + ext
- }
- } else {
- if ext == "" {
- resultFileName = name + " " + "1"
- } else {
- resultFileName = name + " " + "1" + "." + ext
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- exitLoop = true
- }
- }
- return resultFileName
- }
@objc func isEncryptedMetadata(_ metadata: tableMetadata) -> Bool {
if metadata.fileName != metadata.fileNameView && metadata.fileName.count == 32 && metadata.fileName.contains(".") == false {
@@ -112,18 +45,6 @@ class NCUtility: NSObject {
return false
- func cellBlurEffect(with frame: CGRect) -> UIView {
- let blurEffect = UIBlurEffect(style: .extraLight)
- let blurEffectView = UIVisualEffectView(effect: blurEffect)
- blurEffectView.frame = frame
- blurEffectView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
- blurEffectView.backgroundColor = NCBrandColor.shared.brandElement.withAlphaComponent(0.2)
- return blurEffectView
- }
func setLayoutForView(key: String, serverUrl: String, layout: String, sort: String, ascending: Bool, groupBy: String, directoryOnTop: Bool, titleButton: String, itemForLine: Int) {
let string = layout + "|" + sort + "|" + "\(ascending)" + "|" + groupBy + "|" + "\(directoryOnTop)" + "|" + titleButton + "|" + "\(itemForLine)"
@@ -406,33 +327,6 @@ class NCUtility: NSObject {
- @objc func UIColorFromRGB(rgbValue: UInt32) -> UIColor {
- return UIColor(
- red: CGFloat((rgbValue & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 255.0,
- green: CGFloat((rgbValue & 0x00FF00) >> 8) / 255.0,
- blue: CGFloat(rgbValue & 0x0000FF) / 255.0,
- alpha: CGFloat(1.0)
- )
- }
- @objc func RGBFromUIColor(uicolorValue: UIColor) -> UInt32 {
- var red: CGFloat = 0, green: CGFloat = 0, blue: CGFloat = 0, alpha: CGFloat = 0
- if uicolorValue.getRed(&red, green: &green, blue: &blue, alpha: &alpha) {
- var colorAsUInt : UInt32 = 0
- colorAsUInt += UInt32(red * 255.0) << 16 +
- UInt32(green * 255.0) << 8 +
- UInt32(blue * 255.0)
- return colorAsUInt
- }
- return 0
- }
@objc func permissionsContainsString(_ metadataPermissions: String, permissions: String) -> Bool {
for char in permissions {
@@ -576,41 +470,7 @@ class NCUtility: NSObject {
return(onlineStatus, statusMessage)
- @objc func settingThemingColor(_ themingColor: String?, themingColorElement: String?, themingColorText: String?) {
- // COLOR
- if themingColor?.first == "#" {
- if let color = UIColor(hex: themingColor!) {
- NCBrandColor.shared.brand = color
- } else {
- NCBrandColor.shared.brand = NCBrandColor.shared.customer
- }
- } else {
- NCBrandColor.shared.brand = NCBrandColor.shared.customer
- }
- if themingColorText?.first == "#" {
- if let color = UIColor(hex: themingColorText!) {
- NCBrandColor.shared.brandText = color
- } else {
- NCBrandColor.shared.brandText = NCBrandColor.shared.customerText
- }
- } else {
- NCBrandColor.shared.brandText = NCBrandColor.shared.customerText
- }
- if themingColorElement?.first == "#" {
- if let color = UIColor(hex: themingColorElement!) {
- NCBrandColor.shared.brandElement = color
- } else {
- NCBrandColor.shared.brandElement = NCBrandColor.shared.brand
- }
- } else {
- NCBrandColor.shared.brandElement = NCBrandColor.shared.brand
- }
- }
func imageFromVideo(url: URL, at time: TimeInterval) -> UIImage? {