@@ -22,12 +22,13 @@
import SwiftUI
+import NextcloudKit
class NCHostingUploadAssetsView: NSObject {
@objc func makeShipDetailsUI(assets: [PHAsset], cryptated: Bool, session: String, userBaseUrl: NCUserBaseUrl, serverUrl: String) -> UIViewController {
- let uploadAssets = NCUploadAssets(assets: assets, cryptated: cryptated, session: session, userBaseUrl: userBaseUrl, serverUrl: serverUrl)
+ let uploadAssets = NCUploadAssets(assets: assets, session: session, userBaseUrl: userBaseUrl, serverUrl: serverUrl)
let details = UploadAssetsView(uploadAssets: uploadAssets)
let vc = UIHostingController(rootView: details)
return vc
@@ -37,7 +38,6 @@ class NCHostingUploadAssetsView: NSObject {
class NCUploadAssets: ObservableObject {
internal var assets: [PHAsset]
- internal var cryptated: Bool
internal var session: String
internal var userBaseUrl: NCUserBaseUrl
@@ -45,10 +45,9 @@ class NCUploadAssets: ObservableObject {
@Published var isMaintainOriginalFilename: Bool = CCUtility.getOriginalFileName(NCGlobal.shared.keyFileNameOriginal)
@Published var isAddFilenametype: Bool = CCUtility.getFileNameType(NCGlobal.shared.keyFileNameType)
- init(assets: [PHAsset], cryptated: Bool, session: String, userBaseUrl: NCUserBaseUrl, serverUrl: String) {
+ init(assets: [PHAsset], session: String, userBaseUrl: NCUserBaseUrl, serverUrl: String) {
self.assets = assets
- self.cryptated = cryptated
self.session = session
self.userBaseUrl = userBaseUrl
self.serverUrl = serverUrl
@@ -114,6 +113,70 @@ class NCUploadAssets: ObservableObject {
func save() {
+ // DispatchQueue.global().async {
+ var metadatasNOConflict: [tableMetadata] = []
+ var metadatasUploadInConflict: [tableMetadata] = []
+ let autoUploadPath = NCManageDatabase.shared.getAccountAutoUploadPath(urlBase: userBaseUrl.urlBase, userId: userBaseUrl.userId, account: userBaseUrl.account)
+ for asset in self.assets {
+ var serverUrl = self.serverUrl
+ var livePhoto: Bool = false
+ let creationDate = asset.creationDate ?? Date()
+ let fileName = CCUtility.createFileName(asset.value(forKey: "filename") as? String,
+ fileDate: creationDate,
+ fileType: asset.mediaType,
+ keyFileName: NCGlobal.shared.keyFileNameMask,
+ keyFileNameType: NCGlobal.shared.keyFileNameType,
+ keyFileNameOriginal: NCGlobal.shared.keyFileNameOriginal,
+ forcedNewFileName: false)!
+ if asset.mediaSubtypes.contains(.photoLive) && CCUtility.getLivePhoto() {
+ livePhoto = true
+ }
+ // Check if is in upload
+ let isRecordInSessions = NCManageDatabase.shared.getAdvancedMetadatas(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "account == %@ AND serverUrl == %@ AND fileName == %@ AND session != ''", userBaseUrl.account, serverUrl, fileName), sorted: "fileName", ascending: false)
+ if !isRecordInSessions.isEmpty { continue }
+ let metadataForUpload = NCManageDatabase.shared.createMetadata(account: userBaseUrl.account, user: userBaseUrl.user, userId: userBaseUrl.userId, fileName: fileName, fileNameView: fileName, ocId: NSUUID().uuidString, serverUrl: serverUrl, urlBase: userBaseUrl.urlBase, url: "", contentType: "", isLivePhoto: livePhoto)
+ metadataForUpload.assetLocalIdentifier = asset.localIdentifier
+ metadataForUpload.session = self.session
+ metadataForUpload.sessionSelector = NCGlobal.shared.selectorUploadFile
+ metadataForUpload.status = NCGlobal.shared.metadataStatusWaitUpload
+ if let result = NCManageDatabase.shared.getMetadataConflict(account: userBaseUrl.account, serverUrl: serverUrl, fileNameView: fileName) {
+ metadataForUpload.fileName = result.fileName
+ metadatasUploadInConflict.append(metadataForUpload)
+ } else {
+ metadatasNOConflict.append(metadataForUpload)
+ }
+ }
+ // Verify if file(s) exists
+ if !metadatasUploadInConflict.isEmpty {
+ /*
+ DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.4) {
+ if let conflict = UIStoryboard(name: "NCCreateFormUploadConflict", bundle: nil).instantiateInitialViewController() as? NCCreateFormUploadConflict {
+ conflict.serverUrl = self.serverUrl
+ conflict.metadatasNOConflict = metadatasNOConflict
+ conflict.metadatasUploadInConflict = metadatasUploadInConflict
+ conflict.delegate = self.appDelegate
+ self.appDelegate.window?.rootViewController?.present(conflict, animated: true, completion: nil)
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ } else {
+ NCNetworkingProcessUpload.shared.createProcessUploads(metadatas: metadatasNOConflict, completion: { _ in })
+ }
+ // DispatchQueue.main.async {self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) }
+ // }
@@ -224,7 +287,7 @@ struct UploadAssetsView: View {
struct UploadAssetsView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
if let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate {
- let uploadAssets = NCUploadAssets(assets: [], cryptated: false, session: "", userBaseUrl: appDelegate, serverUrl: "/")
+ let uploadAssets = NCUploadAssets(assets: [], session: "", userBaseUrl: appDelegate, serverUrl: "/")
UploadAssetsView(uploadAssets: uploadAssets)