@@ -12,19 +12,25 @@
use it to create action sheets and present them in any view
controller, from any source view or bar button item.
- To create an action sheet, just call the initializer with a
- list of items and buttons and a block that should be called
- whenever an item is selected.
+ ## Creating action sheet instances
- ## Items
+ You create instances of this class by providing `init(...)`
+ with the items to present and an action to call whenever an
+ item is selected. If you must have an action sheet instance
+ before you can setup its items (this may happen when you're
+ subclassing), you can setup the items afterwards by calling
+ the `setup(items:)` function.
- You provide an action sheet with a collection of items when
- you create it. The sheet will automatically split the items
- into items and buttons. You can also create an action sheet
- with an empty item collection, then call `setup(items:)` at
- a later time. This is sometimes required if you must create
- the action sheet before you can create the items.
+ ## Subclassing
+ This class can be subclassed, which is a good practice when
+ you want to use your own models in a controlled way. If you
+ have a podcast app, you could have a `SleepTimerActionSheet`
+ that automatically sets up its `SleepTimerTime` options and
+ streamlines how you work with a sleep timer. This is a good
+ way to setup the base action sheet for specific use cases.
## Presentation
@@ -32,28 +38,16 @@
You can inject a custom presenter if you want to change how
the sheet is presented and dismissed. The default presenter
for iPhone devices is `ActionSheetStandardPresenter`, while
- iPad devices get `ActionSheetPopoverPresenter` instead.
- ## Subclassing
- `ActionSheet` can be subclassed, which may be nice whenever
- you want to use your own domain model. For instance, if you
- want to present a list of `Food` items, you should create a
- `FoodActionSheet` sheet, then populate it with `Food` items.
- The selected value will then be of the type `Food`. You can
- either override the initializers or the `setup` function to
- change how you populate the sheet with items.
+ iPad devices most often get an `ActionSheetPopoverPresenter`.
## Appearance
- Sheeeeeeeeet's action sheet appearance if easily customized.
- To change the global appearance for every sheet in your app,
- just modify `ActionSheetAppearance.standard`. To change the
- appearance of a single action sheet, modify the `appearance`
- property. To change the appearance of a single item, modify
- its `customAppearance` property.
+ To change the global appearance for all action sheets, just
+ modify the `ActionSheetAppearance.standard` to look the way
+ you want. To change the appearance of a single action sheet,
+ modify its `appearance` property. To change the appearances
+ of single items, modify their `customAppearance` property.
## Handling item selections
@@ -61,14 +55,14 @@
The `selectAction` is triggered when a user taps an item in
the action sheet. It provides you with the action sheet and
the selected item. It is very important to use `[weak self]`
- in this block to avoid memory leaks.
+ in this block, to avoid memory leaks.
## Handling item taps
Action sheets receive a call to `handleTap(on:)` every time
- an item is tapped. You can override it when you create your
- own action sheet subclasses, but you probably shouldn't.
+ an item is tapped. You can override it if you, for instance,
+ want to perform any animations before calling `super`.
@@ -77,28 +71,33 @@ import UIKit
open class ActionSheet: UIViewController {
+ // MARK: - Deprecated Members
+ @available(*, deprecated, message: "setupItemsAndButtons(with:) is deprecated and will be removed shortly. Use `setup(items:)` instead")
+ open func setupItemsAndButtons(with items: [ActionSheetItem]) { setup(items: items) }
+ @available(*, deprecated, message: "itemSelectAction is deprecated and will be removed in shortly. Use `selectAction` instead")
+ open var itemSelectAction: SelectAction { return selectAction }
// MARK: - Initialization
public init(
- items: [ActionSheetItem],
+ items: [ActionSheetItem] = [],
presenter: ActionSheetPresenter = ActionSheet.defaultPresenter,
action: @escaping SelectAction) {
self.presenter = presenter
selectAction = action
- super.init(nibName: ActionSheet.className, bundle: Bundle(for: ActionSheet.self))
+ super.init(nibName: ActionSheet.className, bundle: ActionSheet.bundle)
setup(items: items)
- setup()
public required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
presenter = ActionSheet.defaultPresenter
selectAction = { _, _ in print("itemSelectAction is not set") }
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
- setup()
- deinit { print("\(type(of: self)) deinit") }
// MARK: - Setup
@@ -110,14 +109,16 @@ open class ActionSheet: UIViewController {
- @available(*, deprecated, message: "setupItemsAndButtons(with:) is deprecated. Use setup(items:) instead")
- open func setupItemsAndButtons(with items: [ActionSheetItem]) {
- setup(items: items)
- }
// MARK: - View Controller Lifecycle
+ open override func viewDidLoad() {
+ super.viewDidLoad()
+ setup()
+ setup(itemsTableView, with: itemHandler)
+ setup(buttonsTableView, with: buttonHandler)
+ }
open override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
@@ -129,83 +130,61 @@ open class ActionSheet: UIViewController {
public typealias SelectAction = (ActionSheet, ActionSheetItem) -> ()
- // MARK: - Properties
- open var appearance = ActionSheetAppearance(copy: .standard)
+ // MARK: - Init properties
- public let presenter: ActionSheetPresenter
+ public var presenter: ActionSheetPresenter
public var selectAction: SelectAction
- @available(*, deprecated, message: "itemSelectAction is deprecated. Use selectAction instead")
- open var itemSelectAction: SelectAction { return selectAction }
- // MARK: - Margin Outlets
+ // MARK: - Appearance
- @IBOutlet weak var topMargin: NSLayoutConstraint?
- @IBOutlet weak var leftMargin: NSLayoutConstraint?
- @IBOutlet weak var rightMargin: NSLayoutConstraint?
- @IBOutlet weak var bottomMargin: NSLayoutConstraint?
+ public var appearance = ActionSheetAppearance(copy: .standard)
- // MARK: - View Outlets
+ // MARK: - Outlets
@IBOutlet weak var backgroundView: UIView?
@IBOutlet weak var stackView: UIStackView?
+ @IBOutlet weak var topMargin: NSLayoutConstraint?
+ @IBOutlet weak var leftMargin: NSLayoutConstraint?
+ @IBOutlet weak var rightMargin: NSLayoutConstraint?
+ @IBOutlet weak var bottomMargin: NSLayoutConstraint?
// MARK: - Header Properties
- open var headerView: UIView? {
- didSet { refresh() }
- }
+ open var headerView: UIView?
- @IBOutlet weak var headerViewContainer: UIView? {
- didSet {
- headerViewContainer?.backgroundColor = .clear
- refreshHeaderVisibility()
- }
- }
+ @IBOutlet weak var headerViewContainer: UIView?
- @IBOutlet weak var headerViewContainerHeight: NSLayoutConstraint! {
- didSet { refreshHeaderVisibility() }
- }
+ @IBOutlet weak var headerViewContainerHeight: NSLayoutConstraint?
// MARK: - Item Properties
- public var items = [ActionSheetItem]()
+ public internal(set) var items = [ActionSheetItem]()
public var itemsHeight: CGFloat { return totalHeight(for: items) }
public lazy var itemHandler = ActionSheetItemHandler(actionSheet: self, itemType: .items)
- @IBOutlet weak var itemsTableView: ActionSheetTableView? {
- didSet { setup(itemsTableView, with: itemHandler) }
- }
+ @IBOutlet weak var itemsTableView: ActionSheetTableView?
@IBOutlet weak var itemsTableViewHeight: NSLayoutConstraint?
// MARK: - Button Properties
- public var buttons = [ActionSheetButton]()
+ public internal(set) var buttons = [ActionSheetButton]()
public var buttonsHeight: CGFloat { return totalHeight(for: buttons) }
public lazy var buttonHandler = ActionSheetItemHandler(actionSheet: self, itemType: .buttons)
- @IBOutlet weak var buttonsTableView: ActionSheetTableView? {
- didSet {
- setup(buttonsTableView, with: buttonHandler)
- refreshButtonsVisibility()
- }
- }
+ @IBOutlet weak var buttonsTableView: ActionSheetTableView?
- @IBOutlet weak var buttonsTableViewHeight: NSLayoutConstraint? {
- didSet { refreshButtonsVisibility() }
- }
+ @IBOutlet weak var buttonsTableViewHeight: NSLayoutConstraint?
// MARK: - Presentation Functions
@@ -219,9 +198,9 @@ open class ActionSheet: UIViewController {
presenter.present(sheet: self, in: vc.rootViewController, from: view, completion: completion)
- open func present(in vc: UIViewController, from barButtonItem: UIBarButtonItem, completion: @escaping () -> () = {}) {
+ open func present(in vc: UIViewController, from item: UIBarButtonItem, completion: @escaping () -> () = {}) {
- presenter.present(sheet: self, in: vc.rootViewController, from: barButtonItem, completion: completion)
+ presenter.present(sheet: self, in: vc.rootViewController, from: item, completion: completion)
@@ -237,17 +216,13 @@ open class ActionSheet: UIViewController {
open func refreshHeader() {
- refreshHeaderVisibility()
let height = headerView?.frame.height ?? 0
headerViewContainerHeight?.constant = height
+ headerViewContainer?.isHidden = headerView == nil
guard let view = headerView else { return }
- open func refreshHeaderVisibility() {
- headerViewContainer?.isHidden = headerView == nil
- }
open func refreshItems() {
items.forEach { $0.applyAppearance(appearance) }
itemsTableView?.backgroundColor = appearance.itemsBackgroundColor
@@ -256,26 +231,20 @@ open class ActionSheet: UIViewController {
open func refreshButtons() {
- refreshButtonsVisibility()
+ buttonsTableView?.isHidden = buttons.count == 0
buttons.forEach { $0.applyAppearance(appearance) }
buttonsTableView?.backgroundColor = appearance.buttonsBackgroundColor
buttonsTableView?.separatorColor = appearance.buttonsSeparatorColor
buttonsTableViewHeight?.constant = buttonsHeight
- open func refreshButtonsVisibility() {
- buttonsTableView?.isHidden = buttons.count == 0
- }
// MARK: - Protected Functions
open func handleTap(on item: ActionSheetItem) {
- guard item.tapBehavior == .dismiss else { return selectAction(self, item) }
- DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .milliseconds(100)) {
- self.dismiss { self.selectAction(self, item) }
- }
+ if item.tapBehavior != .dismiss { return selectAction(self, item) }
+ self.dismiss { self.selectAction(self, item) }
open func margin(at margin: ActionSheetMargin) -> CGFloat {
@@ -310,10 +279,6 @@ private extension ActionSheet {
tableView?.delegate = handler
tableView?.dataSource = handler
tableView?.alwaysBounceVertical = false
- setupAppearance(for: tableView)
- }
- func setupAppearance(for tableView: UITableView?) {
tableView?.estimatedRowHeight = 44
tableView?.rowHeight = UITableView.automaticDimension
tableView?.cellLayoutMarginsFollowReadableWidth = false