@@ -23,11 +23,10 @@
import UIKit
import NextcloudKit
-import SwiftyJSON
class NCEndToEndMetadata: NSObject {
- struct E2eMetadata: Codable {
+ struct E2ee: Codable {
struct MetadataKeyCodable: Codable {
let metadataKeys: [String: String]
@@ -35,12 +34,10 @@ class NCEndToEndMetadata: NSObject {
struct SharingCodable: Codable {
let recipient: [String: String]
struct EncryptedFileAttributes: Codable {
let key: String
let filename: String
let mimetype: String
@@ -48,23 +45,18 @@ class NCEndToEndMetadata: NSObject {
struct FilesCodable: Codable {
let initializationVector: String
let authenticationTag: String?
let metadataKey: Int // Number of metadataKey
let encrypted: String // encryptedFileAttributes
- let files: [String: FilesCodable]
let metadata: MetadataKeyCodable
+ let files: [String: FilesCodable]?
+ let filedrop: [String: FilesCodable]?
let sharing: SharingCodable?
- @objc static let shared: NCEndToEndMetadata = {
- let instance = NCEndToEndMetadata()
- return instance
- }()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MARK: Encode / Decode JSON Metadata
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -72,7 +64,7 @@ class NCEndToEndMetadata: NSObject {
func encoderMetadata(_ recordsE2eEncryption: [tableE2eEncryption], privateKey: String, serverUrl: String) -> String? {
let jsonEncoder = JSONEncoder()
- var files: [String: E2eMetadata.FilesCodable] = [:]
+ var files: [String: E2ee.FilesCodable] = [:]
var version = 1
var metadataKeysDictionary: [String: String] = [:]
@@ -93,7 +85,7 @@ class NCEndToEndMetadata: NSObject {
// *** File ***
- let encrypted = E2eMetadata.EncryptedFileAttributes(key: recordE2eEncryption.key, filename: recordE2eEncryption.fileName, mimetype: recordE2eEncryption.mimeType, version: recordE2eEncryption.version)
+ let encrypted = E2ee.EncryptedFileAttributes(key: recordE2eEncryption.key, filename: recordE2eEncryption.fileName, mimetype: recordE2eEncryption.mimeType, version: recordE2eEncryption.version)
do {
@@ -106,7 +98,7 @@ class NCEndToEndMetadata: NSObject {
return nil
- let e2eMetadataFilesKey = E2eMetadata.FilesCodable(initializationVector: recordE2eEncryption.initializationVector, authenticationTag: recordE2eEncryption.authenticationTag, metadataKey: 0, encrypted: encryptedEncryptedJson)
+ let e2eMetadataFilesKey = E2ee.FilesCodable(initializationVector: recordE2eEncryption.initializationVector, authenticationTag: recordE2eEncryption.authenticationTag, metadataKey: 0, encrypted: encryptedEncryptedJson)
files.updateValue(e2eMetadataFilesKey, forKey: recordE2eEncryption.fileNameIdentifier)
@@ -120,10 +112,10 @@ class NCEndToEndMetadata: NSObject {
// Create Json metadataKeys
// e2eMetadataKey = e2eMetadata.metadataKeyCodable(metadataKeys: ["0":metadataKeyEncryptedBase64], version: version)
- let e2eMetadataKey = E2eMetadata.MetadataKeyCodable(metadataKeys: metadataKeysDictionary, version: version)
+ let e2eMetadataKey = E2ee.MetadataKeyCodable(metadataKeys: metadataKeysDictionary, version: version)
// Create final Json e2emetadata
- let e2emetadata = E2eMetadata(files: files, metadata: e2eMetadataKey, sharing: nil)
+ let e2emetadata = E2ee(metadata: e2eMetadataKey, files: files, filedrop: nil, sharing: nil)
do {
@@ -142,130 +134,72 @@ class NCEndToEndMetadata: NSObject {
func decoderMetadata(_ e2eMetaDataJSON: String, privateKey: String, serverUrl: String, account: String, urlBase: String, userId: String) -> Bool {
guard let data = e2eMetaDataJSON.data(using: .utf8) else { return false }
+ let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()
+ // let dataQuickLook = (data as! NSData)
do {
- let json = try JSON(data: data)
- let metadata = json["metadata"]
- var metadataKeys: [Int: String] = [:]
- let files = json["files"]
- let filedrop = json["filedrop"]
- //
- // ---[ metadata ]---
- //
- let metadataVersion = metadata["version"].intValue
- // metadataKeys
- let metadataMetadataKeys = metadata["metadataKeys"]
- for (key, value): (String, JSON) in metadataMetadataKeys {
- if let encryptedMetadataKey = value.string,
- let index = Int(key),
- let metadataKeyEncryptedData = NSData(base64Encoded: encryptedMetadataKey, options: NSData.Base64DecodingOptions(rawValue: 0)),
- let metadataKeyBase64 = NCEndToEndEncryption.sharedManager().decryptAsymmetricData(metadataKeyEncryptedData as Data?, privateKey: privateKey),
+ let decode = try jsonDecoder.decode(E2ee.self, from: data)
+ let metadata = decode.metadata
+ let sharing = decode.sharing
+ let files = decode.files
+ let filedrop = decode.filedrop
+ var metadataKeys: [String: String] = [:]
+ // metadata
+ for metadataKey in metadata.metadataKeys {
+ if let metadataKeyData: NSData = NSData(base64Encoded: metadataKey.value, options: NSData.Base64DecodingOptions(rawValue: 0)),
+ let metadataKeyBase64 = NCEndToEndEncryption.sharedManager().decryptAsymmetricData(metadataKeyData as Data?, privateKey: privateKey),
let metadataKeyBase64Data = Data(base64Encoded: metadataKeyBase64, options: NSData.Base64DecodingOptions(rawValue: 0)),
- let metadataKey = String(data: metadataKeyBase64Data, encoding: .utf8) {
- metadataKeys[index] = metadataKey
+ let key = String(data: metadataKeyBase64Data, encoding: .utf8) {
+ metadataKeys[metadataKey.key] = key
- //
- // ---[ files ]---
- //
- for (key, subJson): (String, JSON) in files {
- let fileNameIdentifier = key
- let initializationVector = subJson["initializationVector"].stringValue
- let index = subJson["metadataKey"].intValue
- let authenticationTag = subJson["authenticationTag"].stringValue
- let encrypted = subJson["encrypted"].string
- if let metadataKey = metadataKeys[index],
- let jsonString = NCEndToEndEncryption.sharedManager().decryptEncryptedJson(encrypted, key: metadataKey),
- let data = jsonString.data(using: .utf8) {
- do {
- let json = try JSON(data: data)
- let object = tableE2eEncryption()
- if let key = json["key"].string,
- let filename = json["filename"].string,
- let mimetype = json["mimetype"].string,
- let version = json["version"].int,
- let metadata = NCManageDatabase.shared.getMetadata(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "account == %@ AND fileName == %@", account, fileNameIdentifier)) {
+ // sharing
- object.account = account
- object.authenticationTag = authenticationTag
- object.blob = "files"
- object.fileName = filename
- object.fileNameIdentifier = fileNameIdentifier
- object.fileNamePath = CCUtility.returnFileNamePath(fromFileName: filename, serverUrl: serverUrl, urlBase: urlBase, userId: userId, account: account)
- object.key = key
- object.initializationVector = initializationVector
- object.metadataKey = metadataKey
- object.metadataKeyIndex = index
- object.metadataVersion = metadataVersion
- object.mimeType = mimetype
- object.serverUrl = serverUrl
- object.version = version
- // If exists remove records
- NCManageDatabase.shared.deleteE2eEncryption(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "account == %@ AND fileNamePath == %@", object.account, object.fileNamePath))
- NCManageDatabase.shared.deleteE2eEncryption(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "account == %@ AND fileNameIdentifier == %@", object.account, object.fileNameIdentifier))
+ if let sharing = sharing { }
- // Write file parameter for decrypted on DB
- NCManageDatabase.shared.addE2eEncryption(object)
+ // files
- // Update metadata on tableMetadata
- metadata.fileNameView = filename
+ if let files = files {
+ for file in files {
- let results = NKCommon.shared.getInternalType(fileName: filename, mimeType: metadata.contentType, directory: metadata.directory)
+ let fileNameIdentifier = file.key
+ let filesCodable = file.value as E2ee.FilesCodable
- metadata.contentType = results.mimeType
- metadata.iconName = results.iconName
- metadata.classFile = results.classFile
+ let encrypted = filesCodable.encrypted
+ let metadataKey = metadataKeys["\(filesCodable.metadataKey)"]
- NCManageDatabase.shared.addMetadata(metadata)
- }
- } catch { }
- }
- }
+ guard let encryptedFileAttributesJson = NCEndToEndEncryption.sharedManager().decryptEncryptedJson(encrypted, key: metadataKey) else {
+ return false
+ }
- //
- // ---[ filedrop ]---
- //
- for (key, subJson): (String, JSON) in filedrop {
- let fileNameIdentifier = key
- let initializationVector = subJson["initializationVector"].stringValue
- let index = subJson["metadataKey"].intValue
- let authenticationTag = subJson["authenticationTag"].stringValue
- if let encrypted = subJson["encrypted"].string,
- let encryptedData = NSData(base64Encoded: encrypted, options: NSData.Base64DecodingOptions(rawValue: 0)),
- let encryptedBase64 = NCEndToEndEncryption.sharedManager().decryptAsymmetricData(encryptedData as Data?, privateKey: privateKey),
- let encryptedBase64Data = Data(base64Encoded: encryptedBase64, options: NSData.Base64DecodingOptions(rawValue: 0)),
- let jsonString = String(data: encryptedBase64Data, encoding: .utf8),
- let data = jsonString.data(using: .utf8) {
do {
- let json = try JSON(data: data)
- let object = tableE2eEncryption()
+ let encryptedFileAttributes = try jsonDecoder.decode(E2ee.EncryptedFileAttributes.self, from: encryptedFileAttributesJson.data(using: .utf8)!)
- if let key = json["key"].string,
- let filename = json["filename"].string,
- let mimetype = json["mimetype"].string,
- let version = json["version"].int,
- let metadata = NCManageDatabase.shared.getMetadata(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "account == %@ AND fileName == %@", account, fileNameIdentifier)) {
+ if let metadata = NCManageDatabase.shared.getMetadata(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "account == %@ AND fileName == %@", account, fileNameIdentifier)) {
+ let metadata = tableMetadata.init(value: metadata)
+ let object = tableE2eEncryption()
object.account = account
- object.authenticationTag = authenticationTag
- object.blob = "filedrop"
- object.fileName = filename
+ object.authenticationTag = filesCodable.authenticationTag ?? ""
+ object.blob = "files"
+ object.fileName = encryptedFileAttributes.filename
object.fileNameIdentifier = fileNameIdentifier
- object.fileNamePath = CCUtility.returnFileNamePath(fromFileName: filename, serverUrl: serverUrl, urlBase: urlBase, userId: userId, account: account)
- object.key = key
- object.initializationVector = initializationVector
- object.metadataKey = encrypted
- object.metadataKeyIndex = index
- object.metadataVersion = metadataVersion
- object.mimeType = mimetype
+ object.fileNamePath = CCUtility.returnFileNamePath(fromFileName: encryptedFileAttributes.filename, serverUrl: serverUrl, urlBase: urlBase, userId: userId, account: account)
+ object.key = encryptedFileAttributes.key
+ object.initializationVector = filesCodable.initializationVector
+ object.metadataKey = metadataKey!
+ object.metadataKeyIndex = filesCodable.metadataKey
+ object.metadataVersion = 1
+ object.mimeType = encryptedFileAttributes.mimetype
object.serverUrl = serverUrl
- object.version = version
+ object.version = encryptedFileAttributes.version
// If exists remove records
NCManageDatabase.shared.deleteE2eEncryption(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "account == %@ AND fileNamePath == %@", object.account, object.fileNamePath))
@@ -275,9 +209,9 @@ class NCEndToEndMetadata: NSObject {
// Update metadata on tableMetadata
- metadata.fileNameView = filename
+ metadata.fileNameView = encryptedFileAttributes.filename
- let results = NKCommon.shared.getInternalType(fileName: filename, mimeType: metadata.contentType, directory: metadata.directory)
+ let results = NKCommon.shared.getInternalType(fileName: encryptedFileAttributes.filename, mimeType: metadata.contentType, directory: metadata.directory)
metadata.contentType = results.mimeType
metadata.iconName = results.iconName
@@ -285,10 +219,19 @@ class NCEndToEndMetadata: NSObject {
- } catch { }
+ } catch let error {
+ print("Serious internal error in decoding metadata (" + error.localizedDescription + ")")
+ return false
+ }
+ // filedrop
+ if let filedrop = filedrop {
+ }
} catch let error {
print("Serious internal error in decoding metadata (" + error.localizedDescription + ")")
return false