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update Ream

Marino Faggiana 6 years ago
24 changed files with 26681 additions and 495 deletions
  1. 12780 0
      Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/8E030C1B-F0E8-3C1A-9B2F-595E83E9A4B9.bcsymbolmap
  2. 32 0
      Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/
  3. 223 223
      Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/E0FC9133-36ED-3562-BAD5-471E6A341E6B.bcsymbolmap
  4. 2 1
      Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/Headers/RLMRealm+Sync.h
  5. 9 0
      Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/Headers/RLMSyncConfiguration.h
  6. 11 0
      Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/Headers/RLMSyncManager.h
  7. 82 0
      Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/Headers/RLMSyncUser.h
  8. BIN
      Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/Info.plist
  9. 5 7
      Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/PrivateHeaders/RLMOptionalBase.h
  10. BIN
      Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/Realm
  11. 12780 0
      Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/8E030C1B-F0E8-3C1A-9B2F-595E83E9A4B9.bcsymbolmap
  12. 41 41
      Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/DBA3DDA0-03C7-3BFD-8C88-3BD9031A6075.bcsymbolmap
  13. 223 223
      Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/E0FC9133-36ED-3562-BAD5-471E6A341E6B.bcsymbolmap
  14. 493 0
      Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/E585D290-94C5-34A8-B320-9D5CC1558BA4.bcsymbolmap
  15. BIN
      Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/Info.plist
  16. BIN
      Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/Modules/RealmSwift.swiftmodule/arm.swiftdoc
  17. BIN
      Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/Modules/RealmSwift.swiftmodule/arm.swiftmodule
  18. BIN
      Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/Modules/RealmSwift.swiftmodule/arm64.swiftdoc
  19. BIN
      Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/Modules/RealmSwift.swiftmodule/arm64.swiftmodule
  20. BIN
      Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/Modules/RealmSwift.swiftmodule/i386.swiftdoc
  21. BIN
      Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/Modules/RealmSwift.swiftmodule/i386.swiftmodule
  22. BIN
      Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/Modules/RealmSwift.swiftmodule/x86_64.swiftdoc
  23. BIN
      Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/Modules/RealmSwift.swiftmodule/x86_64.swiftmodule
  24. BIN
      Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/RealmSwift

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 12780 - 0
Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/8E030C1B-F0E8-3C1A-9B2F-595E83E9A4B9.bcsymbolmap

+ 32 - 0
Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/

@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
+3.4.0 Release notes (2018-04-25)
+### Enhancements
+* Add wrapper functions for email confirmation and password reset to `SyncUser`.
+### Bugfixes
+* Fix incorrect results when using optional chaining to access a RealmOptional
+  property in Release builds, or otherwise interacting with a RealmOptional
+  object after the owning Object has been deallocated.
+3.4.0 Release notes (2018-04-19)
+The prebuilt binary for Carthage is now built for Swift 4.1.
+### Enhancements
+* Expose `RLMSyncManager.authorizationHeaderName`/`SyncManager.authorizationHeaderName`
+  as a way to override the transport header for Realm Object Server authorization.
+* Expose `RLMSyncManager.customRequestHeaders`/`SyncManager.customRequestHeaders`
+  which allows custom HTTP headers to be appended on requests to the Realm Object Server.
+* Expose `RLMSSyncConfiguration.urlPrefix`/`SyncConfiguration.urlPrefix` as a mechanism
+  to replace the default path prefix in Realm Sync WebSocket requests.
+3.3.2 Release notes (2018-04-03)
+Add a prebuilt binary for Xcode 9.3.
 3.3.1 Release notes (2018-03-28)

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 223 - 223
Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/E0FC9133-36ED-3562-BAD5-471E6A341E6B.bcsymbolmap

+ 2 - 1
Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/Headers/RLMRealm+Sync.h

@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
  @warning Partial synchronization is a tech preview. Its APIs are subject to change.
-- (void)subscribeToObjects:(Class)type where:(NSString *)query callback:(RLMPartialSyncFetchCallback)callback;
+- (void)subscribeToObjects:(Class)type where:(NSString *)query callback:(RLMPartialSyncFetchCallback)callback
+__deprecated_msg("Use -[RLMResults subscribe]");

+ 9 - 0
Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/Headers/RLMSyncConfiguration.h

@@ -57,6 +57,15 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
 @property (nonatomic) BOOL isPartial;
+ The prefix that is prepended to the path in the HTTP request
+ that initiates a sync connection. The value specified must match with the server's expectation.
+ Changing the value of `urlPrefix` should be matched with a corresponding
+ change of the server's configuration.
+ If no value is specified here then the default `/realm-sync` path is used.
+@property (nonatomic, nullable, copy) NSString *urlPrefix;
  Create a sync configuration instance.

+ 11 - 0
Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/Headers/RLMSyncManager.h

@@ -92,6 +92,17 @@ typedef void(^RLMSyncErrorReportingBlock)(NSError *, RLMSyncSession * _Nullable)
 @property (nonatomic) RLMSyncLogLevel logLevel;
+ The name of the HTTP header to send authorization data in when making requests to a Realm Object Server which has
+ been configured to expect a custom authorization header.
+ */
+@property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) NSString *authorizationHeaderName;
+ Extra HTTP headers to append to every request to a Realm Object Server.
+ */
+@property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *customRequestHeaders;
 /// The sole instance of the singleton.
 + (instancetype)sharedManager NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;

+ 82 - 0
Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/Headers/RLMSyncUser.h

@@ -219,6 +219,88 @@ NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE("Use the full version of this API.");
 - (void)changePassword:(NSString *)newPassword forUserID:(NSString *)userID completion:(RLMPasswordChangeStatusBlock)completion;
+ Ask the server to send a password reset email to the given email address.
+ If `email` is an email address which is associated with a user account that was
+ registered using the "password" authentication service, the server will send an
+ email to that address with a password reset token. No error is reported if the
+ email address is invalid or not associated with an account.
+ @param serverURL  The authentication server URL for the user.
+ @param email      The email address to send the email to.
+ @param completion A block which will be called when the request completes or
+                   fails. The callback will be invoked on a background queue
+                   provided by `NSURLSession`, and not on the calling queue.
+ */
++ (void)requestPasswordResetForAuthServer:(NSURL *)serverURL
+                                userEmail:(NSString *)email
+                               completion:(RLMPasswordChangeStatusBlock)completion;
+ Change a user's password using a one-time password reset token.
+ By default, the password reset email sent by ROS will link to a web site where
+ the user can select a new password, and the app will not need to call this
+ method. If you wish to instead handle this within your native app, you must
+ change the `baseURL` in the server configuration for `PasswordAuthProvider` to
+ a scheme registered for your app, extract the token from the URL, and call this
+ method after prompting the user for a new password.
+ @warning Changing a user's password using an authentication server that doesn't
+          use HTTPS is a major security flaw, and should only be done while
+          testing.
+ @param serverURL   The authentication server URL for the user.
+ @param token       The one-time use token from the URL.
+ @param newPassword The user's new password.
+ @param completion  A block which will be called when the request completes or
+                    fails. The callback will be invoked on a background queue
+                    provided by `NSURLSession`, and not on the calling queue.
+ */
++ (void)completePasswordResetForAuthServer:(NSURL *)serverURL
+                                     token:(NSString *)token
+                                  password:(NSString *)newPassword
+                                completion:(RLMPasswordChangeStatusBlock)completion;
+ Ask the server to send a confirmation email to the given email address.
+ If `email` is an email address which is associated with a user account that was
+ registered using the "password" authentication service, the server will send an
+ email to that address with a confirmation token. No error is reported if the
+ email address is invalid or not associated with an account.
+ @param serverURL  The authentication server URL for the user.
+ @param email      The email address to send the email to.
+ @param completion A block which will be called when the request completes or
+                   fails. The callback will be invoked on a background queue
+                   provided by `NSURLSession`, and not on the calling queue.
+ */
++ (void)requestEmailConfirmationForAuthServer:(NSURL *)serverURL
+                                    userEmail:(NSString *)email
+                                   completion:(RLMPasswordChangeStatusBlock)completion;
+ Confirm a user's email using a one-time confirmation token.
+ By default, the confirmation email sent by ROS will link to a web site with
+ a generic "thank you for confirming your email" message, and the app will not
+ need to call this method. If you wish to instead handle this within your native
+ app, you must change the `baseURL` in the server configuration for
+ `PasswordAuthProvider` to a scheme registered for your app, extract the token
+ from the URL, and call this method.
+ @param serverURL   The authentication server URL for the user.
+ @param token       The one-time use token from the URL.
+ @param completion  A block which will be called when the request completes or
+                    fails. The callback will be invoked on a background queue
+                    provided by `NSURLSession`, and not on the calling queue.
+ */
++ (void)confirmEmailForAuthServer:(NSURL *)serverURL
+                            token:(NSString *)token
+                       completion:(RLMPasswordChangeStatusBlock)completion;
 #pragma mark - Administrator

Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/Info.plist

+ 5 - 7
Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/PrivateHeaders/RLMOptionalBase.h

@@ -24,15 +24,13 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
 @class RLMObjectBase, RLMProperty;
 @interface RLMOptionalBase : NSProxy
 - (instancetype)init;
-@property (nonatomic, weak) RLMObjectBase *object;
-@property (nonatomic, unsafe_unretained) RLMProperty *property;
-@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) id underlyingValue;
+FOUNDATION_EXTERN id _Nullable RLMGetOptional(RLMOptionalBase *);
+FOUNDATION_EXTERN void RLMSetOptional(RLMOptionalBase *, id _Nullable);
+void RLMInitializeManagedOptional(RLMOptionalBase *, RLMObjectBase *parent, RLMProperty *prop);
+void RLMInitializeUnmanagedOptional(RLMOptionalBase *, RLMObjectBase *parent, RLMProperty *prop);

Libraries external/Realm/Realm.framework/Realm

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 12780 - 0
Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/8E030C1B-F0E8-3C1A-9B2F-595E83E9A4B9.bcsymbolmap

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 41 - 41
Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/DBA3DDA0-03C7-3BFD-8C88-3BD9031A6075.bcsymbolmap

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 223 - 223
Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/E0FC9133-36ED-3562-BAD5-471E6A341E6B.bcsymbolmap

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 493 - 0
Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/E585D290-94C5-34A8-B320-9D5CC1558BA4.bcsymbolmap

Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/Info.plist

Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/Modules/RealmSwift.swiftmodule/arm.swiftdoc

Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/Modules/RealmSwift.swiftmodule/arm.swiftmodule

Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/Modules/RealmSwift.swiftmodule/arm64.swiftdoc

Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/Modules/RealmSwift.swiftmodule/arm64.swiftmodule

Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/Modules/RealmSwift.swiftmodule/i386.swiftdoc

Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/Modules/RealmSwift.swiftmodule/i386.swiftmodule

Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/Modules/RealmSwift.swiftmodule/x86_64.swiftdoc

Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/Modules/RealmSwift.swiftmodule/x86_64.swiftmodule

Libraries external/Realm/RealmSwift.framework/RealmSwift

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff